MP :: Volume #51

#5009: Please carefully look at all the way

Three Black Ink Clan feudal lords are so thinking, in the heart not only does not have the least bit to be grateful to Bai Yi, instead even more bears a grudge. 三个墨族领主这般想着,心中非但对白羿没有半点感激,反而愈发记恨。 Because of as the matter stands, Sir Territory Lord will only think that Bai Yi has the cardinal principles in mind, is their three is the villain on the contrary absurdly. 因为这样一来,域主大人只会觉得白羿识大体,反倒是他们三个妄做小人。 Bai Yi not such good intention, if can eat to these three feudal lord suffering with the aid of the hand of Chasing Wind, she is also glad, but she and Yang Kai's plans now is most critical, moreover places in this Secret Boundary, she was being corroded Small Universe by the strength of black ink always, is unable to insist too long time, therefore was also disinclined to cause complications. 白羿自不会这么好心,若是能借助逐风之手给这三个领主一点苦头吃,她也乐意至极,不过如今她与杨开的计划才是最紧要的,而且身处在这秘境之中,她无时无刻不被墨之力侵蚀着小乾坤,根本无法坚持太长的时间,所以也就懒得节外生枝了。 Now all, only to plan to be put into action as soon as possible that if, that again were late chanceless. 如今一切,只为尽快将那计划付诸行动,若是晚了,那就再无机会。 Hides Chasing Wind hears word in Black Ink Nest, silent the moment said: In view of this, that draws back, you and others guarded this place carefully, makes others disturb my healing not by any means again.” 藏身在墨巢之中的逐风闻言,沉默了片刻道:“既如此,那就都退下吧,你等仔细看守此地,切莫再让旁人打扰我疗伤。” That three feudal lords complied with one hastily timidly. 那三个领主连忙唯唯诺诺地应了一声。 Bai Yi opens the mouth saying: Master, I wants seizing the Human Race gives to the master.” 白羿开口道:“主人,我想将擒回来的这个人族献给主人。” Chasing Wind returns said: You had a mind, for the time being imprisoning, when my injury recovered said again.” 逐风回道:“你有心了,暂且囚禁着吧,等我伤势痊愈再说。” Master!” Bai Yi opens the mouth again: This person is talented, is not low in Human Race that side position, should know the recent years, Human Race resisted the corrosion of strength of black ink with the what kind method, if the master is convenient, but also please first transformation, ask the reason, then, so as to avoid was also seized the opportunity by other Territory Lord, seized the merit.” “主人!”白羿再度开口:“此人实力不俗,在人族那边的地位不低,应该知道近年来,人族是用何种手段抵挡了墨之力的侵蚀,主人若是方便的话,还请先将之转化,问出缘由,如此一来,也免得被其他域主占了先机,夺了功劳。” The Chasing Wind injury is serious, healing, sees the Bai Yi non- honorific titles to make this also some annoyed eagerly, after may listen to this excuse, immediately ponders. 逐风伤势严重,急于疗伤,见白羿不尊号令本还有些恼火,可听了这番说辞之后顿时沉思起来。 Bai Yi said right, that side Black Ink Clan truly was very curious Human Race to be many in recent years any mysterious method, resisted the corrosion of strength of black ink, Evil Royal Lord ordering made subordinate Territory Lord do the clear reason personally. 白羿说的没错,墨族那边确实很好奇近些年来人族到底多了什么神奇手段,抵挡了墨之力的侵蚀,门邪王主更是亲自下令让麾下的域主们搞清楚缘由。 But until now, Black Ink Clan still cannot catch any Human Race, therefore cannot investigate to understand. 只不过至今为止,墨族依然没能捕获任何一个人族,所以一直都没能探查明白。 After previous person black ink two clan wars, the Human Race that in the Bai Yi hand catches, it can be said that the first captive, moreover is 7-Rank Open Heaven. 