MP :: Volume #51

#5008: Chasing Wind

this time Chasing Wind experiences personally the heavy losses, sinks dormancy Black Ink Nest healing, no one gives Bai Yi to support again, these have been disgruntled the feudal lord naturally to intend to teach Bai Yi, asking her to know the division of high and low. 这一次逐风身受重创,沉眠墨巢疗伤,再无人给白羿撑腰,这几个早就心生不满的领主自然有意要教训一下白羿,叫她知道尊卑之分。 Therefore then had just now sneak attack, how could it not be to expect Bai Yi response wonderful quick to be incomparable, avoided unexpectedly that struck, but made her dirty, has not made her have anything to damage. 所以便有了方才的偷袭,岂不料白羿的反应奇快无比,竟避开了那一击,只是让她灰头土脸,没让她有什么损伤。 The Bai Yi tone is bad, even more makes the feudal lord who that acts be burning with anger, when reproved she 12 times again, saw Bai Yi behind Yang Kai suddenly, immediately surprised saying: „Did you seize Human Race to come back?” 白羿的语气不善,愈发让那出手的领主怒火中烧,正待再训斥她一二的时候,忽见白羿身后杨开,顿时惊奇道:“你擒了一个人族回来?” Another two feudal lords also show the curious look, waits and sees toward here. 另外两个领主也都露出好奇的神色,朝这边观望。 Must know that Bai Yi is skilled in the long-distance range to strike to kill, therefore so long as basically she acts, does not have the living witness, never has the belt/bring captures the precedent, today unexpectedly sees one, how not strange making these three feudal lords. 要知道白羿精通远距离击杀,所以基本上只要她出手,都是没有活口的,从未有带俘虏回来过的先例,今日居然见到一个,让这三位领主如何不奇怪。 That first feudal lord knits the brows: This fellow what cultivation level?” 那最先的领主皱眉道:“这家伙什么修为?” Yang Kai served with a strength of Secret Technique imprisonment by Bai Yi, therefore these feudal lords cannot completely understand his cultivation level actually completely. 杨开白羿施以秘术禁锢的一身力量,所以这几个领主倒是完全看不透他的修为 Bai Yi knits the brows, slightly one hesitant, opens the mouth saying: 7-Rank!” 白羿皱了皱眉,略一犹豫,还是开口道:“七品!” 7-Rank!” Three feudal lord hears word, immediately at present one bright, looks at the Yang Kai's vision burning hot to get up. 七品!”三个领主闻言,顿时眼前一亮,望着杨开的目光都炙热起来。 Human Race 7-Rank, corresponds with the Black Ink Clan feudal lord, words that but independent combat, the feudal lord basically is not the 7-Rank opponent, was not defeated is the good deed, do not say that captured alive. 人族七品,与墨族的领主对应,但单打独斗的话,领主基本上都不是七品的对手,不被击败都是好事,更不要说生擒活捉了。 Can catch 7-Rank, to the feudal lord, absolutely is a big merit, the transformation will be own black ink disciple, or will give to Sir Territory Lord, can encourage the Black Ink Clan strength. 能擒住一个七品,对领主来说,绝对是一件不小的功劳,无论是将之转化为自己墨徒,又或者献给域主大人,都能助长墨族的力量。 Master where?” Bai Yi asked that although basically can determine Chasing Wind Territory Lord healing, but this matter must guarantee that absolutely safe became. “主人何在?”白羿问道,虽然基本可以确定逐风域主就在此间疗伤,但这事还是得确保万无一失才成。 In the feudal lord eyes that previously spoke flashed through a none, cracked into a smile: Sir was wounded before the return, healing in Black Ink Nest, cannot be disturbing. Bai Yi, gives me Human Race 7-Rank in your hand, then waited for the Sir to awake, I will give to the Sir.” 先前说话的领主眼中闪过一丝精光,咧嘴一笑:“大人之前负伤归来,正在墨巢之中疗伤,打扰不得。