MP :: Volume #51

#5015: The ant bites to death the shape

To Emperor Senior Stage this existence, Chasing Wind has only heard, simply has not seen. 帝尊境这种存在,逐风只听说过,根本没见过。 Emperor Senior Stage this cultivation level, simply does not have the means to survive in black ink battlefield. 帝尊境这种修为,在墨之战场是根本没办法存活的。 Today unexpectedly sees one. 今日居然见了一个。 If usually, this small and weak ants, Chasing Wind only needs a look, can perhaps make it explode the body to perish. 若是平日,这种弱小蝼蚁,逐风只需一个眼神,或许就能让其爆体而亡。 But he causes heavy losses to the body at present, by that Secret Technique backlash, the prestige of Territory Lord was been nothing left, at this time suddenly killed Emperor Senior Stage is matter awfully, moreover that Emperor Senior Stage was obviously put from own Small Universe by Yang Kai. 可眼下他重创之身,受那秘术反噬,域主之威荡然无存,这时候忽然杀出来一个帝尊境就是要命的事了,而且那帝尊境明显是被杨开从自身小乾坤里放出来的。 That half big old man obtains Yang Kai's to urge obviously ahead of time, one came from Small Universe swiftly, then without hesitation, a sword cuts toward Chasing Wind. 那半大老者显然提前得到过杨开的叮嘱,倏一从小乾坤现身,便毫不犹豫,一剑朝逐风斩去。 The Chasing Wind complexion big change, strives to raise the one breath, black aura spouts from the mouth together, covers toward that half big old man. 逐风脸色大变,勉力提起一口气,一道墨色气息从口中喷出,直朝那半大老者罩去。 That aura is light, obviously Chasing Wind could not stimulate to movement the strength of many black ink. 气息淡薄无比,显然逐风也催动不出更多的墨之力了。 No matter half big old man did not ask, stimulates to movement the strength protection whole body, across that black aura, sword glow like the rainbow, cuts ruthlessly. 半大老者不管不问,催动自身力量守护周身,穿过那墨色气息,剑芒如虹,狠狠斩下。 This sword cuts in the Chasing Wind gigantic neck place, on that neck the wound, under the prestige of this sword, the wound expands immediately, the almost deep obvious bone, black fresh blood spout. 这一剑斩在逐风硕大的颈脖处,那颈脖上本就有一道伤口,在这一剑之威下,伤口立刻扩大,几乎深可见骨,墨色鲜血从中喷涌出来。 But after a half big old man sword, then pulls out behind to draw back immediately, in the hand magic arts transforms, the even/including on own selects several fingers rapidly , he does not utter a word, softly but actually. 而半大老者一剑之后便立刻抽身后退,手中法决变换,迅速在自己身上连点几指,紧接着,他一声不吭,软绵绵地倒了下去。 Before the stupor, half big old man looks at the direction that Yang Kai is, said difficultly: Ancestor, I made contribution......” 临昏迷前,半大老者望着杨开所在的方向,艰辛道:“太上,我尽力了……” Yang Kai nods slightly. 杨开微微颔首。 Chasing Wind actually laughs loudly: „Does ants common fellow also want to kill me? Insufficient, comes several to be good again!” 逐风却不禁放声大笑起来:“蝼蚁一般的家伙也想杀我?一个不够,再多来几个才好!” Although half big old man that sword became the heavy injury to other party, but truly cannot want his life, but such injury looks no doubt fearsome, may to Territory Lord, at most also be the body wound. 半大老者那一剑虽然对他造成了不轻的伤势,但确实没能要了他的命,而那样的伤势看起来固然可怖,可对一位域主来说,顶多也就是皮肉伤。 Only those who make him somewhat regrettable is, after a that ants sword acts, own gets down restriction unexpectedly immediately, Lane own stupor in the past. If this is not the case, by his Emperor Senior Stage cultivation level, cannot resist the corrosion of strength of black ink, only needs 32 breaths to transform is black ink disciple, when the time comes can become him to cope with the Yang Kai's sharp weapon, in turn massacres Yang Kai. 