MP :: Volume #51

#5020: Tears to pieces the defense line

Various formation that in daybreak arranges, is the pinnacles that Blue Sky Pass can achieve, almost it can be said that formation of highest specification. 破晓上布置的各种法阵,都是碧落关这边能做到的极致,几乎可以说是最高规格的法阵 If usually in defense formation stimulates to movement by way of several team members jointly, can display this formation 70% prestige energies, that this moment Yang Kai goes forth to battle personally, then erupts ten tenths power and influence instantaneously. 如果说平日里防护法阵经由几个队员联手催动,能发挥出这法阵的70%威能的话,那此刻杨开亲自上阵,瞬间便爆发出十成的威势。 On the effort of protection, nature before is different. This 30% disparities, are almost division of one time of strong and weak. 论防护之力度,自然与之前有所不同。这30%的差距,几乎就是一倍的强弱之分。 Feng Ying somewhat was also worried daybreak unable to insist that was too long, in seeing that many attack on protecting light barrier swung the ripples, after without accomplishment, immediately commanded: Hits.” 冯英原本还有些担心破晓坚持不了太久,不过在看到那诸多攻击只是在防护光幕上荡出涟漪,毫无建功之后,当即喝令道:“撞过去。” Member hears word who is responsible for controlling the direction, not hesitates, controls daybreak is dashing to keep in the Black Ink Clan army, where person is almost hits to where. 负责操控方向的队员闻言,毫不迟疑,操控着破晓在墨族大军之中冲撞不停,几乎是哪里人多撞向哪里。 Instant time, daybreak the place visited, is filled with sufferers, Black Ink Clan that these dodge once ran upon by this huge Battleship, shortly will then be the fate of meeting a cruel death, Black Ink Clan that even if there is rapidness according to the circumstances, will avoid rapidly, torn to pieces that rays of light that also in attack formation by daybreak was bloomed will hit. 时间,破晓所过之处,哀鸿遍野,那些躲闪不及的墨族一旦被这巨大的战舰撞上,顷刻间便是粉身碎骨的下场,纵有见机的快,迅速避开的墨族,也被破晓上的攻击法阵所绽放的光芒打的支离破碎。 Several other team level Battleship follow closely after the daybreak, prestige can huge attack stimulate from Battleship, the bang approaches in all directions. 另有十几艘队级战舰紧随在破晓之后,一道道威能巨大的攻击战舰中激发,轰向四面八方。 This Black Ink Clan defense line, presents a long no war zone quickly. 这一处墨族防线,很快出现一道长长的真空地带。 Daybreak kills to the end, turns around rapidly, dashes to come, to take it as again sharp, that more than ten team level Battleship are placed two wings, is a round of cleaning. 破晓杀至尽头,迅速掉头,再一次冲撞而来,以其为尖,那十几艘队级战舰分列两翼,又是一轮清扫。 If swept 34 times after back and forth, the Black Ink Clan army casualty of this front incalculably, the radical collapse, is unable to form the effective battle formation again. 如是来回扫荡了三四次之后,这一条战线的墨族大军死伤无算,彻底崩溃,再无法形成有效的阵势。 On Battleship that bearded is, Vice Team-Leader beautiful appearance woman over the face is startled to accommodate: This daybreak performance is so unexpectedly powerful!” 络腮胡子所在的战舰上,副队长美貌妇人满面惊容:“这破晓性能竟如此强大!” bearded licked the lip, hey a sound said: You actually do not know, in that daybreak various formation, may all be the highest specifications, arranges all sorts of Secret Treasure in formation eye, attack Secret Treasure protects Secret Treasure, almost can say that highest level, if this is not the case, where has this power and influence, hey, in daybreak as if also arranged Universe Formation, sealed the light of purification.” 