MP :: Volume #5

#437: Streaming in

Luo Xiaoman and Qiu Yimeng's situation somewhat is quite similar, two people is the daughter body, the status in the respective influence is not low, because is the daughter body, therefore every so often seems very helpless. 骆小曼秋忆梦的处境颇有些相似,两人都是女儿身,在各自的势力中身份不低,但就因为是女儿身,所以很多时候显得很无奈。 I know in heart.” Yang Kai nods gently, goes out to greet under together.” “我心里有数。”杨开轻轻点头,“一起出去迎接下吧。” Listened to him saying that Qiu Yimeng beamed from ear to ear immediately: Calculates your also a little conscience.” 听他这么说,秋忆梦顿时笑逐颜开:“算你还有点良心。” Stands up, Yang Kai gets one group of people to walk outward. Before Qiu Yimeng just before leaving, then urged Lu Song one: You first wait a bit the moment here, I arrange you later.” 站起身,杨开领着一群人朝外走去。秋忆梦临行之前回头叮嘱吕宋一声:“你们先在这里稍等片刻,我待会来安排你们。” Lu Song nods indifferently, in the heart has a despised feeling, after all he came a moment ago time, Yang Kai may not have to go out to welcome. 吕宋漠然点头,心中不禁生出一种被轻视的感觉,毕竟刚才他来的时候,杨开可没这么出去欢迎。 Outside Mansion, Ziwei Valley one group are headed by Luo Xiaoman, calmly is waiting. 府邸外,紫薇谷一行人以骆小曼为首,正在静静地等待着。 After the moment, Yang Kai and Qiu Yimeng go out together, behind follows Dong Qinghan and Lan Chudie. 片刻后,杨开秋忆梦一起走出,身后跟着董轻寒蓝初蝶 Elder Sister Qiu!” Luo Xiaoman sees Qiu Yimeng, shouted joyfully, takes a step on the strategic place, if by any chance she sees Yang Kai after side, lived in the step immediately, the neck shrinks, becomes timid. 秋姐姐!”骆小曼一看到秋忆梦,欣喜地喊了一声,迈步就要冲上来,但等她见到杨开就在旁边之后,立马顿住了步伐,脖子一缩,变得胆怯至极。 Fears about Yang Kai's, has penetrated her soul. Also does not know how to do, so long as in any case sees Yang Kai this person, so long as even remembers this person, Luo Xiaoman fears. 杨开的恐惧,已经深入到了她的灵魂。也不知怎么搞的,反正只要见到杨开这个人,甚至只要想起这个人,骆小曼就怕得不行。 If not for this time for with Qiu Yimeng in the same place, where her has the guts to choose to stand this side Yang Kai. 这一次若不是为了与秋忆梦在一起,她哪有胆量选择站到杨开这一边。 Xiaoman.” Qiu Yimeng knows her to be timid, walked to hold on her hand hastily, good comforting. 小曼。”秋忆梦知道她胆子小,连忙走上来拉住了她的手,好一阵安抚。 Yang Kai is looking at her one eyes with a smile, looked to follow in Dong Qinghan behind Lan Chudie. Discovery these two female have something in common impressively. 杨开笑吟吟地望着她一眼,又看了看跟在董轻寒身后蓝初蝶。赫然发现这两个女子有一个共同之处。 That then has a pair of proud milk-white bosom, two female are long is not big, even is it can be said that delicate and exquisite, but the capital of that chest front is actually abundant exceptionally. 那便是都拥有一双傲人的酥胸,两个女子长得都不算高大,甚至可以说是娇小玲珑,可偏偏那胸前的资本却是雄厚异常。 Looked at two, Yang Kai thought immediately two ill omen raided, some dizziness vertigos. 看了两眼,杨开顿时觉得两股凶兆袭来,不禁有些头晕眼花。 Lan Chudie the vision income eyeground of his unscrupulous, the cheek is somewhat red. 蓝初蝶将他那肆无忌惮的目光收入眼底,脸蛋有些红。 Ziwei Valley Fan Hong. Has seen Young Master Kai!” In the Ziwei Valley crowd, walks a youth, the surface holds the fist in the other hand to greet including the smile. 紫薇谷范鸿。见过开公子!”紫薇谷的人群中,走出来一个青年,面含微笑地抱拳打招呼。 