MP :: Volume #51

#5012: The prestige of Territory Lord

When that aura recovers, calling out in alarm of Bai Yi resounds in the ear bank: Senior Brother is careful!” 当那气息复苏之时,白羿的惊呼在耳畔边响起:“师兄小心!” Yang Kai a spear/gun has punctured ruthlessly toward under. 杨开已狠狠一枪朝下方刺出。 Crash-bang a sound moves, a big hand finds out from shatter Black Ink Nest in suddenly, one grasped toward Yang Kai. 哗啦一声响动,一只大手忽然自破碎墨巢内探出,一把朝杨开抓了过来。 Azure Dragon Spear is sharp, at this time Yang Kai stimulates to movement full power, obviously irresistible, prestige of the spear/gun, passes through from that big hand in directly, carries over one black fresh blood. 苍龙枪锋锐无匹,此时杨开全力催动,更显势不可挡,一枪之威,直接自那大手之中贯穿,带出一片墨色鲜血 However that big hand does not have the meaning of slight flinching, grips ruthlessly. 然那大手却是没有丝毫退缩之意,狠狠一攥。 The world imprisons, Yang Kai discovered with amazement own is evades not to be possible unexpectedly to evade, for a while does not observe, was gripped with the spear/gun by that big hand tightly. 天地禁锢,杨开骇然发现自己竟是避无可避,一时不察,被那大手连人带枪攥紧了。 The terrifying strength raids from the whole body, whole body bone crack makes noise, does not know that cracked many slits. 恐怖的力量自周身袭来,浑身骨头咔嚓嚓作响,不知裂出了多少缝隙。 His vibration long spear/gun, stimulates to movement strength of the Small Universe furiously, explodes a hole in that big hand palm place, at the same time, a golden light twinkling, but, sews in that big hand hand wrist place. 他奋力抖动长枪,催动自身小乾坤之力,在那大手手心处炸出一个窟窿,与此同时,一点金光瞬息而至,钉在那大手手腕处。 About Yang Kai and strength of Bai Yi two people, this made that grip tightens the big hand of Yang Kai body to loosen slightly, this good opportunity, Yang Kai shook off the fetter hurriedly, went toward retreat, pulled open with the Black Ink Nest distance. 杨开白羿两人之力,这才让那攥紧了杨开身躯的大手微微松开,得此良机,杨开匆忙挣脱束缚,往后退去,拉开了与墨巢的距离。 Strives to stand firm the figure, on the Yang Kai face flashes through wipes ruddily, the opens the mouth puts out fresh blood, aura, although but therefore the dispirited, however the condition of whole person was actually good many. 勉力稳住身形,杨开脸上闪过一抹红润,张口吐出一口鲜血,气息虽因此而萎靡了一些,然整个人的状态却是好了不少。 Increases from aura that in Black Ink Nest recovers successively, suddenly when then surpasses Yang Kai saw Chasing Wind initially, unexpectedly has to press up to the potential of Territory Lord peak. 墨巢内复苏的气息节节攀升,眨眼间便超过了杨开初见逐风时,竟有直逼域主巅峰之势。 Yang Kai and Bai Yi all with amazement. 杨开白羿皆都骇然。 However was good because of imposing manner that this increased then arrived at Peak quickly, although was powerful, actually insufficiently desperate. 不过好在这攀升的气势很快便到了顶峰,虽然强大,却不至于让人绝望。 Decides the eye to look, a pair of big hand finds out from tattered Black Ink Nest, about a point, ripped open Black Ink Nest, Chasing Wind that huge body presented in the two people field of vision. 定眼望去,一双大手自破烂的墨巢中探出,左右一分,撕开了墨巢,逐风那巨大的身躯呈现在了两人的视野内。 At this moment, the Chasing Wind whole person mounts the flour gruel, as if in the new student from mother 's womb, that viscous liquid drips downward following the body, gathers the beach in the under foot. 此时此刻,逐风整个人都黏黏糊糊的,仿佛自母胎之中新生,那粘稠的液体顺着身躯往下淌去,在脚下汇聚成滩。 But tattered Black Ink Nest, has changed to piece of ashes at this moment, in which energy is swallowed by Chasing Wind obviously completely. 而破烂的墨巢,此刻已化作一片齑粉,其中的能量显然都已被逐风吞噬殆尽。 