MP :: Volume #51

#5031: Picks World Fruit

Bai Yi shocks slightly: „A World Tree subtree has such wonderful effectiveness unexpectedly.” 白羿微微震惊:“一株世界树的子树竟有如此神效。” Yes.” Yang Kai sobbed, in the past I that root hair planted, but wants to preserve the native land universe, has not thought of this point, from this also almost initiated disturbance.” “是啊。”杨开唏嘘一声,“当年我将那根须种下的时候,不过是想保全故土乾坤,并未曾想到这一点,由此还差点引发一场风波。” World Tree strength of subtree the returning nurturing to parents to entire Universe World huge is above the imagination, lets the life of survival can therefore profit, therefore Star Boundary will emerge large numbers of talents now, the talent of having god-given wisdom in the past hundred years the millenniums were difficult to meet, in Star Boundary were actually everywhere. 世界树的子树对整个乾坤世界的反哺之力巨大的超乎想象,让其中生存的生灵得以因此而受益,所以星界如今才会涌现出大批人才,以往百年千年难遇的天纵之才,在星界却是比比皆是。 The subtree has the so huge advantage to Universe World, if plants the subtree in martial artist Small Universe, what scene can also be? After all fundamentally, martial artist Small Universe is also Universe World. 子树对乾坤世界有如此巨大的好处,若是将子树栽种在武者小乾坤中,又会是什么光景?毕竟从根本上来说,武者小乾坤也算是乾坤世界 Many people once speculated, if so, that can also harvest inevitably greatly. 许多人曾推测,若能如此,那必然也能收获巨大。 Cave Heaven Paradise assumes personal command to be sure outside these in Star Boundary, many people had once attempted, from the Star Boundary World Tree subtree, uses the technique to intercept a section of root hair, plants own Small Universe. 洞天福地坐镇在星界中的那些外务使,许多人都曾尝试过,从星界世界树子树中,施展手法截取一截根须,栽种进自己小乾坤 But without any exception, the root hair that these plant, cannot live. 但无一例外的,这些栽种下去的根须,都没能活下来。 Are sure then to speculate by these outside, only has the root hair that intercepts from mother tree, plants to change to the subtree, however intercepts the words of root hair from the subtree again, then cannot survive. 是以那些外务使们便推测,唯有从母树中截取下来的根须,栽种下去才能化作子树,然而从子树中再截取根须的话,便不能成活。 At present this World Tree subtree has grown into, that explained without doubt this Secret Boundary master, before the body , like Yang Kai, has intercepted a section of root hair from the World Tree mother tree. 眼前这棵世界树的子树既已长成,那无疑说明此秘境的主人,身前与杨开一样,从世界树的母树中截取过一截根须。 However Yang Kai planted that root hair in Star Boundary, he planted this root hair in own Small Universe. 不过杨开将那根须种在了星界,他则将这根须种在了自己小乾坤 Bai Yi raises the head looks, mutters: If this is the World Tree subtree, fruit World Fruit that above has?” 白羿抬头仰望,喃喃道:“若这是世界树的子树,那上面结出的果子岂不是世界果?” This World Tree subtree survival years remote cannot research, that fruit tree above hung all over Spirit Fruit that sends out the delicate fragrance, sees to see, it may be said that is dazzling, innumerable. 这一株世界树的子树存活年月已经久远的不可考证,那果树之上挂满了散发清香的灵果,入目所见,可谓是琳琅满目,数不胜数。 On such as Yang Kai in the World Tree mother tree general scene in Great Ruins Boundary seeing. 就如杨开太墟境中见到的世界树的母树一般情景。 Can the World Tree subtree have World Fruit, this matter had also once puzzled these Cave Heaven Paradise Open Heaven Stage, many speculations yes, but when can the result, on not clear. 世界树的子树到底能不能结出世界果,这件事也曾困扰过那些洞天福地开天境们,许多人推测是可以的,但到底什么时候才能结果,就不清楚了。 Yang Kai also to Star Boundary the matter of World Tree result responds with the anticipation, the year that only Star Boundary World Tree plants pitifully is too short, simply does not have the sign of result. 杨开也对星界世界树结果之事报以期待,只可惜星界世界树栽种下去的年头太短,根本没有结果的迹象。 Now in this Secret Boundary, verifies this point actually. 如今在这秘境中,倒是印证了这一点。 The subtree will have World Fruit . Moreover the quantity are many. 子树也是会结出世界果的,而且数量还不少。 Is World Fruit!” Yang Kai nods, „...... probably and normal World Fruit is somewhat different.” “是世界果!”