MP :: Volume #51

#5027: Harvests huge

Although, black ink battlefield is for the time being calm and steady, but the firm protection also has one day of collapse, once black ink battlefield the Human Race mountain pass were broken, 3000 Worlds this/should what course to follow? 虽说暂时来看,墨之战场这边还算安稳,但再坚稳的防护也有崩溃的一天,一旦墨之战场这边人族关隘被破,三千世界又该何去何从? By that time, Black Ink Clan will push directly into surely, 3000 Worlds loss of life, universe disintegration, therefore regarding black ink battlefield here Human Race, any changes the present situation sufficiently the method, is the greatest gospels, do not say, as the birth of Expelling Black Ink Battleship, has made Human Race see the hope of expedition. 到那时候,墨族必定将长驱直入,三千世界生灵涂炭,乾坤崩碎,所以对于墨之战场这边的人族来说,任何足以改变现状的手段,都是莫大的福音,更不要说随着驱墨舰的诞生,已让人族看到了远征的希望。 If really can start the expedition, exterminates Black Ink Clan thoroughly, that Cave Heaven Paradise can eradicate from the predicament that ancient faces until now. 若是真能发动远征,将墨族彻底清剿,那洞天福地自亘古至今面临的困局便可破除。 However the expedition is an important matter of contribution to the future, must the scheme not be possible slowly. 不过远征是一项功在千秋的大计,非得徐徐图谋不可。 Blue Sky Pass here numerous 8-Rank has discussed, decided makes the area inside the Great Wall build ten sets of Void Yin-Yang Mirror to come out, with transfer Universe World of various resources production areas. 碧落关这边众多八品已经商议完毕,决定让关内打造十套虚空阴阳镜出来,用以挪移各处资源产区的乾坤世界 However this matter also needs Yang Kai's full power to coordinate, Void Yin-Yang Mirror is the thing that he studies, has not understood this Secret Treasure all sorts of Technique compared with him. 不过这事还需要杨开的全力配合,虚空阴阳镜是他研究出来的东西,没有比他更了解这秘宝的种种法门 Yang Kai first received Void Yin Mirror eight, returns daybreak that side, received Yang Mirror eight, then stimulates to movement the universe secret art, returns to the area inside the Great Wall. 杨开先是收了虚空阴镜的八件阵器,又返回破晓那边,收了阳镜的八件阵器,再催动乾坤诀,回到关内。 Blue Sky Pass has prepared appropriately, various War Preparation Palace resources open-ended supplies, many Item Refining Great Master headed by Divine Cauldron Heaven Dongguo Anping also gather together, only waits for the Yang Kai return to manage to build the matters concerned. 碧落关这边已经准备妥当了,战备殿各种资源敞开供应,以神鼎天东郭安平为首的诸多炼器大师也汇聚一堂,只等杨开归来主持打造事宜。 Quick, Yang Kai then invests with numerous Item Refining Great Master into refining during the work of Void Yin-Yang Mirror, in the past in Black Prison, that initial one set of Void Yin-Yang Mirror was Yang Kai refines alone, was imperfect, afterward Troublesome Grandmaster tempering, could be the high-quality goods reluctantly. 很快,杨开便与一众炼器大师投入到炼制虚空阴阳镜的工作之中,当年在黑狱中,那最初的一套虚空阴阳镜杨开独自炼制出来的,并不完善,后来得麻烦大师淬炼,才勉强算得上精品。 But now entire Blue Sky Pass Item Refining Great Master gathers together, takes Void Yin-Yang Mirror in Yang Kai hand for the main source, under all sorts of exquisite thought collisions, has the enormous help to the improvement of Void Yin-Yang Mirror. 而如今整个碧落关炼器大师都汇聚一堂,以杨开手中的虚空阴阳镜为蓝本,种种精妙念头碰撞之下,对虚空阴阳镜的改进也有极大的帮助。 The magnanimous resources invest, is about a month of time, first set of Void Yin-Yang Mirror then has built successfully. 