MP :: Volume #17

#1686: Submits to and joins

Therefore after silent a while, then some people arrived in front of Yang Kai, this person is about the age 40-50 years man, after walking , the expression holds the fist in the other hand dignifiedly: „Below Extreme Path Sect Sect Master Wang Taizhen, is willing to submit to High Heaven Sect, in the future will obey the Sect Master Yang verbal command!” 所以在沉默了一会儿之后,便有人走到了杨开面前,这人是个年纪四五十岁左右的男子,走过来之后表情凝重地抱拳:“在下极道门门主汪太真,愿臣服凌霄宗,日后听从杨宗主号令!” My Defense Fire Union is willing only Sect Master Yang to follow the lead, tremendous dangers and difficulties do not refuse under any circumstances.” “我卫火盟愿意唯杨宗主马首是瞻,刀山火海在所不辞。” „The Wuji pavilion wants......” 无极阁愿意……” „......” “……” At that moment then more than ten size Sect indicated the own attitude, walks up, salutes to Yang Kai. 当下便有十几个大小宗门表明了自己的态度,纷纷走上前来,向杨开行礼。 Yang Kai stood in place, the attitude is neither cold nor hot, appears is somewhat as deep as a well. 杨开站在原地,态度不冷不热,显得有些高深莫测。 With passing of time, more and more influences submitted. 随着时间的流逝,越来越多的势力都臣服了过来。 In the face of absolute domineering, they, if has not clearly recognized the reality, that was equal to that is courting death! These people run into High Heaven Sect to seek asylum with great difficulty, where is willing dead. 在绝对的强势面前,他们若还不认清现实,那就等于是在找死了!这些人好不容易逃进凌霄宗避难,哪里愿意就此死去。 Although the Yang Kai's approach was overbearing, the attitude is also uncomforting, but can live to assign/life finally. 杨开的做法虽然霸道了一些,态度也让人不舒服,但总算能够活下命来。 Colored Glass Sect is willing to join High Heaven Sect, after this, Gloom Star does not have Colored Glass Sect again, but also invited Sect Master Yang justice and humanity, can give shelter!” A beautiful woman arrives in front of Yang Kai, glances the circulation, the manner said sincerely. 琉璃门愿意加入凌霄宗,从此之后,幽暗星再无琉璃门,还请杨宗主大仁大义,能够收留!”一个美妇走到杨开面前,眼波流转,神态诚恳地说道。 Such remarks, before these expressed willingness the powerhouses who to give loyalty to change countenance in abundance, is looking at the person of speech with an incredible vision. 此言一出,之前那些表示愿意效忠的强者们纷纷动容,都用一种不可置信的目光望着说话之人。 Yang Kai also circled sizes up the past with great interest, discovered that this person of own knew unexpectedly. 杨开也绕有兴致地打量过去,发现这人自己居然认识。 Colored Glass Sect current Sect Master, Gong Aofu! 琉璃门的现任门主,宫傲芙 Said strictly, she is also Dai Yuan Honored Master, because of some special reasons, Dai Yuan did not attach great importance to by Gong Aofu. Instead is Yin Sudie quite the Gong Aofu favor, the time zone in the side, vigorously training. 严格说起来,她还算是黛鸢师尊,只不过因一些特别的原因,黛鸢并不受宫傲芙重视。反而是尹素蝶颇得宫傲芙的欢心,时刻带在身边,大力培养。 At this moment, that appearance Yin Sudie of being beautifully attired stands side Gong Aofu, even also lavished praise several to Yang Kai boldly. 此刻,那打扮的花枝招展的尹素蝶就站在宫傲芙身边,甚至还大胆至极地冲杨开抛了几个媚眼。 The Yang Kai corners of the mouth have a smile, has the profound meaning to look at Gong Aofu greatly, said slowly: Palace Sect Master may know that what own is saying?” 