MP :: Volume #51

#5029: Explores Secret Boundary

Moves sideways to arrive at that Space Force to fluctuate to be , the Space Principle stimulation of movement, that arrives at hardly the perceptible trace weakly before him, such as jet black lights, extremely obviously. 闪身来到那空间之力波动所在,空间法则催动,那微弱到几乎不可察觉的痕迹在他面前,顿如漆黑中的灯火,极为明显。 under the public gaze, Yang Kai both hands search into toward front Void, such as melted unexpectedly generally. 众目睽睽之下,杨开双手往前方虚空探入,竟如消融了一般。 Space Force is fierce, Yang Kai both hands suddenly separates toward both sides. 空间之力凶猛跌宕,杨开双手猛地朝两旁分开。 The aura front surface of the world mighty force throws, a Secret Boundary gateway also opens wide. 天地伟力的气息迎面扑来,一处秘境的门户随之洞开。 The brow that Zha Hu looks at raises, pays secretly is really the technique industry studies, this Secret Boundary entrance cannot detect the slightest him, but in front of Yang Kai, was actually so opened simply. 查虎看的眉头微扬,暗付果然是术业有专攻,这秘境的入口连他都察觉不到分毫,但在杨开面前,却如此简单地就被打开。 Looks gateway that is opening wide, in daybreak the Team-Leader vision burning hot of each and everyone squad. The relatively entire black ink battlefield bad environment, explores Secret Boundary the matter that but the Human Race officers most like doing, in Secret Boundary will not have what danger basically, no matter secondly which Secret Boundary, some more or less good things, even if not can obtain profound female Spirit Fruit each time, may always be able to harvest many strange flowers and grass, can be used for Pill Refining. 望着那洞开的门户,破晓上一个个小队的队长目光炙热。相对整个墨之战场恶劣的环境来说,探索秘境可是人族将士最喜欢做的事了,一则秘境之中基本不会有什么危险,二来不管是哪一处秘境,都或多或少有一些好东西,纵然不是每次都能得到玄牝灵果,可总能收获许多奇花异草,可以用来炼丹 Harvest that but these explorations result , can also write down the meritorious military service. 这些探索而得的收获,也都是可以记入战功的。 Zha Hu looked at their one eyes, opens the mouth saying: „In is anyone of you willing to enter noses?” 查虎瞧了他们一眼,开口道:“你们谁愿入内查探?” I come!” “我来!” Subordinate hopes toward!” “属下愿往!” Instant time, each and everyone Team-Leader shouted chaotically, the scene made noise. 时间,一个个队长七嘴八舌地叫嚷起来,场面喧闹。 Zha Hu lifts the hand slightly, the noisy people are peaceful immediately. He along with pointing at distance own recent Team-Leader: You lead the person to go, no matter has anything to harvest in, the obtained meritorious military service wants sharing benefit half in Dawn!” 查虎微微抬手,吵闹的众人立刻安静下来。他随手指了一个距离自己最近的队长:“你带人进去吧,不过不管在里面有什么收获,所得战功都要分润一半于晨曦!” That Team-Leader hears word, nods immediately: Does not have the issue.” 队长闻言,立刻颔首:“没问题。” This Secret Boundary gateway is Yang Kai opens by one's effort, according to the truth, this is Dawn discovery Secret Boundary, explores the power nature on Dawn, but Zha Hu acts to give orders, made this squad have the opportunity of benefitting, sharing benefit half of meritorious military service went out, are reasonable. 秘境的门户是杨开以一己之力打开,按道理来说,这算是晨曦发现的秘境,探索权自然在晨曦手上,只不过查虎出面发号施令,才让这小队有了捞好处的机会,分润一半战功出去,在情理之中。 If there is a danger, immediately incoming telegram!” Zha Hu urged one. “若有危险,立刻来报!”查虎叮嘱一声。 That Team-Leader holds the fist saying: Yes!” 队长抱拳道:“是!” Secret Boundary exploration not every time problem-free, occasionally may have the unexpected danger to appear. 秘境探索并非每次都一帆风顺,偶尔可能会有预测不到的危险出现。 That Team-Leader simultaneous/uniform own squad member, pushes to the front, sneaks in Secret Boundary. 队长点齐自己小队成员,一马当先,钻进秘境之中。 Team-Leader of other squads are looking eagerly, envies completely. 其他小队的队长眼巴巴地望着,满是羡慕。 Zha Hu looked that said to Yang Kai: Looks again, has a look nearby to have other Secret Boundary.” 查虎看向杨开道:“再找找吧,看看附近有没有别的秘境。” Yang Kai receives an order, walks randomly in all around Void shuttle. 杨开领命,在四周虚空穿梭游走起来。 