MP :: Volume #35

#3473: Besieging a stronghold in order to strike at the reinforcements

Initial Bo Ya has not known the Yang Kai intention, but was quick she to see some clue. 初始波雅还不知杨开用意,但很快她就看出了一些端倪。 This surrounding area in hundred li (0.5 km), the unexpectedly three ambushes, each has high-rank Demon King to assume personal command! Although she is only middle-rank Demon King, Spiritual Mind is far less than Yang Kai to be powerful, but as Feather Demon, cultivates the marvelous pupil technique, can see trace that other people cannot see, depended upon this pupil technique, she can discover. 这方圆百里之内,竟有三处埋伏,每一处都有上品魔王坐镇!她虽只是中品魔王,神念远不如杨开强大,但身为羽魔,修有奇妙瞳术,可以看到一些旁人看不到的痕迹,也正是依靠了这瞳术,她才能有所发现。 This stems from Blue Source Continent here handiwork obviously, Bo Ya complexion is dignified, looking pensive, suddenly understood anything probably, turns head to be in sight toward the gate, sees only that side Kesen to get one crowd of sections from battle with Blue Source Demon Race, like a raging fire. 这显然是出自蓝原大陆这边的手笔,波雅面色凝重,若有所思,猛地像是明白了什么,扭头朝界门所在望去,只见那边科森领着一群部从正与篮原魔族们激战,如火如荼。 But Kesen, although also calculates to be powerful, but the double fist does not beat four after all, opposite party six high-rank Demon King, other middle-rank low-rank Demon King numbers are also many, surrounds them all round, often then some people died in battle at the scene. 科森虽然也算实力强大,但毕竟双拳不敌四手,对方六位上品魔王,其他中品下品魔王也数目不少,将他们团团包围,不时便有人战死当场。 According to truth, Kesen, regardless of is not how impossible to insist that this time, may under the Bo Ya contemplation, actually discover Blue Source not under extreme methods to Kesen, is seems like playing tricks on him to be the same on the contrary, only encircles does not kill, making Kesen linger in life and death online every time. 按道理来说,科森无论如何也不可能坚持到这个时候的,可在波雅观照之下,却发现篮原这边并没有对科森下死手,反倒是像是在戏弄他一样,只围不杀,让科森每时每刻都徘徊在生死线上。 Besieges a stronghold in order to strike at the reinforcements...... 围点打援么…… Bo Ya is suddenly enlighted. 波雅恍然大悟。 Blue Source is really having the Yang Kai's idea evidently, first defends against a siege him with the far ultra Kesen strength here, then seizes the chance the reinforcements that eliminates that side Cloud Shadow to rush to rescue. 看样子篮原这边果然是在打杨开的主意,先是用远超科森的力量将他困守在这里,然后趁机剪除云影那边驰援过来的援兵。 It can be said that once Yang Kai and Laoke and the others step into this encirclement ring perplexed, only feared that today is really more unfortunate than fortunate, after wants to understand this point, Bo Ya cold sweat drippings. 可以说,一旦杨开劳克等人不明所以地踏进这包围圈,只怕今日真的要凶多吉少,想明白这一点后,波雅不禁冷汗淋淋。 for a moment were many 1-layer to admire to Yang Kai, she does not know how Yang Kai discovered that three hidden extremely deep ambushes, but looked at his, obviously had expected. 一时间杨开多了一层佩服,她也不知道杨开到底是如何发现那三处隐藏极深的埋伏,但看他这样子,显然是有所预料。 However even if so, the aspect to Cloud Shadow is also the enormous disadvantage, differed every too, high-rank, middle-rank and even low-rank Demon King, the quantities of two mainland cannot place on a par, even if Laoke Heyin rushed to rescue to come, does not have the too big help to the present aspect. 