MP :: Volume #51

#5014: dragon bead

However even according to did not have many flurried Chasing Wind by the big dragon when the ground, when sees this circular bead, the instinct has a terrified feeling unexpectedly. 然而即便是被巨龙按在地上时也没有多少慌乱的逐风,在见到这一枚圆珠的时候,竟本能地生出一种惶恐之感。 circular bead that then presses toward him brings the extremely dangerous feeling to him, this feeling is not an misconception, but came from the threat of life. 那朝他压来的圆珠给他带来极度危险的感觉,这感觉并非错觉,而是来自生命的威胁。 By Chasing Wind not slightly hesitant, originally bang to attack of body of big dragon, instantaneous violent storm toward that circular bead assault. 是以逐风没有丝毫犹豫,原本轰向巨龙之身的攻击,瞬间狂风暴雨般朝那圆珠袭去。 Next flickered, making the Chasing Wind panic-stricken matter happen. 下一瞬,让逐风惊骇的事情发生了。 Regardless how his attack, unable to shake that circular bead slightest unexpectedly, is unable to prevent its fall downward trend. 无论他如何攻击,竟都撼动不了那圆珠分毫,更无法阻止它下坠的趋势。 Resembling is the flash, resembles the ten million/countless year. 似是一瞬间,又似千万年。 When that circular bead falls on Chasing Wind, the chest of Chasing Wind collapses instantaneously, a black ink blood will spurt uncontrolled will come out, the wild strength will swamp into all the limbs and bones, will shuttle back and forth in the flesh, recklessly destruction. 当那圆珠落在逐风身上的时候,逐风的胸口瞬间坍塌下去,一口墨血不受控制地喷将出来,狂暴的力量涌入四肢百骸,在血肉中穿梭,肆意破坏。 Meanwhile, the big dragon is also the pain roars, the two thousand zhang (6.666m) body contracts suddenly, changes to the human form, simultaneously suddenly attracts, that circular bead induction port. 与此同时,巨龙也是痛楚咆哮,两千丈的身躯骤然收缩,重新化作人形,同时猛地一吸,将那圆珠吸入口中。 Did not have the fetter of Dragon Claw, Chasing Wind to stand freely, suppresses the pain that the injury is bringing, a suddenly fist rumbles. 没了龙爪的束缚,逐风立得自由,强忍着自身伤势带来的痛楚,猛地一拳轰出。 Is having a dizzy spell, is unable from already Yang Kai simply does not have the least bit to guard to this fist, directly by rumbling flew, in the midair spouts the golden blood fog, the aura dispirited. 正头晕目眩,无法自已的杨开对这一拳根本没有半点防备,直接被轰的飞了出去,半空中喷出金色血雾,气息萎靡至极。 At this moment, he is almost exhausted, not to mention Small Universe background was divulged, just now circular bead that spits from the mouth, is his dragon bead. 此时此刻,他几乎已经筋疲力尽,且不说小乾坤底蕴被宣泄一空,方才从口中吐出来的圆珠,可是他自身的龙珠 In the past when the Shattered Heaven deep place, in Holy Spirit Ancestral Land, Yang Kai dragon vein entered the step was the big dragon, in within the body is concise dragon bead, this was the crystallization of Dragon Clan bloodlines essence, was the symbol of big dragon, only had the big dragon, had the qualifications to be concise to belong to own dragon bead. 当年在破碎天深处,圣灵祖地中,杨开龙脉进阶为巨龙之时,于体内凝练出一枚龙珠,这是龙族血脉精华的结晶,也是巨龙的象征,唯有巨龙,才有资格凝练出属于自己龙珠 This thing is like Monster Beast Core, Core is the Monster Beast basis, dragon bead is the Dragon Clan basis. 这东西就跟妖兽内丹一样,内丹妖兽的根本,龙珠龙族的根本。 Monster Beast encounters the powerful enemy, may release defend Core, Dragon Clan similarly. 妖兽遭遇强敌,可将内丹释放出来御敌,龙族同样也可以。 