MP :: Volume #51

#5026: This treasure available

Feng Ying awakens quickly: Junior Brother returns to Blue Sky Pass that Universe World, then, the area inside the Great Wall officers only need be able to mine the resources in main house gate, does not need to run is so far, but must withstand by the risk of Black Ink Clan sneak attack.” 冯英很快醒悟:“师弟将那乾坤世界送回碧落关,如此一来,关内将士只需在家门口便可开采资源了,根本不必跑这么远,还得承受被墨族偷袭的风险。” Very much so!” Yang Kai nods. “正是如此!”杨开颔首。 Junior Brother uses, is that eight?” 师弟所用,便是那八件阵器?” Good.” Yang Kai nods: This matter area inside the Great Wall Regiment's Commander have all known, then Sir Shentu will come personally the inspection, I must arrange again, exhausted Senior Sister for my Protector.” “不错。”杨开点点头:“此事关内军团长们皆已知晓,回头申屠大人会亲自过来查验,我得再去布置一番,劳烦师姐替我护法。” Feng Ying nods said: I go as you like.” 冯英颔首道:“我随你去。” Quick, Yang Kai then locked another Universe World, spent some times, uses Void Yang Mirror eight, divides the town/subdues Universe World eight side spaces. 很快,杨开便锁定了另外一座乾坤世界,花费了一些功夫,利用虚空阳镜八件阵器,分镇这乾坤世界的八方空间。 Shentu Mo has not come, although he is 8-Rank Open Heaven, can arrive in Expelling Black Ink Battleship of No. 4 base with the aid of Universe Formation from Blue Sky Pass instantaneously, but rushes to this place from No. 4 base, actually needs some time, now he should on the road. 申屠墨还没有来,他虽是八品开天,也可以借助乾坤大阵碧落关瞬间抵达四号基地的驱墨舰中,但从四号基地赶至此地,却是需要一些时间的,如今他应该正在路上。 Feng Ying was quite curious to Void Yin-Yang Mirror, asked Yang Kai many issues, the Yang Kai nature 11 answered. 冯英虚空阴阳镜极为好奇,问了杨开不少问题,杨开自然一一作答。 After one day, Yang Kai that closed pupil maintains mental tranquility opens the view suddenly, in the field of vision, dazzling flowing light plunders to come from the direction of No. 4 base anxiously, then arrives at the near quickly, reveals Shentu Mo that tall and strong form. 一日之后,正闭眸养神的杨开忽然睁开眼帘,视野之中,一道耀眼流光从四号基地的方向急掠而来,很快便到近前,露出申屠墨那魁梧的身影。 Yang Kai holds the fist in the other hand to salute: Sir Shentu.” 杨开抱拳行礼:“申屠大人。” Shentu Mo nods, looks toward nearby Universe World, asked: Prepared?” 申屠墨点点头,朝一旁的乾坤世界看去,问道:“准备好了?” All appropriate!” “一切妥当!” What does Old Man need to make?” 老夫需要做什么?” Yang Kai said: Also needs Sir Shentu to record the clear Void Yang Mirror eight distributions and each other is away from the position, then that side Blue Sky Pass must arrange exactly right by Void Yin Mirror, when is so appropriate, stimulates to movement the prestige of Secret Treasure, Yin Mirror and Yang Mirror resonance, Void inverts, can have the effect of transferring.” 杨开道:“还需申屠大人记清虚空阳镜八件阵器的分布和彼此距离方位,回头到了碧落关那边也要分毫不差地以虚空阴镜布置出来,如此才算妥当,催动秘宝之威时,阴镜阳镜共鸣,虚空颠倒,便可有挪移之效。” Shentu Mo nods: Good.” 申屠墨颔首:“好。” This matter requests, although harsh, eight distributed positions and distances must result in exactly right, but to Shentu Mo this 8-Rank Open Heaven is not the difficult matter. 这种事要求虽然苛刻,八件阵器分布的方位和距离必须得分毫不差,但对申屠墨这个八品开天来说并不是什么难事。 Only spent less than half double-hour time, Shentu Mo then to revolve eight to saunter, these eight all sorts in heart. 