MP :: Volume #17

#1690: Expecting too much

Said a matter, little don't registered one ** public subscription number, ** searched momobenzun to check, little don't wants in some strong characters the persona charts the book to put everyone to watch, moreover can say the own recent condition with everyone, for example which day blacked out suddenly has not renewed with enough time promptly, can in ** on under the notice everyone, hopes that everyone can pay attention. 说个事,小莫注册了一个**公众订阅号,**搜索momobenzun就可以查到了,小莫想把书里一些重要角色的人物形象图放上去大家观赏,另外也可以和大家说一下自己的最近状况,比如哪一天忽然断断电没来得及及时更新,都可以在**上通知下大家,希望大家能关注一下。 Em, the db friend please also duplicate the past these words, ten million/countless do not disregard. 恩,db的朋友请把这段话也复制过去,千万不要无视了。 ...... …… Good, here is my Consciousness Sea.” A sound conveys from the side. “不错,这里是我的识海。”一个声音从侧旁传来。 Yang Kai turns head to look, saw impressively Yang Yan is sitting cross-legged to sit in Void, pinched strange Seal Arts, the buddhist image is dignified, the side has various rings of light to vanish unceasingly lives imaginary, multi-colored sunlight auspicious color, seemingly sacred to the extreme. 杨开扭头望去,赫然见到阳炎正盘膝坐在虚空之中,掐了一个奇怪的印决,宝相庄严,身边不断地有各种光晕幻灭幻生,霞光瑞彩,看起来神圣到了极点。 She is looking at own with a smile, in Yang Yan with memory is undifferentiated. 她笑吟吟地望着自己,与记忆中的阳炎毫无差别。 Is you, is she?” Yang Kai knits the brows, cannot determine. “是你,还是她?”杨开皱眉,不敢确定。 Yang Yan purses the lips saying: Has the difference?” 阳炎抿嘴道:“有区别嘛?” Yang Kai shrugs the shoulders: To you have not possibly distinguished, to me had to distinguish, I do not want to be in a rage to cut to kill by her here, that was Starry Sky Great Emperor!” 杨开耸耸肩膀:“对你来说可能没区别,对我来说就有区别了,我可不想被她一怒之下斩杀在这里,那可是星空大帝!” I am Starry Sky Great Emperor!” Yang Yan snort/hum. “我就是星空大帝!”阳炎哼了哼。 Ok, evidently was you right.” Yang Kai felt relieved, so long as is not Great Emperor in that legend talks with own, that does not have the issue, turned head to look at all around, asked: „Do you ask me to have the matter?” “算了,看样子是你没错了。”杨开放下心来,只要不是那传说中的大帝自己对话,那就毫无问题,扭头看了看四周,问道:“你找我有事?” All right.” Yang Yan shakes the head slowly, felt that your aura, arrested you.” “没事。”阳炎缓缓摇头,“只是感觉到了你的气息,把你拘进来而已。” Yang Kai forced smile constantly. 杨开苦笑不迭。 He self-examined is not under past Wu Amun. The strength also had the tremendous changes, under Void King Stage did not have the rival, even general Void King Stage he also dares to fight one fight. 他自问已非当年的吴下阿蒙。实力也发生了翻天覆地的变化,虚王境之下无敌手,甚至一般的虚王境他也敢斗上一斗。 But Yang Yan here, own can actually become can rub the circle to pinch the flat small fish small shrimp at will...... 可是在阳炎这里,自己却能成了可以随意揉圆捏扁的小鱼小虾…… Yang Kai is very disappointed. 杨开很受打击。 It seems like detects his psychological activity, Yang Yan giggled: You do not need to improperly belittle oneself, to be honest, I have not really seen the practice speed such as you so rapid fellow, even in that place, you was still the top talent. You lack, is only tempering of time. So long as gives your enough time. Your one day can stand in my altitude finally.” 似乎是察觉到他的心理活动,阳炎咯咯一笑:“你也不必妄自菲薄,老实说,我还真没见过修炼速度如你这般迅疾的家伙,就算是在那个地方,你也算是顶尖的天才了。