MP :: Volume #51

#5025: How not to take earlier

The refinement original intention of Void Yin-Yang Mirror is the Yang Kai's miraculous glow flashes, is a practice Space Principle many years of crystallization. 虚空阴阳镜的炼制初衷是杨开的灵光一闪,也是自身修行空间法则多年的结晶。 The Secret Treasure weight wrap/sets, one is Yin, one is Yang, is equivalent to the front and back of mirror, indispensable, if arranges successfully, suitable distance, that stimulates to movement the prestige of Secret Treasure to be then equivalent the mirror to reverse, the Yin-Yang exchange, so can achieve long-distance range large-scale transportation. 秘宝分两套,一为阴,一为阳,相当于镜子的正反面,缺一不可,若布置成功,距离合适的话,那催动秘宝之威便相当于将镜子反转过来,阴阳对调,如此便可做到远距离大规模的输送之用。 Black Territory that side condition was extremely harsh, this Void Yin-Yang Mirror itself in view of the Black Territory situation, but refines specially. Now Ore Star in Black Territory has been mined completely, the Yang Kai itself thinks when this set of Secret Treasure will not have the use in the future, has not thought this black ink battlefield, Void Yin-Yang Mirror also has the opportunity unexpectedly. 黑域那边的条件太过苛刻了,这虚空阴阳镜本就是针对黑域的情况而特别炼制的。如今黑域内的矿星已全部被开采完毕,杨开本以为这一套秘宝日后再无动用之时,不曾想到了这墨之战场,虚空阴阳镜居然还有用武之地。 This is happiness of the accidental/surprised. 这可是个意外之喜。 What he arranges in another side is Void Yang Mirror, naturally needs to arrange Void Yin Mirror to Blue Sky Pass. 他在另一边布置的是虚空阳镜,到了碧落关这边自然就需要布置虚空阴镜 After most double-hour, Void Yin Mirror eight have arranged appropriately. 大半个时辰后,虚空阴镜八件阵器已布置妥当。 Zhong Liang waits and sees silently, naturally also sees these eight minute of town/subdues eight side spaces the mystery, is considering secretly, does not know that who these eight stem from the hand, there is any use time, actually sees Yang Kai to move sideways to arrive at Void above suddenly, both hands magic arts transforms, in the mouth explodes drinks one: Gets up!” 钟良默默观望,自然也看出这八件阵器分镇八方空间的玄妙,正暗暗思量,不知这八件阵器到底出自何人之手,又有什么用途的时候,却见杨开忽然闪身来到虚空之上,双手法决变换,口中爆喝一声:“起!” When the words fall, that eight arrange lightens rays of light one by one, buzz the cry continues, with one each article buzz the cry, was started to twist by Void of minute town/subdues eight sides unexpectedly. 话落之时,八件布置下去的阵器逐一点亮光芒,嗡鸣不止,随着一件件阵器的嗡鸣,被分镇八方的虚空竟都开始扭曲。 The rich space fluctuation transmits from that Void. 浓郁的空间波动从那虚空之中传递出来。 The brow that Zhong Liang looks at raises, felt indistinctly when this matter feared to the key, hastily with rapt attention attention. Quick, he then shows the accidental/surprised look, because he as if detected that has a faint trace extremely weak strength, transmits from the extremely remote position, produces resonance with the arrangement in front eight. 钟良看的眉头一扬,隐约感觉此事怕是到了关键之时,连忙凝神关注。很快,他便露出意外的神色,因为他似乎察觉到有一丝丝极为微弱的力量,从极为遥远的方位传来,与布置在面前的八件阵器产生共鸣 This is not the misconception, because the strength of that resonance is unexpectedly getting stronger and stronger, quick then strong is unable to neglect. 这不是错觉,因为那共鸣之力居然越来越强,很快便强的无法忽视。 Some flash, the Zhong Liang eyeball stares, the surprise is looking at the front. 某一瞬间,钟良眼珠子一瞪,诧异地望着前方。 That by eight minute of town/subdues eight sides, being empty Void place, was only presented a partly visible huge shadow unexpectedly towering. 那原本只被八件阵器分镇八方,空无一物的虚空处,竟突兀地出现一个若隐若现的巨大阴影。 He almost thinks that own had the illusion, but looks carefully, really has the huge shadow to appear in the front, moreover more and more congealing reality. 他几乎以为自己产生了幻觉,可仔细瞧去,确实有巨大阴影出现在前方,而且越来越凝实。 The times of more than ten breaths, that partly visible huge shadow congealing reality, frames in place suddenly thoroughly, but divides the town/subdues eight sides eight, rays of light also collects slowly, shuts off with remote location/position resonance. 