MP :: Volume #5

#438: Provocation

Senior Brother younger sister two people is speaking, saw Yang Kai to walk from inside anxious step. 师兄两人正说着话,就见杨开从里面急步走了出来。 Brother Chen, stretch/leisurely little sister, has been well since last meeting.” Yang Kai is all smiles, as if already very long not such happy. 陈兄,舒小妹,别来无恙。”杨开笑容满面,似乎已经很久没这么开心过了。 Chen Xue and Shu Xiaoyu was two people a moment ago still in guessing Yang Kai of own understanding Yang Family that when saw the person after truly, absent-minded, forgot to reply unexpectedly, stupidly stood in place faced forward to look. 陈学舒小语两人刚才还在猜测自己认识的杨开是不是中都杨家的那位,待真正见到人之后,都不禁一阵恍惚,居然忘记答话,傻傻地站在原地朝前望去。 This flash, two people does not know why heart suddenly beat, as if didn't expect, own two people becomes friends with the this kind of character unexpectedly fortunately, in an instant some red light over the face. 这一瞬间,两人不知为何心脏猛地跳动了一下,似乎都没想到,自己两人居然有幸结交这样的人物,刹那间都有些红光满面。 On my face has flower?” Sees their cautious, Yang Kai teases one. “我脸上有花?”看出他们的拘谨,杨开调侃一声。 Listened to compatible meaning in his tone, Senior Brother younger sister two people to get back one's composure, regained the ordinary condition. 听出他语气中的亲和之意,师兄两人才回过神,恢复了平常的状态。 Chen Xue confident greeting: Junior Brother Yang .” 陈学坦然招呼:“杨师弟,久违了。” Shu Xiaoyu is jue draws out the mouth, high and low sizes up Yang Kai, air/Qi hum hum saying: Your this fellow, is really the Yang Family person, we do not know unexpectedly, disliked!” 舒小语更是噘起嘴巴,上下打量杨开,气哼哼道:“你这家伙,真的是中都杨家的人啊,我们居然一点都不知道,讨厌死了!” Junior Sister!” Chen Xue bought the Shu Xiaoyu clothes, stares saying: Yang Family has the custom, the juniors are away from home informed and experienced, can not leak the own identity, Junior Brother Yang intentionally do not deceive you.” 师妹!”陈学扯了扯舒小语的衣服,瞪眼道:“杨家有规矩的,子弟出门在外历练,不得泄露了自己的身份,杨师弟又不是故意要欺瞒你。” I know.” The Shu Xiaoyu show/unfolds face smiles, is a little accidental/surprised.” “我知道啦。”舒小语展颜一笑,“就是有点意外罢了。” Now knows that is not late, advanced.” Yang Kai warm greeting, let two people. “现在知道也不晚,先进来说。”杨开热情招呼,将两人让了进去。 The line, Shu Xiaoyu chirp, just like a house sparrow to keep asking, she is only family background second-rate Sect, although will be the Shining Moon Sect future pillar of the state, but the status will not be after all high, person who usually even Young Masters and Ladies rarely seen of First Grade influence, suddenly sees the family background super influence now, nature curious overflowing full heart. 一路行来,舒小语叽叽喳喳,犹如一只麻雀般问个不停,她只是出身二等宗门,虽是映月门未来的栋梁,可毕竟身份不高,平时连一等势力的公子小姐们难得一见,现在忽然见到个出身超级势力的人,自然好奇溢满芳心。 Especially before this person is her, knows. And everyone has also shared hardships. 尤其这个人还是她前就认识的。并且大家还共患难过。 The Shu Xiaoyu issue is mixed and chaotic, just like a country girl who came from the countryside enters Big City general, all kinds of issues blotted out the sky to raid generally. 舒小语的问题又杂又乱,宛若是一个从乡下来的村姑进了大城池一般,各种各样的问题铺天盖地一般袭了过来。 Yang Kai leads two people to walk inward, while spoke thoughtlessly the reply, the Chen Xue forced smile again and again, shook the head constantly. 