MP :: Volume #17

#1698: Pang Zhen

Some little time later, in the log cabin hears the frivolous sound of footsteps, after the moment, a pretty youngster from the log cabin, this youngster seemingly was only about 20 years old, cultivation level also only then Saint King 3-layer, his hatred and dreaded that is looking at Yang Kai, in the eye twinkling the incredible look, as if somewhat does not ravel, why own with ease by Yang Kai looking. 好一会之后,木屋里才传来轻浮的脚步声,片刻后,一个眉清目秀的少年从木屋中走了出来,这少年看起来只有二十岁左右,修为也只有圣王三层境而已,他怨毒而又忌惮地瞧着杨开,眼中闪烁着不可置信的神色,似乎有些弄不明白,为什么自己这么轻松地就被杨开给找出来了。 four eyes look at each other, the Yang Kai corners of the mouth exude to wipe the light smile, but the pretty youngster is actually critical situation. 四目对视,杨开嘴角泛起一抹淡淡的微笑,而眉清目秀的少年却如临大敌。 How you discovered that this King does hide here?” The youngster could not endure this silent constraining finally, present Yang Kai gives him very tremendous pressure, he is unable such as beforehand such serene, this King to self-examine again has not left behind any something that gives one away!” “你怎么发现本座藏身在这里的?”少年终于忍受不了这种无声的压抑,如今的杨开给他很大压力,他再也无法如之前那样风轻云淡了,“本座自问没有留下任何马脚!” „To ask you is not easy.” Yang Kai is smiling slightly, „, if not for your Ten Thousand Poisonous Evil Insect, I only feared that really could not find.” “想找你并不容易。”杨开微微笑着,“若不是你的万毒邪蛊,我只怕还真的找不到。” At the same time saying, Yang Kai put out a hand to refer to that several by martial artist that he imprisoned. 一边说着,杨开伸手指了指那几个被他禁锢的武者 The youngster look haze, took a look at one by the subordinate who own planted the Ten Thousand Poisonous Evil Insect control, in the eye is flashed through an annoying look. 少年神色阴霾,瞅了一眼被自己种下万毒邪蛊控制的手下,眼中闪过一丝懊恼的神色。 His also didn't expect, but subdues under several temporarily, unexpectedly is a huge faulty stroke in handwriting. 他也没想到,只是临时收服几个属下,竟然是个巨大的败笔。 He is very careful, this time escapes to Multi-colored Sunlight Island healing, subdued these person strengths are very low, will therefore be generally impossible to pay attention, actually does not think that Yang Kai looked at the flaw. 他已经很小心谨慎了,这一次逃到霞光岛疗伤,收服的这几个人实力都很低,所以一般不可能会被人注意到,却不想杨开从中瞧出了破绽。 Even so, you want to kill this King to fear that is some difficulties, before you also had to attempt, is inferior to this, how do your I hit to discuss?” The youngster are raising the chin, a face proposed proudly. “就算如此,你想杀本座怕是有些难度,之前你又不是没尝试过,不如这样,你我打个商量如何?”少年微扬着下巴,一脸傲然地提议。 Has no interest!” Yang Kai shakes the head. “没兴趣!”杨开摇头。 Youngster stunned: You do not listen saying that has no interest? Also doesn't fear the regret?” 少年愕然:“你不听听就说没兴趣?也不怕后悔?” Has nothing to regret that you must die today without doubt!” Yang Kai sneers. “没什么好后悔的,今日你必死无疑!”杨开冷笑一声。 The youngster also laugh, the ridicule is looking at Yang Kai, said self-important: The skill that boy talks big is big, previous this King can run away from your hand, this time similarly, but you, if no longer pesters this King, this King can give you actually an advantage. insurance you enjoy for a lifetime infinitely!” 少年也大笑起来,讥讽地望着杨开,老气横秋道:“小子说大话的本事不小,上一次本座能从你手上逃走,这一次同样可以,不过你若是不再纠缠本座的话,本座倒是可以给你一点好处。