Brother Fan is not a bystander. Did not need to look on as an outsider.” Yang Kai Hehe is smiling. 范兄不是外人。不用见外了。”杨开呵呵笑着。 Fan Hong forced smile: Previous time in High Heaven Pavilion , if there is place of offending, but also asked Young Master Kai do not mind, Fan Hong did not accompany to you in this.” 范鸿苦笑:“上次在凌霄阁若有得罪之处,还请开公子不要介意,范鸿在此给你陪不是了。” Yang Kai's eye flashes flashes. The attitude also becomes compatible, smiles: Brother Fan can help me, is my being honored, the beforehand matter is as transient as fleeting clouds, has forgotten cleanly.” 杨开的目光闪了闪。态度也变得亲和许多,爽朗一笑:“范兄能来帮我,是我的荣幸,以前的事都是过眼云烟,早就忘得一干二净。” Previous time in High Heaven Pavilion, Dong Family Dong Qinghan, Bai Family Bai Yunfeng, domineering digs the person with Ziwei Valley the Fan Hong three people from Sect together, afterward met Yang Kai, knows in his hand to have one set of Mystery Grade Martial Skills. Quite is excited, opens the pricetag to want from Yang Kai that to buy respectively Mystery Grade Martial Skills. 上次在凌霄阁内,董家董轻寒,白家白云风,和紫薇谷的这个范鸿三人一道强势从宗门里挖人,后来遇到杨开,得知他手上有一套玄级武技。都比较心动,各开价码想从杨开那将玄级武技买回来。 Dong Qinghan knows the Yang Kai's details, Bai Yunfeng not clear, Yang Kai offending, Bai Yunfeng died in Grey Cloud Evil Land Spider Mother Lair finally. 董轻寒知道杨开的底细,白云风不清楚,把杨开给得罪了,最后白云风死在苍云邪地蛛母巢穴内。 At that time Fan Hong to the Yang Kai's attitude, although said not good. But has not at least looked like Bai Yunfeng to bully like that idea that therefore Yang Kai do not bear a grudge. 当时范鸿杨开的态度虽然说不上好。可至少没有象白云风那般仗势欺人,所以杨开也没有要记仇的想法。 Listened to him saying that Fan Hong was happy immediately, on the mouth expressed gratitude to continue. 听他这么说,范鸿顿时喜形于色,口上道谢不止。 Goes to drink tea, drinks while said.” Yang Kai warm greeting. “进去喝茶吧,边喝边说。”杨开热情招呼。 The person who Ziwei Valley this time comes are not many, are not few. In the strength is almost the same as the person who Lu Family brings, since Fight for Succession is the stage of younger generation, these people naturally are only Fan Hong and Luo Xiaoman follow the lead. 紫薇谷这次来的人不多,也不算少。与吕家带来的人在实力上相差无几,夺嫡之战既然是年轻一代的舞台,这些人自然是唯范鸿骆小曼马首是瞻。 However Luo Xiaoman and Qiu Yimeng are always always together, Yang Kai was supposing Ziwei Valley person, obeys the order of Luo Xiaoman probably, then, was equal to obeying Qiu Yimeng's to mix. 不过骆小曼秋忆梦向来形影不离,杨开估摸着紫薇谷的人,大概是听从骆小曼的命令,如此一来,就等于是听从秋忆梦的调配了。 Also can become the own helper truly! The Yang Kai thoughts rotation, locates in the heart the Ziwei Valley troops. 也可以真正地成为自己的帮手!杨开心思转动,将紫薇谷的人马在心中定位下来。 Arrives at the side hall, Yang Kai 11 introduced Young Masters and Ladies of various influence, the people exchanged greetings, this took a seat. 来到偏殿,杨开将诸势力的公子小姐们一一介绍,众人寒暄而过,这才落座。 The Lu Song complexion is not good, what sees Yang Kai to go out to greet is Luo Xiaoman, immediately in the eye an understanding clearly look appears, in the heart the anger also abated much, since old times the heroic beauty-loving person, this kind of young female turned, Yang Kai will go out to greet on own initiative indisputable but actually. 