杨开嘴角含笑,大有深意地望着宫傲芙,缓缓道:“宫门主可知道自己在说些什么?” Gong Aofu smiles, put out a hand to stroke under near ear black length beautiful hair, said lightly: this Mistress is not a child, naturally knows. Sect Master Yang does not need to be worried. this Mistress met own to say the words were responsible.” 宫傲芙抿嘴一笑,伸手捋了下耳边的黑长秀发,淡淡道:“妾身不是小孩子,自然是知道的。杨宗主不必担心。妾身自己说过的话负责。” Submits to and joins, is the entirely different meaning. Before these Sect indicated to submit to Yang Kai, that means them, although will obey the Yang Kai's verbal command, but was still not the High Heaven Sect person. They will retain the own Sect given name and position in own Sect. Some day will also leave High Heaven Sect. Returns to own Sect Headquarters. 臣服与加入,可是截然不同的意思。之前那些宗门杨开表示臣服,那就意味着他们虽然会听从杨开的号令,但是依然不是凌霄宗的人。他们会保留自己宗门的名号和在自己宗门中的地位。有朝一日还会离开凌霄宗。返回自己宗门总舵 But Gong Aofu must join was different, wants to join High Heaven Sect, the taking advantage of a situation necessity dismisses present Colored Glass Sect. In other words, Colored Glass Sect passes to this generation to consider as finished, if Yang Kai is willing to admit them, they later are High Heaven Sect disciple. 宫傲芙要加入就不同了,想要加入凌霄宗,就势必要解散如今的琉璃门。换句话说,琉璃门传到她这一代就算完了,若是杨开愿意接纳他们,他们以后就是凌霄宗弟子 Yang Kai will control their destinies comprehensively, in the future no Yang Kai's will agree, they are unable to be separated from High Heaven Sect forever, is unable to promote Colored Glass Sect again, leaves that arbitrarily betrays Sect, is mistake that everyone is unable to tolerate. 杨开将全面地掌控他们的命运,日后没有杨开的同意,他们也永远无法脱离凌霄宗,无法再次振兴琉璃门,擅自离开那就是背叛宗门,是所有人都无法容忍的错误。 This absolutely is decisions of extremely some boldness, in the square numerous Void Return Stage after the shock, the look fluctuates, quick, most people showed the facial expression of admiring. 这绝对是一个极有魄力的决定,广场上一众返虚镜在震惊过后,都神色变幻起来,很快,大多数人都露出了佩服的神情。 They naturally know that Gong Aofu is thinking anything at heart. battle strength that now the Yang Kai domineering return, displays is astonishing, but entire Gloom Star only had High Heaven Sect is the absolute safety place, this time joined High Heaven Sect, without doubt was very correct choice, will obtain a better attendance. 他们自然知道宫傲芙心里在想什么。如今杨开强势回归,表现出来的战力惊人,而整个幽暗星就只剩下凌霄宗是绝对安全的地方了,这个时候加入凌霄宗,无疑是很正确的选择,将会得到更多更好的照顾。 But turns over to understand clearly, really must ask them to give up own Sect, then joins High Heaven Sect, does not have many people able to want probably. 可明白归明白,真要叫他们放弃自己宗门,转而加入凌霄宗,大概也没多少人会愿意。 martial artist is always heavy the side that own inheritance looks at! Their bodies iron the respective Sect brand mark, what that represents is one type inherits for hundred years, the millenniums honors, are let them proudly with existence of approval. 武者向来将自身的传承看的极重!他们的身上都烙有各自宗门的烙印,那代表的是一种传承百年,千年的荣誉,是让他们自豪和认同的存在。 Yang Kai cannot be unconventional. 就连杨开也不能免俗。 Therefore he will call High Heaven Sect in the influence that Gloom Star founds, but is not called Nine Heavens Holy Land or is Firmament Heaven Sect! Although latter two Sect relate significantly with him, others even Lord of Nine Heavens Holy Land. 所以他在幽暗星上创建的势力才会叫凌霄宗,而并非叫做九天圣地又或者是天霄宗!