自上次人墨两族大战之后,白羿手中擒住的这个人族,可以说是第一个俘虏,而且还是一位七品开天 Position of 7-Rank that side Human Race is not truly low, holds the post of one team of Team-Leader health/guard ghqs medical dept sufficiently, the this kind of person is even very likely to know anything. 七品人族那边地位确实不低,足以担任一队队长甚至一卫总卫,这样的人极有可能知道点什么。 If can in the population ask henceforth mystery, truly is a merit. The Chasing Wind injury is serious, even if with the aid of Black Ink Nest, does not count the consumption now, at least also wants one year or so to recover, perhaps by that time, other Territory Lord has verified the situation. 若是能从此人口中问出其中的奥秘,确实是一件功劳。逐风的伤势严重,纵然如今借助墨巢,不计消耗,最起码也要一年半载才有可能痊愈,到那时候,别的域主说不定已经探明情况了。 Places the present merit not to take, instead helps other Territory Lord, Chasing Wind is somewhat unwilling. 放在眼前的功劳不取,反而成全别的域主,逐风自是有些不甘。 By is only slightly hesitates, Chasing Wind then had decided: You lead him to come.” 是以只是略一沉吟,逐风便有了决定:“你带他进来吧。” Yes!” Bai Yi complied with one respectfully, in that three feudal lords is the envy is under the unwilling gaze, flies directly toward Black Ink Nest. “是!”白羿恭敬地应了一声,在那三个领主又是嫉妒又是不甘的注视下,径直朝墨巢飞去。 More approaches toward Black Ink Nest, that strength of black ink even more is rich, was raised Yang Kai in hand to observe the Bai Yi condition by Bai Yi quietly, in the heart worried faintly. 越是朝墨巢靠近,那墨之力就愈发浓郁,被白羿提在手上的杨开悄悄地观察白羿的状况,心中隐隐担忧。 He does not know how long Bai Yi can also insist, but wants to come unable to insist many time, therefore this war must fight a battle to force a quick decision, so can be black ink disciple solves the matter before the Bai Yi transformation again. 他不知道白羿还能坚持多久,但想来已经坚持不了多少时间了,所以此战必须得速战速决,如此才能在白羿再次转化为墨徒之前将事情解决。 Is good because of the plan, although has the twists and turns, generally speaking but progresses is smooth. 好在计划虽有波折,但总体来说进展的还算顺利。 That such as under huge flower bud general Black Ink Nest, the rhizome common channel, is connecting the land, that foundation meat non- meat, is sending out extremely evil aura. 那如巨大花苞一般的墨巢下方,有一条根茎一般的通道,连接着大地,那根基似肉非肉,散发着极为邪恶的气息 Bai Yi raises Yang Kai to enter Black Ink Nest below entrance, plunders upward following that rhizome common channel. 白羿提着杨开走进墨巢下方的入口,顺着那根茎一般的通道直往上掠去。 After a little while, then arrives in a tremendous spacious space. 少顷,便抵达一处巨大宽敞的空间中。 Although Yang Kai has seen Black Ink Nest many times from afar, but this is the first time enters Black Ink Nest, immediately the intention sizes up. 杨开虽然远远见过墨巢许多次,但这还是头一次进入墨巢内部,当下用心打量起来。 In this space, the strength of black ink thick like the essence, the tumbling is surging, but in one of this place, seems an invisible attraction, is swallowing the strength of inking crazily. 这空间内,墨之力浓如实质,翻滚涌动着,而在此地的某一处,似有一股无形的引力,正在疯狂吞噬着墨之力。 The source of that attraction, the huge forms sit cross-legged to sit impressively. 那引力的源头,赫然有一尊巨大的身影盘膝而坐。 The form is palatial, imposing manner is grand, however has is covering him who is hard to cover weakly, isn't this form, who Chasing Wind Territory Lord that heavy losses run away is? 