MP :: Volume #17

#1697: Multi-colored Sunlight Island

Reviving Sect is the important matter, perhaps takes dozens years over a hundred years of payout and diligently, but the urgent matter, these Sect families thought that should maintains the relations with High Heaven Sect and Shadow Moon Palace, in the future these two will only follow the lead. 重振宗门是大事,或许需要几十年上百年的付出和努力,不过当务之急,那些宗门家族都觉得应该与凌霄宗影月殿搞好关系,日后唯这两家马首是瞻。 In this catastrophe, High Heaven Sect and Shadow Moon Palace accumulated far to exceed in the past Battle Sky Union rapidly, Thunder Typhoon Sect and Star Emperor Mountain prestige, two influences have become the Gloom Star most powerful representative. 在这一场浩劫中,凌霄宗影月殿迅速积累出远超当年战天盟,雷台宗星帝山的威望,两家势力已经成了幽暗星最强大的代表。 Can say Corpse Spirit Religion the catastrophe, in disguised form achievement rapid rise of High Heaven Sect and Shadow Moon Palace! 可以说尸灵教的这一场浩劫,变相地成就了凌霄宗影月殿的迅速崛起! Before cape mountain range, a ray of light flashes through, Qian Tong and Yang Kai two people comes shoulder to shoulder. 海角山脉前,一道光芒闪过,钱通杨开两人并肩现身。 The Qian Tong side eye is looking at Yang Kai, astonished almost could not speak. 钱通侧眼瞧着杨开,惊愕的几乎说不出话来。 He now is the Void King Stage powerhouse, cultivates the boundary to be higher than the frontline compared with Yang Kai's, but he still has not ravelled, how Yang Kai is comes to here the own belt/bring. 他如今已经是虚王境强者了,比杨开的修境界要高出一线,但他依然没弄明白,杨开到底是如何把自己带到这里来的。 This absolutely is not pure space Secret Technique! 这绝对不是单纯的空间秘术 Thinks, in the Qian Tong mind appears to let his shocking guess suddenly: You refine to melt the Gloom Star source, became Star Master?” 想了想,钱通脑海中骤然浮现出一个让他震惊的猜测:“你炼化了幽暗星的源,成了星主?” Only then becomes Star Master, can bring own to come here in the flash from the cape city, but was not detected by own, felt again mental association to recently/previously time own the delicate change of the world, Qian Tong is almost certain the guess of own is correct. 只有成一星之主,才能在一瞬间带着自己从海角城来到这里而不被自己察觉,再联想到前段时间自己感觉到天地的微妙变化,钱通几乎可以肯定自己的猜测是正确的。 Hehe, the Elder Qian good eye, I indeed have built up to melt the Gloom Star source.” Yang Kai had not denied, this matter conceals the truth unable to conceal the truth in any case, moreover Qian Tong is also not a bystander. 呵呵,钱长老好眼力,我的确已经炼化了幽暗星的源。”杨开也没否认,反正这种事瞒也瞒不过去,而且钱通还不是外人。 Qian Tong absent-minded, at once the expression sobs strangely: didn't expect, you walked unexpectedly in front of Old Man. Young formidable!” 钱通失神,旋即表情古怪地唏嘘道:“没想到,你居然走在了老夫前面。年轻可畏啊!” His some Yang Kai were happy, some disappointed appearances. 他有些杨开高兴,又有些受打击的样子。 Luck.” Yang Kai naturally cannot complacent arrogant, he can refine the stars source, is completely the Yang Yan merit, otherwise by his matter, wants practice to Void King 3-layer at least, can make the attempt. The Gloom Star source by the Yang Yan tens of thousands years of imprisonment in Consciousness Sea, had been wanted to remain in limelight, had the Yang Kai's admission, was naturally built up by Yang Kai amenable. “运气而已。”杨开自然不会自满自大,他能炼化星辰源,完全是阳炎的功劳,否则以他自身的事,最起码也要修炼虚王三层境,才能做尝试。