不过纵然如此,局面对云影这边也是极大的不利,人手相差太多了,无论是上品,中品乃至下品魔王,两个大陆的数量都不能相提并论,纵然劳克和音驰援而来,对眼下的局面也没有太大的帮助。 To collapse, how must look at Yang Kai the method, Bo Ya does not favor him, but things have gotten to this point, she has no way to persuade anything, can only act according to circumstances. 想要破局,就得看杨开这边手段如何,波雅并不太看好他,可事已至此,她也没法劝说什么,只能见机行事。 Speeds along, Bo Ya suddenly discovered that Yang Kai conveniently a swing, as if anything shooting, has not waited for her carefully to look at to understand, tiger head war chariot has plundered, spreads in some direction. 飞驰之间,波雅忽然发现杨开随手一弹,似乎将什么东西给弹了出去,没等她仔细看个明白,虎头战车已经一掠而过,直直地朝某个方向驰去。 That direction, is ambushing a number of Blue Source Continent Demon Race. 那个方向,正埋伏有一批蓝原大陆魔族 flowing light twinkling, short several breath time, tiger head war chariot then has spread dozens li (0.5 km), Yang Kai grins to Bo Ya suddenly smiles, reveals a pure white fang, dense say/way: Do not disappoint this King!” 流光闪烁,短短几息时间,虎头战车便已驰过数十里地,杨开忽然咧嘴冲波雅一笑,露出一口洁白的獠牙,森然道:“可别让本王失望了!” Last character falls, Yang Kai the figure from war chariot has dodged, suddenly vanishes does not see, crossed a breath, appears beyond several li (0.5 km) somewhere, Emperor Yuan wells up crazily, body rays of light puts greatly, as if a small Sun, the shining four directions, rush over toward the place of that ambush. 最后一个字落下的时候,杨开已经从战车上身形一闪,忽然消失不见,又过了一息,才出现在几里之外的某处,一身帝元狂涌,身上光芒大放,仿佛一轮小太阳,照耀四方,直直地朝那埋伏之地冲了过去。 Bo Ya sees that unable to bear the corners of the mouth pull out, she also thinks that before Yang Kai has what precise plan, who knows this fellow so to rush unexpectedly negligently, moreover creates the so huge momentum. 波雅见状忍不住嘴角一抽,她之前还以为杨开有什么精密的谋划,谁知这家伙居然这般大咧咧地冲了上去,而且还造出如此巨大的声势。 This is for fear that the enemy could not discover that he was the place? How in the world will have the so stupid person. 这是生怕敌人发现不了他还是怎么地?世上怎会有如此愚蠢之人。 Since the opposite party plan to besiege a stronghold in order to strike at the reinforcements, then own two people can also seize the chance to eliminate the ambush of this surrounding, by her archery and Yang Kai's skill, so long as handles affairs carefully, not necessarily cannot achieve this point. 对方既然打算围点打援,那么自己两人也可以趁机剪除这外围的埋伏,以她的箭术和杨开的本事,只要小心行事,未必就做不到这一点。 But is now good, the trail exposition, which also has what situation. 可现在好了,踪迹暴露,哪还有什么先机可言。 However quick, Bo Ya frowns, felt like that this perhaps is the Yang Kai's goal, immediately restrains the mind, in the beautiful pupil exudes to wipe quiet blue rays of light, under the pupil technique contemplation, surrounding area all tiny particle complete(ly) present within several hundred li (0.5 km). 不过很快,波雅又皱起了眉头,隐隐觉得这恐怕正是杨开的目的,当即收敛心神,美眸中泛起一抹幽蓝色的光芒,瞳术观照之下,方圆数百里内的一切都纤毫毕现。 Who is that?” “那是谁?” Meanwhile, beyond dozens li (0.5 km), high-rank Demon King looks at small Sun that is flushing to open the mouth to ask, his side another Demon King looks, opens the mouth saying: Deciding is that Human Race without doubt!” 与此同时,几十里外,一个上品魔王望着那冲来的小太阳开口问道,他身边另一个魔王瞧了一眼,开口道:“定是那人族无疑!” aura that this to/clashes is very strange, moreover fluctuation of energy, only then the middle-rank Demon King level, in addition that with Demon Race different aura, making him recognize the Yang Kai's identity all of a sudden. 