MP :: Volume #51

#5024: Has an idea

But Dawn must do now, then mines the commodity that in these Universe World leaves behind, this is a mammoth project, by Dawn the dispositions of more than 30 people, this piece of region dozens Universe World, in dozens years cannot mine now. 晨曦如今要做的,便将这些乾坤世界中遗留下来的物资开采出来,这可是一个浩大的工程,以晨曦如今三十多人的配置,这一片区域数十座乾坤世界,几十年内根本开采不完。 Little said that also needs several hundred years. 少说也要数百年。 Only if that side Blue Sky Pass can increase the manpower to come again, however Blue Sky Pass is important, must remain behind lots of personnel to guard against the Black Ink Clan attack, is impossible to mobilize too many manpower to mine the resources. 除非碧落关那边能再增派人手过来,然而碧落关至关重要,非得留守大量人员以防墨族来袭,根本不可能动用太多人力来开采资源。 Can reassign strength of the army is the limit, strength of the army now this reassigns, all disperses in all directions the resources production area. 能抽调出一军之力已是极限,如今这抽调出来的一军之力,皆都分散在四处资源产区。 Team-Leader, although Black Ink Clan had been expelled this region, but is difficult to guarantee no disbanded soldiers to come to harass, I thought that we do not disperse, takes the squad as the overall action, if so really experiences anything , is good to facilitate the support.” Feng Ying suggested that was also considered that Yang Kai is not familiar with these matters will say, in the past had to have this matter, although the probability was not big, may happen, casualties that is very likely to cause the personnel. 队长,虽说墨族已经被赶出了这一片区域,但难保没有什么散兵游勇前来骚扰,我觉得咱们不要分散开了,还是以小队为整体行动,如此若真遇到什么事,也好方便支援。”冯英建议道,也是考虑到杨开对这些事不熟悉才会这么说,以往不是没发生过这种事,虽然几率不大,可一旦发生,极有可能会造成人员的伤亡。 Listens your.” Yang Kai nods, you felt, we first do begin that?” “听你的。”杨开点点头,“你觉得,咱们先着手那一处?” Feng Ying raised eyes to look into the distance, pointed at amount of space occupied biggest Universe World saying: Where was good, we looked, that side as if there is trace that the Black Ink Clan mining resources stay behind, Black Ink Clan , since mining, explained that this Universe World resources should not be few.” 冯英举目眺望了一下,指着一座体量最大的乾坤世界道:“就哪里好了,我方才看了一下,那边似乎有墨族开采资源留下的痕迹,墨族既然已经在开采了,说明这个乾坤世界的资源应该不会少。” Then had a look on the past.” Yang Kai waves, daybreak immediately spreads toward that Universe World. “那就过去看看吧。”杨开挥了挥手,破晓立刻朝那一座乾坤世界驰去。 After a little while, daybreak anchors in barren hill above, Yang Kai raises eyes to look into the distance, sees only this Universe World deathly stillness, does not have vitality, not only without the least bit living creature, the green does not see the slightest. 少顷,破晓停泊在一处荒山之上,杨开举目眺望,只见这乾坤世界一片死寂,毫无生机,不但没有半点活物,就连绿色也不见分毫。 The black ink battlefield here Universe World world mighty force, had been swallowed by Black Ink Clan completely, without Universe World of the world mighty force, if no a wood, the water without a source, naturally does not have the means to survive. 墨之战场这边的乾坤世界的天地伟力,早就被墨族吞噬殆尽,没有天地伟力的乾坤世界,就如无根之木,无源之水,自然是没办法存活的。 This place really has all sorts of traces that the Black Ink Clan mining resources stay behind, entire universe big piece of area everywhere obviously shatter trace. 此地确实有墨族开采资源留下的种种痕迹,整个乾坤偌大一片疆域处处可见破碎的痕迹。 This scene made Yang Kai remember the situation in Black Prison. 这场景让杨开不禁想起了黑狱中的情况。 In Black Prison is to also be rich in various resources, but these resources all hide in Ore Star, needs some people to collect black stones from Ore Star, serves with the world mighty force to break open the black stone, can hiding the resources in black stone takes out. 黑狱内也是盛产各种资源,不过那些资源皆都隐藏在一颗颗矿星中,需得有人从矿星内采集出一颗颗黑石,施以天地伟力将黑石破开,才能将隐藏在黑石中的资源取出。 Every so often, even spends air/Qi with every effort, in the black stone is still empty, even if has harvested, in the black stone can obtain the what kind Rank resources, still all looks at the luck. 