MP :: Volume #35

#3472: A lot of dirty tricks

Several days by, all uneventful, before gate, Yang Kai closed pupil with rapt attention, stands one's ground steadfastly, but the fluctuation of body that Space Principle is actually showing always, has with the gate that side line becomes the potential of resonance. 数日以过,一切风平浪静,界门之前,杨开闭眸凝神,岿然不动,但身上那空间法则的波动却是无时无刻不在彰显,更有与界门那边行成共鸣之势。 Under this makes Laoke Heyin that and the others have waited and seen surprised, rouses the anticipation simultaneously secretly, now the scene, shows Yang Kai in dense of deep research gate, if makes the breakthrough unable to do well also really can maintain this field of endeavor gate not to lose. 这让底下一直观望的劳克和音等人都惊奇不已,同时暗暗振奋期待,如今情景,说明杨开正在深研界门之密,若有突破搞不好还真能维护此道界门不失。 In fact, Yang Kai these harvested on the truly big, felt one attainments ten thousand li in a day when Space Principle, when particularly that gate did not stabilize, he can spy on confidential that some are not usually able to spy on, with his attainment verification, often can harvest. 事实上,杨开这几日收获确实不小,感觉自身在空间法则上的造诣一日千里,尤其是当那界门不稳定时,他更能窥探到一些平时无法窥探到的机要,与他自身的心得印证,每每都能有所收获。 Here truly is the practice Space Force good place. If trades to make the perfect gate, does not have the this kind of effect surely, only then this not too stable gate, can help him. 这里确实是个修炼空间之力的好地方。若是换做完好无损的界门,必定没有这样的效果,也只有这种不太稳定的界门,才能对他有帮助。 He does not even go to think how should maintain this gate, but immerses in the joyfulness of sensibility with all one's heart, spies on the riddle of that Void, the ingestion lets the powerful nutrition. 他甚至已经不去想该如何维护这界门,而是一门心思地沉浸在感悟的愉悦之中,窥探那虚空之谜,摄取让自身强大的营养。 Demon Territory and Star Boundary, although is two Big World, the world principle is also slightly different, when subdivides to the strength of some concrete principle, actually reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches, that Space Principle is so. 魔域星界虽是两个大世界,天地法则也略有不同,但细分到某个具体的法则之力时,却是殊途同归,那空间法则便是如此。 Also after is several days, even if Yang Kai maintenance gate has not gotten down what thoughts again, how may to maintain had some fuzzy ideas, naturally, wants to be put into practice these ideas, but also is too early saying that he needs carefully spies on the secret of this gate to have some assurances again. 又是几日之后,纵然杨开没再维护界门方面下过什么心思,可对如何维护却有了一些模糊的想法,当然,想要将这些想法付诸实践,还言之尚早,他需得再仔细窥探这界门之秘才有一些把握。 Some moment, the front gate transmits not a normal fluctuation, maintained the long time condition to break him, making him in condition awaken from that similar sitting in meditation, a face congealing sound shouted drearily: scoundrel!” 某一刻,面前界门又传来一丝不正常的波动,将他维持了多日的状态打断,让他从那类似“入定”状态中唤醒,一脸阴郁地凝声喝道:“混账!” Laoke Heyin is the complexion changes, simultaneous flew. 劳克和音都是脸色微变,齐齐飞了上去。 Yang Kai turns the head to look at them, vision gloomy say/way: Asks why Kesen eats, this minor matter cannot handle, this King wants his what to use!” 杨开转头望着他们两个,目光阴沉道:“去问问科森干什么吃的,这点小事都办不好,本王要他何用!” Just now that situation, obviously some people from Blue Source Continent the gate shuttles back and forth the reason that comes, otherwise is impossible to make the gate give birth to the mighty waves baseless. 方才那情况,显然又是有人从蓝原大陆那边的界门穿梭而来的缘故,否则不可能让界门凭空生出波澜。 Laoke Heyin receives an order, flew hastily, selected some manpower, the preparation passed the gate to go to Blue Source Continent to find out, Bo Ya looked at Yang Kai in one side taking pleasure in others' misfortunes, look joyful-- Yang Kai is transferring to this place her, making her suppress a lot of air/Qi. 劳克和音领命,连忙飞了下去,点了一些人手,准备通过界门前往蓝原大陆一探究竟,波雅则在一旁幸灾乐祸地望着杨开,神色愉悦——杨开将她调至此地,让她憋了一肚子的气。 However does not wait for Laoke Heyin to lead these manpower to leave, left side not far away then Demon King flies to plunder spatially, this Demon King to the near, has not then shouted loudly loudly: Great King, Sir Kesen is in danger, but also asked Great King to help.” 