MP :: Volume #35

#3475: The prestige of Wind Bottle

The clarity that Bo Ya vanishes suddenly does not see Blue Source here Demon King that naturally looks, although feels improper, but has inquired into at this time weak too many, only because of while Bo Ya vanishes, before Yang Kai the tiger has leapt throws, welcomed toward them, in the hand 1 Million Sword sword qi soars to the heavens, holds up high, chops loudly. 波雅忽然消失不见的一幕篮原这边的魔王们自然看的真切,虽感觉不妥,但此时已无力探究太多,只因在波雅消失的同时,杨开已虎跃前扑,朝他们迎了上来,手上一柄百万剑剑气冲霄,高高举起,轰然劈下。 Huge sword glow must divide into two this world, shatter Void, tangential Blue Source camp. 巨大的剑芒似要将这天地都一分为二,破碎虚空,切向篮原阵营。 Feels the prestige of that sword, all Demon Race dignified changes countenance, both sides separate toward about as if by prior agreement, evades its point. 感受到那一剑之威,所有魔族都凝重变色,不约而同地朝左右两旁分开,避其锋芒。 Bang, the loud sound spreads, the land crack, in the ground presents one to be thousand zhang (3.330m) to have cracks all of a sudden, Demon Race that avoids wreaked havoc by that sword intent, changes to ashes in abundance. 轰地一声,巨响传出,大地龟裂,地面上一下子出现一道长达千丈有余的裂缝,一些躲避不及的魔族被那剑意肆虐,纷纷化作齑粉 One crowd of Demon King saw, the surface sinks like the water. Is good because of this strikes the might, although is good, has killing, but some Demon Chief Commander Demon Commander were only killed, Demon King avoid safely, does not have the least bit to damage. 一群魔王见了,都面沉如水。好在这一击威力虽然不俗,也颇具杀伤,但只有些一些魔帅魔将被杀,魔王们都安然避开,并没有半点损伤。 Then the next moment, from the place dozens li (0.5 km) away, several flowing light lightning flashes comes, spreads chī chī sound air-splitting. 然则下一刻,从几十里外的地方,几道流光电闪而来,传出嗤嗤地破空之音。 Yang Kai has acted, how Bo Ya will be idling, bumps into one crowd rarely the back reveal to the own idiot, Bo Ya cannot bear the desire that will intend to kill. 杨开既已出手,波雅又怎会闲着,难得碰到一群将后背露给自己的蠢货,波雅根本忍不住出手将之射杀的欲望。 These arrows compared with previously did not kill that high-rank Demon King the prestige of nine arrow, obviously Bo Ya has not used that loss enormous Secret Technique, but also cannot be underestimated, regardless of the speed kills lets person trembling in fear. 这几箭不比先前射杀那上品魔王的九箭之威,显然波雅没有动用那损耗极大的秘术,但也不容小觑,无论速度还是杀伤都让人心惊胆战 The arrow loses along the way, shot to explode more than ten Demon Chief Commander Demon Commander, pointed to strong, complexion jet black high-rank Demon King. 箭失沿途所过,射爆了十几个魔帅魔将,直指一个膀大腰圆,面色漆黑的上品魔王 That gets angry Demon King not to think that behind will have attack, is paying attention to the Yang Kai's sound with all one's heart, loses near and thousand feet (333 m) prescription until that arrow had detected, immediately the complexion big change, rave, body Demon Yuan tumbles, pair of demon mace raises in the hand, turns around to brandish. 那黑脸魔王根本不曾想到背后会有攻击袭来,一门心思地关注着杨开的动静,直到那箭失近及百丈处方才有所察觉,顿时脸色大变,狂吼一声,身上魔元翻滚,一对魔锏提在手上,转身抡开。 When dingdong, sparks flying in all directions, incomparably loses the standard to fend off accurate the arrow that shoots, the strength that itself after instead is actually shaking has an audience with the emperor slips dozens zhang (3.33 m). 叮叮当当一阵,火花四溅时,精准无比地将那射来的箭失格挡开来,本身却在反震的力道上朝后滑退数十丈。 