MP :: Volume #5

#439: You walk

In the side hall, Lu Song is swollen with arrogance, speaks the ridicule. 偏殿内,吕宋气焰嚣张,出言讥讽。 Dong Qinghan and Fan Hong smile in hey hey lowly, they like Lu Song such idiot, the nature have not looked to understand something, but Yang Kai and Qiu Yimeng too had not indicated, their two people will not interpose, only watches changes quietly, looked that the good play becomes. 董轻寒范鸿都在嘿嘿低笑,他们不象吕宋这么白痴,自然已经看明白了一些事,但杨开秋忆梦都没太多表示,他们两人也不会去插话,只静观其变,看好戏就成。 Lu Song won the favorable praise of Qiu Yimeng look, even more was supercilious, sneers saying: „To have the return, first invests is good! Your can Shining Moon Sect put out so many strengths and commodities? Excuse me, I forgot that you are only second-rate Sect, does not have this strength probably, but at least, my Lu Family half of strengths must take, if this cannot take, where I advised politely you to take then return where go.” 吕宋得了秋忆梦眼神的赞许嘉奖,越发目中无人了,冷笑道:“想要有回报,就得先投入才行!你们映月门能拿出这么多力量和物资么?不好意思,我忘记你们只是二等宗门,大概是没这个实力的,但最起码,我吕家一半的力量也得拿出来吧,若这都拿不出来,我奉劝你们还是从哪里拿便回哪里去。” Young Master!” On Lu Family that Divine Movement Boundary 7-layer Expert forehead piece of cold sweat drippings, he is old, has been watching a person's every mood, naturally saw clearly ice-cold and disgruntledness of Yang Kai look. 少爷!”吕家的那位神游境七层高手额头上一片冷汗淋淋,他年纪不小,也一直在察言观色,当然看清了杨开神色的冰冷和不悦。 a presumptuous guest usurps the role of the host indulge in loud and empty talk of own this Young Master on others' Mansion, bullies to suppress Yang Kai has shared hardships the friend, isn't this does not give the Yang Kai face? 自己家这位少爷在别人的府邸喧宾夺主高谈阔论,欺负打压杨开共患难过的朋友,这不是不给杨开面子么? Let alone, Yang Kai introduced a moment ago Chen Xueshu and Shu Xiaoyu time, the tone is also quite serious. 更何况,杨开刚才介绍陈学书舒小语的时候,语气也是相当严肃。 This two family background is not high, but clearly quite Yang Kai's attaches great importance to! 两位出身不高,但分明颇得杨开的重视! Made Lu Song say again, perhaps wanted the misdemeanor! 再让吕宋说下去,恐怕要坏事! Young Master, said so many, sits down to drink tea.” under the public gaze, this Expert is not good to state clearly, can only hit a meaningful glance to Lu Song quietly. 少爷,说了这么多,坐下喝喝茶吧。”众目睽睽之下,这位高手也不好言明,只能悄悄地给吕宋打了个眼色。 Who would have thought Lu Song ignores radically, sneers as before, incessant, is even more arrogant. 哪知吕宋根本置若罔闻,依旧冷笑,滔滔不绝,越发盛气凌人起来。 The Chen Xueshu complexion is getting more and more ugly. 陈学书的脸色越来越难看。 Lu Song!” Yang Kai indifferent looks suddenly toward Lu Family Young Master, drinks one lightly. 吕宋!”杨开忽然冷眼朝吕家大少望去,轻喝一声。 What does Young Master Kai have to tell?” Chao Feng/taunting that Lu Song stops talking endlessly immediately. Inquired hastily. To Chen Xueshu, he can not the false word usage, but he may not have that guts to Yang Kai. 开公子有什么吩咐?”吕宋立刻停止喋喋不休的嘲讽。连忙询问。对陈学书,他可以丝毫不假辞色,但对杨开他可没那个胆量。 You walk.” “你走吧。” Em?” Lu Song was startled , a confusedness of face. “恩?”吕宋怔了下,一脸的迷茫。 I give you 30 breath time, in 30 breaths does not leave my Mansion, I make you stay here forever.” Yang Kai look ice-cold, in the eye is flashing the cold glow. “我给你三十息时间,三十息内不离开我的府邸,我让你永远留在这里。”