MP :: Volume #51

#5028: Gathers the group, but presently

Lu An hears word laughs in spite of trying not to: How many do you also want to transfer to go back?” 卢安闻言失笑:“你还想挪移多少回去?” Yang Kai said: Naturally the more better.” 杨开道:“自然是越多越好。” Zha Hu beckons with the hand: Without that necessity. Universe World that now outside the passes accumulates, enough area inside the Great Wall officers have bustled about, Universe World that so long as can send back us mines clean, obtained resources enough area inside the Great Wall consumes for several hundred years, satisfies the area inside the Great Wall officers to need sufficiently, moreover more toward the deep place, is more likely to meet Black Ink Clan, since has profited, then on stop at the right time, does not need to cause complications.” 查虎摆摆手:“没那个必要。如今关外积存的乾坤世界,已经足够关内将士忙碌,只要能将咱们送回去的乾坤世界开采干净,所得资源足够关内消耗数百年,足以满足关内将士所需,而且越往深处去,就越有可能遇到墨族,既然已经占了便宜,那就见好就收吧,不必节外生枝了。” Yang Kai heard that the word nods: In view of this, listens to Garrison's Chief Cha.” 杨开闻言颔首:“既如此,就听査总镇的。” Lu An said: Rushes about outside for two years, was laborious you, these went back on quite the training, after you promoted 7-Rank, then didn't have careful practice?” 卢安道:“在外奔波两年,也辛苦你了,这一趟回去就好生修养,你晋升七品之后便没仔细修行过吧?” Yang Kai nods: Although not well practice, but in disciple Small Universe reared in a pen some lives, is being disciple increases Small Universe background every time, therefore pours the unexpected foundation is not steady.” 杨开点点头:“虽未好好修行,但弟子小乾坤内圈养了一些生灵,每时每刻都在为弟子增加小乾坤底蕴,所以倒不虞根基不稳。” Lu An suddenly: I forgot this matter actually.” 卢安恍然:“我倒是忘了这事。” In addition has the incident to need to report Sir two.” “另外还有一事需要禀报两位大人。” What matter?” “何事?” „Before disciple, when transfers these Universe World, having no intention by-road over Void, detected indistinctly that side has the fluctuation of Space Force.” 弟子之前在挪移那些乾坤世界的时候,无意间路过一处虚空,隐约察觉那边有空间之力的波动。” Lu An is startled slightly: Has the fluctuation of Space Force?” 卢安微微一怔:“有空间之力的波动?” Zha Hu is understanding immediately: You said, there can be the Secret Boundary entrance?” 查虎立刻会意:“你是说,那里有可能是秘境的入口?” Yang Kai nods said: Does not have the possibility, disciple can determine that is a Secret Boundary entrance, but was busy transferring Universe World at that time, without idle , there would be no to go to pay attention, since now does not need to transfer Universe World again, can nose actually, could discover profound female Spirit Fruit.” 杨开颔首道:“不是有可能,弟子可以确定那是一处秘境的入口,只不过当时忙着挪移乾坤世界,没得空闲,便没去理会,如今既然不需要再挪移乾坤世界,倒是可以去查探一番,说不定能从中找出玄牝灵果。” Profound female Spirit Fruit to any Human Race mountain pass is the extremely valuable resources, Yang Kai still remembers that own in can exchange the commodity that in the War Preparation Palace exchange books and records sees the option, ranked the first is profound female Spirit Fruit. 玄牝灵果对任何一处人族关隘都是极为珍贵的资源,杨开还记得自己战备殿兑换典册上看到的可以兑换物资的选项,排列第一位的便是玄牝灵果 After all each Human Race mountain pass, some quantity many Human Race officers were once corroded by the strength of black ink, but gave oneself Small Universe, causes Small Universe is incomplete. 毕竟每一处人族关隘,都有数量不少的人族将士曾被墨之力侵蚀,无奈之下割舍了自身小乾坤,导致小乾坤的不完整。 This type is incomplete, only has profound female Spirit Fruit to restore. Therefore this Spirit Fruit in any Human Race mountain pass is the extremely scarce commodity, falls short of demand. 这种不完整,唯有玄牝灵果才有可能修复。所以这灵果在任何一处人族关隘都是极为稀缺的物资,供不应求。 But profound female Spirit Fruit, only then in some Secret Boundary in black ink battlefield might find. 而玄牝灵果,也只有在墨之战场内一些秘境之中才有可能找到。 Zha Hu immediately at present one bright: Can still remember location/position?” 查虎顿时眼前一亮:“可还记得位置?” Yang Kai said: disciple has left behind the mark on Universe Chart.” 