只花了不到半个时辰时间,申屠墨便围绕着八件阵器转悠了一圈,将这八件阵器的种种记在心中。 Returns to side Yang Kai, Shentu Mo nodded slightly, hints appropriately all. 回到杨开身边,申屠墨微微点头,示意一切妥当。 Yang Kai looks to Feng Ying said: Senior Sister first returns, I accompany Sir Shentu to return to an area inside the Great Wall again, if matter is smooth, in short time I feared that did not come back, here had work Senior Sister to worry.” 杨开望向冯英道:“师姐先回吧,我陪申屠大人再回一趟关内,事情若是顺利的话,短时间内我怕是回不来了,这边就有劳师姐操心了。” Feng Ying said: Junior Brother from going, Dawn I will look.” 冯英道:“师弟自去,晨曦这边我会照看好的。” Yang Kai then looks to Shentu Mo: Sir Shentu invited.” 杨开这才看向申屠墨:“申屠大人请。” Shentu Mo does not talk too much, stimulates to movement the universe secret art directly, quick, under foot Void then twinkling has rays of light Formation, covers him. 申屠墨也不多言,直接催动乾坤诀,很快,脚下虚空便闪烁光芒大阵,将他笼罩。 After his form disappears, Yang Kai also stimulates to movement the universe secret art, returns to Blue Sky Pass. 待他的身影消失之后,杨开也催动乾坤诀,返回碧落关中。 Zhong Liang and the others still wait outside the passes, although Shentu Mo this came a sales commission almost more than one day time, but this matter important, don't said for day, was in January/one month, Zhong Liang and the others also waited. 钟良等人依然等在关外,虽说申屠墨这一来一回用了差不多一天多时间,但此事重要至极,莫说一天,便是一月,钟良等人也等的起。 If this matter handled, was too big to the benefit that Human Race provides, what holding fix was time considered as? 这事若是办好了,给人族带来的好处实在太大了,等待点时间又算得了什么? Came back.” Ding Yao turns head to look suddenly toward Blue Sky Pass that side, the people look, really sees two forms to graze from the area inside the Great Wall, is Shentu Mo and Yang Kai two people. “回来了。”丁耀忽然扭头朝碧落关那边望去,众人一瞧,果然见得两道身影从关内飞掠而出,正是申屠墨杨开二人。 two people that looks at approaches rapidly, numerous 8-Rank also sighs with emotion the convenience of Universe Formation. 看着急速靠近的两人,众八品也不禁感慨乾坤大阵的便捷。 Rushes to No. 4 base from Blue Sky Pass, just more than one day time, before placing , cannot think that but now with the aid of Universe Formation, but then rapid travels between two places, this kind of convenient is especially huge in the role that the wartime plays. 碧落关赶往四号基地,前后只不过一日多时间,放在以前是根本不敢想的,可如今借助乾坤大阵,便可迅速在两地之间往返,这样的便捷在战时起到的作用尤为巨大。 What's wrong?” When Shentu Mo stops in the side, Ding Yao urgently urgently asked. “怎样?”待申屠墨停在身边,丁耀急急问道。 Shentu Mo said: Also must arrange, is useful and other under to know.” 申屠墨道:“还需布置,有没有用等下方知。” Yang Kai follows in Shentu Mo behind, turns head to look by that Universe World that own transfers, at this moment, there bustling, forms have flown to plunder in this Universe World, obviously in mining resources, but then short one day time, Universe World as if then small, it can be imagined, has more than enough for 2-3 months at the this kind of speed, this Universe World will then be mined cleanly, does not remain the dregs, this is Blue Sky Pass has not set out the results of many manpower, if transfers more manpower, needs time to be only shorter. 