杨开点头,“不过……好像与正常的世界果有些不同。” Bai Yi strange saying: Where different.” 白羿奇道:“哪里不同。” Yang Kai shakes the head, he cannot say, but under his waiting and seeing, World Fruit on this fruit tree truly and he is not quite same, most obvious is that in Great Ruins Boundary sees wants to be smaller. 杨开摇头,他也说不上来,但在他的观望下,这果树上的世界果确实与他在太墟境中见到的不太一样,最明显的便是个头要小一些。 „The discovery is extremely important, Junior Sister, you, and stays here, I go out to notify Garrison's Chief Cha, asking him to assign some manpower to come.” Yang Kai urged one. “此间发现太过重要,师妹,你且留在这里,我出去通报査总镇,请他多调派些人手过来。”杨开叮嘱一声。 Good.” Bai Yi nods. “好。”白羿颔首。 The Yang Kai figure rocks, under Space Principle controlling causes, the form disappears rapidly. 杨开身形晃动,空间法则驭使之下,身影迅速消失。 Before several organized had then arrived at the Secret Boundary gateway, ran out solitarily. 几个腾挪便已来到了秘境门户前,只身冲出。 Daybreak above, the Zha Hu standing erect bow, the supervisory four directions, the protection has the Black Ink Clan attack, is good because of this region after a beforehand decisive battle, Black Ink Clan totally seems to have given up, does not see a form of Black Ink Clan activity until today. 破晓之上,查虎屹立船头,监察四方,防备有墨族来袭,好在这一片区域经过之前的一场决战,墨族似乎已经彻底放弃,直到今日也不见一个墨族活动的身影。 When Yang Kai comes, Zha Hu turns head to look immediately toward here. 杨开现身之时,查虎立刻扭头朝这边望来。 When Yang Kai arrives at the near, Zha Hu knits the brows: Had an accident?” 杨开来到近前,查虎皱眉道:“出什么事了?” He sees Yang Kai one person to turn back, actually disappears the Bai Yi trace, but also thinks that two people encountered what danger in inside. 他见杨开一人折返,却不见了白羿踪影,还以为两人在里面遇到了什么危险。 Sir, disciple and Junior Sister Bai discovered something in that Secret Boundary.” Yang Kai holds the fist in the other hand, said the beforehand all sorts of discoveries. “大人,弟子白师妹在那秘境中发现了一些东西。”杨开一抱拳,将之前的种种发现道来。 Zha Hu heard that the word look inspires: World Tree subtree? Did you determine?” 查虎闻言神色一振:“世界树的子树?你确定?” Yang Kai said: disciple native land then subtree, therefore disciple can recognize, moreover in that medicine garden the medicinal herbs number is numerous, rare and precious, many medicinal herbs disciple do not recognize, does not dare to begin to pick rashly, needs the Sir personally to go to decide.” 杨开道:“弟子故土便有一株子树,所以弟子能认得,另外那药圃中药材数目众多,珍稀至极,许多药材弟子都不认得,也不敢贸然动手采摘,需得大人亲自前往定夺。” Zha Hu nods: If that is right, this King truly must go.” 查虎颔首:“若是如此,本座确实要去一趟。” During speeches, selects the squad that two explorations returned to follow goes. In that medicine garden medicinal herbs quantity so many, there is World Tree, was short every picked also needs many time, a multi- belt/bring person always does not have the fault. 说话间,又点了两支探索归来的小队跟随前往。那药圃中药材数量那么多,又有世界树,人手少了采摘也需要不少时间,多带点人总是没坏处的。 One group of people across the gateway, flood into Secret Boundary enormously and powerful. 一群人浩浩荡荡穿过门户,涌入秘境中。 Does not need to explore along the way, directly soars the medicine garden, one tea time, had then arrived at that medicine garden in it place. 沿途不必探索,直奔药圃,前后不过一盏茶时间,便已到了那药圃所在之地。 Bai Yi goes forward to salute, Zha Hu beckons with the hand, vision instantaneously by the subtree attraction of that World Tree. 白羿上前行礼,查虎摆摆手,目光瞬间被那世界树的子树吸引。 Follows two squads that comes also exudes intermittent screams, they also explored Secret Boundary before respectively, although some harvests, how could but to have seen the so astonishing scene. 跟随而来的两支小队也更是发出一阵阵惊呼声,他们之前也各自探索了一个秘境,虽说有些收获,但何曾见过这般惊人的景象。 Spirit flowered different grass that rare and precious, recognizes, everywhere is, the midpoint World Tree subtree of medicine garden stands erect, above hung all over World Fruit. 