MP :: Volume #51

#5016: Heart knot

dragon bead usually conceals under the Yang Kai jaw, does not reveal in Xing, at this moment under regards, Yang Kai clearly saw that on glittering and translucent carving dragon bead proliferated the tiny crack, the gloss is gloomy. 龙珠平日藏于杨开颌下,不显于形,此刻内视之下,杨开清楚地看到原本晶莹剔透的龙珠上遍布细小裂缝,光泽暗淡。 Offered a sacrifice to dragon bead that to strike no doubt caused the huge damage to Chasing Wind, but the counter-attack of Chasing Wind also made dragon bead be damaged. 祭出龙珠那一击固然对逐风造成了巨大的伤害,可逐风的反击也让龙珠有所受损。 This is Yang Kai does not dare easily the reason that dragon bead offers a sacrifice, once this thing offers a sacrifice , the might is truly infinite, is the hidden danger is also enormous, once dragon bead were destroyed, he then wants the life to be critically-ill immediately, fortunately the worst situation has not happened. 这也是杨开不敢轻易将龙珠祭出的原因,这玩意一旦祭出,威力确实无穷,可是隐患也极大,一旦龙珠被毁,那他立刻便要性命垂危,所幸最糟糕的情况并没有发生。 However this moment dragon bead is damaged, Yang Kai has a feeling faintly, perhaps that was in Dragon Transformation Secret Art own short time does not have the means to stimulate to movement, did not have the means incarnation big dragon, only if patched completely dragon bead. 不过此刻龙珠受损,杨开隐隐有种感觉,那就是化龙诀自己恐怕短时间内没办法催动了,更没办法化身巨龙,除非将龙珠修补完好。 He practice when Holy Spirit Ancestral Land Crystal Palace a period of time, practice, during with pure of strength of bloodlines, was dark also awakened the inheritance of some Dragon Clan, knew dragon bead this thing, once has damaged, wanted to restore is extremely troublesome. 他在圣灵祖地水晶宫修行过一段时日,修行之时,随着血脉之力的精纯,冥冥之中也觉醒了一些龙族的传承,知道龙珠这东西一旦有所损坏,想要修复是极为麻烦的。 Must depend upon strength of slowly warm and nourish dragon vein, is a patient and persistent work, can not anxiously. 必须得依靠自身龙脉之力慢慢温养,是一个水磨工夫,急切不得。 Therefore to Yang Kai at this moment, the dragon bead issue said that was big, says slightly also big, since can only depend upon strength of warm and nourish dragon vein, worried also uselessly. 所以对此刻的杨开来说,龙珠的问题说大不大,说小也不小,既是只能依靠自身龙脉之力温养,着急也无用。 Towering Evergreen Secret Technique has been continuing, Yang Kai took some Open Heaven Pill, took out one set of resources to refine again silently, supplemented loss of own Small Universe. 巍巍长青秘术一直持续着,杨开又服下了些开天丹,再取出一套资源来默默炼化,补充自身小乾坤的损耗。 So after 2-3 days, the Bai Yi vibration eyelash, snort/hum, opened the view suddenly slightly difficultly. 如此2-3日之后,白羿忽然抖动睫毛,微微艰辛地哼了一声,睁开了眼帘。 „Did you awake?” Yang Kai detects the sound, opens eyes to look hastily toward her. “你醒了?”杨开察觉动静,连忙睁眼朝她望去。 The Bai Yi wound is very serious, although Yang Kai has been helping her healing, but that after all is only the external force, now her own wakes up actually a good news, the speed that so long as she can independent healing, the injury restore will speed up. 白羿的伤很严重,杨开虽然一直在助她疗伤,但那毕竟只是外力,如今她自己醒来倒是一个好消息,只要她能自主疗伤,伤势恢复的速度就会加快很多。 Hears the sound, the Bai Yi look somewhat is obviously vacant, but before quick then remembered the stupor, all sorts, immediately one startled: This? Chasing Wind?” 