杨开跟在申屠墨身后,扭头瞧了一眼被自己挪移回来的那乾坤世界,此时此刻,那里已经一片热火朝天,一道道身影在这乾坤世界中飞来掠去,明显在开采资源,而这才不过短短一日功夫,乾坤世界似乎便已经小了一圈,可想而知,以这样的速度用不了2-3个月,这乾坤世界便会被开采干净,连渣都不剩,这还是碧落关没出动多少人手的结果,若是调动更多人手,所需时间只会更短。 Yang Kai astonished: „Has this then started?” 杨开讶然:“这便已经开始了?” Zhong Liang hum hum: On this black ink battlefield, eats the meat of mouth is own, the idle talk does not speak, hurrying brings Shentu to arrange, we also wait to look at the result.” 钟良哼哼一声:“在这墨之战场上,吃到嘴里的肉才是自己的,废话休说,赶紧带申屠去布置去,我们还等着看结果呢。” Yes!” Yang Kai complied with one hastily. “是!”杨开连忙应了一声。 One group of people shift location/position hastily, sought a spacious region, under the guidance of Yang Kai's, Shentu Mo quick is appropriate the Void Yin Mirror eight arrangement. 一群人连忙转移位置,寻了一处空旷地带,在杨开的指导下,申屠墨很快将虚空阴镜八件阵器布置妥当。 Then when is the confirmation, Yang Kai passed on Shentu Mo to stimulate to movement the method of Secret Treasure, moved sideways to depart. 接下来便是验证之时,杨开传了申屠墨催动秘宝之法,闪身离去。 under the public gaze, Shentu Mo both hands magic arts is transforming rapidly, oneself strength is surging, pours into that eight. 众目睽睽之下,申屠墨双手法决急速变换着,自身力量涌动着,灌入那八件阵器之中。 Weak rays of light from eight on twinkling, buzz the whining noise spreads, looking at steadily that numerous 8-Rank looks. 微弱的光芒自八件阵器上闪烁,嗡鸣声传出,一众八品看的目不转睛。 As time passes, that rays of light is getting more and more bright, buzz the whining noise even more is also obvious, was started to twist by Void of eight minute of town/subdues eight sides, visibles faintly, in Void that was empty presents a partly visible huge shadow suddenly. 随着时间流逝,那光芒越来越亮,嗡鸣声也愈发明显,被八件阵器分镇八方的虚空都开始扭曲起来,隐约可见,那原本空无一物的虚空内忽然出现一个若隐若现的巨大阴影。 The Zhong Liang brow raises, nods said: Should be feasible!” 钟良眉头一扬,颔首道:“应该可行!” He saw Yang Kai stimulates to movement Void Yin-Yang Mirror the time before is also so the scene, is nondistinctive with Shentu Mo this moment behavior. 他之前见杨开催动虚空阴阳镜的时候也是这般情景,与申屠墨此刻所为毫无区别。 If no what accidental/surprised, soon, then Universe World nearby No. 4 base, will then be transferred. 若是不出什么意外的话,用不了多久,那远在四号基地附近的乾坤世界,便会被挪移回来。 Matter had/left an accident slightly. 事情稍微出了点变故。 Huge shadow in Void continually partly visible, is unable thoroughly the congealing reality, after half double-hour, all are of great success. 虚空中的巨大阴影持续地若隐若现,始终无法彻底凝实,直到半个时辰后,才一切大功告成。 Shentu Mo received magic arts, eight on rays of light dissipations, shut off with resonance of distant place. 申屠墨收了法决,八件阵器上的光芒消散,与远处的共鸣也就此切断。 Numerous 8-Rank all look the happy expression, at present sees explained without doubt this Void Yin-Yang Mirror they can also control to cause, then, transferred Universe World to be many on the convenience from the resources production area, will not receive anything to limit. 众多八品皆都面露喜色,眼前所见无疑说明这虚空阴阳镜他们也都可以驭使,如此一来,从资源产区挪移乾坤世界就方便多了,不会受到什么局限。 Actually Zhong Liang brow tight wrinkle, because he discovers Shentu Mo cultivation level, although strong Yang Kai, but this time acts probably compared with before Yang Kai wants difficult many, only on time does not have the comparability, Yang Kai transfers Universe World to come back, all arrangement appropriate words, only spent dozens breath times, Shentu Mo actually used half double-hour . Moreover, the consumption is also evidently big, is far from Yang Kai lifting a heavy weight as if light like that. 