MP :: Volume #51

#5030: Antiquity medicine garden

This spirit plants one seems like with profound female Spirit Fruit is nondistinctive for the first time, but if distinguishes carefully, can discover that this is not the profound female fruit tree, but is another Spirit Medicine. 这一株灵植乍一眼看上去与玄牝灵果毫无区别,但若仔细辨别的话,便可发现这并非玄牝果树,而是另外一种灵药 Bai Yi hands over in Yang Kai's that book has two contrasts of fruit trees, then saw by Yang Kai one distinguishes. 白羿交于杨开的那册子上有两种果树的对比,是以杨开一眼便看出了其中区别。 Although this is not profound female Spirit Fruit, but is also quite rare, Yang Kai picks cautiously that several fruits, moves to that fruit tree own Small Universe Medicine Garden. 此果虽然不是玄牝灵果,但也极为难得,杨开小心翼翼地将那几枚果子采下,又将那果树移进自己小乾坤药园之中。 In his Small Universe Medicine Garden, transplanted many rare and precious medicinal herbs long ago, there is family background Wood Spirit Clan Mu Zhu and Mu Lu looks after to handle, in Medicine Garden various medicinal herbs growing trends and good. 小乾坤药园内,早年移植了不少珍稀的药材,又有出身木灵一族木珠木露照看打理,药园里各种药材的长势及好。 In addition the Small Universe time speed of flow and outside world are different, fully is four times, therefore in Medicine Garden various medicinal herbs medicine ages are also quite considerable. 再加上小乾坤时间流速与外界不同,足是外界的四倍有余,所以药园里各种药材的药龄也都极为可观。 This fruit tree transplants to Medicine Garden, two small Wood Spirit cares, the survive should not be the issue, when as for can blossom and bear fruit again, is not Yang Kai can control. 这一株果树移植到药园中,有两个小木灵照料,成活应该不是问题,至于什么时候能再开花结果,就不是杨开能控制的了。 Continues to search to nose, the found spirit flowered different grass were also getting more and more, Yang Kai that can transplant will transplant in Small Universe, cannot transplant then picked carefully. 继续搜索查探着,找到的灵花异草也越来越多,能移植的杨开都将之移植进了小乾坤中,不能移植的便小心采摘。 So several days later, the harvest was many. 如此数日之后,收获颇丰。 own so, believes that side Bai Yi is also definitely same, environment too suitable medicinal herbs in this Secret Boundary to grow, only happens by happy circumstance, other Secret Boundary are not necessarily have the this kind of situation. 自己这边如此,相信白羿那边肯定也一样,这一处秘境中的环境实在太适合药材生长了,可遇不可求,其他秘境未必能有这样的情形。 On this day, when Yang Kai is searching, thinks inside and outside suddenly dozens the world mighty force is unconstrained, is a Earthshaking loud sound. 这一日,杨开正在搜索之时,忽觉数十里外天地伟力跌宕,紧接着便是一声惊天动地的巨响。 Yang Kai immediately the complexion changes, the Space Principle stimulation of movement, the form disappears rapidly in place. 杨开顿时脸色微变,空间法则催动,身影迅速消失在原地 When comes again, the person had arrived at side Bai Yi. 待再现身时,人已来到了白羿身旁。 Spiritual Mind immediately spreads out all over, the supervisory four directions, have not discovered any danger, Yang Kai turn head to look hastily toward Bai Yi: What situation?” 神念第一时间铺展开来,监察四方,没有发现任何危险,杨开连忙扭头朝白羿望去:“什么情况?” The Bai Yi brow tight wrinkle, is pointing at the front cover jungle: I explore time hence, probably touched what restriction.” 白羿眉头紧皱,指着前方一片茂密丛林:“我探索至此的时候,好像触动了什么禁制。” Just now the that world mighty force unconstrained sound, is restriction is then touched, result of Bai Yi self-preservation. 方才那天地伟力跌宕的动静,便是禁制被触动,白羿自保的结果。 