MP :: Volume #51

#5010: Outwardly strong but inwardly weak

With spreading of that loud sound sound, flower bud general huge Black Ink Nest in the fierce creeping motion contraction, as if suffered the heavy losses unexpectedly, but from that flower bud, seemingly extremely strange white light jumps to shoot following the slit, dazzling, gives their three people an extremely dangerous feeling. 随着那巨响声的传出,花苞一般的巨大墨巢竟在剧烈蠕动收缩,仿佛遭遇了重创般,而从那花苞内部,貌似还有极为古怪的白光顺着缝隙迸射而出,耀眼至极,更给他们三人一种极为危险的感觉。 Probably that white light is their difficult adversaries is ordinary, even if away from very far distance, oneself within the body the strength of black ink still transmits the anxious mood. 好像那白光是他们的克星一般,即便隔着很远的距离,自身体内的墨之力也传递出不安的情绪。 They then heard angry roaring of Sir Territory Lord. 紧接着他们便听到了域主大人的怒吼。 When wild energy burst, Black Ink Nest collapses, several flower petals dance in the air, does not wait to fall to the ground has then withered, lost vitality completely. 狂暴的能量爆发之时,墨巢崩坏,几片花瓣飞舞出去,不等落到地上便已枯萎,彻底丧失了生机 Did Black Ink Nest destroy? 墨巢毁了? Must know that Black Ink Nest is quite important to Black Ink Clan, placement Black Ink Nest here was Chasing Wind spent many energy to make in the past quietly, the expenditure were many, now Black Ink Nest destroys, was the loss is also huge to Chasing Wind. 要知道墨巢墨族来说极为重要,安置在这里的墨巢更是逐风当年花了不少精力悄悄弄来的,花费不少,如今墨巢毁去,对逐风来说也是损失巨大。 Three feudal lords were all startled, does not know that side Territory Lord what happened, has this grade of accident unexpectedly suddenly. 三个领主全都怔住了,根本不知道域主那边发生了什么事,竟忽生这等变故。 The matter that but after this is Bai Yi brings that Human Race captive is going, has, obviously cannot be inseparable from Bai Yi. 但这是白羿带着那人族俘虏进去之后才发生的事,显然跟白羿脱不了干系。 Does not wait for them to think to understand, from that Black Ink Nest, two forms has then fallen to fly, three feudal lords makes a long-range raid toward Black Ink Nest that side, while decides the eye to look, discovered that two forms impressively are Bai Yi and by Human Race that she seizes. 不等他们想个明白,从那墨巢之中,两道身影便已跌飞出来,三个领主一边朝墨巢那边奔袭,一边定眼望去,发现那两道身影赫然就是白羿和被她擒回的人族 At this moment, this two people all described distressedly, was in the midair to tumble to keep, in the mouth spat blood to continue, has obviously been wounded in the body. 此时此刻,这两人皆都形容狼狈,身在半空中翻滚不停,口中吐血不止,明显都已负伤在身。 In broken Black Ink Nest, spreads Chasing Wind angry shouting in the extreme: Rebel, dares to go against my will!” 残破的墨巢内,传出逐风愤怒的无以复加的嘶吼:“叛徒,胆敢违背吾的意志!” The roar spreads over entire Secret Boundary, a Territory Lord anger, universe changes countenance. 吼声传遍整个秘境,域主一怒,乾坤变色 But with spreading of howling, that side Black Ink Nest, a big form also raises slowly, is Chasing Wind. But at this moment, his condition obviously is not good, aura is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, this experiences personally the indication of heavy losses. 而随着吼叫声的传出,墨巢那边,一道高大身影也徐徐升起,正是逐风。只不过此时此刻,他的状态明显不是太好,气息时强时弱,这是身受重创的征兆。 Originally caused heavy losses by Xu Boliang, returns to here Secret Boundary healing also a few days, plots by Yang Kai and Bai Yi jointly, the light of purification adds on Golden Crow Casting Sun, in addition the Bai Yi archery, had not been struck to kill together at the scene has shown his powerful background, but therefore the injury has one misfortune after another is inevitable. 