MP :: Volume #51

#5019: Clash/To

Finally the place of decisive battle from base about 2-3 days distances, during this , the Dawn people besides being responsible for daybreak the speed and direction member replace in turn, others are basically conserving strength. 最后决战之地距离基地约有2-3日的路程,这期间晨曦众人除了负责破晓速度和方向的成员轮流替换之外,其他人基本都在养精蓄锐。 Yang Kai stands in the deck, security four directions. 杨开只身站在甲板上,警戒四方。 After two days, daybreak has not arrived in the destination, Yang Kai then sees that front Void big piece rays of light twinkling from afar, even if away from very far distance, still some energy unconstrained fluctuations transmit from that side occasionally. 两日之后,破晓还没抵达目的地,杨开便远远见到那前方虚空大片光芒闪烁,即便隔着很远的距离,也偶有能量跌宕的波动从那边传来。 Was this has made war? Yang Kai look one cold, makes the sound of caution hastily. 这是已经开战了?杨开神色一凛,连忙发出警示之音。 The cabin door opens, fish of forms from the cabin flee, stands in the deck, then sees that side war like a raging fire. 舱门打开,一道道身影从船舱内鱼窜而出,站在甲板上,一眼便看到那边如火如荼的战事。 This final decisive battle had truly started, but with pulling closer of distance, Yang Kai discovered that the fight erupts should not to have long time, because of the formation of Black Ink Clan army still, moreover the casualty are not many. 这最后的决战确实已经开始了,不过随着距离的拉近,杨开发现战斗爆发应该没多长时间,因为墨族大军的阵型犹在,而且死伤也不算多。 Looks at like this, at most before is 1-2 double-hour, erupts. 看这样子,顶多就是1-2时辰之前才爆发的。 Just happening to be that daybreak can mention meantime. 破晓可以说来的适逢其时。 Raises eyes to look, in that big battlefield, the temporary palace Secret Treasure shuttles of Human Race graze, but during is grazing, in temporary palace Secret Treasure is to bloom prestige can huge color different rays of light, these rays of light enter during the Black Ink Clan accumulation, often is one is then off their feet, that obviously is in temporary palace Secret Treasure the attack formation prestige energy. 举目望去,那偌大战场之中,一艘艘人族的行宫秘宝穿梭飞掠,而在飞掠之中,行宫秘宝内更是绽放出一道道威能巨大色彩不同的光芒,那些光芒打进墨族聚集之中,往往便是一阵人仰马翻,那显然是行宫秘宝攻击法阵的威能。 Few has martial artist to leave the asylum combat of Secret Treasure, only has these to own strength extremely confident 7-Rank Open Heaven, will choose the this kind of way. 鲜少有武者离开秘宝的庇护作战,唯有那些对自身实力极有信心的七品开天,才会选择这样的方式。 Here after all is not Blue Sky Pass, previous person black ink two clan wars, even if Human Race has the situation by the strength of black ink being corroded, can still return to the area inside the Great Wall rapidly, the use seals the purification optical disk drive in Expelling Black Ink Battleship eliminates the strength of black ink. 这里毕竟不是碧落关,上一次人墨两族大战,即便人族这边有被墨之力侵蚀的情况,也可以迅速返回关内,利用封存在驱墨舰中的净化之光驱除墨之力。 At this time this place may not have Expelling Black Ink Battleship, if really strength corrosion by black ink, must stimulate to movement the universe secret art to return to the base, coming counter- one also to take 2-3 day at least, cannot do well came back again the war to finish. 此时此地可没有驱墨舰,真要是被墨之力侵蚀的话,就非得催动乾坤诀返回基地,来反一趟最起码也要2-3日,搞不好等再回来的时候战事都已经结束了。 Let alone, this just made war merely shortly, therefore Human Race is preserving own strength as far as possible, kills the enemy with the aid of temporary palace Secret Treasure. 