保你一辈子受用无穷!” Your can a fellow who urges strange and unusual insects what advantage give me?” Yang Kai is overjoyed. “你一个驱使奇虫异豸的家伙能给我什么好处?”杨开乐不可支。 The complexion of youngster fluctuates again, the brow tight wrinkle, the probe asked: „Do you know the this King details?” 少年的脸色再度变幻起来,眉头紧皱,试探地问道:“你知道本座的底细?” Knows has not distinguished, today I call you dead. You must die!” Yang Kai cold snort, is no longer wordy with him, but puts out a hand to cover toward him. “知道不知道没有区别,今日我叫你死。你就必须死!”杨开冷哼一声,不再与他啰嗦,而是伸手朝他罩去。 Boy good guts!” The youngster cry, does not dodge unexpectedly does not evade, instead flushed toward Yang Kai, the Saint Yuan fierce rushing in entire human body, has trend that faintly must explode. “小子好胆!”少年大叫一声,竟不闪不避,反而直直地朝杨开冲了过来,整个人体内的圣元凶猛滂湃,隐隐有要爆裂开的趋势。 He knows that by the own present strength, at all is not the Yang Kai's opponent, therefore has not thought must preserve this body, instead planned from exploding this body. Disrupts the Yang Kai's line of sight, seizes the chance to run away. 他知道以自己如今的实力,根本不是杨开的对手,所以也没想过要保住这具身体,反而是打算自爆了这具躯壳。扰乱杨开的视线,趁机逃走。 The Yang Kai ridicule is looking at him, the big hand that also without other movements, extends grasps in Void ruthlessly. 杨开讥讽地望着他,也没有其他的动作,伸出去的大手只是在虚空中狠狠一握。 world's spiritual energy gathered rapidly, opposite that youngster as if will be imprisoned shortly was the same. Was decided in the midair, cannot move again, must from exploding Saint Yuan also as if received the suppression, subsided instantaneously. 天地灵气迅速聚集了过来,对面那少年顷刻间就仿佛被禁锢了一样。被定在半空中,再也动弹不得,原本要自爆开的圣元也仿佛受到了压制,瞬间就平息了下来。 In the youngster eyes reveals the terrified color finally, said panic-strickenly: What method is this?” 少年眼中终于流露出惶恐之色,惊骇道:“这是什么手段?” The words fall, he remembered anything probably, the eyeball shiver is looking at Yang Kai. Hissing scream: You can transfer the strength of stars, did you refine to melt Star Source?” 话落,他像是想起了什么,眼珠子颤抖地望着杨开。嘶声尖叫:“你能调动星辰之力,你炼化了星辰本源?” Does not owe is Insect Emperor, the vision is good!” Yang Kai is sneering, in the hand the movement has not stopped, grips ruthlessly. “不亏是虫帝,眼光不错!”杨开冷笑着,手上动作也没停顿,就那么狠狠一攥。 With an explosive, the body of youngster explodes is one group of blood fog. In that blood fog, the strength of Divine Soul escapes together distressedly, runs away crazily outward. 伴随着一声爆响,少年的身躯爆为一团血雾。在在那血雾之中,一道神魂之力狼狈遁出,疯狂朝外逃窜。 Previous Yang Kai and Qian Tong collaborate, does not have the means with Insect Emperor this move, but this time Yang Kai has become Gloom Star Star Master. Moreover is prepared early, will have will make him escape the birth day? 上次杨开钱通联手,都拿虫帝这一招没有办法,但是这一次杨开已经成为幽暗星星主。而且早有准备,有怎会让他逃出生天? The intention moves, the space within surrounding area several feet range changes into a firm shackles immediately, how whatever the strength of that Divine Soul attempts to break through in all directions together, is unable to flee, all around as if there is invisible barrier, prevents him. 心念一动,方圆十几丈范围内的空间立刻化为一座坚固的牢笼,任凭那一道神魂之力如何左冲右突,也无法逃离,四周仿佛有无形的屏障,将他阻挡回来。 