MP :: Volume #51

#5023: Win

Belt goes back the training!” Zha Hu told one. “带回去修养!”查虎吩咐一声。 Feng Ying receives an order, holds Yang Kai, the figure organizes to return daybreak, places in the cabin peaceful room. 冯英领命,将杨开抱起,身形腾挪返回破晓中,安置在船舱静室内。 Another side, sees with own eyes the consanguineous tragic death with two Territory Lord that Xie Xiuping and Lu An fight in the Zha Hu subordinate, all has a big shock, which also dares to continue to pester what? Makes a feint in abundance, displays escape methods to retreat. 另一边,与谢修平卢安交手的两位域主眼见同族惨死在查虎手下,皆都大惊失色,哪还敢继续纠缠什么?纷纷虚晃一招,施展遁法撤退。 Xie Xiuping and Lu An are in hot pursuit, two people also knows, words that Territory Lord flees wholeheartedly, they impossible others how, but pursued. 谢修平卢安紧追不舍,两人也知道,域主一心遁逃的话,他们不可能将人家怎么样,但还是追了出去。 Waits for Zha Hu to nose Yang Kai here situation, wants to support Xie Xiuping and Lu An again time, this two 8-Rank and 8-Rank liangs Territory Lord has disappeared. 查虎查探完杨开这边的情况,再想去支援谢修平卢安的时候,这两位八品域主都已经不见踪影了。 Zha Hu cold snort, the vision goes to that chaotic battlefield, the figure like the electricity, rushed. 查虎冷哼一声,目光投向那混乱的战场,身形如电,直直地闯了进去。 The Black Ink Clan army had assumed the loss, how long even without the Zha Hu aid could not support, now are also many 8-Rank Open Heaven, how could was the opponent? 墨族大军本就已呈败势,即便没有查虎的援手也支撑不了多久,如今又多了一个八品开天,岂能是对手? Large quantities of Black Ink Clan were killed, minority some Black Ink Clan are not according to the circumstances wonderful, scatters in all directions to escape, after all ran including oneself Territory Lord, they continue to remain to wait for death. 大批墨族被杀,少数一些墨族见机不妙,四散而逃,毕竟连自家域主都跑了,他们继续留下来只是等死。 Around Zha Hu pursued the half day, killed some surviving members, this returns. 查虎四面追击了半日,杀了一些余孽,这才返回。 less than half a day later, the war rests, on large ship Battleship, the Human Race officers look around, in Void proliferates the Black Ink Clan cutting off limb wreckage, although Human Race Battleship also has the breakage, falls over a hundred Open Heaven Stage, but compared to Black Ink Clan, this loss almost can ignore. 小半日后,战事告歇,一艘艘楼船战舰上,人族将士举目四望,虚空中遍布墨族的断肢残骸,虽说人族这边战舰也多有破损,更陨落了上百位开天境,但相对于墨族来说,这点损失几乎可以忽略不计。 This service, Human Race wins. 此一役,人族大胜。 The cheers resound from large ships on, public sentiment in exhilaration. 欢呼声自一艘艘楼船上响起,群情振奋。 Victory that this fights, means that the person Blue Sky Pass officers took this stretch of resources production area finally, over about next dozens years, can mine the resources safely here. 这一战的胜利,意味着人碧落关的将士终于拿下了这一片资源产区,在未来的几十年来,可以安心地在这里开采资源。 This victory is hard-won, consumed many clansman fresh blood to pave. 这胜利来之不易,是耗费了不少族人鲜血铺就。 Cleans battlefield, takes inventory the casualties, under the management of several 8-Rank, large ships returns slowly. 打扫战场,清点伤亡,在几位八品的主持下,一艘艘楼船徐徐返航。 When Yang Kai wakes up again, when several days later, has opened eyes, only felt that which hurts from top to bottom, moves the body slightly, is the sore whole body sweats, the five main internal organs (entrails) such as burnt down generally. 杨开再次醒来的时候,已是数日之后,睁眼之时,只感觉浑身上下哪哪都疼,稍微动一下身子,便是疼的全身冒汗,五脏六腑更如火烧了一般。 Team-Leader awoke, told Garrison's Chief quickly.” A sound conveys, Yang Kai turns head to look, in the dim field of vision the inverted image has together the somewhat familiar shadow. 队长醒了,快去告诉总镇们。”一个声音传来,杨开扭头望去,朦胧的视野中倒影出一道有些熟悉的影子。 Waited for the field of vision to restore clear and bright, Yang Kai saw clearly this is Feng Ying. 等视野恢复了清明,杨开才看清这是冯英 In the pupil full is concerned with joyful, Feng Ying urgently urgently asked Team-Leader, how felt?” 眸子里满是关切和欣喜,冯英急急问道“队长,感觉怎么样?” Yang Kai nosed slightly a condition, pulling corners of the mouth who are you?” 