MP :: Volume #17

#1699: Deep sea commodity

That several strength not high martial artist were controlled with Ten Thousand Poisonous Evil Insect by Insect Emperor, after Yang Kai arrived here , has not injured their meanings, but imprisons in place them. 那几个实力不高的武者原本是被虫帝万毒邪蛊控制住的,杨开来到这里之后也没有伤他们的意思,只是将他们禁锢在原地 At this moment along with the Yang Kai's movement, these person all bodies shivers, the face twists, seems withstanding the huge pain, two have told the foam but actually, but does not have the danger. 此刻伴随着杨开的动作,这几个人全都身躯颤抖起来,脸庞扭曲,仿佛在承受着巨大的痛楚,有两个已经吐口白沫地倒了下去,不过并没有生命危险。 Pang Zhen watches critically, before pouring does not have again such as, is so rash. 庞震冷眼旁观,倒也没再如之前那样莽撞。 Moment, along with one squeak squeak squeak squeak the sound, several flowing light the lasing from these martial artist mind comes out suddenly. 须臾,伴随着一阵吱吱吱吱的动静,几道流光忽然从这几个武者的脑海中激射出来。 Yang Kai holds, then the booth, hints toward Pang Zhen. 杨开一把抓住,然后摊着手,朝庞震示意。 Several grotesqueness, be only the fingernail size, presents the black red two color strange insects to struggle to revolt unceasingly, is actually not able to be separated from the Yang Kai's control. 几只奇形怪状,只有指甲盖大小,呈现出黑红两色的怪虫不断地挣扎反抗着,却始终无法脱离杨开的掌控。 Pang Zhen stared half deva-eye, this swallowed a saliva: „Is this Ten Thousand Poisonous Evil Insect?” 庞震瞪了半天眼,这才吞了口口水:“这就是万毒邪蛊?” Before these insects him, has never seen, but he actually felt wild aura, probably these insects from very ancient age, gave him a dangerous feeling. 这几只虫子他以前从未见过,但是他却从中感受到了一丝蛮荒的气息,好像这些虫子来自很古老的年代,给他一种危险的感觉。 Good, was planted Ten Thousand Poisonous Evil Insect, will be restrained the gu lord.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile. “不错,被种下万毒邪蛊,就会受制于蛊主。”杨开微微一笑。 „Can I look?” Pang Zhen has one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing, has a mind to take Ten Thousand Poisonous Evil Insect to go back to study, although this thing danger, but was thorough, the law of understood obligation, if studying, that was equal to move of Secret Technique. “我能看一看嘛?”庞震见猎心喜,有心拿一只万毒邪蛊回去研究研究,这玩意虽然危险,可若是研究的透彻了,懂的驱使之法,那就等于多了一招秘术 The Yang Kai faint smile is looking at him: Pang Island Master, if did not fear that was drilled into Consciousness Sea by them, these completely can give to you.” 杨开似笑非笑地望着他:“庞岛主若是不怕被它们钻入识海,这些尽可以送给你。” Pang Zhen complexion one white, hesitated for a long time. Shakes the head to say cruel-heartedly: Ok, Pang confessed the strength to be insufficient, these thing Sect Master Yang own handling.” 庞震脸色一白,踌躇了许久。才狠心摇头道:“算了,庞某自认实力不够,这些东西杨宗主自己处置。” Yang Kai smiles, hand wrist shakes, several struggling Ten Thousand Poisonous Evil Insect were then inspired as ashes. 杨开轻轻一笑,手腕一抖,几只挣扎的万毒邪蛊便被振为齑粉 Ravels the beforehand matter truly is a misunderstanding, Yang Kai, not only does not slaughter innocents in Multi-colored Sunlight Island, moreover helped him solve a huge trouble, Pang Zhen was warm to the Yang Kai's attitude immediately. 弄明白之前的事情确实是个误会,杨开非但不是在霞光岛滥杀无辜,而且还帮他解决了一个天大的麻烦,庞震杨开的态度顿时热情了许多。 Perhaps, what he dreads is the Yang Kai's strength. 或许,他更忌惮的是杨开的实力。 Can raise to fly him, entire Sorrowless Ocean no one has this skill. 