MP :: Volume #51

#5013: With hardship support

Can be the sixth level on the main road that own is skilled , is the character of Grandmaster level, must know that attainments of Yang Kai on Principle of Space is also in until now reaches the pinnacle this eighth level, but when Space Principle is actually he from is quite weak then already since practice. 能在自己精通的大道上达到第六个层次,无一不是宗师级的人物,要知道杨开空间之道上的造诣至今也才处于登峰造极这第八个层次而已,而空间法则却是他从极为微弱时便已修行至今。 Spear Principle can break through in this flash is really accidental/surprised, Yang Kai does not have time joyful anything, has only covered him because of Chasing Wind that wild attack completely, when death aura under hood. 枪道能在这一瞬间得以突破实属意外,杨开却没功夫欣喜什么,只因逐风那狂暴的攻击已将他完全笼罩,死亡的气息当头罩下。 This flash, in the Yang Kai pupil is not not happily sad. 这一瞬间,杨开眸中无悲无喜。 The strength of boundless black ink divulges recklessly, has fresh blood whirlwind to shoot. 无边的墨之力肆意宣泄,有鲜血飚射而出。 The big hand that two form wrong bodies, Yang Kai has held a gun is shivering fiercely, the chest and belly place is the ache is harder to endure. Lowers the head to look, from the shoulder to the waist place, a huge wound, the flesh whirls around, almost can see the internal organs that the abdomen wriggles. 两道身影错身而过,杨开持枪的大手在剧烈颤抖,胸腹处更是疼痛难忍。低头望去,从肩头至腰部处,一道巨大的伤口,血肉翻卷,几乎可以看到腹部蠕动的内脏。 Chasing Wind that palm blade that chops to fall to come, he cannot avoid eventually, is better than the body of his dragon vein, almost in this strikes to be split as two halves. 逐风那一记劈落而来的掌刀,他终究是没能避开,强如他的龙脉之身,也几乎在这一击下被剖为两半。 However although he is injured, Chasing Wind is not perfect, fight of that flash, Azure Dragon Spear has just now poked a hole in the Chasing Wind chest front, actually these fights is who profits, but also really did not say. 不过他虽受伤,逐风也不是完好无损,方才那一瞬间的交手,苍龙枪已在逐风胸前戳出一个窟窿,这一下交手究竟是谁占了便宜,还真不好说。 Yang Kai does not even have the time to process the own injury, turns around hastily, the spear/gun refers to Chasing Wind that huge form, in the mouth explodes drinks: Kills!” 杨开甚至没功夫去处理自己的伤势,仓促转身,枪指逐风那巨大的身影,口中爆喝:“杀!” Unprecedented, the figure binds in spear glow, the whole person and Azure Dragon Spear almost fuse together in this flash, change to flowing light to go toward the Chasing Wind bang together. 一往无前,身形裹在枪芒之中,整个人与苍龙枪在这一瞬间几乎融为一体,化作一道流光逐风轰去。 Coming face to face, is not you dies is I perishes! 狭路相逢,不是你死就是我亡! Roaring of Chasing Wind resounded through the skies, turns around to welcome, although he has not used any Secret Treasure, only met the enemy by the double fist, but that every struck rudely, the prestige can fearsome. 逐风的怒吼响彻云霄,转身迎了过来,他虽没有动用任何秘宝,只以双拳迎敌,但那每一击都势大力沉,威能可怖。 The both sides instantaneous war makes one group, the terrifying injury blooms on two people, but the strength of rich black ink continually will well up from Chasing Wind within the body will come out, will enter his within the body following the Yang Kai's seven orifices. 双方瞬间战做一团,恐怖的伤势在两人身上绽放出来,而浓郁的墨之力更是不断地从逐风体内涌将出来,顺着杨开的七窍钻进他体内。 These strength of black ink just like Chasing Wind Clone general, entered Yang Kai within the body not saying that but also changed to sharp incomparable attack, in a complete mess that the Yang Kai flesh and five main internal organs (entrails) stirred. 