This attack way is simple, is powerful, but the drawback is equally obvious. Once because by doing so, must take the big risk, Core or dragon bead, if were destroyed, that will be in danger immediately, cannot do well loses awfully at the scene. 这种攻击方式简单至极,威力巨大,但弊端同样明显。因为一旦这样做了,就要承担巨大的风险,无论是内丹还是龙珠,若被摧毁,那立刻就会生命垂危,搞不好就要命丧当场。 Therefore until now, what enemy Yang Kai regardless of facing, has never used dragon bead as the method of defend, after all he is skilled in Space Principle, cannot be victorious falling that always runs. 所以迄今为止,杨开无论面对什么样的敌人,都从未动用过龙珠作为御敌的手段,毕竟他精通空间法则,打不过总是跑的掉的。 However this time really compelled the hopeless situation, the secret of light of purification to expose in front of Chasing Wind, if possible, Yang Kai naturally wants to kill it cutting, by never recurring trouble. 然而这一次是真的逼到了绝境,净化之光的秘密已经在逐风面前暴露,若有可能,杨开自然是想将之斩杀,以绝后患。 The Small Universe strength is dry, he can use is only left over the strength of dragon vein, facing the Chasing Wind this kind of powerful enemy, release dragon bead is the most powerful method. 小乾坤的力量已经干涸,他能动用的只剩下龙脉之力,面对逐风这样的强敌,释放龙珠是最强大的手段。 dragon bead truly causes heavy losses to Chasing Wind, even that chest pressed collapse, however Chasing Wind attacks crazily, made dragon bead have some cracks, was almost hit to explode at the scene, but this is his final trump card. 龙珠确实将逐风重创,连那胸膛都被压的塌陷,然而逐风的狂攻,也让龙珠出现了一些裂缝,几乎被当场打爆,而这已是他最后的杀手锏 dragon bead is damaged, Yang Kai is unable to maintain the body of dragon vein. 龙珠受损,杨开龙脉之身都无法维持了。 Arrived at this moment, him the method completely had left, is incapable of meeting the enemy again. 到了此刻,他已手段尽出,再无力迎敌。 This, he and Bai Yi losses! 这一场,他和白羿了! Although Chasing Wind suffers the heavy losses, but has not died after all, he can do now, is hurrying brings Bai Yi to leave this place, but does not know that also has this opportunity. 逐风虽遭遇重创,但毕竟没死,他如今能做的,就是赶紧带着白羿离开此地,只是不知道还有没有这个机会。 Stands up reluctantly, Yang Kai a fuzziness, the head is buzz calls at present unceasingly, even if stands there creakies, is unable to maintain the figure. 勉强站起身,杨开眼前一片模糊,脑袋更是嗡鸣不断,即便站在那里都摇摇欲坠,无法维持身形。 Bai Yi lies down in side not far away, motionless. 白羿就躺在身边不远处,一动不动。 He struggles to walk, several steps stagger, arrives at side Bai Yi, has not supported finally, falls down on Bai Yi. 他挣扎地走过去,几步一踉跄,来到白羿身边,终是没撑住,一头扑倒在白羿身上。 By his such pressure, in the Bai Yi mouth is filled a lot of bloody water immediately, originally weak aura obviously precarious. 被他这么一压,白羿口中立刻弥漫出大量血水,本就微弱的气息更显风雨飘摇。 Yang Kai holds her arm, turns over her, the back on own, struggles to stand, a blood footprint, following the memory direction, walks toward the exit. 杨开抓住她的胳膊,将她翻个身,背在自己身上,重新挣扎着站起来,一步一个血脚印,循着记忆的方向,朝出口处走去。 However has not walked several steps, behind then broadcasts the Chasing Wind cold and gloomy sound: „Do you want to go?” 然而还没走几步,身后便传来逐风森冷的声音:“你想去哪?” Yang Kai ignores, still step by step firmly toward leading the way, the step limps. 杨开置若罔闻,依然一步步坚定地朝前行去,步伐蹒跚。 You gave up any idea of that......” Chasing Wind cold sonic boom drinks, aura rapid approaches toward Yang Kai, must prevent him to escape, however the words have not said, then fierce coughs suddenly fiercely, in the mouth is the blowout a lot of black ink blood. “你们休想……”逐风冷声爆喝,气息迅速朝杨开逼近过来,显然是要阻止他逃亡,然而话没说完,便忽然一阵剧烈猛咳,口中更是喷出大量墨血。 