很多时候,即便费尽力气,黑石中也是空无一物,而就算有所收获,黑石中能得到何种品阶的资源,也全看运气。 In Black Prison mines the resources, has the ingredient of very big gambling. 黑狱中开采资源,有很大的赌的成分。 The luck good words, relaxed can result in 6-Rank 7-Rank, even the 8-Rank commodity, the luck is not good, that harvested few. 运气好的话,轻松便可得六品七品,甚至八品的物资,运气不好,那就收获寥寥了。 Before to cope to hide in Black Prison center Black Ink Clan Royal Lord, more than 100 Cave Heaven Paradise collaborated, transferred large numbers of manpower, consumed hundred years of time, mined cleanly entire Black Territory Ore Star, broke the suppression of that super Formation, so that finally with that Black Ink Clan Royal Lord battle, during this , the resources that harvested were inconceivable simply. 之前为了对付藏身在黑狱中心的墨族王主,一百多家洞天福地联手,调动了大批人手,耗费百年时间,将整个黑域矿星都开采干净,破了那超级大阵的压制,以便最后与那墨族王主的争斗,这期间收获的资源简直难以想象。 But these resources, all fall into the High Heaven Palace belt-bag now, can say that Cave Heaven Paradise is helps High Heaven Palace strive, otherwise only High Heaven Palace and Luan Baifeng strength, even consumes for several thousand over ten thousand years, is still not necessarily able to mine cleanly Black Territory. 而这些资源,如今全都落入了凌霄宫的腰包,可以说洞天福地算是帮凌霄宫出了一把力,否则单凭凌霄宫栾白凤手下的力量,即便耗费数千上万年,也未必能把黑域开采干净。 At this matter, High Heaven Palace is takes advantage, but Yang Kai fell into the Black Prison prisoner's cage at that time solitarily, suppresses that Black Ink Clan Royal Lord, is Cave Heaven Paradise to his compensation. 在这件事上,凌霄宫是占了大便宜的,不过当时杨开只身陷入黑狱囚笼中,压制那墨族王主,算是洞天福地对他的补偿。 Now Universe World of this stretch of resources production area, in these Ore Star with Black Territory basically have no difference. 如今这一片资源产区的一座座乾坤世界,与黑域中的那些矿星基本没什么区别。 Here will not have what black stone, mines what resources, is what resources, does not need to bet the own luck quality. 只是这里不会有什么黑石,开采出什么资源,便是什么资源,无需去赌自己的运气好坏。 Remembers Black Territory, the Yang Kai heart moves, own initially to let Luan Baifeng these mined Ore Star hand/subordinate safely, but also refined one set of Secret Treasure that specially transferred Ore Star is coming, Void Yin-Yang Mirror did not have other use, in this case, can transfer from very far distance entire Ore Star. 想起黑域,杨开心头一动,自己当初为了让栾白凤的那些手下安心开采矿星,还特意炼制了一套挪移矿星秘宝来着,虚空阴阳镜没别的用处,就是用在这种情况下,可以将一整个矿星从很远的距离挪移过去。 Is the Black Territory situation, how similar to the present? 黑域的情况,与眼下何其相似? Is thinking, only listens to Feng Ying saying: Team-Leader, the area inside the Great Wall has the custom, resources that no matter who mines, so long as uses in own practice, all may use at will, there is many, needs to turn in the area inside the Great Wall, can not hide contraband. Dawn is more than other team personnel, can we be divided into several batch of mining? When others mine the resources, remains behind several people to stand guard the four directions.” 正思索间,只听冯英道:“队长,关内有规矩,不管是谁开采出来的资源,只要是用在自身修炼中,皆可随意取用,有多的,才需要上缴关内,不得藏私。晨曦比别的队伍人员要多一些,咱们是不是可以分成数批开采?其他人开采资源之时,留守几个人警戒四方。” Some Yang Kai absent-minded tunnels: Un, you arrange, nearby I go to nosing nosing.” 杨开有些心不在焉地道:“嗯,你安排吧,我去附近查探查探。” So saying, is soaring to the heavens to go. 这般说着,冲天而去。 If his idea is feasible, that does not need to stay here to mine what resources. Only needs to transfer here stars to Blue Sky Pass, quick will mine, after all that side Blue Sky Pass may still more than 20,000 people remain, mines the efficiency to be possible their thirty individuals slowly here high are too more. 若他的想法可行的话,那就没必要留在这里开采什么资源了。只需要将这里的一颗颗星辰挪移到碧落关附近,很快就会开采完毕,毕竟碧落关那边可依然有两万多人留守,比他们三十几个人慢慢在这里开采效率可高的太多。 Member all stunned, does not know that Yang Kai this is must make anything. 一众队员皆都愕然,不知杨开这是要去做什么。 Shen Ao said: Our Team-Leader is mystical, what is this must make to go?” 