Catches the eye to look, sees only beyond dozens li (0.5 km), Bo Ya looked to sneer, extends one to gesticulate on the own neck. 抬眼望去,只见几十里外,波雅面露冷笑,伸出一手在自己脖子上比划了一下。 This gets angry Demon King to look at this in the eye, the complexion was blacker, however actually could not allow him to think at this moment again much, only has one swift and fierce Internal Qi because of the back, that attack came just in time, was his whole body vitality tumbles, when Demon Yuan was uncertain, is unable to resist full power. 这黑脸魔王将这一幕瞧在眼中,脸色更黑了许多,然此刻却容不得他再多想,只因背后已有一股凌厉气机袭至,那攻击来的正是时候,是他浑身气血翻滚,魔元不定之时,根本无法全力抵挡。 The life and death crisis moment, this gets angry the Demon King whole body to shake, wild Demon Yuan erupts loudly, changes to a visible air wave to be unconstrained toward all around unexpectedly, attempts to shove open the enemy of attack. 生死危机关头,这黑脸魔王周身一震,狂暴魔元轰然爆发,竟化作一股肉眼可见的气浪朝四周跌宕,企图借此推开来袭之敌。 The corner of the eye split vision sees cold light to flash, the field of vision inverts turns over, saw that not far away has headless corpse ice to set up Void, carries with the hand Shuangjian, neck locates fresh blood to shoot up to the sky , the sword rain like the waterfall, twists that headless corpse is ashes. 眼角余光见得寒光一闪,视野颠倒翻转,看到不远处有一具无头尸身凌立虚空,手提双涧,颈脖鲜血冲天而起,紧接着,剑雨如瀑,将那无头尸身绞为齑粉 own will die in this place unexpectedly, moreover only persists in gathering...... 自己竟然会死在这种地方,而且只坚持一合…… The gigantic head drops, the brilliance in eye is gradually gloomy. 硕大的头颅跌落下去,眼中的光彩逐渐暗淡。 That side, Yang Kai strikes after the good opportunity of Bo Ya manufacture goes well, is looked that did not look, a sword pulls up slantingly, attacked toward another high-rank Demon King. 那边,杨开借助波雅制造的良机一击得手之后,已是看也不看,一剑斜撩,朝另外一个上品魔王攻了过去。 This Demon King should be detected the crisis that black face colleague, wanting to rescue, was actually late one step, looks at Yang Kai will behead the broken corpse helplessly, when Ya Zi/eye socket wanted the crack was also absolutely terrified. 这位魔王应该是察觉到那黑脸同僚的危机,欲要营救,却是晚了一步,眼睁睁看着杨开将之枭首碎尸,睚眦欲裂之余也是毛骨悚然。 He suddenly discovered that own and the others all underestimated this Human Race, distant that Feather Demon is no doubt thorny, perhaps but this cultivation level only endures compared with middle-rank Demon King Human Race most needs to be vigilant. 他忽然发现自己等人全都小看了这个人类,远方那个羽魔固然棘手,可这个修为只堪比中品魔王人族恐怕才是最需要警惕的。 Got angry learning from another's mistakes of Demon King to make him many several points of careful, facing plan that Yang Kai this sword simply has not met hardly, the under foot slid is leaves to draw back. But the next moment he then knows that the own fell into a trap, opposite party that sword simply did not have the least bit prestige energy, made a feint completely. 黑脸魔王的前车之鉴让他多了几分小心,面对杨开这一剑根本没有硬接的打算,脚下一滑已是抽身退开。可是下一刻他便知道自己中计了,对方那一剑根本没有半点威能可言,完全是虚晃一招。 On the contrary while the sword has, another has supported cyan bottle gourd, that bottle gourd does not know that is what Secret Treasure, is only this valuable one, making him have a frightened feeling inexplicably. 反倒是在剑出的同时,另一手已托住了一口青色葫芦,那葫芦也不知是什么秘宝,只是此宝一出,让他莫名生出一种惊悚之感。 When Yang Kai aimed at the crowd most crowded place that bottle gourd mouth, Emperor Yuan pours into, visible wind blades from that bottle gourd mouth emerge, shortly will cover the big range. 