络腮胡子舔了舔嘴唇,嘿了一声道:“你却不知,那破晓上各种法阵,可全是最高规格的,布置在阵眼中的种种秘宝,无论是攻击秘宝还是防护秘宝,也几乎可以说最顶级的,若非如此,哪有这种威势,嘿,破晓上似乎还布置了乾坤大阵,更封存了净化之光。” The beautiful appearance woman is angry immediately: Regiment's Commander also too eccentric, how, Dawn is the biological mother lives, are we stepmother raise?” 美貌妇人顿时气恼:“军团长们也太偏心了,怎么,晨曦是亲娘生的,咱们就是后娘养的?” bearded lifted the hand to knock her head: Rests talks nonsense!” 络腮胡子抬手敲了一下她脑袋:“休得胡说!” The beautiful appearance woman covered the head immediately, puts in great inconvenience is not good. 美貌妇人顿时捂住了脑袋,委屈的不行。 bearded said: Several Regiment's Commander manage four big regiments, subordinate officers which is not their lifeblood, they will not make the action of what bias, daybreak on all sorts of arrangement, may be the Dawn that side expenditure meritorious military service, finds the person to transform.” 络腮胡子道:“几位军团长统管四大军团,麾下将士哪一个不是他们的命根子,他们可不会做什么偏心之举,破晓上的种种布置,可都是晨曦那边花费战功,找人改造的。” The beautiful appearance woman calls out in alarm: How many meritorious military service can that spend?” 美貌妇人不禁惊呼:“那得花费多少战功?” bearded somewhat is immediately disconsolate: My previous time looked for Merit Palace Junior Brother to inquire quietly, Dawn that Yang Team-Leader is this number...... he speaks thoughtlessly to send out a number in the meritorious military service in the previous war winning, then said: Transformation after daybreak, these meritorious military service all consumed, this is also only his, has not been counted Feng Ying.” 络腮胡子顿时有些惆怅:“我上次悄悄找功曹殿师弟打听了一下,晨曦那位杨队长在上次大战中取得的战功是这个数……”他随口报出一个数字,接着道:“改造破晓之后,那些战功全都消耗了,这还只是他个人的,没有算上冯英的。” The beautiful appearance woman startled color is stronger: They also really give up, such a big meritorious military service unexpectedly entire flower in daybreak.” 美貌妇人惊色更浓:“他们也真舍得,这么一大笔战功居然全花在破晓上了。” bearded cracks into a smile: Also has to admire others boldness, daybreak present battle strength is truly out of the ordinary. After this war, did not say before , consumes entire supplements, gains 30%-40% not to have the issue, hits the words of several weaponry again, can definitely gain.” 络腮胡子咧嘴一笑:“也不得不佩服人家的魄力,破晓如今的战力确实非比寻常。经此一战,不说将之前消耗的全补充回来,赚回个30%-40%是没问题的,再多打几仗的话,完全可以赚回来。” The beautiful appearance woman digs to purse the lips: If some of our also so many meritorious military service, can like this.” 美貌妇人撅噘嘴:“若是咱们也有这么多战功,也可以这样。” We do not have!” bearded laughs, „, therefore, with the daybreak, they eats the meat, we drink a soup, is good!” “咱们没有啊!”络腮胡子哈哈大笑,“所以啊,跟着破晓,他们吃肉,咱们喝点汤汤水水,也不错!” During speeches, bearded suddenly look one austere, opens the mouth saying: „The Black Ink Clan defense line has broken, is engaging in hand-to-hand combat time, remember, if were contaminated by the strength of black ink, toward the daybreak that side, they have the light of purification!” 说话间,络腮胡子忽然神色一肃,开口道:“墨族防线已破,是短兵相接的时候了,记住,若被墨之力浸染,往破晓那边去,他们有净化之光!” The beautiful appearance woman nods layer on layer/heavily: I knew!” 