MP :: Volume #35

#3474: The universe transfers

Beyond dozens li (0.5 km), the Bo Ya breathing rapidly, is pale, the milk-white bosom fluctuates rapidly, shakes the hand of vigor bow to shiver slightly. 几十里外,波雅呼吸急促,脸色苍白,酥胸急速起伏,握着劲弓的手都在微微颤抖。 Just now that round of quick firing was she used this clan Secret Technique, but was, otherwise could not achieve such effect, but the price of paying was Demon Yuan completely goes to 30%, in other words, a moment ago such archery, even she still can only display three times in the heyday, later then met the strength to use up. 方才那一轮急射乃是她动用了本族秘术而为,若不然也达不到那样的效果,而付出的代价便是一身魔元尽去30%,换句话说,刚才那样的箭术,即便是她在全盛时期也只能施展三次,随后便会力竭。 The price is big, the result satisfies people quite. 代价不小,结局却让人颇为满意。 Assumed personal command dead in that side high-rank Demon King, although the remaining population were many, was actually hard to turn out what spray in front of Yang Kai again, the encirclement ring of this place had opened a gap, no matter later fought escapes, Cloud Shadow had the choice. 坐镇在那边的上品魔王已经身亡,剩下的人数虽然不少,却难以在杨开面前再翻出什么浪花了,此地的包围圈已经打开了一道缺口,随后不管是战是逃,云影这边都有选择的余地。 Suddenly discovered, going for shelter under Yang Kai is also the good choice, by space divine ability of this fellow, coordinates the own exquisite archery, without protection high-rank Demon King they completely may kill it, beforehand Blood Battlefield time is so, but today fights the coordination of two people more adept. 忽然发现,投奔在杨开麾下也算是不错的选择,凭借这个家伙的空间神通,配合自己的精妙箭术,没有防备的上品魔王他们尽可杀之,之前的血斗场的时候就是如此,而今日一战两人的配合更加娴熟了。 took a deep breath, Bo Ya received the vigor bow, both hands gripped together high-rank Demon Crystal respectively, strength that restored to consume as far as possible, although broke a Blue Source ambush point unexpectedly, but two, gate that side another six high-rank Demon King assumed personal command let alone, today is a fierce battle, the opportunity that this time any point restored she is not then willing to miss surely. 深深地吸了口气,波雅收起了劲弓,双手各握住一块上品魔晶,尽可能地恢复消耗掉的力量,虽然出其不意破了篮原这边的一个埋伏点,但还有两个呢,更何况界门那边另有六位上品魔王坐镇,今日接下来必定是一场恶战,这个时候任何一点恢复的机会她都不愿错过。 But in this time, she hears another side to transmit a fierce sound suddenly, making her doubt focus attention on toward that side. 而就在这个时候,她忽然听到另一侧传来一声剧烈的响动,让她狐疑地朝那边瞩目。 Sees only that side beyond hundred li (0.5 km) to seem the shocking war to erupt, rays of light twinkling is uncertain, the person's shadow flutters. 只见那边百里之外似有惊天大战爆发,光芒闪烁不定,人影翻飞。 That is the position that Blue Source Continent another ambush institute is, was Laoke Heyin comes? The speed is actually very fast, by this two energy jointly, supplements with the strength that Cloud Shadow has now again, can solve that side trouble actually. 那是蓝原大陆的另一个埋伏点所在的方位,是劳克和音过来了么?速度倒是挺快的,以这两位联手之能,再辅以云影如今拥有的力量,倒是可以解决那边的麻烦。 Uses the pupil technique carefully to look subconsciously toward that side, sees to see, making her be startled. 下意识地施展瞳术朝那边仔细看去,入目所见,让她不禁怔住。 