MP :: Volume #51

#5007: Mistake mistake

Sneak attacks Territory Lord this matter, the risk is big, but once succeeds, then can cause heavy losses to this piece of war zone Black Ink Clan high-end strength, the advantage is also quite obvious. 偷袭域主这种事,风险不小,可一旦成功,便能重创这一片战区墨族的高端力量,好处也极为明显。 Gets there first, Yang Kai also asks others to help without enough time again, moreover this matter person the fewer the better the conduct. 兵贵神速,杨开也来不及再去找别人帮忙,而且这种事人越少越好行事。 After several days, similar Yang Kai and Bai Yi that basically restores shoot up to the sky, under the leadership of Bai Yi, plunders in a direction. 数日后,基本恢复的差不多的杨开白羿冲天而起,在白羿的带领下,朝一个方向掠去。 Delayed several days time, does not have the matter of means that but this time actually with general situation unobstructive, that Chasing Wind Territory Lord caused heavy losses to by Xu Boliang at that time, has just like injured and basis, must spend massive time to come the training to restore, for several days should not have the big effect. 耽搁了数日时间,也是没有办法的事情,不过这点时间倒是与大局无碍,那逐风域主当时被徐伯良重创,俨然已伤及根本,非得花费大量时间来修养恢复,短短几日应该没多大效果。 In two people half-way hurries along, while is discussing the plan, the detail is everywhere careful, discussed finally an approximate plan comes out, although will really implement definitely to have the variable when the time comes, but looked at the ability that two people adapted to changing circumstances at the appointed time. 两人半道上一边赶路,一边商讨着方案,处处细节小心谨慎,总算商讨出一个大致的方案出来,虽说到时候真的实施起来肯定会有变数,但届时就看两人随机应变的能力了。 To Yang Kai, reason that complies to take risk with Bai Yi, first truly is rare, secondly Bai Yi follows in that Chasing Wind Territory Lord many years, is familiar with his many habits, the three are also he are skilled in Space Principle, even when the time comes the matter may not, still be possible to find the opportunity to flee. 杨开来说,之所以答应跟白羿冒这个险,一来确实是机会难得,二来白羿跟随在那逐风域主身边多年,对他的诸多习性了如指掌,三者也是他本身精通空间法则,即便到时候事不可为,也可找机会遁走。 Heavy losses want to leave behind him in Territory Lord of body, should not be easy. 一个重创在身的域主想要留下他,应该不会太容易。 As Bai Yi leads the way, unexpectedly 随着白羿一路前行,竟是太平无事,连一支墨族队伍都没有遇到。 Will have the this kind of situation, said actually not Black Ink Clan of this stretch of war zone has drawn back, but was Bai Yi dodges these Black Ink Clan, avoided with meeting of these Black Ink Clan. 会出现这样的情况,倒不是说这一片战区的墨族都已经退出去了,而是白羿规避开了这些墨族,避免了与这些墨族的碰面。 The goal only for that Chasing Wind Territory Lord, kills Territory Lord, the natural ratio kills these to be small the advantage to be bigger. 此行目的只为那逐风域主,杀一个域主,自然比杀这些小喽好处更大。 Yang Kai has the observation occasionally, sees in the Bai Yi pupil the different light flash to move, obviously was practice what extremely profound pupil technique. 杨开偶有观察,都看到白羿眸中异光闪动,明显是修行了什么极为高深的瞳术。 He also has the pupil technique, but inherits from Myriad Demons Heaven two big pupil technique one favors in enduring broken fabricated, favors opposing the enemy murders, does not supervise the energy of searching compared with the detection of Bai Yi this pupil technique. 他也有瞳术,不过传承自万魔天的两大瞳术一个倾向于堪破虚妄,一个倾向于对敌杀伐,不比白羿这瞳术的侦查监探之能。 