听到声音,白羿的眼神显然还是有些茫然,不过很快便想起了昏迷前发生的种种,顿时一惊:“这是哪?逐风呢?” Yang Kai said: We in the Chasing Wind lair, Chasing Wind still have died.” So saying, him toward side one finger/refers. 杨开道:“咱们还在逐风的巢穴中,逐风已经死了。”这般说着,他朝旁边一指。 Bai Yi turns head to look, sees only not far away Chasing Wind huge body to lie down on the ground, the corpse separation, on that gigantic head two eyeballs have stared the circle, is looking here, probably dies must stare at them. 白羿扭头望去,只见不远处逐风庞大的身躯躺在地上,已经尸首分离,那硕大的脑袋上两只眼珠子瞪圆了,直直地望着这边,好像死也要盯着他们。 Bai Yi shocks unavoidably, Chasing Wind died unexpectedly! She when the stupor, Chasing Wind imposing manner is just abundant, although also injures by her and Yang Kai jointly, but that is still not 7-Rank can cope. 白羿不免震惊,逐风居然死了!她在昏迷之时,逐风气势正盛,虽然也被她与杨开联手打伤,但那依然不是一个七品可以对付的。 She thinks that own and Yang Kai two people is surely difficult to escape a tribulation, after who knew woke up, unexpectedly saw the Chasing Wind corpse. 她本以为自己杨开两人必定难逃一劫,谁知醒来之后居然见到了逐风的尸首。 Although after does not know the own stupor, exactly what happened, but her clear that surely is a Earthshaking war. 虽然不知道自己昏迷之后到底发生了什么事,可她清楚那必定是一场惊天动地的大战。 „Did Senior Brother save me?” Bai Yi asked. 师兄救了我?”白羿问道。 Yang Kai laughs in spite of trying not to: This place except for you then only then I, naturally was I saved you.” 杨开失笑:“此地除了你便只有我了,自然是我救了你。” The Bai Yi vision is complex, sighed slightly: Does not need to rescue my.” 白羿目光复杂,微微叹了口气:“不必救我的。” Yang Kai hears word knits the brows, this saying listens to seem like some is not right, slightly hesitates, opens the mouth saying: healing, your injury is first heavy, then not healing words may stay behind what hidden danger.” 杨开闻言不禁皱眉,这话听着貌似有些不对,略一沉吟,开口道:“先疗伤吧,你的伤势不轻,再不疗伤的话可能会留下什么隐患。” Bai Yi nodded slightly, struggles is sitting cross-legged to sit up, silently cultivates. 白羿微微点头,挣扎着盘膝坐起,默运玄功 In Secret Boundary, is silent for a while, during two people all in healing restores, under the Towering Evergreen Secret Technique blocking, the strength of black ink cannot corrode the slightest. 秘境之中,一时寂静,两人皆在疗伤恢复之中,巍巍长青秘术封阻之下,墨之力也侵蚀不了分毫。 So crossed on the 78 th, Yang Kai restored finally, injury basically recovered, Small Universe void has also been supplemented, although has not restored to completely, but did not miss are too many. 如此又过了七八日,杨开总算恢复过来,身上的伤势基本痊愈,小乾坤的空虚也得到补充,虽还没有恢复至完全,但也不差太多了。 The speed that Bai Yi restores wants to be slower than him, but after detecting Yang Kai the sound, opened the view, sets out slowly, graceful ritual: Thanked the Senior Brother life-saving efforts.” 白羿恢复的速度比他要慢一些,不过察觉杨开这边动静之后,也就睁开了眼帘,缓缓起身,盈盈一礼:“谢师兄救命之恩。” Yang Kai calmly is looking at her, opens the mouth saying: „The words that really must thank, are living well, kills some Black Ink Clan, your strength is so powerful, if real falls, to clansman is also the heavy loss.” 杨开静静地望着她,开口道:“真要谢的话,就好好活着,多杀一些墨族,你实力这般强大,若真的陨落,对族人来说也是巨大损失。” Bai Yi purses the lips, the nod said: Yes.” 