唯一让他有些遗憾的是,那蝼蚁一剑出手之后,竟立刻自己下了禁制,把自己昏迷了过去。若非如此,以他帝尊境修为,根本抵挡不住墨之力的侵蚀,只需三两息就能转化为墨徒,到时候就可以成为他对付杨开的利器,反过来杀掉杨开 However since Yang Kai dares to put from Small Universe him, obviously also expected this situation, will not naturally make this situation happen. 不过杨开既然敢将他从小乾坤放出来,明显也预料到了这种情况,自然是不会让这种情况发生的。 Prohibiting of half big old man, should be Yang Kai's exhorts ahead of time. 半大老者的自我封禁,应该是杨开的提前嘱咐。 Chasing Wind, somewhat could not smile with a smile, only looked at his expression because of Yang Kai full is being ridicules and pities. 逐风笑着笑着,就有些笑不出来了,只因杨开望着他的表情满是嘲弄和怜悯。 He holds breath cold air: „Do you have the helper?” 他倒吸一口凉气:“你还有帮手?” Yang Kai scoffs at the sound said: I have the mighty force, waits for death you!” 杨开嗤声道:“我有千军万马,等死吧你!” So saying, the Small Universe gateway is opening suddenly again, jumps out together the form, before that person, half big old man who presents is the same, all only has Emperor Senior Stage cultivation level, even does not have half big old man strength to be vigorous. 这般说着,忽然小乾坤的门户再度打开,从中又窜出一道身影来,那人与之前出现的半大老者一样,皆都只有帝尊境修为,甚至都没有半大老者实力浑厚。 Is just now exactly the same as the situation, this person of appearance, then directly soars Chasing Wind to go, strikes to cut ruthlessly, happen to cuts in that neck wound place, immediately makes the wound expand one again, the neck bone leaves behind the mark. 与方才情况如出一辙,这人一出现,便直奔逐风而去,狠狠一击斩下,正好斩在那颈脖的伤口处,立刻让伤口再扩一份,就连颈骨都留下印痕。 This person also strikes to go well, immediately retreat, uses the method to prohibit itself, the instantaneous stupor falls to the ground. 这人同样一击得手,立刻后退,施展手段封禁自身,瞬间昏迷倒地。 In the Small Universe gateway, jumps out together the form again...... 小乾坤的门户内,再窜出一道身影…… Chasing Wind yelled panic-stricken, the hands and feet and with facing forward to crawl furiously, by this time, he is the heartfelt feeling the threat of death. 逐风惊恐大叫,手脚并用朝前奋力爬去,到了此时,他是真真切切感受到了死亡的威胁。 Emperor Senior Stage to him is not anything, two also indifferent, but if so appears one after another, he moment will be cut to kill sooner or later at the scene. 一个帝尊境对他来说不算什么,两个也无所谓,但如果接二连三地这般出现,他早晚有一刻会被斩杀当场。 The ant many can also bite to death the shape, in the past Chasing Wind snorted contemptuously to these words, but today actually personally experiences, what was pitiful, he is that soon by the elephant that the ants bit to death. 蚁多也能咬死象,以往逐风对这句话嗤之以鼻,而今日却是亲身体验了一把,可悲的是,他便是那头即将被蝼蚁咬死的大象。 Forms constantly emerge from Small Universe, everyone is Emperor Senior Stage cultivation level, opportunity that everyone also only then strikes, but that every strikes cuts in same location/position. 一道道身影不断地从小乾坤中涌现出来,每个人都是帝尊境修为,每个人也只有一击的机会,但那每一击都斩在同样的位置 The Chasing Wind injury is even more serious, neck almost breaks. 逐风的伤势愈发严重,颈脖几乎断裂。 When presents the fifth person of time to Yang Kai Small Universe , a that person of sword cuts, the Chasing Wind gigantic head separates with the body instantaneously, rumble tumbles out far away. 待到杨开小乾坤中出现第五人的时候,那人一剑斩下,逐风硕大的头颅瞬间与身体分离,咕噜噜滚出老远。 