更何况,这才仅仅只是刚开战没多久,所以人族这边都在尽可能地保存自身的力量,借助行宫秘宝杀敌。 The opposite of Human Race front, the tide general Black Ink Clan army power and influence is bright, full attack goes toward these temporary palace Secret Treasure bang, defense formation rays of light twinkling on hit Secret Treasure. 人族战线的对立面,潮水一般的墨族大军威势煌煌,铺天盖地的攻击朝那些行宫秘宝轰去,打的一艘艘秘宝上的防护法阵光芒闪烁 Had the luck not good squad, temporary palace Secret Treasure had even lost the strength of fight, can only sharply that side the base return. 有运气不好的小队,行宫秘宝甚至已经失去了战斗之力,只能急急地基地那边返航。 Daybreak accelerates to clash, steps into battlefield swiftly, Yang Kai then detected that faintly several powerful Spiritual Mind were covering entire battlefield, confronts distantly. These several Spiritual Mind, clearly are belongs to Human Race 8-Rank Open Heaven and Black Ink Clan Territory Lord. 破晓加速冲来,倏一踏入战场这边,杨开便隐隐察觉到了数道强大的神念笼罩着整个战场,遥遥对峙。这数道神念,分明是属于人族八品开天墨族域主们。 Had the immobilization of 8-Rank Open Heaven, the powerhouse of Territory Lord rank does not have the means to meddle this war, this point to Human Race so, to Black Ink Clan, highest-end battle strength each other is also so immobilizing, the victory and defeat can only depend upon the lower-level personnel to spell to take. 正是有了八品开天的钳制,域主级别的强者才没办法插手这一场战事,这一点对人族来说如此,对墨族同样如此,最高端的战力彼此钳制着,胜负只能依靠更下层的人员来拼取。 Stands Yang Kai in deck sweeps the eye, then saw a Human Race defense line weak place, there Black Ink Clan offensive is quite fierce, although more than ten team level Secret Treasure support to resist mutually, but the aspect still somewhat creakies, defense formation gloss on a large ship is gloomy, how long obviously could not support. 站在甲板上的杨开把眼一扫,便看到了一处人族防线的薄弱处,那里墨族的攻势极为猛烈,十几艘队级秘宝虽然互相支援抵挡,但局面依然有些摇摇欲坠,其中一艘楼船上的防护法阵都光泽暗淡,显然支撑不了多久了。 Yang Kai hand one finger/refers, aims at that direction: „That side goes!” 杨开把手一指,指向那个方向:“去那边!” Daybreak immediately spreads toward that side, but more than ten breaths then crashed in battlefield. 破晓立刻朝那边驰去,只不过十几息便冲进了战场 Meets for first time reinforcements, that side Human Race all great happiness, what although comes is only one with their same team level Secret Treasure, but at this moment, any boost is extremely rare, perhaps joining of this team then can resist the advancement of here Black Ink Clan. 乍见援军,那边的人族皆都大喜,虽然来的只是一艘跟他们一样的队级秘宝,但此时此刻,任何助力都是极为难得的,或许这一支队伍的加入便能抵挡这边墨族的推进。 And on a large ship, Great Han/big person both hands of face bearded are poking a great sword, the standing erect bow, seems powerful, beckons to tell own Vice Team-Leader: Greeted, making them coordinate us to act together.” 其中一艘楼船上,一个一脸络腮胡子大汉双手杵着一柄巨剑,屹立船头,显得威风凛凛,招手吩咐自己副队长:“招呼一下,让他们配合我们一起行动。” His Vice Team-Leader is a beautiful appearance woman, is preparing to Dawn that side passes on a message, saw suddenly daybreak passed over gently and swiftly the defense line that directly Human Race more than ten large ships composed, hit in the Black Ink Clan army directly. 他的副队长是一个美貌妇人,正准备给晨曦那边传讯,忽见破晓直接掠过了人族十几艘楼船组成的防线,径直撞进墨族大军之中。 The beautiful appearance woman stares dumbfounded, bearded Great Han/big person flies into a rage, gives scolding saying: Where this squad braves, courts death?” 