MP :: Volume #17

#1688: ……

After the situation in Sect stabilizes, Yang Kai starts to handle other things. 宗门内的情况安定下来之后,杨开才开始着手处理其他事情。 First must do naturally for Ye Xiyun and the others healing, High Heaven Sect former staff, not just only then Ye Xiyun is injured, other Void Return Stage powerhouses have 90% to have or the light or heavy injury. 第一件要做的自然是替叶惜筠等人疗伤,凌霄宗的原班人马,不单只有叶惜筠受伤,其他返虚镜强者有九成都有或轻或重的伤势。 When these wounds are when with the Corpse Spirit Religion powerhouse battles stay behind, was been very difficult to recover by the injury of Corpse Qi invasion, that sinister and ruthless Corpse Qi has the strange function of corrosion, obstructed the Saint Yuan revolution of High Heaven Sect powerhouse. 这些伤都是在与尸灵教强者作战时留下的,被尸气侵入的伤势很难痊愈,那阴毒的尸气有腐蚀的诡异功能,阻扰了凌霄宗强者的圣元运转。 Only if there is disintoxicating Spirit Pill that special aims at to be good. 除非有专门针对的解毒灵丹才行。 Before their injury cannot be restored to health, suppressed using the own strong overhaul, reduced and solved with Saint Yuan again slowly, this process was very long. 之前他们的伤势没能康复,都是利用自己的强大修压制下来,再用圣元徐徐化解,这个过程是很漫长的。 However after Yang Kai comes back, all became different. 不过杨开回来之后,一切就变得不同了。 He and Little Senior Sister Xia Ning Chang collaborates, refined solution Shidu Spirit Pill specially, making injured person everyone take the next grain, the calamity of corpse poison is disintegrated shortly. 他与小师姐夏凝裳联手,专门炼制了一种解尸毒的灵丹,让受伤的人每人服下一粒,尸毒之祸顷刻间就被瓦解。 Did not have the corpse to wreak havoc poisonously, by cultivating of their body, wanted recovery naturally is not the difficult matter, had Yang Kai to refine large quantities of Spirit Pill wonderful medicine they to take let alone. 没有了尸毒肆虐,以他们身的修,想要痊愈自然不是难事,更何况还有杨开炼制了大批灵丹妙药他们服用。 Therefore ten days of time, puzzled High Heaven Sect these powerhouse innumerable day of issues to be easily solved, entire High Heaven Sect high-end battle strength was changed beyond recognition. 所以前后不过十来天的时间,困扰了凌霄宗那些强者无数天的问题就迎刃而解,整个凌霄宗的高端战力焕然一新。 In the this time event, because of the wise decision of Ye Xiyun, therefore the High Heaven Sect not personnel lose, in addition she just before leaving, all carries off High Heaven Sect some precious treasure, included Red Candle Fruit, Ten Thousand Years Incense and Nine Curve Crystal Jade Tree, the base, High Heaven Sect Headquarters besides was occupied the magpie nest the dove, other has not lost anything. 这一次的事件当中,因叶惜筠的明智决定,所以凌霄宗并无人员损失,再加上她临走之前,将凌霄宗的一些贵重宝贝也悉数带走,其中就包括了红烛果,万年香九曲晶玉树,基上来说,凌霄宗总舵除了被人鸠占鹊巢之外,其他的并没有损失什么。 After Ye Xiyun returns . Red Candle Fruit, Ten Thousand Years Incense and Nine Curve Crystal Jade Tree were placed in the specific place again. 叶惜筠返回之后。红烛果,万年香九曲晶玉树再次被安置在特定的地方。 The former refines the Void King pill's key, then both are the huge boosts of martial artist promotion, has the significance and function that is inconceivable to entire Sect. 前者是炼制虚王丹的关键,而后两者则是武者晋升的巨大助力,对整个宗门都有难以想象的意义和作用。 More than ten days later, High Heaven Sect stabilized thoroughly. 十多天后,凌霄宗彻底安定了下来。 In the discussing official business main hall, Yang Kai convenes all High Heaven Sect high levels. 