MP :: Volume #51

#5021: The ginger is old spicy

War zone that Blue Sky Pass guards, what correspondence is the Evil Royal Lord territory. 碧落关镇守的战区,对应的是门邪王主的领地。 This innumerable year of confrontation, allowing two clan powerhouses each other more or less somewhat to understand, therefore that Black Ink Clan Territory Lord one hear of sounds, distinguished the Zha Hu status. 这无数年的交锋,让两族强者对彼此都或多或少地有些了解,所以那墨族域主一听声音,就辨别出了查虎的身份。 Zha Hu responded unrestrained/no trace of politeness: Shouted that your grandfather does do really?” 查虎毫不客气地回应:“喊你爷爷作甚?” Black Ink Clan Territory Lord is angry: Trivial Human Race is also wild.” 墨族域主大怒:“区区人族也敢猖狂。” Zha Hu rebutted with sarcasm: Trivial does Black Ink Clan also dare boasting shamelessly?” 查虎反唇相讥:“区区墨族也敢大言不惭?” That Black Ink Clan Territory Lord shouted angrily: Sooner or later your Blue Sky Pass Human Race kill to the last one/being ruthless, will pull out the heart and liver of your Zha Hu, asking you not to seek livehood, asked unable.” 墨族域主怒喝:“早晚将你碧落关人族赶尽杀绝,将你查虎的心肝掏出,叫你求生不得,求死不能。” Zha Hu sneers: Idle talk did so many do, hits had said again!” 查虎冷笑:“废话那么多干什么,打过再说!” the voice just got out, he then changes to flowing light to flush away toward Void suddenly together somewhere, a fist pounds down ruthlessly, the prestige of that fist makes Void turbulent. 话音方落,他便忽然化作一道流光虚空某处冲去,狠狠一拳砸下,那一拳之威直让虚空动荡。 Pitch darkness shadow revealed towering, after escaping hastily, was actually still swept by the fist peak, cannot bear snort/hum one stuffily. 一抹黑影突兀显露,仓促遁后,却依然被拳峰扫中,忍不住闷哼一声。 Black Ink Clan Territory Lord in great surprise, didn't expect Zha Hu said unexpectedly began to begin, in fact to their ranks, only played some roles of deterrent on this kind of battlefield generally, few will be out personally the confrontation, because, anyone could not do to anyone as we all know. 墨族域主大惊,没想到查虎居然说动手就动手了,事实上到了他们这个级别,在这样的战场上一般都只起一些威慑的作用,鲜少会亲自下场交锋,因为大家都知道,谁也奈何不了谁。 Under the same rank premise, Human Race generally be more powerful than Black Ink Clan, but this disparity, cultivation level is lower is obvious, to 8-Rank and Territory Lord this level, the disparity was quite limited, but to Royal Lord and 9-Rank Old Ancestor that level, basically is evenly matched. 同品阶的前提下,人族一般要比墨族强大一些,但这种差距,修为越低越是明显,到了八品域主这个层次,差距就极为有限了,而到了王主九品老祖那个层次,基本上就是势均力敌。 Let alone, in this region, the Black Ink Clan Territory Lord quantity compared with Human Race 8-Rank must, the high-end battle strength disadvantage, make Human Race 8-Rank not dare to have any acting rashly sufficiently. 更何况,在这一片区域中,墨族域主的数量原本就比人族八品要多出一位,高端战力的劣势,足以让人族八品不敢有任何轻举妄动。 Only then such as the previous Black Ink Clan army attacks Blue Sky Pass time, 8-Rank and Territory Lord will have the opportunity of direct confrontation. 只有如上次墨族大军进攻碧落关的时候,八品域主才会有直接交锋的机会。 How therefore this Black Ink Clan Territory Lord regardless of also didn't expect, Zha Hu really began unexpectedly. 所以这位墨族域主无论如何也没想到,查虎居然真的动手了。 Not only he began, another two Void, erupts extremely wild fluctuation of energy suddenly, obviously is Lu An and Xie Xiuping also acts together, will hide in Black Ink Clan Territory Lord of hidden place compelled. 