你所缺少的,只是时间的磨砺罢了。只要给你足够的时间。你终有一日能够站在我这个高度上。” „Are you comforting me?” Yang Kai looked at her one eyes, knits the brows: That place that you said that is where?” “你是在安慰我?”杨开瞧了她一眼,皱眉道:“你所说的那个地方,是什么地方?” Yang Yan smiles but not answer, seems very mysterious. 阳炎笑而不答,显得很是神秘。 Sees meaning that she do not explain. Yang Kai beckons with the hand: Ok. When I had not asked.” 见她没有要解释的意思。杨开摆了摆手:“算了。当我没问。” Yang Yan nods gently. Suddenly the facial expression becomes serious: I, although in the deep sleep, has fused Divine Soul of Embodiment and body, but does not know nothing about the outside world. I felt that what accident in recent years Gloom Star had, first two months, Ye Xiyun even led the person to come here, exactly what happened? Whether High Heaven Sect is well?” 阳炎轻轻颔首。忽然神情变得严肃起来:“我虽然一直在沉睡,融合法身和体的神魂,但对外界并非一无所知。我感觉近几年幽暗星上发生了什么变故,前两个月,叶惜筠甚至带人来到了这里,到底发生了什么事?凌霄宗是否无恙?” High Heaven Sect safe/without matter, but Gloom Star was big on the trouble.” Yang Kai sighed, flies in front of Yang Yan, sat cross-legged to sit, her told the situation that the Corpse Spirit Religion army four plundered. 凌霄宗无事,不过幽暗星就麻烦大了。”杨开叹了口气,飞到阳炎面前,盘膝坐了下来,将尸灵教大军肆掠的情况跟她说了一遍。 Yang Yan listens respectfully dedicated, to nods finally: Originally under that Buried Mighty Valley, suppressed eye of the Underworld unexpectedly, this actually our two people mistake, if not we take Sun's True Essence, the eye of that Underworld will not reappear the world.” 阳炎专注地聆听,到了最后才点点头:“原来那葬雄谷下方,竟然镇压了一处黄泉之眼,这倒是我们两人的过错了,若非我们将太阳真精取走,那黄泉之眼也不会重现人间。” Therefore I feel troublesome, if side matter, my High Heaven Sect is not necessary to pay attention, in Headquarters, no matter what outside him earth-shaking, has the fart to relate with me, but this matter has some my reasons in the final analysis, is not good to meddle, no matter.” Yang Kai sigh. “所以我才觉得麻烦,若是旁的事,我凌霄宗大可不必理会,待在总舵里,任他外面翻天覆地,跟我有屁关系,可这事说到底还是有一些我的原因,不好插手不管啊。”杨开叹息。 Yang Yan also approves of the Yang Kai's viewpoint obviously, thinks a while said: „Can you go to meet that Corpse Spirit Religion mysterious Religion Master?” 阳炎显然也赞同杨开的观点,想了一会儿才道:“你能去会一会那个尸灵教的神秘教主嘛?” „Are you interested in him?” The Yang Kai brow raises. “你对他感兴趣?”杨开眉头一扬。 „It is not interested in him, I felt, his transformed corpse spirit means and control the Corpse Spirit Religion method, is very similar to one person that I once knew.” “并非对他感兴趣,我只是觉得,他这种转化尸灵的办法和控制尸灵教的手段,与我曾经认识的一人很是相似。” What person?” Yang Kai is startled. “什么人?”杨开一惊。 That person says Corpse Emperor , in the past his in the hand also controlled a race, says Corpse Spirit Race, therefore I will care.” “那人自称尸帝,,当年他手上也控制了一个种族,也是自称尸灵族,所以我才会在意。” Corpse Emperor......” Yang Kai holds breath cold air, the look fluctuated several: With you are a rank?” 尸帝……”杨开倒吸一口凉气,神色变幻了几下:“跟你是一个级别的?” Yang Yan is Starry Sky Great Emperor, but that says the Corpse Emperor fellow, since dares to brag with the emperor character, obviously with Yang Yan is existence of same rank. 阳炎星空大帝,而那自称尸帝的家伙既然敢用帝字自诩,显然跟阳炎是同一个级别的存在。 Yang Yan nods gently. 阳炎轻轻点头。 The Yang Kai complexion shortly becomes incomparably ugly. 