不过不等劳克和音带着那些人手动身,左侧不远处便有一位魔王飞空掠来,这位魔王未至近前,便放声高呼:“大王,科森大人遇险,还请大王施以援手。” Last character falls, had rushed to front of Yang Kai. 最后一个字落下,已经冲到了杨开面前。 Yang Kai takes a broad view to look, the view shrinks, sees only this middle-rank Demon King whole body blood-stained, the wound that body many a depth of the bone, experienced a fierce battle obviously, but this Demon King, is the Kesen section from, before was brought that side Blue Source Continent by him. 杨开放眼望去,不禁眼帘一缩,只见这位中品魔王浑身血迹斑斑,身上多处深达骨头的伤口,显然是经历了一场恶战,而这个魔王,正是科森的部从,之前被他带到了蓝原大陆那边。 But the gate sound, should be a moment ago this shuttles back and forth to cause from that side. 而刚才界门的动静,应该就是这位从那边穿梭过来引起的。 Laoke Heyin and the others hears word also looked together, the former urgently urgently asked: What matter had?” 劳克和音等人闻言也都一起望了过来,前者急急问道:“发生何事了?” That middle-rank Demon King gasps for breath, said hastily: I and others presented the life of Great King, goes Blue Source Continent to seal off that side gate, before several days lived in peace with each other, actually does not think that side Blue Source to set out six high-rank Demon King today suddenly, and others sieged me with over a thousand subordinates, the subordinate results in Sir Kesen to shield, the shuttle gate comes back the well ventilated report news, looks at Great King and Sir helps, saves Sir Kesen, before the subordinate comes back, Sir Kesen has been seriously injured, only feared how long could not support.” 中品魔王喘了口气,连忙道:“我等奉大王之命,前去蓝原大陆封堵那边的界门,之前几日都是相安无事,却不想今日篮原那边忽然出动六位上品魔王,携上千部属将我等围困,属下得科森大人掩护,穿梭界门回来通风报讯,望大王和诸位大人施以援手,救救科森大人,属下回来之前,科森大人已经身受重伤,只怕撑不了多久了。” Good guts!” Laoke is angry, raises the head looked toward Yang Kai, in surface an indignant color. “好胆!”劳克大怒,抬头杨开望了过去,面上一片义愤填膺之色。 Although he age is aged, did not have the fighting spirit courage and uprightness of young time, but will not represent is bullied on will not revolt to the end. Kesen is Cloud Shadow Demon King, is his colleague, each other was together so many years, many friendship, make into the severe wound now, he naturally has the feeling of if the lips are gone , the teeth will be cold. In addition for these years, Blue Source Continent meddles Cloud Shadow Myriad Demon Cave, making them not have the Myriad Demon Pill income again, let the Laoke heart within grows resentment. 他虽然年纪老迈,没了年轻时候的斗志血性,但不代表被人欺到头上也不会反抗。科森云影魔王,也算是他的同僚,彼此相处了这么多年,多少有些交情,如今被打成重伤,他自然有唇亡齿寒之感。再加上这么多年来,蓝原大陆插手云影万魔窟,让他们再无万魔丹的进项,本就让劳克心中生怨。 Now Yue Sang is sent to frontier service two worlds battlefield, Cloud Shadow also has Yang Kai this own Royal Lord to hold the general situation, if were so also humiliated, that was not Demon Race, immediately holds the fist saying: Great King, Kesen cannot have the matter, my Cloud Shadow now already few high-rank Demon King.” 如今月桑被发配两界战场,云影这边也有了杨开这位亲王主持大局,如此若还被人欺凌,那也不是魔族了,当即抱拳道:“大王,科森不能有事,我云影如今已经没有几位上品魔王了。” Originally here only has four high-rank Demon King, few days ago Lie Kuang was killed, is only left over their three, if Kesen has the matter again, who that Cloud Shadow also has to take on greatly duty? 本来这里只剩下四个上品魔王,前些日子列狂被杀,就只剩下他们三个,若科森再有事的话,那云影这边还有何人能担当大任? When his voice falls, Yang Kai has sneered: You simultaneous/uniform soldiers and horses come later, this King and Bo Ya advance one step.” 他话音落下时,杨开已经冷笑一声:“尔等点齐兵马随后前来,本王波雅先行一步。” The shuttle gate is quite a little troublesome, after that is the shuttle, is the random transmission, only if displays the method to bind everyone in the same place, after such shuttle, everyone will appear in the same place, may be unable to transmit to some specific location/position accurate, therefore Yang Kai has not prepared and other Laoke they, they convene to spread in the manpower of this place need some time surely, Kesen that side situation is unknown, he naturally must first pass to have a look. 