幽暗星的源被阳炎禁锢在识海中几万年之久,早已不甘寂寞,有了杨开的接纳,自然非常顺从地被杨开炼化。 This truly is the luck. 这确实是运气。 Such being the case. That Old Man does not need to begin. Then looked your.” Qian Tong laughed, quickly restored the habit, has therefore not envied to envy anything, but was on own initiative toward retreat one step. Calmly waits and sees. “既然如此。那老夫也无需动手了。接下来就看你的了。”钱通呵呵一笑,很快恢复了常态,并没有因此而羡慕嫉妒什么的,而是主动往后退了一步。静静观望。 Yang Kai rubbish. Spiritual Mind expands. Has swept each of front cape mountain range, detects, only then after existence of Corpse Spirit Race, this raises both hands suddenly. Assumes to hold a day of potential, slowly rise. 杨开也不废话。神念扩张开来。扫过前方海角山脉的每一处,察觉到里面只有尸灵族的存在之后,这才忽然举起双手。呈托天之势,徐徐上升。 With his movement, the entire cape mountain range vibrates, transmits the fierce sound from the mountain range, buzz rumble such as the battle drum in underground strikes the cry, that sound spread over each corner of cape mountain range. 伴随着他的动作,整条海角山脉都震动起来,从山脉内部传来剧烈的声响,嗡隆隆如战鼓在地下擂鸣,那声音传遍了海角山脉的每一个角落。 Naked eye obviously, entire continuous hundreds of thousands li (0.5 km) mountain range, rose one section at a subtle speed unexpectedly upward. 肉眼可见地,整条连绵了十几万里的山脉,竟以一种微妙的速度往上升了一截。 Qian Tong holds breath cold air, the heart of hearts filled the mood of yearning for and hope. 钱通倒吸一口凉气,内心深处充满了向往和渴望的情绪。 This is the prestige of Star Master, read, can The Transformations of the World, be able to do great things to add the sea...... 这就是星主之威,一念间,可以沧海桑田,可以移山添海…… Moreover, this is Yang Kai does not want before destroying this mountain range way that under uses, otherwise he can definitely level this mountain range directly. 而且,这还是杨开不想在破坏这条山脉的前下所动用的方式,否则他完全可以直接抹平这一条山脉。 This method, even if he uses is unable to achieve full power. 这种手段,即便他倾尽全力也无法做到。 Cape mountain range exceptionally obviously alarmed hid in Corpse Spirit Race, innumerable Corpse Spirit Race clansman flew to flee, wanted nosing, but was quick, they discovered with amazement, the entire cape mountain range by an invisible strength imprisonment, their root is unable Controlling Air Flight, is unable to flee from this hiding place. 海角山脉的异常明显惊动了躲藏在其中的尸灵族,无数尸灵族族人飞窜出来,想要查探情况,不过很快,他们就骇然地发现,整个海角山脉都被一股无形的力量禁锢,他们根无法御空飞行,也无法逃离这一片藏身之地。 Originally depending on hiding survival place, at this moment actually became a prisoner's cage. 原来赖以藏身生存的地方,此刻却成了一个囚笼。 The Corpse Spirit Race people shouted is yelling, was scared, the root does not know that had anything. 尸灵族人大呼大叫着,仓皇失措,根不知道发生了什么。 Several breath times, the cape mountain range then selected for promotion one zhang (3.33 m) distance, Yang Kai shouted the one breath gently, the palm that towed upward, suddenly pressed downward. 前后不过十几息功夫,海角山脉便拔升了一丈距离,杨开轻轻地呼了一口气,往上拖去的手掌,猛地往下摁去。 Bang...... 轰隆…… Hundreds of thousands li (0.5 km) mountain range, drops. 十几万里的山脉,重新跌落。 The land transmits fierce swaying, a sound of intermittent fulmination spreads from the mountain range densely and numerously, world's spiritual energy as if melts the murder at this moment the sharp blade, wreaks havoc there Corpse Spirit Race within the body. 大地传来剧烈的摇晃,一阵阵爆鸣的声响从山脉内密密麻麻地传出,天地灵气此刻似乎化杀人的利刃,在那里尸灵族体内肆虐。 