这冲过来的气息很陌生,而且能量波动只有中品魔王的层次,再加上那与魔族不同的气息,让他一下子就认出了杨开的身份。 Then is that so-called crown prince?” That high-rank Demon King brow selects, both hands pinch the waist to laugh: Said that Human Race is deceitful, it seems like also mediocre, today this great merit, this King then kindly accepts immodestly, who gives me to go that person to take?” “便是那个所谓的亲王?”那上品魔王眉头一挑,双手掐着腰哈哈大笑起来:“都说人族狡诈阴险,看来也不过如此,今日这大功,本王便不客气地笑纳了,谁给我去将那人拿下?” Their this time sieges Kesen, the biggest goal is to tempt Yang Kai comes to rush to rescue, but can Yang Kai come them unable to affirm, words Kesen that does not come must die without doubt, to Cloud Shadow that side is also the huge blow, vacillates Yang Kai sufficiently in Cloud Shadow that side rule, if came naturally should better, but, Blue Source here strength guaranteed sufficiently made him come but not return. 他们这次围困科森,最大的目的就是引诱杨开前来驰援,不过杨开会不会来他们也不敢肯定,不来的话科森必死无疑,对云影那边也是巨大的打击,足以动摇杨开云影那边的统治,若是来了自然最好不过,篮原这边的力量足以保证让他有来无回。 Before then, they estimated probability that Yang Kai will catch up with not over 30%. 在此之前,他们估计杨开会赶来的几率不超过30%。 But in fact is actually not true, the Kesen been stranded news passes on shortly, this Human Race came unexpectedly, moreover directly flushed toward own. This high-rank Demon King is joyful extremely, thought that the space falls a sweetie pie, called own bumping into meddlesome unexpectedly. 而事实上却并非如此,科森被困的消息传回去才没多久,这个人族居然就现身了,而且直接朝自己这边冲了过来。这位上品魔王自是欣喜万分,觉得天上掉下来个香饽饽,如此好事居然叫自己给碰到。 The opportunity on the swayed at present, him is not naturally willing to miss, so long as this time can take this Human Race, Sir Yue Sang enjoys surely layer on layer/heavily, opposite party middle-rank Demon King level, although seems like the momentum to be good, but cultivation level is placed there, where can also strong to go, the desire that he acts personally does not have. 机会就摆在眼前,他自然不愿错过,这次只要能拿下这个人族,月桑大人必定重重有赏,对方不过中品魔王的层次,虽然看起来声势不俗,可修为摆在那里,又能强到哪去,以至于他连亲自出手的欲望都没有。 Subordinate hopes toward!” Immediately then 45 middle-rank Demon King jumped, this rendering meritorious service opportunity puts at present, they easily will not certainly miss. “属下愿往!”当即便有四五个中品魔王跳了出来,这种立功的机会摆在眼前,他们当然也不会轻易错过。 That high-rank Demon King selected three middle-rank Demon King conveniently, assigns/life them to go to meet head-on, regardless of life and death, so long as comes back the Yang Kai belt/bring becomes. 上品魔王随手点了三个中品魔王,命他们前去迎战,生死不论,只要将杨开带回来就成。 That three were selected Demon King that arrives at to receive an order joyfully, had not been selected is actually depressed, is gazing at that three departing back with the vision of envy arriving. 那三个被点到的魔王欣然领命,没被点到的却是闷闷不乐,用嫉妒的眼光注视着那三道离去的背影。 Looking into the distance, Yang Kai rapid toward each other approaches with that three middle-rank Demon King, but three breath times had then had the fierce collision. 放眼望去,杨开与那三位中品魔王迅速朝彼此靠近,只不过三息功夫便已发生了剧烈的碰撞。 When bang a loud sound spreads, in that Void the energy burst, the four-pole is turbulent, dazzling rays of light to/clashes from the chaotic center, remaining power does not reduce to throw toward here, in rays of light, Yang Kai returns safe and sound, the look is calm, even that clothing does not have the least bit fold. 