MP :: Volume #17

#1700: Sea Clan

This is the principle of Gloom Star, the strength of the world principle, is as deep as a well, even the Void King Stage powerhouses are unable to touch the edge, although Yang Kai becomes Star Master, but still takes this principle not to have the means. 这就是幽暗星的法则,天地法则之力,高深莫测,连虚王境强者都无法触碰边缘,杨开虽然成为星主,但依然拿这法则没有办法。 He attempts its breakthrough, or scatters, actually cannot succeed. 他尝试将其突破,或者驱散,却没能成功。 The long sigh, Yang Kai takes back Spiritual Mind, has not done again not studiously, although this principle limited Gloom Star martial artist to promote the Void King Stage path, but has not harmed to martial artist, therefore does not need extremely to pay attention. 悠悠叹息,杨开收回神念,没再去做无用功,虽然这层法则限制了幽暗星武者晋升虚王境的道路,但是对武者本身并没有危害,所以没必要太过关注。 Also is one day passes, the Sea Palace aspect does not have the message as before! 又是一天过去,海殿方面依旧毫无音讯! This makes Yang Kai some impatient, while he when the consideration is this/should goes to Sea Palace total palace one personally, suddenly a brow wrinkle, Spiritual Mind toward proliferating. 这让杨开有些不耐烦起来,正当他在考虑是不是该亲自前往海殿总殿一趟的时候,忽然间眉头一皱,神念朝往扩散开来。 From the Multi-colored Sunlight Island about several thousand li (0.5 km) place, the wave height reaches the thousand feet (333 m) monstrous waves, is approaching toward Multi-colored Sunlight Island rapidly, the monstrous waves meet the day continually, the momentum is quite vast, but in that JL above, has the life to tread wave accompanying, the person's shadow is ample, little said about over a hundred people. 距离霞光岛几千里左右的地方,有一波高达百丈的巨浪,正迅速地朝霞光岛靠近,巨浪接天连地,声势极为浩大,而在那之上,有生灵踏浪随行,人影绰绰,少说上百人左右。 In these over a hundred people, there are both men and women, male figure tall and strong, Human Race, each 45 feet in height, the appearance is not ugly, making one be afraid, but female actually all shames the moon and flowers, the appearance is pretty, the flesh does not have the flaw pure white, waist soft boneless, or charming, either clear, either hot, annoying the person daydream is infinite. 这上百人中,有男有女,男子身形魁梧,不似人族,每一个都身高45尺,面貌丑陋狰狞,让人不寒而栗,而女子却是个个闭月羞花,容貌俏丽,肌肤洁白无瑕,腰肢柔软无骨,或娇媚,或清纯,或火辣,惹人遐想无限。 Those who let Yang Kai care, this group of people unexpectedly all are the Void Return Stage above powerhouse! 杨开在意的是,这一群人竟全都是返虚镜以上的强者! He thinks that this is Sea Palace Expert, but careful looks, actually the discovery is not such matter. 他本以为这是海殿高手,可仔细一看,却发现不是这么回事。 These fellows, unexpectedly are not Human Race! 这些家伙,竟然不是人族 Yang Kai looking pensive, thought suddenly. 杨开若有所思,忽然想了起来。 In the Gloom Star deep sea, may not just only have Human Race to be prosperous, a race named Sea Clan! 幽暗星的深海之中,可不单单只有人族兴盛,还有一个叫海族的种族! Sea Clan is only one is called, assumed full responsibility of many branches, they are inborn is skilled in Water Attribute Cultivation Technique and Martial Skills Expert, in the deep sea, they is also jumbo general existence. 海族只是一个统称,包揽了许多分支,他们是天生的精通水系功法武技高手,在深海之中,他们也是巨无霸一般的存在。 However Sea Clan few can do with Human Race, therefore martial artist on Gloom Star inland. The poor its life may not see Sea Clan, even lives Human Race martial artist in deep sea, still rarely has the opportunity to meet this life. 