倒是钟良眉头紧皱,因为他发现申屠墨修为虽然强过杨开,但这一次施为好像比杨开之前要艰难的多,单是时间上就没有可比性,杨开挪移一座乾坤世界回来,一切布置妥当的话,只花了几十息功夫而已,申屠墨却用了半个时辰,而且看样子,消耗也不小,远没有杨开那般举重若轻。 Resembling was looks at his doubts, Yang Kai explained: This Secret Treasure is I built for own, implied the utilization of Principle of Space, words that therefore my controlling caused, will be more relaxed, Sir Shentu cultivation level, although strong I, but did not have practice Space Principle, forcefully the prestige of stimulation of movement this Secret Treasure, nature consumption by far in me.” 似是瞧出了他的疑惑,杨开解释道:“这秘宝本是我为自己打造的,其中暗含空间之道的运用,所以我本人驭使的话,会更轻松一些,申屠大人修为虽然强过我,但没有修行空间法则,强行催动这秘宝之威,自然消耗远胜于我。” Zhong Liang nods slightly: That's true.” 钟良微微颔首:“确实如此。” However this result is also satisfying, feared that feared others of this Void Yin-Yang Mirror besides Yang Kai has no way to use. 不过这个结果也算是让人满意,怕就怕这虚空阴阳镜除了杨开之外其他人根本没法使用。 Shentu Mo has returned, the people sought information to look. 申屠墨已经返回,众人征询望去。 He slightly hesitates, opens the mouth saying: Commonplace 7-Rank feared that is incapable of stimulating to movement this treasure, only then topest a number of 7-Rank Open Heaven have the ample force stimulation of movement, moreover stimulates to movement consumption that this treasure has, should with transferring the goal size, from has the relations far and near, the amount of space occupied is bigger, from is farther, the consumption are more, in brief, this treasure available.” 他略一沉吟,开口道:“等闲七品怕是无力催动此宝,只有最顶尖的一批七品开天才有余力催动,而且催动此宝所产生的消耗,应该跟挪移的目标大小,距离远近有关系,体量越大,距离越远,消耗就越多,总之,此宝可用。” Available then good!” Ding Yao relaxes. “可用便行!”丁耀松了口气。 Liang Yulong said: Since available, that matter cannot be delayed, hurrying makes the area inside the Great Wall begin to build, but this Secret Treasure one set of 16, each is so huge, the resources of consumption will not be perhaps few.” 梁玉龙道:“既然可用,那就事不宜迟,赶紧让关内着手打造吧,不过这秘宝一套十六件阵器,每一件阵器都如此巨大,消耗的资源恐怕不会少。” Refines the resources nature that one set of Void Yin-Yang Mirror needs to be many, Yang Kai also shed a blood at that time ruthlessly, but compared to the future harvest, this kind of pays is always worth. 炼制一套虚空阴阳镜需要的资源自然很多,杨开当时也是狠狠出了一把血,不过相对于日后的收获,这样的付出总是值得的。 Zhong Liang hey said: Does not hate the child unable to wrap/sets of the wolf, payout of initial-stage much, the following harvest is bigger, I want to take a look actually, dozens years later Black Ink Clan seizes that several resources production areas, sees bare piece of Void to be what expression.” 钟良嘿道:“舍不得孩子套不着狼,前期的付出越多,后面的收获就越大,我倒是想看看,几十年后墨族重新占领那几处资源产区,看到光秃秃一片虚空会是什么表情。” The people could not bear the daydream, immediately showed the understanding smiling face. 众人忍不住遐想了一下,顿时都露出会意的笑容。 Ding Yao said: I thought that does not need is too many, building ten sets is enough, were many also wasted.” 