MP :: Volume #17

#1695: Dark Star Master

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Yang Kai opens eyes, a marvelous feeling gives birth from the heart. 杨开睁眼,一种奇妙的感觉自心中生出。 Entire Gloom Star as if became part of his body, he can at pleasure feel Gloom Star any land, can detect that this Cultivation's Star bountiful and barren place, can discover occupies life the birth and death on this Cultivation's Star! 整个幽暗星似乎成了他身体的一部分,他可以随心所欲地感受到幽暗星上任何一块土地,能察觉到这颗修炼之星的富饶和贫瘠之处,能发现居住在这颗修炼之星上的生灵的生老病死! If he wants, he can arrive in Gloom Star any place with ease, has not impeded, if he wants, he can let the earth-shattering in instant, the landslide tsunami...... 如果他愿意,他可以轻松地抵达幽暗星上任何一个地方,没有丝毫掣肘,如果他愿意,他能在一念之间让天崩地裂,山崩海啸…… He makes a fist gently, spiritual energy between entire world shakes slightly, spreads such as the mighty bell greatly -like sound from Void. 他轻轻握拳,整个天地间的灵气都微微一震,从虚空之中传出如洪钟大吕般的声响。 At this moment, the Gloom Star trillion lives shock over the face, raises the head look, does not know that what happened. 这一刻,幽暗星上亿万生灵震骇满面,抬头仰望,不知道发生了什么事。 Entire Gloom Star also becomes Star Master that flash in Yang Kai, had and subtle change, this change is unable to put things clearly, few several powerhouses feel, other most people not detected. 整个幽暗星也在杨开星主的那一刹那,发生了及其微妙的变化,这种变化说不清道不明,只有极少数几个强者感受的到,其他大多数人对此毫无察觉。 But from now henceforth, Gloom Star will be closely linked with Yang Kai, rising that as Yang Kai cultivates, entire Gloom Star vitality will also shine with the brilliance more and more. 而从今以后,幽暗星将与杨开息息相关,随着杨开修的升,整个幽暗星生机也会越来越焕发光彩。 In Yang Kai regards the body of own, discovers in Dantian, the small sphere, seemed like on such as reduced trillion times of Gloom Star, was placed there, is revolving at a subtle speed. 杨开内视自己的身体,发现丹田内,有一颗小小的圆球,看上去就如缩小了亿万倍的幽暗星,被安置在那里,以一种微妙的速度旋转着。 The strength of stars source! 星辰源之力! Wants Cultivation's Star Star Master, must refine this Cultivation's Star source, but before Yang Yan, enters his within the body, without doubt is the Gloom Star stars source. 想要成一颗修炼之星星主,就必须得炼化这颗修炼之星的源,而阳炎之前打进他体内的,无疑就是幽暗星的星辰源。 That reduction innumerable time of Gloom Star, in each revolving. Will return nurturing to parents some mysterious and subtle strengths, is moistening the Yang Kai's body, will also strengthen the Yang Kai's strength, expands itself. 那缩小无数倍的幽暗星,在每一次旋转当中。都会反哺出一些神奇而微妙的力量,滋润着杨开的身体,同时也会汲取杨开的力量,壮大自身。 This is an offering mutual benefit and achieving common progress process. 这是一个互惠互利的过程。 Yang Kai while exciting joyful, in the surface also has color of the doubt. 杨开在兴奋喜悦的同时,面上也带着一丝狐疑之色。 Did this become Gloom Star Star Master? Did this become this stretch of land's control? 这就成幽暗星星主了?这就成这片大地的主宰了? He not real feelings, Little Senior Sister can become Tong Xuan Continent Star Master, that is to make it so because of the luck, Tong Xuan Continent spiritual energy is barren, such as a being on the verge of death old person, puts up a last-ditch struggle. Therefore the Tong Xuan Continent stars source will look for Xia Ning Chang independently. Let her refine. 他不禁有一种不真实的感觉,小师姐能成通玄大陆星主,那是因运气使然,通玄大陆灵气贫瘠,就如一个行将就木的老人,垂死挣扎。