能在举手投足间将他掀飞出去,整个无忧海都没人有这份本事。 Pang Zhen invited Yang Kai to go to own Mansion to sit vigorously. 庞震极力邀请杨开自己府邸坐坐。 Yang Kai also intends to exchange with him. From all since. 杨开也有意与他交流一番。自无不从。 Pang Zhen as Multi-colored Sunlight Island Island Master. Mansion occupied a land area of Multi-colored Sunlight Island best Spiritual Land, the extremely boundless atmosphere of construction. 庞震身为霞光岛岛主府邸占地了霞光岛最好的一块灵地,建造的极为磅礴大气。 Enters Mansion, Pang Zhen tells immediately the person offered the delicacy good food, the Yuqiong good wine. And more than ten wear the tissue. Graceful body partly visible years of youth and beauty young female sings and dances in the manages profound vocal music. 入了府邸,庞震立刻吩咐人奉上珍馐美食,玉琼佳酿。并有十几位身穿薄纱。曼妙身躯若隐若现的妙龄少女在管玄声乐中载歌载舞。 In the island numerous Void Return Stage Expert is invited along. 岛上一众返虚镜高手作陪。 The atmosphere is very lively. 气氛很是热闹。 In recent years accident to inland. Sea Palace also has hearing, because just has not spread to the deep sea, therefore Sea Palace to detail is not very clear. 对内陆近几年发生的变故。海殿也多有耳闻,只不过因为并没有蔓延到深海之中,所以海殿对其中的细节并不是太清楚 Pang Zhen invited Yang Kai warmly. One convenient favors the Yang Kai's strength, on the other hand is also intends under the inquiry the inland present situation. 庞震之所以热情邀请杨开。一方便是看好杨开的实力,另一方面也是有意打探下内陆如今的情况。 Yang Kai has certainly nothing to conceal. 杨开当然没什么好隐瞒的。 When knew that Corpse Spirit Religion already even/including root wipes out, the Sea Palace people call out in alarm unceasingly, after knowing Qian Tong is really the Void King Stage powerhouse, Pang Zhen and the others on the faces appeared the thick worried look. 当得知尸灵教已经被连根拔除的时候,海殿众人都惊呼不断,而当得知钱通果真已经是虚王境强者之后,庞震等人的脸上都浮现出了浓浓的忧色。 Gloom Star tens of thousands years has not presented Void King Stage, this is only the boundary that is the continuation of actually no one to arrive, Void King Stage can have the strong strength, Pang Zhen and the others also not clear, but this does not hinder them to have the sense of crisis of own. 幽暗星已经几万年没出现过虚王境,这只是个代代相传却无人能够抵达的境界,虚王境能有多强的实力,庞震等人也不清楚,但这并不妨碍他们有自己的忧患意识。 Lest the Qian Tong ambition thrives, reaches the deep sea the evil clutches. 他们唯恐钱通野心勃发,将魔爪伸向深海。 Although influence of Sea Palace in deep sea is complicate, extremely huge, but can resist Void King Stage, they are in the heart lack self-confidence. 尽管海殿在深海中的势力盘根错节,极为庞大,但到底能不能抵挡住一位虚王境,他们还是心中没底。 Yang Kai watches a person's every mood, naturally knows that they are worried about anything, in heart funny at the same time, pours does not expose. 杨开察言观色,自然知道他们在担心什么,心中好笑的同时,倒也不去点破。 Not to mention does Qian Tong have this thoughts, even if he really has this thoughts, is still unlikely hard to conquer the deep sea by him, Shadow Moon Palace did not have such big ability. 且不说钱通有没有这份心思,就算他真有这份心思,以他一个人恐怕也难以征服深海,影月殿还没这么大的能力。 Pang Zhen and the others somewhat had groundless fears slightly. 庞震等人稍微有些杞人忧天了。 Pang Island Master, Yang has the incident to invite, does not know whether Pang Island Master could consent.” The liquor over three patrol, Yang Kai opens the mouth to say suddenly. “庞岛主,杨某有一事想请,不知庞岛主能否应允。”酒过三巡,杨开忽然开口道。 Sect Master Yang please say.” Pang Zhen raises the head looked hastily. 