穿梭界门有一点比较麻烦,那就是穿梭之后是随机传送的,除非施展手段将所有人裹在一起,那样的话穿梭之后大家会出现在同一个地方,可也无法精准传送到某个特定位置,所以杨开也没准备等劳克他们,他们召集散布在此地的人手必定需要一些时间,科森那边情况不明,他自然得先过去看看。 Yes!” Laoke Heyin simultaneous should say, thought the lord who own this Great King is not really afraid of getting into trouble, they also somewhat worried Yang Kai hears to have six high-rank Demon King to stir up trouble to will have timid intent, actually does not think him resolute unexpectedly so simply. “是!”劳克和音齐齐应道,心想自家这位大王果然是不怕事的主,本来他们还有些担心杨开听到有六位上品魔王滋事会不会心生怯意,却不想他竟如此干脆果决。 Thinks is also, this arrived at Cloud Shadow a few days after killing Lie Kuang, if were really the person of being afraid of getting into trouble, how also to so handle affairs, their also non- extravagant demands other, only expected that can rescue in the past Kesen, preserved most Kesen sections from becomes, then, Cloud Shadow here Yuan Qi, even if harmed, will not be big. 想想也是,这位来到云影没几天就把列狂给干掉了,若真是怕事的人,又怎会如此行事,他们也不奢求其他,只期望能过去将科森救回来,保全大部分科森的部从就成,如此一来,云影这边元气纵然有损,也不会太大。 Bo Ya also realized obviously the gravity of issue, did not have the thoughts and Yang Kai at this moment bears a grudge, heard that the word flew rapidly. 波雅显然也意识到了问题的严重性,此刻也没了心思与杨开怄气,闻言急速飞了上来。 Yang Kai Emperor Yuan urges, is binding her, threw into the gate. 杨开帝元一催,将她裹着,一头扎进了界门之中。 He is unable to control goalkeeper own transmission location/position, can actually guarantee that own and Bo Ya will therefore not be separate. 他无法左右界门将自己传送的位置,却能保证自己波雅不会因此失散。 At present a flower, has entered another mainland, is with Cloud Shadow connected Blue Source Continent, lifted the hand to offer a sacrifice to tiger head war chariot, one and rode with Bo Ya, controlling made war chariot face forward to speed along. 眼前一花,已经进入了另外一个大陆,正是与云影相连的蓝原大陆,抬手祭出了虎头战车,与波雅一并乘上,驭使战车朝前飞驰。 Kesen and the others are wanted comes is Blue Source and Cloud Shadow the gate to be by the place of sieging, although he does not know the route, but came time war chariot to set the route recently, therefore this time, so long as looks for a steed with the aid of its picture then becomes. 科森等人被围困之地想来就是篮原云影的界门所在,他本人虽不知路线,但前次过来的时候战车早已设定好了路线,所以这一次只要按图索骥便成。 To come this place to be away from that gate to be , is also not too far. 想来此地距离那界门所在,也不是太远。 After shuttle gate, although will be transmitted to location/position randomly, but, in gate another end surrounding area thousand li (500 km), will rarely be transmitted outside the place to thousand li (500 km) on the whole. 穿梭界门之后,虽然会被随机传送到一个位置,但大体上来说,都在界门另一端方圆千里之内,很少会被传送到千里之外的地方。 No one knows why this is, but this time actually facilitated the Yang Kai's rescue, if after all the distance gate is extremely remote, when he rushes, only feared that the Kesen skeleton was cold. 没人知道这是为什么,但这个时候却方便了杨开的救援,毕竟若是距离界门太过遥远的话,等他赶到,只怕科森尸骨都冷了。 Detected on Yang Kai steaming murderous intention, Bo Ya cannot bear hit to tremble, turns head to look at his one eyes, actually discovered near the Yang Kai corners of the mouth to reappear to wipe the light smile impressively unexpectedly, dumbly said: What does Sir you smile?” 察觉到杨开身上的腾腾杀机,波雅忍不住打了个寒颤,扭头瞧了他一眼,却赫然发现杨开嘴角边竟浮现出一抹淡淡微笑,哑然道:“大人你笑什么?” Funnily what the matter of today has? That side Kesen the situation is surely worrying, if Kesen died, that Cloud Shadow was only left over two high-rank Demon King. 今日之事有什么好笑的么?科森那边必定局势堪忧,科森若是死了,那云影这边就只剩下两位上品魔王了。 Yang Kai hey hey one happy: I smiled Blue Source to act finally.” 杨开嘿嘿一乐:“我笑篮原这边终于出手了。” Bo Ya is startled: „Are you expected?” 