MP :: Volume #51

#5018: Final competition

Xu Boliang hears word, puts out a hand to select him: Brat appetite is actually big, did this keep thinking about on your Junior Sister Bai? You may know the common squad are what personnel dispose, your Dawn is what personnel disposes, now has not actually been content.” 徐伯良闻言,伸手点他:“臭小子胃口倒是不小,这就惦记上你白师妹了?你可知寻常小队是什么人员配置,你晨曦又是什么人员配置,如今却还不知足。” The Yang Kai nod said: disciple naturally is knows that the common squad has two 7-Rank to assume personal command is lucky, many squad one 7-Rank Team-Leader, but my Dawn, has 7-Rank five, truly were much many compared with the common squad.” 杨开点头道:“弟子自然是知道的,寻常小队有两位七品坐镇已是万幸,很多小队都只有一位七品队长而已,而我晨曦,有七品五位,比起寻常小队确实多了不少。” Xu Boliang ill-humored saying: You know well.” 徐伯良没好气道:“你知道就好。” Yang Kai holds the fist saying: Meritorious military service that Dawn wins now, disposition on complete doing right by personnel, if counted Chasing Wind Territory Lord that disciple and Junior Sister Bai cut to kill jointly, that far exceeds.” 杨开抱拳道:“晨曦如今所取得的战功,完全对得起人员上的配置,如果算上弟子白师妹联手斩杀的逐风域主,那更是远远超出。” Xu Boliang nods said: This truly right.” 徐伯良颔首道:“这确实没错。” Sees him to resemble too the meaning of rejection, Yang Kai has not struck while the iron is hot: Dawn from foundation at the beginning , is the special action squad, if Blue Sky Pass clansman is a dagger, that Dawn is the knife point of this blade, the knife point is sharp, more can easily kill the enemy, therefore Dawn is stronger, more is good to Blue Sky Pass, Garrison's Chief feels?” 见他似没有太多拒绝之意,杨开趁热打铁:“晨曦自创建之初,便是特别行动小队,如果说碧落关族人是一柄尖刀的话,那晨曦便是这柄刀的刀尖,刀尖越是锋锐,越是能轻易杀敌,所以晨曦越强,对碧落关这边越有好处,总镇觉得呢?” Fallacies and absurdities.” Xu Boliang ridicules one. “歪理邪说。”徐伯良笑骂一声。 However slightly hesitates, nods said: „, Before about Zhong Liang Regiment's Commander, had once said that personnel Dawn under area inside the Great Wall 8-Rank demands as you like, now you have a liking for Bai Yi, that then makes him also enroll the formation.” 不过略一沉吟,还是颔首道:“也罢,左右钟良军团长之前也曾说过,关内八品之下的人员随你晨曦索取,如今你既看上了白羿,那便让他也编入队列吧。” Yang Kai holds the fist in the other hand hastily: Many thanks Garrison's Chief Xu.” 杨开连忙抱拳:“多谢徐总镇。” Xu Boliang looks to Bai Yi: Bai Yi, this matter must ask your meaning, if you are willing to join Dawn, my then registers to compile a register for you, if not hope, may go to other teams, by your strength, holds the post of one team of Team-Leader sufficiently, does not need to deign to accept a post under this boy.” 徐伯良又看向白羿:“白羿,这件事还要问问你的意思,你若是愿意加入晨曦,我这便为你登记造册,若是不愿,也可去其他队伍,以你的实力,足以担任一队队长,没必要屈就这小子之下。” The Bai Yi graceful ritual said: disciple is willing to obey Senior Brother Yang to dispatch.” 白羿盈盈一礼道:“弟子愿听从杨师兄调遣。” So good!” Xu Boliang nods slightly, immediately is the Bai Yi registration compiles a register, the meritorious military service of also her and Yang Kai this killing takes down. “如此甚好!”徐伯良微微颔首,当即为白羿登记造册,又将她与杨开这一路杀出的战功记下。 After a little while, two people said good-bye Xu Boliang, returned to the Dawn camp. 