MP :: Volume #51

#5022: I help you

To Zha Hu, even if this time cannot massacre this Black Ink Clan Territory Lord, still wants him to roll in Black Ink Nest surely training dozens over a hundred years. 查虎来说,此番就算杀不掉这个墨族域主,也定要他滚回墨巢中修养数十上百年。 time passes, the fierce combat is especially luxurious. 时间流逝,激战尤酣。 The Black Ink Clan army routs. 墨族大军大败。 Gathers had about 20,000 people at Black Ink Clan of this region, this moment quantity reduced the larger part, although died mostly is low-rank Black Ink Clan and high-rank Black Ink Clan, the Black Ink Clan damage of feudal lord rank is not too big, but the victory of Human Race was unable to prevent. 聚集在这一片区域的墨族原本有将近两万人,此刻数量足足减少了一大半,虽说死去的大多都是下位墨族和上位墨族,领主级别的墨族损伤不是太大,但人族的胜利已经无法阻挡了。 What makes their unendurable is, pays such deeply grieved price, the obtained victory actually has nothing worthwhile. 更让他们难以忍受的是,付出这么惨痛的代价,取得的战果却是乏善可陈。 Cannot transform any black ink disciple not saying that is Human Race these martial artist, cannot massacre many. 没能转化任何一个墨徒不说,便是人族那些武者,也没能杀掉多少。 Temporary palace Secret Treasure was too big in the role that on this kind of battlefield played, all 5-Rank 6-Rank Open Heaven, under the asylum of respective squad Battleship, only have 7-Rank to come to kill the enemy. 行宫秘宝这样的战场上发挥出来的作用委实太大了,所有五品六品开天,都在各自小队战舰的庇护之下,唯有七品才会现身杀敌。 Does not hit to explode these Battleship, gave up any idea of radically strikes to kill Human Race anyone. 不将那些战舰打爆,根本休想击杀人族任何一人。 But temporary palace Secret Treasure is the strength of protection powerful, wants to hit to explode is also easier said than done? 但行宫秘宝的防护之力强悍,想要打爆又谈何容易? The fierce combat small half day time, was hit Human Race Battleship that explodes by Black Ink Clan, although more than 30, but neighbor aiding of squad, these lose the Battleship squad still to have the strength of again war, falls Human Race even is less than hundred people, moreover 7-Rank does not have. 激战小半日功夫,被墨族打爆的人族战舰虽有三十多艘,但得附近小队的接应,这些失去战舰的小队依然有再战之力,陨落人族甚至不到百人,而且其中一个七品都没有。 This is also Black Ink Clan hates extremely, and even covets the Human Race temporary palace Secret Treasure reason, if not for temporary palace Secret Treasure, various Human Race mountain passes had been attacked and captured by Black Ink Clan, Human Race also where has the skill and Black Ink Clan resists this innumerable years? 这也是墨族极为痛恨,乃至觊觎人族行宫秘宝的原因,若不是行宫秘宝,人族各处关隘早就被墨族攻克了,人族又哪有本事与墨族抗争这无数年? Black Ink Clan has to think the refinement belongs to own temporary palace Secret Treasure, if Black Ink Clan also has own temporary palace Secret Treasure, these low-rank Black Ink Clan and high-rank Black Ink Clan then can display far to exceed their strength, this innumerable years, Black Ink Clan toward this direction is also trying hard unremittingly. 墨族不是没想过炼制属于自己的行宫秘宝,若是墨族也有自己的行宫秘宝,那些下位墨族和上位墨族便能发挥出远超自身的力量,这无数年来,墨族也在朝这个方向不懈地努力。 However Human Race to refining temporary palace Secret Treasure this matter strictly checks, all Item Refining Expert that participates in refinement temporary palace Secret Treasure, all do not allow to visit battlefield, was being protected carefully, therefore Black Ink Clan, even if has a mind to transform several Item Refining Great Master is black ink disciple still strong in will but weak in power. 