pèng pèng pèng bumps...... 碰碰碰碰…… Corpse Spirit Race explode ashes in the sound, vanishes does not see. 一个又一个尸灵族在响声中爆齑粉,消失不见。 After that sound subsides, Yang Kai emitted the Spiritual Mind sensation again, in the cape mountain range does not have the Corpse Spirit Race trail again, ran away to this's several thousand Corpse Spirit Race, was all strangled to death without exception. 等到那响动平息之后,杨开再放出神念感知,海角山脉中已经再无尸灵族的踪迹了,逃窜到此的数千尸灵族,无一例外全被绞杀。 The sighing acme of perfection that Qian Tong looks, long time, exhales the one breath: This catastrophe, till this.” 钱通看的叹观止,良久,才呼出一口气:“这场浩劫,到此止了吧。” „After killed Corpse Spirit Religion Religion Master, can thorough be relieved.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile. “等杀了尸灵教教主之后,就可以彻底安心了。”杨开微微一笑。 This matter you took the trouble, Old Man now...... graciousness, after you killed him, Old Man said this matter to you again, temporarily first does not worry.” “这事得你多费神了,老夫现在……恩,等你杀了他之后,老夫再跟你说此事,暂时先不着急。” Qian Tong clearly has anything not saying that but he does not want to say now, Yang Kai naturally cannot reluctantly. 钱通显然有什么事没说出来,不过他现在不想说,杨开自然不会勉强。 two people separates quickly, Qian Tong returns to Shadow Moon Palace to assume personal command, manages the reconstruction of Sect, but Yang Kai directly soars Sorrowless Ocean to go, his must look for Insect Emperor, making him vanish in this world thoroughly. 两人很快分开,钱通返回影月殿坐镇,主持自家宗门的重建,而杨开则直奔无忧海而去,他这一趟要将虫帝找出来,让他彻底消失在这个世上。 Before he when searched Corpse Spirit Race, had once paid attention to Insect Emperor aura, what a pity cannot find. 之前他在搜索尸灵族的时候,也曾留意过虫帝气息,可惜并没能找到。 Therefore he will focus 所以他直接将目标放在了无忧海上,他相信自己的判断没有错。 Gloom Star is very big, the marine influence and land influence is since different two systems, each other martial artist few will interfere with the life of opposite party, therefore this time, although abdomen place of Corpse Spirit Religion in Gloom Star noisy is very ominous, major Sect lose seriously, but on the influence base of deep sea had not actually been affected. 幽暗星很大,海上的势力和陆上的势力是既然不同的两个体系,彼此的武者鲜少会干涉到对方的生活,所以这一次虽然尸灵教幽暗星内腹处闹的很凶,各大宗门都损失惨重,但深海的势力却基上没有被影响。 Also, Corpse Spirit Race these clansman, will want to run into Sorrowless Ocean for this reason, avoids chasing down of major Sect. 也正是因这个原因,尸灵族的那些族人,才会想要逃进无忧海,躲避各大宗门的追杀。 Yang Kai the first time is not came Sorrowless Ocean, previous time comes out from Emperor Garden, accidentally passed by here, but he returned to cherished at that time, Sorrowless Ocean that sees is the tip of the iceberg, cannot represent anything. 杨开并不是第一次来无忧海,上次从帝苑出来的时候,无意中路过这里,不过那时候他回宗心切,所见到的无忧海不过是冰山一角,并不能代表什么。 This he looks for the Insect Emperor whereabouts specially, passed through along the road, understands with the land entirely different person earth character and style. 这一趟他特意寻找虫帝下落,沿路走过,领略到了与陆上截然不同的人土风情。 The deep sea influence cannot be underestimated absolutely, in many islands has powerful Void Return 3-layer to assume personal command. 深海势力绝对不容小觑,许多岛屿上都有强大的返虚三层境坐镇。 