After trying several times, Insect Emperor also knows obviously own was doomed, no longer makes the useless merit, the strength of visible Divine Soul gathers one group, condenses a fuzzy person's shadow in Void. 尝试了几次之后,虫帝显然也知道自己是在劫难逃了,也不再去做无用之功,肉眼可见的神魂之力汇聚成一团,在虚空中凝聚出一个模糊的人影。 The person's shadow is looking at Yang Kai, the look is gloomy, the body goes up and down abruptly on such as the flame of combustion, said solemnly: this King acknowledged that the punishment is deserved, lets off me, you want what advantage, this King to be able, one and gives you!” 人影望着杨开,眼神灰暗,身躯就如燃烧的火焰般忽高忽低,沉声道:“本座认栽了,放过我,你要什么好处,本座能给的,一并给你!” Yang Kai curled the lip, finds out a hand to grasp toward him. 杨开撇嘴,探出一只手朝他抓了过去。 Insect Emperor is unable to avoid, the strength of that group of Divine Soul were stressed by Yang Kai directly on palm. 虫帝根本无法躲避,那一团神魂之力直接被杨开抓在手心上。 He is struggling fiercely, is actually not able to get rid of the Yang Kai's control, can only curse loudly, shouts hysteric. 他剧烈的挣扎着,却始终无法摆脱杨开的掌控,只能大声咒骂,歇斯底里地嘶吼。 Yang Kai both hands rub, in an sharp pitiful yell sound, Insect Emperor Divine Soul changes into Nihility, vanishes in this stretch of the world thoroughly. 杨开双手一搓,在一声尖锐的惨叫声中,虫帝神魂化为虚无,彻底消失在这片天地间。 Handle blue-green color just like reducing innumerable time of blade Secret Treasure, exquisite fine bracelet, kept on Yang Kai's palm. 一柄碧绿色的宛若缩小了无数倍的刀型秘宝,一个小巧精致的手镯,留在了杨开的手心上。 Both send out Yin Evil the strength of Emperor Prestige, bracelet have no exceptionally the place, actually that blue-green color reduced innumerable time of blade Secret Treasure actually when Yang Kai emits Spiritual Mind nosing, gushes out a strange strength, cuts off Yang Kai Spiritual Mind. 两者都散发着阴邪帝威之力,手镯没什么异常之处,倒是那碧绿色缩小了无数倍的刀型秘宝却在杨开放出神念查探的时候,涌出一股离奇的力量,将杨开神念斩断。 Emperor Treasure! 帝宝 The Yang Kai brow selects, shows the pleasantly surprised look. 杨开眉头一挑,露出惊喜的神色。 Now he on does not lack Secret Treasure on hand, even the thing of Emperor Treasure rank also has two, one is Nirvana Thunder Bead of attack nature, one was Mysterious Boundary Bead. 如今他手头上并不缺少秘宝,甚至帝宝级别的东西也已经有了两件,一件是攻击性的寂灭雷珠,一件便是玄界珠了。 This two kinds thing was Star Emperor Mountain was known as precious existences of Emperor Treasure two beads in the past. 这两样东西是星帝山当年号称帝宝二珠的宝贵存在。 Now suddenly starts two, this is really makes Yang Kai delighted. 如今忽然又入手了两件,这实在是让杨开喜出望外。 No one will shut out the own treasure to be many, particularly Emperor Treasure! 谁也不会嫌弃自己的宝贝多,尤其是帝宝 That reduced innumerable times, has deep green knife that cuts to be overwhelmed to read, Yang Kai is knows that previous Insect Emperor had used it, Yang Yan said that it is Cuts The Soul Blade, the might measures not. 那缩小了无数倍,拥有斩断魂念的碧绿小刀,杨开是知道的,上一次虫帝曾经动用过它,阳炎说它是斩魂刀,威力莫测。 But the thing of that exquisite bracelet appearance, Yang Kai on not clear it is what origin, there is anything to affect. 而那个小巧的手镯模样的东西,杨开不清楚它是什么来历,又有什么作用了。 Experimentally emits Spiritual Mind nosing, by the 1-layer invisible barrier impediment, is actually not able to penetrate! 尝试性地放出神念查探,却被一层无形的屏障阻隔,根本无法深入其中! Yang Kai can only give up, this bracelet after all is Insect Emperor Secret Treasure, restriction that issues is not he can easily break open. 