不但他动手了,另外两处虚空,也忽然爆发出极为狂暴的能量波动,显然是卢安谢修平也一起出手,将隐藏在暗处的墨族域主逼了出来。 You dared......” that Black Ink Clan Territory Lord to eat slightly under the surprise attack of Zha Hu to owe, immediately was angry. “你们胆敢……”那墨族域主查虎的突袭下吃了点小亏,顿时大怒。 The words had not said that was broken by Zha Hu, he laughs saying: You also and other Chasing Wind? Forgot to tell you, Chasing Wind has died! You feared that could not wait.” 话没说完便被查虎打断,他哈哈大笑道:“你们还在等逐风?忘记告诉你们了,逐风已死!你们怕是等不到了。” What?” That Black Ink Clan Territory Lord hears the word in great surprise, refutes to say at once: Nonsense!” “什么?”那墨族域主闻言大惊,旋即驳斥道:“胡说八道!” His instinct is not willing to believe that the word of Zha Hu, Chasing Wind is like them after all, is the powerhouses of Territory Lord rank, how possibly to say definitely dead. 他本能地不愿相信查虎之言,逐风毕竟跟他们一样,都是域主级别的强者,怎么可能说死就死。 Before the half a month, he has also met with Chasing Wind. 半月之前,他还与逐风见过面的。 Only considers the word of Zha Hu to say things just to frighten people, wants to vacillate his mind, but next flickers, his then complexion changes, turns head to look toward that special Human Race Battleship on. 只当是查虎之言危言耸听,想要动摇他的心神,不过下一瞬,他便脸色一变,扭头朝那一艘特殊的人族战舰上瞧去。 The performance of this Human Race Battleship he has looked in the eye , because of its appearance, causes the Black Ink Clan defense line the rout, this Territory Lord hates to the marrow of the bones about the daybreak. 这一艘人族战舰的表现他一直看在眼中,正是因为它的出现,才导致墨族防线的溃败,这位域主对破晓可谓是恨之入骨。 At this moment what makes him pay attention is not this special Battleship, but stands that together petite the form when Battle Armor deck, that form grasps the vigor bow, little golden light flies to shoot, but, must have Black Ink Clan to meet with a disaster. 此刻让他关注的并不是这一艘特殊的战舰本身,而是站在战甲甲板上的那一道娇小的身影,那身影手持劲弓,一点点金光飞射而出时,必有墨族要遭殃。 This Territory Lord transports/fortunes the full eyesight, across hinders layer on layer/heavily, after seeing clearly the appearance of this petite form, immediately in great surprise. 这位域主运足目力,穿过重重阻碍,待看清这娇小身影的容貌之后,顿时大惊。 This Human Race isn't female...... Chasing Wind side that black ink disciple? 人族女子……不是逐风身边那个墨徒吗? Although has not seen this female several times, but this Territory Lord remembers clearly, is extremely only strong because of this Human Race female strength, Chasing Wind regards as important very much. 虽然没见过这个女子几次,但这位域主还是记得清清楚楚,只因这个人族女子实力极强,也很得逐风看重。 Will she appear that side Human Race? Moreover under killer to the Black Ink Clan pain. 她怎么会出现在人族那边?而且正在对墨族痛下杀手。 for a moment, this Territory Lord some train of thought disorder, cannot think through as black ink disciple Bai Yi, how to return to the bosom of Human Race. 一时间,这位域主的思绪有些紊乱,怎么也想不通原本身为墨徒白羿,怎会重回人族的怀抱。 But since she here, which Chasing Wind has gone? Has could it be that really died? 而她既然已经在此,逐风又去哪了?难道真的已经死了? In fact, he had not detected Chasing Wind aura, this thinks the Chasing Wind hidden is waiting for the opportunity to act somewhere, instead until also disappears at this moment, perhaps is really more unfortunate than fortunate. 事实上,他一直没有察觉到逐风气息,本以为逐风隐藏在某处伺机而动,反而直到此刻也不见踪影,说不定真的已经凶多吉少。 