MP :: Volume #17

#1691: Reentry Corpse Cave

The plan of own with a Qian Tong saying, Qian Tong accepts immediately. 自己的计划跟钱通一说,钱通立刻答应下来。 He also knows to get to the heart of the problem, shoots person of a truth that shoots the horse, Corpse Spirit Religion such as makes a snowman to be the same in the two years, influence more and more huge, transformed Corpse Spirit Race person and turned to past Human Race martial artist to be simply countless, wants is too big these fellow kill to the last one/being ruthless difficulties, might as well directly attack the root of the problem, got rid of Corpse Spirit Religion that mysterious Religion Master. 他也知道擒贼擒王,射人射马的道理,尸灵教这两年就如滚雪球一样,势力越来越庞大,被转化的尸灵族人和投靠过去的人类武者简直不计其数,想要将这些家伙赶尽杀绝难度太大,还不如直捣黄龙,干掉尸灵教的那个神秘教主 Qian Tong after is holding Shadow Moon Palace again, has done the investigation and research to Corpse Spirit Religion, all sorts of signs showed, all roots in Buried Mighty Valley, there absolutely are the location/position of Corpse Spirit Religion rise and origin! 钱通在重掌影月殿之后,也对尸灵教做过调查和研究,种种迹象表明,一切的根源都在葬雄谷,那里绝对是尸灵教崛起和起源的位置 Comes him still to go to Buried Mighty Valley nosing in the consideration, now was confirmed Yang Kai's, naturally has no good hesitates, fits in easily with Yang Kai two people, immediately leaves High Heaven Sect, rushes to Buried Mighty Valley. 来他还在考虑是不是要去一趟葬雄谷查探情况,如今得到了杨开的证实,自然没什么好迟疑的,与杨开两人一拍即合,当即离开凌霄宗,赶往葬雄谷 This Yang Kai has not led anybody, only acts with Qian Tong two people together, Su Yan, Yang Kai also kept in her High Heaven Sect. 这一趟杨开没带任何人,只与钱通两人一起行动,就连苏颜,杨开也把她留在了凌霄宗内。 Qian Tong is the Void King Stage powerhouse, speeding along speed nature wonderful quick is incomparable, Yang Kai cultivates, although is inferior to him, but the body is skilled in Space Force, on the speed of hurrying along, only quickly is not only slow compared with Qian Tong. 钱通已是虚王境强者,飞驰速度自然奇快无比,杨开修虽然不如他,但是身精通空间之力,单就赶路的速度,比起钱通只快不慢。 Was about ten days of times, two people then arrived in Buried Mighty Valley. 前后不过十天的功夫,两人便抵达了葬雄谷 Previous Yang Kai and Yang Yan come here time, although Buried Mighty Valley Yin Qi is dense, the ghost air/Qi will arouse, making each deep place feel ill in martial artist, but the good and evil can also to accept. 上次杨开阳炎来这里的时候,葬雄谷虽然阴气森森,鬼气撩人,让每一个深处在其中的武者都会感到不适,但好歹还可以让人接受。 However now, when Yang Kai and Qian Tong two people arrived here, float Void toward the time that below looks , the brow wrinkles tightly. 但是如今,当杨开钱通两人来到这里,悬浮虚空朝下望去的时候,都不禁眉头紧皱起来。 Under, rich fog. Covered entire Buried Mighty Valley, was almost pitch-dark, but this thick fog, obviously to Yin to cold, but also had toxic Corpse Qi. 下方,一片浓郁雾霭。将整个葬雄谷都笼罩住了,几乎伸手不见五指,而这浓稠的雾霭,显然都是至阴至寒,还带有毒性的尸气 Any live person enters, if the strength is insufficient, will only fear soon, by this omnipresent Corpse Qi intrusive mass, will transform Corpse Spirit Race one. 任何一个活人进入其中,若是实力不够,只怕用不了多久,就会被这无所不在的尸气侵入体内,转化尸灵族的一员。 In the Spiritual Mind sensation, two people discovered that many lives aura hide in that Corpse Qi. Liveliness. 神念感知当中,两人都发现许多生命的气息隐藏在那尸气内。活跃非常。 These without doubt are the Corpse Spirit Race members! 