MP :: Volume #17

#1687: Three Clans is stable

Their root didn't expect Yang Kai so will be good to speak, allows Colored Glass Sect to reconstruct unexpectedly in the future, if the one had only known, has turned to join, which also has a mind various calculations? 他们根没想到杨开会这么好说话,竟允许琉璃门日后重建,若是早知如此,早就投靠加入了,哪还有心中的各种小算盘? What a pity now regrets also late, although Yang Kai is good to speak, but he is not a fool, joins to the Colored Glass Sect treatment after the experience, will he admit? 可惜现在后悔也晚了,杨开虽然好说话,但他又不是傻子,在见识到琉璃门的待遇之后再加入,他怎会接纳? Many person facial expressions are bitter and astringent, but is actually hitting the spirit, on comes to give Gong Aofu to congratulate. 不少人都神情苦涩,但却强打着精神,纷纷上前来给宫傲芙道贺。 Gong Aofu now is the character of High Heaven Sect Elder rank, they naturally must flatter. 宫傲芙如今已经算是凌霄宗长老级别的人物,他们自然是要巴结巴结。 Gong Aofu as if also seems brilliant because of Yang Kai a few words, is energetic, is responding with everyone with a smile, quite natural appropriate, after all she has been Sect Master, deals with this scene or the small gift. 宫傲芙似乎也因杨开一句话而显得光彩照人,活力无限,含笑与每一个人回应着,颇大方得体,毕竟她早就是一宗之主了,应付这种场面还是小意思的。 Yang Kai observes the situation all around, the vision frames finally on Yan Pei. 杨开环视四周,目光最终定格在颜裴身上。 The face of Yan Pei comes on black like the bottom of the pot, no matter what no one is able to speculate that through his expression change his psychological activity, sees Yang Kai to look toward own, he opens mouth, finally sighed, holds the fist saying: Sect Master Yang takes care, Old Man said goodbye!” 颜裴的脸来就黑如锅底,任谁都无法通过他的表情变化而推测出他的心理活动,见杨开自己望来,他张了张嘴,最终还是叹息一声,抱拳道:“杨宗主保重,老夫告辞了!” Yang Kai laughed: Face does Old Mister want to go?” 杨开呵呵一笑:“颜老先生想去哪?” A Yan Pei brow wrinkle: I don't know either, walks one step to look at one step.” 颜裴眉头一皱:“我也不知道,走一步看一步吧。” Outside the Corpse Spirit Religion army four plunders, although Treasure Assembly Pavilion is talented, but is unable to contend with Corpse Spirit Religion, otherwise he will not lead the person to hide in High Heaven Sect to seek harbour, must depart, the future is dreary, is in some hearts anxious. 外头尸灵教大军肆掠,聚宝楼虽然实力不俗,但也无法与尸灵教抗衡,要不然他也不会带人躲进了凌霄宗寻求庇护,如今就要离去,前途惨淡,还是有些心中不安的。 If face Old Mister does not shut out, might as well remains, although my High Heaven Sect no extraordinary place. However the place is big enough, did not fear that cannot place your Treasure Assembly Pavilion person.” “若是颜老先生不嫌弃的话,不妨就留下来吧,我凌霄宗虽然没什么多了不起的地方。但是地方却足够大,不怕安置不下你们聚宝楼的人。” The Yan Pei body shakes, in the black face glows exciting blushing, the gratitude is extremely looking at Yang Kai, spoke haltingly several, lowers the head saying: old man is ashamed!” 颜裴身躯一震,黑脸上焕发出一丝激动的红晕,感激万分地望着杨开,嗫嚅了几下,低下头道:“老朽惭愧!” Previous these Sect powerhouses in High Heaven Sect cause trouble, although the Treasure Assembly Pavilion person has not participated, has not actually stood to prevent, but before to Ye Xiyun, disclosed secret information. 上次那些宗门强者在凌霄宗里闹事的时候,聚宝楼的人虽然没有参与,却也没有站出来在阻止,只是给叶惜筠前通风报信了而已。 Admits own regarding one, gives shelter benefactor who own seeks asylum. Does that appears very non- morality and justice without doubt. 