MP :: Volume #51

#5017: Beginning to end

By Dawn Squad background and Dawn Battleship performance, bumps into small stock Black Ink Clan definitely to be able the steamroll, now the squad members are all wounded in the body, obviously experienced a war, right bumped into what Black Ink Clan army. 晨曦小队底蕴破晓战舰的性能,碰到小股墨族完全可以碾压,如今小队成员个个负伤在身,明显是经历了一场大战,搞不好是碰到了什么墨族大军。 The Shen Ao say/way luck is not good, meets Territory Lord.” 沈敖道“运气不好,遇到一个域主。” Territory Lord! Does Yang Kai knit the brows slightly what's the matter?” 域主杨开微微皱眉“怎么回事?” Shen Ao hastily the beginning to end of matter briefly. 沈敖连忙将事情的始末简单地说了一遍。 On the same day Yang Kai pursued Bai Yi to go, after they remained processed battlefield, then following the direction that Yang Kai pursued seeks, but looked unable to find the Yang Kai's trace, can only give up. 当日杨开追着白羿而去,他们留下来处理了战场之后,便顺着杨开追击的方向去寻,不过找来找去也找不到杨开的踪影,只能作罢。 In daybreak the arrangement has Universe Formation, the words that Yang Kai wants to come back, only need stimulate to movement the universe secret art to be able safely to return, in addition Yang Kai is talented, is skilled in Space Principle, even if will bump into Territory Lord not to have the sorrow of what life, therefore Dawn will not be was too worried. 破晓上布置有乾坤大阵,杨开想回来的话,只需催动乾坤诀便可安全返回,再加上杨开本身实力不俗,精通空间法则,纵然碰到域主也不会有什么性命之忧,所以晨曦这边并不是太担心。 Daybreak continues to walk randomly in the war zone hunts and kills Black Ink Clan, waits for Yang Kai while convenient. 破晓继续在战区中游走猎杀墨族,顺便等待杨开 The chamotte luck is bad, bumps into Territory Lord unexpectedly unknowingly, Dawn is Elite is naturally uneven, retreats fighting with that Territory Lord, the injury of people came, moreover that fights daybreak many are also damaged, arranges many formation in ship to damage. 熟料运气糟糕,竟不经意间碰到一位域主,晨曦这边自然是精锐齐出,与那域主且战且退,众人的伤势就是这么来的,而且那一战就连破晓也有诸多受损,布置在舰内的许多法阵都有所损坏。 Although that Territory Lord is fierce, but Dawn does not have the strength to hit back, therefore Territory Lord wants to eat Dawn to have the difficulty. 域主虽然凶猛,但晨曦这边也不是毫无还手之力,所以域主想要吃掉晨曦还是有难度的。 At crucial moment, Xu Boliang kills suddenly, becomes one group with that Territory Lord games. 关键时候,徐伯良忽然杀出,与那域主成一团。 Dawn everyone is injured, daybreak is damaged seriously, naturally does not have the means to keep on battlefield again, can only first return the base. 晨曦人人受伤,就连破晓都受损严重,自然没办法再留在战场上,只能先退回基地。 Among fight result of Xu Boliang with that Territory Lord, they were unknown. 至于徐伯良与那域主之间的战斗结果,他们就不得而知了。 However returns the base less than half day in them the time, Xu Boliang also returns to the base, now replaced assumed Zha Hu here, took on the overall situation. 不过就在他们退回基地不到半日的功夫,徐伯良也返回基地,如今替换了原先坐镇在这里的查虎,统揽全局。 After Shen Ao said that the Feng Ying say/way Garrison's Chief Xu should receive some wounds, is not serious, when he returned on the same day, aura obviously is not slightly steady.” 沈敖说完之后,冯英道“徐总镇应该是受了些伤,并不严重,他当日返回之时,气息稍显不稳。” Listened to them saying that Yang Kai and Bai Yi looked at each other one, the expression somewhat were slightly strange. 