MP :: Volume #51

#5011: Kills the enemy jointly

In Secret Boundary, as Chasing Wind was changed to the flower bud Black Ink Nest package by that the battlefield minute makes two groups, a side is Yang Kai contends with besieging of jointly two feudal lords by one's effort, a side is independent combat of Bai Yi and another feudal lord. 秘境之中,随着逐风被那化作花骨朵般的墨巢包裹,战场分做两团,一方是杨开以一己之力抗衡两个领主的联手围攻,一方是白羿与另一个领主的单打独斗。 Pesters Bai Yi that feudal lord to know the prestige of her archery, therefore comes up then such as the maggot of tarsal bone to paste Bai Yi, does not give her the least bit to have the opportunity of arrow, under the same rank premise, so long as makes Bai Yi spread out, no one can be her opponent. 纠缠住白羿的那个领主知道她箭术之威,所以一上来便如跗骨之蛆般贴着白羿,绝不给她半点出箭的机会,同品阶的前提下,只要让白羿拉开距离,没有人能是她的对手。 At this moment, in this feudal lord heart complained of hardship secretly, although has long known that Bai Yi was talented, but until really fought, discovered that until now underestimated Bai Yi skill, even personal dogfight, even she had been counter-attacked to injure by Sir Territory Lord, own unexpectedly still some were not the opponents. 此时此刻,这位领主心中却是暗暗叫苦,虽早就知道白羿实力不俗,但直到真的交手了,才发现一直以来都低估了白羿的本事,即便贴身缠斗,即便她已被域主大人反击所伤,自己竟依然有些不是对手。 This makes him startled and anger, so the situation, he could not insist that perhaps the 5 minutes time must be defeated, when the time comes the result is worrying. 这让他又惊又怒,如此情形,他坚持不到半盏茶功夫恐怕就要落败,到时候结局堪忧。 Suddenly, in the Bai Yi hand the long bow pulls open, golden light appears, the feudal lord, faces forward to throw in great surprise anxiously, fierce fist toward the Bai Yi bang under. 蓦然间,白羿手中长弓拉开,一点金光浮现,那领主大惊之下,急急地朝前扑去,凶猛一拳朝白羿轰下。 How his hopeless own this fist can Bai Yi, chamotte Bai Yi not have the least bit to guard to his fist, the figure fluttering that but a fist rumbles her, the mouth spurts fresh blood. 他本没指望自己这一拳能将白羿怎么样,熟料白羿似对他这一拳没有半点防备,只是一拳将她轰的身形翻飞,口喷鲜血 The feudal lords do not have the joy that the least bit goes well, instead with astonishment at the scene, shouted one lowly: „It is not good!” 领主没有半点得手的欣喜,反而惊愕当场,紧接着低呼一声:“不好!” When suddenly then looks, saw only golden light to break through the impediment of space together, center another chest of feudal lord, that golden light put on the chest, along with the shouting sound of that feudal lord pain, the wild strength exploded a hole in his chest place. 猛地回头望去时,只见一道金光突破了空间的阻隔,正中另一个领主的胸膛,那金光穿胸而过,伴随着那领主痛楚的嘶吼声,狂暴的力量在他胸膛处炸出一个窟窿。 The goal of Bai Yi that arrow unexpectedly is not he, but is the companion of another Human Race fight! 白羿那一箭的目标竟不是他,而是与另外一个人族战斗的同伴! Why this feudal lord really cannot think through Bai Yi so to handle affairs, rather withstands own to strike fierce, must help another Human Race reduce the pressure, however does not wait for him to understand, a mind tight, greatest crisis covers oneself body suddenly. 这位领主实在想不通白羿为何会如此行事,宁愿承受自己凶猛一击,也要帮另外一个人族减轻压力,然而不等他想明白,骤然间心神一紧,莫大的危机将己身笼罩。 When turns head to look in a hurry, the ghost all braved, to see only pulls open in the Bai Yi hand of distance the long bow to bloom rays of light, golden light pointed at own forehead. 