杨开脸色顷刻间变得无比难看。 Yang Yan smiles: You do not use such anxiously, Corpse Emperor is impossible to come to here, therefore that person possibly is not Corpse Emperor, I suspected he and Corpse Emperor somewhat relate, perhaps is the my one old acquaintance, my old acquaintance and Corpse Emperor relate well, understands transformed corpse spirit also means insufficient strange!” 阳炎抿嘴一笑:“你不用这么紧张,尸帝是不可能来这里的,所以那个人不可能是尸帝,我只是猜想他与尸帝有些关系,或许是我一个老熟人,我那老熟人与尸帝关系不错,懂得转化尸灵的办法也不足奇!” Yang Kai clenches teeth, is looking at Yang Yan: Even if that person is not Corpse Emperor, since is your old acquaintance, that definitely I cannot resist, I go to meet him rashly, to court death?” 杨开咬牙,望着阳炎:“即便那人不是尸帝,既然是你的老熟人,那肯定也非我能够抵挡,我贸然去会他,岂不是找死?” I am certainly impossible to make you bring death!” Yang Yan rebuked stared Yang Kai one, „, if that person were really such as I suspected, his strength will not surpass Void King Stage absolutely, at most was also Void Return 3-layer. Gloom Star has own principle suppression, so long as he is impossible to break through on the root in Gloom Star!” “我当然不可能让你去送死!”阳炎嗔怪地瞪了杨开一眼,“如果那人真是如我猜想,他的实力绝对不会超过虚王境的,顶多也就是个返虚三层境而已。幽暗星有自身的法则压制,只要他还在幽暗星就根不可能突破!” Yang Kai complexion slightly clearing weather, if that mysterious Religion Master is really only Void Return 3-layer, there is nothing to fear. 杨开脸色稍霁,若那神秘的教主真的只是个返虚三层境的话,那倒没什么好怕的。 ...... 只是…… Your that old acquaintance what background, making you care?” The Yang Kai doubt asked. “你那老熟人到底什么来头,让你这么在意?”杨开狐疑地问道。 Yang Yan silent a while, this explained: You should know, my body falls into the deep sleep, because of caused heavy losses in a war, therefore escapes unavoidablily into Emperor Garden the deep sleep recreation. That old acquaintance who I said...... that fellow who I injure!” 阳炎沉默了一会儿,这才解释道:“你应该知道,我的体之所以陷入沉睡之中,是因在一场大战之中被重创了,所以不得已才遁入帝苑中沉睡休养。我所说的那个老熟人……就是把我打伤的那家伙!” Yang Kai is maintaining sobering of mind diligently with the calmness of Divine Soul, however asked astringently: You did not say, in the past a war, that person has died?” 杨开努力维持着头脑的清醒和神魂的镇定,涩然问道:“你不是说,当年一战,那人已经死了嘛?” About some top secrets of past years, Yang Kai had also understood, Starry Sky Great Emperor falls into the deep sleep dormancy, because of damages in a war too heavily, but her enemy was cut to kill at the scene. 关于当年的一些秘辛,杨开也有所了解,星空大帝之所以陷入沉睡休眠,就是因在一场大战中损伤太重,而她的敌人则被当场斩杀。 But now, Yang Yan said unexpectedly that person is also possibly living. 可是如今,阳炎居然说那人还可能活着。 Yang Kai immediately absolutely terrified feelings. 杨开顿时有一种毛骨悚然的感觉。 Can injure Yang Yan. Without doubt is also the same as Yang Yan and that Corpse Emperor, is existences of same rank. 能打伤阳炎。无疑也跟阳炎和那尸帝一样,都是同一级别的存在。 I meeting a cruel death that he hits, method that but the fellow escapes first-class, in the situation that perhaps in I have not discovered his Divine Soul escaped the birth day also perhaps. However you could rest assured that he with my situation different, I am injured, time that so long as recuperates is enough, can restore, however his flesh body collapse and destroy, even to restore is not such simple matter. Especially in Gloom Star.” “我是将他打的粉身碎骨,但是那家伙逃命的手段一流,或许在我没发现的情况下他的神魂逃出生天也说不定。