Comparatively speaking, each other pupil technique has the fit and unfit quality respectively. 比较而言,彼此瞳术各有优劣。 Has proceeded to graze an enough two days time, a way universe fragment time, the Bai Yi figure in a flash, falls toward that side. 一直往前飞掠了足足两日功夫,途径一处乾坤碎片的时候,白羿身形一晃,朝那边落去。 Yang Kai follows closely under. 杨开紧随而下。 Went to the place quickly.” Bai Yi said “快到地方了。”白羿 Yang Kai nods, said: That starts.” 杨开点点头,道:“那就开始吧。” So saying, took a deep breath, within the body Small Universe suddenly is shaking, when Yang Kai stuffy snort/hum, the corners of the mouth overflow fresh blood, at the same time, imposing manner suppresses successively, becomes weak. 这般说着,深吸一口气,体内小乾坤猛地一震,杨开闷哼一声时,嘴角溢出鲜血,与此同时,气势节节压制下去,变得虚弱至极。 this kind of condition, if asked the person who did not know the circumstances of the matter to look, must think that surely he carried the heavy losses, wanted to sneak attack that Chasing Wind Territory Lord, must result in first show the enemy to weakly, lulled his nerve. 这样的状态,若叫不知情的人看了,必定要以为他身负重创,想要偷袭那逐风域主,就必须得先示敌以弱,麻痹他的神经。 Put in great inconvenience to Senior Brother.” During the Bai Yi speeches, in the hand magic arts transforms, is making together Secret Technique to Yang Kai, next one flickers, the Yang Kai whole body appears golden chains, ties up him firmly. “委屈师兄了。”白羿说话间,手中法决变换,对着杨开打出一道秘术,下一瞬,杨开周身浮现出一道道金色锁链,将他牢牢捆缚。 Yang Kai attempted to struggle, discovered that the technique of this imprisonment was quite reliable, even if by his strength, if really the technique of this kind of imprisonment, wanted to work loose is quite not easy, when with person battle, if this move, basically can only wait for death. 杨开尝试着挣扎了一下,发现这禁锢之术极为牢固,即便是以他的实力,真要是中了这样的禁锢之术,想要挣脱也极为不易,而在与人争斗时若是中了这一招,基本上就只能等死了。 Walks.” Yang Kai nods to Bai Yi, hints appropriately all. “走吧。”杨开白羿点点头,示意一切妥当。 Bai Yi nods, puts out a hand to hold the Yang Kai's arm, soars to the heavens to go, this situation seems like, looking like Bai Yi caught Yang Kai general. 白羿颔首,伸手抓住杨开的胳膊,冲天而去,这情形看起来,就像是白羿擒住了杨开一般。 According to the view of Bai Yi, Chasing Wind Territory Lord this time suffers the heavy losses, is absolutely impossible to return to the own territory, because of as the matter stands, his injury is unable to conceal, the subordinate surely morale of troops is when the time comes lax, but may also cause hand/subordinate being ready to make trouble of ambition. 白羿的说法,逐风域主此番遭遇重创,绝对不可能返回自己的领地,因为这样一来,他的伤势就无法隐瞒,到时候麾下必定军心涣散,还有可能导致手下野心者的蠢蠢欲动。 Therefore he only possibly in the lair that own hidden healing. But because Bai Yi follows his many years, is under him the black ink disciple reason, therefore to his secret lair is, also knows from A to Z. 所以他只可能在自己隐藏的巢穴之中疗伤。而白羿因为跟随他多年,又是他麾下墨徒的缘故,所以对他那一处隐秘巢穴的所在,也是了如指掌。 Now what is unable to determine, Chasing Wind Territory Lord in that lair, if , the following plan can implement, if not, that can only give up. 如今无法确定的是,逐风域主到底在不在那一处巢穴中,若是在,接下来的计划就可以实施,若是不在,那就只能放弃了。 This can only look at the luck, Bai Yi cannot guarantee that speculation of own is right. 这只能看运气,白羿也不敢保证自己的推测都是对的。 In fact, basically each Territory Lord, even the feudal lords have the own secret lair, protection is when oneself body severe wound needs the place of healing. 