仓促间扭头望去时,亡魂皆冒,只见拉开了距离的白羿手中长弓绽放光芒,一点金光遥指自己眉心 This feudal lord rave, the whole body fills the strength of rich black ink, changes to piece of black ink cloud instantaneously, covers oneself body figure. 这领主狂吼一声,周身弥漫浓郁墨之力,瞬间化作一片墨云,将己身身形掩盖。 That golden light enters in black ink cloud, immediately remains silent to transmit. 金光打进墨云中,顿时一声闷声传来。 Meanwhile, Yang Kai results in Building Bai Yi life to assist, a feudal lord caused heavy losses to by its arrow, immediately the pressure reduces greatly, two feudal lords collaborated, contends with him only then, now one of them causes heavy losses, the potential jointly presents the flaw immediately. 与此同时,杨开白羿命相助,其中一个领主被其一箭重创,顿时压力大减,原本两个领主联手,方可与他抗衡,如今其中一人重创,联手之势立刻出现破绽。 So the good opportunity, Yang Kai naturally cannot miss, Azure Dragon Spear changes to everywhere spear/gun shadow, the figure organizes, shuttles back and forth between the two feudal lord huge forms. 如此良机,杨开自然不会错过,苍龙枪化作漫天枪影,身形腾挪间,自两个领主巨大的身影中间穿梭而过。 When , the dull thumping sound spreads, then caused heavy losses feudal lord head explodes, changes to everywhere bloody water, the headless corpse swayed several, the body fell to the ground loudly. 噗地一声,闷响传出时,那被重创的领主头颅爆开,化作漫天血水,无头尸身摇晃了几下,身躯轰然倒地。 The remaining feudal lords at this time also cut and bruised, saw that the companion died unexpectedly, he is scared immediately, turns around then must flee. 剩下一个领主此时也是遍体鳞伤,眼看同伴居然就此身亡,他顿时胆寒,掉头便要遁逃。 The space suddenly becomes viscous incomparable, making him be hard to start, when behind wisp of murderous intention , a back of the body place pain, the figure shakes slightly greatly, lowers the head looks, sees only a long spear/gun, passes the body from the own body. 空间忽然变得粘稠无比,让他举步维艰,身后一缕杀机袭至,后心处微微一痛,身形巨震,低头望去时,只见一杆长枪,从自己的身躯透体而过。 In his eye overflowed completely the panic-stricken look, put out a hand to grip the lance point, resembled to want it to pull out, but next flickered, in that long spear/gun then transmitted strength of the wild shake. 他眼中溢满了惊骇的神色,伸手握住枪尖,似想要将它拔出来,但下一瞬,那长枪之中便传来一股狂暴的震荡之力。 Instant time, the five main internal organs (entrails) of Black Ink Clan feudal lord all becomes ashes, the entire body also explodes to break to pieces, the jet black black ink blood sprinkles from the day, drenching Yang Kai was all over the head and face. 时间,墨族领主的五脏六腑皆成齑粉,整个身躯也爆碎开来,漆黑的墨血从天洒落,淋了杨开一头一脸。 Black Ink Clan of feudal lord rank, wants to kill is not that easy, particularly two feudal lords, have been enough to resist with Yang Kai jointly, finally even if Yang Kai can kill falls them, must pay some prices inevitably, time-consuming many. 领主级别的墨族,想杀也不是那么容易的,尤其是两个领主联手之下,已经足以与杨开对抗,即便最后杨开能杀的掉他们,也势必要付出一些代价,耗时不少。 However a Bai Yi arrow helps one another, first feudal lord Yang Kai has not been what time-comsuming then killing, this second feudal lord flees timidly, gave him the opportunity is not missed. 然而得白羿一箭相助,第一个领主杨开没费什么功夫便将之击毙,这第二个领主胆怯遁逃,更给了他可趁之机。 He nonstop, pulls out the spear/gun to look, happen to sees not far away, in the Bai Yi pale float midair, near the fresh blood before corners of the mouth and chest is alarmed, in the hand the long bow pulls open slightly, is pointing at one group of black ink cloud. 