MP :: Volume #35

#3471: Inside and outside blockade

Also there is a resolution, Yang Kai does not delay, immediately is spreading together toward that only gate with the sound. 既有决断,杨开也不耽搁,当即与音一道朝那唯一的界门所在驰去。 Previously came this Cloud Shadow Continent time, he and Bai Zhuo and the others came through here gate, but does not know at that time here was the Lie Kuang domain. This time comes again, Lie Kuang had also died, Lie Kuang these Demon King hand/subordinate were also scattered incorporates, here became the place of without owner, but Yang Kai has not spoken, Laoke and other high-rank Demon King do not dare to seize here arbitrarily, only waits for him later to make a decision. 先前来这云影大陆的时候,他与白灼等人正是通过此处界门而来,不过当时并不知道这里是列狂的地盘。此番再来,列狂也已经死了,列狂手下的那些魔王们也都被打散收编,这里就成了无主之地,只不过杨开没有发话,劳克等三位上品魔王也不敢擅自占领这里,只等他以后决断。 Laoke and Kesen two nearby this, Yang Kai made them come before the nosing Myriad Demon Cave situation, now past thinks that on several th also had the result. 劳克科森两位就在这附近,之前杨开让他们过来查探万魔窟的情况,如今几日过去想必也是有了结果。 In the half-way, the sound passed on a message two people. 半道上,音传讯两人 Waits for Yang Kai to rush to nearby the gate the time, really saw that Laoke and Kesen bring one crowd of Demon King to wait respectfully, does not wait for Yang Kai to arrive, then welcomed hastily, salutes respectfully. 杨开赶到界门附近的时候,果然见到劳克科森带着一群魔王正在恭敬等候,不等杨开抵达,便连忙迎了上来,恭敬行礼。 Situation how?” Yang Kai looks at Laoke to ask. “情况如何?”杨开望着劳克问道。 Laoke said submissively: Such as Great King expects, Lie Kuang and Blue Source Continent that side has colluded, when he goes to Clouds Shadow City, Myriad Demon Cave is guarded by Tu Qialuo!” 劳克拱手道:“如大王所料,列狂蓝原大陆那边有所勾结,他前往云影城之时,万魔窟图恰罗镇守!” Sees Yang Kai to reveal the color of doubt, the sound explains low voice in the one side: That Tu Qialuo is Blue Source Continent that side Demon King, is under Sir Yue Sang the subordinate, talented.” 杨开露出狐疑之色,音在一旁小声解释道:“那图恰罗蓝原大陆那边的魔王,乃月桑大人麾下所属,实力不俗。” Can result in the sound saying that is talented, wants to come to be high-rank Demon King. 能得音说一声实力不俗,想来应该是个上品魔王了。 Yang Kai nods saying: That Tu Qialuo now where?” 杨开点点头道:“那图恰罗如今何在?” Laoke and in the Kesen surface appears to wipe the awkward color. 劳克科森面上不禁浮现出一抹尴尬之色。 Yang Kai sees that apparent they made one running. However this is also the way things should be, although that side Blue Source Continent took the hand to extend Cloud Shadow here, bribed Myriad Demon Cave and Myriad Demon Pill, but others behind had Half Saint as the backer after all, nobody will ask like Laoke these fellows, the grandmother did not love the uncle not to love, the situation was awkward. Even if Yang Kai previously cut to kill Lie Kuang to give them a confidence, but they do not dare really to oppose with Yue Sang, kills Tu Qialuo by the strength in their hands grasping, although does not spend anything, after may kill, will actually annoy to trouble surely, if later Yue Sang pursues the responsibility, they die without the burial ground surely. 杨开见状,便知他们让人给跑了。不过这也是人之常情,虽说蓝原大陆那边把手伸到了云影这里,染指万魔窟万魔丹,但人家身后毕竟有半圣作为靠山,不像劳克这些家伙无人问津,姥姥不疼舅舅不爱,处境尴尬。