事实上,基本上每一个域主,甚至领主都有自己隐秘的巢穴,防备的就是在己身重伤之时需要疗伤之地。 The Chasing Wind Territory Lord lair, places in Secret Boundary. 逐风域主的巢穴,安置在一处秘境中。 In black ink battlefield, Secret Boundary is innumerable, no one knows how these Secret Boundary are born, but time, some Secret Boundary entrances will basically be discovered every other, Human Race or Black Ink Clan, had once obtained many advantage in these Secret Boundary. 墨之战场内,秘境数不胜数,谁也不知道这些秘境是怎么诞生的,但基本上每隔一段时间,都会有秘境的入口被发现,无论是人族还是墨族,在这些秘境中都曾得到过很多好处。 Bai Yi does not know when that Secret Boundary is under the Chasing Wind Territory Lord arrangement, dozens years ago once followed Chasing Wind Territory Lord to pass in and out, therefore knows concrete location/position. 白羿也不知那一处秘境逐风域主什么时候布置下的,几十年前曾跟随逐风域主进出过一趟,所以知道具体位置 After the half day, Void somewhere, the Bai Yi figure stops suddenly. 半日之后,虚空某处,白羿身形骤停。 From outwardly, this piece of Void has nothing unusually, but Yang Kai feels faintly, this all around Void has a fluctuation of faint trace Space Principle. 表面上看,这一片虚空没有任何异常,但杨开隐隐感觉到,这四周虚空有一丝丝空间法则的波动。 In other words , here was the Secret Boundary entrance. 换言之,这里就是秘境的入口所在了。 He ties up with Secret Technique by Bai Yi now, the sensation is not too obvious, therefore is unable to determine that entrance makes concrete in what location/position. 他如今被白羿秘术捆缚,感知不是太明显,所以也无法确定那入口具体在什么位置 Actually Bai Yi after determining position, took out the own long bow, to grasp shot gently three on the bowstring. 倒是白羿在确定了方位之后,取出了自己长弓,屈指在弓弦上轻轻弹了三下。 In Zheng whining noise, the layer upon layer ripples have swung, shuttle Void. 铮鸣声中,一层层涟漪荡过,穿梭虚空 After the moment, two people front not far away, the gateway opens wide together slowly, from that gateway, there is aura of clear world mighty force to spread. 片刻后,两人前方不远处,一道门户徐徐洞开,从那门户之中,有清晰的天地伟力的气息传出。 When that gateway expands to be tolerant of others to pass through, Bai Yi then grabs the Yang Kai's arm, moves sideways to enter. 待那门户扩张到可容人通行时,白羿便抓着杨开的胳膊,闪身而入。 During the field of vision transformations, two people has arrived in Secret Boundary. 视野变换间,两人已来到秘境之中。 Yang Kai has not sized up this Secret Boundary scenery with enough time, then thinks that suddenly a rushing great strength raids from one side , the instinct then must stimulate to movement the strength to resist in great surprise, but remembers quickly, own serves with Secret Technique to imprison the freedom by Bai Yi now, which also has the strength of resistance. 杨开还没来得及打量这秘境的景色,便忽觉一股澎湃巨力从侧面袭来,大惊之下,本能地便要催动力量抵挡,不过很快想起,自己如今被白羿施以秘术禁锢了自由,哪还有反抗之力。 Is good is wonderful quick is also incomparable because of the Bai Yi response, in the hand a revolution, then transfers Yang Kai to behind, simultaneously plunders rapidly toward side. 好在白羿反应也是奇快无比,手上一转,便将杨开挪移至身后,同时急速朝旁掠去。 However sneak attack waits at ease for an exhausted enemy, suddenly acts, although Bai Yi deals promptly, still by complementary waves bang. 然而偷袭者以逸待劳,忽然出手,白羿虽然应对及时,依然被余波轰中。 Immediately then stuffy snort/hum, rolls one group with Yang Kai together. 当即便闷哼一声,与杨开一起滚成一团。 