However now he becomes dark Star Master, the land, the sea does not have any to distinguish to him, Gloom Star all, he can easily control. 不过如今他成了幽暗星之主,陆上,海上对他来说已经没有什么区别了,幽暗星上的一切,他都可以轻易主宰。 Multi-colored Sunlight Island, subordinates in the deep sea influence biggest Sect, Sea Palace. 霞光岛,隶属深海势力中最大的宗门,海殿 Prestige of Sea Palace in the deep sea is prominent, the resident of deep sea can not know High Heaven Sect, does not know Star Emperor Mountain, but will not have heard Sea Palace absolutely. 海殿在深海之中威名显赫,深海的居民可以不知道凌霄宗,不知道星帝山,但是绝对不会没听说过海殿 The years of this influence inheritance absolutely were not shorter than past Battle Sky Union and Thunder Typhoon Sect, innumerable year of accumulations, marine resources rich abundant, let Sea Palace influence more and more huge, almost seized entire deep sea half Domain. 这个势力传承的年月绝对不比当年的战天盟雷台宗短,无数年的积累,海上资源的丰富充裕,让海殿的势力越来越庞大,几乎占领了整个深海的一半领域 In the deep sea, Sea Palace absolutely is a colossus. 在深海之中,海殿绝对是个庞然大物。 If not because of their practice Cultivation Technique mostly is Water Attribute Ice Attribute, must give some discounts to the land strength, Gloom Star only feared that does not have Battle Sky Union and Thunder Typhoon Sect anything matter, only Sea Palace sufficiently series entire Gloom Star. 若非因他们修炼功法大多都是水系冰系的,到了陆上实力要打一些折扣,幽暗星只怕早就没有战天盟雷台宗什么事了,单凭海殿就足以一统整个幽暗星 However impedes because of all sorts, Sea Palace can only bluff and bluster on the deep sea, is unable to extend the land the lackey. 不过因种种掣肘,海殿只能在深海上耀武扬威,无法将爪牙伸到陆上。 On this day, Yang Kai arrived at the area about about surrounding area thousand li (500 km) Multi-colored Sunlight Island. 这一日,杨开来到了占地面积约有方圆千里左右的霞光岛 Even in the deep sea, this islands is not small, in the islands under Sea Palace name, can occupy first ten location/position, by the islands the commodity is rich, the marine product is bountiful, Sea Palace takes away every year a lot of practice commodities, is islands that Sea Palace and regards as important. 即便是在深海之中,这座岛屿也不算小,在海殿名下的岛屿之中,可以占据前十的位置,岛屿旁物资丰富,海产富饶,每一年都海殿带去大量的修炼物资,是海殿及其看重的一个岛屿。 Yang Kai flowing light, descends to this islands time, immediately then Sea Palace disciple detects. 杨开流光,降落到这座岛屿的时候,立刻便海殿弟子所察觉。 Land martial artist and marine martial artist wear, some skin color significant differences, therefore Yang Kai falls long-drawn-out, was responsible for going on patrol in the islands by one team, keeps the peace Sea Palace disciple to sphere. 陆上的武者和海上的武者无论是穿着,肤色都有一些明显的差别,所以杨开悠一落下来,便被一队负责在岛屿上巡逻,维持治安的海殿弟子围住了。 Place that the Multi-colored Sunlight Island exactly casual person passes in and out, anybody wants, must enter from specific location/position, verifies the status, and pays certain amount of Saint Crystal, can allow to pass. 霞光岛可不是随便人进出的地方,任何人想要进来,都得从特定的位置进入,查明身份,并且缴纳一定数量的圣晶,才得以放行。 If Yang Kai such big thorn from in the air falls, without doubt is to the provocation of Sea Palace. 杨开这样大刺刺地从空中落下来,无疑是对海殿的挑衅。 Therefore that team of Sea Palace disciple each and everyone complexion are bad, although detected that Yang Kai is very powerful, does not have many to dread. 所以那一队海殿弟子一个个面色不善,尽管察觉到杨开很强大,却也没有多少畏惧。 