海量资源投入,前后不过一个月功夫,第一套虚空阴阳镜便已打造成功。 Ding Yao brings this set of Void Yin-Yang Mirror to go to that side No. 1 base to experiment personally, that side No. 1 base had been attacked and occupied by Human Race, now the organization manpower are mining the resources. 丁耀亲自带着这一套虚空阴阳镜前往一号基地那边试验,一号基地那边早已被人族攻占,如今正在组织人手开采资源。 Short after three days, the Blue Sky Pass outside presents Universe World towering, obviously is Ding Yao transfers from No. 1 base. 短短三日之后,碧落关外便突兀地出现一座乾坤世界,明显是丁耀从一号基地那边挪移回来的。 The this time test result showed that Void Yin-Yang Mirror that Blue Sky Pass builds truly available, took a new resources mining path for other Human Race mountain passes. 这一次的试验结果表明,碧落关打造的虚空阴阳镜确实可用,也为其他人族关隘走出了一条新的资源开采道路。 Since confirmed available, the area inside the Great Wall naturally then started the batch refinement, in the plans of several Regiment's Commander, Void Yin-Yang Mirror must build ten sets. 既然证实可用,关内自然便开始批量炼制,在几位军团长的计划中,虚空阴阳镜可是要打造十套的。 Meanwhile, area inside the Great Wall super Space Law Formation also starts to revolve, jade slip that record the law and stimulation of movement law of Void Yin-Yang Mirror refinement, through the super Space Law Formation transmission to various Human Race mountain passes. 与此同时,关内超级空间法阵也开始运转,一枚枚记载着虚空阴阳镜炼制之法和催动之法的玉简,通过超级空间法阵传送向人族各处关隘。 Quick, Human Race mountain pass then received a everywhere from the pass on message of Blue Sky Pass, knew after mystery and effect of Void Yin-Yang Mirror, each Human Race mountain pass is overjoyed, begins to refine to build in abundance. 很快,一处处人族关隘便接到了源自碧落关的传讯,得知虚空阴阳镜的玄妙和功效之后,每一处人族关隘都大喜过望,纷纷着手炼制打造。 That side Blue Sky Pass is busy refining many Void Yin-Yang Mirror time, daybreak above, the Dawn team member gets together, anchors beside Universe World, Feng Ying stands in the deck, visibles faintly that Universe World surrounding, the Yang Kai busy form. 碧落关那边忙着炼制更多的虚空阴阳镜的时候,破晓之上,晨曦队员齐聚,停泊在一座乾坤世界之外,冯英站在甲板上,隐约可见那乾坤世界外围,杨开忙碌的身影。 Void Yin-Yang Mirror has started the batch refinement, that Dawn does not need to mine again laboriously, only needs Yang Kai to transfer that side Blue Sky Pass Universe World of this region, the area inside the Great Wall officers will mine cleanly. 虚空阴阳镜既已开始批量炼制,那晨曦这边就没必要再辛苦开采了,只需杨开将这一片区域的乾坤世界挪移回碧落关那边,关内将士自会开采干净。 Then, the Dawn team members fall an idleness but actually. 如此一来,晨曦的队员们倒落个清闲。 However they do not have nothing to do, Yang Kai must begin now this stretch of resources production area transferring of Universe World, Dawn needs closely follows, Protector security, so as to avoid there is to disperse brave Black Ink Clan to come to sneak attack, Yang Kai is powerful, carries World Spring, does not fear the corrosion of strength of black ink, really must have Black Ink Clan that does not keep eyes open to come to seek him to trouble, is only the share of coming but not return. 不过他们也并非无事可做,杨开如今要着手这一片资源产区的乾坤世界的挪移,晨曦就需得紧密相随,护法警戒,免得有散勇墨族前来偷袭,杨开实力强大,又身负天地泉,不惧墨之力的侵蚀,真要有不长眼的墨族前来寻他麻烦,也只是有来无回的份。 But he transfers one each article under Universe World arrangement, always needs the person to safeguard. 但他挪移乾坤世界布置下的一件件阵器,总是需要人看管的。 