Listens to Zha Hu to explain about speculation that these Secret Boundary origin, Yang Kai is also very curious, black ink battlefield Secret Boundary is like the mushroom, gathers the group, but presently. 查虎解释过关于这些秘境起源的推测,杨开也很好奇,墨之战场秘境是不是就跟蘑菇一样,聚群而现。 Before he passed by here, had stumbled upon, the careful exploration, has not really sought now, really soon then found another Secret Boundary entrance. 之前他路过这里,偶然有所发现,并没有仔细探索,如今真的寻找下来,果然很快便找到了另外一处秘境的入口。 Just like former that Secret Boundary, fluctuation of extremely weak Space Force, if not for he has a mind to search, will be very likely to miss. 与之前那一处秘境一样,极为微弱的空间之力的波动,若不是他有心寻觅,极有可能会错过。 Uses the method again, opens that Secret Boundary gateway , the squad enters explores the examination. 再次施展手段,将那秘境门户打开,又有一支小队进入其中探索查看。 After 5 minutes, in the distance's second discovered Secret Boundary not far away, Yang Kai has the harvest again, moreover Secret Boundary entrance that this time found, unexpectedly is two. 半盏茶后,在距离第二处被发现的秘境不远处,杨开再有收获,而且这一次找到的秘境入口,竟是两处。 If before Zha Hu, speculation that said real, that explained that in the extremely remote past, in this piece of Void, there is ancient times Human Race Great Expert and Black Ink Clan has had the battle, from this falls many powerhouses, after they died, Small Universe left behind, after the change of years, then formed this Secret Boundary group. 如果查虎之前所说的推测是真的,那就说明在极为久远的年代,在这一片虚空中,有远古人族大能墨族发生过争斗,由此陨落了不少强者,他们死后小乾坤遗留下来,经过岁月的变迁,便形成了这一片秘境群。 Arrives here half day, then had turned on all directions the Secret Boundary gateway, obviously more had not been found. 来到这里不过半日,便已开启了四处秘境的门户,显然还有更多的没有被找到。 Yang Kai searches with single-hearted devotion, often has the harvest. 杨开专心寻觅,每每都有收获。 After 1 st, daybreak on 78 teams were distributed completely, Dawn, except for necessary remaining member, was divided into two teams, was led by two 7-Rank respectively, entered two Secret Boundary investigation. 待到一日后,破晓上的七八支队伍全部被分派了出去,就连晨曦,除了必要的留守成员,也分成了两个队伍,分别由两位七品带队,进了其中两处秘境探查情况。 So after 45 days, Yang Kai returns in daybreak, with Zha Hu report: Sir, this region has nosed, Secret Boundary altogether 11 of discovery, all gateways have opened.” 如此四五日之后,杨开才回到破晓上,与查虎汇报情况:“大人,这一片区域都已查探完毕,发现的秘境总共有十一处,所有门户都已打开。” Done good.” Zha Hu commended one. “做的好。”查虎赞许一声。 11 Secret Boundary, to Human Race, but a big advantage, can discover many useful medicinal herbs from these 11 Secret Boundary absolutely, profound female Spirit Fruit will definitely have. 十一处秘境,对人族来说可是不小的好处,从这十一处秘境中绝对能找出不少有用的药材,玄牝灵果肯定也会有的。 A this kind of Secret Boundary group, was the scale was huge, the highest record that Blue Sky Pass here recorded, discovered seven Secret Boundary in some region! 这样的一处秘境群,算是规模巨大了,碧落关这边记载的最高纪录,是在某一片区域中发现了七处秘境 In order to open these Secret Boundary gateways, their these 8-Rank take the trouble to think, which such as Yang Kai is so relaxed enjoyably. 为了打开那些秘境的门户,他们这些八品可是费尽了心思,哪如杨开这般轻松写意。 Is skilled in the Space Principle person to act by Yang Kai like this, as long as there is Secret Boundary to hide in this region, will decide will not omit. 杨开这样精通空间法则的人出手,但凡有秘境隐藏在这一片区域,定不会有所遗漏。 Thinks of here, the Zha Hu heart moves, in the past Blue Sky Pass discovered Secret Boundary in many regions, but limited to the method, does not will certainly all Secret Boundary of hidden look, perhaps some Secret Boundary cannot be discovered. If went to these to discover Yang Kai the Secret Boundary place walked, cannot do well will have the harvests of some accidental/surprised. 想到这里,查虎心头一动,以往碧落关在不少区域都发现了秘境,但受限于手段,未必将所有隐藏的秘境都找出来了,或许有一些秘境一直都没能被发现。若是将杨开去那些曾经发现过秘境的地方走一趟,搞不好会有一些意外的收获。 In the heart decides on the attention, when this time the matter, then began to process this matter. 心中打定注意,待此番事了,便着手处理此事。 However then, must certainly delay some Yang Kai time, the harvest that but compared to can obtain, these sacrifices could not be regarded anything. 