杨开道:“弟子已在乾坤图上留下标记。” Good, in view of this, when this King simultaneous/uniform troops, pass as you like together.” So saying, Zha Hu is subpoenaing immediately. “好,既如此,待本座点齐人马,随你一同过去。”这般说着,查虎立刻传讯出去。 After the moment, over a hundred people get together in Dawn Battleship above, Zha Hu accompanying, but Lu An remains to assume the base, after all in the base also has Expelling Black Ink Battleship, being probable the 8-Rank Open Heaven town/subdues defense can be safe personally. 片刻后,上百人齐聚破晓战舰之上,查虎随行,而卢安则留下来坐镇基地,毕竟基地中还有驱墨舰,非得八品开天亲自镇守方能稳妥。 Is counted daybreak the original team member, on this moment Battleship gathered more than 100 people, in other words , came 78 squads. 算上破晓原本的队员,此刻战舰上汇聚了一百多人,换言之,来了七八个小队。 Team-Leader of these squads come in abundance, greeted with Yang Kai warmly, talking and laughing merrily, basically has fought side-by-side robe Ze, Yang Kai, even if did not recognize completely, looks at looked familiar, introduced again mutually, was the understanding. 这些小队的队长都纷纷过来,热情地与杨开打招呼,谈笑风生,基本上都是并肩作战过的袍泽,杨开纵然不认得全部,也看着面熟,再互相介绍一番,便算是认识了。 When the people exchanged greetings, Yang Kai pulled out to arrive at side Zha Hu spatially, said puzzled: Sir, why led so many people in the past?” 待众人寒暄完毕,杨开才抽了个空来到查虎身边,不解道:“大人,为什么带这么多人过去?” Although he can determine Space Force that previously felt fluctuates location/position that 他虽然可以确定此前感受到的空间之力波动所在的位置是一处秘境的入口,但那仅仅只是一处秘境而已,原本他的打算是自己领着晨曦队员去探索一番,有什么好东西只管取出来就行。 Who knew Zha Hu to select 78 teams to follow unexpectedly, moreover oneself assumed personal command personally. 谁知查虎竟点了七八个队伍跟随,而且本人更是亲自坐镇。 Even guards against Black Ink Clan, does not need to lead so many manpower, let alone, this region basically does not have Black Ink Clan to move, all Universe World had been transferred outside Blue Sky Pass, won't this place have the least bit advantage, Black Ink Clan to run to bring death? 就算防备墨族,也没必要带这么多人手,更何况,这一片区域已经基本没有墨族活动了,所有的乾坤世界都已被挪移回了碧落关外,此地没有半点好处,墨族又怎会跑来送死? Zha Hu had not replied, instead asked: How many do you know about black ink battlefield Secret Boundary?” 查虎没有回答,反而问道:“你对墨之战场秘境了解多少?” Yang Kai shakes the head saying: „It is not the understanding, I only know in some Secret Boundary to have profound female Spirit Fruit, rare and precious medicinal herbs.” 杨开摇头道:“不算了解,我只知道有些秘境之中有玄牝灵果,还有许多珍稀的药材。” black ink battlefield, the practice resources could mine from dead Universe World, the spirit flowered different grass that but Pill Refining needs to use, actually the right and wrong transported from 3000 Worlds, or searched from these Secret Boundary. 墨之战场这边,修行的资源或许可以从一座座死去的乾坤世界中开采,但炼丹所需要用到的灵花异草,却是非得从三千世界输送,或者自那些秘境中寻觅。 Therefore relatively speaking, black ink battlefield, Spirit Pill must be rarer more and precious than the ordinary practice commodity generally, the channel that because refines Spirit Pill the material that needs to gain to be limited. 所以相对而言,在墨之战场这边,灵丹一般比普通的修行物资要更珍稀一些,因为炼制灵丹需要的材料获取的渠道有限。 Secret Boundary of Yang Kai to black ink battlefield truly is not the understanding, when Black Territory Void Tunnel arrives at this black ink battlefield appears in Secret Boundary actually directly, however that was an only experience. 杨开墨之战场秘境确实不算了解,自黑域虚空甬道来到这墨之战场时倒是直接出现在一处秘境中,然而那便是唯一的一次经历了。 But at that time he only wants to preserve itself, does not have too many explorations to that Secret Boundary. 但那个时候他只想保全自身,对那一处秘境也没有太多的探索。 Zha Hu nods: black ink battlefield here Secret Boundary, the characteristics, that then gathers the group, but presently!” 查虎颔首:“墨之战场这边的秘境,有一个特点,那便是聚群而现!” Yang Kai raises the eyebrow: Gathers the group, but presently?” 杨开扬眉:“聚群而现?” „Have you picked the mushroom?” “你采过蘑菇吗?” Yang Kai shakes the head at a loss, does not know how Zha Hu will mention this matter suddenly. 