If by some chance were stolen by Black Ink Clan, cannot do well is decoded the Void Yin-Yang Mirror mystery, if really made that side Black Ink Clan also result in Void Yin-Yang Mirror, to the Human Race exactly anything good deed, this matter must seriously guard against. 万一被墨族偷盗了去,搞不好会被破解虚空阴阳镜的奥秘,真要是让墨族那边也得了虚空阴阳镜,对人族可不是什么好事,此事非得严加防范。 With the aid of Blue Sky Pass universe formation in Expelling Black Ink Battleship and daybreak, Yang Kai may in two places back and forth, transfer the matters concerned progress of Universe World to be extremely quick with ease. 借助碧落关驱墨舰和破晓上的乾坤法阵,杨开轻松可在两地来回,挪移乾坤世界的事宜进展极快。 Is about a month of time, assigned to dozens Universe World that in Dawn Squad the region has all vanished does not see, all was returned to outside Blue Sky Pass. 前后不过一个月功夫,原本分配给晨曦小队的这一片区域中存有的几十座乾坤世界皆已消失不见,全都被送回碧落关外。 But more than 20,000 officers who now, entire Blue Sky Pass remains behind, almost turn out in full strength to move, is mining the resources aggressively. 而如今,整个碧落关留守的两万多将士,几乎倾巢而动,全都在紧锣密鼓地开采资源。 Universe World were crushed, all sorts of resources of preserve were excavated, commodity more than one day of War Preparation Palace preserve one day. 一座座乾坤世界被粉碎,其中储藏的种种资源被发掘出来,战备殿储藏的物资一日多过一日。 Entire Blue Sky Pass brimming with jubilant atmosphere. 整个碧落关洋溢着喜气洋洋的氛围。 Human Race officers bitter cold long since! 人族将士苦寒久已! Before then, each Human Race mountain pass martial artist practice resources, mostly are depend upon that side 3000 Worlds to transport, few parts are attacking and occupying the resources production area after the war, voluntarily mining. 在这之前,每一处人族关隘武者修行的资源,大多都是依靠三千世界那边输送,少部分是在战后攻占资源产区,自行开采。 But every attacked and occupied the resources production area one time, mining time that can obtain is also quite limited, the manpower who the long over a hundred years, the short dozens years, can set out are not many, how many resources can also obtain? 但每一次攻占了资源产区,所能得到的开采时间也极为有限,长则上百年,短则数十年,能出动的人手也不多,又能取得多少资源? Therefore on this black ink battlefield, each Human Race officers knows the practice resources precious, they use oneself meritorious military service exchanges the resources the time, generally needs to exchange many with many, it can be said that is economical in everyday spending. 所以在这墨之战场上,每一个人族将士都知道修行资源的珍贵,他们利用自身战功兑换资源的时候,一般都是需要用多少才会兑换多少,可以说是省吃俭用。 But now, the birth of Void Yin-Yang Mirror, changed this present situation. 而如今,虚空阴阳镜的诞生,改变了这一现状。 Has that side War Preparation Palace to count, the resources that in this short one month the area inside the Great Wall mines, have been equivalent to over the past ten years the sum total of mining! 战备殿那边统计,这短短一个月内关内开采出来的资源,已相当于过去十年开采的总和! A month, the day will be then long in the future, as the refinements of many Void Yin-Yang Mirror are completed, will have many Universe World to be transferred surely, but that each Universe World means the magnanimous resources. 这才一个月而已,往后日子还长,随着更多的虚空阴阳镜的炼制完成,必定会有更多的乾坤世界被挪移回来,而那每一座乾坤世界都意味着海量的资源。 So the celebration, how can not let person face glowing with health. 如此喜事,怎能不让人容光焕发。 But turning out in full strength of 20,000 officers, mean the terrifying increase of mining efficiency. 