对于一个接纳自己,收留自己避难的恩人来说。这么做无疑显得很不道义的。 But now. Yang Kai relinquishes difference, opens the mouth to keep hold of them on own initiative, renders good for evil, this lets Yan Pei immediately a little shameful feeling. Therefore he ashamed extremely. 而如今。杨开不计前嫌,主动开口挽留他们,以德报怨,这让颜裴顿时有点无地自容的感觉。所以他才惭愧万分。 He also knows. Between Yang Kai and Treasure Assembly Pavilion not too many friendship. Only have to do several times also involves on the benefit, Yang Kai opens the mouth to detain on own initiative, looked in the Qian Tong face completely. 他也知道。杨开聚宝楼之间并无太多交情。仅有的几次打交道也牵扯在利益上面,杨开之所以主动开口挽留,完全是看了钱通的面子上。 Yan Pei and Qian Tong two people personal friendship is very good. 颜裴钱通两人的私交可是很不错的。 Face Old Mister was serious. Waited to pass this disaster, perhaps my High Heaven Sect also had the need Treasure Assembly Pavilion help place, hopes when the time comes face Old Mister must decline not!” Yang Kai shows a faint smile. “颜老先生严重了。等度过这次劫难,我凌霄宗或许还有需要聚宝楼帮忙的地方,希望到时候颜老先生莫要推辞!”杨开微微一笑。 Sect Master Yang looked on as an outsider, in the future High Heaven Sect useful to the place of my Treasure Assembly Pavilion, only need officially inform one to be able.” Yan Pei facial expression with deep veneration. 杨宗主见外了,日后凌霄宗有用的到我聚宝楼之处,只需知会一声便可。”颜裴神情肃然。 The Yang Kai satisfaction smile, pays Yan Pei old black face on to say secretly very much. 杨开满意微笑,暗付颜裴老黑脸还是很上道的。 He will open the mouth to detain Yan Pei, really has the Qian Tong reason to be one of them, but the main reason or Treasure Assembly Pavilion do not allow to despise, perhaps their battle strength are unworthy at present one in own, but Treasure Assembly Pavilion proliferates in the entire Gloom Star business, the channel that many High Heaven Sect do not have, High Heaven Sect wants to grow strong, many this kind of allies naturally are not the misdemeanors. 他会开口挽留颜裴,确实有钱通的缘故在其中,不过最主要的原因还是聚宝楼不容轻视,或许他们的战力自己眼前不值一,但是聚宝楼在整个幽暗星上生意遍布,有许多凌霄宗不具有的渠道,凌霄宗想要发展壮大,多一个这样的盟友自然不是坏事。 Moreover, forcing Ye Xiyun to withdraw the High Heaven Sect chief criminals to suffer extreme penalty, in the Yang Kai heart a foul odor also left, remaining he did not plan to investigate again. 而且,逼迫叶惜筠撤出凌霄宗的罪魁祸首们都已经伏诛,杨开心中一股恶气也出完了,剩下的他不打算再追究了。 If really kills off these people on the scene completely, to Gloom Star is also a massive loss. Dies with it on own, might as well makes them go with Corpse Spirit Religion to fight, displays the afterheat. 真要是把在场的这些人全部杀光的话,对幽暗星来说也是一个巨大的损失。与其死在自己手上,还不如让他们去与尸灵教战斗,发挥一下余热。 for a moment, in the square the harmony happiness, 99% powerhouses are facing the Yang Kai's time to win good will by deferential behavior, for fear that annoys Yang Kai is not quick. 一时间,广场上其乐融融,不过90%九的强者在面对杨开的时候都是陪着小心,唯恐惹杨开不快。 Only is joins High Heaven Sect Gong Aofu and the others, the manner is more natural. 只有已经算是加入凌霄宗宫傲芙等人,神态自然一些。 The Yang Kai long time does not return to High Heaven Sect, worries about the Sect matter very much, the injuries also quite cares to Ye Xiyun and the others, naturally do not continue to exchange greetings the meaning that with them, waving makes them after returning to the dwelling, then summons the person on Battleship, making them combine. 