本就被徐伯良重创,逃回此处秘境疗伤还没几日,就被杨开白羿联手暗算,净化之光加上金乌铸日,再加上白羿一道箭术,没被当场击杀已彰显他强大的底蕴,不过因此伤势雪上加霜是无可避免的。 He at this moment, even peak half of strengths cannot display. 此刻的他,连巅峰一半实力都发挥不出来。 Yang Kai realized finally what was camel of skinny was big, originally in him and Bai Yi plan, this initial sneak attack, even if could not massacre Chasing Wind, can still probably remove his half life at least, so long as hit him hits remnantly waste, by the two people strength, in receiving in the fight had very big odds of success. 杨开总算体会到什么叫瘦死的骆驼比马大了,原本在他和白羿的计划中,这最初的偷袭就算杀不掉逐风,也最起码能要去掉他半条命,只要将他打残打废,以两人的实力,在接下的战斗中就有很大的胜算。 The chamotte Chasing Wind strength is above the imagination of two people, that stuck out suddenly the sneak attack that launched an attack no doubt to cause heavy losses to him, actually cannot achieve the expected effect, however at this moment is the plot revealed that only marched forward courageously, did not have the escape route again, was not the enemy dies is I perishes. 熟料逐风的实力超乎两人的想象,那暴起发难的偷袭固然重创了他,却没能达到预期的效果,然而此刻已是图穷匕见,唯有勇往直前,再无退路,不是敌死就是我亡。 Chasing Wind that side anger turns in the chest wells up, compares the Yang Kai's sneak attack, what makes his angry is the betrayal of Bai Yi. Bai Yi with his many years, made the great merit for him repeatedly, if not for the previous time Bai Yi lends a hand to assist in secret, he walks in Xu Boliang hand/subordinate radically does not escape. 逐风那边怒火在胸口翻涌,相比较杨开的偷袭,更让他愤怒的是白羿的背叛。白羿跟了他不少年头了,屡次为他立下大功,上次若不是白羿暗中出手相助,他在徐伯良手下根本走不脱。 Moreover the Bai Yi strength is truly strong enough, for these years, Chasing Wind self-examined that is not thin to Bai Yi, regards as important under her degree by far own these feudal lords. 而且白羿的实力确实够强,这么多年来,逐风自问对白羿不薄,看重她的程度远胜自己麾下的那些领主。 Initially Bai Yi was transformed is black ink disciple the time by him, Small Universe is also incomplete, basically each black ink disciple Small Universe had a damage, before being changed to black ink disciple, all had even been corroded by the strength of black ink one time repeatedly, to seek self-preservation, can only give up the Small Universe area. 当初白羿被他转化为墨徒的时候,小乾坤也是不完整的,基本上每一个墨徒小乾坤都有所缺损,在被转化为墨徒之前,皆都一次甚至多次被墨之力侵蚀过,为求自保,只能割舍小乾坤的疆域。 But then, not only their strengths drop, in the future Martial Dao will also halt, but also Small Universe is incomplete, makes them to resisting the corrosion of strength of black ink even more lacks the ability to do what one would like, is easier to be transformed facing the strength of black ink. 而如此一来,不但他们的实力有所下降,日后武道也会止步不前,而且小乾坤的不完整,也让他们对抵挡墨之力的侵蚀愈发力不从心,面对墨之力更容易被转化。 Bai Yi was corroded by the strength of black ink twice, has fallen into the hand of Chasing Wind finally, is changed to black ink disciple. 白羿先后被墨之力侵蚀过两次,最后才落入逐风之手,被转化为墨徒 Initially transformed Bai Yi, realized that her potential, Chasing Wind even was Bai Yi seeks profound female Spirit Fruit specially, was only Bai Yi can patch the good breakage Small Universe, displayed the complete strength. 当初转化了白羿,意识到她的潜力,逐风甚至特意为白羿寻来了玄牝灵果,只为白羿能够修补好破损的小乾坤,发挥全部的力量。 