听他们说完,杨开白羿对视了一眼,表情略有些古怪。 What's wrong?” Feng Ying asked puzzled. “怎么了?”冯英不解问道。 Yang Kai shakes the head no, is only some coincidences, attack your Territory Lord, I have also seen.” 杨开摇头“没什么,只是有些巧合,攻击你们那个域主,我也见过。” The Feng Ying surprised say/way „did you also see? Fought?” 冯英吃惊道“你也见到了?交手了吗?” Yang Kai nods „a war! Almost cannot come back.” 杨开点点头“一场大战!差点没能回来。” Feng Ying reproved immediately deliberately creates trouble, although that Territory Lord was Garrison's Chief Xu injures, but also was Territory Lord, was not two 7-Rank can contend.” 冯英当即训斥“胡闹,那域主虽为徐总镇所伤,但也是域主,不是一个两个七品能够抗衡的。” Yang Kai agreed „, I and Bai Yi also spent the big strength to cut to kill him.” 杨开深表赞同“是啊,我与白羿也是花了好大的力气才将他斩杀。” Killed...... kills?” Shen Ao and the others dumbstruck, Feng Ying also stared in a big way the eye, if not for this saying said from the Yang Kai mouth, they cannot believe. “杀……杀了?”沈敖等人目瞪口呆,冯英同样瞪大了眼睛,这话若不是从杨开口中说出来,他们都不敢相信。 Luck is good, he was first sneak attacked light of the purification by me, the strength damages greatly, there is Bai Yi Junior Sister to assist in side, although the process is difficult, but is shocking but not dangerous finally.” Yang Kai explained one simply. “运气好,他先是被我偷袭了一道净化之光,实力大损,又有白羿师妹在旁协助,过程虽然艰辛,但总算是有惊无险。”杨开简单解释一声。 The people are shocked. 众人震惊。 Feng Ying turns head to look at Bai Yi, Yang Kai is busy at introducing to them. 冯英扭头瞧了瞧白羿,杨开忙给他们介绍一番。 Feng Ying original Junior Sister Bai lets the Team-Leader dirty that person suddenly .” 冯英恍然“原来白师妹就是让队长灰头土脸的那人,果然了得。” Bai Yi blushes slightly is corroded by the strength of black ink, the body and mind is unable to restrain oneself, Senior Sister was laughed, now results in Senior Brother to lend a hand to assist, I have restored the natural disposition.” 白羿微微脸红“被墨之力侵蚀,身心不能自已,师姐见笑了,如今得师兄出手相助,我已恢复本性。” Feng Ying smiles you to fear that has not known, Dawn Squad, besides me, others all by black ink disciple that he saves.” 冯英抿嘴一笑“你怕是还不知道,晨曦小队这边,除了我之外,其他人全都是被他救回来的墨徒。” Bai Yi astonished is raises the head all?” 白羿讶然抬头“全都是?” Feng Ying nods „is!” 冯英颔首“全都是!” The Bai Yi vision has looked at that face, suddenly smiled saw Senior Brother Junior Brother fortunately, Bai Yi has been honored.” 白羿目光看过那一张张面孔,忽然笑了“有幸见过诸位师兄师弟,白羿深感荣幸。” Shen Ao say/way „, since came back, that will then kill some Black Ink Clan in the future, ought to be good for the past aggrieved exit|to speak foul odor.” 沈敖道“既然回来了,那日后便多杀一些墨族,总该为往日的憋屈出口恶气才好。” Bai Yi complied with one gently is. 白羿轻轻地应了一声是。 Yang Kai say/way I, and leads her to see Garrison's Chief Xu, you first healing, had the matter then to say again.” 杨开道“我且带她去见徐总镇,你们先疗伤,有事回头再说。” People from unobjectionable. 众人自无异议。 Yang Kai leads Bai Yi to go to see right in front of one Xu Boliang immediately, first travels, Bai Yi somewhat is obviously anxious, did not say other, on the same day she shot a Xu Boliang arrow, injures him, helped fleeing of Chasing Wind. 杨开当即领着白羿前去面见徐伯良,前行路上,白羿明显有些紧张,不说别的,当日她可是射了徐伯良一箭,将他打伤,更助了逐风的遁逃。 Although Yang Kai detected, but does not comfort her, something always want own to face. 