沈敖道:“咱们队长神神秘秘的,这是要做什么去?” Feng Ying shakes the head: not clear, his Team-Leader works as, is ineffective, ok, no matter first he.” During the speeches, is divided into six squads more than 30 people, each squad had to assign 7-Rank Open Heaven, the value defended in turn, to guard the Black Ink Clan sneak attack, when some squad value defended, others can mine the resources safely. 冯英摇头:“不清楚,他这队长当的,也太不管事了,算了,先不管他。”说话间,将三十多人分成六个小队,每一个小队都有分配了一位七品开天,轮流值守,以防有墨族偷袭,在某一个小队值守的时候,其他人便可安心开采资源。 After all later also treats here for dozens years, the value defends can also practice, strengthen the strength, so as to avoid idly spent the time. 毕竟以后还在这里待上数十年,值守的时候也可以修行,增强自身实力,免得虚度了光阴。 After waiting for Feng Ying to assign, the people perform its own functions immediately, but Feng Ying follows the direction that Yang Kai departs, pursued, wants to have a look at him to do. 冯英分配好之后,众人立刻各司其职,而冯英则循着杨开离去的方向,追了出去,想看看他在干什么。 On this occasion, Yang Kai has arrived around neighboring Universe World. 值此之时,杨开已来到邻近的一座乾坤世界附近。 Before having had, transfers the experience of Ore Star in Black Prison, Yang Kai naturally has a familiar task and handles it with ease to this matter, now only what is unable to determine, here was away from Blue Sky Pass is still far, does not know whether Void Yin-Yang Mirror can support transferring of such long-distance range. 有过之前在黑狱挪移矿星的经验,杨开对这种事自然是驾轻就熟,如今唯一无法确定的是,此处距离碧落关尚远,不知虚空阴阳镜是否能够支撑这么远距离的挪移。 However must try to be able after all to determine. 不过总归是要试一试才能确定。 Void Yin-Yang Mirror a total of 16, are divided the Yin-Yang two sets, each set is eight, initially was intended to refine by him personally, afterward in the Great Evolution Paradise ruins, Troublesome Grandmaster again tempering, before effect . 虚空阴阳镜总共十六件阵器,分阴阳两套,每一套都是八件,当初由他亲自出手炼制,后来在大衍福地的遗址中,又得麻烦大师重新淬炼过,功效远甚之前。 When is nosing, flowing light plunders together suddenly from the distant place, Yang Kai looks, recognizing that is Feng Ying. 正在查探之时,一道流光忽然从远方掠来,杨开偏头望去,认出那是冯英 When the near, reveals the form, Feng Ying curious saying: What do you make here?” 待到近前,露出身影,冯英好奇道:“你在这里做什么?” Yang Kai said: Has an idea, you came happen, to help me look at the period of time here.” 杨开道:“有个想法,你来了正好,在这里帮我看一阵子。” Feng Ying nods. 冯英颔首。 Yang Kai acts immediately, takes out Void Yang Mirror eight, 11 arranges. 杨开立刻施为,取出虚空阳镜八件阵器,一一着手布置。 About a double-hour, eight have then arranged in a hurry appropriately, Feng Ying waits and sees from beginning to end, the complexion gradually is also dignified. 匆匆一个时辰左右,八件阵器便已布置妥当,冯英从头到尾观望,脸色也逐渐凝重。 Although her not clear Yang Kai is doing, but that eight minute of town/subdues eight sides, front this Universe World will solidly have locked, obviously has what big handiwork. 虽然她不清楚杨开在干什么,但那八件阵器分镇八方,已将面前这一座乾坤世界牢牢锁定,显然是有什么大手笔 , Yang Kai comes towering before her: Continues looks at, I return to area inside the Great Wall.” 刷地一下,杨开突兀地现身在她面前:“继续看着,我回关内一趟。” Returns to the area inside the Great Wall?” Feng Ying is startled, what returns to the area inside the Great Wall to make?” “回关内?”冯英吃了一惊,“回关内做什么?” Good deed!” Yang Kai keeps guessing, this matter, if becomes, we do not need laborious to mine what resources here.” “好事!”杨开卖了个关子,“此事若成,咱们就不必辛苦在这里开采什么资源了。” So saying, in the hand magic arts is transforming, has just like stimulated to movement the universe secret art. 这般说着,手中法决变换,俨然已催动了乾坤诀。 Feng Ying also treats asked again, the Yang Kai under foot has presented great, rays of light submerged his figure, when rays of light diverges, the person has disappeared does not see. 冯英还待再问,杨开脚下已出现了巨阵,光芒将他身形淹没,待光芒散去时,人已消失不见。 Feng Ying shakes the head, does not know that Yang Kai is doing anything, now mines the resources the golden opportunity, every time wastes time, possibly wastes many resources. However she also knows, the Yang Kai behavior is not definitely aimless, immediately the patience waits. 