少顷,两人辞别徐伯良,返回晨曦营地之中。 Knew that Bai Yi also became the Dawn team member, the people are happen simultaneously joyfully, the Bai Yi strength they do not have personally to experience, but can run away in Yang Kai hand/subordinate repeatedly, how could also to miss to where goes, let alone Bai Yi or Divine Feather Paradise disciple, her joining lets strength of to go up a level Dawn far attacking sufficiently. 得知白羿也成了晨曦的队员,众人自是欣喜交加,白羿的实力他们没有亲身体会过,但能在杨开手下屡次逃走的,又岂能差到哪去,更何况白羿还是神羽福地弟子,她的加入足以让晨曦远攻之力更上一层楼 Believes that by her archery, will meet Black Ink Clan in the future, then can kill was more relaxed. 相信凭借她的箭术,日后再遇到墨族,便能杀的更轻松了。 Places Bai Yi to stay, making her restore the training. Her injury has not recovered, after all Chasing Wind lair really not suitable healing. 安置白羿住下,让她恢复修养。她的伤势并没有痊愈,毕竟逐风的巢穴实在不适合疗伤 Yang Kai is wanting to return to the own dwelling, Feng Ying actually with. 杨开正欲返回自己的住处,冯英却跟了过来。 Let her enter in the room, two people takes a seat, Yang Kai asked: „Does Master Uncle have the matter?” 让她进了屋内,两人落座,杨开问道:“师叔有事?” Feng Ying hesitant evil ways: Now you were also 7-Rank, your my Rank was the same, do not shout what Master Uncle.” 冯英犹豫了下道:“如今你也是七品了,你我品阶相同,就不要喊什么师叔了。” Yang Kai loses says with a smile: What did that shout? Senior Sister?” 杨开失笑道:“那喊什么?师姐吗?” Feng Ying nods: Ok! You looked, you called Bai Yi are Junior Sister Bai, I also shouted her Junior Sister Bai, you called me for Master Uncle, this little messed up.” 冯英颔首:“可以的!你看,你称呼白羿白师妹,我也喊她白师妹,你却来称呼我为师叔,这就有点乱套。” Yang Kai is slightly silent, this he also detected, somewhat was truly chaotic. 杨开略默,这点他也察觉到了,确实有些乱。 „The person of our practice, the age is not always the standard of name, the strength is. If you come Cave Heaven Paradise , the key you are not the Cave Heaven Paradise family background, does not need to defend rank that set.” “吾辈修行之人,年纪向来不是称呼的标准,实力才是。若你出身洞天福地也就罢了,关键你并非洞天福地出身,没必要守着辈分那一套。” That depended on Senior Sister to say.” Yang Kai nods. “那就依师姐所说。”杨开点点头。 The Feng Ying smile said: Then makes sense.” 冯英微笑道:“这才像话。” „Does Senior Sister come in other words this?” 师姐过来就是说这个的?” Feng Ying shakes the head saying: That actually not, has the proper business.” 冯英摇头道:“那倒不是,另有正事。” Yang Kai look one austere: Senior Sister please say.” 杨开神色一肃:“师姐请讲。” Feng Ying said: Is this kind of, the base discovered recently a piece of high production resources region, there was occupied by Black Ink Clan, but my Human Race strength occupies now superiorly, advanced that side the front step by step, Black Ink Clan is not willing to give up that region probably, therefore gathered many strength resistances at that side. The base personnel, basically went to there, I listened to the Garrison's Chief Xu words few days ago the meaning, Black Ink Clan or Human Race, intend, in that region comes out high , if the this kind of words, that fought finally, if Human Race won, then can take the resources of this stretch of war zone thoroughly.” 