那一株株珍稀的,认得不认得的灵花异草,满目皆是,药圃的正中央更有一株世界树子树屹立,上面挂满了世界果 Has heard World Tree, may never see, these looked at a novelty actually, two vision all linger on that World Fruit, without the means that heard that World Fruit this thing can let Open Heaven Stage straight promote Rank, moreover disregards its aptitude shackles. 都听说过世界树,可从未见过,这一下倒是瞧了个新奇,一个两个目光全在那世界果上流连,没办法,听说世界果这东西可是能让开天境直晋一个品阶,而且是无视本身资质的桎梏。 This type the thing, who is not greedy, limit 7-Rank Open Heaven Stage, if can take high-rank World Fruit, that then can promote 8-Rank, on this black ink battlefield, 8-Rank Open Heaven, but the character of Garrison's Chief rank. 这种好东西,谁不眼馋,一个极限七品开天境,若是能服用一枚上品世界果,那便可以晋升八品,在这墨之战场上,八品开天可是总镇级别的人物。 Must know the entire Blue Sky Pass several tens of thousands officers, dozens 8-Rank Garrison's Chief, each is the Human Race mainstay. 要知道整个碧落关数万将士,也不过数十位八品总镇,每一个都是人族的中流砥柱。 If makes limit 8-Rank Open Heaven Stage take high-rank World Fruit, powerhouse who perhaps in the future can also accomplish a Old Ancestor rank, then the effect on entire black ink battlefield was too big. 若是让极限八品开天境服用上品世界果,说不定日后还能造就一位老祖级别的强者,那对整个墨之战场的作用就太大了。 By being better than Zha Hu, this moment state of mind unavoidably some fluctuating are uncertain. 是以强如查虎,此刻心绪都不免有些起伏不定。 However his then strong self-stabilization, told two squads that quickly brings pick medicinal herbs in medicine garden, if there is for the time being letting off that does not know, waits for him then to process. 不过他很快便强自镇定下来,吩咐带来的两支小队采摘药圃中的药材,若有不认识的暂且放过,等他回头处理。 But he leads Yang Kai to arrive under that World Tree subtree, raises the head looks up. 而他本人则是领着杨开来到那世界树子树下方,抬头仰望。 Some little time, Zha Hu said: I remember beginning you Blue Sky Pass time has said that once had seen World Tree in Great Ruins Boundary, has obtained World Fruit?” 好一会,查虎才道:“我记得你初来碧落关的时候说过,曾在太墟境中见过世界树,更得到过世界果?” Initially Yang Kai truly in front of many 8-Rank said this matter, in this area inside the Great Wall 8-Rank is not the secret. 当初杨开确实在诸多八品面前说此过此事,在这关内八品之中也不是什么秘密。 Yes.” Yang Kai nods, „when disciple promoted Open Heaven in the past is 5-Rank, took middle-rank World Fruit, can promote 6-Rank.” “是。”杨开点头,“弟子当年晋升开天时是五品,服用了一枚中品世界果,才得以晋升六品。” Zha Hu said: That depends on you to see, this is World Tree without doubt, on the tree also truly is World Fruit?” 查虎道:“那依你所见,这是世界树无疑,树上也确实是世界果?” Yang Kai nods again: Determination without doubt. However Sir, this is not the World Tree mother tree, is only a subtree, the fruit on tree, although is World Fruit, these that but obtains with me probably are somewhat different.” 杨开再次点头:“确定无疑。不过大人,这并非世界树的母树,只是一株子树,树上的果子虽是世界果,但好像与我得到的那些有些不同。” How different?” “如何不同?” Yang Kai shakes the head saying: Cannot say, but in my hand also several low-rank World Fruit, the Sir please look actually.” 杨开摇头道:“说不上来,不过我手上倒是还有几枚下品世界果,大人请看。” So saying, Yang Kai is taking out low-rank World Fruit to come, to give Zha Hu. 这般说着,杨开取出一枚下品世界果来,递给查虎 Initially he in Great Ruins Boundary, altogether resulted in three middle-rank World Fruit, 13 low-rank. In three middle-rank, grants Lu Xue one, delivered Yue He one, own took one, was uses on blade. 当初他在太墟境中,总共得了三枚中品世界果,十三枚下品。三枚中品中,赐予卢雪一枚,送月荷一枚,自己服用了一枚,算是都用在了刀刃上。 In 13 low-rank, bestowed Guo Ziyan one, making him promote 3-Rank from 2-Rank Open Heaven. Remaining then has not given anyone again, after all low-rank World Fruit function extremely weak, no too big value. 十三枚下品中,赐了郭子言一枚,让他从两品开天晋升三品。剩下的便没有再给什么人了,毕竟下品世界果的作用太过鸡肋,没什么太大的价值。 Actually when Yang Kai when with the person battle, had once taken several low-rank World Fruit, this thing no doubt weak, but is too big regarding the consumption, supplemented the world mighty force that loses is actually extremely effective, is better than any Spirit Pill wonderful medicine. 