restriction?” Yang Kai surprised. 禁制?”杨开大为惊讶。 Entered this Secret Boundary to have several days time from two people, has lived in peace with each other, the spirit flowered different grass all harvested much, Yang Kai that side anything has not met, Bai Yi touched restriction unexpectedly. 两人进入这秘境已经有好几日时间了,一直相安无事,灵花异草皆都收获不少,杨开那边什么都没遇到,白羿这边居然触动了禁制 restriction this thing, has artificial, there is a world spontaneity, if latter, if the former, before that confirmed Zha Hu, without doubt about speculation that black ink battlefield Secret Boundary origins. 禁制这东西,有人为,也有天地自生,若是后者也就罢了,若是前者,那无疑更加验证了查虎之前关于墨之战场秘境起源的推测。 Looks with rapt attention in the direction that Bai Yi refers, seeing is the cover jungle, however front scene actually appears some to be not quite real, has almost the indetectable ripples faintly, has swung from that cover jungle. 凝神朝白羿所指的方向望去,入目是茂密丛林,然而面前的景象却显得有些不太真实,隐隐有几乎无可察觉的涟漪,从那茂密丛林之中荡过。 Really has restriction! But this restriction seems the age to be extremely remote, revolution some are not quite agile, was attacked by Bai Yi again, then exposes weaknesses. 确实有禁制!只不过这禁制好像年代太过久远,运转的有些不太灵便,再被白羿攻了一下,便露出了破绽。 Yang Kai closes the eye slightly, when opens eyes again, the left eye locates golden vertical eye to reveal suddenly that cautiously golden light, dignified unsurpassed, has to endure the broken fabricated energy. 杨开微微闭上眼睛,再睁眼之时,左眼处一枚金色竖仁忽然显露,那翼翼金光,威严无上,更有堪破虚妄之能。 Myriad Demons Heaven Life's Exterminator Demon Eye, uses in this farms Fangzheng is just right. 万魔天灭世魔眼,用在这种地方正是恰到好处。 Under Life's Exterminator Demon Eye, the front scene has the change immediately, making the spirit that Yang Kai looks at inspire, well. 灭世魔眼之下,面前景象立刻有了变化,让杨开看的精神一振,不禁咦了一声。 Bai Yi asked hastily: What did Senior Brother discover?” 白羿连忙问道:“师兄发现什么了?” Yang Kai nodded slightly: Broken Imaginary Formation and Killing Formation, have the trace of artificial arrangement.” 杨开微微点头:“残破的幻阵杀阵,有人为布置的痕迹。” During the speeches, puts out a hand to face forward to caress slowly, the world mighty force gushes out from the hand, divulges following some rule slowly unconstrainedly. 说话间,徐徐伸手朝前抚去,天地伟力自手中涌出,循着某中规律缓慢跌宕宣泄。 Arranges these person methods should extremely Gao Ming/brilliant, if front Imaginary Formation and Killing Formation are perfect, even if Yang Kai has Life's Exterminator Demon Eye, was still not necessarily able to find the flaw, do not say decoding. 布置这些的人手段应该极为高明,若面前的幻阵杀阵完好无损的话,即便杨开灭世魔眼,也未必能够找到破绽,更不要说将之破解。 However remained restriction here extremely to be after all remote, although effect, but was the residual several points of prestige energy. 然而残留在这里的禁制毕竟太过久远了,虽还有功效,不过是残留的几分威能。 Under Yang Kai Life's Exterminator Demon Eye, everywhere is the flaw, once found these flaws, even if Yang Kai is not skilled in Formation restriction, can still decode with ease. 杨开灭世魔眼之下,处处皆是破绽,而一旦找到了这些破绽,就算杨开再不怎么精通阵法禁制,也能轻松破解。 The 5 minutes time, front cover jungle then such as in the water the moon/month, in the mirror spends, to twist collapse suddenly, extinguished without a trace. 前后不过半盏茶功夫,面前的茂密丛林便忽如水中月,镜中花,扭曲崩散,消弭的无影无踪。 A displacing medicine garden! 