杨开只能作罢,这手镯毕竟是虫帝秘宝,所下达的禁制并非他能够轻易破开的。 Although cannot ravel the function of bracelet, but Yang Kai actually felt a strength of devils from its interior, that strength made him somewhat fearful and apprehensive. 虽然没能弄明白手镯的作用,但杨开却从它内部感受到了一股凶神恶煞的力量,那力量让他有些胆战心惊。 Held appreciatively slightly, Yang Kai received Cuts The Soul Blade and that bracelet, he does not have time to refine this two kinds thing temporarily. 稍稍把玩了一下,杨开就将斩魂刀和那手镯收了起来,他暂时没时间去炼化这两样东西。 Just completed these, Yang Kai then detected that powerful aura speeds along to come from the islands center, is close toward here rapidly. 才刚刚做完这些,杨开便察觉到一股强大的气息从岛屿中心处飞驰而来,迅速朝这边接近着。 Obviously is the Multi-colored Sunlight Island high level detected that the spiritual energy fluctuation, came to nose. 显然是霞光岛的高层察觉到刚才的灵气波动,前来查探一番。 Yang Kai has not departed but actually immediately, but stood in place waits looking pensive. 杨开倒也没有立刻离去,而是若有所思地站在原地等候。 After the moment, a figure tall and strong man drops from the clouds suddenly, his body best pupil is four chi (0.33 m), the wide nose opening, has to have an oppressive dignity inborn, no matter what who stands side him, only feared that can trembling in fear. 片刻后,一个身形魁梧的男子忽然从天而降,他身高足有四尺,宽鼻豁口,天生带有有一种压迫性的威严,任谁站在他身边,只怕都会心惊胆战 On this male face has a long scar, extends the chin from the brow tip, seems like even more fierce fearsome. 这男子脸上有一道长长的疤痕,从眉梢直延下巴,看起来愈发狰狞可怖。 After the men come here, then saw the bloody water of ground, flies into a rage, shouted severely: scoundrel where comes, unexpectedly dares to be dissolute in Multi-colored Sunlight Island!” 男子来到这里之后,一眼便见到了地上的血水,不由勃然大怒,厉喝道:“哪来的混账,居然敢在霞光岛放肆!” So saying, a palm was patting toward Yang Kai rashly. 这般说着,不由分说一掌朝杨开拍了下来。 This person has Void Return 3-layer cultivation level fully, was not weak compared with past Qian Tong and Fei Zhitu, the giant body, the giant palm of the hand, had the infinite strength, struck Void spread the sound of rupturing. 这人足有返虚三层境修为,比起当年的钱通费之图都丝毫不弱,巨大的身体,巨大的巴掌,拥有无穷的力量,拍击的虚空都传出爆裂之声。 Even if martial artist of same rank is intimate this palm, still results in more than ten bones. 就算是同等级的武者挨上这一掌,也得断上十几根骨头。 A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, although some disgruntled opposite party did not ask that the reason acts directly, but remembers own is also the unexpected visitor, pours does not have to care, but waves at will, that valiant man then flew under an invisible strength. 杨开眉头一皱,虽然有些不悦对方不问缘由直接出手,但想起自己也算是不速之客,倒也没有太在意,只是随意地挥了挥手,那彪悍的男子便在一股无形的力量下飞了出去。 His eyeball was about to stare, like strange business same looks at Yang Kai, falls to the ground at once light, did not have beforehand being supercilious again. 他眼珠子都快瞪了出来,如同白天见鬼一样地看着杨开,旋即轻飘飘地落地,再无之前的目中无人。 He also discovered, Yang Kai has not injured his thoughts, where otherwise he can fall calmly, by method that Yang Kai displayed a moment ago, suddenly can kill own. 他也发现了,杨开并没有伤他的心思,否则他哪能从容落下来,以杨开刚才表现出来的手段,眨眼间就可以杀了自己 The heart of hearts surges a frightened thought that male took a deep breath, does not dare to pull rank, buzz the sound shouts: Your excellency, in the report comes!” 