白羿,将你手中的人族七品交给我,回头等大人醒了,我自会献给大人。” So saying, asks for then toward Yang Kai to grasp. 这般说着,伸手便要朝杨开抓去。 However his figure side Dong, Bai Yi then drew completely the bowstring suddenly, golden light was partly visible, points to the forehead of that Black Ink Clan feudal lord. 然而他身形方动,白羿便忽然拉满了弓弦,一点金光若隐若现,直指那墨族领主的额头。 The big hand of Black Ink Clan feudal lord stiff in midair, the complexion is looking at Bai Yi gloomy: Your anything meaning!” 墨族领主的大手僵在半空中,脸色阴沉地望着白羿:“你什么意思!” Bai Yi looks at him indifferently, the original words present also: Your what meaning?” 白羿冷眼瞧他,原话奉还:“你什么意思?” That lead(er) main road: My meaning has said was very clear, actually you, is this wants to kill me? You began to try, having a look at the Sir to be able easily to forgive you when the time comes!” 那领主道:“我的意思已经说的很明白了,倒是你,这是想要杀我吗?你动手试试,看看到时候大人会不会轻易饶了你!” Bai Yi remains unmoved: At that time you had died, does the master forgive me, with your what does/works!” 白羿不为所动:“那时候你已经死了,主人饶不饶我,又与你何干!” Simply put, she has the skill that strikes to kill this feudal lord. The feudal lord suddenly feels is belittled, flies into a rage: Trivial black ink disciple, secure dares is dissolute!” 言下之意,她是有击杀这个领主的本事的。那领主顿觉被小觑,暴跳如雷:“区区墨徒,安敢放肆!” Bai Yi coldly said: Opened your dog to see clear, was my merit also you can snatch?” 白羿冷声道:“睁大你的狗眼看清楚了,我的功劳也是你能抢的?” Has been placed in Bai Yi behind Yang Kai sees this situation, is the headache is anxious. 一直被安置在白羿身后杨开见此情形,又是头疼又是焦虑。 Although when the formulation plan, knows that definitely will not be when the time comes problem-free, must give birth to some accidents surely, in the event of the accident, two people can only act according to circumstances. 虽说在制定计划的时候,就知道到时候肯定不会一帆风顺,必定要生出一些变故,一旦发生变故,两人就只能见机行事。 But two people didn't expect, this has not seen Chasing Wind Territory Lord, was provoked by several feudal lords on. 两人没想到,这还没见到逐风域主呢,就被几个领主挑衅上了。 At present these feudal lords obviously want to snatch the Bai Yi merit, captures alive Human Race 7-Rank, means that under Chasing Wind are many 7-Rank black ink disciple, this merit is really big, several feudal lords somewhat are naturally jealous. 眼前这几个领主明显是想抢了白羿的功劳,活捉一位人族七品,就意味着逐风麾下多出一位七品墨徒,这个功劳着实不小,几个领主自然有些眼红。 The common time, they naturally cannot do this matter, but now, deep sleep healing of Chasing Wind in Black Ink Nest, knows nothing about the matter, so long as they take Yang Kai, compels this Secret Boundary Bai Yi again, that merit was their. 寻常时候,他们自然不会干这种事,但如今,逐风墨巢之中沉睡疗伤,对外界的事情一无所知,他们只要将杨开抢到手,再将白羿逼出这一处秘境,那功劳就是他们的了。 This condition makes Yang Kai have a headache. 这状况让杨开头疼不已。 But what makes his anxious is, in this Secret Boundary, there is the strength of black ink to cover, although is not rich, but that is also the strength of black ink. 而让他焦虑的是,这秘境之中,有墨之力笼罩着,虽然不算多么浓郁,但那也是墨之力。 So long as places in this Secret Boundary, receives the corrosion of strength of black ink always. 只要身处在这秘境之中,就无时无刻不受到墨之力的侵蚀。 He is actually indifferent, carries World Spring, even if the strength of black ink corrodes into the body, was still suppressed in Small Universe, is difficult the achievement. 