His palm was passed through by Azure Dragon Spear, the wound is huge, however this moment wound place flesh is wriggling, starts to heal unexpectedly rapidly. 原本他有一只手掌被苍龙枪贯穿,伤口巨大,然而此刻伤口处血肉蠕动着,竟开始迅速愈合。 He makes a fist gently, looks like the black hole double pupil jet black to the direction that Yang Kai and Bai Yi are , the woods sound said: Two ants, you successfully enraged me, I wanted you to live to might as well die!” 他轻轻握拳,漆黑如黑洞般的双眸望向杨开白羿所在的方向,森声道:“两个蝼蚁,你们成功激怒我了,我要你们生不如死!” During the speeches, a fist distant comes toward the two people bang. 说话间,一拳遥遥朝两人轰来。 Yang Kai and Bai Yi all complexion big change, a person holds a gun, a person lifts the bow, goes toward the front bumper with joint forces. 杨开白羿皆都脸色大变,一人持枪,一人抬弓,合力朝前挡去。 The copious governing strength from the front raids to not, two people changes to flowing light to be rumbled to fly instantaneously, the Bai Yi petite body is tumbling, spreads the sound of bone break, although Yang Kai flesh body is powerful, but does not feel better similarly, only felt own five main internal organs (entrails) almost shifts, the whole person hits directly on mountain peak a more than ten li (0.5 km) away, deeply inserts, puts out fresh blood palely, complexion like the paper. 沛然莫御的力量从前方袭至,两人瞬间化作流光被轰飞出去,白羿娇小的身躯翻滚着,传出骨头断裂的声响,杨开虽然肉身强悍,但也同样不好受,只感觉自身五脏六腑都几乎移位,整个人直接撞在十几里外的一座山峰上,深深地嵌入其中,哇地一声吐出一口鲜血,面色苍白如纸。 Strikes, Yang Kai had then realized that vast gap between oneself body and Chasing Wind, this fellow used secret skill, squeezes the Black Ink Nest strength for own healing, now when his power and influence is as good as the peak absolutely. 只是一击,杨开便已意识到己身与逐风之间的巨大差距,这家伙动用了秘法,压榨墨巢的力量为自身疗伤,如今他的威势绝对不亚于巅峰之时。 this kind of opponent, even if he and Bai Yi are the peaks, is not necessarily able to resist, do not say that is now this condition. 这样的对手,纵然他与白羿同是巅峰,也未必能够抵挡,更不要说是如今这状态。 Previously fought with all sorts of enemy, regardless of Yang Kai or Bai Yi, cut and bruised, the strength fell short greatly, is in inverse proportion, put in an appearance, two people then suffers a loss. 此前与敌人的种种交手,无论杨开还是白羿,都已遍体鳞伤,实力大打折扣,此消彼长,一个照面,两人便吃了大亏。 So under the adversity, the Yang Kai's fighting spirit does not reduce instead increases, the complexion is no doubt pale, but that pupil is actually bright scary. 如此逆境之下,杨开的斗志不减反增,脸色固然苍白,但那眸子却是亮的吓人。 He does not know that Chasing Wind used what Secret Technique, when lets unexpectedly the body of heavy losses restored the peak, but the might is powerful Secret Technique, backlash was serious, this was the general knowledge! 他不知逐风到底动用了什么秘术,竟让重创之身恢复到了巅峰之时,但威力越是强大的秘术,反噬就越是严重,这是常识! In other words , Chasing Wind is impossible to stay the this kind of condition not to fade, so long as he and Bai Yi can insist, when to that Secret Technique backlash, the Chasing Wind power and influence then collapses of itself. 换言之,逐风不可能一直保持着这样的状态而不衰,只要他与白羿能够坚持下去,待到那秘术反噬之时,逐风的威势便不攻自破。 In the heart understands this point, but he and can Bai Yi support by that time? Perhaps before that two people had then been killed by Chasing Wind. 心中明白这一点,可他与白羿能支撑到那个时候吗?或许在那之前,两人便已被逐风所杀。 