这些墨之力犹如逐风分身一般,钻进杨开体内不说,还化作一道道锋锐无匹的攻击,将杨开血肉和五脏六腑搅的一塌糊涂。 The Yang Kai over the face blood stain, the appearance is fierce, imposing manner is unceasingly feeble. 杨开满面血污,模样狰狞,气势不断衰弱下去。 Chasing Wind imposing manner also in continually feeble, he used powerful Secret Technique, suppresses the Black Ink Nest energy is own healing, although obtains the strength that may endure fights in short time, but this condition is doomed unable to continue is too long, with passing of time, this Secret Technique sequela also gradually erupts, its backlash. 逐风气势也在持续衰弱,他动用了强大的秘术,压制墨巢的能量为自己疗伤,虽在短时间内获得了可堪一战的力量,但是这种状态注定无法持续太久,随着时间的流逝,这秘术的后遗症也逐渐爆发,将其反噬 In addition Yang Kai's attack also gave other party to become a big injury, accelerated the arrival of backlash. 再加上杨开的攻击也给他造成了不小的伤害,更加速了反噬的到来。 If he can fully erupt in that Secret Technique backlash beforehand solved Yang Kai, naturally all said that but if cannot, that end. 若他能在那秘术反噬全面爆发之前解决了杨开,自然一切好说,可若是不能,那就完了。 Chasing Wind didn't expect, this Human Race 7-Rank unexpectedly is so also tenacious! By his present condition, no matter what Human Race 7-Rank, impossible to insist ten breath times before him, this Human Race achieved, even the ample force causes the damage to own. 逐风没想到,这个人族七品竟如此坚韧!以他如今的状态,不管是什么样的人族七品,都绝不可能在他面前坚持十息功夫,偏偏这个人族做到了,甚至还有余力给自己造成伤害。 Chasing Wind felt that own solemn Territory Lord received the great shame, the offensive is even more fierce. 逐风感觉自己堂堂域主受到了奇耻大辱,攻势愈发凶猛。 Both's imposing manner all in feeble, but comparatively speaking, the Yang Kai's situation is quite not without doubt wonderful, according to the this kind of situation continues, soon, Chasing Wind then can kill it striking at the scene, Chasing Wind also discovered this point obviously, by does not make concessions, trades the wound with Yang Kai by the wound. 两者的气势皆在衰弱,不过比较而言,杨开的处境无疑极为不妙,照这样的情形继续下去,用不了多久,逐风便能将之击杀当场,逐风显然也发现了这一点,是以毫不退让,与杨开以伤换伤。 The Yang Kai figure draws back draws back again, in the throat full is the blood of tumbling, is squeezing the Small Universe strength repeatedly, life-and-death resistance. However under the suppression of strength, this type revolts against many seems somewhat weak. 杨开身形一退再退,喉咙里满是翻滚的血液,一遍遍地压榨着小乾坤的力量,殊死反抗。然而在实力的压制下,这种反抗多少显得有些无力。 It is not long with time that Chasing Wind fights, but he had felt obviously own Small Universe strength is soon dry. 逐风交手的时间不长,但他已经明显感觉自身小乾坤的力量快要干涸。 This situation promotes Open Heaven from him, has never happened, his Small Universe background is deeper than the same step, if not the intensity of extremely battle, the Small Universe strength is how sufficient, is insufficient to present the dry indication. 这种情况自他晋升开天,还是从未发生过的,他小乾坤底蕴远比同阶深厚,若非争斗的太过激烈,小乾坤的力量怎么都是够用的,不至于出现干涸的征兆。 Once Small Universe is thorough, he will not have the world mighty force again available, 7-Rank Open Heaven Rank also became the ornaments. 而一旦小乾坤彻底干涸,那他将再无天地伟力可用,七品开天品阶也就成了摆设。 Although he also has the card in a hand, but that is his final trump card, once offers a sacrifice, must give the final word, otherwise today he and Bai Yi are surely more unfortunate than fortunate. 