Some that because that side scene and she imagines are not quite same, Laoke Heyin and even Cloud Shadow Demon Race disappears radically, several feet high stone giant gives full play of power and strength in that side on the contrary, this stone giant whole body braves the raging flame, was covered with the sharp hangnail, does not know that it displayed what ingenious method divine ability, under the Bo Ya pupil technique waits and sees, a that side surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) place, has 1-layer not to have shadow invisible Domain to cover. 因为那边的情景与她想象的有些不太一样,劳克和音乃至云影魔族根本不见踪影,反倒是有一尊十几丈高的石巨人在那边大发神威,这石巨人浑身冒着熊熊烈火,长满了尖锐倒刺,也不知它到底施展了什么妙法神通,在波雅瞳术观望之下,那边方圆十里之地,有一层无影无形的领域笼罩。 In being in this Domain covers Demon Race within range, is unable to control own blood essence unexpectedly, has the dark red aura escape from the body surface pore place unceasingly, toward that stone giant gathering in the past, that unusual Domain, had to swallow the energy of myriad things unexpectedly. 在处于这个领域笼罩范围内的魔族,竟都是无法控制自身的精血,从体表毛孔处不断地有殷红气息飞逸而出,朝那石巨人汇聚过去,那奇特的领域,竟有吞噬万物之能。 That stone giant was one and existence of powerful even terrifying, Bo Ya sees with one's own eyes it to pat without doubt conveniently cranked up ashes middle-rank Demon King, all blood essence energies were swallowed by that stone giant completely, only have some residuals to sprinkle. 那石巨人无疑是一尊及其强大甚至恐怖的存在,波雅亲眼看到它随手一拍就将一个中品魔王拍成了齑粉,所有的精血能量都被那石巨人吞噬殆尽,只剩下一些残渣洒落。 That side also has high-rank Demon King to assume personal command, but obviously is not the opponent of this stone giant, confrontation several breaths then fall thoroughly leeward, is fortunate enough to save the life from the guard. 那边同样有一个上品魔王坐镇,但明显不是这石巨人的对手,交锋不过几息便彻底落入下风,幸得部从护卫才保全性命。 Where does this fellow brave? How good skillful unfortunately is awkward in this time and Blue Source Demon Race. 这家伙哪里冒出来的?怎么好巧不巧地在这个时候篮原魔族为难。 Bo Ya felt faintly this stone giant should be Yang Kai's handiwork, but does not want to understand how it appears, how also to be close to that side quietly, unexpectedly launches an attack in similar time and Yang Kai together, causing Blue Source two ambush almost to paralyze. 波雅隐隐感觉这个石巨人应该是杨开的手笔,但始终没想明白它到底是如何出现,又如何悄无声息地接近那边,竟是在差不多的时间杨开一同发难,导致篮原这边的两处埋伏点几近瘫痪。 Receives one that comes to see to arrive at to make her even more determine that this stone giant is Lane Yang Kai comes out, because the existence body under that side Demon Race Demon King unexpectedly rapid dry, first is some Demon Commander, under swallowing of that invisible Domain, the body quickly changes is very withered, again is Demon Chief Commander...... 接下来看到的一幕让她愈发确定这石巨人是杨开出来的了,因为那边的魔族魔王之下的存在身体居然迅速干涸,首先是一些魔将,在那无形领域的吞噬之下,身体很快变干瘪,再然后是魔帅…… This made Bo Ya think that also hung in the Lie Kuang corpse that Mansion was higher, with sees at this moment at present unexpectedly is so similar. 这让波雅想到了那还挂在府邸高出的列狂的尸体,与此刻眼前所见竟是如此相似。 So that's how it is! 原来如此! That night Lie Kuang Yang Kai in extremely short time will cut to kill, originally is the merit of this stone giant, was it swallowed Lie Kuang Yuan Essence blood energy, making Lie Kuang turn into a dry corpse, died with injustice unredressed. 那一夜列狂之所以会在极短的时间杨开斩杀,原来是这个石巨人的功劳,是它吞噬了列狂一身精元血气,让列狂变成了一具干尸,死不瞑目。 