杨开一边领着两人朝里走,一边随口应答,陈学苦笑连连,摇头不迭。 Your is Yang Family big? I heard that occupied the entire 1/10 area, only rode a horse must run can run for three days and three nights ?” Shu Xiaoyu more asked that is excited. “你们杨家大不大?我听说占据了整个中都十分之一的面积,单是骑马就得跑上三天三夜才能跑一圈,是不是真的呀?”舒小语越问越是兴奋。 Yang Kai had not replied. Suddenly hears one to despise laughter. 杨开还没回答。忽然传来一声鄙夷至极的笑声。 The sound hears. Shu Xiaoyu is startled, turns head to look out in all directions, this discovers, Yang Kai has gotten them to arrive at a side hall, but had sat many people in the side hall. 声音入耳。舒小语不禁一怔,扭头四望,这才发现不知不觉间,杨开已经领着他们来到了一处偏殿,而在偏殿中已经坐了不少人。 These Young Masters and Ladies clothing are magnificent and expensive, looks is special. The side basically leads the strength profound protector, the jewelry pendant that they wear also passes rings of light, obviously is scale good Secret Treasure. 那些公子小姐们衣衫华贵,一看就出身不凡。身边基本都带着实力高深的守护者,他们佩戴的首饰挂件也都流转光晕,显然都是档次不错的秘宝 Reviews her and Chen Xue two people. Although also has Secret Treasure, puts on also the proper, but compares with these people. Actually such as a space underground. 反观她和陈学两人。虽然也有秘宝,穿着也周正,但和那些人比较起来。却如一个天上一个地下。 The one who exudes the ridicule sound is one sits well young Young Master on chair, at this moment his correct use one type looked that the country bumpkin general look looks toward here. 发出嘲笑声的是一位端坐在椅子上的年轻少爷,此刻他正用一种看乡巴佬一般的眼神朝这边望来。 Shu Xiaoyu is red on the complexion in an instant, wishes one could to look for a tunnel to drill directly, since then no longer came out to see the person. 舒小语刹那间就脸色通红,恨不得找个地洞直接钻下去,从此不再出来见人了。 Yang Kai knits the brows slightly, the smile said: Do not listen to outside person to talk nonsense. Although Yang Family the area is big, but is not so exaggerating.” 杨开微微皱了皱眉,微笑道:“别听外面的人瞎说。杨家虽然占地面积不小,可也没这么夸张。” „.” The eyelash of Shu Xiaoyu sparkles, even if there is Yang Kai to mediate for her, she, Chen Xue pinched her palm as before awkwardly with no trace, the comforting transmission of own in the past, the Shu Xiaoyu mood then felt better. “哦。”舒小语的睫毛闪了闪,纵然有杨开为她圆场,她也依旧尴尬不已,陈学不着痕迹地捏了捏她的手心,将自己的安抚传达过去,舒小语的心情这才好受许多。 She is some didn't expect here also so many people are really waiting , the words if we had known, she will not ask issue that so many sound the idiot. 她是真没想到这里还有这么多人在等待,如果早知道的话,她也不会问那么多听起来很白痴的问题。 She has not truly seen the world, but is away from home, she also knows that what words should say, anything should do. Amiability of very beforehand Yang Kai performance, because of special has not belittled her and Chen Xue meaning slightly, Shu Xiaoyu was happy for a while, asked several, actually do not want to pass to others' ear. 她确实没怎么见过世面,但出门在外,她也知道什么话该说,什么事该做。只是之前杨开表现的很随和,丝毫没有因为出身不凡而小觑她和陈学的意思,舒小语一时高兴,才多问了几句,却不想传到了别人的耳中。 Comes me to introduce to you. .... Yang Kai the awkwardness will have brought light, glowing with enthusiasm, said: This two is I in remote has shared hardships informed and experienced the friend, Shining Moon Sect Chen Xue and Shu Xiaoyu.” “来我给你们介绍一下。....”