他本人倒是无所谓,身负天地泉,就算墨之力侵蚀入体,也被镇压在小乾坤中,难有作为。 However Bai Yi is not good, once her Small Universe were corroded to the certain extent, must again the transformation be black ink disciple inevitably. 然而白羿不行,一旦她的小乾坤被侵蚀到一定程度,势必要重新转化为墨徒 She does not dare to stimulate to movement the strength to resist the corrosion of strength of black ink at this moment from the start, once because by doing so, must make the suspicions and suspicions of front several feudal lords inevitably. 偏偏此刻她压根不敢催动力量抵挡墨之力的侵蚀,因为一旦这样做了,势必要引起面前几个领主的怀疑和猜忌。 She when pesters with these feudal lords, can only the strength of ignores black ink corrode into the body. 她在与这几个领主纠缠的时候,只能放任墨之力侵蚀入体。 Yang Kai does not know how long she can support, but this time will not be absolutely long, once the Bai Yi again transformation is black ink disciple, not only this plan must be defeated, he must fall into the dangerous situation. 杨开不知道她能支撑多久,但这个时间绝对不会太久,一旦白羿再次转化为墨徒,不但这次的计划要失败,就连他本人也要身陷险境。 Bai Yi also understands this point obviously, although in the ordinary day to the oppressions of these feudal lords has made concessions, this time is the attitude is quite strong, lets that several feudal lord extremely annoyed. 白羿显然也明白这一点,所以虽然平日里对这几个领主的欺压有所退让,这一次却是态度极为强硬,也让那几个领主极度恼火 , both sides have become the potential of water and fire in a few words. 三言两语间,双方已成水火之势。 Bai Yi no longer pesters with them, but is raises the head looks in some direction, in that direction, a giant flower bud common thing is standing erect, this flower bud seems the own life, breathes among the diastoles, then has the strength of black ink to gush out, fills the air toward all around. 白羿不再与他们纠缠,而是抬头朝某个方向望去,那个方向上,一朵巨大的花苞一般的东西屹立着,这花苞似有自己的生命,呼吸舒张间,便有墨之力从中涌出,朝四周弥漫而来。 Floods the black ink strength in Secret Boundary, is this flower bud derives. 充斥在秘境中的墨之力,就是这花苞衍生出来的。 Black Ink Nest! 墨巢 Yang Kai has lived for two years in the Black Ink Clan center, follows Angry Flame to go to the territories of many feudal lord, that each feudal lord has Black Ink Nest, regarding this naturally cannot be strange. 杨开墨族腹地生活过两年,跟随怒焰去过不少领主的领地,那每一处领主都有墨巢,对此自然不会陌生。 Black Ink Nest is the place of Black Ink Clan birth, is the basis of Black Ink Clan survival is, is quite important to Black Ink Clan, generally speaking, only then in the scale enough big territory, will have Black Ink Nest. 墨巢墨族诞生之地,也是墨族生存的根本所在,对墨族极为重要,一般来说,只有规模足够大的领地上,才会有一座墨巢 Before Yang Kai Angry Flame that follows, is only high-rank Black Ink Clan, not only without own territory, without own Black Ink Nest, without that strength status, naturally would have no qualifications to have these. 杨开之前跟随的怒焰,只是一个上位墨族,不但没有自身的领地,也没有自己墨巢,没那个实力地位,自然就没资格拥有这些。 Chasing Wind as Territory Lord, making a Black Ink Nest placement here naturally is not the difficult matter. 逐风身为域主,弄一个墨巢安置在这里自然不是什么难事。 With a Xu Boliang shocking war, Chasing Wind experiences personally the heavy losses, then returns to this place immediately, enters Black Ink Nest to sink dormancy healing. 徐伯良一场惊天大战,逐风身受重创,便立刻返回此地,进入墨巢沉眠疗伤 This point has been able to determine from the expression of that feudal lord. 