然而人族这边对炼制行宫秘宝这事严格把关,所有参与炼制行宫秘宝炼器师,皆都不允许踏足战场,更被仔细保护着,所以墨族即便有心转化几个炼器大师墨徒有心无力 Until now, Black Ink Clan has not belonged to own temporary palace Secret Treasure, general flight Secret Treasure refines actually, but also can only act as the strength of legs, is useless at the war. 直至今日,墨族也没有属于自己的行宫秘宝,一般的飞行秘宝倒是炼制出来一些,但也只能充当脚力,于战事无用。 The Black Ink Clan army rout, three Territory Lord situations are not also wonderful. 墨族大军溃败,三位域主的情况同样不妙。 The Zha Hu opponent is not no need saying that now at all is not the opponent, but supports by strenuous efforts. Xie Xiuping and Lu An opponent can actually with frequenting each other that they hit, but is incapable of controlling the war radically, can only helplessly suffering a defeat and fleeing of looks at army. 查虎的对手自不不必说,如今根本不是对手,只是苦苦支撑。谢修平卢安的对手倒是能与他们打的你来我往,但根本无力左右战局,只能眼睁睁地看着大军的败亡。 Under the Zha Hu unintentional guidance, on that Black Ink Clan Territory Lord adds several huge wounds again, each deep obvious bone, black ink blood long class/flow, imposing manner already no longer peak. 查虎有意无意的引导下,那墨族域主身上再添几道巨大伤口,每一道都深可见骨,墨血长流,气势更是早已不复巅峰。 Sees with own eyes the army to suffer a defeat and flee sooner or later matter, this Territory Lord Wuxin (heartless) stays for a long time again, the fierce move made, bears Zha Hu to strike, driving back, will seize the chance after ran away. 眼见大军败亡只是早晚之事,这域主无心久留,凶猛一招打出,硬受了查虎一击,将之逼退,趁机朝后遁去。 However at this moment, Internal Qi locking, rays of light will come from the Void lasing together suddenly like lightning somewhere. 然而就在这时,一道气机忽然将之锁定,一点光芒如闪电般自虚空某处激射而来。 That Territory Lord has the feeling that the flesh feels uncomfortable unexpectedly, panic-stricken under turns head to look, sees only in the field of vision, attack just like the pair of wings that launches together, in enlarges at present rapidly. 域主竟不由生出肌肤发紧的感觉,惊骇之下扭头望去,只见视野之中,一道攻击犹如展开的双翼,在眼前迅速放大。 Daybreak in the deck, Bai Yi vision twinkling strange rays of light, the inverted image this Territory Lord form, in the hand the long bow is putting down slowly, big mouth respite, pale like paper. 破晓甲板上,白羿目光闪烁着奇异的光芒,倒影着这域主的身影,手中长弓徐徐放下,大口喘息,脸色苍白如纸。 Suddenly this makes strikes, obviously is her behavior. 这忽然打出的一击,明显是她所为。 Although she such as Yang Kai and the others the fate has not gone on an expedition generally, but stands in the daybreak bow by the exquisite archery support, but this half day fierce struggle gets down, died the Black Ink Clan feudal lord in her hand has more than ten, but her archery support, Yang Kai and the others can also unashamedly make a move to kill the enemy. 她虽未如杨开等人一般下场征战,只是站在破晓船头以精妙箭术支援,但这半日激斗下来,死在她手上的墨族领主都有十几个了,而得她箭术支援,杨开等人也能毫无顾忌地出手杀敌。 It can be said that although Bai Yi only one person of body, but with her joining, Dawn overall battle strength promoted 30% to continue. 可以说,白羿虽只一人之身,但随着她的加入,晨曦整体战力提升了30%不止。 The long time stimulation of movement archery, Bai Yi consumes greatly, especially this strikes finally, obviously is powerful Secret Technique, before consuming to be superior . 时间催动箭术,白羿消耗巨大,尤其这最后一击,明显是威力巨大的秘术,消耗优胜之前。 