杨开久不回凌霄宗,对宗门的事情很是牵挂,对叶惜筠等人的伤势也相当在意,自然没有要与他们继续寒暄下去的意思,挥手让他们自回住处之后,便召唤战舰上的人,让他们一并下来。 These people do not need Yang Kai to call, have Yang Xiuzhu and the others to place appropriately. 这些人无需杨开去招呼,自有杨修竹等人安置妥当。 Yang Kai catches up hurriedly to the Flowing Flame Sand Field 6-layer place. 杨开急匆匆地赶向流炎沙地六层处。 Those who let his accidental/surprised is, he has not departed High Heaven Sect, then saw that distantly big piece of rays of light welcomed from that side, aura of head is familiar, who isn't Ye Xiyun is? 让他意外的是,他还没飞出凌霄宗,便遥遥地看到一大片光芒从那边迎了上来,首的一个气息熟悉,不是叶惜筠又是谁? Yang Kai stunned, but quick wants to understand, own begins in the square, although time is very short, but many also created some changes, Ye Xiyun had detected probably, will therefore come out from the 6-layer deep place belt/bring the original High Heaven Sect troops. 杨开愕然,不过很快就想明白了,自己在广场上动手,虽然时间很短,但多少也造成了一些异动,叶惜筠大概有所察觉,所以才会把原凌霄宗的人马从第六层深处带出来。 Since they came back, Yang Kai waits on stood in place. 他们既然回来了,杨开站在原地等候。 After the moment, one group of more than 200 people, fell Yang Kai front not far away in the leadership of Ye Xiyun. 片刻后,一行两百多人,在叶惜筠的带领下落到了杨开面前不远处。 Yang Kai has not observed the Ye Xiyun situation with enough time, hears Great Elder Ye to open the mouth to ask: Processed?” 杨开还没来得及观察叶惜筠的情况,就听到叶大长老开口问道:“都处理掉好了?” Yang Kai is startled, loses says with a smile: „Does Great Elder believe me?” 杨开一怔,失笑道:“大长老这么相信我?” Ye Xiyun said lightly: You are Sect Master, the palace do not believe that whom you can also believe?” 叶惜筠淡淡道:“你是宗主,宫不相信你还能相信谁?” Yang Kai sighed, nods said: Processed.” 杨开叹了口气,颔首道:“处理好了。” Ye Xiyun is looking out the direction of square, said gently: „Was bloody air/Qi very thick, died many people?” 叶惜筠遥望着广场的方向,轻轻道:“血腥气很浓,死了不少人吧?” Yang Kai sneers: Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, Medicine Pill Sect, Floating Mist Palace, Three Families is annihilated!” 杨开冷笑:“万兽山,药丹门,飘渺殿,三家全军覆没!” The Ye Xiyun big response, has not instead followed to reveal the inspired look in her behind these person of each and everyone actually, appearance that a big enmity must report. 叶惜筠倒是没多大反应,反而是跟在她身后的那些人一个个都流露出振奋的神色,一副大仇得报的样子。 Initially was also these three Sect misleads, caused these powerhouses and High Heaven Sect opposes, finally Ye Xiyun has to lead the person to retreat. 当初也就是这三个宗门从中蛊惑,才导致那些强者与凌霄宗作对,最终叶惜筠不得不带人退走。 Sect Master!” Chang Qi suddenly walked from the rear area, toward Yang Kai good a ritual, is good to call Sect Master to know, Great Elder leads us to evacuate Headquarters, is not not the opponents of these evildoers, because of Great Elder feared the fight affects in the gate disciple, my High Heaven Sect bloodlines still also thin, does not lose.” 宗主!”常起忽然从后方走了出来,朝杨开行了一礼,“好叫宗主知道,大长老之所以带我们撤离总舵,并非不是那些贼子的对手,而是因大长老怕战斗波及到门中弟子,我凌霄宗血脉尚还稀薄,损失不起。” I know.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile. “我知道。”杨开微微一笑。 Chang Qi stunned, but is quick, he responded, anything had not said that returned to Ye Xiyun behind respectfully and submissively. 