This makes him quite somewhat disturbed, for a while does not observe, fought with the fists the shoulder by Zha Hu, the giant body staggers immediately, angrily roars again and again. 这让他颇有些心绪不宁,一时不察,被查虎一拳打中肩头,巨大的身子顿时一个趔趄,怒吼连连。 However has not waited for him to stand firm the figure, behind wisp of murderous intention locks him towering, lets this Territory Lord such as the falling icehouse. 然而还不等他稳住身形,突兀地身后一缕杀机将他锁定,让这位域主如坠冰窖。 Turns around hastily, startled sees one person not to know unexpectedly when appears behind the own side, rises together simultaneously two fingers, such as the sword pounds toward own. 仓促转身,惊见一人竟不知何时出现在自己侧后方,并起两指,如剑般朝自己捣来。 Fingertip sword glow, the startled great wild goose flashes through. 指尖剑芒,惊鸿般闪过。 This Territory Lord figure shakes crazily, the shoulder blade place has the huge wound immediately, visibles faintly the internal organs of creeping motion, the black ink blood and black ink strength of spout from that wound, his grief and indignation shouts: Xu Boliang!” 域主身形狂震,肩胛骨处立刻出现巨大的伤口,隐约可见蠕动的内脏,墨血和墨之力从那伤口中喷涌出来,他悲愤嘶吼:“徐伯良!” But then is really startled and anger. 这下可真的是又惊又怒。 What startled is Xu Boliang will appear unexpectedly here, what anger is own does not observe for a while, unexpectedly went well by its sneak attack. A sneak attack of Human Race 8-Rank Open Heaven no one is able to belittle, this Territory Lord then causes heavy losses immediately, that wound locates sword qi to linger, is obstructing the healing of wound, also follows the flesh to enter within the body like silk sword qi, raids various strategic points. 惊的是徐伯良居然会出现在这里,怒的是自己一时不察,居然被其偷袭得手。一位人族八品开天的偷袭谁也无法小觑,这位域主立刻便遭到重创,那伤口处剑气萦绕,阻扰着伤口的愈合,同时如丝般的剑气还顺着血肉钻进体内,直袭各处要害。 Compelled he must stimulate to movement the strength to suppress these to corrode into the sword silk of body, a strength drops 20% instantaneously. 逼的他非得催动力量压制这些侵蚀入体的剑丝,一身实力瞬间跌落20%。 What he is most puzzled, how Xu Boliang appears on this piece of battlefield. 他最为不解的是,徐伯良是怎么出现在这片战场上的。 According to the information that Black Ink Clan inquires, Xu Boliang has assumed personal command in the Human Race base, has not left, why this is also in this stretch of war zone, Black Ink Clan Territory Lord compared with Human Race 8-Rank must many reasons. 根据墨族打探到的情报,徐伯良一直都坐镇在人族的基地中,不曾离开,这也是为何在这一片战区中,墨族域主人族八品总要多一个的原因。 In this stretch of war zone, Black Ink Clan Territory Lord had four, Human Race 8-Rank also has four, each other is equivalent. 原本在这一片战区中,墨族域主有四位,人族八品也有四位,彼此相当。 But to the Human Race that side, always wants 8-Rank to remain behind the base, to guard the Black Ink Clan army to attack. If the base that side has an accident, to Human Race definitely is the massive loss. 但对人族那边来说,始终都要有一位八品留守基地,以防墨族大军来袭。基地那边若是出了什么事,对人族来说肯定是巨大的损失。 Then, in the contrast of high-end battle strength, Black Ink Clan had many advantages. 如此一来,在高端战力的对比上,墨族就占据多一位的优势了。 Even if Chasing Wind died, is still three pairs of three aspects, Territory Lord does not fear anything. 就算逐风死了,也依然是三对三的局面,域主们并不惧怕什么。 Therefore this Territory Lord has not thought, Xu Boliang meets the ghosts and demons to appear here, moreover sneak attacked own ruthlessly, because just had not detected, therefore carelessly move. 所以这位域主根本不曾想到,徐伯良会鬼魅般地出现在这里,而且狠狠地偷袭了自己一把,正因为没有察觉,所以才会不慎中招。 