杨开神色冰冷至极,眼中闪着寒芒。 Lu Song thorough was dull. Ten thousand didn't expect can be such a result unexpectedly. The meaning of Yang Kai this saying, clearly must catch up with the person, what may make his confused is. The person who he catches up with is not Shining Moon Sect two, unexpectedly is own. 吕宋彻底呆了。万没想到居然会是这样一个结局。杨开这话的意思,分明是要赶人,可让他迷茫的是。他赶的人不是映月门的两个,居然是自己 „Did Young Master Kai chat?” The corners of the mouth of Lu Song somewhat twitch slightly, complexion gradually red. Really must be in front of so many people to drive out by Yang Kai. His face also lost completely. 开公子说笑了吧?”吕宋的嘴角微微有些抽搐,脸色渐渐红了起来。真要当着这么多人的面被杨开赶出去。他的面子也丢光了。 I have not chatted, you have 25 breaths!” Yang Kai light snort/hum. “我没有说笑,你还有二十五息!”杨开轻哼一声。 How possibly!” Lu Song screamed, cannot believe is looking at Yang Kai, our Lu Family this time had/left the person to strive to help you participate in Fight for Succession, do you want to catch up with me to walk unexpectedly? Your doesn't could it be that want this boost?” “怎么可能!”吕宋尖叫起来,不可置信地望着杨开,“我们吕家这次又出人又出力来帮你参加夺嫡之战,你居然要赶我走?你难道不要这份助力?” Yang Kai did not reply, was only coldly looks at he. 杨开不答话,只是冷冷看着他。 Detected that chill in the air, Lu Song somewhat is scared, suddenly probably remembers anything, shouts: Moreover my cousin also helps you here, she is your big boost. You catch up with me to walk, did not fear that she also does walk?” 察觉那一丝寒意,吕宋不禁有些胆寒,忽然象是想起什么,嚷道:“而且我表姐也在这里帮你,她可是你的一份大助力。你赶我走,不怕她也走么?” She , if not know the limitation, I also make her get the hell out!” Yang Kai sneers again and again, also has 20 breaths.” “她若是不识相,我也让她滚蛋!”杨开冷笑连连,“还有二十息。” Qiu Yimeng flips the supercilious look. 秋忆梦不禁翻了翻白眼。 Cousin......” Lu Song flustered finally, regretted so many idle talk that secretly own spoke a moment ago. Is taking a look at Qiu Yimeng eagerly, anticipated that she can speak several words of praise, making Yang Kai so not rampant. “表姐……”吕宋终于慌了,暗暗后悔自己刚才说的那么多废话。眼巴巴地瞅着秋忆梦,期待她能说几句好话,让杨开别这么嚣张。 Qiu Yimeng sighed: Lu Song you walk, this man means what one says, said two is I, you aggravated him. I do not have the means to help your.” 秋忆梦叹息一声:“吕宋你还是走吧,这个男人说一是一,说二是我,你惹火了他。我没办法帮你的。” But......” “可是……” 15 breaths!” Yang Kai issues the final warning. “十五息!”杨开发出最后的警告。 Young Master, we walk.” That Divine Movement Boundary 7-layer Expert some forced smiles of expecting too much, console one, Lu Song had not seen mystery that in this farce contains, but he was actually looks to understand, knows that said uselessly, harnessed Lu Song to rush with another person hastily outward. 少爷,我们走吧。”那位神游境七层高手有些恨铁不成钢的苦笑,劝慰一声,吕宋没看出这场闹剧中蕴藏的玄机,可他却是看明白了,知道多说无益,连忙与另外一人驾着吕宋就朝外奔去。 Sees embarrassed and helplessness of Lu Song, Shu Xiaoyu exciting over the face is suddenly red, makes a fist secretly. 看到吕宋的窘迫和无奈,舒小语忽然兴奋的满面通红,暗暗握拳。 Insult and Chao Feng/taunting that before received, in this moment, as if all. Looked to look at Yang Kai one grateful. 之前受到的侮辱和嘲讽,在这一刻,似乎全都还回去了。不禁面露感激地看了杨开一眼。 