吕宋的脸色本来不是太好,但一见杨开出去迎接的是骆小曼,顿时眼中一片了然的神色浮现出来,心中怒火也消退了不少,自古英雄爱美人,这样的少女来投靠,杨开会主动出去迎接倒也无可厚非。 Pair of shifty eyes past to keep on Luo Xiaoman and Lan Chudie, in the heart is intent moves greatly, which capital compares more abundant secretly. 一双贼眼在骆小曼蓝初蝶身上流转不停,心中大为意动,暗暗比较哪个资本更雄厚些。 Luo Xiaoman is also bizarre young female, but, since went to Grey Cloud Evil Land, the personality changes, the courage must be smaller than the mouse, stared by Lu Song back and forth, immediately some hearts were on nettles, cannot bear hid hiding toward Qiu Yimeng side, was Lan Chudie, the graceful bearing stands side Dong Qinghan on the contrary remarkably, a pair of beautiful pupil instead stared, did not fear, in corners of the mouth with a smile holds wipes ice-cold. 骆小曼本来也是个古灵精怪少女,可自从去了一趟苍云邪地之后,性情大变,胆子比老鼠还要小,被吕宋这么来回一盯,顿时有些心头惴惴不安,忍不住往秋忆梦身边躲了躲,反倒是蓝初蝶,风姿卓越地站在董轻寒身边,一双美眸反盯回去,丝毫不惧,笑吟吟的嘴角中含着一抹冰冷。 Lu Song restrains immediately much. 吕宋顿时收敛不少。 Although Yang Kai exchanged greetings the speech with Fan Hong and Dong Qinghan, actually also in everyone's the manner income eyeground the side hall, detected that the awkwardness of Lu Song, in the heart sneered. 杨开虽然在与范鸿董轻寒寒暄说话,却也将偏殿中所有人的神态收入眼底,察觉到吕宋的尴尬,不禁心中一阵冷笑。 Senior Sister Lan this person exactly is affable, her itself is a domineering person, where will be profited had not expressed? 蓝师姐这个人可不是好惹的,她本就是个强势的人,哪里会被人占了便宜还没表示? Had not said several words, Xiang Tianxiao this running about unexpectedly walked. 还没说上几句话,向天笑这个跑腿的居然又走了进来。 Does not wait for him to speak, Yang Kai asked: Which is?” 不等他说话,杨开就发问了:“又是哪家?” Only has young men and women, the strength probably in True Yuan Stage 7-layer about.” Xiang Tianxiao replied meticulously, said that was Young Kai your old knowledge, named Chen Xueshu, named Shu Xiaoyu.” “只有一对年轻男女,实力大概在真元境七层左右。”向天笑一丝不苟地答道,“说是开少你的旧识,一个叫陈学书,一个叫舒小语。” They?” Yang Kai is surprised. “他们?”杨开一脸惊讶。 „Did you know?” Qiu Yimeng astonished inquiry. “你认识?”秋忆梦讶然询问。 Em, understanding.” The Yang Kai corners of the mouth appear to wipe the smile, has outside informed and experienced time a time knew that a pair of lover Senior Brother younger sister, comes Shining Moon Sect.” “恩,认识。”杨开嘴角浮现出一抹微笑,“有一次在外历练的时候认识的,一对情侣师兄妹,出身映月门。” Shining Moon Sect......” Qiu Yimeng knits the brows, „, if I have not remembered incorrectly, this Shining Moon Sect should be only second-rate Sect.” 映月门……”秋忆梦皱了皱眉,“如果我没记错的话,这个映月门应该只是二等宗门。” Is second-rate Sect.” Yang Kai nods. “是二等宗门。”杨开点点头。 Xiang Tianxiao also said: Young Kai, they are only two people come, as if no Expert to accompany, how do you look make?” 向天笑又道:“开少,他们只是两个人前来,似乎也没有高手随行,你看怎么弄?” Only has young martial artist of two strengths about in True Yuan Stage 7-layer, is basic the function in Fight for Succession. To participate in Fight for Succession, the world major influences has a group of troops to come either the assistance, either sets out the commodity, is impossible only to send two strength mean young people to help out. 只有两个实力在真元境七层左右的年轻武者,在夺嫡之战中根本起不到作用。