倒是杨开在与人争斗时,曾服用过几枚下品世界果,这东西固然鸡肋,但对于消耗太大,补充损耗的天地伟力却是极为有效,比任何灵丹妙药都要好。 Until today, in the hand also has several low-rank World Fruit surplus. 直到今日,手中还有几枚下品世界果剩余。 Zha Hu received that low-rank World Fruit, sizes up carefully, raises the head has a look at these fruits on tree, the brow wrinkles slightly. 查虎接过那下品世界果,仔细打量,又抬头看看树上的那些果子,眉头微微皱起。 Truly some are not quite same, only having no way ratio, the Yang Kai of fruit on tree compared with that gives wants the small great-circle. 确实有些不太一样,单是个头就没法比,树上的果子比杨开给的这个要小一大圈。 That depends on you to see, on tree these fruits, the wonderful effectiveness in hearsay?” Zha Hu asked suddenly. “那依你所见,树上这些果子,还有传闻中的神效吗?”查虎忽然问道。 Yang Kai slightly hesitates, shakes the head saying: disciple is not good to guess absurdly, after all has not taken, but this after all is the subtree, even if had the fruit, perhaps the fruit of effect and mother tree does not have Manifestation to propose and theory.” 杨开略一沉吟,摇头道:“弟子也不好妄加揣测,毕竟没有服用过,不过这毕竟是子树,纵然结出了果子,功效与母树的果子恐怕也没法相提并论。” Zha Hu nods slightly, throws that low-rank World Fruit gives back to Yang Kai: No matter what, the fruit of this tree surely is also the treasure, first received said again, returning to some area inside the Great Wall naturally people to study thoroughly.” 查虎微微颔首,将那下品世界果抛还给杨开:“不管怎样,这一树的果子必定也都是珍宝,先收了再说,回到关内自然会有人研究透彻。” Turns the head to look to Yang Kai: Picks this fruit, has place that what needs to pay attention to?” 转头望向杨开:“采摘此果,有什么需要注意的地方没有?” Yang Kai thinks saying: Initially I picked World Fruit in Great Ruins Boundary, every time picks one, must experience world a samsara of time, each fruit has the different world, mother tree so, the situation of subtree does not know.” 杨开想了想道:“当初我在太墟境中采摘世界果,每采摘一枚,都要经历一次世界的轮回,每一枚果子都有不同的世界,母树如此,子树的情况就不知道了。” Zha Hu Hehe smiled one: This is actually interesting, be not idling , helping together.” 查虎呵呵笑了一声:“这倒是有趣,你也别闲着,一起帮忙吧。” Yes!” Yang Kai complied with one. “是!”杨开应了一声。 two people begins to pick immediately. Yang Kai this also guards is presenting such as in Great Ruins Boundary again like that the matter of the world samsara, when but he picks from own recent World Fruit one, merely is only look absent-minded, the indistinct feeling has the strength of inexplicable world to attack own Divine Soul, wanting to haul in that world oneself, but a Yang Kai slightly resistance, then lives in peace with each other, has not really fallen into that world. 两人当下动手采摘起来。杨开本还提防着再出现如太墟境中那般世界轮回的事情,但当他将一枚距离自己最近的世界果采摘下来时,仅仅只是神色一个恍惚,隐约感觉有莫名的世界之力冲击自己神魂,欲要将自身拉进那个世界之中,不过杨开只是略一抵抗,便相安无事,并没有真的陷入那个世界之中。 So, the fruit that in the subtree has truly inherited mother tree Spirit Fruit characteristics, but is actually far less than wonderful of mother tree Spirit Fruit. 如此看来,子树中结出的果子确实继承了母树灵果的特性,不过却远不如母树灵果的神妙。 Perhaps this also promoted to have the relations with the Yang Kai strength, initially in Great Ruins Boundary, he was concise Principle Seal Emperor Senior Stage, but now, is 7-Rank Open Heaven. 或许这也跟杨开实力提升了有关系,当初在太墟境,他才不过是凝练道印帝尊境,而如今,已是七品开天 Looks at that side Zha Hu again, as if radically not affected, the figure fluttering shuttles back and forth, fruits then vanish do not see. 再看查虎那边,似乎根本不受影响,身形翻飞穿梭,一枚枚果子便消失不见。 The Yang Kai calming the mind god, with picks together. 杨开静下心神,跟着一起采摘起来。 A fruit of tree little said also over a thousand, but moment time was picked cleanly, the thought that Yang Kai has not hidden contraband, will pick obtained, all gave Zha Hu. 一树的果子少说也有上千枚,不过片刻时间便被采摘干净,杨开也没有藏私的念头,将采摘所得,全都交给了查虎
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