From that neck place, only spout few black colors then to rest, obviously the black ink blood of Chasing Wind within the body already almost dry. 从那颈脖处,只喷涌出少量的墨色便告歇,显然逐风体内的墨血已几近干涸。 What that last sword accomplishment is a youth, has Emperor Senior 3-layer cultivation level, a move goes well, his also slightly accidental/surprised, but rapid plants restriction on own, before the stupor to/clashes Yang Kai to hold the fist in the other hand: Good fortune does not fail in one's mission!” 那最后一剑建功的是个青年,有着帝尊三层镜修为,一招得手,他也微微意外,不过还是迅速在自己身上种下禁制,临昏迷之前冲杨开一抱拳:“幸不辱命!” The word, falls down simply agily on the ground. 言罢,干脆利索地一头栽倒在地上。 Chasing Wind corpse separation, died cannot die again, however that eye is actually winking slightly, in the pupil full is the unwilling look. 逐风尸首分离,已经死的不能再死了,然而那双眼睛却在微微眨动着,眸中满是不甘的神色。 Black Ink Clan of solemn Territory Lord rank, Royal Lord, under can be his opponent on this day also only then Human Race 8-Rank Open Heaven, is the this kind of character, finally unexpectedly was done jointly by several Emperor Senior Stage. 堂堂域主级别的墨族,王主不出,这天下能是他对手的也只有人族八品开天了,就是这样的人物,最后居然被几个帝尊境给联手搞死了。 In the appearance by Wind Eye diverges rapidly, the both eyes circle stares, dies with injustice unredressed. 风眼中的神彩迅速散去,双目圆瞪,死不瞑目。 Yang Kai is panting for breath layer on layer/heavily, own rolled over, assumes the big font to lie down on the ground. 杨开重重地喘息着,将自己翻了个身,呈大字型躺在地上。 Today a war, won is extremely really difficult, he and Bai Yi basic didn't expect Chasing Wind will have Secret Technique that type quickly restores unexpectedly, carelessly, almost falls into the hopeless situation. 今日一战,赢的实在太过艰辛,他与白羿根本没想到逐风居然会有那种迅速恢复的秘术,一着不慎,几乎落入绝境。 But now, Bai Yi remains unconscious, experiences personally the heavy losses, his similar injury is heavy, dragon bead presented the crack, the paid price is nothing less than big. 而如今,白羿昏迷不醒,身受重创,他本身同样伤势不轻,就连龙珠都出现了裂纹,付出的代价不可谓不大。 Chasing Wind becomes also Secret Technique, defeat also Secret Technique, luckily backlash comprehensive eruption of critical moment that Secret Technique, otherwise Yang Kai thought that own was not necessarily able to escape the birth day, fought to finally, he is exhausted, the oil lamp was completely dry. 逐风可谓是成也秘术,败也秘术,幸亏紧要关头那秘术反噬全面爆发,否则杨开觉得自己未必能逃出生天,战至最后,他已经筋疲力尽,油尽灯枯了。 After this war, Yang Kai also asked for advice the great strength of Territory Lord profoundly, that was not 7-Rank Open Heaven can contend alone, if really bumped into the heyday alone Territory Lord, Yang Kai also can only flee at the mere distant sight. 经此一战,杨开也深刻领教到了域主的强大,那不是七品开天可以单独抗衡的,真要是单独碰到全盛时期的域主,杨开也只能望风而逃。 However no matter the process is how difficult, finally always joyful, Chasing Wind died eventually. 不过不管过程如何艰辛,结果总是让人欣喜的,逐风终究是死了。 On this black ink battlefield, winner is the king, loser is the villain, to the deceased person is nothing more to be said. 在这墨之战场上,成王败寇,对死人是没什么好说的。 Under the clothing/taking restores healing Spirit Pill, refining up to melt silently, the 5 minutes time, Yang Kai crawled. 服下恢复疗伤灵丹,默默炼化着,足足半盏茶功夫,杨开才爬了起来。 