取而代之的一片药圃! Medicine garden that a piece is growing the innumerable strange flowers and grass! 一片生长着无数奇花异草的药圃! Profound female fruit tree, was one sees more than ten, on that each profound female fruit tree, tied glowing red, quantity varying profound female Spirit Fruit. 就连玄牝果树,也是一眼看到了十几株之多,那每一株玄牝果树上,都结了红彤彤,数量不一的玄牝灵果 So the scene, lets Yang Kai and Bai Yi is all pleasantly surprised. 如此景象,让杨开白羿皆都又惊又喜。 two people looks at each other one, hardly can believe what own sees is real. 两人对视一眼,几乎不敢相信自己看到的是真的。 medicinal herbs that at present in the medicine garden grows, was almost on several th Yang Kai recent in ten times that in this Secret Boundary harvested! This has not been counted the rare and precious profound female fruit tree. 眼前药圃中生长的药材,几乎是杨开最近几日在这秘境中收获的十倍之多!这还没算上珍稀的玄牝果树。 But the medicine garden comes between a lofty tree that stands erect to be especially striking, does not have him, why this lofty tree does not know, unexpectedly to a Yang Kai extremely familiar feeling. 而药圃居中屹立的一颗参天大树尤为醒目,无他,这参天大树不知为何,竟给杨开一种极为熟悉的感觉。 Senior Brother, this can it be that Imaginary Formation?” Bai Yi asked crazily. 师兄,这莫不是幻阵?”白羿痴痴地问道。 Yang Kai laughs in spite of trying not to: Is Imaginary Formation, searches apparent.” 杨开失笑:“是不是幻阵,一探便知。” two people entered in the medicine garden to nose immediately, was nosing is pleasantly surprised, all in this medicine garden naturally were not Imaginary Formation, but really existed, that spirit flowered different grass, the medicine age were full, the property was extraordinary, although majority were included by the book of area inside the Great Wall Pill Masters manufacture, but part of medicinal herbs, were even in the book still has not recorded unexpectedly. 两人当下入了药圃内查探起来,越是查探越是惊喜,这药圃内的一切自然不是幻阵所至,而是真的存在的,那一株株灵花异草,药龄十足,药性非凡,虽然大多数都被关内丹师们制作的册子囊括,但依然有一部分药材,竟是连册子中都没有记载的。 In other words , these medicinal herbs, had never been discovered in black ink battlefield, therefore Human Race Pill Masters has not seen. 换言之,这些药材,在墨之战场中从未被发现过,所以就连人族丹师们也没见过。 This absolutely is medicinal herbs of extremely ancient age, now also only then has in this medicine garden, the outside world has vanished. 这绝对是极为古老年代的药材,如今也只有在这一片药圃中存有,外界已然绝迹。 One noses, various Yang Kai and Bai Yi recognize, the spirit flowered different grass that does not recognize, little said also several thousand, only the profound female fruit tree, found more than 20, on each profound female fruit tree, had little three, to 78 Spirit Fruit. 一番查探下来,各种杨开白羿认得,不认得的灵花异草,少说也有数千株,单是玄牝果树,都找到了二十多棵,每一棵玄牝果树上,都结出了少则三枚,多则七八枚的灵果 In addition, even the places of some blanks, Yang Kai felt like, the places of these blanks should also plant medicinal herbs, but time is too long, unmanned care, therefore has perished. 除此之外,甚至还有一些空白之地,杨开隐隐觉得,这些空白之地原本应该也栽种有药材,只不过时间太久,无人照料,所以已经灭亡了。 This makes the Yang Kai big feeling regret, he does not know medicinal herbs that these perish is anything, but the thing in medicine garden does not have one is every, each one, so perishes preciously was truly a pity. 这让杨开大感惋惜,他也不知那些灭亡的药材到底是什么,但此间药圃中的东西就无一是凡品,个个都珍贵至极,如此灭亡确实可惜。 Finally he stays under that big tree medicine gardens, raises the head looks, is lost. 