With the spout of black ink blood, his whole person on the rubber ball that such as is discouraged, imposing manner is rapid, suddenly time then nearly without. 随着墨血的喷涌,他整个人就如泄了气的皮球般,气势迅速衰弱,眨眼功夫便近乎于无。 That cough sound is actually a more violent, bloody water in gulps spouts recklessly. 那咳嗽声却是更加猛烈,大口大口的血水不要命地喷出。 Yang Kai stopped the footsteps, turns head to look, in the fuzzy field of vision, presents the Chasing Wind distressed appearance. 杨开停下了脚步,扭头回望,模糊的视野之中,呈现出逐风狼狈的模样。 At this moment, Chasing Wind then partly kneels is being away from the place of own not far away, front beach black color bloody water, almost gathers in the river, blood arrow, various wound blowout from him, he could not have suppressed these wounds obviously. 此时此刻,逐风便半跪在距离自己不远处的地方,面前一滩墨色血水,几乎汇聚成河,更有一道道血箭,从他身上各处伤口喷出,显然他已压制不住身上的那些创伤。 Haha!” Yang Kai wants to smile, the sound that but makes is actually hoarse, this may really be a Heaven never seals off all exits. “哈哈!”杨开想笑,但发出的声音却是嘶哑至极,这可真是天无绝人之路。 He thinks is placed in front of own is only left over to escape a way, who knows the aspect unexpectedly is so unpredictable, the role of hunter and prey is also transforming instantaneously. 他本以为摆在自己面前的仅剩下逃亡一途,谁知局面竟是如此变化莫测,猎人和猎物的角色也在瞬间转换。 Chasing Wind that Secret Technique sequela, radical eruption! From fights to start with Chasing Wind, he has then been waiting for this moment! 逐风秘术的后遗症,彻底爆发了!自与逐风交手开始,他便一直在等着这一刻! In fact, before Chasing Wind imposing manner then unceasingly in feeble, if not this, Yang Kai is unable to support is so long, however even so, Yang Kai also still spent the huge price to put together a mutual wounds with him. 事实上,之前逐风气势便不断地在衰弱,若非这样,杨开也无法支撑那么久,然而即便如此,杨开也依然花费了巨大代价才与他拼个两败俱伤。 Arrived the final moment, dragon bead offered a sacrifice to be damaged, he does not have strength of the war, Chasing Wind instead also leaves leeway the ample force, the victory and defeat already the minute, did not walk can only wait for death. 到了最后关头,龙珠祭出受损,他已无一战之力,逐风反而还留有余力,胜负已分,再不走就只能等死了。 Can bring Bai Yi to escape from this place, he actually does not have the big confidence, can only say that completely the human affairs listen to the destiny. 能不能带着白羿逃出此地,他其实也是没多大信心的,只能说尽人事听天命。 So the life and death moment, is fortunate enough to the heaven to care, made Chasing Wind drop down finally, perhaps not just lucky, Bai Yi struck at risk of life, Building Yang Kai fate wrestled, offers a sacrifice to dragon bead, accelerated Chasing Wind Secret Technique backlash. 如此生死存亡关头,幸得上天眷顾,终让逐风倒下了,或许并非只是幸运,白羿拼死一击,杨开命相搏,祭出龙珠,都加速了逐风秘术反噬 His that Secret Technique, the prestige can be huge, now backlash gets up is also extremely terrifying. 他那秘术,威能巨大,如今反噬起来也是极为恐怖 Three people that at this moment, in Secret Boundary also lives, on aura, Bai Yi is only weakest, in giving self up to keep off Chasing Wind to strike after Yang Kai, she has fallen into the stupor thoroughly. 此时此刻,秘境中还活下来的三人,单就气息而言,白羿最为薄弱,在舍身替杨开挡下逐风一击之后,她已彻底陷入昏迷之中。 