Yang Kai but actually not with the meaning that they socialize, but proceeds to step forward one step, after a foot, the person does not see. 杨开倒也没有与他们周旋的意思,而是往前跨出一步,一脚后,人已不见。 Boy person?” In this team of martial artist, the strength highest that person calls out in alarm looks out in all directions, the root is actually not able to discover the Yang Kai's trail. “那小子人呢?”这一队武者中,实力最高的那人惊呼四望,却根无法发现杨开的踪迹。 Others also look at each other in blank dismay, is somewhat absolutely terrified. 其他人也都面面相觑,有些毛骨悚然。 The opposite party disappear in situation strangely, this explained others, if wants, can take their lives in situation. 对方在神不知鬼不觉的情况下就离奇消失,这说明人家若是愿意的话,也可以在神不知鬼不觉的情况下取走他们的性命。 Until this time, this team of Sea Palace disciple some lingering fear. 直到这时,这一队海殿弟子才有些后怕。 You disperse, seeks for the trail of that fellow, I reported Island Master!” The martial artist look of head fluctuated several, immediately makes the decision. “你们分散开,寻找那家伙的踪迹,我去禀告岛主!”首的武者神色变幻了几下,立刻做出决定。 On Multi-colored Sunlight Island came such a powerhouse suddenly, what matter regardless of the opposite party, must to Island Master say that is good. 霞光岛上忽然来了这么一个强者,无论对方所何事,都必须跟岛主说一声才行。 The people acknowledged loudly, immediately scatters in all directions. 众人轰然应诺,立刻四散开来。 Before islands a remote seaside log cabin, Yang Kai comes easely, raises the head looked at one, shows a faint smile. 岛屿中一个偏僻的临海木屋前,杨开悠然现身,抬头看了一眼,微微一笑。 Here scenery is good, at this time when faced with the sea, the back according to Multi-colored Sunlight Island, is the setting sun, the sunlight afterglow the light rosy cloud ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) that Multi-colored Sunlight Island shines upon, truly is a recreation healing good place. 这里景色不错,面临大海,背依霞光岛,此时正值落日之时,日光余晖将霞光岛映照的光霞万丈,确实是一处休养疗伤的好地方。 Several strength not high martial artist are admonishing outside the log cabin, for the first time sees Yang Kai to come, gawked in abundance, probably is been at once same what instruction, all devils stimulate to movement Saint Yuan, offers a sacrifice to own Secret Treasure, flushed toward Yang Kai. 几个实力不高的武者正在木屋外警戒,乍一见到杨开现身,纷纷愣了一下,旋即像是得到了什么指令一样,全都凶神恶煞地催动圣元,祭出自身的秘宝,朝杨开冲了过来。 Yang Kai knits the brows, detected that their situation has different, does not have kill to the last one/being ruthless, but puts out a hand to grasp in Void. 杨开皱了皱眉,察觉到他们的情况有异,并没有赶尽杀绝,而是伸手在虚空中一握。 The world's spiritual energy reliable rope, ties up independently these strength not high martial artist, making them unable to move. 天地灵气自主地化牢固的绳索,将这些实力不高的武者捆缚起来,让他们动弹不得。 Several martial artist look ashen immediately, the panic-stricken desire is looking at Yang Kai certainly. 几个武者顿时面如土色,惊骇欲绝地望着杨开 I, since had come, you hide unable to hide, why not to come naturally, revealing only part of the truth is also no interesting?” Yang Kai calls one to the direction of log cabin, is shouldering both hands stood in place, calmly is waiting.( To be continued..) “我既然已经来了,你躲也躲不掉,何不大大方方现身,藏头露尾的也没什么意思吧?”杨开冲木屋的方向吆喝一声,背负着双手站在原地,静静等候着。(未完待续。。)
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