不过海族鲜少会与人族打交道,所以幽暗星内陆上的武者。穷其一生也不一定能见到一个海族,即便是生活在深海中的人族武者,也很少有机会碰见这种生灵。 Yang Kai sized up a while, discovered that these Sea Clan should contain the minimum 45 branches. Had on to be covered with the scale, some behind also had long such as the barb common tail, but also some people arms were completely the pliers modeling of crab, was seemingly grotesque. 杨开打量了一会儿,发现这些海族应该包含了最起码四五个分支。有个身上长满了鳞片,有的身后还有长长如倒钩一般的尾巴,还有的人手臂完全就是螃蟹的钳子造型,看起来怪模怪样的。 He is also the first time sees Sea Clan, somewhat expressed admiration, does not know that their imposing manner flushed to do toward Multi-colored Sunlight Island agitated, so many observed a meeting, treading that led had detected in monstrous waves tall and strong Sea Clan unexpectedly, the double pupil jumped projects scary none, looked toward the Void place. As if wants to discover the Yang Kai's hiding place. 他也是头一次见到海族,不禁有些啧啧称奇,不知道他们气势汹汹地朝霞光岛这边冲来想要干什么,这么多观察了一会,那领头的踏在巨浪的魁梧海族竟有所察觉,双眸迸射出骇人精光,朝虚空处望去。仿佛是想要找出杨开的藏身之地。 Yang Kai shows a faint smile, takes back the vision. 杨开微微一笑,收回目光。 To him, Gloom Star anybody is not worth caring, these hundred Void Return Stage above Sea Clan to Sea Palace perhaps are extremely powerful battle strength, but is not really worth mentioning to him. 对他来说,幽暗星上任何人都不值得在意,这百来个返虚镜以上的海族海殿来说或许是一股极为强大的战力,但对他来说实在不值一提。 JL above. That tall and strong Sea Clan brow tight wrinkle, took a look at Void several looking pensive, a face doubt. 之上。那魁梧海族眉头紧皱,若有所思地瞅了虚空几眼,一脸狐疑。 „Did Shang Ao, what discover?” Nearby wear is irritable, flesh has over 60% to expose female in air knits the brows to ask. 商敖,是不是发现了什么?”旁边一个穿着火爆,一身肌肤有六成以上暴露在空气中的女子皱眉问道。 Shang Ao shakes the head slowly: Some probably people are monitoring us, but also does not have the obvious indication, perhaps was I induces wrong.” 商敖缓缓摇头:“好像有人在监视我们,但是又没有明显的征兆,或许是我感应错了。” female stunned. She knows Shang Ao strength, as one of the Sea Clan Sea God Palace commanding, placing entire Gloom Star is the count number powerhouse, rarely will present the induction to make a mistake. 女子愕然。她可是知道商敖的实力的,身为海族海神宫的统领之一,放在整个幽暗星都是数得上号的强者,很少会出现感应出错的时候。 However since Shang Ao said, female is not but actually good to closely examine anything again, the attractive brow wrinkles one group: „The this time matter only feared that is not quite easy to do. Princess is missing near Multi-colored Sunlight Island, although there are greatly possibly abducted by Human Race very much, but if opposite party what to do if didn't acknowledge?” 不过既然商敖这么说,女子倒也不好再追问什么,好看的眉头皱成一团:“不过这一次的事情只怕不太好办。公主霞光岛附近失踪,虽说有很大可能被人族掳走,但万一对方要是不承认怎么办?” Shang Ao cold snort: They, if dares not to acknowledge, this commands razes to the ground Multi-colored Sunlight Island! These Human Race should also tumble out Sorrowless Ocean early, here is my Sea Clan domain!” 商敖冷哼:“他们若是敢不承认,本统领就将霞光岛夷为平地!