不过你放心,他跟我的情况不一样,我是受伤,只要休养的时间足够,就可以恢复,但是他的肉身崩毁,即便想要恢复也不是这么简单的事情。尤其是在幽暗星上。” The Yang Kai brow is wrinkling tightly. The nod said: „If the this kind of words, I can go to meet actually him, but even as you said that Corpse Spirit Religion Religion Master is that person. What to do do you plan?” 杨开眉头紧皱着。点头道:“如果是这样的话,我倒是可以去会一会他,不过就算真如你所说,尸灵教教主是那人。你打算怎么办?” Yang Yan shakes the head: What to do is not I plans. But is you! If that Corpse Spirit Religion Religion Master is really he. You must result in shortest time strike to kill him, otherwise he restored Yuan Qi, entire Star Territory must meet with a disaster.” 阳炎摇头:“不是我打算怎么办。而是你!如果那尸灵教教主真是他。你必须得在最短的时间内将他击杀,否则等他恢复元气,整个星域都得遭殃。” You are Starry Sky Great Emperor. Can't you a palm of the hand pat him?” Yang Kai expects too much is looking at Yang Yan. “你是星空大帝啊。你不能一巴掌把他拍死嘛?”杨开恨铁不成钢地望着阳炎 Yang Yan shakes the head: I am unable to act temporarily.” 阳炎摇头:“我暂时无法行动。” The thoughts that Yang Kai curses at people immediately continually had, silent some little time, the nod said ruthlessly: Good, my goes to meet him.” 杨开顿时连骂人的心思都有了,沉默了好一会,才狠狠点头道:“好,我这就去会一会他。” You are careful, he is always cruel, understood that controls others own potency, rarely will make an appearance personally, if found the opportunity, must his kill to the last one/being ruthless!” “你要小心,他这人向来阴损,懂得控制他人自己效力,很少会亲自露面,若是找到机会,一定要将他赶尽杀绝!” I knew!” Yang Kai spoke thoughtlessly to say. “我晓得!”杨开随口应道。 You go!” Yang Yan waves, the next moment, Yang Kai then felt that this Consciousness Sea world has an invisible strength to push and shove own, repels own. “那你去吧!”阳炎挥了挥手,下一刻,杨开便感觉到这识海世界有一股无形的力量推搡着自己,将自己排斥出来。 Waits to recover, Yang Kai discovered that own also stands near that wooden bed, on the wooden bed, the Yang Yan eye pupil shuts tightly, as in deep sleep. 等回过神来,杨开发现自己还站在那木床边上,木床上,阳炎眼眸紧闭,依旧在沉睡之中。 Has turned around, the Yang Kai stride left this garret. 转过身,杨开大步离开了这栋阁楼。 Although complies with Yang Yan to go to meet that mysterious Religion Master, but the opposite party handles affairs so mystically, was cut white clothing Corpse General also not clear that kills his reality to cultivate by own with the body appearance, wants to look for him, without doubt is a very difficult matter. 虽然答应阳炎要去会一会那个神秘的教主,但对方行事如此神秘,就连被自己斩杀的白衣尸将不清楚他的真实修和身面貌,想要把他找出来,无疑是一件很困难的事。 Is good has not planned to act because of Yang Kai. 好在杨开并没有打算独自一人行动。 After returning to High Heaven Sect, Yang Kai sends people to give the Qian Tong pass on message immediately. 回到凌霄宗之后,杨开立刻派人给钱通传讯。 Now Gloom Star, Qian Tong is the first person of being worthy of the reputation, reaches as high as cultivating of Void King Stage, can play the important role in the following action. 如今幽暗星上,钱通是名副其实的第一人,高达虚王境的修,想必可以在接下来的行动中起到至关重要的作用。 That side Shadow Moon Palace should be calm and steady, wants to solve the trouble of Gloom Star, must eradicate Corpse Spirit Religion, Qian Tong should be glad to cope with that mysterious Religion Master with own jointly. 