MP :: Volume #17

#1689: Consciousness Sea

Yang Xiuzhu, Chu Hanyi and Lin Yurao three people obtained ten Domain Stone fruitfully respectively. 杨修竹,楚寒衣林玉娆三人如愿以偿地各自得到十块域石 Believes that so many Domain Stone they comprehend the mystery of strength of Domain, coordinates in the blood prison again the informed and experienced experience, when will leave Gloom Star next time time, they will have in a big way possibly breaks through the Void King Stage shackles, the achievement unsurpassed peak. 相信有这么多域石他们参悟领域之力的奥秘,再配合上血狱里历练的经验,等到下次离开幽暗星的时候,他们会有很大的可能突破虚王境的桎梏,成就无上巅峰。 But others also act according to cultivate/repair differently, was granted the different quantities Domain Stone. 而其他人也根据修不同,被赐予不同数量的域石 Void Return 2-layer Yang Kai gave five, Void Return 1-layer Yang Kai gave three. 返虚两层境杨开给了五块,返虚一层境杨开给了三块。 So long as can use the modest energies in these Domain Stone well, they their potential concise to the big accomplishment boundary absolutely are not the issues. 只要能好好利用这些域石中的温和能量,他们将自身的势凝练至大成境界绝对不是问题。 Yang Kai is actually mean-spirited, is not willing to give, was really this thing also useless, although Domain Stone was also the consumables, may with Saint Crystal actually different, each Domain Stone be able to use for a long time is very very long. 倒不是杨开小气,不愿意多给,实在是这玩意给多了也没用,域石虽然也是消耗品,可跟圣晶不一样,每一块域石都能使用很久很久。 Domain Stone that Yang Kai gives, suffices their bodies to use absolutely. 杨开给出去的域石,绝对够他们身所用。 After bestowing Domain Stone, Yang Kai takes a large quantities of appearance to vary from Space Ring, scale not low Secret Treasure. 赐下域石之后,杨开又从空间戒里取出来一大批卖相不一,档次不低的秘宝 These Secret Treasure are Yang Kai these goes out to kill people the later spoils of war, on the base came from Emperor Dragon Star several Monster Race powerhouses, performing is the Void Grade above scale, existence of many Void Grade high-rank. 这些秘宝都是杨开这一趟出去杀人之后的战利品,基上都来自于帝辰星的几个妖族强者,尽是虚级以上的档次,不乏虚级上品的存在。 Has these Secret Treasure approaching bodies, believes that will present strength to rise a big truncation, can raise their survival rates in the future and Corpse Spirit Religion battle enormously, how to assign as for them, that was not the matter that Yang Kai needs to consider, had Ye Xiyun to process appropriately. 有这些秘宝傍身,相信在座诸位的实力会升一大截,在未来与尸灵教的争斗中能极大地升他们的生存率,至于他们会如何分配,那就不是杨开需要考虑的事情了,自有叶惜筠处理妥当。 Spirit Pill wonderful medicine that all sorts of practice use. 还有种种修炼所用的灵丹妙药 Yang Kai's Space Ring on such as a treasure house worthy of the reputation, the thing that takes makes others change countenance all. 杨开的空间戒就如一个名副其实的宝库,所取出来的东西无不让他人动容。 Processes these. Yang Kai brings Xia Ning Chang and Su Yan returns to Heaven One Palace. 处理完这些。杨开才带着夏凝裳苏颜回到天一宫 After being in charge of this stretch of restricted area, Yang Kai has then lived in Heaven One Palace, although this Palace area is not too broad, but absolutely is also big, inside side building are innumerable, before only then a Yang Kai person lived, now Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang naturally also live here, accompanied about him. 