纵然杨开此前斩杀列狂给了他们一点信心,但他们也不敢真的与月桑作对,以他们手上掌握的力量杀一个图恰罗虽然不费什么事,可杀了之后却必定会惹上麻烦,万一以后月桑来追责,他们必定死无葬身之地。 Therefore they also present the life of Yang Kai, snatched Myriad Demon Cave, as for Tu Qialuo, is the ignores departs. 所以他们也只是奉杨开之命,将万魔窟抢了回来,至于图恰罗,则是放任离去。 this time Yang Kai asked that naturally awkward. 这个时候杨开问起来,自然都尴尬的很。 Is good because of the meaning that Yang Kai do not investigate, but deeply looked at their one eyes, the corners of the mouth appear to wipe the smiling face of ridicule, then waves saying: Now the Cloud Shadow general situation has decided that Myriad Demon Cave also performs the palm in the hand, this King then must start to nose immediately this gate, finding the way to maintain this only channel, you needed with all one's heart coordinates, starting from today, this gate seals up temporarily, does not get the this King verbal command, can not pass in and out.” Also wants the research field gate, discovers it to be able continuously the principle that continues to have, must have a peaceful not disturbed environment, gate here naturally must seal up, cannot to pass in and out. 好在杨开并没有要追究的意思,只是深深地望了他们一眼,嘴角边浮现出一抹讥讽的笑容,便挥手道:“如今云影大局已定,万魔窟也尽掌于手,本王即日起便要开始查探这界门,想办法维护这唯一的通道,尔等需得尽心配合,从即日起,此门暂时封闭,不得本王号令,不得进出。”既要研究界门,找出它能一直持续存在的原理,就必须得有一个安静不受打扰的环境,界门这里自然就得封闭,不能让人进进出出的。 Is good because of here also many manpower, all around deploys troops for defense is enough. 好在这边也有不少人手,四周布防已是足够。 Yes!” Laoke and the others are respectful should, thought that own and the others the auspicious days were really to the end, Cloud Shadow Continent came a master, henceforth can not be free, however, if Yang Kai really can stand firm this gate and ensure it will not vanish, had the huge advantage to them, at least, they will not need to consider the future escape route. “是!”劳克等人都恭敬应下,心想自己等人的好日子果然是到头了,云影大陆来了个主人,从此都不得自由,不过话说回来,如果杨开真的能稳住这界门,保证它不会消失的话,对他们也有巨大的好处,最起码,他们不用考虑日后的退路了。 Yang Kai also said: Laoke.” 杨开又道:“劳克。” Subordinate.” Laoke leaves ranks accordingly. “属下在。”劳克应声出列。 You return to Clouds Shadow City, gives me to come the Bo Ya belt/bring.” “你回一趟云影城,给我把波雅带过来。” Although he had urged Li Shiqing careful Bo Ya before, but the ghost knows that he walked the later Bo Ya that woman also to have the idea of Li Shiqing, made is quite appropriate her, let alone, he must comprehend the secret of that gate, will have no time to divert attention inevitably, Laoke and the others he was unable extremely to trust, only had Bo Ya to be able, when his wholly-absorbed research field gate, held the post of responsibility of-- protection guard to have soul puppet in the hand, he did not fear that Bo Ya will give birth to two hearts. 虽说他之前叮嘱过李诗晴小心波雅,但鬼知道他走了之后波雅那女人还会不会打李诗晴的主意,还是将她弄过来比较妥当,更何况,他要参悟那界门之秘,就势必无暇分心,劳克等人他还无法太过信任,也唯有波雅才能在他专心研究界门的时候,担任保护防范之责——有魂傀在手,他也不怕波雅会生出二心。 Laoke receives an order to depart. 劳克领命离去。 Yang Kai hesitated, turns the head to look at Kesen Heyin saying: Has wanted to ask you, Myriad Demon Pill this thing can buy?” 