杨开轻飘飘将刚才的尴尬带过,热情洋溢,道:“这两位是我在一处异地中历练共患难过的朋友,映月门陈学舒小语。” In that remote, Yang Kai resulted in Chen Xue many directions, later this Senior Brother younger sister two people wants to go hand in hand with Yang Kai, mutual attendance. 在那异地之中,杨开得了陈学不少指点,之后这师兄两人更是想与杨开结伴同行,互相照顾。 At that time, they are True Yuan Stage 3-layer, Yang Kai are only Separation and Reunion Boundary 3-layer. Chen Xue and Shu Xiaoyu want to take care of him obviously. 那个时候,他们是真元境三层,杨开只是离合境三层陈学舒小语显然是想照顾他。 For this reason, Yang Kai also has the favorable impression to two people very much. 正因如此,杨开两人也很有好感。 The Chen Xue smile shakes the head: Junior Brother Yang was serious, was Junior Brother Yang saved my Senior Brother younger sister's life, perhaps if not for Junior Brother Yang, my Senior Brother younger sister two people have changed into the skeleton now, the life-saving efforts, engraved on mind.” 陈学微笑摇头:“杨师弟严重了,是杨师弟救了我师兄妹的性命,若不是杨师弟,我师兄妹二人现在恐怕早就化为骸骨了,救命之恩,铭记在心。” Not is only the Yang Kai's friend, that was the Dong Qinghan friend.” The Fatty Dong smile sets out, holds the fist in the other hand benignly, the friend who Fatty Dong clear, Yang Kai became friends with outside for these years, becomes friends with attentively, that does not dope slightly the friend of benefit and stake. “既是杨开的朋友,那便是董轻寒的朋友了。”董胖子微笑起身,和颜悦色地抱拳,董胖子清楚,杨开在外这几年结交的朋友,都是用心结交出来的,那是不掺杂了丝毫利益和利害关系的朋友。 The this kind of person, is Yang Kai most likes. Generally Young Master of family background rich and powerful family have such a common problem, others become friends with him, his first thought suspected that others must have the interest relations with him. 这样的人,才是杨开最喜欢的。一般出身豪门的公子们都有这样一个通病,别人来结交他,他第一个念头就是怀疑别人是不是要与他扯上了利益关系。 Therefore Fatty Dong is also suitable treating a matter seriously. 所以董胖子也是相当的郑重其事。 Originally is Young Master Dong!” Chen Xue has listened to the Dong Qinghan name obviously, hears word at present one bright, returns a courtesy hastily. “原来是董少爷!”陈学显然听过董轻寒的名,闻言眼前一亮,连忙回礼。 Ziwei Valley, Fan Hong!” 紫薇谷,范鸿!” Has seen Brother Fan.” “见过范兄。” Qiu Family, Qiu Yimeng.” Miss Qiu with a smile, on the elegant face is exuding the astonishing gloss shallowly, outstandingly beautiful moving. 秋家,秋忆梦。”秋大小姐浅笑吟吟,俏脸上泛着惊人的光泽,绝色动人。 The Chen Xue look shakes, Shu Xiaoyu is also surprised extremely looks toward Qiu Yimeng. 陈学神色一震,舒小语也是惊讶万分地朝秋忆梦望去。 Originally is Miss Qiu, the greeting on first meeting greeting on first meeting!” This exactly anything pleasantries, the Chen Xue expression is sincere, the meaning of greeting on first meeting can be seen in speech and appearance, on the face is also hanging a look of admiring. “原来是秋大小姐,久仰久仰!”这可不是什么客套话,陈学言辞诚恳,久仰之意溢于言表,脸上还挂着一丝佩服的神色。 Qiu Yimeng laughed, enjoys very much, the provocation shot a look at Yang Kai one generally, greatly share of you are not serious me, but this Young Lady still famous flavor. 秋忆梦呵呵一笑,很是受用,挑衅一般地瞥了杨开一眼,大有一股你不把我当回事,可本小姐依然名闻天下的味道。 In sitting various people, looked that moves in Yang Kai's face Lord with Chen Xue greets, only then the Lu Song big thorn sits on the chair, in the surface hangs one to despise. 