自入主这片禁地之后,杨开便一直居住在天一宫,这栋宫殿占地面积虽然不算太广,但也绝对不小,里面厢房无数,以前只有杨开一人居住,如今苏颜夏凝裳自然也居住在此,陪伴他左右。 Although in High Heaven Sect safe, does not need to be worried that can encounter what danger, but Yang Kai also hopes that can rise the strength of own closest person. 虽说凌霄宗内安全无虞,不用担心会遇到什么危险,但杨开也希望能升自己最亲密的人的实力。 Su Yan does not need to be worried. Now she has the strength of Ice Phoenix source. Also some Profound Frost Divine Sword in the hand, the body cultivate/repair is Void Return 3-layer, in Gloom Star, only if Qian Tong acts. Other person of roots are not her opponent. 苏颜无需担心。如今她已经拥有了冰凤源之力。又有玄霜神剑在手,身修更是返虚三层境,在幽暗星上,除非钱通出手。其他人根不是她的对手。 How Qian Tong will act to Su Yan. 钱通又怎会对苏颜出手。 Xia Ning Chang soon promotes Void Return 2-layer now. Since becoming Tong Xuan Continent Star Master . Her practice speed became compared with before quicker, these years have also been infatuated in Pill Refining, in coordination her special physique. Even without deliberately goes to practice, the strength still increases successively, believes that soon can promote breaks through. 夏凝裳如今快要晋升返虚两层境了。自从成通玄大陆星主之后。她的修炼速度比以前变得更快了,这些年也一直醉心于炼丹之中,配合上她的特殊体质。即便没有刻意去修炼,实力也节节攀升,相信用不了多久就可以晋升突破。 But Void Return 1-layer was eventually smaller and weaker. 返虚一层境终究还是还弱小了一些。 Yang Kai takes out blue-green color Treasure Armor, circle round of Secret Treasure gives Xia Ning Chang: Little Senior Sister you found time to refine to melt these two things, believes that will help you.” 杨开取出一件碧绿色宝甲,还有一件圆轮般的秘宝递给夏凝裳:“小师姐你抽空把这两个东西炼化了,相信对你会有帮助的。” This Treasure Armor is quite attractive.” Xia Ning Chang took a look at one, has not cared to that circle round of Secret Treasure, is interested in that deep green Treasure Armor on the contrary greatly. “这宝甲好漂亮。”夏凝裳瞅了一眼,对那圆轮般的秘宝并没有放在心上,反倒是对那碧绿宝甲大感兴趣。 Yang Kai laughed: Although I do not know that this Treasure Armor concrete is what scale, but absolutely is Void King Grade without doubt, had it, on this day under can break open your defense on few people.” 杨开呵呵一笑:“虽然我不知道这宝甲具体是什么档次的,但绝对是虚王级无疑,有了它,这天下就很少有人能破开你的防御了。” Xia Ning Chang is not skilled in the fight, makes defensive Secret Treasure, this Treasure Armor without doubt is very suitable her. 夏凝裳不太精通战斗,作防御性的秘宝,这宝甲无疑是很适合她的。 Where does Junior Brother come? Is this thing very precious?” Xia Ning Chang looks right and left, is somewhat unable to put down. 师弟哪里来的?这东西很贵重吧?”夏凝裳左看右看,有些爱不释手。 Is precious is unimportant, more importantly can it protect you for me.” “贵重不贵重并不重要,重要的是它能不能替我守护着你。” Xia Ning Chang raises the head looked at Yang Kai one, smiles, a face well satisfied expression. 夏凝裳抬头瞧了杨开一眼,抿嘴一笑,一脸心满意足的表情。 Treasure Armor brings from the blood prison, Yang Kai when obtains that together Monster King Void Mind Crystal, one and brought the insane alligator Monster King skeleton, naturally not the truth that his Space Ring let off. 宝甲是从血狱里带出来的,杨开在取得那一块妖王虚念晶的时候,也一并将疯鳄妖王的尸骨带了出来,自然也没将他的空间戒放过的道理。 Insane alligator Monster King before death is the Void King 3-layer top powerhouse, how could in his Space Ring to have the bad thing? 