Profound female Spirit Fruit this thing, not only has the huge demand Human Race, that side Black Ink Clan similarly is also. Black Ink Clan cannot use profound female Spirit Fruit, but their subordinate black ink disciple need. 玄牝灵果这东西,不但在人族这边有巨大的需求,在墨族那边同样也是。墨族本身用不到玄牝灵果,可他们麾下的墨徒们需要。 Chasing Wind as Territory Lord, making profound female Spirit Fruit bestows Bai Yi too to be not difficult, the price of but paying is also big. 逐风身为域主,弄一枚玄牝灵果赐给白羿不算太难,但付出的代价也是不小。 Therefore how regardless of he does not think clearly, how Bai Yi will betray own! How she can betray own! 所以他无论如何也想不明白,白羿怎么会背叛自己!她又怎么能背叛自己 Associated to previously that dazzling and pure white light, in the Chasing Wind heart felt like that this perhaps was the key, when that white light was born, the strength of own black ink in case of the natural enemy, surged unexpectedly anxiously. 联想到此前那耀眼而纯净的白光,逐风心中隐隐觉得这恐怕就是关键,那白光诞生之时,自身的墨之力竟如遇天敌,激荡不安。 That white light, has to scatter the effect of purification to the strength of black ink impressively. 白光,对墨之力赫然有驱散净化之效。 This should be that side Human Race resists the method of strength of black ink, is these years, does not have the reason that black ink disciple is born again. Read hence, Chasing Wind terrified one startled, if that side Human Race had such method, that the Black Ink Clan advantage will then be in the future nothing left. 这应该就是人族那边抵挡墨之力的手段了,也是这些年来,再无一个墨徒诞生的原因。一念至此,逐风悚然一惊,若是人族那边掌握了此等手段,那日后墨族的优势便荡然无存。 Human Race was hard to deal with, in addition the this kind of method, how will Black Ink Clan resist in the future? 人族本就难缠,再加上这样的手段,日后墨族如何抵挡? Angrily roars, Chasing Wind lifts the hand, the power and influence fills the air. 怒吼间,逐风抬手,威势弥漫。 This flash, Yang Kai or Bai Yi, have a flesh tight feeling, this will be the dangerous coming indication. 这一瞬间,无论是杨开还是白羿,都不由生出一种肌肤绷紧的感觉,这是危险即将来临的征兆。 In the Yang Kai heart criticized, received such heavy wound, this Chasing Wind also had such power and influence, that heyday this/should strong, can Xu Boliang that he injured this/should strong? 杨开心中暗骂,受了这么重的伤,这逐风还有如此威势,那全盛时期该多强,能将他打伤的徐伯良又该多强? However next flickers, the Chasing Wind then mouth spurts black fresh blood suddenly, imposing manner suddenly that promotes fierce drops. 不过下一瞬,逐风便忽然口喷墨色鲜血,那凶猛提升起来的气势猛地跌落下去。 His injury was too truly serious, under was just now sneak attacked the counter-attack to exhaust all strengths at risk of life, is incapable of making a move again. 他的伤势确实太严重了,方才被偷袭之下拼死反击已用尽了所有的力量,再无力出手。 Yang Kai sees that at present one brightly, how could it not be to know this fellow is the outwardly strong but inwardly weak, at this time does not kill, when treats? 杨开见状眼前一亮,岂不知这家伙已是外强中干,此时不杀,更待何时? This accident all in the electric light flint, sticks out suddenly from him worries the sneak attack, to was counter-attacked by Chasing Wind again, again to at this moment, short several breath times. 这一番变故皆在电光火石间,自他暴起犯难偷袭,再到被逐风反击,再至此刻,前后不过短短几息功夫而已。 Stands firm the figure that will tumble in the future instantaneously, without time noses own injury, in the hand Azure Dragon Spear raises, then punctures toward Chasing Wind, in the mouth drinks severely: evil monster suffers to death!” 