Chasing Wind aura nearly without, is stronger than Bai Yi, may be no better, moreover in the feebleness, that Secret Technique backlash is Chasing Wind is unable to withstand evidently. 逐风气息已近乎于无,比白羿强一些,可强不到哪去,而且还在衰弱中,看样子那秘术反噬就是逐风也根本无法承受。 Is the step limps on the contrary, strength almost dry Yang Kai aura is strongest, has saying that this is really a huge satire. 反倒是步伐蹒跚,一身力量几乎干涸的杨开气息最强,不得不说,这真是一个巨大的讽刺。 The squatting down body, puts down Bai Yi gently, Yang Kai goes toward the Chasing Wind that side line step by step, the step still limps, the figure is crooked, so long as if gale blows, will then make him lie down. 蹲下身子,轻轻地将白羿放下,杨开一步步朝逐风那边行去,步伐依然蹒跚,身形歪歪倒倒,似乎只要一阵大风吹来,便将让他躺下。 In the halfway, offers a sacrifice to Azure Dragon Spear in the hand, the long spear/gun drags in the place, exudes the grating fricative. 半途中,祭出苍龙枪在手,长枪拖于地,发出刺耳的摩擦声。 Chasing Wind still coughs up blood in the big mouth, resembling to all spit blood cleanly, hears sound raises the head to look, in the eye presents the terrified color immediately. 逐风还在大口咳血,似要将一身血液全都吐干净了,听到动静抬头望来,眼中立刻出现惶恐之色。 He stands difficultly, has turned around, far away from Yang Kai, drinks step by step simultaneously outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted lowly: Do not come!” 他艰辛地站起来,转过身,一步步地远离杨开,同时色厉内荏地低喝:“你别过来!” Where Yang Kai can manage him, sees his appearance, the body has a strength to come inexplicably, the step sped up, softly said: „A matter of spear/gun, quick finished, do not run!” 杨开哪会理他,见他这幅模样,身上莫名生出一股力气来,步伐都加快了一些,温声道:“一枪的事,很快就结束,别跑了!” Does not run has ghost! In the Chasing Wind heart almost must shout 'motherfucker', if this were seized, died absolutely. However although he has a mind to be far away from Yang Kai, but this moment body condition is the extremely unsatisfactory, fled speed is almost slow such as the turtle to crawl. 不跑才有鬼!逐风心中几乎要骂娘,这要是被逮住了,绝对死定了。然而他虽有心远离杨开,但此刻身体状态却是极为不佳,逃离的速度几乎慢如龟爬。 Solemn Territory Lord, falls to today's so paddies, Chasing Wind almost wants to cry but have no tears. 堂堂域主,落到今日这般田地,逐风几乎欲哭无泪。 Yang Kai also somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, war of three waves to a single stroke today, turn into this aspect finally are who cannot think. 杨开同样有些哭笑不得,今日之战一波三折,最终变成这幅局面是谁也想不到的。 Unexpectedly compared with the average person who Territory Lord, 7-Rank Open Heaven, chases down to run away now the situation of does might as well, is really impolite. 一个域主,一个七品开天,如今追杀逃遁的情形搞的竟比普通人还不如,实在有伤大雅。 Perhaps this time comes practice to have casually, can two people killing. 这个时候恐怕随便来个修炼有成的,都能把两人给杀了。 Under the instinct of seeking livehood, Chasing Wind faces forward to move the body step by step, every step goes out, stays behind a blood footprint, that side Yang Kai similarly so. 求生的本能下,逐风一步步朝前挪动着身子,每一步走出,都留下一个血脚印,杨开那边同样如此。 The bloody road of meandering, changes to the difference the scenery. 迤逦的血路,化作异样的风景。 That Secret Technique backlash is truly strong enough, a moment later, Chasing Wind figure staggers, falls down on the ground, his hands and feet and using, face forward gu to well up little. 