Outside transmits the shouting of Lu Song: I do not walk, I lead the person also to bring the commodity to participate in Fight for Succession, unexpectedly also some people catch up with me outward, he catches up with me to walk today, I will hold tomorrow this matter, I looked, also who dares to turn to him!” 外面传来吕宋的叫嚷:“我不走,我带人又带物资来参加夺嫡之战,居然还有人把我往外赶,他今天赶我走,我明天就把这事捅出去,我看以后还有谁敢来投靠他!” In the side hall, Qiu Yimeng shakes the head, secret forced smile, if not for the performance of this Lu Family Young Master extremely cannot withstand, Miss Qiu where so will be cruel, pushes aside him? How Lu Family said again is also Qiu Family one supports, has ties of kinship, if there is a little possibility, Qiu Yimeng also being glad makes Lu Song stay here very much. 偏殿内,秋忆梦摇头不已,暗暗苦笑,若不是这位吕家少爷的表现太过不堪,秋大小姐哪里会这么阴损,把他排挤出去?吕家再怎么说也是秋家一手扶持起来,彼此之间还沾亲带故,如果有那么一点可能,秋忆梦也很乐意让吕宋留在这里。 Listens to him to speak unexpectedly the threat, Qiu Yimeng somewhat rejoiced, the decision of own is correct, now catches up with him to walk, but makes him disgraced, if makes him remain, perhaps which day of Yang Kai gave to kill him. 听他居然出言威胁,秋忆梦不禁有些庆幸,自己的决定是正确的,现在赶他走,只是让他丢人,要是让他留下来,说不定哪一天杨开就把他给杀了。 „Did you instigate him?” Yang Kai has the profound meaning to look at Qiu Yimeng greatly, Lu Song, although idiot a point, without Qiu Yimeng supports to him, he dares is so dissolute in front of own absolutely not. “你怂恿他了?”杨开大有深意地望着秋忆梦,吕宋虽然白痴了一点,但如果没有秋忆梦给他撑腰,他断不敢在自己面前这么放肆。 He was supercilious a moment ago, unscrupulous, clearly is when own greeted Chen Xueshu and Shu Xiaoyu, Qiu Yimeng gave him to suggest. 刚才他那么目中无人,肆无忌惮,分明是在自己去迎接陈学书舒小语的时候,秋忆梦给了他一些暗示。 Em, said one casually.” The Qiu Yimeng light nod, „isn't this good? I thought that you had not wanted to leave behind his meaning.” “恩,随便说了一句。”秋忆梦淡淡点头,“这样不好么?我看你本来也没有想要留下他的意思。” Em, I do not want to leave behind him, but he brought a number of things, catches up with the words of person is not quite good.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile. “恩,我是没想留下他,但他好歹带了一批东西,赶人的话又不太好。”杨开微微一笑。 Therefore, you must thank me are.” The Qiu Yimeng beautiful pupil is graceful, claims credit forthrightly. “所以啊,你要谢谢我才是。”秋忆梦美眸盈盈,毫不避讳地居功起来。 With Yang Kai, she may not have the polite idea, this man is too strong, if own is weak, will only lead by the nose by him for a lifetime. 杨开,她可没有客气的想法,这个男人太强势,自己如果软弱的话,只会一辈子被他牵着鼻子走。 Yang Kai feigns has not heard, but looked that said to Chen Xueshu: Brother Chen, making you suffer hardships.” 杨开佯装没听到,只是看向陈学书道:“陈兄,让你受苦了。” Chen Xueshu flexure scratched the head, from a moment ago Yang Kai and Qiu Yimeng's few words, he also understood some meanings, as if this time aims at the trap of that person. 陈学书挠了挠头,从刚才杨开秋忆梦的三言两语,他也听懂了一些意思,似乎这一次是针对那个人的陷阱。 But own, happen to caught up. 自己,正好赶上了。 Pours has not cared, but said with a smile: Can strive for Junior Brother Yang. Chen was said several have anything, does not lose!” 倒也没在意,只是笑道:“能为杨师弟出力。陈某被说几句又有什么,也不掉块肉!” The knitting the brows head, Chen Xueshu said: Like this drives out him, is not quite possibly good to your reputation.” 