想要参与到夺嫡之战,天下各大势力要么出一批人马过来协助,要么是出动物资,根本不可能只派两个实力低微的年轻人助阵 Xiang Tianxiao asked, obviously is thinks Chen Xueshu and Shu Xiaoyu two people want to recognize as the excuse to climb up Yang Kai this big tree old, he quite somewhat looks down upon this climbing relations the person who attempts to engage in speculation. 向天笑这么问,显然是以为陈学书舒小语二人想以旧识为借口来攀上杨开这颗大树,他颇有些瞧不起这种攀关系企图投机倒把的人。 Yang Kai, even if old knowledge, if harbors evil intentions, you should know how to reject.” As the cousin, Dong Qinghan thought that own has the duty to remind his one. 杨开,就算是旧识,如果居心不良的话,你应该知道怎么拒绝。”身为表哥,董轻寒觉得自己有义务提醒他一句。 If really did that will only make other belt/bring people also bring the ally that the commodity turns to be disappointed, after all after Fight for Succession victory, this Shining Moon Sect must slice. 真要是这么做了,只会让其他带人又带物资来投靠的盟友寒心,毕竟夺嫡之战胜利后,这个映月门也是要分一杯羹的。 However if they help wholeheartedly, then the person are even few, the strength lowly still no, the good and evil is also their intentions. 不过他们如果是真心实意来帮忙,那么就算人少,实力低也没什么,好歹也是他们的心意。 They cannot.” Yang Kai shakes the head, sets out to reorganize under the clothing, you under and others, my own goes out to greet.” “他们不会的。”杨开摇了摇头,起身整理了下衣衫,“你们等下,我自己出去迎接。” The Qiu Yimeng look is startled, does not know why Yang Kai when treating a second-rate Sect person will treat a matter seriously, even if greeted the Ziwei Valley person a moment ago, he is not so happy. 秋忆梦神色一怔,不知道杨开为什么在对待一个二等宗门的人时会这么郑重其事,就算是刚才迎接紫薇谷的人,他也没这么开心。 Looking pensive, Qiu Yimeng chuckle. 若有所思,秋忆梦轻笑一声。 Turned head to look at Lu Song, discovered that this Lu Family Young Master complexion has become is quite unattractive. 扭头看了看吕宋,发现这位吕家少爷面色已经变得相当不好看了。 Knitting the brows head, Qiu Yimeng knows that he is because the Yang Kai's difference treats to have resentful, the secret sigh, the Lu Liang this faction own son participates in Fight for Succession, perhaps wants the misdemeanor. 皱了皱眉头,秋忆梦知道他是因为杨开的区别对待心存愤懑,不禁暗暗叹息不已,吕梁这次派自己的儿子来参与夺嫡之战,恐怕是要坏事。 Qiu Yimeng are not many with this Lu Family Young Master contact, before does not know that he is what character, but now looks like, this younger male cousin is insufficient the important matter. 秋忆梦与这位吕家少爷交往不多,以前也不知道他是什么性格,可现在看来,这个表弟不足以成大事。 Suddenly smiles, opens the mouth saying: Lu Song, do not think, since that two people is the Yang Kai understanding, he goes out to greet also no. Later waited for them to come, ran on to send them and that's the end, only second-rate Sect person, feared that did not have the qualifications to treat here.” 忽然莞尔一笑,开口道:“吕宋,你也别多想,那两人既然是杨开认识的,他出去迎接也没什么。待会等他们进来了,将他们挤兑打发走就是了,区区一个二等宗门的人,怕是没资格待在这里。” Some Dong Qinghan surprise looked at Qiu Yimeng one, as if didn't expect this Miss Qiu tolerance is so small, unexpectedly is hard to be tolerant of others. 董轻寒不禁有些诧异地望了秋忆梦一眼,似乎没想到这位秋大小姐肚量这么小,居然难以容人。 