疯鳄妖王生前是虚王三层境的顶尖强者,他的空间戒里岂能有差的东西? Even can say before Yang Kai, in Secret Treasure and medicine pill that in the discussing official business main hall distributes, majority stems from insane alligator Monster King Space Ring. 甚至可以说杨开之前在议事大殿内分发下去的秘宝丹药,大部分都出自疯鳄妖王空间戒 Compared with this Void King Grade Treasure Armor, in Space Ring other wealth were unworthy actually one, but was still noticeable, at least, the huge wealth in Space Ring, support present High Heaven Sect revolves sufficiently time. 与这一件虚王级宝甲比较起来,空间戒里其他的财富倒是不值一了,但仍不可忽视,最起码,空间戒里的庞大财富,足以支持如今的凌霄宗运转好一段时间 This also takes.” Yang Kai handed over that circle round of Secret Treasure. “这个也拿着。”杨开又将那圆轮般的秘宝递了过去。 This circle round of Secret Treasure similarly is Void King Grade Secret Treasure, is Battle Sky Union Sect Highest Treasure, Sun and Moon Golden Disk! 这圆轮般的秘宝同样是虚王级秘宝,是战天盟镇宗之宝,日月金轮 In the past Yang Kai and Battle Sky Union Union Master Qu Zheng war, striking will kill, Sun and Moon Golden Disk is the spoils of war, continuously since snow conceals. 当年杨开战天盟盟主曲铮大战,将之击杀,日月金轮就是战利品,一直雪藏至今。 Two Void King Grade Secret Treasure start, so long as refining up is appropriate, Little Senior Sister did not need to fear any Void King Stage following enemy. 两件虚王级秘宝入手,只要炼化得体,小师姐就不用惧怕任何虚王境以下的敌人了。 Xia Ning Chang has not said anything, obediently according to the Yang Kai's request, received that deep green Treasure Armor and Sun and Moon Golden Disk, shot a look at secretly has sat quietly in side Su Yan one, this kissed one on the Yang Kai face fast, if at once the frightened rabbit ran generally. 夏凝裳并没有多说什么,乖乖地按照杨开的要求,收起了那碧绿宝甲日月金轮,偷偷地瞥了一直安坐在旁的苏颜一眼,这才飞快地在杨开脸上亲了一口,旋即如受惊的兔子一般跑出去了。 The step in a panic, as if did any shameful matter. 步履仓皇,仿佛干了什么见不得人的事。 Su Yan is looking at Yang Kai with a smile, has the profound meaning to say greatly: Ning Chang was adjusted the courage that * teaches to be even more big by you!” 苏颜笑吟吟地望着杨开,大有深意道:“凝裳被你调*教的胆子越发大了!” Yang Kai hey hey hollow laugh. 杨开嘿嘿干笑。 He has no thing to actually to Su Yan, in Ice Heart Valley, main Ice Phoenix inheritance has transmitted to Su Yan, Yang Kai even also gave to her Ten Thousand Years Ice Jade Desk. 他倒是没什么东西要给苏颜的,在冰心谷的时候,最主要的冰凤传承已经转交给了苏颜,杨开甚至也将万载冰玉台送给了她。 Has the Ten Thousand Years Ice Jade Desk assistance, the Su Yan practice speed rises significantly, has Profound Frost Divine Sword in the hand, believes that does not need to draw support from other external objects again. 万载冰玉台辅佐,苏颜修炼速度大幅度升,更有玄霜神剑在手,相信也不必再借助其他外物了。 Yang Kai remembered Shan Qingluo, own with her , in the blood prison separates, once gave her 200 Domain Stone, Void King Grade Secret Treasure Thunder Fire Seven Birds Whip also delivered her. 杨开又想起了扇轻罗,自己与她在血狱里分开的时候,曾经给了她两百块域石,虚王级秘宝雷火七禽鞭也送了她。 Does not know that this Enchantress now how, practice is whether smooth. 不知道这妖女现在怎样了,修炼是否顺利。 Yang Kai remembered Yang Yan...... 杨开又想起了阳炎…… Senior Sister you first practice, I am going out.” Yang Kai sets out suddenly. 师姐你先修炼着,我出去一趟。”杨开忽然起身。 Su Yan nods gently, takes out Ten Thousand Years Ice Jade Desk, sits cross-legged to sit above, on palm grips Domain Stone, closed pupil senses together. 苏颜轻轻点头,将万载冰玉台取出,盘膝坐在上面,手心上握住一块域石,闭眸感悟起来。 