这一点已经从那领主的言辞中可以确定了。 Turns head to look by Bai Yi, then raises Yang Kai to flush away toward Black Ink Nest that side, mouth middle course: Captures my own to offer, did not need you to worry.” 是以白羿扭头望去之时,便提着杨开墨巢那边冲去,口中道:“俘虏我自己会献上,就不用你们操心了。” Three feudal lords see that have a big shock, calls out in alarm said: Sir in healing, cannot disturb!” 三个领主见状都大惊失色,其中一位惊呼道:“大人正在疗伤,不可打扰!” So saying, a fist is going toward the Bai Yi that side bang, wanting to stop. 这般说着,一拳朝白羿那边轰去,欲要阻拦。 Chamotte Bai Yi makes a feint, has been guarding against this matter, sees him to act, immediately the figure in a flash, avoided with ease this struck. 熟料白羿不过是虚晃一招,早就在提防这种事,见他出手,当即身形一晃,轻松避开了这一击。 But the feudal lord acts in a hurry, in addition to the Bai Yi intention resentment, acts does not have a discretion, after this strikes Bai Yi flashes through, unexpectedly to Black Ink Nest is rumbling in the past. 而那领主仓促间出手,再加上对白羿心怀怨气,出手时没个分寸,这一击被白羿闪过之后,竟直直地对着墨巢轰了过去。 This looks in the eye, but makes his ghost all brave. 这一幕望在眼中,可是让他亡魂皆冒。 Another two feudal lord also instant time such as falling icehouse, from the beginning as cool as sole board. 另外两个领主也霎时间如坠冰窖,从头凉到脚底板。 under the public gaze, in waiting and seeing of trembling in fear, center the prestige of that fist huge Black Ink Nest. 众目睽睽之下,心惊胆战的观望中,那一拳之威正中巨大墨巢 A bang sound moves, that fist as if pounded in heart of three feudal lords, making their heart suddenly contract, cold sweat stayed behind from the forehead, each one was pale. 轰地一声响动,那一拳仿佛砸在了三个领主的心房,让他们心脏都猛地收缩了一下,冷汗刷地从额头留下,个个脸色苍白。 Bai Yi float in midair, the corners of the mouth hold are wiping to sneer, are looking at the ugly performances of three feudal lords. 白羿悬浮在半空中,嘴角噙着一抹冷笑,望着三个领主的丑态。 flower bud general Black Ink Nest after by attack, that diastole condition was stagnated slightly flickered, but has not been damaged is too serious, but was surged tide of strength of black ink by that wild strength. 花苞一般的墨巢在被攻击之后,那舒张之态微微停滞了一瞬,不过并没有受损太严重,只是被那狂暴的力量激荡出一圈墨之力的潮汐。 However in that Black Ink Nest, sank aura of dormancy to regain consciousness rapidly, powerful Spiritual Mind has swept entire Secret Boundary, brings the thick vigilance and anxiety. 然而在那墨巢之中,原本沉眠的气息迅速苏醒,紧接着一股强大的神念扫过整个秘境,带着浓浓的警惕和不安。 Chasing Wind at this moment is fearful and apprehensive, is sinking during the dormancy, restores with the aid of the Black Ink Nest strength training, was so alarmed suddenly, but also thinks that Human Race projected on the own den to come, how could not to have a scare. 逐风此刻可谓是胆战心惊,正在沉眠之中,借助墨巢的力量修养恢复,忽被这般惊扰,还以为人族打到自己的老巢来了,岂能不吓一跳。 By his present condition, if really projected on here by Human Race, will not have any good end. 以他如今的状态,真要是被人族打到这里来,可不会有什么好下场。 Spiritual Mind has swept Secret Boundary, this realized that is not such that own thinks. 神念扫过秘境,这才意识到不是自己想的那样。 Protected the Secret Boundary three feudal lords all partly to kneel on the ground, trembling, is pale, but under the own right arm, that Human Race Bai Yi floats in the midair, the surface is looking at three people including the ridicule. 