这些人族也早该滚出无忧海了,这里是我海族的地盘!” Yeah!” female deeply sighed. In the foreheads full worries about the color, looks out direction that Multi-colored Sunlight Island is, she prayed secretly, her Princess was really is abducted by Human Race was good, otherwise, they seeking the direction did not have, the this time soldier sent Multi-colored Sunlight Island, is holding the mentality of refusing to abandon hope, really had no way out, but or the Sea Palace influence, Sea God Palace does not dare to open the outbreak of war lightly. “哎!”女子深深地叹息。眉宇间满是担忧之色,遥望着霞光岛所在的方向,她暗暗祈祷,自家的公主真是被人族掳走就好了,否则的话,他们连寻找的方向都没有,这一次兵发霞光岛,也只是抱着死马当活马医的心态,实在是走投无路了,要不然以海殿的势力,海神宫也不敢轻启战端。 However Shang Ao as if recognized Princess to be abducted by Human Race absolutely, these only feared that was hard to be friendly, if can retrieve Princess to be naturally good, if unable to retrieve, the deep sea two big races really must come a war. 不过商敖似乎认准了公主绝对是被人族掳走,这一趟只怕是难以善了了,若是能寻回公主自然是好的,若是无法寻回的话,深海两大种族真的要来一场大战。 The monstrous waves speed is extremely fast, shortly will then be proceeds to advance hundred li (0.5 km). 巨浪速度极快,顷刻间便是往前推进了百里地。 When monstrous waves close to the Multi-colored Sunlight Island thousand li (500 km) about, Pang Zhen and the others also detected that the change of world's spiritual energy, fled in abundance from respective Mansion, looks into the distance. 当巨浪靠近霞光岛千里左右的时候,庞震等人也察觉到天地灵气的异动了,纷纷从各自的府邸窜出来,眺望远方。 After the moment, Pang Zhen complexion big change: This crowd of arrogant Sea Clan, dare to attack Multi-colored Sunlight Island, opens to me defends Formation!” 片刻后,庞震脸色大变:“这群自大的海族,竟敢攻打霞光岛,给我开启防御阵法!” Made, Multi-colored Sunlight Island buzz calls immediately, quick, the huge islands were then covered by the 1-layer transparent energy, in the island martial artist also completely sent out, to assemble side Pang Zhen, each and everyone waited solemnly and respectfully, the expression was dignified. 令下,霞光岛立刻嗡鸣起来,很快,庞大的岛屿便被一层透明的能量笼罩,岛中武者也尽都出动,围聚在庞震身边,一个个肃穆以待,表情凝重。 Yang Kai does not know that what happened, the nature is curious, arrived at side Pang Zhen. 杨开并不知道发生了什么事,自然好奇无比,也来到了庞震身边。 Sect Master Yang, Sea Clan comes to stir up trouble, but also asked Sect Master Yang to avoid.” Pang Zhen persuaded temperately, the Yang Kai beforehand proposition suited his appetite very much, can obtain a higher position in Sea Palace, looked that Yang Kai's proposed whether can succeed, therefore to Yang Kai he was very careful, for fear that Yang Kai was affected. 杨宗主,海族前来惹事,还请杨宗主回避一下。”庞震温和相劝,杨开之前的提议很合他的胃口,能不能在海殿中获得更高的地位,就看杨开的提议是否能够成功了,所以对杨开他还是很上心的,唯恐杨开被波及。 Might as well, Pang Island Master as one likes is, I have a look casually.” Yang Kai laughed. “无妨,庞岛主自便就是,我随便看看。”杨开呵呵一笑 Sees him so, Pang Zhen thinks, no longer persuaded, after all before Yang Kai, has proven the own strength. 见他如此,庞震想了想,也不再劝说,毕竟杨开之前也证明过自己的实力。 Sea Clan such imposing manner is why agitated, Multi-colored Sunlight Island or did Sea Palace provoke them?” Yang Kai asked one at will. 海族为何这么气势汹汹,霞光岛或者海殿招惹他们了嘛?”杨开随意地问了一句。 Pang Zhen shakes the head: My also not clear, but between Sea Palace and Sea Clan are also far from what harmoniousness, after all is two races, in deep sea that also occupies together, the friction is always unavoidable. However now the day this kind of situation, Pang has not seen actually, my Sea Palace and between Sea Clan Sea God Palace some agreements, will easily not set out so many powerhouses to cope with the other side.” 