白羿抿了抿嘴,点头道:“是。” Before Yang Kai had not detected anything, but after Bai Yi woke up those words, made Yang Kai realize some issues. 之前杨开还没察觉什么,但白羿醒来之后的那句话,却让杨开意识到一些问题。 Bai Yi obviously has to ask the heart! 白羿明显有求死之心! Perhaps she gave self up to keep off in front of Yang Kai at that time, withstands for Yang Kai Chasing Wind struck fierce, has held the determination that must die. 或许她当时舍身挡在杨开面前,替杨开承受了逐风凶猛一击的时候,就已经抱着必死的决心了。 Yang Kai has treated and cured many black ink disciple, therefore to some black ink disciple moods have find, in the hands of these black ink disciple had once contaminated clansman fresh blood. 杨开救治过不少墨徒,所以对其中一些墨徒的心情是有所了解的,这些墨徒的手上都曾沾染过族人鲜血 They when as black ink disciple black ink are only supreme, complies with the Black Ink Clan verbal command, helping Zhou is the evil, under killer to the Human Race martial artist pain. After Yang Kai treats and cures, these past events then became the recollection of pain. 他们在身为墨徒的时候唯墨至上,遵从墨族的号令,助纣为孽,对人族武者痛下杀手。被杨开救治之后,这些往事便成了痛苦的回忆。 Must know they massacre the ally who once fought side-by-side, clansman, the this kind of experience may become the demon barrier in heart, lets them day and night difficult secure, was suffered. 要知道他们杀掉的可是曾经并肩作战的战友,族人,这样的经历极有可能成为心中的魔障,让他们日夜难安,备受折磨。 The Bai Yi situation is especially obvious, by her superb archery and 7-Rank Open Heaven powerful cultivation level, Yang Kai eats in her hand again and again owes oversized, which common does martial artist bump into her also has the means of livelihood? 白羿的情况尤为明显,以她出神入化的箭术和七品开天的强大修为,杨开都三番两次在她手上吃过大亏,寻常武者碰到她哪还有活路? Dies Human Race Open Heaven on Bai Yi, Yang Kai does not know to have many, but perhaps is not one two. 死在白羿手上的人族开天,杨开不知道有多少,但恐怕不是一个两个。 Very much so, Bai Yi will have to ask the heart, she does not have the face countenance to return to the Human Race station voluntarily again, her both hands stained clansman fresh blood, is shouldering ghosts. 正是如此,白羿才会有求死之心,她自觉没有颜面再返回人族驻地,她的双手沾满了族人鲜血,背负着一条条冤魂。 Sees being perfunctory that she replied, does not seem to cared the own words, Yang Kai knit the brows: Chasing Wind could not counter-balance your sin, if really in the heart had the shame, that massacred ten times, hundred times of Black Ink Clan repaid, if you easily died, that died clansman in your hand may die in vain!” 见她回答的敷衍,似乎并没有将自己的话放在心上,杨开皱眉道:“一个逐风抵消不了你的罪孽,真若是心中有愧,那就杀掉十倍,百倍的墨族来偿还,你若轻易死去,那死在你手上的族人可就白死了!” He did not prepare is so straightforward, but the Bai Yi obvious condition that words saying is not right, can only under the potent drug. 他本不准备将话说的这么直白,但白羿明显状态不对,只能下猛药了。 On the Bai Yi face the blood-color loses suddenly, becomes snow white, the body is shivering slightly, closed tightly jaw saying: What Senior Brother lesson is, I will decide will not disappoint Senior Brother!” 白羿脸上血色骤失,变得一片雪白,身躯微微颤抖着,咬紧了牙关道:“师兄教训的是,我定不会让师兄失望!” Yang Kai shakes the head: „It is not I am disappointed, is your own must have a clear conscience.” 杨开摇头:“不是我失望不失望,是你自己要问心无愧。” Bai Yi thinks deeply about one, nods again. 白羿思索一阵,再次点头。 