冯英道:“是这样的,基地这边最近发现了一片富产资源的区域,那里原本是被墨族占据的,只不过如今我人族实力占优,一步步将战线推进到了那边,墨族好像不太愿意放弃那片区域,所以在那边聚集了不少力量反抗。基地这边的人员,基本上都去了那里,我前些日子听徐总镇话中之意,无论是墨族还是人族,都有意在那一片区域决出高下,如果是这样的话,那就是最后一战了,人族这边若是赢了,便能彻底拿下这一片战区的资源。” Yang Kai hears the word suddenly: On the road that comes back no wonder has not bumped into clansman not to see what Black Ink Clan, originally gathered to one.” 杨开闻言恍然:“怪不得回来的路上既没碰到族人也没看到什么墨族,原来都聚集到一处去了。” Feng Ying nods: This is the good opportunity of accomplishing the whole task at one stroke, several Garrison's Chief are not naturally willing to miss, even if although takes this stretch of war zone, Human Race still can only mine for dozens years, when that side Black Ink Clan rests and builds up strength to retreat, but dozens years of mining, enough has made the area inside the Great Wall many a lot of practice resources.” 冯英颔首:“这是毕其功于一役的好机会,几位总镇自然不愿意错过,虽说即便拿下这一片战区,人族这边也只能开采几十年,待墨族那边休养生息完毕就要退走,但几十年的开采,已经足够让关内多出很多修行资源了。” Good!” Yang Kai sincere nods, „has that side started to encounter?” “不错!”杨开正色颔首,“那边已经开始交锋了吗?” Feng Ying said: „The conflict of small scale has never interrupted, but has not arrived at a true life and death war, but should soon, Garrison's Chief dread, nothing but assumes personal command in several Black Ink Clan Territory Lord of this stretch of war zone, the Territory Lord quantity and strength and Garrison's Chief are generally comparable, therefore no one can do to anyone, but now you and Bai Yi killed Chasing Wind, Black Ink Clan that side Territory Lord will then be short of one, Garrison's Chief will definitely seize this opportunity, gave the Black Ink Clan heavy losses.” 冯英道:“小规模的冲突从未间断过,不过还没有到真正决死一战的时候,不过应该用不了多久了,原本总镇们所忌惮的,无非是坐镇在这一片战区的几位墨族域主,域主的数量和实力与总镇们大体相当,所以谁也奈何不了谁,但如今你与白羿杀了一个逐风,墨族那边的域主便少了一个,总镇们肯定会抓住这个机会,给予墨族重创。” The Yang Kai brow raises: Daybreak that side what situation?” 杨开眉头一扬:“破晓那边什么情况?” Feng Ying said: We have looked, but also takes 78 days to restore completely.” 冯英道:“我方才去看过,还要七八日才能完全修复。” 78 days......” Yang Kai smacks the lips, „ that “七八日……”杨开咂咂嘴,“那就等上七八日,我与白羿之前一战消耗不小,正好需要恢复。” The Feng Ying nod said: Good.” 冯英点头道:“好。” Packs off Feng Ying, Yang Kai closes up the restoration immediately, greatly the Open Heaven Pill clothing/taking, also takes out one set of 6-Rank resources to start to refine, Small Universe background quickly is restoring. 送走冯英,杨开当即闭关恢复,大把开天丹服下,又取出一套六品资源开始炼化,小乾坤底蕴迅速恢复着。 He now as 7-Rank, refining up the speed that the 7-Rank resources restore naturally is quickest, but 7-Rank resources compared with 6-Rank precious far more than ten times, moreover there is an assistance of Open Heaven Pill, refining up 6-Rank already enough. 他如今身为七品,炼化七品资源恢复的速度自然是最快的,但七品资源比起六品来说贵重了何止十倍,而且有开天丹的辅佐,炼化六品已经足够了 Many lives that let alone, his within the body rears in a pen, are not providing increase of the world mighty force to him always. 更何况,他体内圈养的诸多生灵,无时无刻也不在给他提供着世界伟力的增加。 In his hand resources, although are many, but on this black ink battlefield, any resources is hard-won, must always save the point to use. 他手中资源虽然不少,但在这墨之战场上,任何一份资源都来之不易,总是要省着点用的。 