杨宗主请说。”庞震连忙抬头望了过来。 I want unable to meet with your Sea Palace several Palace Master.” Yang Kai is with a smile typical, stung good wine lightly. “我想跟你们海殿的几位殿主见上一面。”杨开笑吟吟地道,轻嘬了一口美酒。 Pang Zhen stunned: What matter doesn't know Sect Master Yang behavior?” 庞震愕然:“不知杨宗主所为何事?” Although by the Yang Kai's status and position, really has the qualifications to see Sea Palace several Palace Master, but Pang Zhen must inquire unavoidably. 虽然以杨开的身份和地位,已经确实有资格见海殿的几位殿主了,但是庞震还是不免要询问一番。 Other person one faces are also looking at Yang Kai curiously. 其他人也都一脸好奇地望着杨开 Good deed.” Being as deep as a well that Yang Kai smiles, this Sect Master wants to develop interflow of commodities between the deep sea and inland, Pang Island Master you also know, deep sea and inland, because the environment is different, has various special products respectively, in the practice commodity that in the deep sea can easily search, in the inland possibly is the precious thing, thing that otherwise, can easily search in the inland, may very be also precious in the deep sea. If we can help supply each other, has the greatest advantage to disciple of respective influence!” “好事。”杨开笑的高深莫测,“本宗主是想开拓一下深海和内陆之间的物资交流,庞岛主你也知道,深海和内陆因为环境不同,各有各的特产,在深海中能够轻易寻觅到的修炼物资,在内陆可能就是及其珍贵的东西,反之,在内陆能轻易寻觅到的东西,在深海里或许会也很珍贵。如果咱们能互通有无的话,对各自势力的弟子都有莫大好处!” This is the reason that Yang Kai must keep, otherwise after striking killed Insect Emperor, he has left here, which will also waste time? 这正是杨开要留下来的原因,否则击杀了虫帝之后,他早就离开这里了,哪还会浪费时间 High Heaven Sect does not compare before now, before most several hundred people, were very good to support, casual lane a number of commodities on enough these person of practice, are now, Yang Kai brings about ten thousand people from Tong Xuan Continent, the commodity that needs to be inconceivable every month supplies, even if High Heaven Sect some accumulations, is out of control several years of consumption. 凌霄宗如今不比以前,以前顶多几百人而已,很好养活,随便弄一批物资就足够那些人修炼了,可是如今,杨开通玄大陆带来近万人,每一个月都需要难以想象的物资来供给,凌霄宗纵然有些积累,也禁不住几年的消耗。 Just likes is now this situation, just fought with Corpse Spirit Religion, the entire inland commodity is on the wane, major Sect Yuan Qi damage severely, the practice commodity is the scarce thing. 犹如是现在这种情况,刚与尸灵教大战了一番,整个内陆都物资凋零,各大宗门元气大伤,修炼物资是及其紧缺的东西。 Yang Kai settled on the difference that the deep sea and inland commodity delivered, if really can facilitate this matter, not only can relieve temporary sorrow, later did not need to worry not to have the practice commodity, only need hand over to sell, can accumulate huge wealth rapidly. 杨开看中了深海与内陆物资产出的差异,如果真能促成此事,不但能解除一时之忧,以后也不用发愁没有修炼物资了,只需从中转手卖出,就可以迅速积累出大量的财富。 Although he now is dark Star Master, each region can communicate at will, even can force Sea Palace to submit to by the military force, but Yang Kai does not want this. 虽然他如今已是幽暗星之主,可以随意地来往各地,甚至能够以武力胁迫海殿臣服,但杨开并不想这样做。 On the soldier reveals a plot, gets down the soldier to cut down the war, he rather lets between the inland and deep sea helps supply each other, offers mutual benefit and achieves common progress. 上兵伐谋,下兵伐战,他宁愿让内陆和深海之间互通有无,互惠互利。 