杨开稍稍查探了一下自身状态,扯了扯嘴角“你是谁?” Feng Ying changed complexion immediately Team-Leader, I am Feng Ying, don't you know?” 冯英当即变了脸色“队长,我是冯英啊,你不认识了?” Yang Kai decides is looking at her, as if a looks at stranger. 杨开定定地瞧着她,仿佛看着一个陌生人。 Feng Ying then really flustered, is not knowing this/should should do time, Yang Kai cracked into a smile suddenly jokes with you, do not take seriously.” 冯英这下是真的慌了,正不知该如何是好的时候,杨开忽然咧嘴一笑“跟你开个玩笑,别当真。” Feng Ying first is stunned, at once stares his one eyes ill-humoredly. 冯英先是愕然,旋即没好气地瞪他一眼。 Then at this time, some people pushed the door to enter, did the Zha Hu sound resound Yang Boy to awake?” Obviously was obtains the news then to catch up immediately. 便在这时,有人推门而入,查虎的声音响起“杨小子醒了?”显然是得到消息便立刻赶来了。 Yang Kai struggles must set out, Zha Hu put out a hand to stroke, making him lie down going back your injury to be heavy, honest, how felt?” 杨开挣扎着要起身,查虎伸手一拂,让他又躺了回去“你伤势不轻,老实点吧,感觉怎么样?” Feng Ying air/Qi the whoosh, whoosh said/tunnel „should no issue, knows that cracks a joke with me.” 冯英咻咻地道“应该没什么问题,都知道与我开玩笑。” Zha Hu is puzzled, searches the hand to build on Yang Kai's hand wrist, the immersion mind noses, after the moment, receives the hand, slightly somewhat shocks say/way carries dragon vein worthily, this vitality is really powerful.” 查虎不解,探手搭在杨开的手腕上,沉浸心神查探起来,片刻后收手,略有些震撼道“不愧是身负龙脉,这生命力果然强大。” In fact, days before Yang Kai, when that Territory Lord strikes the heavily damaged stupor fierce, vitality is gloomy, nearly without, that condition distance dies is not far. 事实上,前几日杨开在那域主凶猛一击下重创昏迷的时候,生机暗淡,近乎于无,那种状态距离死已经不远了。 Traded to make any 7-Rank to receive such serious injury, the falls probability had 70% fully. 换做任何一个七品受了那样严重的伤势,陨落的几率足有70%。 However these days time get down, Yang Kai's vitality one day strong on the 1st, when woke to today's own unexpectedly, although aura is weak, but this life actually unobstructive. 然而这几日时间下来,杨开的生机一日强过一日,待到今日居然自己醒过来了,虽然气息还是虚弱,可这性命却是无碍了。 Zha Hu also has to sigh with emotion one, the strength of dragon vein restores the aspect really to have the exceptional superiority in healing, secret consideration, this boy, so long as did not receive anything immediately the lethal injury, can quickly get back by his physical quality. 查虎也不得不感慨一声,龙脉之力在疗伤恢复方面果然有着得天独厚的优势,暗暗思量,这小子只要不是受了什么立刻致死的伤势,以他的身体素质都能迅速恢复过来。 Garrison's Chief Cha, war how?” Yang Kai asked kindly, his memory also stays when own attacks Territory Lord that escapes, the following matter does not know totally. 査总镇,战事怎样?”杨开关切地问了一声,他的记忆还停留在自己袭击那逃亡的域主之时,后面的事情就一概不知了。 The Zha Hu say/way Black Ink Clan assumes Territory Lord of this region, only then four, Chasing Wind killed by you and Bai Yi, days before on battlefield, you and Bai Yi assisted, I killed one, was only left over two Territory Lord, how they can the enemy, after that they escape, Black Ink Clan almost by kill to the last one/being ruthless, we were also won.” 查虎道“墨族坐镇这一片区域的域主只有四个,逐风被你和白羿杀了,前几日战场上,得你和白羿相助,我又杀了一个,就只剩下两个域主了,他们如何能敌,在那之后,他们就已经逃了,墨族也几乎被赶尽杀绝,咱们赢了。” Yang Kai relaxes immediately won well.” 杨开顿时松了口气“赢了就好。” Although had expected to this result, may hear or rush with one's own ears rouses. 尽管对这结果有所预料,可亲耳听到还是赶到振奋。 Zha Hu slightly hesitates, opens the mouth say/way Yang Kai, I know you is quite self-confident about my strength, self-confidence is often proud, every so often is not necessarily able to make the correct choice, this time is the luck is good, next time? You now are one team of Team-Leader, your choice not just relates to you safety, every so often also relates to the life or death of entire squad, in the future will handle affairs, is sure to remember carefully for on!” 