However this is a rare opportunity. Let alone Yang Kai had previously displayed the purification in front of Chasing Wind light/only, Zhong Liang had once told him, the purification light/only this method easily do not display in front of Black Ink Clan, once displayed must want kill to the last one/being ruthless, otherwise the news disclosed that that side Black Ink Clan will aim at him to take an action inevitably, when the time comes Human Race to protect him, decides will not allow him to leave Blue Sky Pass again. 然而这是一个难得的机会。更何况杨开此前已经在逐风面前施展过净化之光,钟良曾跟他说过,净化之光这手段轻易不要在墨族面前施展,一旦施展了就务必要赶尽杀绝,否则消息走漏,墨族那边势必会针对他有所行动,到时候人族这边为了保护他,定不会再允许他离开碧落关 Therefore in any event, regardless of pays the big price, Yang Kai thought that own must try, if can strike to kill Chasing Wind should better, but, is lacking the ability to do what one would like if , can only bring Bai Yi to flee, as for can escape, he also can only completely the human affairs, listen to the destiny. 所以无论如何,无论付出多大的代价,杨开觉得自己都必须要试一试,若能击杀逐风最好不过,若实在力不从心,就只能带着白羿遁逃了,至于能不能逃得掉,他也只能尽人事,听天命。 All sorts of thoughts flash through in the mind, Yang Kai works loose from the mountain massif oneself body, the Space Principle stimulation of movement, one step steps forward, then had arrived in front of Bai Yi. 种种念头在脑海中闪过,杨开将己身从山体中挣脱出,空间法则催动,一步跨出,便已来到了白羿面前。 Meanwhile, when a Chasing Wind fist toward the Bai Yi bang , the Bai Yi body and mind shakes greatly, is incapable of resisting, her strength is no doubt good, before and Yang Kai also hit dramatically, spent Yang Kai many times to take her. 与此同时,逐风一拳朝白羿轰下,正是白羿身心巨震,无力抵挡之时,她的实力固然不俗,之前与杨开也打的有声有色,花费杨开不少功夫才将她拿下。 However she does not have Yang Kai's powerful background after all, does not have World Spring suppress and seal Small Universe. 然她毕竟没有杨开的强大底蕴,更没有天地泉封镇小乾坤 Just now a Chasing Wind fist not only rumbled to fly her, Small Universe is shaking continuous, a strength was difficult of access, facing Chasing Wind made use to chase down, during she was also in has a dizzy spell, kept off radically is irreversible. 方才逐风一拳不但将她轰飞了出去,连带着小乾坤都震荡不休,一身力量周转不灵,面对逐风的趁势追杀,她还处于头晕目眩之中,根本挡无可挡。 Chasing Wind also hates the betrayal of Bai Yi evidently, by planning first to solve Bai Yi to seek Yang Kai's to be troublesome again. 逐风看样子也更加痛恨白羿的背叛,是以打算先解决了白羿再去寻杨开的麻烦。 When this fist rumbles, the front presents together the form towering, Yang Kai rescues, Chasing Wind looks to sneer, the fist potential does not reduce, instead is even more fierce, even if the front has a universe, must rumble it broken. 这一拳轰出时,面前突兀地出现一道身影,正是杨开来救,逐风面露冷笑,拳势不减,反而愈发凶猛,面前即便有一座乾坤,也要将它轰碎了。 Everywhere spear/gun shadow welcomed, changed to the mere illusion under this broad fist potential instantaneously. 漫天枪影迎来,在这恢宏拳势之下瞬间化作水月镜花。 The Yang Kai figure draws back draws back again, every time withdraws one step, the whole body then blows out one group of blood fog. 杨开身形一退再退,每退出一步,周身便爆出一团血雾。 When draws back more than ten continually steps, an under foot check, will lie down the Bai Yi check near own foot flew, simultaneously is incapable of resisting the Chasing Wind heavy bombing again general, the figure such as the kite soars high, at present golden star braves randomly, grasps the right arm of spear/gun to twist strangely, obviously has broken. 连退十几步时,脚下一勾,将躺在自己脚边的白羿勾飞了出去,同时再无力抵挡逐风的猛轰,身形如纸鸢一般高高飞起,眼前金星乱冒,就连握枪的右臂都已诡异扭曲,显然已经断了。 However was good because of Bai Yi is delivered by him to this place, temporarily did not have the sorrow of life, he therefore fell into the dangerous situation on the contrary. 