他马不停蹄,抽枪回望,正好看到不远处,白羿脸色苍白地悬浮半空中,嘴角边和胸口前的鲜血触目惊心,手中长弓微微拉开,遥指着一团墨云 In that black ink cloud, aura of feudal lord remains. 墨云内,还有一位领主的气息尚存。 This last feudal lord was injured by Bai Yi, does not dare to encounter with her, can only hide in black ink cloud barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, was disturbed by black ink cloud, Bai Yi is unable to lock his location/position at this moment accurately, in that arrow by the hand gathers not to send, to do to deter. 这最后一个领主被白羿所伤,根本不敢与她有所交锋,只能躲藏在墨云之中苟延残喘,受墨云干扰,白羿此刻也无法准确地锁定他的位置,是以手上那一箭只是蓄而不发,以做威慑。 The Yang Kai figure rocks, crashed in black ink cloud directly. 杨开身形晃动,直接冲进了墨云之中。 Next flickers, in black ink cloud then resounded severe howl of feudal lord, has the sound of fight to spread from that black ink cloud, the world mighty force and black ink strength of just like the tsunami general shake to collide. 下一瞬,墨云内便响起了领主的厉吼,有交手的动静从那墨云内传出,天地伟力和墨之力犹如海啸一般震荡碰撞。 The sound that also more than ten breaths, have made noise changes tranquilly. 又过十几息,喧闹的动静化作平静。 Yang Kai rushes ahead solitarily from black ink cloud, on Azure Dragon Spear, the 1 drop black ink blood drops from the lance point, but in black ink cloud aura of that feudal lord, has annihilated thoroughly, obviously was massacred. 杨开只身从墨云之中冲杀出来,苍龙枪上,一滴墨血从枪尖滴落,而墨云之中那领主的气息,已经彻底湮灭,显然是被杀掉了。 Moves sideways, arrived at side Bai Yi directly, Yang Kai the pestle of long spear/gun in toward the ground, the left and right hands shines two color different rays of light. 一个闪身,直接来到了白羿身边,杨开将长枪往地面上一杵,左右手亮起两色不同的光芒 I, kill Chasing Wind leave alone quickly!” Bai Yi puts down in the hand the long bow, difficult said/tunnel, late without enough time.” “别管我,快去杀逐风!”白羿放下手中长弓,艰辛地道,“晚了就来不及了。” Yang Kai pays no attention to her, said lightly: I do not want to fight again you.” When holds their palms together, two color rays of light change to dazzling white light, covers in which Bai Yi. 杨开不理她,淡淡道:“我可不想再跟你打一场。”双手合十之时,两色光芒化作耀眼白光,将白羿笼罩其中。 At this moment, on the Bai Yi pale small face has 1-layer Black Qi to cover, that pupil, wisp of black flashes through occasionally, obviously already strength corrosion by black ink. 此时此刻,白羿苍白的小脸上已有一层黑气笼罩,就连那眼眸,也偶尔有一缕黑色闪过,显然是已经被墨之力侵蚀。 In fact from entering this Secret Boundary starts, she has been then withstanding the corrosion of strength of inking, when to seeing right in front of one Chasing Wind, that corrosion had almost reached the limit, soon transforms her is black ink disciple. 事实上自进入这秘境开始,她便一直在承受着墨之力的侵蚀,待到面见逐风之时,那种侵蚀几乎已经到了极限,快要将她转化为墨徒 She is protecting stubbornly from clear and bright that body and spirit knows, this maintained the reason. 她死死守护着自身神识的一线清明,这才维持了理智。 Yang Kai stimulated to movement the light of purification in front of Chasing Wind, causes heavy losses to Chasing Wind at the same time, the light of that purification to some Bai Yi also functions, scattered the strength of her Small Universe part of black ink, eased her pressure. 杨开逐风面前催动了净化之光,重创逐风的同时,那净化之光对白羿也有些一些作用,驱散了她小乾坤一部分墨之力,缓解了她的压力。 However the light of that purification is not time displays to her after all specially, therefore scatters is not thorough. 