杨开将那葫芦口对准了人群最密集之地,帝元灌入时,一道道肉眼可见的风刀从那葫芦口中涌现出来,顷刻间覆盖了偌大一片范围。 The sound that chī chī scoffs is lingering on faintly, fresh blood splash, straw of many Demon Chief Commander Demon Commander on such as strong winds, large expanse of large expanse of but actually, the body of everyone was cut the innumerable blocks, the margin place is smooth. 嗤嗤嗤的声音不绝于耳,鲜血飞溅,诸多魔帅魔将就如狂风中的稻草,成片成片地倒了下去,每个人的身体都被切割成了无数块,切口处平整光滑。 In a flash, thousands of Demon Race army casualty half are then many, is not only these Demon Chief Commander Demon Commander resists this prestige of bottle gourd wreaking havoc incompetently, some low-rank Demon King also die, even three middle-rank Demon King therefore died in battle. 只是一瞬间,数以千计的魔族大军便死伤一半还多,不但是那些魔帅魔将无能抵挡这葫芦肆虐之威,就连一些下品魔王也中之既死,甚至还有三个中品魔王因此阵亡。 Also living Demon Race is panic-stricken inexplicable, dreaded that incomparably is looking at Wind Bottle on Yang Kai. 还活着的魔族俱都是惊骇莫名,忌惮无比地望着杨开手上的风葫 Yang Kai is actually cracks into a smile, can be quite satisfied to this Secret Treasure prestige. 杨开却是咧嘴一笑,对这秘宝的威能极为满意。 Wind Bottle is he before Demon Territory, brings from the Plain Palace restricted area deep place, entire Plain Palace Stellar Astral Wind is from this Wind Bottle line becomes, long ago Plain Palace disciple drew support from Stellar Astral Wind tempering flesh body in that canyon, but actually never some people can arrive in most deep place. 风葫是他在来魔域之前,从无华殿的禁地深处取来的,整个无华殿星外罡风都是由此风葫行成,早年无华殿弟子在那峡谷中借助星外罡风淬炼肉身,不过却从未有人能抵达最深处。 The these days sacrifice has practiced warm and nourish, Yang Kai intends the war under the experiment Wind Bottle the prestige energy, now seems like good, even if this thing is inferior to Mountains and Rivers Bell, perhaps is also distanced is not far. 这些日子一直祭练温养,杨开有意借此战来试验下风葫的威能,现在看来还算不错,这东西纵然不如山河钟,恐怕也相距不远了。 The only shortcoming is the consumption is too then big, needs magnanimous Emperor Yuan to use to stimulate to movement this treasure, but the effect is also and remarkable, especially suits the wide scope bang to kill, this point is Mountains and Rivers Bell is unable to compare. 唯一的缺点便是消耗太大,需要海量的帝元用以催动此宝,不过效果也是及其显著,尤其适合大范围轰杀,这一点又是山河钟无法比拟的。 In numerous Demon Race are the Wind Bottle prestige can be shocked, Secret Technique of distant that nine arrow ripple fires has reappeared. 就在众多魔族风葫威能而感到震惊之时,远方那九箭连射的秘术已然再现。 Although Bo Ya this woman the moral character is not much, but has and keen intuition in the assurance of fighter aircraft, at this moment, Wind Bottle attracts everyone attention time, this even/including nine arrows shoot, locked directly just now by that high-rank Demon King that a Yang Kai sword drives back. 波雅这女人虽然品格不怎么样,但在战机的把握上却是有及其敏锐的直觉,此时此刻,正是风葫吸引所有人注意力的时候,这一连九箭射来,直接锁定了方才被杨开一剑逼退的那个上品魔王 Nine arrows lose change to the frontline, pursues star to catch up moon/month, instantaneously before the body. 九道箭失化作一线,追星赶月,瞬间及至身前。 That high-rank Demon King responded finally, when bellows panic-stricken then wants to avoid. 上品魔王总算反应了过来,惊恐大吼时便要施法躲避。 But how Yang Kai can such as he hope, when the Bo Ya arrow leaves, he has then had an action to perform, Space Principle covers toward that high-rank Demon King, fetters in place him firmly. 