杨开虽然察觉,但不去安慰她,有些事总是要自己去面对的。 However just now with Feng Ying and the others a conversation, Yang Kai understood the beginning to end of matter of that day actually. 不过方才与冯英等人一番交谈,杨开倒是明白了那一日事情的始末。 Dawn Squad first encountered Chasing Wind, a both sides war, Dawn does not beat, daybreak was damaged, wants to come Chasing Wind also to eat Dawn owed much, Xu Boliang kills, both sides fight, cause heavy losses to Chasing Wind, the critical moment, a Bai Yi arrow raids, Chasing Wind seizes the chance to flee. 晨曦小队先是遭遇了逐风,双方一场大战,晨曦不敌,就连破晓都有所受损,想来逐风晨曦这边也吃了不少亏,紧接着徐伯良杀出,双方交手,重创逐风,关键时刻,白羿一箭袭至,逐风趁机遁逃。 Afterward Xu Boliang retreats, Yang Kai takes Bai Yi, goes to the Chasing Wind lair at her suggestion. 随后徐伯良退走,杨开又拿下白羿,在她的建议下前往逐风的巢穴。 Arrived at this moment, which Yang Kai has not understood why own stimulated to movement the universe secret art unable in Universe Formation with daybreak to produce resonance on the same day, clearly is the reason that the daybreak is damaged. 到了此刻,杨开哪还不明白自己当日催动乾坤诀为何没能与破晓上的乾坤大阵产生共鸣,分明是破晓受损的缘故。 Now also has resonance, explained that Universe Formation had been repaired. 如今又有了共鸣,就说明乾坤大阵已被修复好了。 Human Race here Formation Law Expert, although is unable to arrange Universe Formation, but only makes the simple restore, the premise is serious that too Formation do not damage. 人族这边的阵法师,虽然无法布置乾坤大阵,但只做简单的修复还是可以的,前提是大阵不要破损的太严重。 Quick two people then arrives at the place of Xu Boliang assuming personal command, waits for the moment outside, is circular, after a little while, some people will in then ask two people to enter. 很快两人便来到徐伯良坐镇之地,在外面等候片刻,让人通传一声,少顷,便有人请两人入内。 Yang Kai said that thanked, stepped into the palace with Bai Yi. 杨开道一声谢,与白羿踏入殿内。 Behind the long table, the Ying Wei/brave and large form sits well together, the facial expression did not get angry from the prestige, Yang Kai had seen Xu Boliang on the same day from afar, although looked was not quite clear, but at this moment the long table rear form and same day saw, truly 78 similar, should be Xu Boliang without doubt. 长桌后方,一道英伟身影端坐,神情不怒自威,杨开当日远远见过徐伯良,虽然看的不太真切,但此刻长桌后方的身影与当日所见,确实有七八份相似,应该就是徐伯良无疑。 Yang Kai holds the fist in the other hand hastily Dawn Yang Kai, has seen Garrison's Chief Xu!” 杨开连忙抱拳“晨曦杨开,见过徐总镇!” Bai Yi also salutes upon meeting Bai Yi to see Garrison's Chief Xu.” 白羿也见礼“白羿见过徐总镇。” Xu Boliang nods slightly, puts out a hand to make a false pretext, an invisible strength picks up two people. 徐伯良微微颔首,伸手虚托,一股无形之力将两人托起。 He first looked at Yang Kai, looks randomly to Bai Yi, next one flickers, the brow raises, did the accidental/surprised say/way that day sneak attack my is you?” 他先是看了看杨开,随机又望向白羿,下一瞬,眉头一扬,意外道“那一日偷袭我的是你?” The side that on the same day although Bai Yi hid was deep, but Internal Qi locked together on Xu Boliang, naturally made him remember profoundly. 当日白羿虽然隐藏的极深,但一道气机锁在徐伯良身上,自然让他记忆深刻。 At this moment saw Bai Yi, naturally recognized all of a sudden. 此刻见了白羿,自然一下子就认出来了。 Bai Yi lowering the head say/way „the same day was involuntary, Garrison's Chief Xu forgave!” 