不过那一次的净化之光毕竟不是专门对她施展的,所以驱散的并不彻底。 Afterward two people is the Chasing Wind counter-attack injures, with three feudal lord wars, her situation is serious, Yang Kai estimated that if not help her the Small Universe strength of black ink scatter to purify, in less than 2.5 minutes time, she then must again the transformation be black ink disciple. 随后两人逐风反击所伤,与三个领主一场大战,她的情况再度严重,杨开估计若不帮她将小乾坤内的墨之力驱散净化掉,用不了半柱香时间,她便要重新转化为墨徒 This situation cannot happen decisively, otherwise Yang Kai cannot do well to face besieging of Bai Yi and Chasing Wind, when the time comes even he must flee at the mere distant sight. 这种情况是断然不能发生的,否则杨开搞不好要面对白羿逐风的围攻,到时候即便是他也得望风而逃。 When the light of purification covers, Bai Yi stuffy snort/hum, within the body has the strength of black ink to dissipate slightly, changes to Nihility, on the face difficult also vanishes slowly does not see. 净化之光笼罩之时,白羿微微闷哼一声,体内有墨之力逸散而出,化作虚无,脸上的艰辛也徐徐消失不见。 After several breaths, Bai Yi opens the view, in the pupil a limpidity, nods to Yang Kai slightly, her aura is still weak, is obviously injured heavily. 数息之后,白羿睁开眼帘,眸中一片清澈,冲杨开微微颔首,她的气息依然虚弱,明显受伤不轻。 Yang Kai gripped Azure Dragon Spear, turns around to look to Black Ink Nest that such as the flower bud closes up generally, Bai Yi goes forward one step, stands with him shoulder to shoulder. 杨开重新握住了苍龙枪,转身望向那如花骨朵一般合拢的墨巢,白羿上前一步,与他并肩而立。 High short two forms, are all scarred, however that looks to the front vision, is actually firm such as beginning. 一高一矮两道身影,皆都是伤痕累累,然而那望向前方的目光,却是坚定如初。 Kills!” In the Yang Kai mouth spits lightly, the figure instantaneous in place has vanished does not see, when comes again, has appeared above that Black Ink Nest impressively. “杀!”杨开口中轻吐,身形已瞬间在原地消失不见,再现身之时,赫然已出现在那墨巢上方。 The head puts one's foot down, just like the meteor to crash, a strength pours into Azure Dragon Spear, lance point above, a big sun leaps, has the sound of Golden Crow crying, resounds through the universe. 头下脚上,犹如流星坠落,一身力量灌入苍龙枪中,枪尖之上,一轮大日跃出,有金乌啼鸣之声,响彻乾坤。 Not far away Bai Yi the place of standing, golden light, just like pursues star to catch up moon/month, changes fan-shaped, blots out the sky toward Black Ink Nest. 不远处白羿所立之地,一道道金光,犹如追星赶月般,化作扇形,朝墨巢铺天盖地而来。 Flower bud general Black Ink Nest just like the living creature, has the own life, since wraps after Chasing Wind, then such as the heart beats generally fiercely, but with the beat of Black Ink Nest, Chasing Wind aura also recovers rapidly. 花骨朵一般的墨巢犹如活物,有着自己的生命,自将逐风包裹进去之后,便如心脏一般剧烈地跳动,而随着墨巢的跳动,逐风气息也迅速复苏。 At this moment, Yang Kai and Bai Yi two people prestige jointly raids at the appointed time, the beat of that Black Ink Nest is even more swift and violent, resembling has a premonition the arrival of danger. 此时此刻,当杨开白羿两人联手之威袭至时,那墨巢的跳动愈发迅猛,似是预感到了危险的到来。 Entire Black Ink Nest fills the strength of massive black ink suddenly, big piece of range apply Ran jet black piece. 整个墨巢骤然弥漫出大量的墨之力,将偌大一片范围涂染的漆黑一片。 In this pitch-dark darkness, great sun rays of light is even more dazzling, scatters this darkness. 在这伸手不见五指的黑暗中,大日光芒愈发耀眼,将这黑暗驱散。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… The loud sound sound spreads, continuous. 