议事大殿中,杨开召集所有凌霄宗高层。 No one knows that he must do, but actually gathered one on time, listened respectfully to his speech. 没人知道他要干什么,但却都按时聚集到了一块,聆听他的讲话。 Yang Kai has not actually said that first to Elder these years pays to express gratitude silently, then peeked at a High Heaven Sect happy future. Is some superficial topics. 杨开其实也没有好说的,先是向诸位长老这些年的默默付出表示感谢,然后瞻望了一下凌霄宗的美好未来。都是一些不疼不痒的话题。 Finally. Yang Kai smiles suddenly mystically, looks said to the people: These goes out, I gave everyone to bring some good things, although this thing may not play the biggest role in Gloom Star. But can make you spy on the Void King Stage barrier absolutely. Believes so long as accumulates enough. In the future only need get rid of the world principle of Gloom Star to suppress, can promote Void King Stage smoothly!” 最后。杨开才忽然神秘地笑了笑,望向众人道:“这一趟外出,我给大家带了一些好东西,虽说这东西在幽暗星上不一定能发挥出最大的作用。但绝对能让你们窥探到虚王境的屏障。相信只要积累足够。日后只需摆脱幽暗星的天地法则压制,就可以顺利晋升虚王境!” Said, entire main hall peaceful. Everyone is looking at Yang Kai dumbfoundedly, as if some are unable to digest the news that he brings. 一言出,整个大殿都安静了下来。所有人瞠目结舌地望着杨开,仿佛有些无法消化他带来的消息。 Ye Xiyun was also startled, is looking at Yang Kai curiously, does not know that he is saying anything. 就连叶惜筠也怔住了,好奇地瞧着杨开,不知道他到底在说什么。 Void King Stage, is always a Gloom Star legend, that is the barrier that Ye Xiyun is not even able to break through. Although she initially has not chosen with Yang Kai leaves Gloom Star together, but remained, but does not represent her not to long to this boundary. 虚王境,向来是幽暗星的一个传说,那是连叶惜筠都无法突破的屏障。她当初虽然没有选择与杨开一起离开幽暗星,而是留了下来,但不代表她对这个境界没有渴望。 On the contrary, her hope to the Void King Stage is more intense than anyone, because she has qualifications-- that promotes Void King Grade her potential field already big accomplishment! 相反,她对虚王境的渴望比谁都要强烈,因她已经具备了晋升虚王级的资格——她的势场已经大成 Because of must protect Yang Yan, she chooses to stay behind, so as to avoid no one assumes Sect, presents what accidental/surprised. 只是因要守护阳炎,她才选择留下,免得没人坐镇宗门,出现什么意外 At this moment hears the Yang Kai's words, she naturally highly cares. 此刻听到杨开的话,她自然非常在意。 „Is Sect Master, what thing is so mysterious?” Gong Aofu asked with a smile. 宗主,到底是什么东西如此神奇?”宫傲芙笑吟吟地问道。 Although she joins High Heaven Sect Elder, but integrates also rapidly, moreover her person actually heart does not go bad, this time, has made the original High Heaven Sect Elder group approve her existence in less than half a month. 她虽然是才加入凌霄宗长老,但融入到也迅速,而且她人其实心地并不坏,这才不到半个月时间,就已经让原凌霄宗长老团认可了她的存在。 During this kind of discussed official business, she was some rights to speak. 所以在这样的议事之中,她还是有一些发言权的。 Others also look curiously to Yang Kai, anticipated answer that he gives. 其他人也都好奇地望向杨开,期待他给出的答案。 Is this!” Yang Kai has not kept guessing, but puts out a hand to grasp in Void, took out one just like the crystal stone thing. “是这个!”杨开也没卖关子,而是伸手在虚空中一抓,就取出了一块宛若晶石般的东西。 