So several days later, Yang Kai in high spirits shoved open the door. 如此数日之后,杨开精神焕发地推开了房门。 In Dawn camp, daybreak peacefully float in midair, Feng Ying gets the person in high and low to inspect, sees Yang Kai to come, Feng Ying finds out the body to beckon toward him from the deck. 晨曦营地内,破晓安静地悬浮在半空中,冯英领着人正在上下检查,见杨开现身,冯英从甲板上探出身子朝他招了招手。 Yang Kai jumped to fly, about took a look: What kind of?” 杨开纵身飞了上去,左右瞧瞧:“怎么样?” Feng Ying nods said: All formation of breakage have repaired, similar that the team members also restore, can set out.” 冯英颔首道:“所有破损的法阵都已经修复好了,队员们也恢复的差不多,可以出发了。” Yang Kai nods, lowers the head to look toward the Bai Yi room, sees the door to shut tightly, said one: Shouted Bai Yi, making her restore on the road, I went to greet with Garrison's Chief Xu.” 杨开点点头,低头朝白羿的房间望去,见房门紧闭,道了一声:“把白羿喊上,让她在路上恢复,我去与徐总镇打个招呼。” So saying, the figure is flashing then to spread toward the place of Xu Boliang assuming personal command. 这般说着,身形一闪便朝徐伯良坐镇之地驰去。 Moment, saw Xu Boliang, explained the plan of own. 须臾,见了徐伯良,道明自己的打算。 Xu Boliang from not the meaning of stop, even can say, he intended makes Dawn participate in this stretch of war zone finally the struggle, but he also knows that daybreak has been repairing, prepared and other daybreak to restore, calls to issue the duty Yang Kai again, now Yang Kai seeks on own initiative, moreover there is this thoughts naturally should better. 徐伯良自无阻拦之意,甚至可以说,他本就有意让晨曦去参与这一片战区的最后之争,只不过他也知道破晓一直在修复,原先准备等破晓修复好了,再把杨开唤来下达任务,如今杨开主动来寻,而且有这个心思自然是最好不过。 „The news that passes from that side said, the Black Ink Clan quantity of that region clustering are many, fully 20,000, this to Black Ink Clan, was an establishment of regiment, although definitely many high-rank Black Ink Clan and low-rank Black Ink Clan, but may not treat it lightly.” “从那边传回来的消息说,那一片区域聚集的墨族数量不少,足有两万,这对墨族来说,也是一个军团的编制了,虽说其中肯定有不少上位墨族和下位墨族,但也不可掉以轻心。” The Yang Kai sincere nod, asked: How many my does Human Race have?” 杨开正色点头,问道:“我人族有多少?” Less than 2000!” Xu Boliang is brief and to the point. “不足两千!”徐伯良言简意赅。 2000 pairs 20,000, ten times of disparities, the quantity absolutely does not have the comparability. But Yang Kai also knows, Human Race was impossible to reassign more manpower to come. 两千对两万,十倍的差距,数量完全没有可比性。但杨开也知道,人族这边不可能抽调更多的人手过来了。 If the this kind of resources production area, in the entire Evil Royal Lord territory, Human Race attacked and occupied in all directions, each has 2000 people, that in all directions is 8000, that side Blue Sky Pass, a regiment also such person. 这样的资源产区,在整个门邪王主的领地中,人族攻占了四处,每一处都有两千人的话,那四处就是八千,碧落关那边,一个军团也就这么点人而已。 Blue Sky Pass is naturally impossible too many clansman to put to attack and occupy the resources production area, but also needs to remain behind one major part in the area inside the Great Wall, guards against mishap. 碧落关自然不可能将太多族人放出来攻占资源产区,还需要留守一大部分在关内,以防不测。 