原本守护秘境的三个领主皆都半跪在地上,瑟瑟发抖,脸色苍白,而自己麾下的得力干将,那人族白羿则漂浮在半空中,面含讥讽地望着三人。 Looked at this situation, the recombination shelled Black Ink Nest that attack before, Chasing Wind understood clearly the cause and effect together instantaneously. 看此情形,再结合之前轰击墨巢的那一道攻击,逐风瞬间洞悉了前因后果。 When most flourishing, decides the light bonus not to disturb the person of own healing, however he causes heavy losses at this moment has not recovered, but must take advantage of these loyal and devoted subordinate protections, is actually not suitable wages a war, so as to avoid lost the will of the people. 若是全盛之时,定不会轻饶打扰自己疗伤之人,然而此刻他重创未愈,还要依仗这几个忠心耿耿的部下守护,倒是不宜大动干戈,免得失了人心。 Depresses the heart forcefully the anger, Chasing Wind shouts dignifiedly: What are you making?” 强行压下心头的怒火,逐风威严喝道:“你们在做什么?” Was raised the Yang Kai hears word brow in hand to raise by Bai Yi, this Chasing Wind sound sounds, although dignified infinite, but actually could not conceal hidden weak, obviously before and Xu Boliang that war, he was injured truly heavily, particularly finally the running away time, a Xu Boliang finger/refers of prestige, almost must his entire back cutting open. 白羿提在手上的杨开闻言眉头一扬,这逐风的声音听起来虽然威严无限,但却掩饰不了其中暗藏的虚弱,可见之前与徐伯良那一战,他受伤确实不轻,尤其是最后逃走时候,徐伯良一指之威,几乎要将他整个后背给剖开。 Xu Boliang that strikes, injured the Chasing Wind basis absolutely. 徐伯良那一击,绝对伤到了逐风的根本。 Three -and-a-half kneel in the feudal lord of ground is slow speechless, this fact because of being not good to explain, cannot say them to snatch the merit, insists on feeling embarrassed Bai Yi, the result did not hit Black Ink Nest carefully, disturbed Chasing Wind healing. 三个半跪在地上的领主呐呐无言,这事实在不好解释,总不能说他们为了抢功,执意为难白羿,结果不小心打中了墨巢,打扰了逐风疗伤 Really said that later did not use in front of Chasing Wind makes an appearance. 真这么说了,以后就不用在逐风面前露面了。 Mute?” Chasing Wind sees that even more annoyed, mentioned by name: Bai Yi you said.” “都哑巴了吗?”逐风见状,愈发恼火,点名道:“白羿你说。” Three feudal lord instantaneous surface like dying embers. 三个领主瞬间面如死灰。 Bai Yi clear say/way: „The master, I seized 7-Rank Open Heaven to come back reply, three feudal lord Sirs did not feel relieved that this Human Race, intended to intend to probe 12, knew very well did not alarm master healing carefully, asking the master to forgive.” 白羿清脆道:“回禀主人,我擒了一个七品开天回来,三位领主大人不放心这个人族,有意出手试探一二,熟知不小心惊扰了主人疗伤,请主人恕罪。” Such remarks, that partly kneels in the three feudal lords of ground all looks the color of stunned, thinks Bai Yi must hit a person when he is down, who knows unexpectedly is how an excuse. 此言一出,那半跪在地上的三个领主皆都面露愕然之色,原本以为白羿要落井下石,谁知竟是怎么一番说辞。 This has meaning that actually must speak to elucidate for them, this is unreasonable. 这倒是有要为他们说话开解的意思,这没道理啊。 However changes mind thinks, even if Bai Yi pierces the matter, by Sir Territory Lord condition at this moment, how their three, instead not to really make their three even more bear a grudge Bai Yi. 不过转念一想,即便白羿将事情捅破,以域主大人此刻的状态,也不会真的将他们三个怎么样,反而会让他们三个愈发记恨白羿 With it so, might as well delivers a convenient favor. 与其如此,还不如送个顺手人情。
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