常起愕然,不过很快,他就反应过来,什么也没说,恭顺地退回到叶惜筠身后 Yang Kai comes also to remove the Flowing Flame Sand Field deep place by Ye Xiyun, because of the reason of being overwhelmed by sheer numbers, after all the number of enemy are too truly many, after he sees the situations of these people, then speculates the real reason immediately. 杨开来还以叶惜筠之所以撤进流炎沙地深处,确实是因寡不敌众的缘故,毕竟敌人的数量太多,不过当他看到这些人的情况之后,便立刻推测出真正的原因了。 At present this group of people, although leaves High Heaven Sect compared with own time was short , the almost most person has the injury, but Ye Xiyun seems like and is not affected much, really must display by her matter, Ten Thousand Beast Mountain and Medicine Pill Sect, do Floating Mist Palace these people possibly expel Ye Xiyun? 眼前这批人,虽然比自己离开凌霄宗的时候少了很多,也几乎大半人带着伤势,但叶惜筠看起来并无大碍,以她的事真要发挥出来,万兽山药丹门,飘渺殿那些人怎么可能把叶惜筠赶走? She quits while ahead, was took care of others in Sect completely. 她之所以急流勇退,完全是了照顾宗门里的其他人。 She could one by the enemy ten, but others are not good, disciple that particularly earliest one batch follow Yang Kai's Hai Ke Family, these people cultivate/repair until now have about Saint King Stage. 她或许能够一以敌十,但其他人就不行了,尤其是最早一批跟随杨开的海克家族弟子,这些人至今修也只有圣王境左右。 Ye Xiyun does not draw back, they die surely not entire corpse. 叶惜筠不退,他们必定死无全尸。 In other words, that fight Ye Xiyun, if the choice dies to knock, High Heaven Sect will no doubt not have any good result, in the square that group of people must die at least more than 50%. 换句话说,那一场战斗叶惜筠如果选择死磕到底,凌霄宗固然不会有什么好结果,广场上那批人最起码也要死掉一半以上。 Since Sect Master knows, that palace also nothing more to be said.” Ye Xiyun nods gently, look as always desolate. “既然宗主知道的话,那宫也没什么好说的了。”叶惜筠轻轻点头,神色一如既往地冷淡。 Great Elder injury how? I on the road heard that you and Corpse Spirit Religion two powerhouses have fought, experiences personally the heavy losses.” 大长老伤势如何?我在回来的路上听说你与尸灵教的两个强者交手过,身受重创。” Em, they truly, I by enemy two some am not an opponent, but has no issue now, will raise again moon/month, should be able to be restored to health.” “恩,他们确实了得,我以一敌二有些不是对手,不过现在并没有什么问题了,再将养月余,应该就可以康复。” So good, Inner Sect will have many people to move in immediately, just needs Great Elder to assume personal command to arrange.” “如此就好,宗内马上会有很多人入住,正需要大长老坐镇安排。” Ye Xiyun looked at Yang Kai one, snort/hum said: You are glad actually idly.” 叶惜筠瞧了杨开一眼,哼道:“你倒是乐得清闲。” Yang Kai laughs: This is not my strong point . Moreover, I leave 7-8 years, to Sect is really not the understanding.” 杨开哈哈大笑:“这不是我强项啊,而且,我离宗七八年,对宗门实在不算了解。” Ok, when the time comes I arrange.” Ye Xiyun took responsibility on oneself. “算了,到时候我安排吧。”叶惜筠大包大揽了下来。 One group of more than 200 people return to the Headquarters place rapidly. 一行两百多人迅速返回总舵处。 When Yang Kai releases from Mysterious Boundary Bead the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans about ten thousand people, calmly like Ye Xiyun, somewhat changes countenance. 杨开人妖魔三族近万人从玄界珠里释放出来的时候,镇定如叶惜筠,也不禁有些动容。 Although she had been hit the preventive inoculation by Yang Kai, knows that has large numbers of troops to move into High Heaven Sect, but didn't expect unexpectedly is such huge digit. 她虽然被杨开打过预防针,知道有大批人马将入驻凌霄宗,可没想到居然是这么庞大的数字。 