He still has a dizzy spell, in Small Universe a void, if waits and sees Small Universe at this moment, can discover that an entire Small Universe world piece dusky, that is the background consumption too big reason, so after the consumption can only , slowly restored. 他依然头晕目眩,小乾坤内一阵空虚,若是此刻观望小乾坤的话,就可以发现整个小乾坤的世界一片灰蒙蒙的,那是底蕴消耗太大的缘故,如此消耗只能以后慢慢恢复了。 Now is most critical, first rescuing. 如今最紧要的,还是先将人给救回来。 He arrives at these stupors in front of step by step Emperor Senior Stage, 11 will take in Small Universe. 他一步步走到那些昏迷的帝尊境面前,将之一一收进小乾坤内。 These Emperor Senior Stage, all come from his Small Universe Seven Stars Workshop, the first coming half big old man, impressively is Seven Stars Workshop Workshop Lord Shangguan Ji, other is Seven Stars Workshop Elder, for example Guan Qianxing et al . 这些帝尊境,皆都来自他小乾坤七星坊,第一个现身的半大老者,赫然是七星坊坊主上官积,余下的皆是七星坊长老,比如管千行等人。 Initially Yang Kai was in charge of Seven Stars Workshop by the Spiritual Mind incarnation, became Seven Stars Workshop Supreme Elder, in Seven Stars Workshop, received own two to pass on disciple, Zhao Yebai and Zhao Ya. 当初杨开神念化身入主七星坊,成为七星坊太上长老,也正是在七星坊中,收了自己的两个亲传弟子,赵夜白赵雅 From initially returned to Star Boundary Zhao Yebai and Zhao Ya, Yang Kai had not then made an appearance in Small Universe, if not for this time compelled to have no other choice, will not make these Emperor Senior Stage take risk. 自当初将赵夜白赵雅送回星界,杨开便没在小乾坤内露面了,这一次若不是逼不得已,也不会让这几位帝尊境冒险。 The corrosion of strength of black ink is difficult to resist to Open Heaven Stage, do not say Emperor Senior Stage, in Yang Kai must cope with Chasing Wind before their strength, then urged with them repeatedly, the opportunity of only then striking, struck, immediately prohibits itself, otherwise the consequence was difficult to predict. 墨之力的侵蚀对开天境来说都是及难抵挡的,更不要说帝尊境了,所以在杨开要借助他们之力对付逐风之前,便一再跟他们叮嘱,只有一击的机会,一击之后立刻封禁自身,否则后果难料。 Seven Stars Workshop these Emperor Senior Stage are also very but actually obedient, after all Yang Kai is extremely really as deep as a well to them, the Supreme Elder words they naturally do not dare not to obey, after everyone comes, then makes a move to strike, then prohibits itself to fall into the stupor. 七星坊这几位帝尊境倒也很听话,毕竟杨开对他们来说实在太过高深莫测,太上长老的话他们自然不敢不遵,每个人现身之后便出手一击,然后封禁自身陷入昏迷中。 Facts showed, this approach is correct. 事实证明,这种做法是正确的。 This moment these Emperor Senior Stage had been corroded the body and mind by the strength of black ink, degenerates into black ink disciple, but they are in the stupor, otherwise then must start to Yang Kai. 此刻这些帝尊境已被墨之力侵蚀了身心,沦为墨徒,只不过他们都处于昏迷之中,否则便要对杨开下手了。 Quick Yang Kai then arrives at location/position that the last youth was, is this youth, a sword cuts the head of Chasing Wind, establishes the great merit. 很快杨开便来到了最后一个青年所在的位置,正是这个青年,一剑将逐风的头颅斩下,奠定大功。 The facial features of youth somewhat look familiar vaguely. 青年的面容依稀有些眼熟。 Yang Kai thinks, recognizes this fellow is Miao Feiping. 杨开想了一下,才认出这家伙是苗飞平 Slightly astonished, initially with little fellow of Zhao Yebai and Zhao Ya with for a moment pay respects to join Seven Stars Workshop, has Emperor Senior 3-layer cultivation level now. 微微讶然,当初跟赵夜白赵雅一时间拜入七星坊的小家伙,如今也有帝尊三层境修为了。 