美貌妇人瞠目结舌,络腮胡子大汉更是暴跳如雷,痛骂道:“这小队哪里冒出来的,找死吗?” Their more than ten squads almost cannot block the advancement of front Black Ink Clan army jointly, suddenly to the killed the enemy group to go unexpectedly, this where had what means of livelihood, only feared that suddenly must be rumbled ashes by Black Ink Clan, when the time comes that squad more than ten people all wanted the skeleton not to save. 他们十几支小队联手都几乎拦不住前方墨族大军的推进,忽然冲出来的这一支竟杀进敌群去了,这哪有什么活路,只怕眨眼间就要被墨族轰成齑粉,到时候那小队十几人皆都要尸骨无存。 When giving scolding is also secret grieved, that is more than ten Open Heaven Stage, does not know that who that bastard Team-Leader is, own courts death must implicate an entire team unexpectedly. 痛骂之余也是暗暗心痛,那可是十几个开天境啊,也不知那混蛋队长到底是谁,自己找死居然要连累一整个队伍。 the voice just got out, a bearded then suddenly face shocking look, only looks with because of that their similar squad large ships, after crashing in the Black Ink Clan army, swings the 1-layer ripples unexpectedly suddenly, wants on big two times of Battleship towering to present in compared with standard team level Secret Treasure the field of vision. 话音方落,络腮胡子便忽然一脸震惊的神色,只因那看起来跟他们差不多的小队楼船,在冲进墨族大军之后,竟忽然荡出一层涟漪,一艘比制式队级秘宝要大上两倍的战舰突兀地呈现在视野中。 That temporary palace Secret Treasure, almost must endure compared with the health/guard level! 那行宫秘宝,几乎要堪比卫级了! Dawn!” bearded awakens suddenly, takes a broad view at entire Blue Sky Pass, only then Dawn Squad has such special Battleship, in the base, he also once personally saw has been patching the daybreak, drools with envy about this Battleship performance. 晨曦!”络腮胡子猛然醒悟,放眼整个碧落关,也只有晨曦小队才拥有这样特殊的战舰,在基地中,他也曾亲眼见过正在修补中的破晓,对这一艘战舰的性能可谓是垂涎三尺。 The beautiful appearance woman as Vice Team-Leader hears saying: „Are they Dawn?” 身为副队长的美貌妇人闻言道:“他们是晨曦?” bearded nods layer on layer/heavily: Will not be wrong!” Suddenly quickly grasps the meaning of something, the verbal command said: Quickly, follows them in a big hurry, gave me to tear into shreds the Black Ink Clan defense line!” 络腮胡子重重颔首:“不会错了!”忽然一个激灵,号令道:“快快快,跟上他们,给我把墨族的防线撕碎了!” Although Vice Team-Leader some hesitates, but rapid transmission instruction, the large ship of this squad immediately with tightening daybreak step. 副队长虽有些迟疑,但还是迅速传达指令,这一支小队的楼船立刻跟紧了破晓的步伐。 Meanwhile, more than ten teams of support made the similar choice with hardship unexpectedly, all turns around to meet the approaching enemy toward Black Ink Clan. 与此同时,原本苦苦支撑的十几支队伍竟都做出了同样的选择,全部都掉头朝墨族迎击过去。 When daybreak plunders, that side Black Ink Clan has not been serious, but came a Human Race squad, in the suppression facing strength, Human Race is incapable of revolting radically, when Imaginary Formation in daybreak relieves, reveals original feature time, that side Black Ink Clan immediately an unrest. 当破晓掠来之时,墨族那边并没怎么当回事,不过是又来了一支人族小队,面对实力上的压制,人族根本无力反抗,可是当破晓上的幻阵解除,露出本来面目的时候,墨族那边顿时一阵骚乱。 Recently this time, daybreak and Dawn prominence Human Race, liked thunder reverberating in one's ears that side Black Ink Clan similarly, many Black Ink Clan know that had an extremely special Human Race team, has the far ultra consanguineous personnel to dispose and unusual temporary palace Secret Treasure. 