Lu Song in secret annoyed, one hear of Qiu Yimeng is saying, immediately is happy, thinks Qiu Yimeng is supporting to him, the nod said hastily: What cousin said that which presents not to come the First Grade influence? That Shining Moon Sect is but actually interesting, trivial second-rate Sect, only sent two people to participate in Fight for Succession unexpectedly, laughable, I must have a look later but actually, they had what face to continue to remain.” 吕宋正在暗暗恼火,一听秋忆梦这么说,顿时喜形于色,以为秋忆梦在给他撑腰,连忙点头道:“表姐说的是,在座各位哪一个不是出身一等势力?那个映月门倒有意思,区区二等宗门,居然只派了两个人就想参与夺嫡之战,可笑至极,待会我倒要看看,他们有什么脸面继续留下来。” The Qiu Yimeng smile nods, no longer said. Resulted in encouragement of her look, Lu Song was somewhat ready to fight immediately, only waited for that Chen Xueshu and Shu Xiaoyu two people came in then to them a demonstration of authority. 秋忆梦微笑颔首,不再多说。得了她眼神的鼓励,吕宋顿时有些摩拳擦掌,只等那陈学书舒小语二人进来便给他们一个下马威。 Outside Mansion, a man and a woman two young people are waiting for anxiously, wait. 府邸外,一男一女两个年轻人正焦急等待,翘首以盼。 Shu Xiaoyu is looking at inside, waited not to see the Yang Kai's trace for a long time, jue drew out the mouth, said: Senior Brother, you said that Yang Kai is this Yang Kai? How did we report the name also no one to manage us?” 舒小语望着里面,等了许久也不见杨开的踪影,不禁噘起嘴巴,道:“师兄,你说那个杨开是不是这个杨开?怎么我们报上姓名也没人管我们呀?” Chen Xueshu hears word smiles bitterly: You asked how could it not be this saying was asking the wrong person, where I know that this Brother Yang was other Brother Yang? On this day under big, the person of same surname of the same name were many.” 陈学书闻言苦笑一声:“你问这话岂不是问错人了,我哪里知道此杨兄是不是彼杨兄?这天下之大,同名同姓的人多了去。” „......” Shu Xiaoyu somewhat loses, „, if here Yang Kai is not that we know, we ran over to go for shelter by him are rejected, must lose face.” “啊……”舒小语不禁有些失落,“如果这里的杨开不是我们认识的那个,那我们跑过来投奔被他拒绝了,得多丢脸啊。” Lost face then lost face, the master had not wanted to participate in this time Fight for Succession, our Shining Moon Sect was only a second-rate influence, the capital is not strong, participates not to fish what advantage, because heard that here had Yang Kai, the master permits us to participate. If here person is not that we know, rejected on the contrary is the good deed, we happen to can go home , the trouble of province.” “丢脸便丢脸了,师傅本来也没想要参与这一次夺嫡之战,我们映月门只是个二等势力,资本不强,参与进来也捞不到什么好处,只是因为听说这里有个杨开,师傅才准予我们参与的。如果这里的人不是我们认识的那个,拒绝了反倒是好事,我们正好可以打道回府,也省的麻烦。” I thought that he is!” Shu Xiaoyu affirms suddenly, you still remember he performance in remote, Heavenly Wolf Country that several people was given running around in circles that plays by him, our lives are he rescue, except for Yang Family, perhaps also has no influence able to train such person.” “我觉得他就是!”舒小语忽然肯定下来,“你还记得他在异地中的表现么,天狼国那几个人被他给玩的团团转,我们大家的性命都是他救下来的,除了中都杨家,恐怕也没哪个势力能培养出那样的人。” Recalls in remote all sorts of experiences, Chen Xueshu is also the forced smile constantly, if not for that time has Yang Kai, Great Han/big person that crowd of martial artist only feared that will be annihilated, does not remain. 回想起异地中种种经历,陈学书也是苦笑不迭,那一次若不是有个杨开,大汉的那群武者只怕是会全军覆没,一个不剩。 Is and is not, will wait to be clear.” rs “是与不是,等会就见分晓了。”rs
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