Stands in dark Star Master the altitude, sometimes he also needs to consider for entire Gloom Star. 站在幽暗星之主的这个高度上,他有时候也需要为整个幽暗星考虑。 Pang Zhen hear of he proposed, at present one bright, but quick knits the brows: Sect Master Yang is not the person who first wants to do that my Sea Palace some people had also proposed this matter, but some special commodities transport the difficulty, moreover communicated is not convenient, this matter also let it go. Now although exchanges on some deep seas and inland also trades, but also only is restricted in several cities of seashore.” 庞震听他如此提议,眼前一亮,不过很快就皱眉道:“杨宗主并不是第一个想这么做的人,我海殿也曾经有人提出过这事,只不过一些特殊的物资运送困难,而且来往也不方便,此事也就不了了之了。如今虽然深海与内陆也有一些贸易上的交流,但也只仅限于海边的几座城池罢了。” Sees his manner, Yang Kai knows, the Sea Palace person to the commodity of inland is not interested, but was too troublesome, time that needs to consume is also too long, otherwise this matter is not one's turn Yang Kai to consider. 见他神态,杨开就知道,海殿的人并非对内陆的物资不感兴趣,而是太麻烦了,需要消耗的时间也太长,否则这事也轮不到杨开来考虑。 What is main, they do not have a fixed trading object, by the Sea Palace huge influence, in inland, only then a few Sect have the qualifications to treat as an equal to it, other influences can only raises the head look, that several influences with the meaning of Sea Palace transaction, Sea Palace have not been unable to do it alone. 最主要的是,他们没有一个固定的交易对象,以海殿庞大势力,内陆上只有少数几个宗门有资格与其平起平坐,其他势力只能抬头仰望,那几家势力没有与海殿交易的意思,海殿本身也孤掌难鸣。 The Yang Kai smile said: I, if can solve troublesome these?” 杨开微笑道:“我若是能解决这些麻烦呢?” The Pang Zhen look inspires: „Can Sect Master Yang really achieve this point?” 庞震神色一振:“杨宗主真能做到这一点?” The Yang Kai sincere nod, kept a serious look. 杨开正色点头,表情严肃。 Pang Zhen laughs saying: If Sect Master Yang can achieve this point, that this matter may discuss! However this matter I cannot take responsibility, can only report several Palace Master, lets their decision.” 庞震大笑道:“若是杨宗主能做到这一点的话,那此事可谈!不过这事我做不了主,只能禀告几位殿主,让他们决策。” Sea Palace given name Yang also for a long time heard, several Palace Master wise supernatural mights, will not reject the this kind of good deed.” Yang Kai Hehe said with a smile. 海殿大名杨某也久闻了,几位殿主英明神武,想必不会拒绝这样的好事。”杨开呵呵笑道。 The Pang Zhen mood is excellent, raises glass saying: That wishes this matter to achieve completely, perhaps at the appointed time Pang must ask Sect Master Yang to look after much.” 庞震心情大好,举杯道:“那就预祝此事圆满达成,届时庞某恐怕还要请杨宗主多多关照。” If this matter really became, that Pang Zhen must occupy the first in merit without doubt, this is hundred advantages does not have an evil to him, could taking this opportunity under the promotion the position in Sea Palace, therefore he was even more compatible to the Yang Kai's attitude, only regarded the distinguished guest to entertain him generally. 这事如果真的成了,那庞震无疑要居首功,这对他来说是百利无一害的,说不定能借此机会在海殿里提升下地位,所以他对杨开的态度愈发亲和了,只把他当成了贵宾一般招待。 Night, the banquet withdraws, Yang Kai was arranged to rest in a luxurious side building, after several as pretty as a flower young young female saddle lead horses, serves. 夜深,酒宴撤去,杨开被安排在一间豪华的厢房内休息,几个如花似玉的妙龄少女鞍前马后地伺候。 Yang Kai sent them, the young female look hidden bitterness such as the boudoir embittered wife, done Yang Kai is very guilty. 