这些无疑都是尸灵族的成员! Solely is only this surrounding. There are several thousands minimum, is very difficult to imagine in Buried Mighty Valley, many this kind of exist. 单单只是这一片外围。就有最起码数千之多,很难想象在葬雄谷内部,到底都有多少这样的存在。 We act separately, Yang Kai you, if bumped into that Corpse Spirit Religion lord. Remembers to the Old Man pass on message. Old Man first kills. These things were too many.” Qian Tong urged one, then melts together flowing light immediately, such as the shocking thunderclap was ordinary. Crashed in Buried Mighty Valley directly, the flowing light place visited, transmits the terrifying sound of wind sudden and violent thunder crack, by Buried Mighty Valley that Corpse Qi fills, was cleaned up a clearly discernible channel by Qian Tong. “我们分头行动,杨开你若是碰到了那尸灵教主。记得给老夫传讯。老夫先去杀一圈。这些东西实在太多了。”钱通叮嘱一声,便立刻化一道流光,如惊世霹雳一般。直接冲进了葬雄谷内,流光所过之处,传来风暴雷裂的恐怖动静,被尸气弥漫的葬雄谷,更是被钱通清理出一条清晰可见的通道。 An all around Corpse Spirit Race person piece is off their feet, does not see Qian Tong to have what movement, but releases own Domain, that gathered boundary of wind Domain then to pull a cart the surrounding area more than ten li (0.5 km) Corpse Spirit Race person, strangled to death ashes. 四周尸灵族人一片人仰马翻,也不见钱通有什么动作,只是将自身的域场释放出去,那汇聚了风之境界的域场便将方圆十几里的尸灵族人拉车进来,绞杀成齑粉 He has not planned to hide the whereabouts obviously, killed unexpectedly wantonly high-profile! 他显然没打算隐藏行踪,竟就这么大肆张扬地杀了进去! Yang Kai shows a faint smile, pours has not cared too. 杨开微微一笑,倒也没有在意太多。 By the Qian Tong present strength, Gloom Star truly the opponent who had no to make him care about, he is completely qualified. 钱通如今的实力,幽暗星确实没什么好让他在意的对手了,他完全有资格这么做。 Moreover he does this, attracts the Corpse Spirit Religion attention, the manufacture facilitates the turning point of own action. 而且他这样做,也算是吸引尸灵教的注意力,制造方便自己行动的契机。 This is also two people on the road discussed the good plan. 这也是两人在来的路上商议好的计划。 The moment time, before induced several thousand Corpse Spirit Race people then annihilated by Yang Kai and Qian Tong two people, does not have a survival, the method of Void King Stage powerhouse may peep a spot! Qian Tong has not satisfied, advances as before with long hurried strides inward, more and more Corpse Spirit Race people were directed by him, is involved in Domain, inexplicableness of dying. 只是片刻功夫,之前被杨开钱通两人感应到了数千尸灵族人便全军覆没,无一幸存,虚王境强者的手段可窥一斑!钱通并没有满足,依旧大步流星地朝内推进,越来越多的尸灵族人被他引了出来,卷进领域之中,死的不明不白。 Attacks, involved Corpse Spirit Religion most attention the time in Qian Tong wantonly, Yang Kai has vanished in same place. 就在钱通大肆进攻,牵扯了尸灵教大部分注意力的时候,杨开已经消失在了原地。 He following previous time has explored the memory, toward in thorough. 他循着上次探索过的记忆,一路往内深入。 The origin of Corpse Spirit Religion came from that Underworld eye in Corpse Cave, that is the Corpse Spirit Religion most root thing, Yang Kai naturally must directly soar Corpse Cave to go, if can destroy the eye of that Underworld, Corpse Spirit Religion will not have a wood, the anhydrous source, will want completely to eradicate it also becomes simpler, otherwise there is existence of eye of Underworld, even if Corpse Spirit Race will die again many members, can still be transformed comes out. 