美貌妇人重重颔首:“我知道了!” Opens!” bearded explodes drinks one, lifts in the hands then to offer a sacrifice to a giant Wolf Fang stick, on that Wolf Fang stick proliferates the hangnail, looks extremely scary. “开阵!”络腮胡子爆喝一声,抬手间便祭出一柄巨大的狼牙棒,那狼牙棒上遍布倒刺,看起来极为骇人。 Large ship defense formation opens together the gap, bearded and beautiful appearance woman runs out instantaneously, kills to front Black Ink Clan, a Wolf Fang stick pounds down ruthlessly, Black Ink Clan that several evading are less than explodes for the blood fog at the scene. 楼船防护法阵打开一道缺口,络腮胡子与美貌妇人瞬间冲出,杀向前方墨族,一杆狼牙棒狠狠砸下,几个避之不及的墨族当场爆为血雾。 bearded laughs: Happy, happy, the Black Ink Clan young animals, taste your grandfather big stick quickly the flavor.” 络腮胡子大笑一声:“痛快,痛快,墨族小崽子们,快来尝尝你爷爷大棒的味道。” The beautiful appearance woman stares his one eyes ill-humoredly, in the hand a long sword curls a sword to be colored, the cover to Black Ink Clan that from flees at present, when that sword flower is on the wane, Black Ink Clan is split up. 美貌妇人没好气地瞪他一眼,手上一柄长剑卷出朵朵剑花,罩向一个从眼前遁逃的墨族,那剑花凋零之时,墨族四分五裂。 two people follows closely in the large ship in two people behind, on the large ship attack formation continues the blooming prestige energy, this squad experiences for a long time a weaponry obviously, the intimateness that now between two 7-Rank and large ship coordinate, complements each other. 两人所在楼船则紧随在两人身后,楼船上攻击法阵继续绽放威能,这一支小队显然久经阵仗,如今两位七品与楼船之间配合的亲密无间,相得益彰。 Continues this large ship so, that more than ten large ships, 7-Rank Open Heaven on each large ship has all so acted personally, regarding own Battleship combat, the mode of operations without doubt is so safer, even if runs into what powerful enemy, there is an opportunity to escape in Battleship the training. 不止这一艘楼船如此,那十几艘楼船全都如此,每一艘楼船上的七品开天都已亲自出手,围绕着自家的战舰作战,如此作战方式无疑更加安全,纵然遇到什么强敌,也有机会遁回战舰中修养。 However these squad each 7-Rank Open Heaven are not many, basically is two. 不过这些小队每一家的七品开天都不多,基本上都是两位而已。 Reviews the charge in frontline Dawn Battleship, all of a sudden to five 7-Rank, Yang Kai or Feng Ying, once acts, is the Black Ink Clan feudal lords keeps off the offensive difficultly. 反观冲锋在最前方的破晓战舰,一下子冲出来五个七品,其中无论是杨开还是冯英,一旦出手,便是墨族领主都难挡攻势。 In that daybreak deck, has the petite form to stand erect together, before her, defense formation opened wide a gap, that form grasps a vigor bow, the bowstring ties tight, golden light pinches in the fingertip. 那破晓的甲板上,更有一道娇小的身影屹立着,在她面前,防护法阵敞开了一道缺口,那身影手持一张劲弓,弓弦紧绷,一点金光捏在指尖。 In Zheng whining noise, golden light twinkling, blooming of each golden light, means heavy losses or falls of Black Ink Clan feudal lord. 铮鸣声中,金光闪烁,每一点金光的绽放,都意味着一个墨族领主的重创或者陨落 Comes Divine Feather Paradise, Bai Yi that practice Chasing Sun Arrow Heart has, an archery is superb, once acts, the arrow not empty sends. 出身神羽福地,修行逐日箭心有成的白羿,一身箭术出神入化,一旦出手,箭无虚发。 Is centered on daybreak , the surrounding area in ten li (0.5 km), any feudal lord withstood/top by her, or the heavy losses, either falls, does not have the second result certainly. 以破晓所在为中心,方圆十里之内,无论是哪一个领主被她顶上,要么重创,要么陨落,绝无第二种结局。 Splendid god Archer, in that on this battlefield can perform is really big. 一个出色的神射手,在这种战场上能发挥出来的力量实在是太大了。 