Didn't he fear the base having it all by Black Ink Clan? 他就不怕基地被墨族给一锅端了? But Xu Boliang after intending to strike, then draws back immediately, the thought without pursued to the end and hit hard, but nods under to Zha Hu slightly, in hand magic arts transformation. 徐伯良在出手一击之后,便立刻退开,并没有穷追猛打的念头,只是冲查虎微微颔首之下,手中法决变换。 Quick, his under foot then presents a formation rays of light, when rays of light diverges, the whole person has disappeared does not see. 很快,他的脚下便出现一道法阵光芒,光芒散去时,整个人已经消失不见。 He stimulates to movement naturally is the universe secret art, use base that side Expelling Black Ink Battleship Universe Formation, returned to the base. 他催动的自然是乾坤诀,利用基地那边驱墨舰乾坤大阵,返回了基地之中。 Reason that has not remained to oppose the enemy with Zha Hu jointly, he also feared that side the base happened with what problem, must therefore maintain own battle strength, assumes in the base. 之所以没有留下来与查虎联手对敌,他也怕基地那边出现什么闪失,所以非得保持自身的战力,坐镇基地之中。 The sneak attack strikes, causes heavy losses to that Territory Lord enough to establish the war, does not need to make excessive demands too, although he, if remains to collaborate with Zha Hu, is very likely to cut to kill this Territory Lord at the scene, but no one can guarantee, this Territory Lord counter-attacks to draw a pad back at risk of life. 偷袭一击,重创那域主已经足够奠定战局,没必要苛求太多了,虽说他若是留下来与查虎联手,极有可能当场斩杀这个域主,但谁也不敢保证,这域主拼死反击会不会拉一个垫背。 Daybreak neighbor, Yang Kai grasps Azure Dragon Spear, face stunned is looking at this flash's accident, is startled: How will Garrison's Chief Xu walk from the daybreak?” 破晓附近,杨开手持苍龙枪,一脸愕然地望着这一瞬间的变故,吃惊不已:“徐总镇怎会从破晓里面走出来?” That Territory Lord does not know why Xu Boliang will appear on this piece of battlefield suddenly, he is actually clearly that looks, in just now, Xu Boliang walked unexpectedly from the daybreak. 域主不知徐伯良为何会忽然出现在这一片战场上,他却是看的清清楚楚,就在方才,徐伯良居然从破晓里面走出来了。 Chaotic battlefield, aura is unconstrained, to basically no one care about Human Race to be many 8-Rank. 混乱的战场,气息跌宕,是以基本上没人在意到人族这边多了一个八品 A Feng Ying sword cuts to the front, snatches a little leisure from the busy schedules saying: Few days ago Garrison's Chief Xu left behind the brand mark in daybreak Universe Formation.” 冯英一剑斩向前方,忙里偷闲道:“前些日子徐总镇在破晓的乾坤大阵中留下了烙印。” Yang Kai suddenly, smacks the lips saying: Ginger is old spicy!” 杨开恍然,咂嘴道:“姜还是老的辣啊!” Xu Boliang had left behind the brand mark in daybreak Universe Formation, naturally can arrive in battlefield with the aid of the daybreak suddenly, later makes a move to sneak attack that Territory Lord, strikes to go well, that side Universe Formation using base returns again. 徐伯良早就在破晓的乾坤大阵中留下了烙印,自然可以借助破晓瞬息间抵达战场,之后出手偷袭那域主,一击得手,再利用基地那边的乾坤大阵返回。 It can be said that Xu Boliang this time sneak attack brush, only feared that side the base people do not know in his short time had spanned trillion li (0.5 km) from, here ran to come to cause heavy losses to Territory Lord. 可以说徐伯良这一次偷袭神来之笔,只怕基地那边的人都不知道他这短短时间内已经跨越了亿万里距离,跑来这边重创了一个域主 Universe Formation can also play, Yang Kai was also the rising experience. 乾坤大阵还能这么玩的,杨开也算是涨见识了。 The restraining state of mind, looks at front numerous Black Ink Clan, the Yang Kai long spear pierces is leaving, kills! 