Really must say, Miao Feiping aptitude is good, Emperor Yuan also is quite concise pure, if not for the life in his Small Universe, has could straight promote 5-Rank Open Heaven by his aptitude. 真要说起来,苗飞平资质算是不错的,一身帝元也极为精纯凝练,若不是一直生活在他的小乾坤中,以他的资质或许可以直晋五品开天 Thinks, today these Emperor Senior Stage so help be able to turn danger into safety, perhaps in the future can direct to lead to the way of higher-order Martial Dao to them. 想了想,今日得这些帝尊境这般帮忙才能化险为夷,或许日后可以给他们指点一下通往更高阶武道之途。 Takes in Small Universe Miao Feiping, Yang Kai then rushes to Bai Yi in it place. 苗飞平收进小乾坤,杨开这才赶往白羿所在之地。 Bai Yi also in the stupor, aura and weak, the body cut and bruised, was been incarnadine by fresh blood, particularly the injury in left shoulder place, almost blasts out half chest. 白羿还在昏迷中,气息及其微弱,身上遍体鳞伤,被鲜血染红,尤其是左肩处的伤势,几乎将半个胸膛都炸开。 She was previously caught a feather arrow by Chasing Wind, the backhand strikes, this injury then remained at that time. Later gives self up to keep off in front of Yang Kai, caused heavy losses by Chasing Wind, a bone did not know many roots. 她此前被逐风擒住一根羽箭,反手一击,这伤势便是那个时候留下来的。之后又舍身挡在杨开面前,被逐风重创,一身骨头不知断了多少根。 this kind of injury, even Bai Yi this 7-Rank, were still heavy, if can not treat and cure, was very likely in light of this falls. 这样的伤势,即便是白羿这个七品来说,也是过于沉重了,若不得救治,极有可能就此陨落 Moreover she in the stupor, has also been corroded by the strength of black ink now early, just like that several Emperor Senior Stage, has transformed is black ink disciple. 而且她一直在昏迷之中,如今也早被墨之力侵蚀,跟那几个帝尊境一样,都已转化为墨徒 Yang Kai first is the light of stimulation of movement purification, scattered her Small Universe strength of black ink, this stimulates to movement Towering Evergreen Secret Technique, Eternal Tree illusory shadow appears immediately in Yang Kai behind, the branch lets fall, changes to a protection of semicircle, rich vitality overflows, is covering Bai Yi. 杨开先是催动净化之光,驱散了她小乾坤内的墨之力,这才催动巍巍长青秘术,不老树虚影立刻浮现在杨开身后,枝条垂落,化作一片半圆形的防护,浓郁生机溢出,将白羿笼罩着。 Yang Kai takes out some Spirit Pill, pinches the mouth of Bai Yi, sends , the stimulation of movement strength helps its refining up. 杨开又取出一些灵丹,捏开白羿的嘴巴,送入其中,催动力量助其炼化。 In this Secret Boundary present, although floods the strength of inking, but relatively speaking is actually extremely safe, after all is the lair that Chasing Wind goes into hiding, will not need to be worried to be disturbed by other anyone. 秘境内如今虽然充斥着墨之力,但相对而言却是极为安全的,毕竟是逐风隐匿的巢穴,不用担心会被别的什么人打扰。 Spirit Pill and employing two methods to achieve one goal of Towering Evergreen Secret Technique, Bai Yi vitality recovers slowly, wound also gradually starts to heal. 灵丹巍巍长青秘术的双管齐下,白羿生机徐徐复苏,身上的伤口也逐渐开始愈合。 Yang Kai so, restores the speed to plan compared with Bai Yi similarly, he had the body of dragon vein, the resilience usually surpassed a big truncation compared with the average man. 杨开这边同样如此,恢复速度比白羿更甚一筹,他有龙脉之身,恢复能力素来比常人超出一大截。 However the injury on body is easy to restore, Small Universe background can also supplement, makes Yang Kai feel what only headache is the breakage of dragon bead. 不过身体上的伤势容易恢复,小乾坤底蕴也可以补充,唯一让杨开感到头疼的是龙珠的破损。
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