丁耀道:“我觉得不必太多,打造十套就已足够,多了也是浪费。” Numerous 8-Rank all nod the head: Stands to reason.” 众多八品皆颔首:“言之有理。” Moreover, this treasure the law of refinement then must pass to other mountain passes, this grade of good deed, my Blue Sky Pass naturally cannot monopolize.” “另外,此宝的炼制之法回头也要传给其他关隘,这等好事,我碧落关自然不能一家独享。” This is natural. Before light of Expelling Black Ink Battleship and purification appeared on the market, Blue Sky Pass has then subpoenaed locates the Human Race mountain pass respectively, Expelling Black Ink Battleship this thing, various built, brought to come to Blue Sky Pass from various powerhouses, the light and Universe Formation purification actually must Yang Kai begin personally. “这是自然。之前驱墨舰和净化之光一面世,碧落关便已传讯各处人族关隘,驱墨舰这东西,各家都打造好了,由各家强者带到碧落关来,净化之光和乾坤大阵却非得杨开亲自动手。 If this is not the case, in this each resources extremely precious black ink battlefield, various Human Race mountain passes does not hate to use super Space Law Formation, the transmission personnel communicates. 若非如此,在这每一份资源都极为珍贵的墨之战场,人族各处关隘也舍不得动用超级空间法阵,传送人员来往。 Now this Void Yin-Yang Mirror the law of refinement must certainly share, but does not transmit the martial artist words, the resources that needs to consume will not be many. 如今这虚空阴阳镜的炼制之法肯定也是要分享出去的,不过不传送武者的话,需要消耗的资源就不会太多。 Yang Kai, this matter you make the great merit, making me and other old man blush with shame.” Zhong Liang turns the head to look at Yang Kai, more looks is satisfied, more looks is joyful, since Yang Kai arrives at Blue Sky Pass, how many pleasant surprises brought to them? Zhong Liang pays own is also under the knee not female, if some words, feared that must turn into the son-in-law this boy. 杨开,此事你又立下大功,让我等老朽汗颜啊。”钟良转头望着杨开,越看越是满意,越看越是欣喜,自杨开来到碧落关这边,给他们带来了多少惊喜?钟良自付自己也就是膝下无女,若是有的话,怕是要将这小子变成女婿了。 Yang Kai humble: Many years ago the work of having no intention, can help busily is lucky, Regiment's Commander was serious.” 杨开谦逊一声:“多年前无意之作,能帮到忙已是万幸,军团长严重了。” Zhong Liang stern saying: Void Yin-Yang Mirror can help busy was too big, not only my Blue Sky Pass must take risk to mine the resources, doesn't Human Race which mountain pass need to do that? In the past mined the resources always to have Black Ink Clan to make a harassing attack, must have will have some losses, now had Void Yin-Yang Mirror then not to need to be worried about this.” 钟良正色道:“虚空阴阳镜能帮的忙可是太大了,不但我碧落关这边要冒险开采资源,人族哪一处关隘不需要这么做?以往开采资源总有墨族袭扰,少不得会有一些损失,如今有了虚空阴阳镜便不用担心这点了。” The people all nod the head. 众人皆都颔首。 black ink battlefield was the Black Ink Clan home game, Human Race was too after all difficult here situation, this innumerable years, Human Race can only rely on the danger of mountain pass forever, resisted the repeatedly Black Ink Clan army to attack, each generation of Cave Heaven Paradise must throw Senior group of manpower to support black ink battlefield. 墨之战场毕竟是墨族的主场,人族在这边的处境太艰辛了,这无数年来,人族永远只能凭借关隘之险,抵御一次又一次墨族大军来袭,每一代洞天福地都要投入大批人手支援墨之战场
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