所以通玄大陆的星辰源才会自主地找上夏凝裳。让她炼化。 But Gloom Star different, here has the suppression of the world principle even, letting martial artist is unable to comprehend the Void King Stage mystery, but it is actually full of vigor and vitality Cultivation's Star. If Tong Xuan Continent is the old person of being on the verge of death. That Gloom Star is the essence full young adults. 可是幽暗星不一样,这里就算有天地法则的压制,让武者无法领悟虚王境的奥秘,但它却是朝气蓬勃的修炼之星。如果说通玄大陆是行将就木的老人。那幽暗星就是精气十足的青壮年。 To refine such a Cultivation's Star source. Does not have Void King Stage to cultivate the root is not impossible, moreover must be Void King 3-layer! 想要炼化这样一颗修炼之星的源。没有虚王境修根不可能,而且必须是虚王三层境 If Luo Hai such, becomes Star Master by Void King 2-layer. Takes a broad view at entire Star Territory, on unique. 骆海那样,以虚王两层境就成星主的。放眼整个星域,也就独此一家。 It seems like the clear Yang Kai's doubt, the Yang Yan sound reached in Consciousness Sea: „The Gloom Star stars source was arrested tens of thousands years by me, now has the opportunity to be separated from my control, did you say it to be able the obediently coordination?” 似乎是明白杨开的狐疑,阳炎的声音传进了识海中:“幽暗星的星辰源被我拘了几万年,如今有机会脱离我的掌控,你说它会不会乖乖配合?” Yang Kai stunned. 杨开愕然 Yang Yan giggle is smiling: Relax, its temperament had been smoothed by grinding, in the past its exactly was so docile, I who therefore annoy detain it.” 阳炎咯咯笑着:“放心吧,它的脾气早就被磨平了,当年它可不是这么温顺的,所以才惹的我把它拘禁起来。” Yang Kai forced smile again and again, this clear whole story, no matter what who were detained for tens of thousands years, only feared also no temperament, although the stars source did not have own spiritual wisdom, but also knows that is unable to revolt against the Yang Yan method, can only compromise for the general interest. 杨开苦笑连连,这才明白其中的原委,任谁被拘禁了几万年,只怕也没什么脾气了,星辰源虽然没有自己灵智,但也知道无法反抗阳炎的手段,只能委曲求全。 The position of Star Master comes so relaxed simple, Yang Kai also some are unable to adapt. 星主之位来的如此轻松简单,杨开还有些无法适应。 In the heart moves, Yang Kai expands Spiritual Mind, tidal Spiritual Mind is ordinary on such as the spider, toward the spread in the past, without the big moment, then covered most Gloom Star in all directions. 心中一动,杨开神念扩张开来,潮水般的神念就如蜘蛛一般,朝四面八方蔓延过去,没多大片刻,便覆盖了大半个幽暗星 Yang Kai detected that many sounds of fight, such as personally saw. 杨开察觉到了许多战斗的动静,就如亲眼所见。 However the Consciousness Sea strength of Divine Soul actually as well as its terrifying speed is reducing. 但是识海内的神魂之力却以及其恐怖的速度在减少着。 After waiting for Yang Kai to take back Divine Consciousness, impressively the discovery in short five breath time, own Consciousness Sea reduced 1/3 unexpectedly. 杨开收回神识之后,赫然发现在短短五息时间内,自己识海竟减少了三分之一。 This in other words, own can only monitor the Gloom Star 15 breath times thoroughly, Consciousness Sea dry, moreover is unable to monitor comprehensively! Calculates, Yang Kai is not flabbergasted, although he only then cultivating of Void Return 3-layer, but the strength of Divine Soul actually compared favorably with Void King Stage sufficiently, seven color Mild Soul Lotus this kind of most precious objects, in the Consciousness Sea ordinary circumstances were impossible dry. 