他虽还有底牌,但那是他最后的杀手锏,一旦祭出,非得一锤定音,否则今日他与白羿必定凶多吉少。 Therefore does not have the right opportunity, time unless it is absolutely essential, this card in a hand he will not use. 所以没有合适的机会,不到万不得已的时候,这个底牌他是绝不会动用的。 He has a mind to stimulate to movement the purification light/only, however fights so intensely, stimulation of movement purification light/only short sluggish radically to enemy opportunity is not missed. 他有心催动净化之光,然而交手如此激烈,催动净化之光的短暂迟滞根本就是给敌人可趁之机。 Facing Chasing Wind attacks crazily, he can only support by strenuous efforts, awaits calmly the good opportunity. 面对逐风的狂攻,他只能苦苦支撑,静待良机。 Azure Dragon Spear that suddenly, punctures one was grasped by Chasing Wind in the hand, Chasing Wind grins to grin fiendishly: Ants suffer to death!” 蓦然间,刺出的苍龙枪逐风一把抓在手上,逐风咧嘴狞笑:“蝼蚁受死!” Another grips tightly turns into a fist, a fist shells toward Yang Kai. 另一手紧握成拳,一拳朝杨开轰击过来。 That giant fist in enlarges at present rapidly, mixes with the Destroying Heavens Exterminating Earth prestige energy, Yang Kai is abandoning the spear/gun hurriedly, before the both arms interlock the body, to do to protect. 那巨大的拳头在眼前急速放大,夹杂着毁天灭地的威能,杨开匆忙弃枪,双臂交错身前以做防护。 However in this flash, golden light from the flank raids suddenly, instantaneously then suddenly to Yang Kai and Chasing Wind, that golden light flashes slightly, reveals the Bai Yi petite form unexpectedly. 然而就在这一瞬间,一点金光忽然从侧翼袭来,瞬间便突至杨开逐风中间,那金光微微一闪,竟显露出白羿娇小的身影。 This obviously is the Bai Yi escaping technique, before Yang Kai pursued Bai Yi repeatedly time then once detected, she can with the golden light transposition that own shoots, has effect that the type flickers to move to similarly. Although this escaping technique might as well flicker to move , was quite powerful, depended upon this unusual escaping technique, she can escape repeatedly hand/subordinate the birth day in Yang Kai. 这明显是白羿的遁术,之前杨开屡次追击白羿的时候便曾察觉,她可以与自己射出去的金光易位,有种类似瞬移的效果。这种遁术虽然不如瞬移,却也极为强大了,正是依靠了这种奇特的遁术,她才能屡次在杨开手下逃出生天。 Before Bai Yi, is Chasing Wind injures, has lain down beyond dozens li (0.5 km) the life and death does not know, Yang Kai fights with Chasing Wind with all one's heart, even noses her situation time not to have. 白羿之前为逐风所伤,一直躺在几十里外生死不知,杨开一门心思与逐风交手,甚至连查探她情况的功夫都没有。 didn't expect, she at this kind of time, will use this escaping technique to arrive at the two people middle unexpectedly. 怎么也没想到,她居然会在这种时候,施展这遁术来到两人的中间。 The Yang Kai view shrinks suddenly, calls out in alarm said: Does not want!” 杨开眼帘骤缩,惊呼道:“不要!” Chasing Wind attack strong, he has profound understanding, depends upon the body of powerful dragon vein, he contends reluctantly now, if such a fist pounds on Bai Yi, Bai Yi does not have Xing reason surely. 逐风攻击有多强,他深有体会,依靠强大的龙脉之身,他才勉强抗衡到现在,那样的一拳若是砸在白羿身上,白羿定无幸理。 Yang Kai does not know why Bai Yi will appear at this kind of time in this location/position, but she obviously wants to take itself as the shield, keeps off this irresistible to strike for him. 杨开不知白羿为何会在这种时候出现在这个位置,但她明显是想以自身为盾,替他挡下这无可抵挡的一击。 Puts out a hand then to grasp toward Bai Yi, however all have been too late. 伸手便朝白羿抓去,然而一切已经为时已晚。 