轰隆一声巨响传出时,那虚空之中能量震爆,四极动荡,耀眼的光芒从混乱的中心一冲而出,余势不减地朝这边扑来,光芒之中,杨开毫发无损,神色波澜不惊,甚至连那衣衫都没有半点褶皱。 But in his behind, blood rain, drippings under. 而在他的身后,一片血雨,淋淋而下。 That high-rank Demon King smiling face will be stiff shortly on the face, absent-minded faces forward to focus attention on, but one of his side should Demon Race spreads the sound of intermittent calling out in alarm, shows the unbelievable look. 上品魔王的笑容顷刻间僵硬在脸上,失神地朝前瞩目,而他身旁的一应魔族更是传出阵阵惊呼之声,都露出难以置信的神色。 Puts in an appearance, three middle-rank Demon King have died not entire corpse, but that Human Race unexpectedly trifling thing? 一个照面,三个中品魔王已死无全尸,而那个人族居然屁事没有? In these Demon Race this moment hearts that previously also some envy envied only then rejoiced and is startled to palpitate, thought that luckily had not selected to own a moment ago, where otherwise the fate very to went absolutely. 先前还有些嫉妒羡慕的那些魔族此刻心中只有庆幸和惊悸,心想幸亏刚才没点到自己,否则下场绝对好不到哪去。 Shaking of short flash is surprised, Yang Kai carries the unprecedented potential to jump in crowd of demon ten li (0.5 km) places, that bright lets all Demon Race complexion blanches powerfully, trembling in fear. 短短一瞬间的震愕,杨开已携一往无前之势扑进群魔十里之地,那煌煌雄威让所有魔族面色发白,心惊胆战 Courts death!” “找死!” Assumes this place high-rank Demon King to respond finally, under flies into a rage puts out a hand to grasp in Void, thick, if the copper rod of child arm has pinched in palm, urges, the body Demon Yuan is billowing immediately, the copper rod wields, curled up the strong winds, the overhead pounded toward Yang Kai. 坐镇此地的上品魔王终于反应过来,勃然大怒之下伸手在虚空中一抓,一根粗若孩臂的铜棍已捏在手心中,施法一催,身上顿时魔元滚滚,铜棍挥起,卷起狂风,当头朝杨开砸了下来。 This strikes nothing fancy, simply to the extreme. 这一击没有任何花俏,朴实到了极点。 But the prestige of this stick lets Yang Kai slightly changes countenance, does not dare to offend the point. Which race he had not seen this high-rank Demon King before is, but this stick makes a move then to determine that sufficiently his family background-- this is Strength Demon, the day activation is greatly infinite, Strength Demon of high-rank Demon King rank, a wild strength endures compared with Dragon Clan, particularly this moment this contains ones anger to strike, if Yang Kai were really intimate, even if there is Half Dragon body, must spit blood three rises is not possible. 但这一棍之威却让杨开都微微变色,不敢直撄锋芒。他之前没看出这个上品魔王是哪个种族,可这一棍出手便足以确定他的出身——此乃力魔,天生力大无穷,上品魔王级别的力魔,一身狂暴力量堪比龙族,尤其是此刻这位含怒一击,杨开真要是挨上了,纵有半龙之躯,也得吐血三升不可。 Has a mind to avoid, actually the discovery cannot avoid completely, opposite party stick is seemingly simple, actually blocked the square space, lets leeway that he simply has not avoided. 有心躲避,却发现完全避不开,对方这一棍看似简单,却封锁了四方空间,让他根本没有躲避的余地。 The critical moment, Yang Kai can only urge Space Principle, displays Nihility Secret Technique. 关键时刻,杨开只能一催空间法则,施展出虚无秘术 Figure indistinct absent-minded, has entered in Exile Void. 身形缥缈恍惚了一下,已将自身放逐虚空之中。 That stick pounds, puts on the body, the wild strength erupts, breaks Void, making the Yang Kai's figure reveal, corners of the mouth overflowing blood. 