尸灵教的起源来自于尸穴中的那一处黄泉之眼,那才是尸灵教最根的东西,杨开自然是要直奔尸穴而去,如果能将那黄泉之眼毁去的话,尸灵教就将成了无根之木,无水之源,想要彻底铲除它也会变得更加简单,否则有黄泉之眼的存在,尸灵族即便死再多成员,也可以被转化出来。 The distant place transmits rumble the sound, has the strange sound loudly to shout unceasingly shouts angrily, that is Qian Tong is fighting with Corpse Spirit Religion Expert, although has not seen that but Yang Kai also knows, definitely is Qian Tong kills the four directions greatly, the rhythm that Corpse Spirit Race retreats in defeat again and again. 远方传来轰隆隆的声响,不断地有陌生的声音大呼怒喝,那是钱通在与尸灵教高手们战斗,虽然没有看到那一幕,但杨开也知道,肯定是钱通大杀四方,尸灵族节节败退的节奏。 He only spent half-day time, then arrived at the Corpse Cave entrance. 他只花了半天时间,便来到了尸穴的入口。 Bumped into along the road actually bumped into some Corpse Spirit Race clansman occasionally, but these small fish small shrimp where can prevent the Yang Kai's step, was cut to kill a cleanness. 沿路倒是碰到偶尔碰到了一些尸灵族族人,可这些小鱼小虾哪里能阻挡的了杨开的步伐,纷纷被斩杀个干净。 The Corpse Cave entrance has not changed unexpectedly, even has not hidden, still in that concealment Formation rear area, but Formation was decoded by Yang Yan previous time, now cannot display anything to affect. 尸穴的入口竟没有变化,甚至没有掩藏,依然在那一处隐匿阵法的后方,不过阵法上一次被阳炎破解,如今也发挥不出什么作用了。 In Corpse Cave, has thick Corpse Cave unceasingly billowing, that Corpse Qi density and lethality must be much more than in Buried Mighty Valley, Yang Kai emitted Spiritual Mind to nose slightly, this however leapt forward in leisurely Corpse Cave. 尸穴中,不断地有浓浓尸穴滚滚而出,那尸气的浓度和损害性要远远大于葬雄谷内,杨开放出神念稍微查探了一番,这才施施然跃进尸穴中。 Before Corpse Cave gloomy moist victory, under the Yang Kai's induction, the each and everyone stone chamber proliferates in Corpse Cave, traces of many Corpse Spirit Race person activities. 尸穴阴暗潮湿更胜之前,在杨开的感应下,一个个石室遍布在尸穴内部,有不少尸灵族人活动的痕迹。 However Qian Tong the noise that made outside was too big, the Corpse Spirit Race person in Corpse Cave was also alarmed early, is flushing away continuously outward, must support. 不过钱通在外面闹出来的动静实在太大了,尸穴里的尸灵族人也早被惊动,正源源不断地往外冲去,显然是要支援。 After Yang Kai comes, then hides in a nearby stone chamber immediately, avoided that wave of Corpse Spirit Race person. 杨开进来之后,便立刻躲进了附近的一个石室中,避开了那一波尸灵族人。 His present duty is to look for that mysterious Religion Master whereabouts, therefore does not want to expose the own whereabouts prematurely. 他如今的任务是寻找那神秘教主的下落,所以并不想过早地暴露自己的行踪。 The Corpse Spirit Race person had not discovered, after they leave, Yang Kai knits the brows, resembles a feeling to size up all around. 尸灵族人并没有发现,等到他们离开之后,杨开才皱了皱眉,似有所感地打量四周。 A stone chamber darkness, without least bit rays of light, but this does not hinder the Yang Kai's observation. 石室一片漆黑,没有半点光芒,但这并不妨碍杨开的观察。 Under looks, Yang Kai's complexion gloomy. 一看之下,杨开的脸色阴沉了下来。 He discovered, in this stone chamber preserved many complete corpses unexpectedly, but these corpse each by the rich Corpse Qi package, as if the silkworm chrysalis were been ordinary, wrapped corpse under moistening and function of Corpse Qi, flesh body happened some slightly the change that but cannot be checked, is approaching toward Corpse Spirit Race gradually. 他发现,这石室中竟然储藏了好多具完整的尸体,而这些尸体每一个都被浓郁的尸气包裹,仿佛蚕蛹一般,被包裹的尸体在尸气的滋润和作用下,肉身发生了一些细微而不可查的变化,正在逐步地朝尸灵族靠近。 