最近这一段时间,破晓和晨曦人族这边声名鹊起,在墨族那边同样如雷贯耳,许多墨族都知道有一支极为特别的人族队伍,有着远超同族的人员配置和不同寻常的行宫秘宝 Does not know that many Black Ink Clan suffer a loss in this team, many Black Ink Clan killed being annihilated. 不知有多少墨族在这一支队伍手下吃了大亏,许多墨族都被杀的全军覆没。 On this life and death battlefield, the prestige often can bring the powerful deterrent. 在这生死一线的战场上,威名往往能带来强大的威慑。 Full attack comes toward daybreak attack, wanting to stop the step that it advances, in daybreak shines dazzling protection rays of light, just like a beacon light, scattered the boundless darkness, crashes in the Black Ink Clan army directly, rips together the gap ruthlessly. 铺天盖地的攻击朝破晓攻击而来,欲要阻拦它突进的步伐,破晓上亮起耀眼的防护光芒,犹如一盏明灯,驱散了无边黑暗,径直冲进墨族大军中,狠狠地撕出一道缺口。 Next flickers, daybreak the hull shakes shakes again, under the stimulation of movement of many 6-Rank Open Heaven, the attack formation eruption thunders, bolt of white silk sword glow, the huge spear/gun shadow, passes through the light beam of universe sufficiently, the bang enters the Black Ink Clan gathering place ruthlessly. 下一瞬,破晓船身一震再震,在诸多六品开天的催动下,攻击法阵爆发轰鸣,匹练般的剑芒,巨大的枪影,足以贯穿乾坤的光束,狠狠轰进墨族聚集之地。 The wild energy sweeps across, attack everywhere one visit, a Black Ink Clan casualty piece. 狂暴的能量席卷,攻击所到之处,墨族死伤一片。 attack that each a formation rumbles endures compared with 7-Rank Open Heaven acts full power . Moreover the attack surface is positive, these low-rank Black Ink Clan moistening die, high-rank Black Ink Clan is also difficult to offend its front. 那每一道法阵所轰出的攻击都堪比七品开天全力出手,而且攻击面积极广,那些下位墨族沾之即死,上位墨族也难撄其锋。 This is the prestige of Human Race temporary palace Secret Treasure, under formation blessing, several 6-Rank Open Heaven joint efforts, then can display the strength of 7-Rank Open Heaven, moreover places in temporary palace Secret Treasure, so long as the Secret Treasure protection broken, will be worried about strength corrosion by black ink unexpectedly. 这才是人族行宫秘宝之威,在法阵加持下,几位六品开天合力,便能发挥出七品开天之力,而且身处在行宫秘宝内,只要秘宝防护不破,就不虞担心会被墨之力侵蚀。 One time is only acted, daybreak shows the domination common team level Secret Treasure prestige energy, Black Ink Clan that lives on dishonorably has not gasped for breath with enough time, more than ten squad controlling are causing the large ship, follows closely after the daybreak, on each large ship blooms different color rays of light. 仅仅只是一次出手,破晓就展现出凌驾寻常队级秘宝的威能,苟活下来的墨族还没来得及喘口气,又有十几支小队驭使着楼船,紧随在破晓之后,每一艘楼船上都绽放出不同色彩的光芒 attack formation on these large ships naturally do not have daybreak on colorful, after all the personnel do not dispose compared with Dawn, the formation disposition were many also no one to stimulate to movement, was only the waste. 这些楼船上的攻击法阵自然没有破晓上的丰富多彩,毕竟人员配置不比晨曦,法阵配置多了也没人可以催动,只是浪费。 But they win in quantity huge, a large ship only activates two attack formation words, that more than ten are about 30 attack fires. 但他们胜在数量庞大,一艘楼船只激活两处攻击法阵的话,那十几艘便是将近三十道攻击齐发。 That is endures ratio 30 7-Rank Open Heaven to intend to strike full power. 那可是堪比三十位七品开天全力出手一击。 Without Black Ink Clan that gasps for breath with enough time drops down again a big piece, Black Ink Clan of this feudal lord rank causes heavy losses to several. 没来得及喘口气的墨族再次倒下一大片,这一下就连领主级别的墨族都重创好几个。 