The Chasing Wind giant fist shells ruthlessly on Bai Yi, Yang Kai clearly heard the sound of bone disruption, continuous piece. 逐风巨大的拳头狠狠轰击在白羿身上,杨开清楚地听到了骨头碎裂的声响,连绵一片。 But receives the attack flash in oneself, in the Bai Yi hand the long bow also pulls open, the feather arrow, changes to the appearance that the pair of wings launches together, submerges the chest of Chasing Wind. 而就在自身受到攻击的一瞬间,白羿手中长弓也同时拉开,一道羽箭,化作双翼展开的模样,没入逐风的胸膛。 Roaring and Bai Yi of Chasing Wind stuffy, resounds. 逐风的怒吼和白羿的闷哼,同时响起。 Each other under dashing of attack, the Chasing Wind figure will fall to draw back in the future, Bai Yi entire hit in the Yang Kai bosom, two people rolled one group in the midair. 彼此攻击的冲撞之下,逐风身形往后跌退,白羿则整个撞进了杨开怀中,两人在半空中滚成一团。 Does not wait for two people to fall to the ground, that side Chasing Wind spreads the angry roaring sound again, is changed to flowing light by Azure Dragon Spear that he takes away, throws toward Yang Kai and Bai Yi two people, then arrives at the near instantaneously. 不等两人落地,逐风那边再度传出怒吼声,被他夺去的苍龙枪化作流光,直朝杨开白羿两人投来,瞬间便到近前。 This strikes the prestige to be scary, along the way Void because the wild strength irons the jet black mark, if hit a target, even the body of Yang Kai's dragon vein must be shot to putting on. 这一击威能骇人,沿途虚空都因为狂暴的力量烙下漆黑印痕,若是被射中,就算是杨开的龙脉之身也要被射个对穿。 However at this moment Yang Kai or Bai Yi, a strength is almost dry, keeps off radically is irreversible. 然而此时此刻无论是杨开还是白羿,一身力量都几乎干涸,根本挡无可挡。 Saw when two people then must be strung together bottle gourd, Dragon Roar roared, golden light shining dragon's head appeared from Yang Kai behind suddenly. 眼看两人便要被串成葫芦之时,一声龙吟咆哮,一个金光灿灿的龙头忽然自杨开身后浮现。 That dragon's head flashes to pass, goes into Yang Kai within the body to vanish does not see. 龙头一闪而逝,扎进杨开体内消失不见。 With in bang crack the sound, a two thousand zhang (6.666m) colossus appears in Secret Boundary towering. 紧接着,伴随着噼里啦的炸响声,一条两千丈的庞然大物突兀地出现在秘境之中。 dragon prestige fills the air! 龙威弥漫! The big dragon is circling golden light shining dragon body, the Bai Yi protection is one of them, Azure Dragon Spear went into the dragon abdomen directly, is hidden does not see, the wound place, Dragon Scales flutters, the fierce ache makes the big dragon face upward Dragon Roar. 巨龙盘旋着金光灿灿的龙身,将白羿守护在其中,苍龙枪直接扎进了龙腹之中,隐没不见,伤口处,龙鳞翻飞,剧烈的疼痛让巨龙仰天龙吟 Although so injury fearsome, but actually protected the completeness of Bai Yi. 如此伤势虽然可怖,但却护了白羿的周全。 Big dragon suddenly turns the head, huge dragon eye such as two small Sun, observed closely Chasing Wind to be, next one flickered, dragon body dragged, fierce dragon's head threw toward Chasing Wind that side. 巨龙猛地转头,巨大龙睛如两轮小太阳,盯住了逐风所在,下一瞬,龙身摇曳,狰狞龙头直朝逐风那边扑去。 Feels that terrifying dragon prestige, Chasing Wind somewhat stares blankly for a while, including can be felt by the ache that Bai Yi injured. 感受到那恐怖龙威,逐风一时有些发怔,连被白羿所伤的疼痛都感觉不到了。 Although Black Ink Clan knows in this world to have Dragon Clan to exist, but has also never presented Dragon Clan in black ink battlefield, hears previous attack Human Race Blue Sky Pass actually time, the big dragon comes. 墨族虽然知道这世上有龙族存在,但在墨之战场还从未出现过龙族,倒是听闻上一次攻击人族碧落关的时候,有一条巨龙现身。 But that battle, he not on the scene, therefore has not personally seen. 