MP :: Volume #17

#1696: Cape city

Moreover, after becoming Star Master, other more advantage, Yang Kai did not have to experience and ascertain with enough time carefully, temporarily also not very clear. 而且,成星主之后,还有其他的更多好处,杨开还没来得及仔细体验和捉摸,暂时也不太清楚 However this enough, his place visited, Corpse Spirit Race does not only have to run away only, is only the optional palm, then makes these Corpse Spirit Race in groups be annihilated. 不过只单此一项就已经足够了,他所过之处,尸灵族无所逃遁,只是随意一掌,便让那些成群结队的尸灵族全军覆没。 Now he is the control of Gloom Star, in Gloom Star this domain, who can resist his method? Even Qian Tong is not good. 如今他是幽暗星的主宰,在幽暗星这块地盘上,谁又能抵挡的了他的手段?就算是钱通也不行。 Half day time, Yang Kai went through most Gloom Star, extinguishes Corpse Spirit Race that own can the sensation arrive at completely kills. 只是半日时间,杨开就辗转了大半个幽暗星,将自己所能感知到的尸灵族全部灭杀。 When these Human Race martial artist have not ravelled, Yang Kai has departed floating, only leaves behind these people to look at each other in blank dismay. 在那些人族武者还没弄明白的时候,杨开已经飘然离去,只留下那些人面面相觑。 Near Sorrowless Ocean, one crowd of martial artist that was separated from the Human Race army are dashing to run away, back more than ten person appearance fierce Corpse Spirit Race are unforgiving is pursuing. 无忧海边,一群脱离了人族大军的武者正在飞奔逃窜,背后十几个人面貌狰狞的尸灵族不依不饶地追击着。 Corpse Spirit Race does not feel better in nearly one year of time, these powerful Corpse General 11 eliminate by Qian Tong and High Heaven Sect Expert, the Religion Master rumor was also extinguished kills, the Human Race suppression that a group of people without a leader, can only be joined up, retreats toward Sorrowless Ocean step by step, attempts to run into the boundless sea, seeks vitality. 尸灵族在近一年的时间里并不好过,那些实力强大的尸将钱通凌霄宗高手们一一剪除,教主传言也被灭杀,群龙无首,只能被联合起来的人族打压,一步步地往无忧海退去,企图逃进茫茫大海中,寻求一线生机 But their ideas cannot achieve wishes, Qian Tong and Ye Xiyun chase down Corpse Spirit Religion hence, before already, stops up their escape routes, keeping their root from penetrating into Sorrowless Ocean. 可他们的想法并不能如愿,钱通叶惜筠一路追杀尸灵教至此,已经前将他们的退路堵去,让他们根无法深入到无忧海中。 Present Corpse Spirit Religion, has been on the decline, again no longer several years ago power. 如今的尸灵教,已经是日薄西山,再不复几年前的强盛。 Was compelled anxiously Corpse Spirit Race , can only seek for Human Race martial artist that these leave behind to strike to kill, vented the depression and resentment in heart. 被逼急了的尸灵族,也只能寻找那些落单的人族武者击杀,发泄心中的苦闷和怨气。 This crowd of 78 Human Race martial artist are quite hapless, leaving behind time happen to bumped into the quantity and strength surpasses own Corpse Spirit Race person. Under a war lost several individual hands, has to close up in the direction that the Human Race army is at runs away, female surface of head like the peach blossom, the appearance is charming, the figure is enchanting, chest front pair of mighty waves rush when dashing fierce, under the pursuit of Corpse Spirit Race, her actually Hua Rong/beautiful face changes colors, runs away, while pours into Spiritual Mind toward Communication Compass on hand in unceasingly. The expectation can pass on message Elder. Let Elder come to rescue. 