而两万将士的倾巢出动,更意味着开采效率的恐怖提升。 Often Universe World is just now delivered, in less than several days then decomposed torn to pieces. 往往一座乾坤世界才刚被送回来,用不了几日便会被分解的支离破碎。 Dozens Universe World that Yang Kai this month delivers, have been missing, large quantities of Human Race martial artist are waiting and seeing eagerly, once there is Universe World to be returned , will then invade. 杨开这一个月送回来的几十座乾坤世界,早已不见了踪影,大批人族武者眼巴巴地观望着,一旦有乾坤世界被送回,便会蜂拥而上。 As the Void Yin-Yang Mirror quantity increases, Universe World that was transferred also gradually increases, finally reluctantly the mining demand in supply area inside the Great Wall officers. 随着虚空阴阳镜的数量增加,被挪移回来的乾坤世界的也逐渐增多,总算勉强供应关内将士内的开采需求了。 When refines to complete to ten sets of Void Yin-Yang Mirror completely, mining of area inside the Great Wall officers could not keep up with the speed of transferring finally. 待到十套虚空阴阳镜全部炼制完成,关内将士的开采终于跟不上挪移的速度了。 for a moment, outside Blue Sky Pass, Universe World of amount of space occupied varying was returned , the quantity increases unceasingly, looking into the distance, the scene is magnificent. 一时间,碧落关外,一个又一个体量不一的乾坤世界被送回,数量不断增加,放眼望去,场面壮观。 At this moment, Yang Kai is bustling about in the region that No. 4 base seizes. 此时此刻,杨开正在四号基地占领的区域中忙碌着。 Assigned is transferred to Dawn dozens Universe World in that piece of region, but other regions also had many Universe World. 分配给晨曦的那一片区域内的几十座乾坤世界已经被挪移回去了,但其他区域还有更多的乾坤世界 Universe World that resources production area that the entire No. 4 base seizes, has little said that also has several hundred. This also merely is only No. 4 base, the resources production area situation that other three bases seize is almost the same. 整个四号基地占领的资源产区,所拥有的乾坤世界少说也有数百座。这还仅仅只是四号基地这边,其他三处基地占领的资源产区情况都相差无几。 In other words, if all transfers everywhere Universe World of this resources production area, Blue Sky Pass can harvest the preserves of 2000 Universe World at least. 换句话说,若是将这四处资源产区的乾坤世界全部挪移回来,碧落关这边最起码可以收获两千座乾坤世界的储藏。 This is what kind of huge digit. 这是何等庞大的数字。 Also before is the area inside the Great Wall officers , the matter that never dares to imagine, according to the beforehand mining efficiency, wants to mine the preserves of 2000 Universe World, little said that also needs several thousand years. 也是关内将士以前从来不敢想象的事情,按照以前的开采效率,想要将两千座乾坤世界的储藏开采完毕,少说也要数千年。 But perhaps now, only takes dozens years to be even shorter. 而如今,恐怕只需要几十年甚至更短一些。 Unusuality that in the base Universe World vanishes everywhere unceasingly, aroused the Black Ink Clan vigilance finally, has Black Ink Clan to scout to come nosing unceasingly. 四处基地中乾坤世界不断消失的异常,也终于引起了墨族的警觉,不断地有墨族斥候前来查探情况。 However these scout the island of resistance to be thorough, once were discovered, basically has no good end. 不过这些斥候孤军深入,一旦被发现,基本上都没有什么好下场。 Although cut to kill many Black Ink Clan scouts, but definitely also had is discovered, existence of Void Yin-Yang Mirror should feed in that side Black Ink Clan. 虽然斩杀了不少墨族的探子,但肯定还有更多没有被发现的,虚空阴阳镜的存在应该已经传回墨族那边了。 This is also has no alternative the matter, uses Void Yin-Yang Mirror to transfer the Universe World sound is too big, cannot conceal. 