Yang Kai sets out saying: All has been said that your own thinks that I comforted the person bad, possibly was heavier, who words saying do not care, this place remained inconveniently, first left.” 杨开起身道:“言尽于此,你自己多想想吧,我不善宽慰人,话说的可能重了些,你不要放在心上,此地不便多留,先离开吧。” Bai Yi from unobjectionable. 白羿自无异议。 When helps Bai Yi healing, Yang Kai then noses this Secret Boundary by Spiritual Mind, here Secret Boundary is not big, naturally can include by his Spiritual Mind completely, has not discovered what valuable thing, the thing of that Black Ink Nest actually excellent research, after Chasing Wind displayed Secret Technique, Black Ink Nest has withered completely, was useless. 在帮白羿疗伤的时候,杨开便以神念查探过这一处秘境,此处秘境不大,以他的神念自然可以囊括全部,并没有发现什么有价值的东西,那墨巢倒是一个极好的研究之物,不过在逐风施展了秘术之后,墨巢已经完全枯萎,没什么用了。 After a little while, two people then arrived at the exit, this place exits Secret Technique to prohibit, but to Yang Kai is not the difficult problem. 少顷,两人便来到了出口处,此地出口有秘术封禁,不过对杨开来说并不是什么难题。 Under the Space Principle stimulation of movement, rips open the gap smoothly, two people moves sideways together. 空间法则催动之下,顺利撕开一道缺口,两人闪身而出。 All around returns to Void, Yang Kai stands guard immediately, has not discovered any exceptionally. 重归虚空,杨开立刻警戒四周,没有发现任何异常。 Since separates since with the Dawn team members, almost already near in January/one month time, how also does not know that side Dawn. 自与晨曦的队员们分开至今,差不多已有近一月时间,也不知晨曦那边怎么样。 At that time Yang Kai pursued Bai Yi to go, during the result , the twists and turns again and again, have delayed now. Dawn that side Yang Kai was too worried actually not, even without him, still still also four 7-Rank Open Heaven assumes personal command, moreover Dawn is stronger compared with the general team level Secret Treasure performance, so long as does not bump into Territory Lord to have no major problem. 当时杨开是追着白羿而去的,结果期间波折连连,一直耽误到现在。晨曦那边杨开倒不是太担心,就算没有他,也依然还有四位七品开天坐镇,而且破晓号比起一般的队级秘宝性能更强,只要不碰到域主都没什么大问题。 The previous Yang Kai stimulation of movement universe secret art, cannot on Universe Formation with Dawn Battleship produce resonance actually unexpectedly, making him somewhat have doubts. 倒是上次杨开催动乾坤诀,居然没能与破晓战舰上的乾坤大阵产生共鸣,让他有些疑惑。 Does not know that daybreak that side had/left what situation. 不知破晓那边到底出了什么情况。 Stands still in Void, Yang Kai stimulates to movement the universe secret art again. 静立虚空中,杨开再次催动乾坤诀。 After a little while, his brow raises, the this time universe secret art on Universe Formation with Dawn Battleship had resonance actually, in other words , if he wants, can the twinkling return to daybreak above. 少顷,他眉头一扬,这一次乾坤诀倒是与破晓战舰上的乾坤大阵有了共鸣,换言之,若是他愿意的话,可以瞬息返回破晓之上 However he can go back, Bai Yi is not good, therefore Yang Kai after determining that resonance, then received magic arts, greeted to Bai Yi: Walks.” 不过他可以回去,白羿却不行,所以杨开只是在确定了那共鸣之后,便收了法决,对白羿招呼道:“走吧。” The word, when first shows the way to go, Bai Yi follows in low spirits. 言罢,当先领路而去,白羿闷头跟上。 