最后他停留在药圃中间的那颗大树底下,抬头仰望,怔怔出神。 „The Small Universe formation that Senior Brother, evidently black ink battlefield here Secret Boundary, after is really ancient times Human Race Great Expert die, leaves behind.” Bai Yi moves sideways to arrive at side Yang Kai to say. 师兄,看样子墨之战场这边的秘境,真的是远古人族大能们死后留下的小乾坤形成的。”白羿闪身来到杨开身边道。 Yang Kai nods said: Yes, moreover we in this Secret Boundary, should be Pill Master remain.” 杨开颔首道:“是啊,而且咱们所在这一处秘境,应该是一位丹师所留。” Makes one think so?” Bai Yi is puzzled. “何以见得?”白羿不解。 Yang Kai said with a smile: Only has Pill Master, has the thoughts and skill causes such a big medicine garden in own Small Universe.” 杨开笑道:“唯有丹师,才有心思和本事在自己小乾坤中弄出这么一大片药圃来。” This is also the speculation that he unifies himself to experience. Commonplace martial artist, does not pass Pill Way, not the fine property words, do not know how should cultivate medicinal herbs, Yang Kai also has Mu Zhu and Mu Lu, itself had also browsed on Pill Way long ago, will cause Medicine Garden in own Small Universe. 这也是他结合自身经历的推测。等闲武者,不通丹道,不精药性的话,根本不知该怎么去培育药材,杨开也是有木珠木露,本身早年也在丹道上有所涉猎,才会在自己小乾坤中弄出一个药园来。 Commonplace martial artist does, even if there is what precious medicinal herbs to transplant Small Universe, perhaps cannot support. 等闲武者这么搞,就算有什么珍贵药材移植进小乾坤,说不定也养不活。 Secret Boundary that Pill Master Small Universe keeps, then this Secret Boundary growth of environment naturally extremely suitable medicinal herbs, therefore two people this explores to come, will have that rich harvest. 既是一位丹师小乾坤所留的秘境,那么这秘境的环境自然就极为适合药材的生长,所以两人这一路探索而来,才会有那么丰富的收获。 However the precious medicinal herbs of beforehand all sorts of harvests in this medicine garden compare at present, could not be regarded anything. 不过之前的种种收获与眼前这个药圃中的珍贵药材比较起来,又算不得什么了。 This medicine garden, is the biggest pleasant surprise. 这个药圃,才是最大的惊喜。 This ancient Pill Master should extremely take seriously the own medicine garden, or from is, either asked the person to help, under the arrange/cloth the prestige near the medicine garden can huge restriction, to protect the medicine garden to be complete. However he is Pill Master, that decides however does not know by heart the laws of fight of war, with the enemy battle, did not beat, is defeated dead, Small Universe naturally was the earth-shattering. The medicine garden has the restriction protection, can guarantee completely, since leaves behind, was bumped into by your my two people, cheap I and others.” “这位古老的丹师应该极为重视自己的药圃,或自为,或请人帮忙,在药圃附近布下威能巨大的禁制,以护药圃周全。不过他既为丹师,那定然不谙斗战之法,与敌争斗,不敌,落败身亡,小乾坤自然是天崩地裂。药圃有禁制守护,方能保得周全,遗留至今,又被你我二人撞见,便宜了我等。” Bai Yi heard that the word nods: Senior Brother said is really.” Also is looking at his front big tree curiously: „Does Senior Brother recognize this tree?” 白羿闻言颔首:“师兄所言甚是。”又好奇地望着他面前的大树:“师兄认得这颗树?” She sees Yang Kai to stand under this big tree, unavoidably is curious. 她见杨开一直站在这颗大树底下,不免好奇。 The Yang Kai corner of the eye pulled out pulling out, nods said: Recognizes.” 杨开眼角抽了抽,颔首道:“认得。” What tree is this?” “这是什么树?” Yang Kai shouted the one breath lightly: Said that Junior Sister should also hear, but has possibly never seen, therefore did not know, but at present this World Tree!” 