However two thousand Human Race, each one are 5-Rank Open Heaven above, but can also draw support from the prestige of temporary palace Secret Treasure, however two ten thousand Black Ink Clan , many is weak low-rank Black Ink Clan, this was who does not say certainly. 不过两千人族,个个都是五品开天之上,还能借助行宫秘宝之威,然而两万墨族,又有多少是实力弱小的下位墨族,这是谁也说不准的。 Therefore although the population the disparity is disparate, whom but this fights to win who loses could not really have reached an agreement, only hits has known. 所以人数虽然差距悬殊,但这一战谁胜谁输还真说不好,唯有打过才知道。 „The Dawn personnel dispose powerful, good that if operates, can display a big prestige energy on this kind of battlefield, but to you, I have a request.” 晨曦人员配置强大,若是运作的好,在这样的战场上能发挥出不小的威能,不过对你,我有一个要求。” Yang Kai stern saying: Garrison's Chief Xu please say!” 杨开正色道:“徐总镇请讲!” battlefield above, does not allow you to stimulate to movement the light of purification!” 战场之上,不允许你催动净化之光!” Yang Kai nods: I understand.” On battlefield of such scale, impossible all Black Ink Clan kill to the last one/being ruthless, once stimulates to movement the light of purification inevitably for the Black Ink Clan vigilance, when the time comes is very likely to expose his existence. 杨开点点头:“我明白的。”那样规模的战场上,不可能将所有墨族赶尽杀绝,一旦催动净化之光势必会为墨族警觉,到时候极有可能会暴露他的存在。 Slightly hesitates, Yang Kai said: If there is clansman to need to treat and cure?” 略一迟疑,杨开道:“若是有族人需要救治呢?” Xu Boliang said: Base has Expelling Black Ink Battleship, each Human Race officers left behind the own brand mark, if cannot support, they will stimulate to movement the universe secret art to return to here.” 徐伯良道:“基地这边有驱墨舰,每一个人族将士都在其中留下了自己的烙印,若是支撑不住,他们自会催动乾坤诀返回这里。” Said good-bye Xu Boliang, Yang Kai returns to the Dawn camp again, at this moment, the squad members have built up, Bai Yi was also shouted. 辞别徐伯良,杨开再次返回晨曦营地,此时此刻,小队成员都已集结完毕,白羿也被喊了出来。 In the deck, the squad more than 30 people, are divided into three rows, is ready and waiting. 甲板上,小队三十多人,分成三列,整装待发。 Yang Kai waits and sees one, this waves saying: set out.” 杨开观望一阵,这才挥手道:“出发。” Be responsible for many formation members dispersing immediately, performs its own functions, after a little while, will daybreak change to together flowing light, will shoot up to the sky, will depart in a flash. 负责诸多法阵的成员立刻散开,各司其职,少顷,破晓化作一道流光,冲天而起,转瞬离去。 The place of final decisive battle involved the extremely bountiful resources, is the Black Ink Clan final defense line, so long as routs this defense line, then Human Race can occupy this stretch of resources production area completely, in can mine over about following dozens years calmly and steadily, perhaps when the time comes will also be disturbed by Black Ink Clan occasionally, but Human Race definitely will have the team of inspection to be responsible for admonishing the protection. 最后的决战之地牵扯了极为富饶的资源,也是墨族最后的防线,只要将这一道防线击溃,那么人族就可以完全占据这一片资源产区,在接下来的几十年来可以安稳地开采,或许到时候偶尔还会受到墨族的干扰,但人族这边肯定也会有巡视的队伍负责警戒防备。 Two clan each other battle innumerable years, this grade of confrontation way has had a familiar task and handled it with ease. 两族彼此争斗无数年,这等交锋方式已经驾轻就熟。
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