She stands up quickly, partly kneels on the ground, just like cheetah that will soon throw the food, in hand long bow horizontally before the body, is staring at the front several big forms vigilantly. 她很快站起,半跪在地上,犹如即将扑食的猎豹,手中长弓横在身前,警惕地盯着前方几道高大身影。 But her behind, Yang Kai fresh blood spurted. 而她身后,杨开一口鲜血喷了出来。 Just now that sneak attack acts, Yang Kai simply does not have the strength that the least bit resists, although is only the complementary waves, makes him be injured. 方才那偷袭者出手,杨开根本没有半点抵挡的力量,虽只是余波,却也让他有所受伤。 The Bai Yi figure moves slightly, how obviously is concerned the Yang Kai's injury. 白羿身形微微动了动,显然是在关切杨开的伤势如何。 Yang Kai put out a hand to select in her waist with no trace, hinted own not to obstruct greatly. 杨开不着痕迹地伸手在她腰间点了点,示意自己没有大碍。 What do you mean!” The Bai Yi vision is staring a Black Ink Clan feudal lord, cold sound asked that just now he intended to sneak attack suddenly, causing Yang Kai injured. “什么意思!”白羿目光盯着其中一个墨族领主,冷声问道,方才正是他忽然出手偷袭,导致杨开受伤的。 But side this feudal lord, but also is standing another two feudal lords, each one figure big overwhelming power, high and low carefully examines Bai Yi, in the vision is somewhat harboring evil intentions faintly. 而在这位领主身旁,还站着另外俩个领主,个个身形高大威猛,上下审视着白羿,目光中隐隐有些不怀好意。 Yang Kai watches a person's every mood, felt faintly before this aspect, some that estimates are not quite same. 杨开察言观色,隐隐感觉这局面与之前预想的有些不太一样。 He and Bai Yi initial plan, is to give to Chasing Wind Territory Lord by Bai Yi his captive, Yang Kai after all is 7-Rank Open Heaven, believes that even if Chasing Wind is Territory Lord, will still be excited surely, when the time comes must certainly stimulate to movement the strength of black ink to transform Yang Kai, will get will make own black ink disciple. 他与白羿最初的打算,是由白羿将他这个俘虏献给逐风域主,杨开毕竟是七品开天,相信即便逐风是一位域主,也必定会心动,到时候肯定要催动墨之力转化杨开,将之变作自己墨徒 Once Chasing Wind did that gave Yang Kai and Bai Yi opportunity is not missed, sticks out suddenly launches an attack, even if cannot massacre Chasing Wind, can still make him injure on adds the wound. 一旦逐风这么做了,就给了杨开白羿可趁之机,暴起发难,就算杀不掉逐风,也能让他伤上加伤。 Who knew then entered Secret Boundary, but also without seeing Chasing Wind, even did not determine that others here, did not encounter the protection in this's feudal lord sneak attack. 谁知这才进了秘境,还没见到逐风,甚至都不确定人家在不在这里,就遭到了守护在此的领主偷袭。 Did the could it be that Bai Yi situation expose? However this is unlikely, he and Bai Yi two people plans no one to know, before stimulated to movement the light of purification time, Yang Kai also has nosed specially all around, was insufficient to be discovered. 难道白羿的情况暴露了?不过这不太可能,他与白羿两人的谋划没有任何人知晓,之前催动净化之光的时候,杨开也特意查探过四周,不至于被人发现。 Now this situation, pours some to have what reason probably. 如今这情况,倒有些像是另有什么缘由。 Then was staring by Bai Yi feudal lord hears word, suddenly laughed: Originally is Bai Yi, I also think that has the Human Race powerhouse to come this to disturb Sir healing, the mistake mistake!” 那被白羿盯着的领主闻言,忽然呵呵一笑:“原来是白羿啊,我还以为是有人族强者来此打扰大人疗伤,失误失误!” This obviously is the pretence under pretext, the gateway arrangement of Secret Boundary has Formation, only if there is special opening Technique, otherwise is impossible to open the gateway. 