这一群七八个人族武者比较倒霉,落单的时候正好碰到了数量和实力都超过自身的尸灵族人。一战之下就损失了几个人手,不得不朝人族大军所在的方向靠拢逃窜,首的一个女子面如桃花,长相妩媚,身段妖娆,胸前一对波涛在飞奔之时凶猛澎湃,不过在尸灵族的追击下,她却花容失色,一边逃窜,一边不断地往手上的传讯罗盘里灌入神念。期望能传讯自家长辈。让长辈前来救援。 Also is a pitiful yell transmits from the rear area, female turns head, saw lets one that her whole body shivers. 又是一声惨叫从后方传来,女子回头,看到了让她浑身颤抖的一幕。 A backward companion was caught up with by several Corpse Spirit Race, was knocked down directly. These cruel Corpse Spirit Race have not massacred his meaning unexpectedly directly. Instead closes. Gnaws to eat his flesh with the canine advantage tooth. 一个落后的同伴被几个尸灵族追上,直接被打倒在地。那些残忍的尸灵族竟没有直接杀掉他的意思。反而一拥而上。用尖牙利齿啃食着他的血肉。 The pitiful yell and praying for rescue that sound the companions send out, making the female calf tremble, the lower abdomen locates a heat flow to well up. Nearly at the scene incontinence. 同伴发出的惨叫和求救声,让女子腿肚子都在打颤,小腹处一股热流涌过。险些当场失禁。 Not the big moment, the voice of companion gradually is feeble, after several Corpse Spirit Race eat until full, even more pursues unexpectedly savage, was shortly getting more and more near from own. 不大片刻,同伴的声音就渐渐衰弱下去,几个尸灵族饱餐一顿之后,竟愈发凶残地追击过来,眼瞅着距离自己越来越近了。 Remembers the soft and fair skin of own also to meet such as that companion the same as become Corpse Spirit Race the thing of having a full stomach, finally turned into a bleached bone of no sense of beauty, in the beautiful pupil of female overflows completely panic-stricken and not handles. 一想起自己的细皮嫩肉也会如那个同伴一样成尸灵族的果腹之物,最终变成一具毫无美感的枯骨,女子的美眸里就溢满了惊恐和无措。 Enormous panic-stricken made her footsteps such as fill the lead to be equally heavy, the whole body Saint Yuan revolution does not work, unexpectedly some are unable the starting to walk footsteps. 极大的惊恐让她的脚步如灌了铅一样沉重,浑身圣元也运转不灵了,竟有些无法迈开脚步。 Back Corpse Spirit Race is getting more and more near, she even can smell that rich smell of blood. 背后的尸灵族越来越近,她甚至能嗅到那一股浓郁的血腥味。 female calls out in alarm. 女子惊呼起来。 At this moment, at present a flower, the form appears together suddenly, extended a hand toward her, but grasps gently, then separated to empty her caught behind, at once youth bent/tune Zhilian shoots, along with the sounds of several fresh breeze to having, more than ten Corpse Spirit Race that pursued without exception, all explodes ashes. 就在这时,眼前一花,一道身影忽然浮现出来,朝她伸出了一只手,只是轻轻一抓,便隔空将她抓到了身后,旋即那青年曲指连弹,伴随着几道劲风的声音向起,追击过来的十几个尸灵族无一例外,全都爆齑粉 A disaster will be reduced and solved shortly. 一场劫难顷刻间被化解。 female is looking at the front form dull, a being survivor of disaster feeling raises from the heart, loses the sound said: Yang Kai?” 女子呆呆地望着前方的身影,一种劫后余生的感觉自心中升起,失声道:“杨开?” Her sound is shivering, is pale, obviously also not thrilling and exciting recovers from that type. 她的声音还是颤抖着,脸色苍白,显然还没从那种惊险和刺激中缓过劲。 Hears the name of this female, several other Human Race martial artist stare slightly, at once all looks toward Yang Kai with an inspired vision. 听到这女子的称呼,其他几个人族武者都微微一愣,旋即全都用一种振奋的目光朝杨开望去。 The Yang Kai's given name they have naturally listened, truly may see is actually very few, this time is High Heaven Sect Sect Master makes a move to rescue unexpectedly personally, they are naturally grateful. 