内心深处涌起一股惊悚的念头,男子深吸一口气,再不敢托大,嗡声喊道:“阁下何人,报上名来!” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, holds the fist saying: High Heaven Sect, Yang Kai!” 杨开咧嘴一笑,抱拳道:“凌霄宗,杨开!” High Heaven Sect......” man thought that the body shook, calls out in alarm said: „Are you that High Heaven Sect Sect Master Yang Kai?” 凌霄宗……”男子思索了一下,身躯一震,惊呼道:“你就是那个凌霄宗宗主杨开?” Although lives in the inland sea, but the man has also heard High Heaven Sect and Yang Kai's reputation obviously. 虽然身居内海,可男子显然也听说过凌霄宗杨开的名头。 His didn't expect, this High Heaven Sect Sect Master strength unexpectedly is so absolutely strong. 只是他万万没想到,这个凌霄宗宗主的实力居然如此强劲。 Friend is......” Yang Kai looks at him to ask. “朋友是……”杨开望着他问道。 The men knit the brows, replied truthfully: Multi-colored Sunlight Island Island Master, Pang Zhen!” 男子皱了皱眉,还是如实答道:“霞光岛岛主,庞震!” Originally is Pang Island Master, the fortunate meeting fortunate meeting!” Yang Kai holds the fist in the other hand to exchange greetings. “原来是庞岛主,幸会幸会!”杨开抱拳寒暄。 The Pang Zhen look fluctuates, has been getting back one's composure from the initial shock, although pays is not the Yang Kai's opponent, but cannot lose the strength of spirit and Sea Palace prestige, said solemnly: Sect Master Yang, although is High Heaven Sect Master, but my Sea Palace and High Heaven Sect usually do not have the connection, can't Sect Master Yang kill people in my Sea Palace islands at will? Pang wants to ask but actually why this is!” 庞震神色变幻着,已经从最初的震惊回过了神,虽然自付不是杨开的对手,但也不能丢了骨气和海殿的威名,沉声道:“杨宗主虽然是凌霄宗之主,但我海殿凌霄宗素无瓜葛,杨宗主也不能在我海殿的岛屿上随意杀人吧?庞某倒想问问,这是为何!” Lord as an island, naturally must maintain in the islands the martial artist security, in the islands died inexplicably a person, Pang Zhen cannot treat as has not seen, otherwise spread, harmed in his prestige. 身为一岛之主,自然要维护岛屿上武者的安全,不明不白地岛屿上就死了一个人,庞震不能当做没看见,否则传扬出去,于他威名有损。 Yang Kai hesitated, opens the mouth saying: Pang Island Master forgives, Yang not must kill him with no reason at all, but he refuses stubbornly to be possible, is open about the facts Pang Island Master, Yang this going to sea, to look for him!” 杨开沉吟了一下,开口道:“庞岛主恕罪,杨某并非无缘无故要杀他,只是他非死不可,不瞒庞岛主,杨某这次出海,就是为了寻找他!” „Can Sect Master Yang explain?” Pang Zhen sees Yang Kai is so polite, the facial expression is also more moderate. 杨宗主能解释一下吗?”庞震杨开这般客气,神情也不禁缓和许多。 Nature!” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, the reason will tell. “自然可以!”杨开微微一笑,将其中缘由娓娓道来。 Pang Zhen hear of faces are shocking, does not have Manifestation to believe the words that Yang Kai spoke real, he thinks that Yang Kai was only the baseless and irrational concoctions a excuse. 庞震听的一脸震惊,怎么也无法相杨开所说的话是真的,他以为杨开只是胡编乱造了一个借口。 Knows his heart to have the doubts, the Yang Kai smile said: Pang Island Master had a look at these things to understand.” 知他心有疑惑,杨开微笑道:“庞岛主看看这些东西就明白了。” Is saying, Yang Kai while put out a hand to be stressed toward before by several martial artist that he imprisoned. 一边说着,杨开一边伸手朝之前被他禁锢的几个武者抓了一下。
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