前后不过十几息的功夫,那若隐若现的巨大阴影陡然凝实,彻底定格在原地,而分镇八方的八件阵器,光芒也徐徐敛去,与遥远位置共鸣就此切断。 The Zhong Liang eyeball stares like the bronze bell, the tongue that almost bites own, over the face shock can be seen in speech and appearance. 钟良眼珠子瞪如铜铃,差点一口咬到自己的舌头,满面震惊溢于言表。 As 8-Rank Open Heaven, the live years are glorious, resist the innumerable years in black ink battlefield here and Black Ink Clan, he is also the experienced person, but sees today, actually hears something never heard of before. 身为八品开天,活的岁月悠久,又在墨之战场这边与墨族抗争无数年,他也算是见多识广之人,可今日所见,却是闻所未闻。 This appears before him towering, is Universe World of stars appearance, the amount of space occupied is impressively huge, Blue Sky Pass in front of this Universe World, only has 10% amounts of space occupied. 这突兀出现在他面前的,赫然是一颗星辰模样的乾坤世界,体量巨大,碧落关在这乾坤世界面前,也不过只有10%的体量罢了。 Although this Universe World did not have vitality, had died, but this truly is Universe World. 虽然这乾坤世界了无生机,已经死去,但这确实是乾坤世界 shuā shuā shuā, in Blue Sky Pass, forms pursue star to catch up moon/month to graze to come, each one shows 8-Rank Open Heaven powerful aura, obviously is detected here exceptionally comes nosing, entire Blue Sky Pass becomes in this flash is also frightened by the slightest sound, instant time entered the readiness condition. 刷刷刷,碧落关内,一道道身影追星赶月般飞掠而来,个个都彰显八品开天的强大气息,显然是察觉到了这边的异常前来查探情况,整个碧落关也在这一瞬间变得风声鹤唳,霎时间进入了备战状态。 What situation?” Eastern Army Regiment's Commander Ding Yao moves sideways to arrive at side Zhong Liang, the congealing sound asked. “什么情况?”东军军团长丁耀闪身来到钟良身边,凝声问道。 Northern Army Regiment's Commander Shentu Mo also asked: Where this does Universe World come?” 北军军团长申屠墨也问道:“这乾坤世界哪来的?” Main house gate presents such Universe World suddenly, was extremely really strange, must inquire the clear reason is not possible. 家门口忽然出现这么一座乾坤世界,实在太过离奇了,非得打探清楚缘由不可。 Facing one both sought information the vision that came, Zhong Liang smiles bitterly, does not know that should give what explanation, let alone, he is also blurrier now, although in the heart had guessed, actually cannot affirm, can only shout one: Yang Boy, rolls to explain!” 面对一双双征询而来的目光,钟良苦笑一声,不知该作何解释,更何况,他如今也迷迷糊糊的,虽然心中已经有所猜测,却不敢肯定,只能喊了一声:“杨小子,滚过来解释一下!” Came.” Yang Kai responds, while organizes to come from the distant place, when the near, advances a ritual: Has seen Sir.” “来了来了。”杨开一边应着,一边从远处腾挪而来,待到近前,先行一礼:“见过诸位大人。” Zhong Liang beckons with the hand saying: Rubbish, said.” 钟良摆手道:“别废话,说说这是怎么回事。” Yang Kai smiled saying with a smile: Is such matter that Sir sees at present, before this Universe World two double-hour, is located in the resources production area of No. 4 base, now was used the method to transfer by me.” Look slightly austere, then said: I think, makes that side the base manpower brave dangers to mine the resources with it, might as well transfers these Universe World to Blue Sky Pass, then, has the entire Blue Sky Pass manpower to mine, the efficiency can be promoted safely enormously.” 杨开笑了笑道:“就是诸位大人眼前看到的这么回事,这一座乾坤世界两个时辰前还位于四号基地的资源产区内,如今被我施展手段挪移了过来。”神色微肃,接着道:“我是这么想的,与其让基地那边的人手担着风险去开采资源,还不如将那些乾坤世界都挪移到碧落关附近,如此一来,有整个碧落关的人手来开采,无论是效率还是安全都能得到极大提升。” Southern Army Liang Yulong hear of eyes of hide jump: You said that this Universe World is you uses the method to transfer? Moreover only spent two double-hour?” 南军梁玉龙听的眼皮子直跳:“你说这乾坤世界是你施展手段挪移过来的?而且只花了两个时辰?” Yang Kai said: Strict, 2.5 minutes time, two double-hour is the time that the arrangement needs.” 杨开道:“严格来说,半柱香时间,两个时辰是布置需要的功夫。” Ding Yao goes forward one step, the eye shines: If so?” 丁耀上前一步,眼睛发亮:“果真如此?” Yang Kai referred to Zhong Liang: Sir Zhong Liang personally sees.” 