In the Black Ink Clan army, presents together the hollow region immediately . Moreover the this hollow region is still expanding together continually, daybreak the place visited, just like the hot blade to roll the butter, the chisel in the Black Ink Clan defense line eliminates a gap ruthlessly. 墨族大军之中,立刻出现一道中空地带,而且这一道中空地带还在持续扩大,破晓所过之处,犹如热刀滚牛油般,在墨族防线中狠狠凿除一条缺口。 Team-Leader, that side defense formation soon could not support.” Feng Ying opens the mouth to remind one suddenly. 队长,防护法阵那边快要支撑不住了。”冯英忽然开口提醒一句。 Daybreak so rushes ahead, no doubt is refreshed, but the request to the protection was too high, defense formation has not been damaged actually, but is responsible for the defense formation team member is the consumption is too big, they must the time stimulation of movement strength maintain covering of strength of protection, otherwise once daybreak by attack to the main body, will definitely be damaged. 破晓这般冲杀,固然爽快,但对防护的要求实在太高了,防护法阵倒是没有受损,但负责防护法阵的队员却是消耗太大,他们非得时刻催动力量维持防护之力的笼罩,否则破晓一旦被攻击到本体,肯定会有所受损。 The times of this short dozens breaths, the team member of rotation each one is then pale. 这短短不过几十息的功夫,轮换的队员便已个个脸色苍白。 Does not need Feng Ying to remind, Yang Kai also noticed this point, daybreak on protection light barrier this moment rays of light was obviously gloomy, truly could not support is too long. 无需冯英提醒,杨开也注意到了这一点,破晓上的防护光幕此刻光芒明显暗淡了许多,确实支撑不了太久。 I come!” During the Yang Kai speeches, moves sideways, then arrived in defense formation, sits cross-legged to take a seat, took a deep breath, stimulates to movement the Small Universe strength to pour into formation. “我来!”杨开说话间,一个闪身,便来到了一处防护法阵中,盘膝落座,深吸一口气,催动小乾坤的力量灌入法阵之中。 Next flickers, had become extremely gloomy protection light barrier, rays of light is greatly bright, explodes such as a Sun instantaneously, dazzling. 下一瞬,原本已经变得极为暗淡的防护光幕,光芒大亮,瞬间爆如一轮太阳,刺目至极。 Being flabbergasted that Shen Ao and the others looked. 沈敖等人看的咋舌不已。 The defense formation prestige can the strong and weak, with managing background of person of formation has very big relations deeply. 防护法阵的威能强弱,跟主持法阵之人的底蕴深厚有很大的关系。 In each defense formation, protects Secret Treasure to take formation eye, manages the person of formation to need to do, is stimulates to movement the strength to pour into formation, formation can stimulate the prestige of Secret Treasure, changes to makes the strength of protection. 每一处防护法阵中,有一件防护秘宝作为阵眼,主持法阵之人需要做的,就是催动自身力量灌入法阵,法阵便可激发秘宝之威,化做防护之力。 The common time, each defense formation needs at least three team members to urge with joint forces, after all is responsible for these member cultivation level either is 5-Rank, either is 6-Rank. 寻常时候,每一处防护法阵都需要最少三个队员合力驱使,毕竟负责这些的成员修为要么是五品,要么是六品 Only by doing so, can guarantee firm of protection. 唯有如此,才能保证防护的坚固。 But now, a Yang Kai person of strength then far exceeds the beforehand effect, attack that raids in all directions hits on protecting light barrier, but splashes without a trace that faint trace ripples then vanish. 而如今,杨开一人之力便远超之前的效果,四面八方袭来的攻击打在防护光幕上,只是溅起一丝丝涟漪便消失的无影无踪。 Thus it can be seen, the vigor of Yang Kai background. 由此可见,杨开底蕴之雄浑。 :.: :。:
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