杨开岂会如他所愿,在波雅箭出之时,他便已有所动作,空间法则直朝那上品魔王罩去,将他牢牢束缚在原地 Sincere...... a sound. 笃笃笃……一阵响动。 Before one such as, that high-rank Strength Demon result, this high-rank Demon King was shot a hedgehog directly, nine arrow strategic points, within the body Demon Heart was all destroyed completely! 一如之前那个上品力魔的结局,这个上品魔王直接被射成了一只刺猬,九箭俱中要害,体内魔心被摧毁殆尽! Suddenly time, Blue Source here Demon Race casualty most, does not raise these following Demon Chief Commander Demon Commander, Demon King falls many, even included two high-rank Demon King, but makes this aspect, only has two people unexpectedly, two all are only equivalent to the middle-rank Demon King fellow! 眨眼功夫,篮原这边的魔族死伤大半,不提那些下面的魔帅魔将,就连魔王陨落多位,甚至包括了两位上品魔王,而造成这种局面的,竟是只有两人,两个俱都是只相当于中品魔王的家伙! All Demon Race thought that the face does not have the light, but the Bo Ya wonderful archery or Wind Bottle in Yang Kai hand, makes this crowd of Demon Race be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, just now so many people take them not to have the means that now is only left over half also to have what using? 所有魔族都觉得脸面无光,但无论是波雅的神妙箭术还是杨开手中的风葫,都让这群魔族投鼠忌器,方才那么多人都拿他们没办法,如今只剩下一半又有何用? Therefore slightly hesitates, this remaining one crowd of Demon Race then scatter in all directions to escape, collapses one group. 所以只是略一迟疑,这剩下的一群魔族便四散而逃,崩溃一团。 Yang Kai sneers gently, this desire keeps that two high-rank Demon King, when Spiritual Mind fine motion, actually only blocked a person of way, whatever another ran away to walk. 杨开轻轻冷笑,本欲将那两个上品魔王都留下来,但神念微动时,却是只拦下了一人的去路,任由另外一个逃窜而走。 However high-rank Demon King that waits for that to escape does not escape far, about the front then has the quantity 1000 team interception to come respectively, is arrived late Laoke Heyin two. 不过不等那逃跑的上品魔王逃出多远,前方左右便各有数量一千的队伍拦截而来,正是姗姗来迟劳克和音两位 They previously the Yang Kai order called the manpower to delay some time, the population are also many, the speed naturally was slow, caught up to catch up to pursue tightly slowly, Yang Kai will for fear that present what accidental/surprised, may one look to this is actually startled. 他们此前得杨开命令召集人手耽搁了一些时间,人数又多,速度自然是慢了一些,紧赶慢赶地追了过来,生怕杨开会出现什么意外,可到此一瞧却是大吃一惊。 Yang Kai has no accidental/surprised, is Blue Source here Demon Race is utterly routed on the contrary, each and everyone flees in panic. 杨开没什么意外,反倒是篮原这边的魔族溃不成军,一个个仓皇逃窜。 This...... what happened? 这……发生什么事了? Laoke Heyin look at each other in blank dismay, didn't expect this place can be such an aspect, but cannot allow them to think at this time, saw with own eyes Blue Source Demon Race four run away, is the life person blocks the interception, but their two stare at high-rank Demon King that desire must break through to run away together. 