在坐诸人,都看在杨开的面子上主动与陈学打了个招呼,唯独只有吕宋大刺刺地坐在椅子上,面上挂着一丝鄙夷。 Chen Xue turns to him, the smile holds the fist in the other hand: May I ask this is......” 陈学转向他,微笑抱拳:“敢问这位是……” He naturally saw that this person somewhat looks down upon own and Junior Sister, the ridicule sound was also he sends, the second-rate Sect person was away from home, was looked down upon but actually also normally by the First Grade Aristocratic Family person, Chen Xue looked a lot, naturally does not will be disgruntled. 他自然看出这个人有些瞧不起自己师妹,刚才的嘲笑声也是他发出来的,二等宗门的人出门在外,被一等世家的人瞧不起倒也正常,陈学看得多了,自然不会心存怨愤。 Moreover, the person here, should be the Yang Kai's ally, his where will make Yang Kai awkward? Also under has a mind to solve and conflicts between Lu Song. 而且,在这里的人,应该都是杨开的盟友,他哪里会让杨开尴尬?也有心想要化解下与吕宋之间的矛盾。 After all if smooth, later everyone wanted to work together as colleagues together. Among the allies has the contradiction, as Yang Kai of main family is also difficult to do. 毕竟如果顺利的话,以后大家就要在一起共事了。盟友之间有矛盾,身为主家的杨开也难做。 How could it not be to expect Chen Xue so to lower the stance to inquire, Lu Song does not utter a word unexpectedly, as if deaf generally, carries the tea to be calm and composed even in press of work is blowing. 岂不料陈学这般放低姿态询问,吕宋居然一声不吭,似乎耳朵聋了一般,端着茶水好整以暇地吹着。 The Yang Kai's vision intently watch in the past, the corners of the mouth appeared to wipe the cold and gloomy smile gradually. 杨开的目光逼视过去,嘴角渐渐浮现出一抹森冷的微笑。 At once, turned head to look at Qiu Yimeng. 旋即,又扭头看了看秋忆梦 How Lu Song said again is also the Qiu Yimeng's cousin, he wants to have a look at Lu Song to suspend the guts that who the complexion is gives but actually here, is who is supporting to him. 吕宋再怎么说也是秋忆梦的表亲,他倒想看看吕宋在这里摆脸色是谁给的胆量,又是谁在给他撑腰。 The vision transfers, happen to bumps into a pair of beautiful pupil of Miss Qiu, a Qiu Yimeng unexpectedly face smiling face, shakes the head to Yang Kai slowly. 目光转过去,正好碰到秋大小姐的一双美眸,秋忆梦居然一脸笑容,冲杨开缓缓地摇了摇头。 Yang Kai frowns, the eyes narrow the eyes slowly, cold glow in eye. 杨开不禁皱起眉头,双眼慢慢眯起,眼中的寒芒更甚。 Chen Xue awaited calmly the moment, still does not see Lu Song to reply, the look somewhat is also awkward, bears the temper to continue to inquire: This you, does Chen have the place that what offends? If present, Chen accompanies to you here is not, but also the Sir be please massive.” 陈学静待了片刻,依然不见吕宋答话,神色也不禁有些尴尬,耐着性子继续询问道:“这位兄台,陈某是不是有什么得罪的地方?如果有,陈某在这里给你陪个不是,还请兄台大人大量。” After this saying said that Shu Xiaoyu eye instantaneous water was misty, impulsion that unexpectedly some want to cry. 这话说出来之后,舒小语的一双眼睛瞬间水濛濛起来,竟有些想哭的冲动。 Chen Xue is her Senior Brother, is her lover, her own was also had no by the Lu Song ridicule, is only awkward, but the hero in eye looks at own heart is like this submissive apologizes, her where can not love dearly? 陈学是她的师兄,又是她的恋人,她自己吕宋嘲笑倒也没什么,只是尴尬而已,但眼看着自己心中的英雄这样低声下气给人道歉,她哪里会不心疼? Especially the opposite party does not have the reason to despise them awkwardly. 尤其是对方根本就是毫无缘由地在为难鄙视他们。 The double tears are misty, Shu Xiaoyu has turned head, the hope looks toward Yang Kai, hopes that he can mediate, quite embarrasses own Senior Brother no longer. 