冯英不禁摇头,也不知杨开到底在搞什么,如今正是开采资源的大好时机,每浪费一点时间,都可能浪费掉许多资源。不过她也知道,杨开所为肯定不是无的放矢,当下耐心等待起来。 But is puzzled throughout, if what matter became, does not need to mine the resources, does not mine, can that resources own brave? 只不过始终不解,什么事若是成了,就不必开采资源了,不开采的话,那资源能自己冒出来吗? Meanwhile, in Expelling Black Ink Battleship that Blue Sky Pass builds at first, the Yang Kai form reveals. 与此同时,碧落关最初打造的驱墨舰中,杨开身影显露出来。 Other mountain pass all four Expelling Black Ink Battleship, various southeast western Northern Army lead(er). 其他关隘皆都只有四艘驱墨舰,东南西北军各领一艘。 Only has Blue Sky Pass five, because most starts the time, here built experimental Expelling Black Ink Battleship, Expelling Black Ink Battleship that in the future will be born, all took this as the main source. 唯有碧落关有五艘,因为最开始时候,这边就打造出了一艘试验型的驱墨舰,往后诞生的驱墨舰,皆是以此为蓝本。 Now the base in resources production area, Expelling Black Ink Battleship assumes personal command everywhere respectively, Expelling Black Ink Battleship that this builds at first, stayed in the area inside the Great Wall, happen to facilitates the Yang Kai communication. 如今四处资源产区的基地,各有一艘驱墨舰坐镇,这最初打造的驱墨舰,就留在了关内,正好方便杨开来往。 Goes out from Expelling Black Ink Battleship, Yang Kai goes to the Western Army town/subdues mansion division immediately. 驱墨舰中走出,杨开立刻前往西军镇府司。 Zhong Liang is processing the official business, sees him to arrive cannot bear be startled: How did your boy come back? Shouldn't you that side No. 4 base?” 钟良正在处理公务,见他到来忍不住吃了一惊:“你小子怎么回来了?你不是应该在四号基地那边吗?” During the speeches, the complexion slightly changes: Can it be that does that side have an accident?” 说话间,脸色微微一变:“那边莫不是出了什么事?” Yang Kai astonished: „Hasn't Regiment's Commander received that side combat report?” 杨开讶然:“军团长没接到那边的战报?” Zhong Liang said: Had naturally received, did not say that has hit that side?” 钟良道:“自然是早就接到了,不是说已经把那边打下来了?” Yang Kai nods: Truly hit, now that side is mining the resources.” 杨开点头:“确实打下来了,如今那边正在开采资源。” Zhong Liang shouted the tone: Frightens Old Man to jump, but also thinks that had an accident. Has hit, you do not mine the resources in that side, runs to do.” 钟良呼了口气:“吓老夫一跳,还以为出什么事了。既已打下来,你不在那边开采资源,跑回来作甚。” Yang Kai said: Does not explain, but also asked Regiment's Commander to go out along with me together, if this matter became, was huge to the area inside the Great Wall advantage.” 杨开道:“说不明白,还请军团长随我一同出关,此事若成,对关内好处巨大。” The Zhong Liang brow raises: What advantage?” 钟良眉头一扬:“什么好处?” Yang Kai shakes the head saying: Without becoming, said also uselessly, if became, the Regiment's Commander selfenergy sees with one's own eyes.” 杨开摇头道:“若没成,说也无用,若成了,军团长自能亲眼看到。” Mysterious.” Zhong Liang snort/hum, set out saying: „, Then has a look as you like.” “故弄玄虚。”钟良哼了一声,起身道:“也罢,便随你去看看。” If others said, Zhong Liang must first make him say first four earthly branches, he as Regiment's Commander, takes constant care of many affairs of sate, where has this many time waste? However considering Yang Kai these years all sorts of performance, often has the astonishing action, heard had the direct relations in No. 4 base that side two Territory Lord death with him other day, immediately then bore the temper. 若是其他人这么说,钟良非得先让他道出个子丑寅卯来,他身为军团长,日理万机,哪有这许多功夫浪费?不过考虑到杨开这些年的种种表现,每每都有惊人之举,听闻日前在四号基地那边两个域主的死都与他有直接的关系,当下便耐起性子。 Quick, two people then had/left Blue Sky Pass, arrives at the outside Void place. 很快,两人便出了碧落关,来到外间虚空处。 Zhong Liang turned head to sweep one, knit the brows: „Does boy, what want Old Man to look at? Now can demonstrate.” 钟良扭头扫了一眼,皱眉道:“小子,要老夫看什么?现在可以展示出来了。” Regiment's Commander waits a bit.” Yang Kai said that starts to arrange Void Yin Mirror immediately. 军团长稍等。”杨开道了一声,立刻开始着实布置虚空阴镜
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