杨开的大名他们自然听过,可真正见到的却是少之又少,这一次竟是凌霄宗宗主亲自出手相救,他们自然都感激涕零。 Yin Sudie?” Yang Kai then looked at that female one, knits the brows: You here? Your master?” 尹素蝶?”杨开回头看了那女子一眼,皱眉道:“你怎么在这里?你师傅呢?” This young girl impressively is Colored Glass Sect Yin Sudie. 这小妞赫然就是琉璃门尹素蝶 In Colored Glass Sect, she was also the outstanding people of younger generation, practice some Flatter Technique few people can resist, was facing Corpse Spirit Race, the Flatter Technique root does not have an effect, by her Void Return 1-layer cultivating boundary, the strength that can display must sell at a discount greatly. 琉璃门中,她也算是年轻一代的佼佼者了,修炼媚功鲜少有人能够抵挡,可是面对尸灵族,媚功根不起作用,以她返虚一层境的修境界,能够发挥出来的实力要大打折扣。 Otherwise is also insufficient becomes so distressed. 否则也不至于变得如此狼狈。 Yin Sudie smiled reluctantly, obediently replied: Master in cape city!” 尹素蝶勉强笑了一下,乖乖答道:“师傅在海角城!” Yang Kai emitted the Spiritual Mind sensation, soon then detected, city a tens of thousands li (0.5 km) away gathered massive martial artist aura, there should be the cape city, near a city close to Sorrowless Ocean. 杨开放出神念感知了一下,很快便察觉到,几万里之外的一座城池聚集了大量武者气息,那里应该就是海角城了,靠近无忧海边的一座城池。 You do not follow side your master, what runs to make?” Yang Kai somewhat asked disgruntledly. “你不跟在你师傅身边,跑出来做什么?”杨开有些不悦地问道。 Although Human Race wins now, Corpse Spirit Race has almost not set up a place, but the go it alone is very dangerous, particularly boundary near Sorrowless Ocean. 虽然如今人族大胜,尸灵族几乎没有立身之地,但单独行动还是很危险的,尤其是在无忧海边的地界。 Although Yang Kai does not like Yin Sudie this woman, but how to say that now she was also High Heaven Sect disciple, body Sect Master, can reprove. 杨开虽然不太喜欢尹素蝶这个女人,但如今怎么说她也算是凌霄宗弟子了,身宗主,还是可以训斥一下的。 Yin Sudie could not speak immediately timidly. 尹素蝶顿时唯唯诺诺地说不出话。 In the past Yang Kai reputation not time obviously, she also intended to cope with Yang Kai, was is only different at this time in those days, Yin Sudie understands compared with anyone, disparity between own and Yang Kai does not have to measure, if Yang Kai stood in cloud top/fall, she can only treat in the ground, raises the head looked up. 当年杨开名声未显的时候,她还出手对付过杨开,只是今时不同往日,尹素蝶比谁都明白,自己杨开之间的差距已经无以度量了,如果说杨开站在云颠,那她就只能待在地面上,抬头仰望。 She envies Dai Yuan that ugly Senior Sister innumerable, does not know that she used what method, can obtain Yang Kai's to look after unexpectedly. 她无数次羡慕黛鸢那个丑师姐,不知道她到底用了什么手段,竟能得到杨开的关照。 Because of the Yang Kai's attitude, Honored Master Gong Aofu likes Senior Sister more and more, instead own was gradually treated coldly in recent more than one year. 正是因杨开的态度,师尊宫傲芙才越来越喜欢师姐,反而自己在最近一年多逐渐被冷落了。 Ok.” Yang Kai beckons with the hand, does not want to go into seriously, turned the head to size up other martial artist, discovered that each and everyone was the young youth youngster. “算了。”杨开摆摆手,也不想去深究,转头打量了一下其他的武者,发现一个个都是年纪不大的青年少年。 This group of fellows obviously by the Yin Sudie beauty to confused mind, is willing to follow after her behind saddle lead horse. 这群家伙显然是被尹素蝶美色给迷昏了头脑,甘愿跟在她身后鞍前马后。 