杨开沉吟了一下,转头望着科森和音道:“一直想问你们,万魔丹这东西能买的到么?” Myriad Demon Pill has big using to Embodiment, the quantity of needing were too many, if can buy that more convenient, he runs Cloud Shadow Continent now, can say that all of this place turn over to him to control, by the Cloud Shadow Continent present situation, buys some Myriad Demon Pill financial resource to have. 万魔丹法身有大用,不过需要的数量实在太多了一些,若是能买到的话那就省事多了,他如今掌管云影大陆,可以说此地的一切都归他支配,以云影大陆现在的情况,买些万魔丹的财力还是有的。 Can be the energy, but is not easy to buy.” Kesen knits the brows, this thing each Demon King needs, once started definitely is immediately takes to refine.” “能是能,不过不好买。”科森皱了皱眉,“这东西每个魔王都需要,一旦入手肯定是第一时间服用炼化了。” The sound also said: Before each time Myriad Demon Pill collection time, I and others can obtain 12 grains, but never has the surplus, used up quickly.” paused said: Great King do you want to buy Myriad Demon Pill?” 音也道:“以前每次万魔丹采集的时候,我等都能分得一两粒,但从来都没有节余,都是很快用掉了。”顿了一下道:“大王你想买万魔丹?” Yang Kai nods saying: Has this idea.” 杨开点点头道:“有这个想法。” Tone channel: I urged Great King not to buy, this thing expensive/noble oddness.” 音道:“那我劝大王还是别买了,这东西贵的离谱。” Expensive?” Yang Kai dumbly is looking at her. “有多贵?”杨开哑然地望着她。 The sound returns said: Can buy one grain 50 million to 80 million high-rank Demon Crystal, moreover does not have the city valuably.” 音回道:“五千万八千万上品魔晶才能买得一粒,而且有价无市。” Yang Kai hears word bared grinning, he thinks that own won ten hundred million Demon Crystal from Blood Battlefield is the sale price not poor|Fei, but if said according to the sound , can only buy more than ten grains of Myriad Demon Pill, moreover not necessarily could buy. 杨开闻言不禁龇了龇牙,他本以为自己血斗场那边赢了十亿魔晶已经算是身价不菲了,可如果照音这么说,也就只能买十几粒万魔丹而已,而且还不一定买得到。 But that ten hundred million Demon Crystal lose to Embodiment swallows to refine the words, the effect not necessarily compared with taking Myriad Demon Pill difference many. 而那十亿魔晶丢给法身去吞噬炼化的话,效果未必就比服用万魔丹差多少。 This may really be a sad news! Let Yang Kai all of a sudden in purchasing Myriad Demon Pill this matter lost the interest, even if he can mobilize the entire Cloud Shadow Continent resources now, only feared that cannot buy many. 这可真是个噩耗!让杨开一下子对购买万魔丹这种事失去了兴趣,纵然他如今能调动整个云影大陆的资源,只怕也买不到多少。 This matter gives up, Yang Kai waving makes two people draw back, the own figure plunders, flew toward that gate, before being built on this gate, sizes up carefully, in the surface is difficult to cover the color of shock. 此事作罢,杨开挥手让两人退下,自己则身形一掠,朝那界门飞了过去,立于这界门之前,仔细地打量,面上难掩震撼之色。 This gate can say that is huge Void Tunnel, inside the chaos Nihility aura turnover is uncertain, to the feeling of person and danger, Yang Kai pays by the own present space attainments, is impossible to cause this type of thing, but maintains its stable words, perhaps also some means. 这界门可以说就是一个巨大的虚空甬道,内里混沌虚无气息吞吐不定,给人及其危险的感觉,杨开自付以自己现在的空间造诣,是万万不可能弄出这种东西来的,不过之是维护住它的稳定的话,或许还有些办法。 Inspires gently, closes the eyes, Spiritual Mind is lazy, noses this gate situation...... 轻轻地吸了口气,闭上双眼,神念悠忽,查探起这界门的情况…… Under, Kesen and sound start Demon Race hand/subordinate to disperse, is centered on the gate, the surrounding area 30 li (0.5 km) divide forces to deploy troops for defense, refuses all miscellaneous personnel close to the gate, so as to avoid disturbs Yang Kai. 