这也是无可奈何之事,动用虚空阴阳镜挪移乾坤世界的动静太大,根本隐瞒不住。 Blue Sky Pass has not wanted to conceal this, the Evil Royal Lord subordinate Black Ink Clan army previous hit loss is serious, Evil Royal Lord is experiences personally the heavy losses, the Black Ink Clan that side, even if detects anything, does not have the means with Blue Sky Pass, they do not have dozens over a hundred years of resting and building up strength, is unable to organize the army to attack again. 碧落关也没想要隐瞒这个,门邪王主麾下的墨族大军上一次被打的损失惨重,门邪王主本身更是身受重创,墨族那边就算察觉什么,也拿碧落关没办法,他们没有几十上百年的休养生息,根本无法再组织大军进攻。 During this, to Black Ink Clan is the resting and building up strength date and time, to Blue Sky Pass is? While this opportunity, Blue Sky Pass naturally must many fish some advantage from Black Ink Clan. 这期间对墨族来说是休养生息的时日,对碧落关来说又何尝不是?趁着这个机会,碧落关自然是要多从墨族那边捞些好处。 time in a flash, two years later. 时间一晃,两年之后。 Resources production area that No. 4 base seizes, now is empty one piece, Universe World that all can be transferred has vanished does not see. 四号基地所占领的资源产区,如今已是空荡荡一片,所有能被挪移走的乾坤世界都已消失不见。 Here besides Yang Kai in doing this matter, Lu An and Zha Hu bring another set of Void Yin-Yang Mirror to help with joint forces. 这边除了杨开一直在做这事之外,还有卢安查虎合力带着另一套虚空阴阳镜在帮忙。 Although underwent the experiment of Shentu Mo before, determined that top 7-Rank Open Heaven can also control to cause Void Yin-Yang Mirror, but to 7-Rank, stimulating to movement this valuable consumption is truly big, goes forth to battle to be safer by 8-Rank. 虽说之前经过申屠墨的试验,确定顶尖七品开天也能驭使虚空阴阳镜,但对七品来说,催动此宝消耗确实不小,还是由八品上阵更稳妥一些。 From this, Lu An and Zha Hu then took over this duty, although they are 8-Rank, must be higher than Rank cultivation level compared with Yang Kai, but by transferring efficiency, is inferior to Yang Kai, after all Yang Kai is skilled in Space Principle, controlling makes Void Yin-Yang Mirror conveniently quicker. 由此,卢安查虎便接手了这个任务,他们虽是八品,比杨开要高出一个品阶修为,但论挪移的效率,还是不如杨开,毕竟杨开精通空间法则,驭使虚空阴阳镜更方便快捷一些。 This is he for Secret Treasure that own builds. 这本就是他为自己打造的秘宝 On this day, the original No. 4 base on floating land, daybreak descends slowly. 这一日,原四号基地所在浮陆上,破晓徐徐降落下来。 Yang Kai disembarks, is directly good toward the place of two 8-Rank assuming personal command, then saw two people quickly, after saluting, Yang Kai said: Sir two, Universe World of this stretch of resources production area had been transferred, then has what duty, but also under instruction.” 杨开下了船,径直朝两位八品坐镇之地行去,很快便见了两人,行礼之后,杨开道:“两位大人,这一片资源产区的乾坤世界都已被挪移回去了,接下来有什么任务,还请示下。” The Lu An smile nods: Then was all right, we should also return to the area inside the Great Wall.” 卢安微笑颔首:“接下来没什么事了,咱们也该返回关内了。” Yang Kai slightly reveals accidental/surprised: „Did this return to the pass/test?” 杨开略显意外:“这就回关了?” Zha Hu said: What do you want to make?” 查虎道:“你想做什么?” Yang Kai thinks saying: „The resources production area that No. 4 base seizes does not have Universe World, but I saw the deep place as if also to have before, whether we can transfer again?” 杨开想了想道:“四号基地占领的资源产区已没了乾坤世界,但我之前见更深处似乎还有,咱们是不是可以再去挪移一些?”
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