Yang Kai had/left Heaven One Palace, directly soars the Flowing Flame Sand Field most center. 杨开出了天一宫,直奔流炎沙地最中心处。 Although had learned from Ye Xiyun there, these years Yang Yan continuously in deep sleep, not too big change, but Yang Kai wants to look with own eyes. 虽然已经从叶惜筠那里得知,这些年来阳炎一直在沉睡,并没有太大的变化,但是杨开还是想亲眼去看一看。 In Gloom Star, Yang Yan is he closest friend, without accidental/surprised, this friendship has continued. 幽暗星上,阳炎是他最亲密的朋友,如果没有意外的话,这份友谊会一直持续下去。 The life experience that however now Yang Yan involves is too big, no one knows after she regains consciousness truly, will turn into what appearance, Yang Kai naturally did not feel relieved. 不过如今阳炎牵扯出来的身世太大,谁也不知道她真正苏醒之后会变成什么样子,杨开自然不太放心。 The Flowing Flame Sand Field original 6-layer place, the area is not broad, roughly only then surrounding area several li (0.5 km). 流炎沙地原的第六层处,占地面积并不算广,约莫只有方圆几里而已。 Yang Kai is grasping Star Emperor Token, passed through the 5-layer Liu Yan barrier easily, before arriving in that piece of bamboo forest . 杨开手持着星帝令,轻而易举地就穿过了第五层流炎屏障,抵达了那片竹林前。 A garret behind bamboo forest partly visible, Yang Kai takes a step the line to go. 一栋阁楼在竹林后方若隐若现,杨开迈步行去。 Flowing Flame Sand Field 6-layer, is the High Heaven Sect restricted area, before only then Great Elder Ye Xiyun can visit, anybody does not allow to enter, does not have the ability to enter, until the previous time, Ye Xiyun has to lead the person to draw back 6-layer, makes the High Heaven Sect person know existence of such place. 流炎沙地六层,一直都是凌霄宗的禁地,以前只有大长老叶惜筠可以踏足,其他任何人都不允许进入,也没有能力进入,直到上一次,叶惜筠不得不带人退进第六层,才让凌霄宗的人得知这么一个地方的存在。 However that garret in still does not permit the place that anybody visits. 不过那阁楼所在依然是不允许任何人踏足的地方。 Yang Kai is not naturally one of them! 杨开自然不在其列! He across that piece of bamboo forest, arrived at pavilion building residence with ease, Spiritual Mind swept, then got up Second Floor directly. 他穿过那片竹林,轻松地来到了阁楼处,神念一扫,便径直上了二楼 Two building residence, the decoration is crude, only then a wooden bed, does not have the otherness again. 楼处,装饰简陋,只有一张木床,再无他物。 But on wooden bed, then lies down to wear the black robe, the figure is exquisite, has to concave-convex Yang Yan that female, does not see for a long time, in the appearance with Yang Yan of Yang Kai memory deep place and has no difference, but that makings actually some different. 而木床上,则躺着一个身穿黑袍,身段玲珑,凹凸有致的女子,正是许久不见的阳炎,容貌上与杨开记忆深处的阳炎并无任何区别,但那气质却有些不一样 When Yang Kai approaches looked, unexpectedly faintly from Yang Yan feels a constriction, even in the deep sleep, she is still filling aura that from top to bottom lets person trembling in fear. 杨开走近了去看的时候,竟隐隐从阳炎身上感受到一股压迫感,即便是在沉睡中,她浑身上下也弥漫着一种让人心惊胆战气息 As if looks at her one eyes, that also blasphemed, to Spiritual God blaspheming. 似乎只是瞧她一眼,那也是亵渎,对神灵般的亵渎。 Yang Kai was startled a while, then suddenly the complexion changes. 杨开怔了一会儿,便忽然脸色一变。 Because in his field of vision, the Yang Yan appearance starts unexpectedly becomes fuzzy, the own root is unable to see clearly the present scene again, she becomes Nihility to be indistinct in this flash, imitates, if becomes does not exist, imitates, if omnipresent. 