杨开指了指钟良:“钟良大人亲眼所见。” Vision of one group of people looks toward Zhong Liang, Zhong Liang sincere nod: Good, I look from beginning to end in the eye. Do not ask me, I do not know what method that this boy uses, I only knew him to use some Secret Treasure.” 一群人的目光朝钟良望去,钟良正色点头:“不错,我自始至终都看在眼中。别问我,我也不知这小子用的什么手段,我只知他动用了一些秘宝。” He spoke, Yang Kai has put out a hand a move, divided the town/subdues eight sides eight to change to flowing light instantaneously, grazing the side was not far, 11 dispelled. 他说话间,杨开已经伸手一招,分镇八方的八件阵器瞬间化作流光,飞掠到身边不远出,一一排开。 Audience 8-Rank all sizes up curiously. 一众八品皆都好奇打量起来。 Yang Kai explained: These types are my Secret Treasure half, half keep Universe World original location/position, this Secret Treasure I call make Void Yin-Yang Mirror.” 杨开解释道:“这几样阵器是我那秘宝的一半,还有一半留在乾坤世界原本的位置,此秘宝我唤作虚空阴阳镜。” Also explained the Void Yin-Yang Mirror effectiveness in detail. 又详细地将虚空阴阳镜的效用解释了一遍。 Numerous 8-Rank hears at present shines, Shentu Mo is liberal saying: Good thing, good thing!” 众多八品听的眼前发亮,申屠墨更是不吝赞道:“好东西,好东西啊!” The Ding Yao concern said: As you said that uses this Void Yin-Yang Mirror words, can transfer that side resources production area Universe World?” 丁耀关切道:“如你所说,动用这虚空阴阳镜的话,便可将资源产区那边的乾坤世界挪移回来?” Yang Kai sincere nods: Good.” 杨开正色颔首:“不错。” The people all change countenance, if really so, that clansman does not then need to go out to mine the resources in the future, can definitely return to Blue Sky Pass Universe World, making the area inside the Great Wall manpower go forth to battle to mine, just like before Yang Kai , said that such a lane, regardless of the efficiency can obtain the enormous promotion safely. 众人皆都动容,若真如此的话,那日后族人便不必外出开采资源了,完全可以将一座座乾坤世界送回碧落关这边,让关内人手上阵开采,正如杨开之前所说,这么一弄,无论效率还是安全都能得到极大的提升。 Although this treasure the no strength of opposing the enemy, but to black ink battlefield Human Race, is actually a treasure of contribution to the future. 此宝虽然没有什么对敌之力,但对墨之战场人族来说,却是一件功在千秋的重器。 A Zhong Liang palm of the hand claps on Yang Kai back of the head, ill-humored said/tunnel: This doesn't the thing, how take earlier?” 钟良一巴掌拍在杨开后脑勺上,没好气地道:“这等好东西,怎么不早点拿出来?” A Yang Kai face is speechless: Before had not thought this matter.” He with the Black Ink Clan bloody battle, where has been wanting to obtain this matter before, to the place of mining, remembered suddenly. 杨开一脸无语:“之前也没想过这事。”他之前一直在与墨族血战,哪想得到这事,也是到了开采之地,才忽然想起。 Ding Yao said: This treasure, although is good, but also has a key now.” 丁耀道:“此宝虽好,但如今还有一个关键。” Zhong Liang turns head to look: What key?” 钟良扭头望去:“什么关键?” Ding Yao looks at Yang Kai saying: This Void Yin-Yang Mirror right and wrong you can control to cause, said only then the strength is enough, can others all control to cause?” 丁耀望着杨开道:“这虚空阴阳镜是非你才能驭使,还是说只有实力足够,他人皆可驭使?” If former, no doubt is useful, the use will not be big, has the limit very much, but if the latter, that was the entire Human Race gospel. 若是前者,固然有用,用途也不会太大,很有局限,可若是后者的话,那就是整个人族的福音了。 Some Yang Kai slightly hesitates said: This treasure from building up since, did not have others controlling to cause besides me, although disciple thought that others can also use, but needs to confirm.” 杨开略有些迟疑道:“此宝自炼成至今,除了我之外还没有别人驭使过,虽然弟子觉得其他人也可以使用,但还是需要验证一下。” Ding Yao turns head to look immediately toward Shentu Mo: That side No. 4 base Expelling Black Ink Battleship is Northern Army?” 丁耀立刻扭头朝申屠墨望去:“四号基地那边的驱墨舰北军的吧?” Shentu Mo nods: Good, I run with Yang Boy, confirms.” 申屠墨颔首:“不错,那我就跟杨小子跑一趟,验证一下。” Ding Yao nods: Had the work Shentu brother.” 丁耀颔首:“有劳申屠兄了。” Shentu Mo waves saying: Minor matter, runs about.” Turns head to look to Yang Kai: Boy you first goes back to arrange, I later.” 