白羿低头道“当日身不由己,徐总镇恕罪!” Xu Boliang laughed might as well, on the same day you for black ink disciple, like that as being reasonable, your archery truly were good, the Divine Feather Paradise person I have seen much, had your so archery actually few, did you practice successfully Chasing Sun Arrow Heart?” 徐伯良呵呵一笑“无妨,当日你为墨徒,那般作为在情理之中,不过你的箭术确实不俗,神羽福地的人我见过不少,有你这般箭术的却寥寥无几,你修成逐日箭心了?” The Bai Yi respectful say/way is!” 白羿恭敬道“是!” Xu Boliang nods slightly hears Chasing Sun Arrow Heart practice is quite difficult, in Divine Feather Paradise, often one generation of person also not necessarily practice have, the boundary of your 7-Rank has then arrived at so the boundary, in the future with the Rank promotion, must become the great talent!” 徐伯良微微颔首“听闻逐日箭心修行极为困难,神羽福地中,往往一代人也不见得有一个修行有成,你七品之境便已到达这般境界,日后随着品阶提升,必成大器!” The Bai Yi humble say/way Garrison's Chief Xu overpraised.” 白羿谦逊道“徐总镇过奖了。” Yang Kai in blurry of audit, but also guesses correctly this so-called Chasing Sun Arrow Heart to be Divine Feather Paradise one Secret Technique, such as the Myriad Demons Heaven two big pupil techniques are ordinary, in one generation of often not necessarily person of practice succeeds, obviously difficult of this Secret Technique practice. 杨开在一旁听的迷迷糊糊,不过也猜出这所谓的逐日箭心应该是神羽福地的一种秘术,就如万魔天的两大瞳术一般,一代人中往往不见得有一人修行成功,可见这秘术修行之难。 Encourages several, Xu Boliang to look to Yang Kai „you are also good, retrieving 7-Rank is a big merit , did you also hide in the nearby on the same day?” 勉励几句,徐伯良又望向杨开“你也不错,救回一个七品算是不小的功劳,如此说来,当日你也隐藏在附近?” Yang Kai somewhat blushes with shame Garrison's Chief Xu to excuse me, on the same day I wanted to seize Junior Sister Bai wholeheartedly, therefore has not lent a hand to assist, so as to avoid alerts the enemy.” 杨开有些汗颜“徐总镇见谅,当日我一心想要擒下白师妹,所以并没有出手相助,免得打草惊蛇。” Xu Boliang nods slightly should, you have the consideration of own are also the good deed, but let escape that Chasing Wind Territory Lord, actually pitifully.” 徐伯良微微颔首“应该的,你有自己的考量也是好事,不过放跑了那逐风域主,倒是可惜。” Will say this matter with Garrison's Chief.” After Yang Kai holds the fist saying disciple seizes Junior Sister Bai, results in the Junior Sister Bai direction, two people sneaks in the Chasing Wind lair, when its healing, gave to kill him, with killing also had the Chasing Wind three trusted aide feudal lords.” “正要与总镇说此事。”杨开抱拳道弟子擒下白师妹后,得白师妹指点,两人潜入逐风的巢穴之中,趁其疗伤之时,将他给杀了,同杀的还有逐风的三个心腹领主。” Xu Boliang shock you Chasing Wind killing?” He and Chasing Wind has fought, knows that the great strength of this fellow, even Chasing Wind caused heavy losses, is not good to kill, has three trusted aide feudal lords let alone. 徐伯良震惊不已“你们把逐风给杀了?”他与逐风交过手,知道这家伙的强大,即便逐风被重创,也不是那么好杀的,更何况还有三个心腹领主。 Yes!” “是!” How is Xu Boliang somewhat immediately full of energy kills? Mentioned carefully.” 徐伯良顿时有些精神抖擞“怎么杀的?