This crystal stone long-drawn-out appearance, in the main hall then fills a gentle and mysterious strength, all Void Return Stage powerhouse looks shake, show the doubt and puzzled expression. Although they are unable to spy on the true meaning of this strength, but always felt that this strength is more profound than the potential field, is mysterious, just like the updated version of potential field. 这块晶石悠一出现,大殿内便弥漫出一种柔和而神奇的力量,所有返虚镜强者都神色一震,露出狐疑和不解的表情。他们虽然无法窥探出这股力量的真谛,但是总感觉这股力量比势场要高深,要玄妙,俨然就是势场的升级版。 Domain Stone!” The Yang Xiuzhu eye disease is actually frank, lays bare the origin of this crystal. 域石!”倒是杨修竹眼疾口快,一语道破这水晶的来历。 Chu Hanyi and Lin Yurao also recognized, simultaneous called out in alarm, in the facial features revealed the color of pleasant surprise. 楚寒衣林玉娆也认出来了,齐齐惊呼,眉眼中露出惊喜之色。 What is Domain Stone?” Ye Xiyun black eyebrows slightly wrinkled, people on the scene, only then she cultivates is profound, naturally detected indescribable mystery that in this crystal stone contains, her slightly sensation, soul washed feelings, conceivable, if long time comes practice with this crystal stone, what kind of advantage own can obtain. “什么是域石?”叶惜筠眉微皱,在场众人,就只有她修最是高深,自然察觉到这晶石中蕴藏的难以描述的神奇,她只是微微感知了一番,就有一种灵魂被洗涤的感觉,可以想象,若是长时间用这块晶石修炼的话,自己能得到怎样的好处。 Yang Kai smiled to look at Yang Xiuzhu one, hinted him to explain. 杨开笑望了杨修竹一眼,示意他来解释。 Yang Xiuzhu does not pass on responsibilities but actually, immediately then clarified the Domain Stone origin and function. 杨修竹倒也当仁不让,当下便将域石的来历和作用讲明。 Heard this thing unexpectedly because of Void King Stage powerhouse falls, the treasure that Domain forms concise, person two in entire main hall shone. 一听说这玩意居然是因虚王境强者陨落,域场凝练形成的宝物,整个大殿里的人都两眼放光了。 Heard again through inducing the marvelousness in Domain Stone, after can ascertain the strength of Domain, Elders in main hall breathes loudly, does the eye wink is staring at Domain Stone on Yang Kai, as if one crowd of pervert saw a beautiful woman of stripping naked. 再听说通过感应域石中的奇妙,可以窥破领域之力后,大殿里的诸位长老们都呼吸粗重,眼睛一眨不眨地盯着杨开手上的域石,仿佛一群色狼看到了一个脱光的美女。 In everyone eyes twinkling ** bare desire. 每个人眼中都闪烁着**裸的欲念。 Domain Stone is in the blood prison very precious product, only then the Green Hills Star blood prison will be born, each priceless, although Yang entered a blood prison, actually misses with such treasure, the Elder Lin luck is actually good, occasionally harvested one.” Yang Xiuzhu looks toward Lin Yurao with an envying vision. 域石是血狱里很珍贵的产物,也只有翠微星的血狱才会诞生,每一块都价值连城,杨某虽然进了一趟血狱,却与此等宝物无缘,倒是林长老运气不错,偶尔收获了一块。”杨修竹用一副羡慕的眼光朝林玉娆望去。 Lin Yurao takes out together Domain Stone from own Space Ring grinningly, swung swinging gently. 林玉娆笑嘻嘻地从自己空间戒里取出一块域石,轻轻摇了摇。 Chu Hanyi in one side looks at, envied eagerly. 楚寒衣在一旁眼巴巴地看着,羡慕死了。 Initially went down to the blood prison, their three also separated, although took advantage of tyrannical cultivating not to come across what disaster, but has not reaped many advantage, on the contrary before was Qian Tong, their one step, left the blood prison to break through oneself barrier, promoted the Void King Stage level. 当初深入血狱,他们三个也分开了,虽然依仗强横的修并没有遇到什么劫难,但也没收获多少好处,反倒是钱通前他们一步,离开血狱就突破了自身屏障,晋升到了虚王境的层次。 