这明显是托词,秘境的门户布置有阵法,除非有特别的开启法门,否则根本不可能打开门户。 Since inside these Black Ink Clan feudal lords operated the gateway, puts Bai Yi to come, that nature has distinguished her status, but still makes a move to sneak attack, obviously is intentionally, where had what mistake to say. 里面这几位墨族领主既然开了门户,放白羿进来,那自然早就辨别出了她的身份,可依然还是出手偷袭,明显是故意的,哪里有什么失误之说。 Before this feudal lord, makes a move also to have the discretion, but also kept the ample force, is to make Bai Yi suffer a hardship at most, will not really kill her or causes heavy losses to her. 这领主之前出手也有分寸,还留了余力,顶多就是让白羿吃点苦头,不会真的杀了她或者重创她。 After all Bai Yi is Chasing Wind Territory Lord subordinate black ink disciple, Chasing Wind regards as important extremely, this stretch of war zone also counted on that Bai Yi strives to kill the enemy, really kills her or causes heavy losses to her, has no way to confess to Chasing Wind that side. 毕竟白羿逐风域主麾下的墨徒,极得逐风看重,这一片战区还指望白羿出力杀敌,真的弄死她或者重创她,对逐风那边也没法交代。 Therefore strikes inadequately, this feudal lord trades the smiling face immediately. 所以一击不成,这领主立刻换了笑脸。 His saying, Yang Kai relaxes actually, that Chasing Wind Territory Lord really hides evidently in healing in Secret Boundary, the inference of Bai Yi has not made a mistake. 他这话一出,杨开倒是松了口气,看样子那逐风域主果然藏身在在一处秘境疗伤,白羿的推断并没有出错。 Bai Yi coldly stared at that feudal lord moment, this said: Not next time!” 白羿冷冷地盯了那领主片刻,这才道:“没有下次!” On the feudal lord face the smiling face receives, cold snort said: Only black ink disciple, dares to speak with me?” 那领主脸上笑容一收,冷哼道:“区区一个墨徒,也敢与我这么说话?” No matter commonplace black ink disciple the strength is much strong, facing some true Black Ink Clan after all awes, however Bai Yi too Chasing Wind regarded as important, regarded as important to make Bai Yi lose to the instinct of Black Ink Clan respect. 等闲墨徒不管实力多强,面对真正的墨族总归有一些敬畏感,然而白羿太得逐风看重了,看重到让白羿失去了对墨族敬重的本能。 On battlefield, Bai Yi even has to kill a Human Race powerhouse, with the aid of covering up of Black Ink Clan feudal lord, an arrow pierced the precedent of player and enemy! 战场上,白羿甚至有为了杀一个人族强者,借助墨族领主的遮掩,一箭洞穿了敌我双方的先例! Because presented the this kind of matter, therefore these Black Ink Clan feudal lords will be quite discontented with Bai Yi, after all when no one wants when with the enemy fights, but must guard against from back own person the sneak attack. 正是因为出现了这样的事,所以这些墨族领主才会对白羿极为不满,毕竟谁也不愿意在与敌人交手时,还得提防着来自背后自己人的偷袭。 After that matter leaves, there is a feudal lord to complain to Chasing Wind in front, but Chasing Wind has not had any penalty to Bai Yi, instead reproved them to sustain setbacks, the envy was capable. 那件事出之后,也有领主到逐风面前告状,不过逐风并没有对白羿有任何惩罚,反而训斥他们作战不利,嫉妒贤能。 Unfair of Sir Territory Lord, even more intensified contradictions of Bai Yi among with these feudal lords, if not for has scruples Chasing Wind, these feudal lords first jointly Bai Yi killing. 域主大人的不公,愈发加剧了白羿与这些领主之间的矛盾,若不是顾忌逐风,这些领主早就先联手把白羿给弄死了。 7-Rank black ink disciple is no doubt rare, possibly to black ink disciple of own person under killer, does not want. 七品墨徒固然难得,可能对自己人都下杀手的墨徒,不要也罢。
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