仔细说来。” Yang Kai slightly hesitates, enters the lair to start him and Bai Yi, first is camouflages black ink disciple to be close to Chasing Wind, then using light of one move purification the heavy losses, Chasing Wind will stimulate to movement Secret Technique healing, three trusted aide feudal lords help, two people fights a battle to force a quick decision, after solving three feudal lords, to a Black Ink Nest wanton bombing, finally Chasing Wind Secret Technique is powerful, the prompt recovery, then says in detail to the matter that the following life and death wrestles. 杨开略一沉吟,将他与白羿进入巢穴开始,先是伪装墨徒接近逐风,再利用净化之光一招将之重创,逐风催动秘术疗伤,三个心腹领主来援,两人速战速决,解决了三个领主之后对着墨巢一阵狂轰滥炸,结果逐风秘术强大,迅速复苏,再至后续生死相搏的事情详细道来。 Xu Boliang hear of complexion transformations. 徐伯良听的脸色变换不已。 Although Yang Kai and Bai Yi stand now perfectly here, proved being shocking but not dangerous that fights, but sounds like feels the dangerous phenomenon to grow thickly now, the bureau of same day, the luck was not slightly good, two people feared that must confess there. 虽说杨开白羿如今完好无损地站在这里,证明了那一战的有惊无险,但如今听起来还是觉得险象丛生,当日之局,运气稍微不好,两人怕是要交代在那里了。 Hears Chasing Wind to be done again unexpectedly jointly by five Emperor Senior Stage, the head was cut, Xu Boliang does not know whether to laugh or cry. 再听到逐风居然被五个帝尊境联手搞死,头颅都被斩了下来,徐伯良也是哭笑不得。 If Chasing Wind such Territory Lord, the cause of death, rather were too so dismal, no one has thought, Emperor Senior Stage will make this grade of great merit black ink battlefield unexpectedly. 逐风那样的域主,这般死法,未免太悲凉了一些,谁也不曾想到,帝尊境居然会在墨之战场这边立下这等大功。 However if really said, the death of Chasing Wind is not Yang Kai and merit of Bai Yi two people, payout of Dawn Squad, making a move of Xu Boliang boosts. 不过真要是说起来,逐风之死并非杨开白羿两人之功,晨曦小队的付出,徐伯良的出手都是助力。 Yang Kai and Bai Yi two people just made the final conclusion to strike to kill. Black Ink Clan can use the Black Ink Nest rapid recovery unexpectedly, this matter has never heard actually, the information that you have is very important, perhaps can sometimes make my Human Race reduce some unnecessary loss. ” 杨开白羿两人只不过是做了最后的收尾击杀。墨族竟然能利用墨巢迅速恢复,这个事倒是从未听说过,你们带回来的情报很重要,或许在某些时候能让我人族减少一些不必要的损失。” Before had not come across this matter, is mainly Black Ink Nest regarding Black Ink Clan is also extremely precious, placed in the Black Ink Clan center, no one arrived at Black Ink Clan with own eyes with the aid of the Black Ink Nest healing scene. 以前没碰到这种事,主要是墨巢对于墨族来说也是极为珍贵的,都安置在墨族腹地中,更没人亲眼到墨族借助墨巢疗伤的情景。 If not for this time the accident of sorts, Yang Kai and Bai Yi do not know, two people also therefore paid a big price. 这一次若不是机缘巧合,杨开白羿也不会知道,两人也因此付出了不小的代价。 No matter what, your two people of this times make the great merit.” The Xu Boliang applause is looking at two people. “不管怎样,你二人这次算是立下大功了。”徐伯良赞许地望着两人 Yang Kai smiles Garrison's Chief Xu, has the merit to want the advantage?” 杨开笑了笑“徐总镇,有功劳是不是就可以要点好处?” Xu Boliang ridicules say/way brat to want what advantage, mentioned listens.” 徐伯良笑骂道“臭小子想要什么好处,说来听听。” Yang Kai holds the fist saying Junior Sister Bai gets out of the black ink disciple status, but also asked Garrison's Chief to register to compile a register for her, moreover instigated her to my Dawn name under.” 杨开抱拳道白师妹才摆脱墨徒的身份,还请总镇为她登记造册,另外将她调拨到我晨曦名下。” .
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