Bo Ya at present one bright, has this boost, under Half Saint may be called invincible, no wonder Yang Kai this fellow is secure. 波雅眼前一亮,有此助力,半圣之下堪称无敌,怪不得杨开这家伙有恃无恐。 In Bo Ya pays attention to Embodiment that side tactical situation, Yang Kai is also killing the four directions greatly. 就在波雅关注法身那边的战况之时,杨开也在大杀四方。 Assumes this place Strength Demon to execute, remaining some middle-rank low-rank Demon King and Demon Chief Commander Demon Commander cannot block the step that he slaughters, the short more than ten breath times, this place over a thousand Demon Race have then been utterly routed, Demon King rank has falls most, Demon Chief Commander Demon Commander is also the casualty incalculably. 坐镇此地的力魔已毙,剩下的一些中品下品魔王魔帅魔将们根本阻挡不住他杀戮的步伐,短短十几息功夫,此地上千魔族便已溃不成军,魔王级别的存在陨落大半,魔帅魔将也是死伤无算。 Saw with own eyes that the situation is not wonderful, which remaining Demon Race also dare to continue to stop over, scatters in a panic, retreats loudly. 眼见局势不妙,剩下的魔族哪还敢继续逗留,纷纷作鸟兽散,轰然溃逃。 Yang Kai cut to kill several escaping Demon Race conveniently, did not have to pursue again, collected these killed Demon Race corpse, prepared swallows to Embodiment, while turned head to look toward hundred inside and outside. 杨开随手斩杀了几个逃跑的魔族,也没再去追击,一边将那些被杀的魔族尸体收集起来,准备给法身吞噬,一边扭头朝百里外望去。 That side Embodiment also began, does not need to want also to be the lopsided situation, if 45 high-rank Demon King collaborate together, perhaps can also make the diversion slightly, but that side only then high-rank Demon King, at all impossible to create the disturbance to Embodiment. 法身那边也动手了,不用想也是一面倒的局势,若是四五位上品魔王一起联手,或许还能稍作牵制,但那边只有一个上品魔王,根本不可能对法身造成干扰。 Embodiment is he from tiger head war chariot puts, otherwise can not be possible not to detect by Bo Ya. 法身是他从虎头战车上出来的时候放出来的,否则以波雅之能不可能毫无察觉。 Moreover Embodiment comes Stone Puppet Clan, is skilled in the technique of earth escaping inborn, is close to that side ambush from the land is also traceless, so surprise attack, really at one fell swoop accomplishment. 而且法身出身石傀一族,天生精通土遁之术,从大地之下接近那边的埋伏点也是毫无痕迹,如此突袭,果然一举建功。 Sneered gently, Yang Kai looked at that side a vision gate, really saw a that side Demon Race confusion, these two battlefield sounds they were impossible not to detect, obviously saw anything will have such response. 轻轻冷笑一声,杨开望了一眼界门那边,果然见到那边的魔族一阵混乱,这两处战场的动静他们不可能毫无察觉,明显是看到了什么才会有如此反应。 Kesen refuses stubbornly he too not to care, to him, Demon Race here casualty the more better, naturally, Kesen now is his subordinate, can not dying should better, but, died also indifferently, therefore he did not worry that Blue Source will act out of desperation, kills Kesen to give vent to indignation. 科森死不死他不太关心,对他来说,魔族这边死伤越多越好,当然,科森如今是他的手下,能不死最好不过,死了也无所谓,所以他根本不担心篮原这边会狗急跳墙,杀科森泄愤。 An intention revolution, Yang Kai has then stimulated to movement Space Principle from vanish same place does not see, several twinkling arrived at side Bo Ya. 心念一转,杨开便已催动空间法则从原地消失不见,几个闪烁就来到了波雅身边。 Under four eyes look at each other, Yang Kai discovered that Bo Ya this woman looked the own look was not quite the same as former some, did not have beforehand careless, were many some dignifiedly, immediately knows she should see Embodiment that side sound. 