皱了皱眉头,陈学书道:“只是这样将他赶出去,对你的名声可能不太好。” Indifferent of Yang Kai face: Leaving behind him is the terrible business, this person too on did not say, even now does not get up with you contradictory, later must present the contradiction with others. Grain of mouse excrement can shattering a hopeless mess, I not allow to have the this kind of matter, cut the gordian knot many. You had not looked that Qiu Yimeng this cousins don't want to manage him?” 杨开一脸的无所谓:“留下他才是麻烦事,这个人太不上道,就算现在不跟你起矛盾,以后也要跟其他人出现矛盾。一粒老鼠屎能坏掉一锅粥,我是不允许发生这样的事,快刀斩乱麻好些。你没看秋忆梦这个表姐都不想管他么?” Qiu Yimeng curls the lip: Do not run on a bank me. Said me to seem like what be extremely venomous female, you drive away him, I must explain one to Lu Liang. Yeah...... hopes that Lu Liang understands my difficulties, whom he sends to come not well, how to send this person.” 秋忆梦撇撇嘴:“别挤兑我。说得我象是什么蛇蝎心肠女子,你把他赶走,我还要跟吕梁解释一声。哎……希望吕梁明白我的苦衷吧,他派谁来不好,怎么偏偏派这个人。” Detected that Qiu Yimeng's is awkward, the people are silent. 察觉到秋忆梦的为难,众人都沉默下来。 At this time, outside transmitted the fluctuations of some strengths suddenly, once in a while is mixing with several stuffily. 就在这时候,外面忽然传来了一些力量的波动,间或夹杂着几声闷哼。 People simultaneous complexion changes, does not know why has the fight to happen, Yang Kai is rapid lets loose Divine Consciousness, quick, the look is calm. Looks at Qiu Yimeng saying: I rejoice that now very much you thought the means expelling Lu Song.” 众人齐齐面色一变,不知道为什么有战斗发生,杨开更是迅速将神识放开,很快,神色镇定下来。望着秋忆梦道:“我现在就很庆幸你想办法把吕宋给赶走了。” What did outside have?” The Qiu Yimeng startled sound inquired. “外面发生什么了?”秋忆梦惊声询问。 Others are also puzzled. 其他人也是一脸疑惑。 He annoyed should not the person annoying!” Yang Kai sneers, does not have the eyesight to this, really has only self to blame.” “他惹上了不该惹的人!”杨开冷笑一声,“没眼力到这份上,真是咎由自取。” During the speeches, outside fight has subsided, Lu Song miserable spreads to the people ear howlingly. Is listening appallingly, is afraid. 说话间,外面的战斗已经平息下来,吕宋的一阵惨嚎传入众人耳中。听着让人毛骨悚然,不寒而栗。 What's the matter?” Qiu Yimeng was anxious, outside cannot bear some want to have a look at the situation. “到底怎么回事啊?”秋忆梦急死了,忍不住有些想去外面看看情况。 ***, Dares to have father's idea unexpectedly!” A crass sound passed from outside, after the moment, Huo Xingchen face annoyed walked. Scolded while said: „Who father is, does not sharpen vigilance to have a look, the courage is really big enough.” “***,居然敢打老子的主意!”一个骂骂咧咧的声音从外面传了进来,片刻后,霍星辰一脸恼火地走了进来。一边骂一边道:“老子是什么人,也不擦亮眼睛看看,胆子真够大的。” After coming , the speaker shouted: Hey Yang Kai, a moment ago boy what's the matter? How one saw that I can snatch my thing?” 进来之后,扬声喊到:“喂杨开,刚才那小子怎么回事?怎么一见到我就要抢我东西?” What snatched your?” Yang Kai stunned, his Divine Consciousness only noses to arrive at the general situation, specifically how not really clear. “抢你什么了?”杨开愕然,他的神识只查探到大概的情况,具体如何也不甚清楚 Father's treasure!” Huo Xingchen wields the hand, lifts!” “老子的宝贝!”霍星辰把手一挥,“抬进来!” Immediately then one group of people, lift several boxes to walk, places the ground. 立刻便有一群人,抬了几口箱子走进来,放在地上。 Both hands pinch the waist, Huo Xingchen were saying: Is these, the boy wants to snatch my, does not know that sends what insanity!” 