因在他的视野当中,阳炎的容貌竟然开始变得模糊,自己根无法再看清眼前的景象,她在这一瞬间变得虚无缥缈,仿若变得不存在,又仿若无所不在。 own Divine Consciousness was also pulled in an abyss by an invisible strength, falls toward fall downward unceasingly, forever will not have the end. 自己神识也被一种无形的力量扯进了一处深渊之中,不断地往下坠落,永无尽头。 Yang Kai suddenly bites the tip of tongue, in the mouth drinks one lowly, the aching feeling transmits, the feeling that Divine Soul crashes then vanishes suddenly, the present field of vision re-focuses. 杨开猛地一咬舌尖,口中低喝一声,疼痛感传来,那种神魂坠落的感觉这才猛然消失,眼前的视野重新聚焦。 cold sweat braved, infiltrates the clothing. 一身冷汗冒了出来,渗透衣衫。 Emperor Prestige...... really terrifying!” Yang Kai has a lingering fear. 帝威……果然恐怖!”杨开心有余悸。 Emperor Prestige that even if in the deep sleep, Yang Yan sends out can still subvert Yang Kai's Divine Consciousness, after being very difficult imagines her to regain consciousness , to be what appearance. 就算是在沉睡之中,阳炎所散发出来的帝威也能颠覆杨开的神识,很难想象她苏醒之后会是什么样子。 However he comes to here, was only looked at Yang Yan, after all so many years had not seen, in the past own also very small and weak time, were Yang Yan have been helping own, without Yang Yan , there would be no Dragon Cave Mountain, do not have present High Heaven Sect. 不过他来这里,也只是了看一眼阳炎而已,毕竟这么多年没见了,当年自己还很弱小的时候,是阳炎一直在帮助着自己,没有阳炎,就没有龙穴山,也没有如今的凌霄宗 Yang Kai is very grateful to her. 杨开对她很感激。 Detected that Yang Yan not issue, is only as in the deep sleep, Yang Kai then nods secretly, the plan that has not continued to stop over, the preparation turns around to depart. 察觉阳炎并无问题,只是依旧在沉睡之中,杨开这才暗暗点头,没有继续逗留的打算,准备转身离去。 That flash that but is just about to turn around in him, he suddenly discovered that the finger of Yang Yan moved gently, this discovery makes his body shake, settles down hastily, concentrates all one's attention on to look toward the wooden bed on. 可就在他正要转身的那一瞬间,他忽然发现阳炎的手指轻轻动了一下,这个发现让他身躯一震,连忙驻足,屏气凝神地朝木床上望去。 An invisible strength fills the air from Yang Yan within the body, that strength on the beast mouth that such as opens the Yang Kai package, the root has not given him any response time, even revolts is unable to achieve. 一种无形的力量从阳炎体内弥漫出来,那力量就如张开的兽口般将杨开包裹,根没有给他任何反应的时间,甚至连反抗都无法做到。 Yang Kai a flower, the whole person has presented places that at present seem like some looking familiar. 紧接着,杨开眼前一花,整个人已经出现了一片看起来有些眼熟的地方。 Below sea of fire tumbled, contained frightened energy aura, that aura as if can Destroying Heavens Exterminating Earth, the extremes be scary, in the sky, floated various different luster light ball, in that light ball, had the different scenes to flash through unceasingly, speed wonderful quick was incomparable, the Yang Kai root is unable to see these scenes is anything. 下方火海翻滚,蕴藏了让人惊悚的能量气息,那气息似乎能毁天灭地,狂狷骇人,天空之中,漂浮了各种各样不同色泽的光球,那光球之中,不断地有不同的景象闪过,速度奇快无比,杨开根无法看到那些景象到底都是什么。 This is......” Yang Kai knits the brows, sizes up all around, understands where quickly here was. “这是……”杨开皱了皱眉,打量四周,很快明白这里到底是什么地方了。 Consciousness Sea?” Yang Kai calls out in alarm.( To be continued..) 识海?”杨开惊呼。(未完待续。。)
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