身影巍峨,气势雄奇,然却有难以掩盖的虚弱笼罩着他,这道身影,不是那重创逃走的逐风域主又是谁? When two people enters, the main hall strength of boundless black ink swamps into the Chasing Wind huge body in abundance. 两人走进之时,大殿内的无边墨之力纷纷涌入逐风庞大身躯内。 Master.” Bai Yi arrives in front of Chasing Wind, on one knee kneels down, the head hangs down. “主人。”白羿走到逐风面前,单膝跪下,头颅低垂。 Yang Kai was placed in front of her, is lying down peacefully, four eyes look at each other, Yang Kai heart one tight, because he sees in the Bai Yi pupil, wisp of darkness is partly visible. 杨开被放在她面前,安静地躺着,四目对视,杨开心头一紧,因为他看到白羿眸中,一缕黑暗若隐若现。 From entering this Secret Boundary, the 5 minutes time, Bai Yi could not soon have supported until now, when once the strength of black ink comprehensive corrodes Small Universe, she must again the transformation be black ink disciple surely. 自进入这秘境,到如今前后不过半盏茶功夫,白羿已经快要支撑不住了,一旦等到墨之力全面将小乾坤侵蚀,那她必定要再次转化为墨徒 „Is this Human Race that you seize?” Chasing Wind lowers the head slightly, overlook comes, the huge form creates the boundless pressure. “这就是你擒的人族?”逐风微微低头,俯瞰而来,庞大的身影带来无边压力。 Yes!” Bai Yi trembles, seems like the Chasing Wind power and influence the fear, however Yang Kai actually knows, this is she is maintaining own Divine Consciousness clear and bright with hardship. “是!”白羿瑟瑟发抖,看起来像是为逐风威势所慑,然而杨开却知道,这是她在苦苦维持自己神识清明 „Does this person have 7-Rank?” Chasing Wind also asked. “此人有七品?”逐风又问。 Yang Kai almost must shout 'motherfucker', this fellow directly to not beginning to transform him, instead non-stop wordy, is really hateful. 杨开几乎要骂娘,这家伙不直接对动手转化他,反而啰嗦不停,着实可恶。 Determination without doubt.” Bai Yi returns said. “确定无疑。”白羿回道。 Chasing Wind does not doubt him, Bai Yi as his black ink disciple, will not have to him any conceals, therefore the Bai Yi words he likes to believe that he will suspect under even own these feudal lords, will not suspect own black ink disciple absolutely. 逐风不疑有他,白羿身为他的墨徒,对他是不会有任何隐瞒的,所以白羿的话他还是愿意相信的,就算他会怀疑自己麾下的那些领主,也绝对不会怀疑自己墨徒 black ink disciple this existence, that side Black Ink Clan position, although is low, but at least does not need to be worried loyally. 墨徒这种存在,在墨族那边地位虽然低,但至少忠心都不用担心的。 Good that you make.” Chasing Wind praised Bai Yi one, the complexion is temperate, before he can escape in Xu Boliang , is also Bai Yi an arrow wounds at crucial moments Xu Boliang, gave him to create the opportunity of running away. “你做的不错。”逐风夸了白羿一句,脸色温和,之前他之所以能在徐伯良手下逃过一劫,也是白羿在关键时刻一箭射伤徐伯良,给他制造了逃遁的机会。 Job.” The Bai Yi head still hangs down, before the volume, beautiful hair casts the thick nebula shadow, blocking from is bright at present. “分内之事。”白羿头颅依然低垂,额前秀发投下浓浓翳影,遮住了眼前光明。 Chasing Wind nods slightly, no longer said, is then spouting strength of the rich black ink to Yang Kai, that strength of black ink is continuous, just like the living creature, following the Yang Kai's seven orifices, the whole body pore then entered his within the body. 逐风微微颔首,不再多说,对着杨开便喷出一口浓郁墨之力,那墨之力连绵不绝,宛若活物,顺着杨开的七窍,周身毛孔便钻进了他体内。 Yang Kai struggles furiously, actually does not help matters, but is quick, then peaceful. 