劳克和音面面相觑,怎么也没想到此地会是这样一副局面,不过此时也容不得他们多想,眼见篮原魔族四下逃窜,自是命人封锁截杀,而他们两个则是一起盯上了那个欲要突围逃走的上品魔王 According to truth, Blue Source here population, although are few, but also is not the weak one, if in the normal condition not necessarily does not have strength of the war, but this group of fellows are really scared now, simply does not have heart of the war, on the contrary when is Cloud Shadow that side reinforcements imposing manner such as the rainbow, therefore just contacts, Blue Source here Demon Race casualty is then serious, did not say that these Demon Chief Commander Demon Commander assume the lopsided situation, did not have the least bit strength to hit back by that high-rank Demon King of Laoke Heyin interception, on several rounds were many a wound, fresh blood drippinged. 按道理来说,篮原这边人数虽少,但也都不是弱者,若是正常情况下未必没有一战之力,可如今这群家伙实在是被吓破了胆,根本没有一战之心,反倒是云影那边的援军正是气势如虹之时,所以甫一接触,篮原这边的魔族便死伤惨重,不说那些魔帅魔将呈一面倒的局势,就连被劳克和音拦截的那个上品魔王也没有半点还手之力,几个回合身上便多了一道伤口,鲜血淋淋。 In addition Bo Ya kills beyond dozens li (0.5 km) at a moderate pace, even if Blue Source will not be annihilated, cannot escape from several. 再加上波雅在几十里外不紧不慢地狙杀,篮原这边就算不会全军覆没,也逃不出几个。 Meanwhile, Yang Kai also and a high-rank Demon King dogfight. 与此同时,杨开也在与一个上品魔王缠斗。 Detected that arrival of Laoke Heyin, he ignores another high-rank Demon King departs, only leaves behind at present this. 正是察觉到了劳克和音的到来,他才放任另外一个上品魔王离去,只留下眼前这位。 This strength but actually also good, strove to excel the frontline compared with Laoke and the others, actually also limited. This sees Yang Kai to want with him independent combat, in the surface also appears to wipe the color of pleasant surprise to come, the secretly thought really changes from bad to good, the day does not perish I. 这位实力倒也不俗,比起劳克等人要强出一线,却也有限。本见杨开欲与他单打独斗,面上还浮现出一抹惊喜之色来着,暗道真是时来运转,天不亡我。 It looks like in this, even if Yang Kai beforehand performance again how splendid, the background also is only equivalent to middle-rank Demon King, if he acts full power, not necessarily cannot take Yang Kai, so long as can take this, he can maintain a livelihood, even can help Yue Sang subdue entire Cloud Shadow. 在这位看来,杨开之前的表现纵然再怎么出色,底子也只相当于一个中品魔王,他若是全力出手的话,未必就拿不下杨开,而只要能拿下此子,那他就能活命,甚至能助月桑将整个云影收服。 May fight several rounds he then to detect that is not right, at present this Human Race cultivation level truly is only equivalent to middle-rank Demon King without doubt, but that battle strength is even many high-rank Demon King is actually not able to compare, own is also falls whole-heartedly unexpectedly leeward. 可才交手不过几个回合他便察觉到不对了,眼前这个人类修为确实只相当于中品魔王无疑,但那一身战力却是连许多上品魔王都无法比拟的,自己全力以赴竟也是落入下风。 The strength of opposite party within the body, the nature measures, stronger own to plan, particularly the strength of flesh body, powerful somewhat inconceivable, each confrontation lets own arm feeling numb. 对方体内的力量,无论是质还是量,都要强过自己一筹,尤其是肉身之力,强大的有些不可思议,每一次交锋都让自己手臂发麻 Is this possible? Only will Human Race, how have the so powerful strength? Is the this kind of strength, these Saint Venerable descendants is then impossible to have? This Wisp of Spirit, the aspect even more cannot withstand, the body was held all of a sudden several hole eyes by Yang Kai, fresh blood directing current, makes him feel what alarmed and afraid is extremely, the appearance that at present this as if accomplishes a task with ease, simply has not used the full power. 这怎么可能?区区一个人类,怎会有如此强大的力量?这样的力量,便是那些圣尊的后嗣们也不可能拥有吧?这一分神,局面愈发地不堪,身上一下子被杨开捅出了好几个窟窿眼,鲜血直流,更让他感到惊惧万分的是,眼前这位似乎还是游刃有余的模样,根本没有动用全力。
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