this kind of strikes is Xu Boliang cannot guard, its was injured, Territory Lord of body of that heavy losses is unable to resist. 这样的一击便是徐伯良都未能防备,被其所伤,那重创之身的域主更是无法抵挡。 The launched pair of wings submerges the chest of that Territory Lord instantaneously, the Territory Lord rave, in the sound contains the anger that cannot be concealing, however that feeble imposing manner fell two points. 展开的双翼瞬间没入那域主的胸膛,域主狂吼,声音中蕴藏着掩饰不住的怒意,然那本就衰弱的气势又跌了两分。 Until at this moment, him understands why finally Chasing Wind regarded as important Human Race black ink disciple like that this Human Race black ink disciple truly has the unusual skill, was worth regarding with a special fondness. 直到此刻,他终于明白逐风为何那般看重一个人族墨徒了,这个人族墨徒确实有着非同一般的本事,值得另眼相看。 Although wishes one could to intend to sneak attack own female this to cut to kill at the scene, with the anger of disappearing heart, but Territory Lord also knows that at this moment escapes importantly, therefore after move, the speed does not reduce instead increases, runs away toward the Void deep place rapidly. 虽恨不得将这出手偷袭自己女子当场斩杀,以消心头之怒,但域主也知道此刻逃命要紧,所以中招之后,速度不减反增,迅速朝虚空深处遁去。 At present presents together the form suddenly, blocked the way. 眼前却忽然出现一道身影,拦住了去路。 In the Territory Lord sensation, discovered this blocks the way obviously is only Human Race 7-Rank! 域主的感知中,发现这拦住去路的明显只是一个人族七品 He flies into a rage, caused heavy losses by the Xu Boliang sneak attack, cannot be victorious Zha Hu, that Human Race female sneak attacks own in the distant place by the archery, own also has no means that but runs 7-Rank to block the way now, was really what person dares to bully on own? 他勃然大怒,被徐伯良偷袭重创,打不过查虎也就罢了,那人族女子在远处以箭术偷袭自己,自己也没什么办法,但如今又跑出来一个七品拦路,真是什么人都敢欺负到自己头上了? The Territory Lord big hand opens, the strength of rich black ink will gather a huge black hand imprint shortly, covers ruthlessly toward that person. 域主大手张开,浓郁墨之力顷刻间汇聚成一只巨大的墨色手印,狠狠朝那人罩下。 Pursues tightly in the Zha Hu seeing that complexion big change of this Territory Lord behind, calls out in alarm said: Yang Kai avoids!” 紧追在这域主身后查虎见状脸色大变,惊呼道:“杨开躲开!” His didn't expect in this at crucial moment, Yang Kai will also rush to here from under battlefield unexpectedly, even also blocked Black Ink Clan Territory Lord the road of escape. 他也没想到在这关键时候,杨开居然会从下方战场跑到这里来,甚至还拦住了一个墨族域主的逃亡之路。 Now when this Territory Lord is ferocious, is he also deals carefully, do not say Yang Kai 7-Rank. 如今这域主正是穷凶极恶之时,便是他也得小心应对,更不要说杨开一个七品了。 If what accident this has, how he does go back with Regiment's Commander and Old Ancestor confession? 这要是有什么三长两短的,他回去怎么跟军团长老祖交代? Under startles greatly, the body blows out the 1-layer blood fog, obviously has burnt oneself blood essence, the speed increased suddenly, wanting to before that Territory Lord acts blocks this to strike. 大骇之下,身上爆出一层血雾,显然已燃烧了自身精血,速度陡增,欲要在那域主出手之前拦住这一击。 However he again quickly quick has Territory Lord to act the speed that? 然而他再快又如何快的出域主出手的速度? Facing this strikes, Yang Kai does not have the meaning of moving aside unexpectedly, but both hands magic arts transforms, the look concentrates austere, drinks one lowly: Garrison's Chief, I help you!” 