四目对视之下,杨开发现波雅这女人看自己的眼神跟以前有些不太一样,没了之前的漫不经心,多了一些凝重,当即知道她应该是看到了法身那边的动静。 Hesitated, Bo Ya said: How must do, does directly attack the root of the problem eliminate the last ambush point?” The directly attack the root of the problem words must go to the gate that side and Blue Source fight a decisive battle, but they only have two people now, Laoke Heyin has not come, hopes that is not too big, the Bo Ya comparison favors the latter. 沉吟了一下,波雅道:“现在要怎么做,直捣黄龙还是剪除最后一个埋伏点?”直捣黄龙的话就得去界门那边与篮原决战,不过他们如今只有两人,劳克和音还没过来,希望不是太大,波雅比较倾向于后者。 Then makes such big noise now, wants not too to be unexpectedly possible again, high-rank Demon King of that last ambush place meets surely and careful. 然则如今闹出这么大动静,再想出其不意就不太可能了,那最后一个埋伏点处的上品魔王必定会及其小心。 Yang Kai shows a faint smile: They had made the choice for us.” 杨开微微一笑:“他们已经替我们做出了选择。” Bo Ya is startled, looking into the distance, sees only that side the gate to branch out a team suddenly, speeds along to come toward here under the leadership of three high-rank Demon King, but Demon Race of that last ambush place also in catches up toward here, both sides gather one quickly, imposing manner is agitated. 波雅微怔,放眼望去,只见界门那边忽然分出一支队伍,在三位上品魔王的带领下朝这边飞驰而来,而那最后一个埋伏点处的魔族也在朝这边赶来,双方很快汇聚一处,气势汹汹。 Bo Ya changes countenance, turns head to look slightly toward Yang Kai: I thought that evades the point temporarily, waits for Laoke Heyin to come to make the plan to again wonderfully.” 波雅微微变色,扭头朝杨开望去:“我觉得还是暂避锋芒,等劳克和音过来再做打算为妙。” Four high-rank Demon King collaborate, subordinate dozens middle-rank low-rank Demon King, even before Yang Kai, displays good, absolutely possibly is not the opponents of these fellows, will continue to stay will only have bad luck here, has a plan for the present, only will then go to converge with Laoke Heyin, will have the odds of success. 四位上品魔王联手,麾下更有数十个中品下品魔王,纵然杨开之前表现不俗,也绝对不可能是这些家伙的对手,继续停留在这里只会倒霉,为今之计,只有去与劳克和音汇合,方有胜算。 Waiting.” Yang Kai light say/way. “等着。”杨开淡淡道。 Wait/Etc.? What waits for? Bo Ya is puzzled, the eye looks at front Demon Race army is away from own to be getting more and more near, a heart could not bear mention the throat. 等?等什么?波雅一脸不解,眼看着前方的魔族大军距离自己越来越近,一颗心忍不住提到了嗓子眼。 Even if the great distance about hundred li (0.5 km), she can also feel front that crowd of Demon Race the anger of soaring to the heavens. Thinks that is not strange, originally when Blue Source had certainly the big advantage, the day and person benefits, has greatly at one stroke the Cloud Shadow intention, actually does not want to encounter, here ambush was cleaned up, Demon King casualty more than ten, high-rank Strength Demon. 纵然相隔近百里,她也能感受到前方那群魔族的冲天之怒。想想也不奇怪,本来篮原这边占据了绝大的优势,天和人时地利,大有一举解决云影的意图,却不想堪堪交锋,这边就有一处埋伏点被清理,魔王死伤十多位,还有一个上品力魔 Another ambush evidently is also the rubber being unable to withstand, is incapable of supporting. 另一处埋伏点看样子也是胶着不堪,无力支援。 Changing her is Blue Source Demon King also meets the face not to have the light, spares nothing to recover the gathering place surely is not possible. 换她是篮原魔王也会脸面无光,必定不惜一切代价要找回场子不可。 