秘术反噬确实够强,片刻之后,逐风身形一个趔趄,一头栽倒在地上,他手脚并用,一点点地朝前咕涌着。 In despair, behind listens to transmit a sound to move suddenly, turns head to look, sees Yang Kai that chases down to come also to fall down unexpectedly on the ground, is welling up the body with his same gu. 正绝望之际,忽听后面传来一声响动,扭头望去,见追杀而来的杨开居然也扑倒在地上,跟他一样咕涌着身躯。 Why bother?” Chasing Wind sincere: Was inferior that your my each one first restores one, then makes the plan.” “何苦呢?”逐风语重心长一声:“不如你我各自先恢复一阵,再做打算。” The Yang Kai sound is weak, ridicules one: You gave up any idea of, waits for shit near enough distance, my one rifle butt you hold!” 杨开声音虚弱,笑骂一声:“你休想,等我靠近足够距离,我就一枪把你捅死!” Chasing Wind said: Bai Yi feared that was dying, you do not look after her, when she died, you must regret!” 逐风道:“白羿怕是要死了,你不去照看她,等她死了,你必会后悔!” Yang Kai remains unmoved: Relax, as long as she has the one breath, I can also save her, first killed you is not late.” 杨开不为所动:“放心,她但凡有一口气,我也能将她救回来,先杀了你不迟。” Chasing Wind cold snort: Everyone present condition is similar, when the time comes who lives who dies also cannot know especially.” 逐风冷哼:“大家如今状态差不多,到时候谁生谁死还尤未可知。” During the two people speeches, continually gu is also welling up the body, but each other speed is similar, from does not increase does not reduce, the looks at stance, Yang Kai wants to catch up with Chasing Wind some to be not quite realistic. 两人说话间,也在不断地咕涌身躯,不过彼此速度差不多,距离不增不减,看着架势,杨开想要追上逐风有些不太现实。 Realized this point, Yang Kai stopped the figure suddenly, decided is looking at the front. 意识到这一点,杨开忽然停住了身形,定定地瞧着前方。 The Chasing Wind heart jumps, although does not know that he is up to mischief, but the instinct felt that some are not wonderful, gu wells up was even more rapid. 逐风心头一跳,虽不知他在搞什么鬼,但本能地感觉有些不妙,咕涌的愈发迅速了。 After a little while, Yang Kai cracks into a smile: You ended!” 少顷,杨开咧嘴一笑:“你完了!” So saying, the Small Universe gateway is opening in the front suddenly, next one flickers, the form rushes ahead together instantaneously from the gateway. 这般说着,小乾坤的门户忽然在面前打开,下一瞬,一道身影瞬间从门户之中冲杀出来。 That person impressively is half big old man, grasps a sharp sword, when kills stares slightly, resembles somewhat is also completely muddled, but quick then locked on the goal, a sword makes a long-range raid front Chasing Wind. 那人赫然是个半大老者,手持一柄利剑,杀出之时微微一愣,似还有些晕头转向,不过很快便锁定了目标,一剑奔袭前方的逐风 Chasing Wind is startled, to be honest, with Human Race battle so many years, he also never sees so small and weak Human Race, black ink battlefield here Human Race, cultivation level has also had 5-Rank Open Heaven at least, fellow who however this presents strangely, basic Open Heaven Stage is not. 逐风为之一怔,说实话,与人族争斗这么多年,他还从未见过如此弱小的人族,墨之战场这边的人族,修为最起码也有五品开天,然而这个诡异出现的家伙,根本连开天境都不是。 Is this Emperor Senior Stage? 这是帝尊境 Chasing Wind as Territory Lord, had naturally known about Human Race that side situation, knows Human Race Open Heaven divides 9-Rank, but under Open Heaven, many boundaries, then has Emperor Senior Stage. 逐风身为域主,对人族那边的情况自然有所了解,知道人族开天九品,而开天之下,还有许多境界,其中便有一个帝尊境 :.: :。:
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