瞬间稳住了往后翻滚的身形,也没时间去查探自身的伤势,手中苍龙枪一提,便直朝逐风刺去,口中厉喝:“妖邪受死!” The prestige of this spear/gun, poured into the strength of Yang Kai whole body, although has nothing fancy, without Secret Technique divine ability blessing, but only this spear/gun, then sufficiently Destroying Heavens Exterminating Earth. 这一枪之威,灌入了杨开全身的力量,虽没有任何花俏,也没有秘术神通加持,但只此一枪,便足以毁天灭地 within the body Small Universe World mighty force pours into the Azure Dragon Spear body crazily, the whole person changed to flowing light, then punctures before the Chasing Wind surface gate suddenly. 体内小乾坤的天地伟力疯狂地灌入苍龙枪身中,整个人化作了一道流光,瞬息间便刺至逐风面门前。 A spear/gun that this gives the final word sufficiently, actually kept off by a thick flower petal, although the smashing of that flower petal bang, the ample force also hammering to Chasing Wind, making Chasing Wind spit blood again, actually cannot strike to kill him at the scene. 这足以一锤定音的一枪,却被一片厚厚的花瓣挡了下来,尽管将那花瓣轰的粉碎,余力也震击到了逐风,让逐风再度吐血,却没能将他击杀当场。 Blocks this spear/gun, impressively is a part of Black Ink Nest. 挡住这一枪的,赫然是墨巢的一部分。 Each other initial confrontation, has made Black Ink Nest be damaged, however at this moment, the Chasing Wind figure is actually rapid sinks toward the Black Ink Nest center, but with his whereabouts, Black Ink Nest that is damaged closes up unexpectedly again, changes to a flower bud the appearance, wraps Chasing Wind completely in the center. 彼此最初的交锋,已让墨巢有所受损,然而此时此刻,逐风的身形却是迅速朝墨巢中心沉去,而随着他的下落,那受损的墨巢竟再次合拢,化作一个花骨朵的模样,将逐风完全包裹在中心处。 Even does not stimulate to movement Secret Technique, Yang Kai can still clearly feel, the strength in Black Ink Nest containing, is gathering toward Chasing Wind within the body crazily, but with passing of strength, Black Ink Nest is also withering rapidly, Chasing Wind aura instead recovers rapidly. 即便不催动秘术,杨开也能清楚地感觉到,墨巢中蕴藏的力量,正在疯狂地朝逐风体内汇聚,而随着力量的流逝,墨巢也在迅速枯萎,逐风气息反而迅速复苏。 Yang Kai does not know that this is what Secret Technique, but this is obviously overdrawing the Black Ink Nest potential to oneself healing, Chasing Wind was also compelled the hopeless situation evidently, has to so handle affairs. 杨开不知这是什么秘术,但这明显是在透支墨巢的潜能给自身疗伤,看样子逐风也被逼到了绝境,不得不如此行事。 Killed them, killed them to me!” Roaring of Chasing Wind spreads from Black Ink Nest. “杀了他们,给我杀了他们!”逐风的怒吼从墨巢内传出。 With spreading of angry roaring sound, the rear three big forms plunge Yang Kai and Bai Yi good-fittingly, is actually that hears three feudal lord arrived late of sound. 随着怒吼声的传出,后方三道高大身影合身扑向杨开白羿,却是那听到动静的三位领主姗姗来迟 Actually they come is not late, even is extremely quick, is only here accident is extremely sudden, moreover each other confrontation also only in suddenly, appeared them somewhat to rescue to be late. 其实他们来的不算迟,甚至已经极快了,只是这边的变故太过突然,而且彼此交锋也只在瞬息间,就显得他们有些救驾来迟了。 Three feudal lords, plunge Bai Yi, two plunge Yang Kai, the division of labor is clear. 三个领主,一个扑向白羿,两个扑向杨开,分工明确。 It is not they looks down on Bai Yi, on the contrary, their dreading to Bai Yi compares Yang Kai, each other is only together to work together as colleagues so many years because of them, they understand the Bai Yi skill compared with anyone. 不是他们小瞧白羿,相反,他们对白羿的忌惮比杨开更甚,只因他们彼此相处共事这么多年,他们比谁都了解白羿的本事。 Therefore must result in the collection three people of strength, may cut to kill Bai Yi. 