查虎略一沉吟,开口道“杨开,我知你对自身实力极为自信,自信者往往自负,很多时候未必能做出正确的选择,这一次是运气好,下一次呢?你如今是一队队长,你的选择不单单关系到你一人的安危,很多时候也关系到整个小队的存亡,日后行事,切记小心为上!” I remembered.” Yang Kai listens respectfully modestly. “我记下了。”杨开虚心聆听。 No matter Zha Hu also he does have really perceives, the racket his shoulder say/way heals from a wound well, here resources production area has taken, recently in dozens years were nothing big wars, increased the strength as soon as possible, behind day can cut to kill many Black Ink Clan.” 查虎也不管他有没有真的听进去,拍拍他的肩膀道“好好养伤吧,这边的资源产区已经拿下,最近数十年内是没有什么大战事的,尽快增加自身实力,日后方能斩杀更多的墨族。” Yes!” “是!” Zha Hu just now departs, the gate outside crash-bang wells up a large crowd, all beams with joy, impressively is the Dawn team members. 查虎方才离去,门外便哗啦啦涌进来一大批人,个个眉开眼笑,赫然是晨曦的队员们。 Yang Kai sweeps off the eye, discovers except own beside, 35 people, many many, push full to the brim this not big room, this felt relieved. 杨开把眼扫去,发现除去自己之外,三十五个人,一个不多一个不少,将这不大的屋子挤得满满当当,这才放下心来。 Previously with the Black Ink Clan war time, he once saw that with own eyes has scene that the squad large ship was hit to explode, once lost the asylum of large ship, under high-rank Open Heaven was very of difficult the strength self-preservation in such chaotic battlefield, 6-Rank was better, if 5-Rank can not neighbor aiding of team, unable to insist that more than ten breaths then wanted falls. 此前与墨族大战的时候,他曾亲眼见到有小队楼船被打爆的场景,而一旦失去了楼船的庇护,上品开天之下在那样混乱的战场中是很难有自保之力的,六品还好一些,五品若不得附近队伍的接应,坚持不了十几息便要陨落 Dawn Battleship is unusual, daybreak the performance is powerful, a participation such war but is actually that unexpected the risk was hit to explode, is perfect by the squad members. 晨曦战舰毕竟不同寻常,破晓性能强大,参与那样一场战事倒不虞被打爆的风险,是以小队成员个个健全。 However by some wounds is unavoidable, particularly Shen Ao and other go out with Black Ink Clan 7-Rank that struggles to kill, each one injuries vary. 不过受些伤是在所难免的,尤其是沈敖等几个出去与墨族争杀的七品,个个都伤势不一。 But this war, Dawn performed a big merit, particularly finally cut to kill that Territory Lord, Bai Yi and Bai Yi liangs strikes created the opportunity of sure-kill to Zha Hu. 而这一战,晨曦又立下了不小的功劳,尤其是最后斩杀那域主,白羿击可谓是给查虎创造了绝杀的机会。 The this kind of merit makes other teams envy, is actually too difficult to learn, after all is not every 7-Rank has two people such skill. 这样的功劳让其他队伍羡慕不已,却又学不来,毕竟不是每个七品都有两人那样的本事。 Looks at the people concerned look, Yang Kai is comforting say/way I to be all right, but needs to rest some days, everyone also goes to the healing training respectively.” 瞧着众人关切的眼神,杨开宽慰道“我没事,只是需要休息些日子,大家也各自去疗伤修养吧。” The people then diverge, Feng Ying remained alone. 众人这才散去,冯英独自留了下来。 Yang Kai looks at her say/way „the Senior Sister corners of the mouth to have a smile, what celebration this has?” 杨开瞧她一眼道“师姐嘴角含笑,这是有什么喜事?” Did Feng Ying lose to say with a smile this to look?” 冯英失笑道“这都看出来了?” Really has the celebration?” Yang Kai stunned. “真有喜事?”杨开愕然 Feng Ying nods „the merit that this time war Dawn performs to be big, several Garrison's Chief think gratefully in this, rationed us a bountiful resources discrimination specially, only waited for our here to restore the training to finish, can go to mine.” 冯英点点头“这一次战事晨曦立下的功劳不小,几位总镇感念于此,特意将一处富饶的资源区分配给了我们,只等咱们这边恢复修养完毕,便可前去开采了。” Yang Kai understands clearly immediately so that's how it is.” 杨开顿时了然“原来如此。” Before that war, for is the control of this stretch of resources production area competes, since Human Race won the victory, that this stretch of resources production area naturally belonged to Human Race. 之前那一场大战,为的就是这一片资源产区的控制权争夺,人族既然赢的了胜利,那这一片资源产区自然就归属人族了。 War already, remaining is the mining resources, which team mines which position, naturally must first determine, cannot the chaotic revolutions, each other raid everywhere. 