这也就是说,自己只能监视幽暗星十五息功夫,识海就会彻底干涸,而且还无法全面监视!计算下来,杨开不咋舌,他虽然只有返虚三层境的修,可神魂之力却足以媲美虚王境了,又有七彩温神莲这样的至宝,识海一般情况下是不可能干涸的。 Even if evidently, becomes Star Master, the strength scratch coat that does not want to correspond, cannot the at pleasure action. 看样子,就算成星主,没有想对应的实力打底,也还是不能随心所欲地行动啊。 However now this already enough. 不过现在这样已经足够了 I process slightly some troublesome, later comes to see you.” Yang Kai said one, without and other Yang Yan answered, then the figure in a flash, vanishes to disappear suddenly. “我去处理一些小麻烦,以后再来看你。”杨开说了一声,也没等阳炎答复,便忽然身形一晃,消失不见了。 From some High Heaven Sect 100,000 li (0.5 km) place, one crowd of Corpse Spirit Religion disciple are counter-attacking fierce, one crowd of Human Race martial artist resist furiously. 距离凌霄宗十万里的某个地方,一群尸灵教弟子正在凶猛反扑,一群人族武者奋力抵挡。 Since High Heaven Sect and Shadow Moon Palace issue the summons jointly, entire Gloom Star then raised one upsurge of revolting against Corpse Spirit Religion. 自从凌霄宗影月殿联手发出号召,整个幽暗星便掀起了一场反抗尸灵教的热潮。 Under Ye Xiyun and leadership of Qian Tong two people, the Corpse Spirit Religion army retreats in defeat again and again, the Corpse Spirit Race person casualty are innumerable, these lost the homeland, lost martial artist of Sect base industry, gathers spontaneously together, to occupying Corpse Spirit Religion of own Sect base industry launched the attack. 叶惜筠钱通两人的带领下,尸灵教大军节节败退,尸灵族人死伤无数,那些丢失了家园,丢失了宗门基业的武者们,自发地汇聚到一起,向占据了自己宗门基业的尸灵教发起进攻。 Before without Corpse Cave transforms clansman, Corpse Spirit Race dies then to be few, the root fresh blood had not supplemented, in addition passed on a message Religion Master dead, teaches the high level completely all by the slaughter, Corpse Spirit Religion does not have many strength of resisting unexpectedly. 在没有尸穴转化族人的前下,尸灵族死一个便少一个,根没有新鲜的血液补充,再加上传言教主已死,教内高层也尽皆被屠,尸灵教竟没有多少抵挡之力。 Human Race martial artist with irresistible force, various roads blossom, throw away one's helmet and coat of mail that the Corpse Spirit Religion army kills. 人族武者势如破竹,各路开花,将尸灵教大军杀的丢盔弃甲 Over 80% Sect had restored the lost territory! They fight steadily, on the one hand leaves stationed the sufficient manpower in Headquarters, prevents counter-attack of Corpse Spirit Religion, then on the other hand is sends out own Expert to rush to rescue the four directions. 已经有八成以上的宗门收复了失地!他们稳扎稳打,一方面留驻充足的人手在总舵内,防止尸灵教的反扑,另一方面则是派出自己高手去驰援四方。 They were really extremely feared about Corpse Spirit Religion, knows this time, if did not exterminate Corpse Spirit Religion thoroughly, in the future this strange race will always have resurging time. 他们实在是对尸灵教太过恐惧了,知道这一次若不把尸灵教彻底剿灭,日后这个诡异的种族总有死灰复燃的时候。 Most family and Sect mao foot the strength, the potential must die to knock with Corpse Spirit Religion! 大多数家族和宗门都卯足了力气,势要与尸灵教死磕到底! Now this place is performing Gloom Star and common one, surviving Corpse Spirit Race is ambushing here, was discovered accidentally, causing several thousand Human Race martial artist to dash to come, sieges them all round. 如今这个地方就上演着幽暗星上及其寻常的一幕,残存的尸灵族在这里潜伏着,无意中被人发现,导致数千人族武者飞奔而来,将他们团团围困。 