If can have Domain Stone together, can unscrupulous comprehend the strength of Domain, this has the irresistible attraction to any Void Return Stage. 若是能有一块域石的话,就可以肆无忌惮地去领悟领域之力了,这对任何返虚镜都有不可抵挡的吸引力。 Elder Lin really good luck!” Chang Qi sobbed in the one side. 林长老果真好运气!”常起在一旁唏嘘不已。 However compares, Chang Qi Hao An also has Ning Xiangchen Huang Juan and the others to care very much, after all their cultivating only then Void Return 1-layer, even if resulted in Domain Stone, cultivates the boundary unable to follow, for a short time cannot comprehend the strength of Domain, can only say with the aid of Domain Stone, letting them the potential field concise is more powerful. 不过相比较来说,常起郝安还有宁向尘黄娟等人倒是不是很在乎,毕竟他们的修才只有返虚一层境,就算得了域石,修境界跟不上,一时半会也领悟不到领域之力,只能说借助域石,让他们将自身势场凝练的更强大。 After all Domain is the evolution promotion of potential field, comprehends the mystery in Domain Stone, to practice of potential field is also extremely helpful. 毕竟领域是势场的进化升级,参悟域石中的奥秘,对势场的修炼也是极有帮助的。 Although it is so, may still unable to obliterate effect of Domain Stone on the Void Return Stage powerhouse! 话虽这么说,可依然无法磨灭域石返虚镜强者的作用! Ye Xiyun after silent for a long time, suddenly opens the mouth saying: Sect Master, if convenient, the palace wants ten Domain Stone!” 叶惜筠在沉默了许久之后,才忽然开口道:“宗主,若是方便的话,宫想要十块域石!” A sound of holding breath cold air resounds, Yang Xiuzhu and the others have turned head, is looking at Ye Xiyun with an unthinkable vision. 一阵倒吸凉气的声音响起,杨修竹等人都扭过头,用一种匪夷所思的目光望着叶惜筠 Others do not know the Domain Stone precious place, but Yang Xiuzhu and the others were actually again clear, their three walked in the blood prison, only then the Lin Yurao luck was good, obtained Domain Stone together, but Ye Xiyun one took ten unexpectedly. 旁人不知道域石的珍贵之处,可杨修竹等人却是再清楚不过了,他们三个在血狱里走一趟,只有林玉娆运气不错,得到一块域石,可叶惜筠居然一下就要十块。 This is to have a lion's share simply! 这简直就是狮子大开口啊! This does not conform to the Great Elder person attitude! 这不符合大长老的人作风啊! Is this formidable love Great Elder? How seems like with the marketplace rascal to have no difference? 这还是让人敬畏爱戴的大长老嘛?怎么看起来跟市井无赖没什么区别? Yang Xiuzhu and the others somewhat are absent-minded. 杨修竹等人不禁有些恍惚。 Ye Xiyun gently snort/hum: You felt Sect Master, only then this? By the Sect Master individuality, if not for harvests a great deal, how possibly openly to demonstrate under big crowd of people? He is not a child, likes showing off to show off the person who everywhere.” 叶惜筠轻轻哼了哼:“你们觉得宗主只有这一块么?以宗主的个性,若不是收获良多,怎可能在大庭广众之下堂而皇之地展示?他又不是小孩子,喜欢处处炫耀卖弄的人。” Gave her such a saying, Yang Xiuzhu and other talents recovered, the for a moment vision brilliant looked toward Yang Kai, in the vision full was the time wing. 给她这么一说,杨修竹等人才回过神来,一时间都目光灼灼地朝杨开望去,目光中满是期翼。 Yang Kai dumbly laughs in spite of trying not, shakes the head saying: Great Elder understands the will of the people, I could not hide the truth from you.” 杨开哑然失笑,摇头道:“大长老果真深谙人心,我瞒不了你。” Sect Master......” Yang Xiuzhu swallows the saliva, only felt that the lip somewhat becomes dry. 宗主……”杨修竹吞了吞口水,只感觉嘴唇有些发干。 Good! My these in the blood prison, truly harvested many Domain Stone...... the graciousness !” The meaning that Yang Kai has not concealed, stands up to smile to look at the people. “不错!