只不过那一次交战,他并不在场,所以也没有亲眼见过。 Did not think to see today unexpectedly. 不想今日居然见到了。 Then, that Human Race at all is not Human Race, but once appeared in the Blue Sky Pass battlefield big dragon! 这么说来,那个人族根本不是什么人族,而是曾出现在碧落关战场的巨龙! Strikes facing throwing of big dragon, Chasing Wind angrily roars, faces forward to welcome. 面对巨龙的扑击,逐风怒吼一声,朝前迎去。 Appears the big incomparable form in common Human Race, such as the ants in front of the big dragon is ordinary, however each other strong and weak of strength, actually is never the build size can decide. 在寻常人族显得高大无比的身影,在巨龙面前却如蝼蚁一般渺小,然而彼此实力的强弱,却从来不是体型大小能够决定的。 Chasing Wind thought that the own present condition, the slaughter falls this big dragon sufficiently, does not fear by him happily. 逐风觉得自己如今的状态,足以屠掉这一条巨龙,是以他怡然不惧。 However each other when confrontation, Chasing Wind then knows that own was wrong. 然而彼此交锋之时,逐风便知道自己错了。 The terrifying strength from the front raids, Chasing Wind only insisted the flash, then by huge Dragon Claw ruthlessly according to the ground. 恐怖的力量自前方袭来,逐风仅仅只是坚持了一瞬间,便被一只巨大的龙爪狠狠地按在了地上。 Firm land suddenly sinks downward a surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) big hole, around the big hole proliferates the gully crack. 坚固的大地猛地往下凹出一个方圆几十里的大坑,大坑四周更是遍布沟壑般的裂缝。 Under the opposite party wild strength, Chasing Wind does not have many strength of resistance unexpectedly. 在对方狂暴的力量之下,逐风竟是没有多少反抗之力。 Chasing Wind is angry, if complete body, this strength he naturally can contend, however a war, he was injured before repeatedly, uses the peak after Secret Technique not to exist, oneself strength unceasingly feeble, now is pressed by the shame unexpectedly on the ground. 逐风大怒,若是完好之身,这种力量他自然可以抗衡,然而之前一战,他屡次受伤,动用秘术后的巅峰也不复存在,自身实力在不断衰弱,如今竟是被耻辱地摁在了地上。 He rises spiritedly to revolt, wanting to break out of the fetter of Dragon Claw. 他奋起反抗,欲要摆脱龙爪的束缚。 However the head of that big dragon actually hung down slightly, the fierce huge mouth opens, a Dragon Breath spray coating comes out, covers Chasing Wind. 然那巨龙的头颅却微微低垂了下来,狰狞巨口张开,一口龙息喷涂出来,将逐风笼罩。 Dragon Breath such as the blade sword, cutting Chasing Wind cut and bruised, black ink blood hurricane. 龙息如刀似剑,切割的逐风遍体鳞伤,墨血狂飙。 In the angry roaring sound, Chasing Wind one rumbles sincerely, the wild strength separates hits spatially on great dragon body, instant time, Dragon Scales jumps flies, on great dragon body presents each and everyone terrifying pit, for a very long time is unable to recover. 怒吼声中,逐风一拳拳轰出,狂暴的力量隔空打在巨龙身上,霎时间,龙鳞迸飞,巨龙身上更是出现一个个恐怖至极的凹坑,久久无法复原。 Seem like so the situation, whom is competes to insist is longer. 如此局势,倒像是比拼谁能坚持的更久。 In dragon eye of big dragon flashes through the pain look, resembling also has a faint trace to hesitate. 巨龙的龙睛中闪过痛楚的神色,似还有一丝丝犹豫。 However is quickly firm and resolute. 不过很快便坚毅起来。 Emits in unceasing Dragon Breath, suddenly presents a circular bead appearance the thing. 喷吐不断的龙息之中,忽然出现一枚圆珠模样的东西。 That circular bead binds in Dragon Breath, castrating is not quick, even is quite it can be said that slow, toward was pressed slowly in ground Chasing Wind depresses. 圆珠裹扎在龙息之中,去势并不算快,甚至可以说是极为缓慢,徐徐地朝被按在地上的逐风压下。
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