战事已了,剩下的就是要开采资源,哪一支队伍开采哪一个方位的,自然是要先确定下来,总不能四处乱转,彼此哄抢。 However always has the barren and bountiful division in this resources production area different regions, the merit that Dawn performs is biggest, that most bountiful region then assigned to Dawn. 然而在这一片资源产区不同的区域总有贫瘠和富饶之分,晨曦立下的功劳最大,那最富饶的区域便分配给了晨曦 Then, the resources that Dawn mines can also turn to Blue Sky Pass, changes to the meritorious military service. 如此一来,晨曦开采出来的资源也可以上缴给碧落关,化作战功。 Garrison's Chief had a mind.” Yang Kai said one. 总镇们有心了。”杨开道了一声。 That Team-Leader you first rest quite, when you replied our again set out.” “那队长你先好生休息,待你回复了咱们再出发。” Good!” Yang Kai from unobjectionable. “好!”杨开自无异议。 If after is ten days, Yang Kai almost restored, the squad members also basically training finished. 如是十日之后,杨开差不多恢复了过来,小队成员们也都基本上修养完毕。 Yang Kai first is assumes this place that side Xu Boliang to greet, this then gets the Dawn team members toward assigning the good that region sets out. 杨开先是去坐镇此地的徐伯良那边打了个招呼,这便领着晨曦的队员们朝分配好的那一片区域进发。 Assigns to the Dawn region from a base almost three days distance, although the distance is somewhat far, but wins in the rich resources, so long as can calm the mind to mine, dozens years of time can always accumulate large quantities of resources. 分配给晨曦的区域距离基地差不多三日路程,虽然距离有些远,但胜在资源丰富,只要能静下心来开采,几十年时间总能积累大批资源的。 Also has the security along the road, although previous time fights the Black Ink Clan rout to turn over, but difficult insurance here no fish slip through to jump to cause trouble. 沿路也有警戒,虽然上次一战墨族大败而归,但难保这边没有什么漏网之鱼跳出来作祟。 Is good because of uneventfully, Black Ink Clan ate the new defeat, has probably really withdrawn from this stretch of resources production area. 好在一路风平浪静,墨族吃了新败,好像真的已经撤出这一片资源产区了。 After two days, in the deck, Yang Kai compares in the own hand Universe Chart location/position, determined that this place then assigns to the Dawn region, immediately the verbal command daybreak stops. 两日后,甲板上,杨开对照自己手中乾坤图位置,确定此地便是分配给晨曦的区域,当即号令破晓停下。 Stands raises eyes to look into the distance in the deck, in the field of vision, in Void, the every big and small stars have dozens fully, that each stars are Universe World. 站在甲板上举目眺望,视野之中,虚空之内,大大小小的星辰足有数十颗,那每一颗星辰都是一座乾坤世界 If these stars place in 3000 Worlds, that surely is lively place. 如果这些星辰放在三千世界中,那定是一处繁华之地。 However here is black ink battlefield, Black Ink Clan takes the world mighty force as the food, any Universe World world mighty force had been swallowed by Black Ink Clan completely, therefore these Universe World all bleak ruined, does not see vitality, without living creature. 然而这里是墨之战场,墨族以天地伟力为食,任何一座乾坤世界的天地伟力都已被墨族吞噬殆尽,所以这些乾坤世界皆都萧条破败,不见生机,没有活物。 Although does not have the living creature, the world mighty force is also nothing left, but after these Universe World died, various resources that breed actually preserved. 虽说没有活物,天地伟力也都荡然无存,但在这些乾坤世界死亡之后,孕育出来的各种资源却是保存了下来。 Human Race martial artist needs to do, has searched everywhere from this Universe World that died these resources. 人族武者需要做的,就是将这些资源从这一处处已经死去的乾坤世界中寻觅出来。 Not only Human Race is doing, Black Ink Clan seizes this stretch of resources production area time is also doing, because the Black Ink Nest energy also needs various resources to transform to come. 不但人族在做,墨族占领这一片资源产区的时候也在做,因为墨巢的能量也是需要各种资源转化而来的。 Really productivity!” Yang Kai is looking at the present scene, sighs with emotion one. “果然丰饶!”杨开望着眼前的景象,感慨一声。 This sees to see then dozens Universe World, the resources that contains where naturally cannot be short to go. 这入目所见便有几十座乾坤世界,其中蕴藏的资源自然不会少到哪去。 .
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