影月殿那边应该已经安稳了,想要解决幽暗星的麻烦,就必须得铲除尸灵教,钱通应该会乐意与自己联手对付那个神秘的教主 Shadow Moon Palace is not near from High Heaven Sect, even if Qian Tong wants to catch up, at least still takes one month of time. 影月殿距离凌霄宗不近,就算钱通想要赶来,最起码也要一个月时间 Yang Kai waits at the same time carefully, on the one hand is also rising the own strength. 杨开一方面精心等候,一方面也在升自己的实力。 In Ice Heart Valley, Yang Kai uses Star Emperor Token and a Luo Hai war, breaks through the shackles, promoted Void Return 3-layer, only had the one pace from Void King Stage. 冰心谷中,杨开动用星帝令骆海一番大战,突破自身桎梏,晋升到了返虚三层境,距离虚王境仅有一步之遥。 On come back road, own cultivating also places in the original foundation increases, gradually approaches the limit degree, but potential field also already big accomplishment. 回来的路上,自身的修也在原有的基础上一点点地增加,逐渐逼近极限程度,而势场也早已大成 With the aid of the prestige of Domain Stone and once the experience of trial in the blood prison, Yang Kai also had own understanding of Domain. 借助域石之威和曾经在血狱中试炼的经验,杨开领域也有自身的理解。 In other words, if not the condition does not permit now, Yang Kai has been able to begin to attack Void King Stage. 换句话说,若非现在条件不允许,杨开都已经可以着手冲击虚王境了。 However he does not worry, cultivating of Void Return 3-layer also lays the foundation in Void King Stage, to own potential field concise is more reliable, after promoting Void King Stage, forms Domain is relaxed simple. 不过他并不着急,返虚三层境的修也是在虚王境打基础,对自身势场凝练的越是牢固,晋升虚王境之后形成领域就越是轻松简单。 He planned after solved the trouble of Corpse Spirit Religion, leaves Gloom Star again, happen to also handles several things that own has worried about. 他打算等解决掉尸灵教的麻烦之后,再离开幽暗星一趟,正好也去处理一下自己一直记挂的几件事情。 These things to rising the strength stir the clear Star Territory mystery to be important. 这几件事情对升自身实力和弄清楚星域的奥秘至关重要。 time day-by-day past, in High Heaven Sect mighty waves not startled, almost all people immerse in practice. 时间一天天的过去,凌霄宗内波澜无惊,几乎所有人都沉浸在修炼之中。 They know, the this kind of day will not be long, once waits till some time to be mature, Yang Kai will start to Corpse Spirit Religion inevitably, by that time, they even thinks that practice did not have time. 他们都知道,这样的日子不会太长,一旦等到某个时机成熟,杨开势必会冲尸灵教下手的,到那时候,他们即便想修炼也没时间了。 Because of this reason, the powerhouses in High Heaven Sect even more treasures the time of now having, every time increases a strength, can many maintaining life money, kills some enemies in the future and battle of Corpse Spirit Religion army. 正是因这个缘故,凌霄宗内的强者们都愈发珍惜现在拥有的时光,每增加一份力量,就可以多一点保命的钱,在未来与尸灵教大军的争斗中多杀一些敌人。 Entire one month later, Qian Tong rushes to High Heaven Sect, immediately then High Heaven Sect disciple that is responsible for receiving and instructing outside introduces in Headquarters. 整整一个月后,钱通赶到凌霄宗,立刻便负责在外接引的凌霄宗弟子引进总舵内。 Since Yang Kai cuts killed white clothing Corpse General Kang Feirao, sieges the High Heaven Sect Corpse Spirit Religion army to disperse instantly, now High Heaven Sect also finally resumes the contact with outside world, had also known about outside situation many, Qian Tong comes time, moves unimpeded.( To be continued..) 自从杨开斩杀了白衣尸将康飞饶之后,围困住凌霄宗尸灵教大军就一哄而散了,如今凌霄宗也终于恢复了与外界的联系,对外面的情况多少也有所了解,钱通过来的时候,一路畅行无阻。(未完待续。。)
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