Moreover she never looks at Black Ink Clan under these feudal lords, the vision stares, is the feudal lord rank. 而且她从不看那些领主之下的墨族,目光盯上的,皆都是领主级别的。 Black Ink Clan of this defense line had the greatest advantage, more than ten squad suppressed retreat successively, but, since Dawn arrives, the aspect sets up the revolutions, the Human Race officers, not only had the strength of counterattack, black ink clansman face upwards Mafan who instead kills. 原本这一处防线的墨族占据了莫大的优势,十几支小队被压制的节节后退,不过自晨曦到来之后,局面立转,人族将士非但有了还击之力,反而杀的墨族人仰马翻。 7-Rank Open Heaven that during the fierce combat, a whole body is bathed in blood plunders suddenly toward the daybreak, on the pale face flashes through not normal Black Qi slightly. 激战之中,一个浑身浴血的七品开天忽然朝破晓掠来,苍白的脸上微微闪过一丝不正常的黑气 This 7-Rank, obviously strength corrosion by black ink. 这位七品,明显是被墨之力侵蚀了。 The Bai Yi long bow aims at him immediately, that 7-Rank Open Heaven decides instantaneously in the midair, moves does not dare to move. 白羿长弓立刻指向他,那七品开天瞬间定在半空中,动也不敢动。 Is good sizes up the situation correctly because of Bai Yi quickly, the side opens the body yielding the way one side, shouted lowly: Goes in quickly.” 好在白羿很快看清局势,侧开身子让道一旁,低喝道:“快进去。” That 7-Rank Open Heaven holds the fist in the other hand: Obligation did not say thanks.” 七品开天一抱拳:“大恩不言谢。” The figure flashes, then crashes in following the defense formation gap daybreak, immediately then has the Dawn team member, leading him in one Space Law Formation line toward deck to go. 身形一闪,顺着防护法阵的缺口便冲进破晓之中,立刻便有晨曦的队员,引领着他朝甲板上的一处空间法阵行去。 rays of light flashes through, this 7-Rank Open Heaven form disappears does not see. 光芒闪过,这七品开天的身影消失不见。 Passes the moment, some a ray of light revealed that person appears on Space Law Formation again towering, although his look somewhat is exhausted, however covers Black Qi on face is actually vanishes to disappear. 过得片刻,又有一道光芒显露,那人再突兀地出现在空间法阵上,他的神色虽然还有些疲惫,然而笼罩在脸上的黑气却是消失不见了。 A bearded person knows incessantly daybreak seals the light of purification, before the daybreak in the base patched, 7-Rank of these Team-Leader ranks have basically waited and seen, each one envied about the daybreak performance. 不止络腮胡子一人知道破晓中封存有净化之光,之前破晓在基地中修补的时候,那些队长级别的七品基本上都去观望过,个个都对破晓的性能羡慕不已。 However this is Yang Kai and Feng Ying spends Battleship that the magnanimous meritorious military service transformed, even if others envy unable to imitate. 然而这是杨开冯英花费了海量战功改造的战舰,其他人纵然羡慕也效仿不来。 It is not the area inside the Great Wall is not willing to transform for others, is only the price of this transformation expenditure is truly big, Blue Sky Pass is unable to withstand the demand of each team, can only by meritorious military service receiving in exchange. Let alone, the common squad personnel dispose is also worse than Dawn, does not need this degree of transformation, spoke the sentence words not of pleasant to hear, even if daybreak gives to them, they are still hard to display the corresponding prestige energy. 并非关内不愿意替旁人改造,只是这种改造花费的代价确实不小,碧落关根本无法承受每一支队伍的需求,只能以战功换取。更何况,一般的小队人员配置上也比晨曦差很多,不需要这种程度的改造,说句不好听的话,破晓就算送给他们,他们也难以发挥出相应的威能。 