Some corpses, just like half Corpse Spirit Race person! So long as they can such as silkworm chrysalis general Corpse Qi absorb cleanly outside the body that will become a Corpse Spirit Race member inevitably! 有一些尸体,俨然已经算是半个尸灵族人了!只要他们能将体外那如蚕蛹一般的尸气吸收干净,势必会成尸灵族的一份子! Really is this! Yang Kai nods slightly. 果然是这样!杨开微微颔首。 Before he transformed the clansman method to guess to Corpse Spirit Race, Corpse Spirit Race each member possibly did not brave baseless, needed a complete corpse to be transformed, but the origins of these corpses, obviously were the major influence and Sect that disciple Corpse Spirit Race captured to kill. 之前他就对尸灵族转化族人的方法有所猜测,尸灵族每一个成员都不可能是凭空冒出来的,都需要一具完整的尸身才能够被转化,而那些尸身的来源,显然是尸灵族攻陷杀死的各大势力和宗门弟子 They ship back in these corpses Corpse Cave, transforms by this place rich Corpse Qi source, so long as very short time, then can transform clansman. 他们将那些尸体运回尸穴中,以此地浓郁的尸气源泉进行转化,只要很短的时间,便可以转化出一个族人 Also there is a transformed failure time, Yang Kai discovered in this stone chamber does not have the slight aura half-finished product, these have transformed the failure without doubt, was frightened out of one's wits thoroughly. 也有转化失败的时候,杨开在这石室中就发现了一些没有丝毫气息的半成品,这些无疑都已经转化失败,彻底魂飞魄散了。 But transforms the strength of successful Corpse Spirit Race person, with cultivated the direct connection, cultivated is higher, the strength after transformation was higher. Therefore in Heavenly Fate City, that Corpse Spirit Race named side Fengqi can need Fei Zhitu flesh body. 而转化成功的尸灵族人的实力,也跟生前修有直接的关联,生前修越高,转化后的实力越高。所以在天运城中,那个叫方风棋的尸灵族才会需要费之图肉身 How Fei Zhitu said that is also one in Gloom Star powerhouse. 费之图怎么说也是幽暗星上强者中的一员。 The corpse that in this stone chamber preserves did not repair high, was only below Saint King Stage, mostly was only Saint Stage, even Transcendent Stage Divine Movement Boundary, good and evil intermingled. 这个石室中储藏的尸体生前修不高,只是圣王境以下,大多都只是入圣境,甚至还有超凡境神游境的,良莠不齐。 These transformed Corpse Spirit Race person, without doubt is only the private of Corpse Spirit Religion army, has the huge quantity spatially. 这些被转化的尸灵族人,无疑只是尸灵教大军的卒子,空有庞大的数量而已。 But in this Corpse Cave, the stone chamber are innumerable, Yang Kai pays, if own has not guessed that wrong, may be in the future, was hidden the corpse in stone chamber by the snow cultivates is higher. 但在这尸穴之中,石室无数,杨开自付若是自己没猜错的话,可能越是往后,被雪藏在石室中的尸体生前修就越高。 He does not have to stop , to continue inward thoroughly. 他没有多做停留,继续朝内深入。 Quick, he discovered that the suspicion of own is correct, toward the rear area, these corpse before death cultivating truly is higher, gradually from Saint Stage to Saint King Stage, again to Void Return Stage. 很快,他就发现自己的猜想是正确的,越往后方,那些尸体生前的修确实就越高,逐渐地从入圣境圣王境,再到返虚镜 However the quantity is also getting more and more scarce. 不过数量也越来越稀少。 Yang Kai even sees with one's own eyes one to be transformed the complete Corpse Spirit Race person from that like the scene that silkworm chrysalis Tongsori crawls, seemed like obtained newborn general, that Corpse Spirit Race person face upwarded to shout, the body filled revolting aura, near the corners of the mouth two fangs incomparably is infiltrating the person, the body proliferates the needle-tip mildew. 