Moreover these people all are Yang Kai bring from the native land, the loyal issue does not need to consider completely. 而且这些人全都是杨开从故土里带回来的,忠心问题完全不用考虑。 In other words, only on population, present High Heaven Sect already completely surpass Gloom Star any influence! Naturally, is unable to discuss with Corpse Spirit Religion abreast, now turned to the Corpse Spirit Religion person to be getting more and more, entire Gloom Star had almost half to fall into the evil clutches of Corpse Spirit Religion army. 换句话说,单就人数来看,如今的凌霄宗已经完全超越幽暗星上的任何一个势力!当然,还是无法与尸灵教相并论的,现在投靠尸灵教的人越来越多了,整个幽暗星几乎有一半落入了尸灵教大军的魔掌。 About ten thousand people, assume full responsibility of Three Clans, how to place, absolutely is an issue. 近万人,包揽三族,如何安置,绝对是个问题。 However the Yang Kai root does not need to worry. 不过杨开根不需要去操心。 Ye Xiyun after calls the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans top powerhouse, inquired requests their respective, then quick placed in Three Clans clansman the different mountain peaks. 叶惜筠在将人妖魔三族的顶尖强者召集之后,询问了他们各自的要求,便很快将三族族人安置到了不同的山峰中。 In these mountain peaks has ready-made Cave Mansion and architectural complex, Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans only needs to reorganize slightly cleans, then can move. 那些山峰中都有现成的洞府和建筑群,人妖魔三族只需要稍微整理打扫一番,便可以入住。 As for the High Heaven Sect former staff, then lives in the respective dwelling as before, without change. 至于凌霄宗的原班人马,则依旧居住在各自的住处,没有变动。 Day of time, Ye Xiyun then handled all these hurriedly. 只是一天时间,叶惜筠便风风火火地操办好了这一切。 High Heaven Sect absorbed near Wanxin fresh blood fluid all of a sudden, conceivable, in some time of future, can surely come true being worthy of the reputation Gloom Star first Sect. 凌霄宗一下子吸收了近万新鲜血液,可以想象,在未来的某一个时刻,必定能够成真正的名副其实的幽暗星第一宗门 But after this about ten thousand people flood into High Heaven Sect, the utilization rate of High Heaven Sect that 9981 mountain peak also less than 1/5, the remaining mountain peaks as before are the thing of without owner. 而这近万人涌入凌霄宗之后,凌霄宗那九九八十一座山峰的利用率还不到五分之一,剩下的山峰依旧是无主之物。 Coveting that other comes this to seek asylum the Sect powerhouse who looks, also has no alternative. 其他来此避难的宗门强者看的眼热,却也无可奈何。 Let alone, before their most people, has offended High Heaven Sect, Yang Kai although now did not investigate that cautious that but they still live, where for fear that angered Yang Kai, made a clean sweep by him. 更何况,他们大多数人之前都得罪过凌霄宗,杨开现在虽然不追究了,可他们依然生活的小心翼翼,唯恐什么地方惹怒了杨开,被他扫地出门。 Following, Yang Kai, did an inspection in each mountain peak on several th, nosing Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans clansman in the integration situation of this place. 接下来的几日,杨开独自一人,在各个山峰中巡查,查探人妖魔三族族人在此地的融入情况。 Finally is naturally good, Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans no one is unsatisfied about here, compares Tong Xuan Continent, Gloom Star simply is the practice heaven, do not say location/position that High Heaven Sect occupies was the Gloom Star most bountiful land.( To be continued..) 结果自然是好的,人妖魔三族没有谁对这里不满意,相比较通玄大陆来说,幽暗星简直就是修炼的天堂,更不要说凌霄宗占据的位置幽暗星最富饶的土地了。(未完待续。。)
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