所以必须得集三人之力,方有可能斩杀白羿 Plunges Bai Yi that feudal lord not to count on that dependence one's effort kills the enemy, his duty is to constrain Bai Yi, sticks to Bai Yi, does not give her to have the opportunity of arrow, making own two clansman first kill Yang Kai. 扑向白羿的那个领主并没有指望依靠一己之力杀敌,他的任务是拖住白羿,贴住白羿,不给她出箭的机会,让自己的两个族人先是杀了杨开 Detects about behind two Internal Qi, Yang Kai hates greatly, this time cannot have enough healing time to Chasing Wind absolutely, no matter he used what Secret Technique, since is overdrawing the Black Ink Nest potential, the healing effect is definitely out of the ordinary, once makes him pant for breath, wants to kill him to be difficult again. 察觉到身后左右两道气机袭来,杨开大恨,这个时候绝对不能给逐风有足够的疗伤时间,不管他用了什么秘术,既然是在透支墨巢的潜能,疗伤的效果肯定非同凡响,一旦让他喘息过来,再想杀他就难了。 But two feudal lords kill, but, him does not have the means to look but not see. 可是两个领主袭杀而至,他也没办法视而不见。 Turns around hastily, a spear/gun goes toward that two feudal lord bang. 仓促转身,一枪朝那两个领主轰去。 Next flickers, Yang Kai stuffy snort/hum, figure cannot help but in the future everywhere several thousand feet, grips the big hand of long spear/gun to shiver slightly. 下一瞬,杨开闷哼一声,身形不由自主地往后到处数百丈,握住长枪的大手都微微颤抖。 Normally, two feudal lords collaborate, he does not fear, when just now sneak attacks Chasing Wind was backhanded by him strikes, he is Bai Yi, had been injured, when this confrontation, this injury affected the display of strength extremely. 正常情况下,两个领主联手,他自是不惧,不过方才偷袭逐风时被他反手一击,无论是他本人还是白羿,都已被打伤,在这交锋之时,这种伤势就极为影响实力的发挥了。 However this collision, he has not eaten anything to owe actually, that two feudal lords similarly toward retreat more than ten steps, a feudal lord waist abdomen place has the ruler wound together. 不过这一番碰撞,他倒是没吃什么亏,那两个领主同样往后退了十几步,其中一个领主腰腹处更有一道尺长的伤口。 He lowered the head to look at one, had a scare. 他低头望了一眼,不由吓一跳。 This thinks that own here two feudal lords collaborate, eats to decide the opposite party sufficiently, who knows Pu to fight then detected that the strength of opposite party is not under Bai Yi unexpectedly, even is possibly harder to deal with than Bai Yi. 本以为自己这边两个领主联手,足以吃定对方,谁知莆一交手便察觉对方的实力竟不在白羿之下,甚至可能比白羿还要难缠。 The rapidness that just now if not for he dodges, that spear/gun can poke to putting on him absolutely. 方才若不是他躲闪的快,那一枪绝对能将他戳个对穿。 He is still carefully examining the own injury, companion is the complexion big change, exclaimed lowly: Came, do not divert attention.” 他还在审视自己的伤势,身边的同伴已是脸色大变,低吼道:“来了,别分心。” His raises the head looks, really saw that driven back Human Race 7-Rank holds to gun down, murderous aura is steaming, acts in a completely informal or uninhibited manner. 抬头望去,果然见到被逼退的人族七品持枪杀来,杀气腾腾,旁若无人。 Two feudal lords about meet the enemy immediately separatedly, fights again, but several breath times, then make them complain of hardship secretly. This Human Race 7-Rank simply is a lunatic, comes up then by the fighting method that the life fights tooth and nail, dies must drag a stance of pad back, under the so crazy fierce offensive, makes two cooperate many years of feudal lord to be timid and hesitant unexpectedly, not the big moment time, the both sides three people, all cut and bruised. 两个领主立刻左右分开迎敌,再度交手,不过几息功夫,便让他们暗暗叫苦。这个人族七品简直就是个疯子,一上来便是以命搏命的打法,一副死也要拖一个垫背的架势,这般狂猛的攻势之下,竟让两个合作多年的领主束手束脚,不大片刻功夫,双方三人,个个遍体鳞伤。 :.: :。:
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