那一棍砸来,穿体而过,狂暴的力量爆发,将虚空震碎,让杨开的身形重新显露,嘴角溢血。 Although he avoids this to strike most strengths with homemade Secret Technique, but the remaining prestige actually still penetrates his within the body vitality that Void shakes to tumble, the breath stagnates. 他虽用自创的秘术避开这一击大部分力量,但余威却依然透过虚空震的他体内气血翻滚,呼吸微滞。 He does not feel better, but that Strength Demon seems to be more uncomfortable, originally is one of the exerting its utmost hits hard, didn't expect hit all of a sudden on the cotton, did not dominate steadily, the body swayed, did not base steadily. 他不太好过,但那力魔似乎更加难受,本是势在必得的一记重击,没想到一下子打在了棉花上,一个把持不稳,身子都摇晃了一下,立足不稳。 Focuses attention on toward Yang Kai in his surprise, why does not seem to want to understand Yang Kai to be able by him when strikes does not die, Yang Kai toward him has opened one, Space Principle is unconstrained, in the mouth drinks lowly: Bunch!” 就在他诧异地朝杨开瞩目,似乎没想明白杨开为何能受他一击不死时,杨开已朝他张开一手,空间法则跌宕,口中低喝:“束!” The square space, will change to the invisible mire shortly, on the spot this Strength Demon form fetter, cannot move. 四方空间,顷刻间化作无形泥沼,将这力魔身影束缚原地,动弹不得。 The strength Demon Eye bead stares the circle, a copious great strength erupts, makes that Void make crack the sound of being unable to withstand the load unexpectedly, tiny cracks walk randomly in all around appear. 魔眼珠瞪圆,一身沛然巨力爆发开来,竟让那虚空都发出咔嚓嚓的不堪重负的声响,一道道细小裂缝在四周游走浮现。 View situation, so long as in less than three breaths, this Strength Demon then can get out of trouble. 观此情形,只要用不了三息,这力魔便能脱困而出。 The Yang Kai actually corners of the mouth select, give up on person general looks at he. 杨开却嘴角微挑,看死人一般看着他。 The Strength Demon faint feeling is not wonderful, a terrified meaning covers the whole body, feels the aura front surface that died unprecedentedly to throw. 力魔隐隐感觉不妙,一股悚然之意笼罩全身,感受到前所未有地死亡的气息迎面扑来。 raises the head looks, in the field of vision lasing of flowing light from dozens li (0.5 km) comes together, in that flowing light, a several-ten feet great arrow revolves to come, his flesh that sharp aura punctures is painful. 抬头望去,视野之中一道流光从几十里外激射而来,那流光之中,一根长达几丈的巨箭旋转而来,锋锐的气息刺的他肌肤生疼。 , That flowing light has put on the body Strength Demon sincerely, incomparably subscribed in his Demon Heart accurate, making that Demon Heart inflate fiercely. 笃地一声,那流光已将力魔穿体而过,精准无比地订进了他一颗魔心之中,让那魔心剧烈膨胀了一下。 Sincere...... 笃笃笃…… After the first arrow, first even/including eight sounds, eight arrows lose hardly divide the priority, shot a hedgehog this Strength Demon directly, but that each arrow in his strategic point above, within the body several Demon Heart was destroyed completely. 第一箭之后,一连八响,又有八支箭失几乎不分先后,直接将这力魔射成了一只刺猬,而那每一箭都在他的要害之上,体内几颗魔心更是被摧毁殆尽。 Strength Demon body stiff in place, raises the head looks all of a sudden toward dozens li (0.5 km) beyond, only sees in that side pretty form float Void, the corners of the mouth pulled out, resembled wants to say anything, actually cannot say finally, in the hand that copper rod common demon treasure fell quietly, a vitality rapid retrogression. 力魔的身躯一下子僵硬在原地,抬头朝几十里外望去,只看到那边一个俏丽的身影悬浮虚空之中,嘴角抽了一下,似是想说些什么,却最终没能说出口,手上那铜棍一般的魔宝悄然滑落,一身生机迅速消退。
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