下方,科森与音则开始将手下的魔族分散开来,以界门为中心,方圆三十里分兵布防,严禁一切闲杂人等靠近界门,免得干扰到杨开 In Yang Kai decodes secret of before this gate, Cloud Shadow Continent Demon Race do not want to pass the gate to leave, some Demon Race that even if this act can annoy complained, but will be related to the entire Cloud Shadow future, the complaint will also be useless. 杨开破解这界门之秘前,云影大陆魔族是别想通过界门离开了,此举纵然会惹的一些魔族抱怨,但事关整个云影的未来,抱怨也是无用。 Void above, a Yang Kai's Spiritual Mind cuns (2.5 cm) place has swept that gate, is sensing mysterious Space Force that contains, in surface a color looking pensive, just like he thinks before, here senses, to some truly help of own in the understanding of Space Principle, so huge Void Tunnel has never had that side Star Boundary after all, contains before all sorts of wonderful is also him, has never realized. 虚空之上,杨开的神念一寸寸地扫过那界门,感悟着其中蕴藏的玄妙空间之力,面上一副若有所思之色,正如他之前所想,在这里感悟,对自己空间法则的理解上确实有些帮助,毕竟如此巨大的虚空甬道星界那边可是从未有过的,其中蕴藏的种种神妙也是他以前从未体会过的。 While he felt faintly when has harvested, suddenly a fluctuation of Space Principle transmits from the gate place. 正当他隐隐感觉有所收获之时,蓦然一阵空间法则的波动从界门处传来。 This makes the Yang Kai brow select, but also thinks that is gate that unstable fluctuation, who knows the next moment, the front then suddenly are many Demon Race. 这让杨开眉头一挑,还以为是界门本身那种不稳定的波动,谁知下一刻,面前便忽然多出一个魔族来。 That Demon Race cultivation level is not too high, is only the Demon Chief Commander boundary, appears long-drawn-out then meets face to face with Yang Kai, has a scare, but also thinks that some people ambush in this place sneak attack own, immediately Demon Yuan urges, plunders toward the one side. 魔族修为不算太高,只是魔帅的境界,悠一出现便与杨开打了个照面,也是吓了一跳,还以为有人埋伏在此地偷袭自己,当即魔元一催,朝一旁掠去。 After coming to a stop figure, right views Yang Kai cold faint is looking at own. 待站稳身形之后,正见杨开幽幽地望着自己 Moreover all around also has the innumerable say/way lines of sight to focus attention on toward here probably. 而且四周好像还有无数道视线朝这边瞩目而来。 A that Demon Chief Commander brow wrinkle, about sizes up, immediately cold sweat drippings...... 魔帅眉头一皱,左右打量,顿时冷汗淋淋…… That below place, reaches ten Demon King to eye covetously to own, the surrounding area in dozens li (0.5 km) many Demon Chief Commander Demon Commander surround here all round, making him feel inexplicably own seemed like rushed to the sheep of wolf's lair by mistake, the mind was alarmed and afraid, squeezed a smiling face to Yang Kai, roughly said: „Does Sir have the matter?” 那下方处,多达上十位魔王自己虎视眈眈,方圆几十里内更有许多魔帅魔将将这里团团包围,让他莫名地感觉自己像是误闯了狼窝的绵羊,心神惊惧,冲杨开强挤出一丝笑容,涩声道:“大人有事?” Go away!” Yang Kai waves to him, the mood somewhat is quite bad. “滚!”杨开冲他一挥手,心情颇有些恶劣。 That Demon Chief Commander such as a dream pardon, turns around toward side Xiang Fei hastily goes, until being far away from this place then big mouth respite. 魔帅如梦大赦,连忙掉头朝一个方向飞去,直到远离了此地这才大口喘息。 Yang Kai shouted one to under: Kesen!” 杨开冲下方喊了一声:“科森!” Kesen flew hastily, holds the fist saying: Great King!” 科森连忙飞了上去,抱拳道:“大王!” Brings the person goes to that side Blue Source Continent the gate, that side gate is stopping up, does not permit again some people across the gate.” Just now that Demon Chief Commander, should come from Blue Source Continent, exactly transmission near here gate. “带人去蓝原大陆那边的界门,把那边的界门的堵着,不准再有人穿过界门。”