不过好在白羿已经被他送离了此地,暂时没了性命之忧,反倒他因此而落入险境。 Likes saving others? I first killed you!” The Chasing Wind low roar, the big hand opens, then toward Yang Kai, when under hood. “喜欢救人?那我就先杀了你!”逐风低吼,大手张开,便朝杨开当头罩下。 Front light was covered dark, the Yang Kai's double pupil was also covered up by fresh blood, on this occasion, his ample force does not meet, facing this strikes, absolutely does not have the means to resist to move aside unexpectedly. 面前的光明被黑暗笼罩,杨开的双眸同样被鲜血遮掩,值此之时,正是他余力不接的时候,面对这一击,竟是完全没办法招架躲闪。 Saw that giant palm then must pat, several golden light raid to suddenly from one side, is actually Bai Yi gets strength back finally, critical moment several archery fire. 眼看那巨掌便要拍下,数道金光忽然从侧面袭至,却是白羿总算缓过劲来,关键时刻几道箭术齐发。 These arrows attack the enemy to rescue, the prestige can huge incomparable, if Chasing Wind is determined to kill Yang Kai, will take advantage for Bai Yi inevitably. 这几箭攻敌之必救,威能巨大无匹,逐风若是执意要杀杨开,势必会为白羿所趁。 As honored Territory Lord, Chasing Wind is not willing to trade the life with Yang Kai obviously, therefore without the least bit hesitates, he then turns around to keep off toward that several golden light. 身为尊贵的域主,逐风显然不愿意与杨开换命,所以没有半点犹豫,他便转身朝那几道金光挡去。 The strength of boundless black ink gushes out, that several point golden light with irresistible force one contacts with the strength of black ink swiftly, then the power and influence reduces greatly, Chasing Wind is fierce the number fist, broke to pieces mostly golden light, last golden light one was actually grasped by him in the hand, the backhand threw. 无边墨之力涌出,那几点势如破竹的金光倏一与墨之力接触,便威势大减,逐风猛出数拳,碎了大多金光,最后一道金光却被他一把抓在手上,反手就扔了出去。 That golden light recently power and influence quickly was fiercer, sewed when the Bai Yi shoulder place directly, put on the body, fresh blood splash, Bai Yi stuffy snort/hum, the whole person was led the tumbling to keep by the huge strength, fell layer on layer/heavily. 金光比来的威势更快更猛,直接钉在了白羿的肩头处,穿身而过,鲜血飞溅时,白羿闷哼一声,整个人被庞大的力量带着翻滚不停,重重落下。 Overreaches oneself!” Chasing Wind cold snort, the corner of the eye split vision glimpses pure white light twinkling to come, to turn head suddenly to look, the front surface one round is exploding at present like incandescent small Sun. “不自量力!”逐风冷哼,眼角余光忽然瞥见纯净白光闪烁而来,扭头望去,迎面一轮如白炽般的小太阳在眼前爆开。 Chasing Wind has a big shock, he had suffered this Secret Technique before, fully realized this white light, that simply is the difficult adversary of strength of black ink, where at this moment dares to contaminate again? 逐风大惊失色,他之前就吃过这秘术的亏,深知这白光的了得,那简直就是墨之力的克星,此刻哪敢再沾染? However he before to strike to kill Yang Kai, each other distance was too near, at this moment could not avoid. 然而他之前为了击杀杨开,彼此距离实在太近,此刻根本躲避不开。 Under the whole body inspires, the strength of rich black ink gushes out from within the body, changes protects layer upon layer. 周身一振之下,浓郁墨之力从体内涌出,化作层层防护。 white light explodes, the shining universe, penetrated the dark blockade, the strength of purification rich black ink will scatter, the Chasing Wind angry roaring sound resounds through the skies. 白光爆开,照耀乾坤,穿透了黑暗的封锁,将浓郁的墨之力净化驱散,逐风的怒吼声响彻云霄。 