庞震摇了摇头:“我也不清楚,不过海殿海族之间也谈不上什么和睦,毕竟是两个种族,又一起居住的深海中,摩擦总是难免的。不过如今日这样的情况,庞某倒是没有见过,我海殿海族海神宫之间也有一些约定,轻易不会出动这么多强者去对付另一方的。” Yang Kai look twinkling several, as if also asked at will: Sea Clan Sea God Palace, should also be able to collect many deep seas the practice resources.” 杨开眼神闪烁了几下,似乎又是随意地问道:“海族海神宫,应该也能搜集很多深海的修炼资源吧。” Pang Zhen was suspecting why with all one's heart Sea Clan sets out so many powerhouses, has not thought deeply to the Yang Kai's question with enough time, opens the mouth saying: They have the inborn advantage, can collect the resources of deep sea most deep place, is our Sea Palace is unable to compare.” 庞震一门心思都在猜想海族为何出动这么多强者,对杨开的问话也没来得及深思,开口道:“他们有天生的优势,可以采集深海最深处的资源,是我们海殿无法比拟的。” A words saying ended, Pang Zhen consciousness, looked hastily toward Yang Kai, discovered he smiled was very happy, facial expression one austere, reminded saying: Sect Master Yang, my clan, his heart cannot different, Sea Clan exactly is good to deal with, if you want to exchange what practice commodity with them, perhaps is very difficult, Sea Clan always has keen eyesight in withstand/top, looks down upon our Human Race, you for a long time occupy the inland, does not understand these probably.” 话一说完,庞震就意识过来,连忙朝杨开望去,发现他笑的很是开心,不由神情一肃,点醒道:“杨宗主,非我族类,其心必异,海族可不是好相与的,你若是想与他们交换什么修炼物资,恐怕很难,海族向来眼高于顶,瞧不起我们人族的,你久居内陆,大概不了解这些。” Many thanks Pang Island Master reminder.” Yang Kai spoke thoughtlessly to deal with one. “多谢庞岛主提醒。”杨开随口应付了一声。 Pang Zhen naturally knows that Yang Kai is having what idea, knows why Yang Kai thinks. 庞震自然知道杨开在打什么主意,也知道杨开为何会这么想。 Yang Kai waited here for several days, that side the total palace does not see the person to come with him to discuss that trades the commodity the matter, no matter what who feared that will have the resentment, if in the deep sea, Sea Palace one-party rule, pours also says, Yang Kai elects except for Sea Palace him no other, can only wait patiently. However now braves Sea God Palace, Pang Zhen to know that Yang Kai projected 杨开在这里等了好几天,总殿那边也不见人来与他商谈交易物资的事,任谁怕都会有怨气,若是深海之中,海殿一家独大,倒也好说,杨开除了海殿别无他选,只能耐心等候。但是现在冒出来一个海神宫,庞震就知道杨开把心思打到了海神宫身上。 If can make contact with the line with Sea God Palace, had Sea Palace not to matter. 若是能与海神宫搭上线,有没有海殿就无所谓了。 Lost this merit, Pang Zhen is difficult to promote, can only treat for a lifetime in Multi-colored Sunlight Island makes own side Island Master, although is free and unrestrained, but some distance true right center distances. 失去了这个功劳,庞震就再难晋升,只能一辈子待在霞光岛自己的一方岛主,尽管逍遥自在,可距离真正的权利中心还是有些距离的。 Sees Yang Kai not to care the own words, some Pang Zhen also resentful angers, his actually not resentful anger Yang Kai, but that side the attitude to total palace is very discontented. 杨开没把自己的话放在心上,庞震也有些怨怒,他倒不是怨怒杨开,而是对总殿那边的态度很是不满。 However at present, he did not have the time to ponder these, in the overhead that he and Yang Kai chatted, that dreadful monstrous waves have arrived at Multi-colored Sunlight Island front several li (0.5 km) to locate, did not stand still, attacked directly. 