巨响声传出,连绵不绝。 The Black Ink Nest vibration continuous, the wild strength divulges, entire Secret Boundary is a everything may become vulnerable. 墨巢震动不休,狂暴的力量宣泄,整个秘境都是一阵地动山摇。 The Yang Kai even/including has 13 spears/guns, each spear/gun exhausted the strength of whole body, supplements with Bai Yi far attacks, one piece of entire Black Ink Nest bang in confusion. 杨开连出十三枪,每一枪都用尽了全身的力量,辅以白羿的远攻,将整个墨巢轰的一片狼藉。 In Black Ink Nest, Chasing Wind aura is rapid, by not having. 墨巢之中,逐风气息迅速衰弱,直至于无。 Yang Kai receives the spear/gun, stands erect in Void, is staring under, looks the stunned look. 杨开收枪,屹立虚空之中,怔怔地盯着下方,面露愕然神色。 Solution? This makes his some unable to believe simply, but in the Spiritual Mind sensation, the under Chasing Wind aura truly weak precariousness of life fire almost, possibly annihilates momentarily. 解决了?这让他简直有些不敢相信,可神念感知中,下方逐风气息确实微弱的几乎风中烛火,随时都可能湮灭。 Turns head to look toward Bai Yi that side, seeing Bai Yi is over the face is also amazed, obviously didn't expect can be the this kind of situation. 扭头朝白羿那边瞧了一眼,见白羿也是满面惊诧,显然没想到会是这样的情况。 However changes mind thinks, pouring is not strange, Chasing Wind suffered a loss in Xu Boliang, compels to have no other choice but to rush to here to come with concentration healing, later was purified the light to injure by him. 不过转念一想,倒也不奇怪,逐风本就在徐伯良手下本就吃了大亏,逼不得已跑到这里来潜心疗伤,随后又被他净化之光所伤。 Must know the light of purification, but the difficult adversary of strength of black ink, in that near distance, is the body of heavy losses, ate to strike the light of purification forcefully, Chasing Wind has injured the basis absolutely. 要知道净化之光可是墨之力的克星,在那么近的距离,又是重创之身,硬生生吃了一击净化之光,逐风绝对已经伤到了根本。 Although does not know that he used what means that squeezes the Black Ink Nest strength to come to be own healing, but this short does not arrive at the 5 minutes time, should not the big effect. 虽不知他用了什么办法,压榨墨巢的力量来为自己疗伤,但这短短不到半盏茶功夫,应该也没多大效果。 His perhaps also didn't expect, own three feudal lords hand/subordinate such quickly kill by Yang Kai and Bai Yi, he should also count on the own three subordinates can give him to delay some time. 他恐怕也没想到,自己手下的三个领主会这么快就被杨开白羿所杀,原本他应该还指望着自己的三个手下能给他多拖延一些时间的。 Actually does not think that three feudal lord too bad matters, were cut. 却不想那三个领主太不济事,先后被斩。 Then, he simply does not have many healing time, how could also to resist Yang Kai and Bai Yi this savage fiercely attacking. 如此一来,他根本没有多少疗伤时间,又岂能抵挡的了杨开白羿这凶残的猛攻。 Although Chasing Wind aura weak, but does not have really to perish after all, when Yang Kai is preparing kill to the last one/being ruthless, under that tattered Black Ink Nest, spreads one suddenly thump the light sound. 逐风气息虽然虚弱至极,但毕竟没有真的灭亡,杨开正准备赶尽杀绝之时,下方那破烂的墨巢之中,忽然传出一声“咚”地轻响。 That seems the heart in the sound of beat, is strong and powerful. 那仿佛是心脏在跳动的声音,强劲而有力。 As this sound moves, Yang Kai is felt unexpectedly own heart followed to beat uncontrolled fiercely, the whole person in the feelings of this flash some dizziness. 随着这一声响动,杨开竟是感觉自身的心脏不受控制地跟着剧烈跳动了一下,整个人在这一瞬间有些眩晕之感。 terrifying aura, in prompt recovery from below Black Ink Nest. 恐怖气息,自下方墨巢之中迅速复苏。 :.: :。:
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