尽管后两个宗门与他关系匪浅,他人甚至还是九天圣地之主 Regardless of but how to say, High Heaven Pavilion is his Master Sect, to High Heaven Pavilion, he has a special sentiment, that is Nine Heavens Holy Land and Firmament Heaven Sect is unable to substitute. 可无论怎么说,凌霄阁才是他的师门,对凌霄阁,他有一种特殊的感情,那是九天圣地天霄宗所无法替代的。 Gong Aofu must dismiss Colored Glass Sect unexpectedly, joins High Heaven Sect, explained that this beautiful woman compares far that most people on the scene look, looked understanding, the disposition is also firm. Otherwise, she is impossible to make the decision of this being degrading ancestor prestige. 宫傲芙居然要解散琉璃门,加入凌霄宗,就说明这个美妇比在场的大多数人都看的远,看的明白,心性也坚定。否则的话,她是不可能做出这种有辱祖上威名的决定的。 Yang Kai is looking straight ahead her, the vision is profound, as if must look at her heart of hearts. 杨开直视着她,目光深邃,仿佛是要看进她的内心深处。 Gong Aofu has no meaning of moving aside, not afraid, with Yang Kai four eyes contact, the look is limpid. 宫傲芙并没有任何躲闪的意思,也没有心虚,与杨开四目相对,眼神清澈。 „Does Sect Master Yang shut out my Colored Glass Sect to be weak?” 杨宗主可是嫌弃我琉璃门势单力薄?” Sees Yang Kai not to reply for a long time, Gong Aofu somewhat is disturbed: Colored Glass Sect by this disaster, is remained disciple disciple is not truly many, follows this Mistress to arrive at High Heaven Sect, 50, but in these 50 people, actually ten Void Return Stage, other is also above Saint King Stage cultivates.” 杨开许久没有回复,宫傲芙不禁有些忐忑起来:“琉璃门遭此劫难,所剩门人弟子确实不多了,跟随妾身来到凌霄宗的,也不过五十而已,但是这五十人中,却有十位返虚镜,其他的也都是圣王境以上修。” Can have 50 people to escape, you were also very good.” Yang Kai spoke thoughtlessly to commend meaning that still has not taken a stand. “能有五十人逃进来,你们也很不错了。”杨开随口称赞了一句,依然没有表态的意思。 Gong Aofu somewhat is awkward: this Mistress knows, perhaps before between Colored Glass Sect and Sect Master Yang had some is not happy, but if can hoodwink the Sect Master Yang admission, in the future this Mistress will die the cruelest death surely, to be ready to give one's life honestly!” 宫傲芙不禁有些尴尬:“妾身知道,之前琉璃门杨宗主之间或许有一些不愉快,但若是能蒙杨宗主接纳,日后妾身必定肝脑涂地,以诚效死!” A woman, can say this words, made very big resolution absolutely, even the common man, could not say the this kind of brave words determination. 一个妇人,能说出这种话,绝对是下了很大决心的,即便是一般的男子,也说不出这样的豪言壮志。 The words fall, Gong Aofu drinks one tenderly: Sudie, kneels down, to the Sect Master Yang apology! I know before you, does has let the Sect Master Yang angry/vitality matter.” 话落,宫傲芙又娇喝一声:“素蝶,跪下,给杨宗主道歉!我知道你以前做过一些让杨宗主生气的事。” Yin Sudie hears word, the tender body trembles, looked at Yang Kai one miserable, I see still pity, but the meaning of disobedient Gong Aofu, had not really knelt down in this big crowd of people, said delicately: „Before Sudie, was innocent, offends Sect Master Yang, but also asked Sir Sect Master Yang to be massive, do not haggle over with me generally.” 尹素蝶闻言,娇躯一颤,楚楚可怜地瞧了杨开一眼,我见犹怜,但并没有忤逆宫傲芙的意思,真的就在这大庭广众之下跪了下来,柔柔弱弱道:“素蝶以前不懂事,冒犯杨宗主了,还请杨宗主大人大量,不要与我一般计较。” She now was also the Void Return 1-layer powerhouse, if not there is an order of Gong Aofu, was absolutely impossible the matter that made this type to damage glory face/color. 她如今好歹也是个返虚一层境的强者了,若非有宫傲芙的命令,绝对不可能做出这种自损荣颜的事。 Otherwise spreads, she later has no way to see the person. 