杨开茫然摇头,不知查虎怎会忽然提到这种事。 Zha Hu hey: „When is young, in the Crape-Myrtle Heaven back side of the mountain, to the rainy season, the mushroom will then crop up, I and Senior Sister bring the basket to pick, at that time young, I am responsible for seeking, Senior Sister picks, every time found a mushroom in the thick patch of grass, Senior Sister can always find in the , thought that at that time Senior Sister was too fierce, always compared with many that I look.” 查虎嘿了一声:“年少之时,紫薇天后山上,一到雨季,蘑菇便会冒出头来,我与师姐带着篮子去采,那时年幼,我负责寻找,师姐采摘,每在草丛里找到一个蘑菇,师姐总能在附近找到更多,那时候觉得师姐太厉害了,总是比我找的多。” Yang Kai looks at recalling and tender feelings that in this Garrison's Chief surface is reappearing, suspected secretly that Senior Sister surely is gentle person. 杨开望着这位总镇面上浮现的缅怀和柔情,暗暗猜想那师姐定是个温婉的人儿。 Escapes the tastes: „Is Senior Sister of Sir where now?” 脱口道:“大人的师姐如今身在何处?” Zha Hu is slightly silent: Died in battle!” 查虎略默:“战死了!” The short three characters, without doubt are in the Zha Hu heart forever sorrow. 短短的三个字,无疑是查虎心中永远的悲恸。 Yang Kai apologized. 杨开致歉一声。 Zha Hu beckons with the hand saying: I meant, black ink battlefield here Secret Boundary, with picking the mushroom is the same truth, you discovered in that side a Secret Boundary entrance, that may have Secret Boundary, this then gathers the group, but presently.” 查虎摆摆手道:“我的意思是说,墨之战场这边的秘境,跟采蘑菇是一样的道理,你既在那边发现了一处秘境的入口,那就有可能有更多秘境,这便是聚群而现。” Yang Kai astonished: Why so?” 杨开讶然至极:“为何如此?” Zha Hu did not answer asked back: You have thought that black ink battlefield does Secret Boundary come from where?” 查虎不答反问:“你有没有想过,墨之战场秘境从何而来?” Yang Kai nods slightly: Has thought that but has not thought deeply, although some guessed, actually no means confirmation.” 杨开微微颔首:“想过,不过没有深思,虽有一些猜测,却没办法证实。” Oh? Zha Hu slightly reveals accidental/surprised: What is your guess?” 哦?查虎略显意外:“你的猜测是什么?” Yang Kai slightly hesitates saying: Knows at first these Secret Boundary time, this thinks that is black ink battlefield characteristics, however thinks afterward, these Secret Boundary are insufficient to appear with no reason at all, particularly Black Ink Clan also takes the Devouring Heaven and Earth mighty force as the food, entire black ink battlefield Universe World is on the wane, how also to present these unusual Secret Boundary? Afterward outside Blue Sky Pass, disciple sought for Universe Cave Heaven and Universe Paradise that these falls older generations left behind time, suddenly awakened, perhaps these Secret Boundary, was Universe Paradise and Universe Cave Heaven one.” 杨开略一沉吟道:“最初知道这些秘境的时候,本以为是墨之战场本身的特色,然而后来想想,这些秘境不至于无缘无故地出现,尤其是墨族还以吞噬天地伟力为食,整个墨之战场乾坤世界都已凋零,又怎么会出现这些奇特的秘境?后来在碧落关外,弟子寻找那些陨落的先辈们留下的乾坤洞天乾坤福地的时候,才忽然醒悟,或许那些秘境,也是乾坤福地乾坤洞天的一种。” Some Zha Hu slightly accidental/surprised are looking at him: You can think of this 1-layer unexpectedly.” 查虎略有些意外地望着他:“你居然能想到这一层。” Yang Kai stunned: Is difficult to be inadequate the guess of disciple is right?” 杨开愕然:“难不成弟子的猜测是对的?” „To is wrong, this King is unable the conclusion, but the older generations have studied black ink battlefield Secret Boundary, the conclusion obtained is similar to you, these Secret Boundary fundamentally, is Universe Paradise or Universe Cave Heaven. time that but these Universe Paradise or Universe Cave Heaven have is extremely remote, is product that the extremely ancient age preserves, perhaps that remote past, my Human Race practice way and present are different, the Secret Boundary talent and present Universe Paradise or Universe Cave Heaven that therefore left behind have distinguished.” “是对是错,本座也无法定论,不过先辈们研究过墨之战场秘境,所得出的结论跟你差不多,那些秘境从根本上来说,也是乾坤福地或者乾坤洞天。