Method clear of Yang Kai to Yin Sudie, he even discovered again several fellows are in sight to own time, the look somewhat repels and vigilant. 杨开尹素蝶的手段再清楚不过,他甚至发现其中有几个家伙在望向自己的时候,眼神有些排斥和警惕。 You deliver you to return to palace Elder there.” Yang Kai is saying, waved to wrap Yin Sudie with Saint Yuan together. “你送你回宫长老那里。”杨开说着,挥手用一道圣元尹素蝶包裹了起来。 The one who lets Yang Kai didn't expect is, Yin Sudie took advantage of opportunity to sneak in the own bosom unexpectedly, both hands embraced the waist of own, an appearance of timid young girl inspiring tenderness, chest front that pushed to the mighty waves in the own chest place forthrightly, soft. 杨开没想到的是,尹素蝶竟顺势就钻进了自己的怀里,双手揽住了自己的腰,一副小鸟依人的模样,胸前那对波涛毫不避讳地挤在自己的胸口处,一片柔软。 Yang Kai shakes the head, pours not to shove open her immediately, takes advantage of opportunity also to curl other martial artist, the figure in a flash, arrived at the cape city directly. 杨开摇了摇头,倒也没把她立刻推开,顺势将其他武者也卷了起来,身形一晃,直接就来到了海角城。 Patted the shoulder of Yin Sudie gently, Yang Kai said: Went to the place.” 轻轻拍了拍尹素蝶的肩膀,杨开道:“到地方了。” Then, no matter how also she thinks that vanishes again does not see. 说完,也不管她怎么想的,再一次消失不见。 Yin Sudie, looked around, discovered with amazement own really returned to the cape city, construction in city that familiar. 尹素蝶啊了一声,举目四望,惊讶地发现自己果然又回到了海角城里,城中的建筑是那么的熟悉。 Both hands of own also present the posture that empty holds, Yin Sudie is somewhat moved. 自己的双手还呈现出虚抱的姿势,尹素蝶有些怅然若失。 The cape city is not very large, now by full to the brim that Human Race martial artist occupied, Yang Kai in the city is found Ye Xiyun and Qian Tong and the others, one spoke freely with them, this knew the recent situation. 海角城面积不大,如今已经被人族武者占据的满满当当,杨开在城中找到了叶惜筠钱通等人,与他们一番畅谈,这才知道最近的情况。 Refining up the stars source, Yang Kai by has not spent many time, where knew that actually used up for more than one year. 炼化星辰源,杨开以没花多少时间,哪里晓得却是用掉了一年多。 But in this year time, High Heaven Sect and Shadow Moon Palace collaborates, base general Corpse Spirit Religion influence even/including root wipes out, remaining Corpse Spirit Race want to run into Sorrowless Ocean, was actually blocked the way, can only hide in distance cape city mountain range 30,000 miles away, how not to come out. 而在这一年时间内,凌霄宗影月殿联手,也基上将尸灵教的势力连根拔除,剩下的尸灵族想逃进无忧海,却被堵住了去路,只能躲藏在距离海角城三万一条山脉中,怎么都不出来。 Qian Tong then kills one batch regularly, but some deep of too Corpse Spirit Race avoidance, Qian Tong does not have the means to look even completely, has a headache. 钱通隔三差五地便去杀上一批,可有些尸灵族躲避的太深,就算是钱通也没办法全部找出来,正是头疼的时候。 On the entire Gloom Star base had returned to normal, surviving Corpse Spirit Race roughly over 80% hides in that mountain range, so long as these Corpse Spirit Race kill to the last one/being ruthless, remaining surviving members feared insufficient, when the time comes does not need High Heaven Sect and Shadow Moon Palace acts, only these Sect respective strengths, can kill off these scattered Corpse Spirit Race. 