我这一趟在血狱之中,确实收获了不少域石……恩,很多!”杨开也没有隐瞒的意思,站起身来笑望着众人。 How many many...... is?” Chu Hanyi flutters the inquiry. “很多……是多少?”楚寒衣颤声询问。 Enough gives each of you ten!” Yang Kai shows a faint smile. “足够给你们每人十块!”杨开微微一笑。 Hiss......” Yang Xiuzhu and the others held breath cold air, is almost looking at Yang Kai with a vision of worship. “嘶……”杨修竹等人倒吸一口凉气,几乎是用一种崇拜的目光望着杨开 The person in main hall are not many, roughly only has about 15 people, this also included joined High Heaven Sect Gong Aofu recently, Dai Yuan two people. 大殿里的人也不多,约莫只有十五人左右,这还包括了最近加入凌霄宗宫傲芙,黛鸢两人 Gong Aofu knows that Yang Kai does not like Yin Sudie, but quite cares about Dai Yuan, therefore also gave what is desired recently, the Dai Yuan belt/bring in the side, as for Yin Sudie, pours some signs of falling into disfavor, the root does not have the qualifications to appear here. 宫傲芙知道杨开不太喜欢尹素蝶,而是相当在意黛鸢,所以最近也是投其所好,把黛鸢带在身边,至于尹素蝶,倒有些失宠的迹象,根没资格出现在这里。 „...... The looking at a sample womb did not underestimate Sect Master ability, wanted was short.” The Ye Xiyun black eyebrow light wrinkle, the expression is somewhat annoying. “唔……看样子宫低估了宗主的能耐,要的少了点呢。”叶惜筠黛眉轻皱,表情有些懊恼。 Yang Kai laughs: Great Elder, if wants, I naturally one and satisfy, but by the Great Elder cultivating boundary, and comprehension to potential field, I thought that 2-3 are to you many, are many are also useless in you.” 杨开哈哈大笑:“大长老若是想要更多,我自然一并满足,不过以大长老的修境界,以及对势场的领悟,我觉得2-3块对你来说都已经多了,再多的话于你也无用。” Palace is useless, can remain is granting others.” The Ye Xiyun light say/way, considers as finished, ten ten.” “宫没用,可以留着赐予旁人。”叶惜筠淡淡道,“不过算了,十块就十块吧。” Yang Kai no longer said, waves, ten Domain Stone fly to Ye Xiyun. 杨开不再多说,一挥手,十块域石飞向叶惜筠 Also without seeing her has what movement, in the hand Space Ring rays of light flashes, Domain Stone was then received by her. 也没见她有什么动作,手上空间戒光芒一闪,域石便被她收了起来。 Performs to reveal the Expert style. 尽显高手风范。 Sect Master......” Yang Xiuzhu became flushed the face, is rubbing both hands, is looking at Yang Kai eagerly. 宗主……”杨修竹涨红了脸,搓着双手,眼巴巴地望着杨开 He is not the person who that type can be flattery, before person attitude in Star Emperor Mountain also honest firm, entered High Heaven Sect so, but this time was said that anything must lag behind shamelessly. 他不是那种会溜须拍马的人,以前在星帝山的时候人作风也正派刚硬,进了凌霄宗还是如此,但这一次却是说什么也得拉下老脸了。 Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, to regarding as important of Domain Stone compared with others , although this time he cannot promote Void King Stage, so long as there is Domain Stone in the hand, senses the strength of Domain, leaves Gloom Star he to have the full assurance to be able next time again to promote! 返虚三层境的强者,对域石的看重比其他人更甚,虽然这一次他没能晋升虚王境,但只要有域石在手,感悟领域之力,下一次再离开幽暗星他就有十足的把握能够晋升! But High Heaven Sect also has the ability of long-distance voyage now, he believes that Yang Kai will lead them to leave Gloom Star again!( To be continued..) 凌霄宗如今也具备了远航的能力,他相信杨开会再带他们离开幽暗星的!(未完待续。。)
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