杨开奋力挣扎,却是无济于事,不过很快,便安静了下来。 After a little while, Chasing Wind gives up, after spouting the strength of that black ink, his aura obvious and weak, transformed some burdens of 7-Rank Open Heaven also evidently to present him. 少顷,逐风罢手,不过在喷出那一口墨之力之后,他的气息明显又虚弱了一些,看样子转化一个七品开天对如今的他来说也有些负担。 Chasing Wind lifted the hand slightly, told: Put him.” 逐风微微抬了抬手,吩咐道:“放了他吧。” Has transformed is black ink disciple, that was the own person. 既已转化为墨徒,那就是自己人了。 A Bai Yi command, solved Yang Kai restriction Secret Technique, in fact, Chasing Wind did not tell even, she still prepared to untie. 白羿尊令,施法解了杨开身上的禁制秘术,事实上,就算逐风不这么吩咐,她也准备解开了。 Master!” Yang Kai to camouflaging black ink disciple this matter is familiar and easy, naturally knows that what stance this moment own should be. “主人!”杨开对伪装墨徒这种事轻车熟路,自然知道此刻自己该是什么样的姿态。 Said, that side Human Race resisted the corrosion of strength of black ink with what method, since why such long time, my Black Ink Clan has been including black ink disciple not to harvest unexpectedly.” Chasing Wind looks at Yang Kai to ask lightly. “说说吧,人族那边到底用什么手段抵挡了墨之力的侵蚀,为何这么长时间以来,我墨族竟是连一个墨徒都没有收获。”逐风淡淡地望着杨开问道。 Yang Kai said respectfully: This method is Secret Technique that side Human Race studies most newly, humble officer also has practice, if convenient, humble officer is willing to demonstrate for the master!” 杨开恭敬道:“此手段乃是人族那边最新研究出来的秘术,卑职也有修行,若是方便的话,卑职愿为主人演示!” Chasing Wind astonished: Oh? do you have practice?” 逐风讶然:“哦?你也有修行?” „!” Yang Kai should say. “正是!”杨开应道。 The Chasing Wind nod said: That demonstration comes to see.” 逐风点头道:“那就演示来看看。” Compliant!” Yang Kai holds the fist in the other hand, both hands spread out, on two hand backs the mark floats off, next one flickers, the left hand shines dazzling yellow light, the right hand is blue glow greatly hold. “遵命!”杨开一抱拳,双手摊开,两手手背上印记浮起,下一瞬,左手亮起耀眼黄光,右手则是蓝芒大盛。 When double palm about ten, two color rays of light connection fusions, change to pure white light, instant time, in entire Black Ink Nest, as if many a Sun. 双掌合十之时,两色光芒交汇融合,化作纯净白光,霎时间,整个墨巢内,仿佛多了一轮太阳。 The Chasing Wind heart jumps. 逐风心头直跳。 In fact, when Yang Kai stimulates to movement the mark of left and right hands, his instinct feels an anxiety, when that white light appears, this anxiety was even more intense. 事实上,在杨开催动左右手的印记的时候,他就本能地感觉到一丝不安,而当那白光出现之时,这种不安愈发强烈了。 Under white light covers, the strength of black ink changes to Nihility, Black Ink Nest all around meat wall is a sharp contraction, seemed corroded by the terrifying strength extremely, makes the whoosh sound, entire Black Ink Nest starts to creaky. 白光笼罩之下,墨之力化作虚无,墨巢四周的肉壁更是一阵剧烈收缩,仿佛被极为恐怖的力量侵蚀,发出刺啦啦的声响,整个墨巢都开始摇摇欲坠。 This is......” Chasing Wind has a big shock, that white light has the enormous threat to him unexpectedly, is transmitted the fierce aching feeling by the body that white light covers unexpectedly, strength of the black ink unexpectedly such as snowflake rapid ablation under scorching sun. “这是……”逐风大惊失色,那白光对他竟有极大的威胁,被白光笼罩的身躯竟传来剧烈的疼痛感,一身墨之力竟如骄阳下的雪花般迅速消融。 