不过如此一来,肯定要耽误杨开一些时间,但相对于所能得到的收获,这些牺牲也算不得什么。 Here must delay some date and time, if you idle the safe/without matter, but voluntarily practice, or goes to Secret Boundary to explore, daybreak here has this King to assume personal command, you do not need to be worried.” Zha Hu sympathizes to say. “这边还要耽误一些时日,你若闲来无事,可自行修炼,或者去秘境中探索,破晓这边有本座坐镇,你无需担心。”查虎体贴道。 Yang Kai thinks saying: That disciple also went to Secret Boundary to explore one to be good.” 杨开想了想道:“那弟子也去秘境中探索一番好了。” As you like!” Zha Hu nods, shouted one to side: Bai Yi!” “随你!”查虎颔首,又对旁边喊了一声:“白羿!” disciple.” Bai Yi goes forward one step. 弟子在。”白羿上前一步。 Senior Brother Yang goes as you like together, is good to take care.” “随你杨师兄一同前往,也好有个照应。” Yes!” “是!” Yang Kai is also unobjectionable, immediately plunders with Bai Yi daybreak, when first leads the way, before then arrived at a Secret Boundary gateway, quickly. 杨开也无异议,当下与白羿掠出破晓,当先引路,很快便来到了一处秘境门户前。 Stimulates to movement Space Force to bind Bai Yi, the two people figure flashes, gripped. 催动空间之力裹住白羿,两人身形闪动,一头扎了进去。 A dizziness transmission slightly, quickly then returns to normal, the field of vision sees, is a green dark green color. 一阵微微的眩晕感传来,很快便恢复正常,视野所见,已是一片葱翠青绿之色。 This everywhere dark green may be rarely seen in black ink battlefield, the black ink battlefield environment is bad, that Universe World is Death Qi heavy, where can see the least bit green, in Void, has black ink cloud to cover occasionally, appears extremely Yin Evil. 这满目的青绿在墨之战场可不多见,墨之战场环境恶劣,那一座座乾坤世界都是死气沉沉,哪里见得到半点绿色,就连虚空中,也偶有墨云笼罩,显得极为阴邪 To see so the scenery swiftly, Bai Yi or Yang Kai, have a happy feeling spontaneously. 是以倏一见到这般景色,无论是白羿还是杨开,都油然生出一种舒畅之感。 Under this kind of environment, it can be imagined the spirit flowered different grass of breeding decides however will not be few. 这样的环境下,可想而知其中孕育的灵花异草定然不会太少。 The fact also truly so, Yang Kai soon then discovered in place of not far away two people appearance a safflower of wash bowl size, on that safflower flower petal seven golden, arrange a mysterious design. 事实也确实如此,杨开很快便在两人现身之地不远处发现了一朵脸盆大小的红花,那红花花瓣上更有七点金色,排列成一个玄妙的图案。 Yang Kai does not recognize this flower is anything, although he long ago has browsed on Pill Way, but since leaves Star Boundary, then had to be lax on Pill Way, some strange flowers and grass in 3000 Worlds he recognized not entire, do not say that this was the thing of black ink battlefield producing. 杨开不认得这花是什么,他早年虽然在丹道上有所涉猎,但自从离开星界之后,便在丹道上有所松懈了,就连三千世界中的一些奇花异草他都认不全,更不要说这是墨之战场出产之物。 But he still the instinct thought that this safflower is Spirit Medicine. 但他依然本能地觉得这一朵红花是一株灵药 Bai Yi laid bare with one word actually the name of this spirit flower: Great Bear Red Rain!” 倒是白羿一口道破了这灵花之名:“北斗红霖!” „Do you recognize?” Yang Kai astonished. “你认得?”杨开讶然 Bai Yi nods: This refines the Great Bear Pill principal material, you should see in the War Preparation Palace exchange books and records.” 白羿颔首:“这是炼制北斗丹的主材料,你在战备殿的兑换典册上应该看到过。” Yang Kai suddenly: Great Bear Pill, I have exchanged.” 杨开恍然:“北斗丹啊,我兑换过。” The Great Bear Pill healing effect is quite evident, at that time he saw this Spirit Pill on War Preparation Palace, then exchanged several, previously after the Chasing Wind war also has taken, is truly good, now also has two spare. 北斗丹疗伤功效极为显著,当时他在战备殿上看到这灵丹,便兑换了几枚,此前与逐风大战之后还服用过,确实不错,如今身上还有两枚备用。 Originally Junior Sister is skilled in Pill Way.” A Yang Kai face admires. “原来师妹精通丹道。”杨开一脸佩服。 Bai Yi laughs in spite of trying not to: Where I am skilled in what Pill Way, but had also explored the experience of Secret Boundary before, area inside the Great Wall Pill Masters also manufactured the book of explanation strange flower and grass, I took one to look, therefore remembered these.” 