申屠墨一挥手道:“小事一桩,不过跑跑腿而已。”扭头望向杨开:“小子你先回去布置一番,我随后就到。” Yang Kai understands, holds the fist saying: That awaited respectfully Sir Shentu your honorable self.” 杨开心领神会,抱拳道:“那就恭候申屠大人大驾了。” So saying, received Void Yin Mirror eight, displays the universe secret art, vanishes suddenly does not see. 这般说着,收了虚空阴镜八件阵器,施展乾坤诀,瞬息间消失不见。 After he walks, Shentu Mo also stimulates to movement the universe secret art, colludes Expelling Black Ink Battleship of No. 4 base, transmitted the past. 待他走后,申屠墨也催动乾坤诀,勾连四号基地的驱墨舰,传送了过去。 Zhong Liang looked at not far away that Universe World : This boy also is really a strange skill!” 钟良望了一眼不远处那乾坤世界,啧啧一声:“这小子还真是一身稀奇古怪的本事!” Such Universe World, by their 8-Rank Open Heaven strength, pours also to push slowly from the distant place, the words that but makes, too consumed the strength and time. 这么一座乾坤世界,以他们八品开天的实力,倒也可以慢慢地从远方推送过来,但这么弄的话,就太消耗力量和时间了。 But Yang Kai uses Secret Treasure then to achieve with ease. 杨开只是利用一件秘宝便轻松达成。 Ding Yao nods: Technique many does not press the body, his skill is bigger, to Human Race is the good deed, since he comes since Blue Sky Pass, urges the area inside the Great Wall and even the entire Human Race pattern has changed.” 丁耀颔首:“技多不压身,他本事越大,对人族来说越是好事,自他来碧落关至今,促使关内乃至整个人族的格局都有所变化。” The light of purification, Expelling Black Ink Battleship, Universe Formation, this was various past Human Race mountain passes has not thought that the requirement that is unable to meet, Yang Kai achieved by one's effort, if that Void Yin-Yang Mirror can also popularize, this merit ratio killed two Territory Lord to probably mostly. 净化之光,驱墨舰,乾坤大阵,这是以往人族各处关隘都不曾想到,也无法具备的条件,杨开以一己之力达成,若是那虚空阴阳镜也能普及开来的话,这份功劳比杀一两位域主可要大多了。 Meanwhile, Dawn Battleship is, Yang Kai goes out from the cabin, went to the place of Void Yang Mirror arrangement directly. 与此同时,破晓战舰所在,杨开从船舱内走出,径直去了虚空阳镜布置之地。 Then arrives at side Feng Ying quickly. 很快便来到冯英身旁。 Feng Ying looks at the front, Spiritual Mind is investigating the sensation unceasingly, seem to want to discover what trace from front Void. 冯英怔怔地望着前方,神念不断探查感知着,似乎是想从面前虚空找出什么痕迹来。 Sees Yang Kai to arrive, Feng Ying busy say/way: Junior Brother, that Universe World disappears.” 杨开到来,冯英忙道:“师弟,那乾坤世界不见了。” When some time ago eight twinkling that a moment ago, Yang Kai kept have rays of light, buzz called, entire Universe World started becomes partly visible, when to some moment, that Universe World vanished from the field of vision unexpectedly towering does not see. 就在不久前的刚才,杨开留下来的八件阵器闪烁光芒,嗡鸣之时,整个乾坤世界都开始变得若隐若现,待到某一刻,那乾坤世界竟突兀地从视野之中消失不见。 This may Feng Ying startled heavy, then big Universe World, suddenly went away, she also thinks that own presented the illusion, what also or Yang Kai stays behind is anything arranges Imaginary Formation, how but regardless of she noses, cannot find that Universe World trace. 这一下可把冯英惊的不轻,那么大一座乾坤世界,说没就没了,她还以为自己出现了幻觉,又或者杨开留下的是什么布置幻阵的阵器,但无论她如何查探,也没能找到那乾坤世界的踪影。 Then determined that Universe World really vanished. 这才确定,那乾坤世界是真的消失了。 But she how, if discussed not to think clearly, how entire Universe World vanished does not see, went to where. 可她如论如何也想不明白,一整个乾坤世界是如何消失不见的,又去了何处。 The Yang Kai nod said: Senior Sister is patient, that Universe World was returned to that side Blue Sky Pass by me.” 杨开点头道:“师姐稍安勿躁,那乾坤世界被我送回碧落关那边了。” Feng Ying the mouth opening, the pupil is shocking immediately, a face is unbelievable. 冯英顿时嘴巴张大,眸子震惊,一脸难以置信。 Yang Kai smiled saying with a smile: „Before this is I and Senior Sister , said that if this matter becomes, in the future we do not need to mine the resources here.” 杨开笑了笑道:“这就是我与师姐之前所说,此事若成,日后咱们就不必在这里开采资源了。”
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