面对这一击,杨开竟也没有躲闪之意,只是双手法决变换,神色凝肃,低喝一声:“总镇,我来助你!” As magic arts transforms, Golden Crow cried, great sun leapt, followed closely after great sun, a full moon lifted off, the chilly moonlight swayed, shining universe. 随着法决变换,金乌啼鸣,大日跃出,紧随在大日之后,一轮圆月升空,清冷月光挥洒,照耀乾坤。 Under the Space Principle stimulation of movement, sun and moon shines on each other, Time Principle fills the air. 空间法则催动之下,日月交辉,时间法则弥漫。 As wonderful strength revolving of sun and moon, unconstrainedly. 神妙的力量随着日月的旋转,跌宕而出。 sun and moon interlocks, changes to Divine Wheel, cuts toward that Territory Lord. 日月交错间,化作神轮,朝那域主斩去。 This flash, Territory Lord is his behind Zha Hu, feels space-time to be confused, the mind cannot help but stagnated unexpectedly flickered. 这一瞬间,无论是域主还是他身后查虎,都感觉时空错乱,心神竟不由自主地凝滞了一瞬。 Although short flickers, but Territory Lord or Zha Hu look startled to accommodate. 尽管只是短短一瞬,可无论是域主还是查虎都面露惊容。 the next moment, Sun and Moon Divine Wheel cuts ruthlessly on the Territory Lord giant body, does not have the wild energy burst, however that Territory Lord actually as if passed the ten million/countless year in the flash, aura is rapid, the exposed flesh outside had tiny cracks, in that crack has strange rays of light twinkling faintly, is obstructing the healing of wound, making vitality pass unceasingly. 下一刻,日月神轮狠狠斩在域主巨大的身上,没有狂暴的能量爆发,然那域主却仿佛在一瞬间度过了千万年,一身气息迅速衰弱,裸露在外的肌肤更是出现了一道道细小的裂缝,那裂缝中隐隐有奇异的光芒闪烁,阻扰着伤口的愈合,让生机不断流逝。 Meanwhile, Territory Lord fierce strikes also pats ruthlessly on Yang Kai. 与此同时,域主的凶猛一击也狠狠拍在杨开身上。 The sound of bone break spreads densely and numerously, Yang Kai just like the flying arrow, patted tumbles in Void, cannot stop, in the mouth fresh blood cannot stop spouts. 骨头断裂的声音密密麻麻传出,杨开犹如离弦之箭般,被拍的在虚空中翻滚,根本停不下来,口中鲜血止不住地喷出。 ...... 哇…… That Territory Lord also spurts a black ink blood crazily, castrates. 域主也狂喷一口墨血,去势一顿。 Zha Hu the ghosts and demons have appeared in his top of the head, a hand covered his giant head, the sound ice-cold: Death!” 查虎已鬼魅般地出现在他头顶上,一只手盖住了他巨大的头颅,声音冰冷:“死!” Territory Lord looks the panic-stricken color, cannot attend to suppressing the injury again, spells to go all-out, lifts the hand to go toward the above bang. 域主面露惊恐之色,再顾不得压制自身伤势,拼尽全力,抬手朝上方轰去。 The wild strength has divulged from the Zha Hu hand, bang, that Territory Lord entire head explodes, the strength of rich black ink coerces the inking blood spout from the neck place, Zha Hu also stuffy snort/hum, complexion slightly one white. 狂暴的力量已经自查虎手中宣泄而出,轰地一声,那域主整个头颅爆开,浓郁墨之力裹挟着墨血从颈脖处喷涌出来,查虎也闷哼一声,脸色微微一白。 He no doubt took advantage of opportunity to cut to kill that Territory Lord, but before opposite party at the point of death struck at risk of life, made his vitality tumble, Small Universe shook not peaceful. 他固然顺势斩杀了那域主,但对方临死前的拼死一击,也让他气血翻滚,小乾坤震荡不宁。 Strength of the black ink takes advantage of opportunity to invade in his Small Universe, under nourishing of the world mighty force, continuous growth expansion. 一丝墨之力顺势侵入他的小乾坤中,在天地伟力的滋养下,不断壮大扩张。 Before placing, the this kind of situation to 8-Rank Open Heaven is also extremely troublesome, must hurry to give up Small Universe, in order to protects oneself, otherwise then has to degenerate into the black ink disciple hidden danger, however has the light of purification now, this matter was not worth fearing, only need and other wars ended, scattered the strength of black ink to be able using the light of purification. 