双眼泪濛濛的,舒小语扭过头,祈求地朝杨开望去,希望他能打个圆场,好让自己师兄不再难堪下去。 Yang Kai cracks into a smile to her, the mouth moves, Shu Xiaoyu has not seen clearly him to say anything, but the meaning of that pair of look actually understood. 杨开冲她咧嘴一笑,嘴巴动了动,舒小语没看清他说什么,但那双眼神的意思却懂了。 Be patient! 稍安勿躁! stretch/leisurely little sister mood immediately gentle many, knows that Yang Kai will not sit by and do nothing, could not bear attract the small nose, is suppressing in the tears that in the eye socket spun, did not utter a word. 小妹的心情顿时平和不少,知道杨开不会坐视不管的,忍不住吸了吸小鼻子,强忍着在眼眶里打转的泪水,一声不吭。 Chen Xue inquired twice, Lu Song put down the teacup on hand finally, a face shakes the head arrogantly: Was serious, pours has not offended my place, but I compares the orphans and widows, the bad exchange, particularly with the person who has not experienced, did not have the words to say.” 陈学两次询问,吕宋终于放下了手上的茶杯,一脸倨傲地摇了摇头:“严重了,倒也没有得罪我的地方,只是我这人比较孤寡,不善交流,尤其是与没见识的人,更是没话说。” The Chen Xue look stagnates, said with a smile awkwardly: This, Chen was offensive.” 陈学神色一滞,尴尬笑道:“这样啊,那陈某唐突了。” Lu Song lifts the view, is looking at Chen Xue, said with a smile lightly: „Do you come from Shining Moon Sect?” 吕宋抬起眼帘,望着陈学,轻笑道:“你们来自映月门?” Yes, I and Junior Sister Master Sect Shining Moon Sect.” “是的,我与师妹师门正是映月门。” This time participates in Fight for Succession, did how many people come?” “这次来参与夺嫡之战,有多少人过来了?” On Chen Xue face awkward, some are could it be that: Temporarily only then I and Junior Sister two people, but......” 陈学脸上尴尬,有些为难道:“暂时只有我与师妹两人,但是……” The words have not said, was laughed by Lu Song one breaking. 话还没说完,便被吕宋一声嗤笑给打断了。 Lu Family Young Master stood up, shoulders both hands to walk the progress, a keeping aloof appearance, said: Only then do two people...... True Yuan Stage 7-layer, this also want to participate in Fight for Succession? Do you consider child play house?” 吕家大少站起身,背负着双手走了进步,一副高高在上的模样,道:“只有两个人……真元境七层,就这样也想参加夺嫡之战?你们当是小孩子过家家呢?” A ridicule, said Chen Xue is dumbfounded, over the face is red. 一通讥讽,说得陈学是哑口无言,满面通红。 Lu Song is complacent, looked at Qiu Yimeng quietly, Miss Qiu this moment upfront including the smile, sentiment of the face applause, even more makes Lu Song think that own should strike while the iron is hot again, wants to climb the fellow who the relations take a cut to run on these two to be good. 吕宋得意洋洋,悄悄地看了一眼秋忆梦,秋大小姐此刻正面含微笑,一脸赞许之情,越发让吕宋觉得自己应该再趁热打铁,把这两个想攀关系捞油水的家伙挤兑走才好。 Knows how many my Lu Family here did come?” Lu Song despises is looking at Chen Xue, two Divine Movement Boundary 7-layer, Divine Movement Boundary 4-layer, two Divine Movement Boundary 3-layer, in addition, two ten True Yuan Stage martial artist, innumerable commodity.” Welcome you to come, your support, is I biggest power.) “知道我吕家这里来了多少么?”吕宋鄙夷地望着陈学,“两位神游境七层,一位神游境四层,两位神游境三层,除此之外,还有二十真元境武者,数不清的物资。”欢迎您来,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。) The writing, welcome reader registers 文字,欢迎读者登录 Read the full text latest chapter. 阅读全文最新章节。
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