杨开轻呼一口气:“说起来师妹应该也听说过的,只不过可能从未见过,所以才不认识,眼前这棵可是世界树!” Bai Yi hears the word in great surprise: World Tree? Is this unexpectedly World Tree?” What remembered suddenly, is not right Senior Brother, did not say that World Tree does hide in Great Ruins Boundary? My Divine Feather Paradise the older generation had once entered Great Ruins Boundary, has heard the hearsay about World Tree there, never has only seen pitifully, does the could it be that hearsay have the false?” 白羿闻言大惊:“世界树?这居然是世界树?”忽又想起了什么,“不对啊师兄,不是说世界树隐藏在太墟境之中吗?我神羽福地曾有一位先辈进入过太墟境,在那里听到过关于世界树的传闻,只可惜从未见过,难道传闻有假?” Yang Kai said: World Tree truly hidden in Great Ruins Boundary, the hearsay that Divine Feather Paradise that older generation hears is not false, I have also gone to Great Ruins Boundary, has seen World Tree fortunately.” 杨开道:“世界树确实隐藏在太墟境中,神羽福地那位先辈听到的传闻不是假的,我也去过太墟境,有幸见过世界树。” That this...... Bai Yi is puzzled at present, World Tree this grade of the world most precious object, is always unique, not only in Great Ruins Boundary, how and to appear in this place? “那眼前这个……”白羿一脸不解,世界树这等天地至宝,向来是独一无二的,既在太墟境中,又怎会出现在此地? Yang Kai put out a hand to pat World Tree that thick tree trunk: This naturally is not the World Tree mother tree, this is a subtree, before wants to come is this Secret Boundary main person, has to be fortunate enough to have been to a section of World Tree root hair, transplanted in it own Small Universe, then grew into at present this appearance.” 杨开伸手拍了拍世界树那粗大的树身:“这当然不是世界树的母树,这是一株子树,想来是此秘境的主人身前有幸得到过一截世界树的根须,将其移植进了自己小乾坤中,便长成了眼前这个样子。” Subtree......” “子树……” Subtree!” Yang Kai nods layer on layer/heavily, in the past I also obtained a section of World Tree root hair fortunately, the native land universe collapse, have the danger of destruction, therefore I then plant that section of World Tree root hair in native land above, so guaranteed lasting of native land universe, and because of existence of World Tree subtree, my native land universe has become 3000 Worlds most important Universe World now, major Cave Heaven Paradise are providing the talent toward that side.” “子树!”杨开重重点头,“当年我也有幸得到一截世界树的根须,故土乾坤崩坏,有覆灭之险,所以我便将那一截世界树的根须栽种在故土之上,如此保证了故土乾坤的存续,而且因为世界树子树的存在,如今我那故土乾坤已然成了三千世界最重要的乾坤世界,各大洞天福地都在往那边输送人才。” Why is this?” Bai Yi is puzzled. “这是为何?”白羿不解。 Yang Kai said: Junior Sister has not to know, World Tree in native land universe no doubt is only a subtree, but under its returning nurturing to parents, all life can obtain the huge advantage there clansman, a cultivation level lower advantage is bigger, the straight promote 6-Rank Open Heaven good seedling that now my native land, emerges to be innumerable, straight promote 7-Rank, was a substantial number, even Emperor Senior Stage, when concise Principle Seal, can obtain World Tree the strength of returning nurturing to parents, from this was concise high quality Principle Seal.” 杨开道:“师妹有所不知,故土乾坤中的世界树固然只是一颗子树,但在它的反哺之下,所有生活在那里的族人都能得到巨大的好处,修为越低好处越大,如今我那故土,涌现出来的直晋六品开天的好苗子数不胜数,就连直晋七品的,也为数不少,甚至连帝尊境在凝练自身道印的时候,也能得到世界树的反哺之力,由此凝练出更高品质道印。”
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