放在以前,这样的情况对八品开天来说也是极为麻烦的,非得赶紧割舍小乾坤以求自保,否则便有沦为墨徒的隐患,然而如今有了净化之光,这种事倒不值得惧怕了,只消等战事结束,利用净化之光驱散墨之力便可。 To be honest, with Black Ink Clan Territory Lord this war, before Zha Hu, Xu Boliang that makes a move to sneak attack, without must take the plan of its life, if this is not the case, Xu Boliang will not sneak attack strikes then escapes to return to the base immediately, can definitely remain to kill the enemy with Zha Hu jointly. 说实话,与墨族域主这一战,无论是查虎还是之前出手偷袭的徐伯良,都没有一定要取其性命的打算,若非如此,徐伯良也不会偷袭一击便立刻遁回基地中,完全可以留下来与查虎联手杀敌。 Because two people knows, even if two people collaborates, not necessarily has the opportunity to massacre this Territory Lord, even if perhaps goes well, the paid price will not be small. 因为两人都知道,纵然两人联手,也未必有机会杀掉这域主,或许即便得手,付出的代价也不会太小。 Causing heavy losses to him is the best choice. 重创他是最好的选择。 However at crucial moments Bai Yi and Yang Kai's act, let strike to kill him to turn into the possibility. That arrow that Bai Yi acts, is Yang Kai's that together Secret Technique, the prestige can be huge, making Territory Lord imposing manner fall again and again, the injury single layer is heavy. 然而在关键时刻白羿杨开的施为,却让击杀他变成了可能。无论是白羿出手的那一箭,还是杨开的那一道秘术,都威能巨大,让域主气势一跌再跌,伤势一重再重。 Two 7-Rank gave him to create such good opportunity, Zha Hu, if was unable to go well, that disappointed payout of two people. 两个七品给他制造了这么好的机会,查虎若还不能得手的话,那就太辜负两人的付出了。 Even so, before he was also injured by opponent counter-attack at the point of death, obviously this level the bad risk of powerhouse battle. Turns head to look in that side toward Yang Kai, slightly somewhat worried. 纵然如此,他也被对手临死前的反扑打伤,可见这种层次的强者争斗的凶险。扭头朝杨开所在那边瞧了一眼,略有些担忧。 This boy ate that Territory Lord forcefully strikes, do not have an accident is good. 这小子可是硬生生吃了那域主的一击,可别出什么事才好。 At this moment, Feng Ying has overtaken Yang Kai supported, in toward his mouth China , Cyprus healing Spirit Pill, the Zha Hu figure is flashing, arrives at side two people, said solemnly: What's wrong?” 此时此刻,冯英已经赶过去将杨开扶住了,正在往他口中塞着疗伤灵丹,查虎身形一闪,来到两人身旁,沉声道:“怎样?” Feng Ying complexion is terrified, shakes the head saying: Was not quite wonderful, faints.” 冯英面色惶恐,摇头道:“不太妙,昏过去了。” Zha Hu puts out a hand to make contact with Yang Kai's hand wrist, Spiritual Mind surges, noses, frowns, the Yang Kai's situation is not quite far more than wonderful, simply is bad. 查虎伸手搭上杨开的手腕,神念涌动,查探一番,也不禁皱起了眉头,杨开的情况何止不太妙,简直就是糟糕。 A bone does not know that many roots, the five main internal organs (entrails) was all damaged, vitality is quite weak, seems the precariousness of life fire, sways erratically. 一身骨头不知断了多少根,五脏六腑皆有受损,就连生机都极为薄弱,好似风中烛火,飘摇不定。 This injury places on anyone, to refusing stubbornly far. 这伤势放在任何一个人身上,都是离死不远了。 Is good carries World Spring because of Yang Kai, Small Universe has no time clearly, the external force does not invade, otherwise just now that strikes is very likely to cause anything to damage to his Small Universe, that has one misfortune after another. 好在杨开身负天地泉,小乾坤圆润无暇,外力不侵,否则方才那一击极有可能对他的小乾坤造成什么损伤,那才是雪上加霜。
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