Although here Corpse Spirit Race is less than 1000 quantities, but the trapped/sleepy beast still fights, is hard to deal with, let alone, Corpse Spirit Race is the deceased person transforms to come, they hardly fear the ache, body also firm Yu Gangtie, is very difficult to strike to kill, only if ruins the corpse bead, same rank before , Human Race martial artist is not the Corpse Spirit Race opponent. 这里的尸灵族虽然只有不到一千数量,但困兽犹斗,还是及其难缠,更何况,尸灵族就是死人转化而来,他们几乎不惧疼痛,身体也坚俞钢铁,也很难击杀,除非毁掉尸珠,同等级的前下,人族武者并不是尸灵族的对手。 Several thousand people surround Corpse Spirit Race in small Mountain Valley, actually does not dare to initiate rashly fiercely attacks, can only selectively Corpse Spirit Race of elimination surrounding, weaken their strengths step by step, attempts it slowly. 几千人将尸灵族围堵在一个小山谷内,却不敢贸然发起猛攻,只能选择性地清除外围的尸灵族,一步步削弱他们的实力,徐徐图之。 Corpse Spirit Race obviously also discovered the abacus of enemy, where is willing to sit waiting for death? Organizes breaking through that several waves fierce did not fear, although the body casualty are many, may also carry off many Human Race martial artist lives. 尸灵族明显也发现了敌人的算盘,哪里愿意坐以待毙?组织了几波悍不畏死的突围,虽然身死伤不少,可也带走了许多人族武者的性命。 Both sides for a moment somewhat refuses to compromise unexpectedly, the Corpse Spirit Race dead end, each exceptionally, the Human Race martial artist heart has the scruples aggressively, timid and hesitant. 双方一时间竟有些僵持不下,尸灵族穷途末路,每一个都凶悍异常,人族武者却心有顾忌,束手束脚。 While powerhouses of Human Race side do not know this/should should do time, a youth appeared in the midair suddenly strangely. 正当人族一方的强者们不知该如何是好的时候,一个青年忽然诡异地出现在了半空中。 He comes and suddenly, root not slightly indication, when the people discovered his existence time, he has stood there. 他来的及其突然,根没有丝毫征兆,等到众人发现他的存在的时候,他已经站在那里了。 The youth swept one toward the under Mountain Valley place, then holds up a palm of the hand, gently downward a racket. 青年往下方山谷处扫了一眼,然后举起一只巴掌,轻轻地往下一拍。 The movement is very optional, seems like patting the mosquito fly. 动作很随意,似乎是在拍蚊子苍蝇。 However under this palm, spiritual energy between world actually gathers crazily, gathers one under his palm greatly, covers entire Mountain Valley Hand Image sufficiently. 但是在这一掌下,天地间的灵气却疯狂地汇聚过来,在他的掌下汇聚成一只巨大的,足以覆盖住整个山谷掌印 Hand Image obstructs the day to evade, pats by the potential of thunderclap. 掌印遮天避地,以迅雷之势拍下。 Bang...... 轰隆…… Land suddenly shook several to shake, making Human Race several thousand martial artist almost unable to stand firmly with. 大地猛地晃了几晃,让人族几千武者几乎站不住脚跟。 the next moment, everyone with amazement changes countenance. 下一刻,所有人都骇然变色 Their clearly sees, under striking of that spiritual energy giant palm, making them have no alternative, has a headache about incomparable about thousand Corpse Spirit Race, regardless of cultivates the height, the strength strong and weak, was all cranked up the muddy flesh unexpectedly. 他们清楚地看到,在那灵气巨掌的拍击下,让他们无可奈何,头疼无比的近千尸灵族,无论修高低,实力强弱,竟全都被拍成了肉泥。 Executes to perish instantaneously 99%, only then a few lucky fellows had not been affected, is over the face is bloodless, body shiver stood in place, raises the head looks up to panic-stricken. 