要不然传扬出去,她以后都没法见人。 Sect Master Yang, you looked that......” Gong Aofu period wing looks to Yang Kai. 杨宗主,你看……”宫傲芙期翼地望向杨开 Yang Kai hesitated the moment, narrowed the eye, looks said to Gong Aofu: I want to know where Dai Yuan went, palace Sect Master may clear her whereabouts!” 杨开沉吟了片刻,眯了眯眼,望向宫傲芙道:“我想知道黛鸢去哪里了,宫门主清楚她的下落!” Dai Yuan absolutely is Yang Kai in one of the Gloom Star number not many friends, although the friendship is not too deep, but absolutely is also great, since Yang Kai comes now, he has not discovered the Dai Yuan trail unexpectedly. According to truth, if Dai Yuan really ran into High Heaven Sect, will definitely appear. 黛鸢绝对是杨开幽暗星上数不多的朋友之一,虽然交情不算太深,但也绝对不浅,可是自从杨开现身到现在,他竟没有发现黛鸢的踪迹。按道理来说,如果黛鸢真的逃进了凌霄宗的话,肯定会出现的。 Yang Kai had not actually discovered, this lets his some annoyed, does not know that Dai Yuan had/left what accidental/surprised. 杨开却没有发现,这让他有些恼火,不知道黛鸢是不是出了什么意外 Listens to Yang Kai to ask, Gong Aofu relaxes unexpectedly strangely, tender face/color contain said with a smile: If Sect Master Yang worried that this Mistress that disciple the security, this Mistress can guarantee is actually not necessary so.” 杨开这么问,宫傲芙竟离奇地松了口气,娇颜含笑道:“如果杨宗主担忧妾身那个徒儿的安全的话,妾身倒是可以保证大可不必如此。” How did this words say?” “此话怎讲?” Dai Yuan followed Great Elder Ye to draw back Flowing Flame Sand Field most deep place on the same day, therefore she now is very safe.” 黛鸢当日跟随叶大长老退进了流炎沙地最深处,所以她现在是很安全的。” The Yang Kai look moves, somewhat is sigh with emotion. 杨开神色一动,不禁有些感慨。 Dai Yuan will follow Ye Xiyun to remove Flowing Flame Sand Field most deep place, Yang Kai many can guess correctly a reason. 黛鸢会跟着叶惜筠撤进流炎沙地最深处,杨开多少能猜出一点原因。 Is she is not willing in these people with the square to collaborate, therefore honour does not allow one to glance back left Sect, chose that side Ye Xiyun, these definitely have the own reason. 想必是她不愿意与广场上这些人同流合污,所以义无反顾地离开了宗门,选择了叶惜筠那一边,这其中肯定有自己的缘故。 If not own and Dai Yuan have a friendship, she should be insufficient to make this type betrays the Master Sect matter. 若非自己黛鸢有所交情,她应该不至于做出这种算是叛离师门的事。 In the Yang Kai heart many have some affected. 杨开心中多少有一些感动。 own are not many in the friend who Gloom Star makes, but each is worth the long-standing and deep-rooted friend, Wei Guchang Dong Xuan'er is not no need saying that rescued Fei Zhitu, is willing to turn oneself in Luo, does not count the life and death, but the Dai Yuan approach was almost equal to betraying Master Sect. 自己幽暗星上交的朋友不算多,但每一个都值得深交,魏古昌董宣儿就不必说了,了营救费之图,甘愿自投罗,不计自身生死,而黛鸢的做法更是几乎等于背叛了师门 this Mistress this reply does not know that Sect Master Yang does satisfy?” Although Gong Aofu was asking, but on the face actually full is the smiling face, she has ascertained the Yang Kai's thoughts, therefore does not have the beforehand disturbance again. 妾身这个回答不知道杨宗主满不满意?”宫傲芙虽然是在问,但脸上却满是笑容,她已经捉摸出杨开的心思了,所以再无之前的忐忑。 Yang Kai laughed, puts out a hand to draw Yin Sudie, the nod said: Since palace Sect Master has this heart, if Sect Master also keeps them out, appeared too unreasonable, from now, under Colored Glass Sect, was my High Heaven Sect disciple, hopes that we can share hardships together!” 