The line, two people has not hidden the figure , regardless of when Yang Kai or the Bai Yi condition is not the peak, but two people is not general 7-Rank Open Heaven can compare, before even Territory Lord killed one, at this moment looks forward to bump into some Black Ink Clan to hit to have a sumptuous meal. 一路行去,两人并没有隐藏身形,虽然无论杨开还是白羿的状态都不是巅峰之时,但两人本就不是一般的七品开天能比,之前连域主都杀了一个,此刻巴不得碰到一些墨族来打打牙祭。 What a pity is, this returns unexpectedly is uneventful, seemed Black Ink Clan of this region already by kill to the last one/being ruthless. 可惜的是,这一路归去竟是风平浪静,好似这一片区域的墨族都已被赶尽杀绝了。 Even Human Race has not seen. 甚至连人族都没有看到。 This makes Yang Kai have doubts extremely, must know before him, pursues Bai Yi time, but can also bump into Human Race or the Black Ink Clan team occasionally. 这让杨开极为疑惑,要知道他之前追击白羿的时候,还偶尔能碰到人族或者墨族的队伍呢。 This stretch of war zone is not peaceful, the officers of two clans slaughter to continue in this big piece of Void, present situation obvious some are not quite right. 这一片战区并不太平,两族的将士在这偌大一片虚空中厮杀不止,如今的情况明显有些不太对劲。 Evidently own and Bai Yi in the time that in the Chasing Wind lair stopped over, war zone here should have what accident. 看样子自己白羿逐风巢穴中逗留的这段时间,战区这边应该是出了什么变故。 Realized this point, Yang Kai even more picked up the speed. 意识到这一点,杨开愈发加快了速度。 After several days, floating land that the base is at everywhere prints the view, Yang Kai leads Bai Yi to flush away toward that side directly, some Human Race martial artist interception inquired, Yang Kai explained the status, this can allow to pass. 数日后,第四处基地所在的浮陆印入眼帘,杨开领着白羿径直朝那边冲去,有人族武者拦截询问,杨开道明了身份,这才得以放行。 In the Dawn Squad camp, Yang Kai rushes, the form runs out from a house together immediately, is Feng Ying. 晨曦小队的营地中,杨开直直地闯了进来,一道身影立刻从一间房屋中冲出,正是冯英 Sees Yang Kai at present, Feng Ying one brightly, relaxed saying: Team-Leader you came back finally.” 见得杨开,冯英眼前一亮,松了口气道:“队长你总算回来了。” Such long time Yang Kai has not made an appearance, here naturally is some worries, does not know that he encountered what mishap, status of Yang Kai Human Race is special, if he encountered what mishap, that loss may compared with falls 8-Rank big many. 这么长时间杨开都没有露面,这边自然是有些担心的,不知他是不是遭遇了什么不测,杨开人族这边身份特殊,他若是遭遇了什么不测,那损失可远比陨落一个八品大的多。 Yang Kai nods, the surprise looks at her one eyes: Injured?” 杨开点点头,诧异地看她一眼:“受伤了?” The Feng Ying aura some not steady sign, obviously has the wound in the body. 冯英气息有些不稳的迹象,明显是有伤在身。 No obstructs greatly.” Feng Ying smiles. “没什么大碍。”冯英笑了笑。 The voice of two people speech alarmed many Dawn team members, each and everyone went out from the place of closing up in abundance, sees Yang Kai joyfully all. 两人说话的声音惊动了更多晨曦的队员,一个个纷纷从闭关之处走出,见得杨开俱都欣喜。 However although Dawn 35 people much all here, but unexpectedly majority have the wound in the body, particularly several 7-Rank, injury as if also heavy. 不过晨曦三十五人虽然一个不少地全在这里,可是竟大多数都有伤在身,尤其是几个七品,伤势似乎还不轻。 Yang Kai in great surprise, does not know separated later Dawn to encounter anything with own, asked: „Was your fought a major battle with Black Ink Clan?” 杨开大惊,不知道跟自己分开之后晨曦到底遭遇了什么,不禁问道:“你们这是跟墨族打了一场大仗?” :.: :。:
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