双手掐着腰,霍星辰道:“就是这些,那小子想抢我的,也不知道发什么疯!” Helpless Qiu Yimeng, quickly asked: You him how?” 秋忆梦无奈至极,急忙问道:“你把他怎么了?” Breaks several ribs, lost.” A Huo Xingchen face replied indifferently. “打断几根肋骨,丢出去了。”霍星辰一脸无所谓地答道。 hears word, Qiu Yimeng puts down the heart, looks at each other one with Yang Kai, somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. 闻言,秋忆梦不禁放下心,和杨开对视一眼,都有些哭笑不得。 Lu Song was in the heart not branch is caught up probably and did not have the commodity, happen to bumped into the Huo Xingchen belt/bring thing to come, then wants to snatch one to make up for the loss, his side had two Divine Movement Boundary 7-layer, the Huo Xingchen side only then two Divine Movement Boundary 5-layer, in the relative strength clearly were he has the advantage. 吕宋大概是心中不岔被赶出来又没了物资,正好碰到霍星辰带东西过来,便想抢一把弥补损失,他身边有两个神游境七层,霍星辰身边只有两个神游境五层,实力对比上分明是他占据优势。 didn't expect this two Divine Movement Boundary 5-layer, is not general Divine Movement Boundary, fighting later detected that is improper late. 没想到两位神游境五层,不是一般的神游境,交手之后察觉不妥已经迟了。 Is good does not want to slaughter in Yang Kai Mansion because of Huo Xingchen, otherwise Lu Song this life is ironclad confessed. 好在霍星辰也没想在杨开府上大开杀戒,要不然吕宋这条命铁定得交代。 Listened to Qiu Yimeng to explain simply, Huo Xingchen was suddenly enlighted: Originally that is your younger male cousin, luckily under me handles gently, otherwise also really killed, how Qiu Yimeng do you have the younger male cousin who cannot withstand?” 秋忆梦简单地解释了一番,霍星辰才恍然大悟:“原来那是你表弟啊,幸亏我下手轻,要不然还真打死了,秋忆梦你怎么有这么不堪的表弟?” First did not say me, did you disappear actually last night suddenly, to do what?” Qiu Yimeng asked one. “先不说我,倒是你昨夜忽然消失,干什么去了?”秋忆梦反问一句。 The Huo Xingchen look somewhat is awkward, speaks haltingly saying: Went home to ask the father to ask a thing and person comes.” 霍星辰神色不禁有些尴尬,嗫嚅道:“回家找老爹求了点东西和人过来。” „Did your father mix in the clan to you unexpectedly Expert?” Qiu Yimeng hears the word great happiness, has the Huo Family new force to join, Yang Kai here strength will increase surely. “你爹居然给你调配族内高手了?”秋忆梦闻言大喜,有霍家的生力军加入,杨开这边的力量定会大增。 Does not give is not good.” Huo Xingchen is embarrassed extremely, is not willing to explain are too many, arrives by that several boxes to open, shouted to Yang Kai: Has a look, a box Pill Refining material, a box Item Refining material, at least is the Heaven Grade scale, minority Mystery Grade, box end product medicine pill, the healing practice static god restores, includes in this, box Secret Treasure, em, although the scale was bad, was Earth Grade, but the good and evil can also arm some troops, several can take acts.” “不给也不行啊。”霍星辰窘迫万分,也不愿解释太多,走到那几口箱子旁打开,对杨开喝道:“看看,一箱子炼丹材料,一箱子炼器材料,最起码都是天级档次,少数玄级的,一箱子成品丹药,疗伤修炼静神恢复,囊括于此,一箱子秘宝,恩,虽然档次差了点,都是地级的,但好歹也能武装些人马吧,其中也有几件能拿得出手。” Then, looks at Yang Kai powerfully, the speaker is asking: Four box things, with this Young Master, your own elect, to want anything.” 说完,威风凛凛地望着杨开,扬声问道:“四箱子东西,和本少爷,你自己选,要什么。” < <. <<。
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