杨开哈哈大笑,伸手将尹素蝶拉了起来,点头道:“既然宫门主有此心,宗主若还拒之门外的话,就显得太不近人情了,从此以后,琉璃门下,便是我凌霄宗弟子,希望我们能一起患难与共!” Gong Aofu gets the answer that own wanted, unable to contain one's joy: Many thanks Sect Master helps, this Mistress has seen Sect Master!” 宫傲芙得到了自己想要的答案,喜不自禁:“多谢宗主成全,妾身见过宗主!” She changes to call to Yang Kai's immediately, pulled closer relations between own and Yang Kai. 她立刻就改了对杨开的称呼,拉近了自己杨开之间的关系。 disciple has seen Sect Master!” Yin Sudie also graceful good a ritual, the elegant face is bashful, the red clouds ascended double cheek, annoys the person infinite daydream. 弟子见过宗主!”尹素蝶也盈盈行了一礼,俏脸含羞,霞飞双颊,惹人无限遐想。 However fully realized that Yang Kai of her nature naturally cannot this do intentionally the clear appearance deceit. 不过深知她性的杨开自然不会她这幅故作清纯的样子欺骗。 This young girl practice, but Charm Technique, changes own makings to attract the attention of man to be simple. 这小妞修炼的可是媚术,改变自身的气质来吸引男人的注意可是再简单不过。 She has not even thought loosens Yang Kai's, is instead grasping, an enduring gladly appearance. 她甚至都没想过把杨开的手松开,就这么反握着,一副甘之如饴的模样。 The Yang Kai corners of the mouth on selected slightly, are full of the profound meaning to shoot a look at her one eyes, pulled out the hand with no trace, this opened the mouth saying: Palace Sect Master is talented, since entered High Heaven Sect, that then holds an office in the position of Elder, original Colored Glass Sect disciple belongs to you to manage.” 杨开嘴角微微上挑,饱含深意地瞥了她一眼,不着痕迹地将手抽了回来,这才开口道:“宫门主实力不俗,既然进了凌霄宗,那便任职长老之位吧,原琉璃门弟子都归属你统管。” Gong Aofu small mouth slightly opens, in the beautiful pupil full is the color of move. 宫傲芙小嘴微张,美眸中满是感动之色。 Although entered High Heaven Sect not to receive anything to push aside and oppress, but Yang Kai has not scattered their Colored Glass Sect original disciple, but still made Gong Aofu lead, permits her Elder position, naturally is to make this beautiful woman be moved. 虽然进了凌霄宗不会受到什么排挤和压迫,但杨开没有打散他们琉璃门原来的弟子,而是依然让宫傲芙率领,更许了她一个长老的职位,自然是让这个美妇感动至极。 If in the future has the opportunity, palace Elder can also revive Colored Glass Sect to be powerful, Sect Master does not limit!” Yang Kai thinks, ejects a heavy case bomb. “日后若是有机会,宫长老也可以重振琉璃门雄威,宗主并不限制!”杨开想了想,又抛出一个重磅炸弹。 Then Gong Aofu reveals the manner that gentleman friend dies immediately, the eye socket slightly was red, deep ritual: this Mistress many thanks Sect Master shows mercy, this Mistress must do utmost, High Heaven Sect contributes labor and materials, no longer Sect Master great expectations!” 这下宫傲芙立刻就流露出一副士知己者死的神态来,眼圈都微微红了,深深一礼:“妾身多谢宗主开恩,妾身必竭尽全力,凌霄宗添砖加瓦,不复宗主厚望!” She was really is then dead set on to Yang Kai. 她这下是真的是对杨开死心塌地了。 Joins High Heaven Sect, is only an expedient measure, was the final bloodlines that protected Colored Glass Sect, actually do not want to obtain such big return, how can Gong Aofu not be affected? 来加入凌霄宗,只是个权宜之计,是了保护琉璃门的最后血脉,却不想得到这么大的回报,宫傲芙怎能不感动? for a moment, other Sect people reveal the look of regret.( To be continued..) 一时间,其他宗门的人都流露出后悔的神色。(未完待续。。)
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