When goes to the light diffusion of purification, the Yang Kai stood in place big mouth is breathing heavily, endures the ache to join the breaking arm of own, but arrogance dreadful Chasing Wind was over the face anger, imposing manner as if was also feebler. 待到净化之光散去时,杨开站在原地大口喘着粗气,忍着疼痛将自己的断臂接上,而原本气焰滔天的逐风却是满面愤怒,气势似乎也衰弱了一些。 The light of purification, was became some injuries to other party eventually. 净化之光,终究是对他造成了一些伤害。 four eyes contact, the Chasing Wind anger just like the essence, the flame burns in the double pupil, a Yang Kai's expression piece concentrates austere, gripped Azure Dragon Spear gently. 四目相对,逐风的怒火犹如实质,火焰在双眸中燃烧,杨开的表情一片凝肃,轻轻握住了苍龙枪 Inside and outside dozens, the Bai Yi petite body lies down on the ground, moves also motionless. 数十里外,白羿娇小的身躯躺在地上,动也不动。 Fights from Chasing Wind with recovery, but the short more than ten breath times, Yang Kai and Bai Yi two people is the method completely leaves, until at this moment, Yang Kai causes heavy losses in the body, the Bai Yi life and death does not even know, obviously powerful of Chasing Wind. 自与复苏后的逐风交手,不过短短十几息功夫,杨开白羿两人可谓是手段尽出,直到此刻,杨开重创在身,白羿甚至生死不知,可见逐风的强悍。 This war, perhaps really somewhat more unfortunate than fortunate! 这一战,恐怕是真的有些凶多吉少! When life and death crisis, Yang Kai instead not too many distracting thoughts, by the double pupil only inverted image that own Golden Blood fills Chasing Wind that huge body, grips the big hand of Azure Dragon Spear always to strengthen, the lance point on selects slightly, points at the front. 生死危机之时,杨开反而没太多杂念,被自身金血弥漫的双眸只倒影着逐风那巨大的身躯,握住苍龙枪的大手始终坚定,枪尖微微上挑,遥指前方。 Fights! 来战! Chasing Wind was enraged by his provocation obviously, clenches teeth to roar lowly: Lowly Human Race, never will know the day high, thick, since you want dead, I helped you!” 逐风显然被他的挑衅激怒,咬牙低吼:“卑贱的人族,永远也不知道天有多高,地有多厚,既然你这么想死,我就成全了你!” When the stride treads, the hand palm blade, chops to fall. 大步踏出时,手化掌刀,直直劈落。 Entire Secret Boundary must for this strike to split, Yang Kai front Void, cracks suddenly a giant incomparable slit, that slit from the Chasing Wind palm blade, has passed through to Yang Kai is. 整个秘境似都要为这一击而分裂开来,杨开前方虚空,骤然裂出一道巨大无比的缝隙,那缝隙自逐风的掌刀,一直贯穿至杨开所在。 The Azure Dragon Spear spear/gun leaves like the dragon, this spear/gun the time or the angle, grasp as wonderful as peak, the time of this flash, Yang Kai even gives birth to a person is not only a spear/gun, the spear/gun is not only the misconception of person. 苍龙枪枪出如龙,这一枪无论是时机还是角度,都把握的妙到巅峰,这一瞬间的功夫,杨开甚至生出一种人既是枪,枪既是人的错觉。 Seeming to be anything was shattered in within the body, the sensibility of Yang Kai to Spear Principle breaks through the bamboo fence suddenly, selects for promotion to another level. 似有什么东西在体内破碎,杨开枪道的感悟骤然突破藩篱,拔升到另外一个层次。 In this life and death crisis moment, oneself Spear Principle broke through unexpectedly, Yang Kai has accidental/surprised slightly, is actually reasonable. The sensibility and fierce struggle between life and death, the itself breaks through the best way of bottleneck. 在这生死危机关头,自身枪道竟然突破了,杨开稍有意外,却又在情理之中。生死之间的感悟和激斗,本就是突破瓶颈的最好办法。 His Spear Principle only in the fifth level, achieved mastery through a comprehensive study. 他的枪道本来只在第五个层次,融会贯通。 But now was to actually break through the sixth level, outstanding, the attainments on Principle of Time was equal to him. 而如今却是突破到了第六个层次,出类拔萃,与他在时间之道上的造诣等同。
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