方才那个魔帅,应该是从蓝原大陆过来的,恰好就传送在这边的界门附近。 Even if not the transmission nearby this, once that side some people pass the gate, the gate can have some mighty waves inevitably, making Yang Kai be disturbed, the secret of his also how sensibility gate. 纵然不是传送在这附近,那边一旦有人通过界门的话,界门势必会起一些波澜,让杨开受到干扰,他还如何感悟界门之秘。 Hears this word, Kesen complexion stagnates: This...... isn't this good? But that side the territory of Sir Yue Sang, we have no right to interfere.” Let alone, they days before expelled that Tu Qialuo, if this time the belt/bring person seals off that side gate, the Blue Source Continent that side knew how to give up? Will trigger the confrontation of two mainland carelessly. 闻听此言,科森面色微滞:“这……这不好吧?那边可是月桑大人的领地,我们也无权干涉。”更何况,他们前几日才将那个图恰罗赶走,这个时候若是带人去封堵那边的界门,蓝原大陆那边得知了岂会善罢甘休?一个不慎就会引发两个大陆的交锋。 Yang Kai sneers saying: Fears anything, Yue Sang had been sent to frontier service two worlds battlefield by Saint Venerable.” 杨开冷笑道:“怕什么,月桑已经被圣尊发配到两界战场去了。” Kesen said awkwardly: Even if Sir Yue Sang is not, that side Blue Source Continent still about ten high-rank Demon King, I and others are not an opponent.” Blue Source Continent has Yue Sang to look, therefore also has the Demon Race army to reassign two worlds battlefield even if, Demon King that may preserve actually still many many compared with Cloud Shadow, if really hits, Cloud Shadow must suffer a loss absolutely. 科森尴尬道:“纵然月桑大人不在,蓝原大陆那边依然有近十位上品魔王,我等绝非对手。”蓝原大陆月桑照拂,所以纵然也有魔族大军抽调去两界战场,可存留的魔王却依然要比云影这边多的多,真要是打起来,云影这边绝对要吃大亏。 The Yang Kai squint looks at him: They , if there is opinion, making them look for the this King speech.” 杨开斜眼望他:“他们若有意见,让他们来找本王说话。” Kesen hears word is helpless, knew in the heart that Yang Kai this was iron core to that side gate also seal off, said uselessly, can only brace oneself to receive an order to go. 科森闻言无奈,心知杨开这是铁了心要把那边的界门也封堵住了,多说无益,只能硬着头皮领命而去。 When he selected some Demon King to follow, after the gate went to Blue Source Continent, Yang Kai then continues the closed pupil sensibility. 等他点了一些魔王跟随,穿过界门前往蓝原大陆之后,杨开这才继续闭眸感悟。 Following two days live in peace with each other actually, Cloud Shadow and no one dares to disturb, all desires pass the people of gate to be intercepted, that side Blue Source Continent is also so, evidently the Kesen not careless conduct. 接下来两日倒是相安无事,云影这边并无人敢来打扰,所有欲通过界门之人都被拦截,蓝原大陆那边也是如此,看样子科森并没有马虎行事。 Bo Ya had come, is staring Yang Kai in not far away wickedly, stance that wishes one could to eat his flesh. 波雅已经过来了,就在不远处恶狠狠地瞪着杨开,一副恨不得吃他血肉的架势。 Yang Kai does not go to manage her, or simply had not detected that her vision, immersed in the gate with all one's heart. 杨开根本不去理她,或者说根本没有察觉到她的目光,一门心思地沉浸在了界门之中。 He naturally impossible to count on his security completely on Bo Ya, in Mysterious Boundary Bead Embodiment also around monitoring this situation, once there is any people's desires chart to be illegal, Embodiment can run out from Mysterious Boundary Bead immediately, maintains itself completely. 他自然不可能将自身的安全全部指望在波雅身上,玄界珠法身也一直在监视这四周情况,一旦有什么人意图不轨,法身立刻便可从玄界珠中冲出,维护自身周全。
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