But hundred li (0.5 km) place looks is being very far, but to Demon King actually close, can rush in less than more than ten breaths. 而百里之地瞧着挺远,但对魔王们来说却不过咫尺之遥,用不了十几息就能赶到。 The eye looks at opposite party is away from own to be getting more and more near, the Bo Ya corners of the mouth twitch saying: Why you actually want to divulge the details, I am not willing dead here.” 看着对方距离自己越来越近,波雅嘴角抽搐道:“你到底想干什么能不能透个底,我可不愿死在这里。” Yang Kai ignores, but calmly stares at the front. 杨开置若罔闻,只是静静地凝视前方。 70 li (0.5 km), 50 li (0.5 km), 30 li (0.5 km)...... 七十里,五十里,三十里…… When that crowd of fellow distances only has 20 li (0.5 km) merely, when Bo Ya not uses the pupil technique also to see clearly these angry faces, Yang Kai suddenly puts out a hand to hold her arm, the congealing sound shouted: Must revolt not!” 当那群家伙距离这边仅仅只有二十里,纵然波雅不用瞳术也能看清那些愤怒的面孔时,杨开才忽然一伸手抓住了她的胳膊,凝声喝道:“莫要反抗!” Bo Ya is startled, gives up all energies of resisting reluctant. 波雅一怔,不情不愿地放弃一切抵挡之能。 Mainly is soul puppet in this fellow hand, even if she revolts does not help matters. 主要是魂傀在这家伙手上,她纵然反抗也无济于事。 Next flickers, Bo Ya then felt that own by a Space Force package, the flash is dizzy. 下一瞬,波雅便感觉自己被一股空间力量包裹,一瞬间天旋地转。 When getting back one's composure, the person not in place, instead appears in another place, the side did not have the Yang Kai's trace, only then near the foot a bead sends out the remaining fluctuation of energy. 等到回过神时,人已不在原地,反而出现在另外一处地方,身边也没了杨开的踪影,只有脚边一枚珠子散发出残余的能量波动。 This bead looks at somewhat looks familiar, Bo Ya recognizes quickly, on this thing Li Shiqing, Yang Kai days before her, said that probably is encounters the danger to activate the banning law in that bead to be safe and sound. 这珠子看着有些眼熟,波雅很快认出,这东西李诗晴手上也有一枚,好像是杨开前几日给她的,说是遇到危险激活那珠子中的禁法就能安然无恙。 Does own appear has the relations with this bead here? Suddenly remembers, previous way place time, Yang Kai as if shoots any thing from tiger head war chariot, at that time without looking at clear, wants to come now, that should be this bead. 自己出现在这里跟这枚珠子有关系么?忽然想起,此前途径此地的时候,杨开似乎从虎头战车上弹出来一个什么东西,当时没看清楚,现在想来,那应该就是这枚珠子了。 raises the head looking pensive looks, Bo Ya cannot bear at present one brightly. 若有所思的抬头望去,波雅忍不住眼前一亮。 Sees only the front beyond dozens li (0.5 km), that crowd of Demon Race teams that is led before four high-rank Demon King is fierce is throwing, seems the fierce tiger of floodgate. 只见前方几十里外,那一群由四位上品魔王率领的魔族队伍正凶猛前扑,好似出闸的猛虎。 The key is this group of fellows is turning away from own unexpectedly! 关键是这群家伙居然背对着自己 Bo Ya cannot bear want to smile, in front of Feather Demon that is skilled in the archery, unexpectedly also dares to reveal the back? Brings about own destruction simply! 波雅忍不住想笑,在一个精通射术的羽魔面前,居然还敢亮出后背?简直是自寻死路! Understands instantaneously the Yang Kai's plan and was called the intention that she waits for a moment ago, originally and other this moment arrivals, simultaneously in heart terrified, the fellow plans in this way, then Blue Source unexpectedly feared must have bad luck. 瞬间明白了杨开的打算和刚才叫她等待的意图,原来是在等这一刻的到来,同时心中悚然,那家伙居然算计如斯,这下篮原这边怕是要倒霉了。
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