Has visited the daybreak, naturally knows that in daybreak seals the light of purification. 参观过破晓,自然都知道破晓上封存有净化之光。 Now by the strength of black ink was corroded on battlefield, going daybreak to seek the help is the best choice, otherwise then needs to stimulate to movement the universe secret art to return to the base. 如今在战场上被墨之力侵蚀,前往破晓寻求帮助是最好的选择,否则便需要催动乾坤诀返回基地了。 This 7-Rank holds the fist saying thanked one again, ran out of the daybreak, continued to kill the enemy. 这位七品抱拳道谢一声,冲出破晓,继续杀敌。 battlefield above, little accidental/surprised possibly triggers a series of accidents. 战场之上,一点点的意外都可能引发一系列的变故。 Here front because of intrusion of Dawn, Black Ink Clan defense line collapse, but this collapse by the extremely rapid trend, spreads toward entire battlefield. 此处战线因为晨曦的闯入,墨族防线崩溃,而这种崩溃更是以极为迅速的趋势,朝整个战场蔓延。 Intrudes battlefield from Dawn, less than time of double-hour, Black Ink Clan of this piece of defense line almost already by kill to the last one/being ruthless, already fleeing elsewhere that has not died. 晨曦闯入战场,不到一个时辰的时间,这一片防线的墨族几乎就已经被赶尽杀绝,还没死的也早已遁逃别处。 Yang Kai nonstop, under leader several 7-Rank and Dawn Battleship, kill toward the recent Black Ink Clan army. 杨开马不停蹄,引领者麾下的几位七品破晓战舰,直朝最近的墨族大军杀去。 behind more than ten teams such as the shadow follows. 身后十几支队伍如影相随。 Several temporary palace Secret Treasure follow, to be headed by similarly daybreak, then just like a dagger quickly, inserted the dead center of that Black Ink Clan army. 十几艘行宫秘宝同样跟上,以破晓为首,很快便犹如一柄尖刀,插进了那墨族大军的正中心。 Immediately is an unrest. 顿时便是一场骚乱。 On battlefield the vacancy, powerful wills are confronting distantly. 战场上空处,一道道强大的意志遥遥对峙着。 The rout of Black Ink Clan army, making several Black Ink Clan Territory Lord hearts be furious, although they confront with Human Race 8-Rank, but also in paying attention to the trend of below war. 墨族大军的溃败,让几个墨族域主心头震怒,他们虽然与人族八品对峙,但也在关注下方战事的走势。 This moment Black Ink Clan army's performance, disappoints them very without doubt. 此刻墨族大军的表现,无疑让他们很失望。 And a Territory Lord vision is staring at the daybreak stubbornly, murderous intention surges, has the reckless admission that Battleship bang broken thought. 其中一位域主的目光更是死死地盯着破晓,杀机涌动,颇有不顾一切入场将那战舰轰碎的念头。 clearly that he looks, Black Ink Clan also had some advantages, but, since this Battleship arrives in battlefield, the aspect is then uncontrolled. 他看的清清楚楚,墨族这边原本还占据了些许优势,但自这一艘战舰抵达战场之后,局面便不受控制了。 This Battleship absolutely is Human Race Elite, if can the personnel cut to kill, to Human Race definitely is a big loss. 这一艘战舰绝对是人族精锐,若是能将其中人员斩杀,对人族来说肯定是不小的损失。 However his thought just surged, the opposite Void deep place, went into hiding Human Race 8-Rank of figure then to resemble to detect, the sound of warning resounded in the ear bank: „Do you begin to try?” 然而他这个念头才刚刚涌起,对面虚空深处,隐匿了身形的人族八品便似有所察觉,警告的声音在耳畔边响起:“你动手试试?” Hears the sound, this Territory Lord determined the one who finally is staring at own was which Human Race 8-Rank, cold snort: Zha Hu!” 听得声音,这域主总算确定盯着自己的是哪个人族八品了,不禁冷哼一声:“查虎!” :.: :。:
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