瞬间毙亡90%九,只有少数几个幸运儿没被波及到,却是满面无血,身躯颤抖地站在原地,惊恐地抬头仰望。 The form of youth, arrived on such as a god in this moment, controls the god in this stretch of the world to arrive! 青年的身影,在这一刻就如一座神抵,主宰了这片天地的神抵! After a palm, the youth in a flash, disappears to disappear slightly, imitates, if he has not appeared. 一掌后,青年只是微微一晃,就消失不见了,仿若他从来没出现过。 But in that Mountain Valley huge palm seal, with dying place Corpse Spirit Race, explained that all were not the illusions, but has happened. 可那山谷中巨大的巴掌印,和死了一地的尸灵族,却说明刚才的一切都不是幻觉,而是真实发生过的。 Who is this person? How so?” “这人是谁?怎么如此了得?” „Couldn't the prestige of his palm, only fear in Shadow Moon Palace Qian Palace Master? Hearing Qian Palace Master is the Void King Stage powerhouse, could it be that our Gloom Star also has second Void King Stage?” “他这一掌之威,只怕不下于影月殿钱殿主了吧?听闻钱殿主已经是虚王境强者,难道我们幽暗星还有第二个虚王境?” No, five months ago, Old Man had once experienced the Qian Palace Master shocking method fortunately, but as if also slightly has compared with this palm!” “不,五个月前,老夫曾有幸见识过钱殿主惊天手段,但是比起这一掌似乎还略有不及!” How possibly? could it be that said that he is more powerful than Qian Palace Master? I do not believe.” “怎么可能?难道说他比钱殿主还要强大?我不相信。” Haha, I know that who that person was, that was High Heaven Sect Sect Master Yang Kai! I had seen his one time before, at that time he also in Dragon Cave Mountain.” “哈哈,我知道那人是谁了,那是凌霄宗宗主杨开啊!我以前见过他一次,那时候他还在龙穴山呢。” „Is he High Heaven Sect Sect Master?” “他就是凌霄宗宗主?” The people are suddenly enlighted, immediately thought rumor really not empty, High Heaven Sect can leap one of the Gloom Star most powerful Sect, is not the Wu Dao principle, has so powerful Sect Master, what worried that Sect is outmoded? 众人恍然大悟,顿时觉得传言果然不虚,凌霄宗能一跃成幽暗星最强大的宗门之一,并非毫无道理的,有如此强大的宗主,何愁宗门不兴? Idle talk little said that several mixed fish had not been cleaned up, Sect Master Yang helped us solve the biggest trouble, remaining can't be exhausted he to come back to pat a palm again?” “闲话少说了,还有几个杂鱼没被清理掉呢,杨宗主帮我们解决了最大的麻烦,剩下的总不能劳烦他回来再拍一掌吧?” A powerhouse nods again and again, goes forward, each and everyone takes a look maliciously to the Corpse Spirit Race person of that several survival, slowly approaches! 一众强者连连点头,纷纷上前,一个个都不怀好意地瞅向那几个幸存的尸灵族人,慢慢逼近! If we had known was patted to consider as finished! 早知道被拍死算了! Looks person who is assembling in all directions, in that several Corpse Spirit Race person hearts such as is thinking...... 瞧着四面八方围聚过来的人,那几个尸灵族人心中如是想着…… After Yang Kai experiences is becoming Star Master all sorts of convenient, not somewhat ecstatic. 杨开体验着成星主之后的种种便捷,不地有些心花怒放。 No wonder these Void King 3-layer powerhouse each and everyone to refine the stars source, becomes Star Master to make the goal, this was really convenient, once to become Cultivation's Star Star Master, the heart thinks, the body, then can arrive in Cultivation's Star any place instantaneously, this compared with many that using Space Law Formation must facilitate, rapid many.( To be continued..) 怪不得那些虚王三层境强者一个个都以炼化星辰源,成星主做目标,这实在是太方便了,一旦成某个修炼之星星主,心之所想,身之所动,便可以瞬间抵达修炼之星的任何一处地方,这比使用空间法阵还要方便的多,迅速的多。(未完待续。。)
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