整个幽暗星基上已经恢复了平静,残存的尸灵族约莫有八成以上是躲在那山脉之中的,只要将那些尸灵族赶尽杀绝,剩下的余孽就不足惧了,到时候无需凌霄宗影月殿出面,单凭那些宗门各自的力量,也可以杀光那些零零散散的尸灵族 „After this......” Yang Kai sought information the situation, cracks into a smile: I go to one.” “这样啊……”杨开征询了情况之后,咧嘴一笑:“我去一趟吧。” „Do you have the means?” The Qian Tong surprise is looking at him, this time meets, Qian Tong always felt that Yang Kai has some changes, where may be, he could not say, under his sensation, the Yang Kai body was still Void Return 3-layer, although aura was more vigorous, but actually gave him one type and the feeling of danger. “你有办法?”钱通诧异地望着他,这一次见面,钱通总感觉杨开有一些变化,可到底是什么地方,他却说不出来,在他的感知下,杨开身依然是返虚三层境,虽然气息更雄浑了一些,但却给他一种及其危险的感觉。 It seems like own, if begins with Yang Kai, dying is own is surely same. 就好像自己若是与杨开动手的话,死的必定是自己一样。 This thought surges, making Qian Tong be suspicious and indecisive, is not fully correct the whole story. 这个念头涌起,让钱通狐疑不断,猜不透原委。 When the time comes knew.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, has not spoken the words is too full. “到时候就知道了。”杨开微微一笑,也没把话说的太满。 I go with you.” Qian Tong said solemnly. “我跟你去。”钱通沉声道 Yang Kai nods, stands up, suddenly to/clashes Ye Xiyun to tell: Let gather the person in cape city disperses, several years of time turbulence, their Sect need to rest and build up strength, when wasted time here is not a matter.” 杨开点点头,站起身来,忽然又冲叶惜筠吩咐道:“让聚集在海角城的人都散了吧,几年时间的动荡,他们的宗门都需要休养生息,待在这里浪费时间也不是个事。” Ye Xiyun was startled, but the quick nod complied. 叶惜筠怔了一下,不过还是很快点头答应了下来。 Yang Kai has put out a hand a move, under held the arm of Qian Tong, the next moment, two people hid from the Ye Xiyun eye strangely vanished, was better than Ye Xiyun, cannot detect any trace. 杨开已经伸手一招,抓住了钱通的胳膊,下一刻,两人就诡异地从叶惜筠眼皮子底下消失了,强如叶惜筠,也没能察觉到任何痕迹。 The Ye Xiyun look fluctuated several, suddenly pursed the lips to smile, a face was suddenly typical: So that's how it is!” 叶惜筠神色变幻了几下,忽然抿嘴笑了起来,一脸恍然地道:“原来如此!” She understood anything obviously. 她显然是明白了什么。 After hesitation moment, she takes out Communication Compass, pours into Spiritual Mind toward, issues the order. 沉吟片刻后,她取出传讯罗盘,往内灌入神念,下达命令。 Later the time, gathered in Human Race martial artist of cape city then obtained the instruction from High Heaven Sect: Corpse Spirit Race is annihilated, various Sect return to Headquarters, rests and builds up strength! 不大一会功夫,汇聚在海角城的人族武者们便得到了来自凌霄宗的指令:尸灵族全军覆没,各宗门返回自家总舵,休养生息! Receives the instruction various size Sect martial artist to look at each other in blank dismay, the four directions run the inquiry, the result that may ultimately obtain does not have the difference from the instruction in unexpectedly, the high level from Shadow Moon Palace and High Heaven Sect confirmed this point. 接到指令的各大小宗门武者面面相觑,四方奔走询问,可最终得到的结果竟与指令上没有差别,来自影月殿凌霄宗的高层都证实这一点。 Although not very clear anything Corpse Spirit Race was annihilated suddenly, but avoided Gloom Star the catastrophe, Human Race martial artist is overjoyed, stemming from the trust of High Heaven Sect and Shadow Moon Palace, they go home, was discussing how should be able to revive Sect.( To be continued..) 虽然不太清楚什么尸灵族忽然就全军覆没了,但化解了幽暗星的这场浩劫,人族武者还是欢天喜地的,出于对凌霄宗影月殿的信任,他们纷纷打道回府,商议着该如何才能重振宗门。(未完待续。。)
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