Also without he thought to understand that such as small solar general white light then in enlarges at present rapidly. 还没等他想个明白,那如小太阳一般的白光便在眼前迅速放大。 Also asked the master carefully to look at all the way!” With the Yang Kai's low roar, the light of purification explodes loudly. “还请主人仔细看个够!”伴随着杨开的低吼,净化之光轰然爆开。 Instant time, Chasing Wind angry roaring sound penetrating universe. 时间,逐风怒吼声响彻乾坤。 Meanwhile, has partly knelt in ground Bai Yi sets out suddenly, in the hand the long bow pulls open, golden light changes to light beam, goes toward the Chasing Wind bang. 与此同时,一直半跪在地上的白羿忽然起身,手中长弓拉开,一点金光化作光柱,直朝逐风轰去。 After Yang Kai that side stimulates to movement the light of purification, has offered a sacrifice to Azure Dragon Spear, simultaneously stimulates to movement Golden Crow Casting Sun Divine Ability Manifestation, the spear/gun selects great sun, be relentless punctures toward Chasing Wind. 杨开那边催动完净化之光后,已祭出了苍龙枪,同时催动金乌铸日神通法相,枪挑大日,毫不留情地朝逐风刺出。 About him and strength of Bai Yi two people, the divine ability prestige energy that this flash erupts, kills terrifying. 合他与白羿两人之力,这一瞬间爆发出来的神通威能,杀伤恐怖至极。 When death aura under the hood, which Chasing Wind has not known that own was planned! Although does not understand how that Human Race resists the corrosion of strength of own black ink, does not understand why will follow own many years of Bai Yi also to betray, but in this life and death moment, he erupted the prestige energy of Territory Lord rank powerhouse. 死亡的气息当头罩下,逐风哪还不知自己被算计了!虽然不明白那个人族是如何抵挡住自己墨之力的侵蚀,更不明白跟随了自己多年的白羿为何也会背叛,但在这生死存亡关头,他还是爆发出了域主级别强者的威能。 The body of huge displaces forcefully, simultaneously a fist rumbles, the terrifying strength erupts, instant time Void trembles, the four-pole subverts. 庞大的身子强行偏移,同时一拳轰出,恐怖的力量爆发开来,霎时间虚空战栗,四极颠覆。 Beside Black Ink Nest, that three get the master station in the same place, complexion is ugly, this time their three have not taken what advantage on Bai Yi, instead also received her favor, this makes three feudal lords quite uncomfortable. 墨巢之外,那三位领主站在一起,面色难看,这一次他们三个在白羿手上没占到什么便宜,反而还承了她一个人情,这让三个领主极为不爽。 However now Bai Yi has been summoned Black Ink Nest by Sir Territory Lord, even if they in the heart uncomfortable are also at wit's end, Bai Yi Territory Lord regarded as important extremely, now seizes Human Race 7-Rank, in the future the position will only fear must even more rise high successively, after not being able to do well, must crawl to them on. 不过如今白羿已经被域主大人召进了墨巢,他们纵然心中不爽也无计可施,白羿本就得域主极为看重,如今又擒回一个人族七品,日后地位只怕要愈发节节高升,搞不好以后还要爬到他们头上。 Let lowly Human Race crawl in the head, how does this let three feudal lords to endure? 让一个卑贱的人族爬在头上,这让三个领主如何能忍? However now they have no good way, is not knowing this/should should do time, suddenly a loud sound transmits from Black Ink Nest. 然而如今他们也没什么好办法,正不知该如何是好的时候,忽然一声巨响从墨巢那边传来。 Three feudal lords all are one startled, turns head to look rapidly, sees to see, making them instantaneous such as the falling icehouse, the whole body is icy cold. 三个领主皆都是一惊,迅速扭头望去,入目所见,让他们瞬间如坠冰窖,浑身冰凉。
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