杨开将她们打发了出去,少女们个个眼神幽怨如深闺怨妇,搞的杨开很是愧疚。 The Yang Kai itself thinks that the own proposition the matter also has the enormous benefit to Sea Palace, Sea Palace should warm-heartedly be very right, what may let his didn't expect is, own waited for three days of time in Multi-colored Sunlight Island, does not see any Sea Palace Palace Master to come with own to discuss. 杨开本以为自己提议的这件事对海殿也有极大的利益,海殿应该很是热心才对,可让他没想到的是,自己霞光岛等了三天时间,也不见任何一位海殿殿主前来与自己商谈。 This makes him somewhat bewildered. 这让他有些莫名其妙。 According to truth, Sea Palace, although influence huge, but in each islands has Space Law Formation, if the Sea Palace total palace really enough attaches great importance, quite a while in can rush to Multi-colored Sunlight Island. 按道理来说,海殿虽然势力庞大,但是各个岛屿之间都有空间法阵,海殿总殿如果真的足够重视,半天内就可以赶到霞光岛了。 Has delayed for three days, can only explain that the opposite party insufficiently trusts the own ability, or is not warm-hearted to this matter. 一直拖延了三天,只能说明对方对自己的能力不够信任,又或者是对此事不算热心。 Yang Kai does not worry, now the Corpse Spirit Religion hidden danger completely eliminates, High Heaven Sect also has no important matter to need him to come the decision, has Ye Xiyun to assume personal command, does own go back to be the same. 杨开也不着急,如今尸灵教的隐患尽除,凌霄宗也没什么大事需要他来决策,有叶惜筠坐镇,自己回不回去都一样。 He with the aid of this opportunity, savors carefully is becoming all sorts of changes after Star Master. 他借助这个机会,细细品味着成为星主之后的种种变化。 As dark Star Master, he can go to any place naturally at will, so long as Spiritual Mind and Saint Yuan are enough, he can span on several million even ten million/countless in a flash, but really does that is also quite big to own load. 身为幽暗星之主,他理所当然地可以随意前往任何地方,只要神念圣元足够,他能一瞬间跨越几百万甚至上千万里,不过真的这么做的话,对自身的负荷也比较大。 Spans hundreds of thousands li (0.5 km) instantaneously, to him has no difficulty. 瞬间跨越十几万里,对他来说还是没什么难度的。 This becomes the Star Master latter insignificant convenience. 这只是成为星主后一个微不足道的便捷。 The biggest advantage naturally in Gloom Star practice, world's spiritual energy fierce and drills intemperately toward within the body, making his practice speed be able to promote dozens over a hundred times compared with before, this was anybody is unable to achieve. 最大的好处当然是在幽暗星上修炼,天地灵气凶猛而无节制地往体内钻来,让他的修炼速度能够比以前提升几十上百倍,这是任何人都无法做到的。 But during the fight, he can also easily transfer Gloom Star world's spiritual energy, cut to kill all enemies neatly, this point has confirmed before. 而在战斗之中,他也能轻易地调动幽暗星天地灵气,不费吹灰之力地斩杀所有敌人,这一点在之前就已经验证过了。 However the matter makes Yang Kai care very much, that is he detects indistinctly, Gloom Star has an invisible strength to cover, this share dividend measuring tape the characteristics of imprisoned and seal, just like the 1-layer barrier, were cut off exploration and comprehension of Gloom Star martial artist to more profound level martial artist. 不过有一件事让杨开很在意,那就是他隐约察觉到,幽暗星有一股无形的力量笼罩,这股力量带着禁锢和封印的特性,宛若一层屏障,阻隔了幽暗星上武者对更高深层次武者的探索和领悟。 Because of existence of this 1-layer barrier, the Gloom Star for tens of thousands years does not have the birth of Void King Stage!( To be continued..) 正是因为这一层屏障的存在,幽暗星上几万年来才没有虚王境的诞生!(未完待续。。)
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