只不过这些乾坤福地或者乾坤洞天存在的时间太过久远,是极为古老的年代存留下来的产物,或许那个久远的年代,我人族修行的方式与如今不同,所以遗留下来的秘境才与现在的乾坤福地或者乾坤洞天有所区别。” Yang Kai turns serious: „, In the extremely ancient age, then has Human Race to resist with Black Ink Clan here?” 杨开神色一正:“如此说来,在极为古老的年代,便有人族在这里与墨族对抗?” Zha Hu nods: Yes, I and others received the behest of older generations. The ancient older generation and Black Ink Clan resist, after falls, then has the Secret Boundary birth.” 查虎颔首:“是啊,我等不过是秉承了先辈们的遗志而已。古老的先辈与墨族对抗,陨落之后,便有秘境诞生。” Yang Kai associative compound: I understood, falls of these ancient older generations, every so often are falls group by group, Secret Boundary that therefore preserves, such as the situation outside Blue Sky Pass is the same, gathers the group, but presently.” 杨开会意:“我明白了,那些古老先辈们的陨落,很多时候都是一批一批的陨落,所以留存下来的秘境,也如碧落关外的情况一样,聚群而现。” Very much so!” Zha Hu nods, this matter did not say certainly, that Secret Boundary that perhaps you discover only then, had a look to know when the time comes, a multi- belt/bring manpower is always forearmed.” “正是如此!”查虎颔首,“不过这种事也说不准,说不定你发现的那一处秘境只有一个,到时候看看就知道了,多带点人手总是有备无患。” Yang Kai nods, somewhat is slightly sad. 杨开点头,心情略有些沉重。 Not because of the Secret Boundary quantity how much, because of all sorts of speculations about Secret Boundary. If this speculation is true, that explained that in the extremely ancient remote past, then had Human Race contends in black ink battlefield here and Black Ink Clan, but to today, the situation still so, this resistance, when can finish? When 3000 Worlds can really not have extra worries. 不是因为秘境的数量多寡,而是因为关于秘境的种种推测。若这种推测属实,那就说明在极为古老久远的年代,便有人族墨之战场这边与墨族抗衡,而到了今日,情况依然如此,这种抗争,什么时候才能结束?三千世界何时才能真的没有后顾之忧。 If this guess real, that ancient remote older generations decide however will give the Small Universe area frequently, avoids misfortune that was corroded by the strength of black ink, so they found profound female Spirit Fruit this type of thing, plants these fruit trees in own Small Universe, facilitates uses momentarily. 若这个猜测是真的,那古老久远的先辈们定然会经常割舍自身小乾坤的疆域,免除被墨之力侵蚀的厄运,如此他们才找到了玄牝灵果这种东西,更将这些果树栽种在自己小乾坤中,方便随时取用。 The predecessor planting trees later generation enjoys the cool air, this will be present Human Race will also find the profound female Spirit Fruit reason in Secret Boundary. 前人栽树后人乘凉,这也是如今的人族会在秘境中找到玄牝灵果的原因。 Yang Kai detected that Space Force that fluctuates location/position that to have one day many distance from the base, at that time he was busy transferring Universe World, although discovered this Secret Boundary entrance, but has not gone to pay attention, but remembered location/position, will wait to process in the future. 杨开所察觉到的那空间之力波动所在的位置距离基地有一日多的路程,当时他正忙着挪移乾坤世界,虽然发现了这一处秘境的入口,但并没去理会,只是记下了位置,等日后再来处理。 At that time had not nosed carefully all around situation. 当时也没有细细查探四周情况。 After one day, daybreak stops in Void somewhere, a Yang Kai slightly sensation, points at a direction saying: Sir, was.” 一日后,破晓停在虚空某处,杨开略一感知,指着一个方向道:“大人,便是此间了。” Following direction that he directs, Zha Hu with rapt attention sensation, actually has achieved nothing, suspected secretly the fluctuation of that Space Force is quite perhaps weak, otherwise is insufficient not to detect by his 8-Rank Open Heaven cultivation level. 顺着他指引的方向,查虎凝神感知,却是一无所获,暗暗猜想那空间之力的波动恐怕极为微弱,否则以他八品开天修为不至于毫无察觉。 Also is Yang Kai is skilled in Space Principle, this subtle trace can be looked by him. 也就是杨开精通空间法则,这微妙的痕迹都能被他找出来。 However on the other hand, if is so easy to search, is not one's turn them to explore, had gone well by Black Ink Clan. 不过话又说回来,若真的这么容易寻觅,也轮不到他们来探索,早就被墨族得手了。 time that this region, Black Ink Clan seizes is longer. 要知道,这一片区域,墨族占领的时间更长一些。 this King for your Protector, your automatic hand is.” Zha Hu said one. 本座替你护法,你自动手便是。”查虎道了一声。 Yang Kai receives an order. 杨开领命而出。
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