白羿失笑:“我哪里精通什么丹道,只不过以前也有探索过秘境的经历,关内丹师们也制作了一些讲解奇花异草的册子,我取了一份看过,所以记得这些。” Many Spirit Grass wonderful medicine have the special picking technique, if picks at will, will be very likely to damage the drug efficacy, some this kind of considered, area inside the Great Wall Pill Masters will aim at medicinal herbs that black ink battlefield Secret Boundary will produce to manufacture a special book, will distribute to the area inside the Great Wall officers, so as to avoid they when exploring Secret Boundary will meet the thing to start uncouthly. 很多灵草妙药都有特殊的采摘手法,若是随意采摘的话,极有可能会损坏药效,正是有这样的考虑,关内丹师们才会针对墨之战场秘境出产的药材制作了一份特别的册子,分发给关内将士,免得他们在探索秘境时遇到好东西下手粗鲁。 Junior Sister, since recognizes, that was then collected by you.” Yang Kai proposed. 师妹既然认得,那便由你采集好了。”杨开提议道。 Bai Yi nods, immediately begins to act, is good picks because of this Great Bear Red Rain no is too tasteful, quick Bai Yi then picks that Spirit Medicine. 白羿颔首,当下动手施为起来,好在这北斗红霖采摘没什么太多讲究,很快白羿便将那灵药采下。 Just now comes this place then to harvest, Yang Kai or Bai Yi, filled with the anticipation to this Secret Boundary. 才刚来此地便有所收获,无论是杨开还是白羿,都对这一处秘境充满了期待。 two people discussed that decided to act separately, each other was separated by 50 li (0.5 km), under this distance, if some side encountered what danger, the other side can also rescue rapidly. 两人商议一番,决定分头行动,彼此相隔五十里,这种距离下,若是某一方遇到什么危险,另一方也能迅速救援。 That stemmed from closes Core teacher's the book of hand, Bai Yi also gave Yang Kai. 那出自关内丹师之手的册子,白羿也交给了杨开 Yang Kai glances through, quick then the content in book in heart. 杨开翻阅一遍,很快便将册子中的内容记在心中。 The shuttle in this cover jungle, Spiritual Mind spreads out all over, as long as the having mystical powers flower different grass appears in the perception area, Yang Kai can the immediately discovery. 穿梭在这茂密丛林之中,神念铺展开来,但凡有灵花异草出现在感知范围内,杨开都能第一时间发现。 This Secret Boundary environment is excellent, the growth of very suitable herbal medicine, the half day time, medicinal herbs of Yang Kai harvest then had over a hundred fully, all was collected, took in Small Universe, when returned to Blue Sky Pass to turn, exchanged the meritorious military service. 这一处秘境的环境极好,非常适合草药的生长,前后不过半日功夫,杨开收获的药材便足有上百株了,全都被采集下来,收进了小乾坤中,待回了碧落关便可上缴,兑换成战功。 Only what is a pity, had not found profound female Spirit Fruit. 唯一可惜的是,没有找到玄牝灵果 However he is not disappointed, not every Secret Boundary had profound female Spirit Fruit, this time he altogether opened 11 Secret Boundary gateways, this Secret Boundary did not have, other Secret Boundary would. 不过他也不失望,并非每一处秘境都有玄牝灵果,这一次他总共打开了十一处秘境的门户,这一处秘境没有,其他秘境总会有的。 Searches Yang Kai also in while noses this Secret Boundary. 一边寻觅杨开也在一边查探这一处秘境 , He discovered the origins gradually about these Secret Boundary, the guess that Zha Hu said is very possible real, Universe Paradise that these Secret Boundary fundamentally, after perhaps were really ancient times Human Race Great Expert die, leaves behind. 渐渐地,他发现关于这些秘境的起源,查虎所说的猜测很可能是真的,这些秘境从根本上来说,或许真的是远古人族大能们死后留下的乾坤福地 But each other past was extremely remote, ancient times Great Expert practice way and present some different, Small Universe that left behind naturally was also some differences. 只不过彼此年代太过久远,远古大能们的修行方式与眼下有些许不同,遗留下来的小乾坤自然也是有些区别。 Also more than half days, the Yang Kai harvest was abundant gradually. 又过半日,杨开收获渐丰。 Following institute of the spiritual energy gathering, Yang Kai leads the way, in the sensation, here should have Spirit Medicine. 循着一处灵气汇聚之所,杨开一路前行,感知中,这边应该是有一株灵药的。 When the near, -and-a-half person of high spirits plant to print the view, on bud that spirit plants, the fruits of several baby fist sizes are quite conspicuous. 待到近前,一株半人高的灵植印入眼帘,那灵植的枝芽上,几枚婴儿拳头大小的果子极为显眼。
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