不过眼下,他也没功夫去思考这些了,就在他与杨开聊天的当头,那滔天巨浪已经来到了霞光岛前方几里处,毫不停歇,直接冲击了过来。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Multi-colored Sunlight Island Formation restriction sways, had not nearly been broken. 霞光岛阵法禁制一阵摇晃,险些没被破开。 For a long time, the monstrous waves subside, has inundated entire Multi-colored Sunlight Island, vanishes does not see. 许久,巨浪才平息下去,漫过整个霞光岛,消失不见。 Pang Zhen complexion raises the head is looking at the sky ugly, shouted severely: Shang Ao, what do you mean, is difficult to be inadequate Sea God Palace to make war with my Sea Palace?” 庞震脸色难看地抬头望着天空,厉喝道:“商敖,你这是什么意思,难不成海神宫要与我海殿开战?” Pang Zhen, hands over the person to come, otherwise I called you Multi-colored Sunlight Island to have great disturbance, infertile!” Shang Ao angrily roars, the sound such as the thunderclap is ordinary, the person eardrum that shakes is painful. 庞震,交出人来,否则我叫你霞光岛鸡犬不宁,寸草不生!”商敖怒吼,声音如炸雷一般,震的人耳膜生疼。 Pang Zhen stunned: What person hands over?” 庞震愕然:“交什么人?” He does not know completely Shang Ao is saying anything, feels bewilderedly. 他完全不知道商敖在说什么,感觉莫名其妙的。 Little installs muddled, this commands to you a time of tea, if could not see that this commands the person who must see, you wait to suffer to death!” Although the Shang Ao strength is strong, but obviously simpleminded, recognizes the accurate matter an extravagantly colourful description that no matter what others said is also useless. “少装糊涂,本统领给你一盏茶的功夫,若是见不到本统领要见的人,你就等着受死吧!”商敖实力虽强,但显然头脑简单,认准的事情任别人说的天花乱坠也没用。 Now he recognizes the person who own must find on Multi-colored Sunlight Island. 现在他就认准了自己要找的人在霞光岛上。 His so truculent and unreasonable, Pang Zhen was also aggravated, coldly smiles: Not to mention this Island Master does not know what you said is, even if knows, this Island Master will not give you.” 他如此蛮横无理,庞震也被惹火了,冷冷一笑:“且不说本岛主不知道你说的是什么人,就算知道,本岛主也不会交给你的。” The Pang Zhen good and evil is the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, lord of the island, Shang Ao comes to stir up trouble with no reason at all, but also dares to threaten him, he naturally cannot show weakness. 庞震好歹是返虚三层境强者,一岛之主,商敖无缘无故前来惹事,还敢威胁他,他自然不会示弱。 Good, this was you said that did not take it ill this commands to start brutally.” On the Shang Ao face stern countenances, will slaughter, his female of that wear exposition held on him suddenly: wait!” “好,这是你说的,那就休怪本统领下手无情了。”商敖脸上一片厉色,正要大开杀戒的时候,他身边那穿着暴露的女子忽然拉住了他:“等一等!” Although Shang Ao complexion is disgruntled, pours has not refuted her face, looks very angry stands in the midair, the squint overlooks, in the eye contemptuous. 商敖虽然面色不悦,倒也没驳她的面子,怒容满面地站在半空中,斜眼俯视下方,眼中一片轻蔑。 He as if looks down upon anybody, was not placed in the eye Pang Zhen by him, is seeing the Yang Kai's time, his look shrinks actually slightly, shows the doubt look. 他似乎看不起任何人,就连庞震都不被他放在眼中,不过在见到杨开的时候,他的眼神倒是微微一缩,露出狐疑的神色。 Is all smiles, Yang Kai of human and animals harmless appearance, gives him a quite dangerous feeling. 笑容满面,一副人畜无害模样的杨开,给他一种相当危险的感觉。 This made Shang Ao look at Yang Kai several. 这让商敖不由地多看了杨开几眼。
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