杨开甚至亲眼看到一个被转化完全的尸灵族人从那如蚕蛹般的东西里爬出来的景象,似乎是获得了新生一般,那尸灵族人仰天嘶吼,身上弥漫着让人作呕的气息,嘴角边两颗獠牙无比渗人,身上更是遍布针尖般的白毛。 Just completed the transformation, he does not know obviously how to control the own strength. 刚刚完成转化,他显然不知道如何控制自己的力量。 Yang Kai is thorough, without alarming any Corpse Spirit Race person, gradually, then approached the same day to obtain location/position that Sun's True Essence was. 杨开一路深入,没有惊动任何尸灵族人,逐渐地,便逼近了当日取得太阳真精所在的位置 There is the Ancient Yang Sect treasure house, inside and outside 3-layer, innermost 1-layer is places Sun's True Essence and Ten Thousand Years Ice Jade Desk place. 那里原是古阳宗的宝库,内外三层,最里面一层便是安置太阳真精万载冰玉台的地方。 Stands outside that treasure house, Yang Kai knits the brows suddenly, raised the head, the vision looked at one toward in profoundly, at once the corners of the mouth select slightly, takes with stride, however enters leisurely. 站在那宝库外,杨开忽然皱了皱眉,抬起头,目光深邃地往内看了一眼,旋即嘴角微微一挑,大步迈出,施施然走进。 1-layer 2-layer has Corpse Spirit Race to stand in both sides, these fellows are cultivating of Void Return Stage, when Yang Kai walks, they have not initiated attack immediately, instead all gazes at Yang Kai with a vicious vision, the hissing is whooshing the threat, gazes after him to go toward the expert, after he walks, this closes in suddenly, stops up the escape route. 一层二层都有尸灵族站在两旁,这些家伙都是返虚镜的修,不过当杨开走进来的时候,他们并没有立刻发起攻击,反而全都用一种凶狠的目光注视着杨开,嘶声嘶吼恐吓,目送他往内行去,等他走后,这才忽然一拥而上,堵去退路。 Yang Kai arrives at location/position that the 3-layer treasure house was at directly. 杨开直接来到了第三层宝库所在的位置 This 3-layer treasure house had just like changed greatly, internal decorated resplendence in gold and jade green, splendid luxurious, the legendary luminous pearl crustifications of fist sizes on all around wall, are sending out gentle rays of light, the entire 3-layer treasure house, had clearly turned into tall and pleasing to the eye Palace. 这第三层宝库俨然已经大变样了,内部被装饰的金碧辉煌,富丽奢华,一颗颗拳头大小的夜明珠镶嵌在四周的墙壁上,散发着柔和的光芒,整个第三层宝库,分明已经变成了一座美轮美奂的宫殿 But in that Palace dead center place, then the surrounding area about three chi (0.33 m) basin, in the pond has the yellow color pool of water tumbling bubbling unceasingly. 而在那宫殿的正中心处,则有一个方圆三尺左右的水池,池中不断地有黄颜色的池水翻滚冒泡。 The Yang Kai's vision stayed in this pool of water such a flickered, immediately understands, this was the legend eye of Underworld! That yellow color pool of water also root is not water fluid existence, but is direct-viewing manifestation of pure direct energy. 杨开的目光在这池水中停留了那么一瞬,立刻就明白,这便是传说中的黄泉之眼了!那黄颜色的池水也根不是水液般的存在,而是精纯直接的能量的直观体现。 This energy has not affected to anybody, even the enormous harm, may have the greatest effect on Corpse Spirit Race! 这种能量对任何人都没有作用,甚至还有极大的危害,可对尸灵族有莫大的功效! Yang Kai even also from the eye of that Underworld, felt the special fluctuation of Space Force. 杨开甚至还从那黄泉之眼中,感受到了空间力量的特殊波动。 This makes in his heart guess, actually cannot too affirm. 这让他心中有所猜测,却也不敢太肯定。 Shakes the head secretly, Yang Kai raises the head looks, looked that sits well a person's shadow on chair to the front.( To be continued..) 暗暗摇头,杨开抬头望去,看向前方端坐在椅子上的一个人影。(未完待续。。)
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