收敛心绪,望着前方的众多墨族,杨开长枪刺出,杀! On high-end battle strength battlefield, Lu An and Xie Xiuping two people confronts Black Ink Clan Territory Lord respectively, each other strength differs is not obvious, basically is evenly matched by the aspect, no one can do to anyone. 高端战力战场上,卢安谢修平两人各自对阵一个墨族域主,彼此实力相差都不算明显,是以局面基本上势均力敌,谁也奈何不了谁。 The enemy who however Zha Hu faces now is actually imposing manner drops sharply, fell completely leeward, one was attacked by Zha Hu crazily, only then the ability to parry, does not have the strength to hit back. 然而查虎如今面对的敌人却是气势大跌,完全落入了下风,被查虎一番狂攻,只有招架之功,毫无还手之力。 Both strength this also similar, but this Territory Lord was struck the heavy losses by Xu Boliang, now also needs to branch out the strength suppression injury, which is the Zha Hu opponent. 两者实力本也差不多,但这域主徐伯良一击重创,如今还需要分出力量压制伤势,哪是查虎的对手。 All sorts of Secret Technique display unceasingly, still pulls the declining tendency difficultly. 种种秘术不断施展,依然难挽颓势。 Continuing to pester the situation even more to be only bad, if that Xu Boliang kills again, cannot do well own really to want falls this place, detects after this Territory Lord does not beat, immediately then lives drew back the heart. 继续纠缠下去局势只会越发恶劣,万一那徐伯良再杀出来,搞不好自己真要陨落此地,是以这域主察觉不敌之后,立刻便生了退心。 Zha Hu naturally saw his thoughts, the offensive is even more fierce, a potential wants the kill to the last one/being ruthless stance. 查虎自然看出了他的心思,攻势愈发凶猛,一副势要赶尽杀绝的架势。 That Territory Lord flies into a rage, hiss exclaimed: Zha Hu, you , to die, I can help you.” 域主勃然大怒,嘶吼道:“查虎,你若想死,我可以成全你。” Zha Hu sneers constantly: You must have this skill to be good.” 查虎冷笑不迭:“你也要有这个本事才行。” Although the words ridiculed, but that look was actually extremely vigilant. Resistance at risk of life Territory Lord, he does not dare to belittle, why this is Xu Boliang has not remained with the reason that he opposes the enemy jointly, even if by two dozens one, probably must pay the grievous cost. 话虽讥讽,但那神色却是极为警惕。域主的拼死反抗,他也不敢小觑,这也是徐伯良为何没有留下来与他联手对敌的原因,纵然是以二打一,说不定也要付出惨痛代价。 This price, Human Race cannot withstand! 这个代价,人族承受不起! Any 8-Rank is the Human Race extremely precious strength, each 8-Rank falls, to Human Race is the grief that is unbearable. 任何一位八品都是人族极为宝贵的力量,每一个八品陨落,对人族来说是难以承受的伤痛。 When receives the news, said Chasing Wind by Yang Kai and black ink disciple named Bai Yi killing time, Zha Hu cannot believe simply. 所以当接到消息,说逐风杨开和一个叫白羿墨徒给杀了的时候,查虎简直不敢相信。 However after knowing specific detail, Zha Hu just now understands, Yang Kai and Bai Yi can massacre Chasing Wind ; first, two people strength all good ; second, luck. 不过在得知了具体细节之后,查虎方才明白,杨开白羿能杀掉逐风,一是两人实力皆都不俗,二是运气。 These have the reason that Chasing Wind extremely has a low opinion of the enemy, naturally, the Chasing Wind severe wound has not been a reason. 这其中更有逐风太过轻敌的原因,当然,逐风本身重伤未愈也是一个缘由。 Therefore even if at this moment had the absolute advantage, Zha Hu does not dare to force is too fierce, often keeps vitality to that Territory Lord, gives him to make the misconception that one type may also fight again. 所以此刻即便是占据了绝对的优势,查虎也不敢逼迫的太厉害,每每给那域主留出一线生机,给他制造一种还可再战的错觉。 :.: :。:
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