波雅一怔:“你早有所料?” Yang Kai looked at her one eyes leisurely: Yue Sang has resentful with me, although he was sent to frontier service two worlds battlefield by Saint Venerable, actually still wants completely all means to probably take my life, before Lie Kuang was then incited by him, is Lie Kuang so, deceives discusses Blue Source Continent? Blue Source Continent here Demon King have the Yue Sang instruction, this time I suspended the opportunity to them at present, if they did not know to treasure, that was the pig brain.” 杨开悠悠地瞧了她一眼:“月桑与我有怨,他虽被圣尊发配两界战场,却依然想尽一切办法欲要取我性命,之前列狂便是受他指使,列狂都是如此,更罔论蓝原大陆这边?想必蓝原大陆这边的魔王们也都得到了月桑的指令,这一次我把机会摆到他们眼前,他们若不知珍惜,那就是猪脑子了。” The meaning in this saying understands simply, but Bo Ya actually listens muddled, thinks carefully, said looking pensive: You let Kesen seals off Blue Source Continent the gate, to enrage them?” 这话中的意思简单明了,可波雅却听的糊里糊涂,仔细地想了一阵,若有所思道:“你让科森去封堵蓝原大陆这边的界门,就是为了激怒他们?” Kesen is Cloud Shadow Demon King, actually meddles the matter of Blue Source gate, changing her will be Blue Source mainland Demon King will not sit by and do nothing, the hand has fished, who can endure? 科森云影魔王,却插手篮原界门之事,换她是篮原大陆这边的魔王也不会坐视不管的,手都捞过界了,谁能忍的了? Yang Kai shakes the head to say slowly: Is not must enrage them specially, this King truly also needs the trap gate, maintains pure, but concluded that they will not coordinate, but once they make a move, this King had to the excuse that they started, taking this opportunity, completely solved the matter of Blue Source, otherwise in the future this King at all impossible relieved maintenance gate.” 杨开缓缓摇头道:“也不是特意要去激怒他们,本王确实也需要封堵界门,维持清净,只是料定他们不会配合而已,而他们一旦出手,本王就有向他们下手的借口了,借此机会,彻底解决篮原之事,否则日后本王根本不可能安心维护界门。” A Bo Ya face strange said/tunnel: You have not heard that Demon King report, Blue Source here set out six high-rank Demon King, 1000 subordinates? Where you come provokes them self-confidently?” 波雅一脸古怪地道:“你方才没有听到那魔王汇报,篮原这边出动了六位上品魔王,一千部属吗?你哪来的自信去招惹他们?” Cloud Shadow high-end battle strength, compared to miss Boss one section with others, but remembered that night the matter of Lie Kuang body dying, paid Yang Kai's to take advantage of could it be that secretly is that bell? 云影这边的高端战力,跟人家比较起来可是差了老大一截,不过又想起那一夜列狂身死之事,暗付杨开的依仗难道是那口大钟? Still Bo Ya does not know how Yang Kai is cuts to kill Lie Kuang, at that time the only suspicious place was that bell, was covered by that bell, Lie Kuang this top high-rank Demon King less than moment had died, many people guessed Lie Kuang can die was so quick, because of the prestige of that bell. 至今波雅都不知道杨开到底是如何将列狂斩杀的,当时唯一可疑的地方就是那口大钟了,被那大钟笼罩,列狂这位顶尖的上品魔王不到片刻就已身亡,许多人都猜测列狂之所以会死的那么快,皆因那大钟之威。 these days she, when harasses Li Shiqing, has inquired the Yang Kai's news unintentionally, knew that this in the Star Boundary that side is prominent character, defeating a superior enemy usually was the potluck, but Li Shiqing about Yang Kai knew that were not many, mostly was only the hearsay, how therefore Yang Kai cut to kill Lie Kuang on the same day, she also did not clear. 这些日子她在骚扰李诗晴的时候,也有意无意地打探过杨开的消息,得知这位在星界那边可是个风云人物,以弱胜强素来都是家常便饭,不过李诗晴杨开了解也不多,大多都只是道听途说而已,所以杨开当日到底是如何斩杀列狂的,她也搞不清楚 Catches the eye to look, Yang Kai does not have the interest of speech, but that happy expression on face even more was as deep as a well, this makes Bo Ya very repugnant, thought that Human Race really such as in rumor common, deceitful sinister, a lot of dirty trick, race that should exterminate early. 抬眼望去,杨开却已没了说话的兴致,只是脸上的那笑意愈发地高深莫测了,这让波雅很是讨厌,觉得人类果然如传言中一般,奸诈阴险,一肚子坏水,是早该灭绝的种族。 But then the Yang Kai's performance was stranger, obviously gate, in has printed in the field of vision, beyond dozens li (0.5 km), that side can also see many forms of battle indistinctly, wants to come Kesen and his section from is resisting furiously, but Yang Kai has not passed the meaning of rescuing, but flew big around a place. 而接下来杨开的表现就更加奇怪了,明明界门所在已经印入视野之中,就在几十里外,那边隐约也可以见到许多交战的身影,想来正是科森和他的部从们在奋力抵抗,可杨开偏偏没有过去救援的意思,而是绕着一个地方飞了好大一圈。
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