MP :: Volume #17

#1685: Slaughter

Was ridiculed by Yang Kai like that Ren Tianrui opens mouth to argue, Yan Pei actually raised hand to stop him: What was needless saying that this matter was I and other mistake, Sect Master Yang felt relieved, person who Old Man can bring Treasure Assembly Pavilion left High Heaven Sect!” 杨开那般讥讽,任天瑞张嘴想要辩解,颜裴却举手制止了他:“什么都不用说了,此事就是我等的错,杨宗主放心,老夫会带聚宝楼的人离开凌霄宗的!” Yang Kai deeply looked at his one eyes, has not said anything, but turns head to look to Old Woman Feng and the others, said with a smile lightly: Okay good, the Great Elder Ye person mercy, has the principle of righteousness, actually does not want to retrieve one flock of supercilious look wolves, you are very good!” 杨开深深地看了他一眼,并没有多说什么,只是扭头望向风婆子等人,轻笑道:“好好好,叶大长老人慈悲,身怀大义,却不想救回了一群白眼狼,你们很好!” Opposite Void Return Stage martial artist complexion is all guilty, a face is embarrassed. 对面的返虚镜武者无不面色愧疚,一脸难堪。 This matter said that truly somewhat loses face, those present are the high levels of major influences, is high-end battle strength, although majority are deceitful like the fox, mean as wolf, but does this matter also really to make them shameful. 这事说起来确实有些丢脸,在场的人都是各大势力的高层,是高端战力,虽然大多数都狡诈如狐,阴狠似狼,但干出这种事也实在让他们无地自容。 Therefore spurns facing Yang Kai's, they are also incapable of refuting anything. 所以面对杨开的唾弃,他们也无力反驳什么。 Feared that arouses the Yang Kai's anger, annoyed he slaughters, immediately each and everyone did not speak. 更怕激起杨开的怒火,惹的他大开杀戒,当下一个个都不吭声了。 Yan Pei old black face stands in the one side, feels Yang Kai thickly that like substantive murderous intention, the complexion is being dignified, started to speak but hesitated several times, deeply sighed, remained silent. 颜裴老黑脸站在一旁,感受着杨开那浓如实质般的杀机,脸色凝重至极,欲言又止了好几次,还是深深地叹了口气,保持缄默。 Is who takes the lead!” Yang Kai drinks one severely, the vision like the electricity, takes a fast look around the crowd. “是谁领头的!”杨开厉喝一声,目光如电,扫视人群。 Feels that scary imposing manner, everyone toward retreat several steps, the next moment, most people's vision did not gather on Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Old Woman Feng independently. 感受到那骇人的气势,所有人都不自主地往后退了几步,下一刻,大多数人的目光都聚集到了万兽山风婆子身上。 The Old Woman Feng complexion big change, dreaded that looked at Yang Kai one. 风婆子脸色大变,忌惮地瞧了杨开一眼。 Yang Kai grins to grin fiendishly. 杨开咧嘴狞笑。 Old Woman Feng does not dare in place to stay, cries loud and long, the dry old body erupts powerful imposing manner suddenly, entire hominization together flowing light. Outward flushes away. 风婆子再也不敢在原地停留,长啸一声,枯老的身子忽然爆发出强大的气势,整个人化一道流光。朝外冲去。 „To walk? First keeps the life!” Yang Kai coldly shouted, puts out a hand to grasp to Old Woman Feng suddenly distantly. “想走?先把命留下来!”杨开冷喝一声,伸手遥遥冲风婆子猛地一抓。 About thousand feet (333 m) Old Woman Feng then detected that suddenly all around space solidifies suddenly, the Space Crack formation that naked eyes can see, wraps her in the middle, such as the sharpest sword cut the past toward her generally. 百丈开外的风婆子便忽然察觉四周的空间骤然凝固,一道道肉眼都可以看见的空间裂缝成型,将她包裹在中间,如最锋利的刀剑一般朝她切割过去。 Sect Master Yang has the words saying that the old body acknowledged that the punishment is deserved, the old body is willing to offer the compensation!” Old Woman Feng cries out loudly, the root does not have the courage to revolt against the strange method, can only revolution Saint Yuan resist strength of swallowing and cutting of these Space Crack with hardship. 杨宗主有话好说,老身认栽了,老身愿意做出赔偿!”风婆子大声叫唤,根没有勇气去反抗着诡异的手段,只能运转圣元苦苦抵挡那些空间裂缝的吞噬和切割之力。 Late!” Yang Kai, Space Force does not erupt again. “晚了!”杨开不所动,空间之力再度爆发。 In Void. That Space Crack simultaneous buzz cry. As if really turned into the sword, from Old Woman Feng all. 虚空之中。那一道道空间裂缝齐齐嗡鸣。仿佛真的变成了刀剑,从风婆子身上一切而过。 the next moment, Ten Thousand Beast Mountain the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse then aura does not have, the body of whole person also becomes tattered. Most skeletons by Exile to endless Void. Drops from the upper air. Falls beach striking muddy flesh. 下一刻,万兽山的这位返虚三层境强者便气息全无,整个人的身体也变得破破烂烂。大部分尸骨都被放逐到了无尽的虚空之中。从高空之中跌落。摔成一滩醒目的肉泥。 The Yang Kai's vision goes to Ten Thousand Beast Mountain others. 杨开的目光投向万兽山的其他人。 Follows Old Woman Feng to come here Ten Thousand Beast Mountain high levels complexions to be suddenly pale, the performance varies. 跟随着风婆子来到这里的万兽山高层们脸色骤然惨白,表现不一。 Some people kneel down, sheds bitter tears. Asked for mercy loudly, some people same took the bull by the horns like Old Woman Feng, want to flee this place, some people knew the root unable to get away, was only face dying embers stood in place, Saint Yuan revolves, prepared to intend to counter-attack at any time. 有人跪倒在地,痛哭流涕。大声告饶,有人如风婆子一样当机立断,想要逃离此地,也有人知道根走不了,只是一脸死灰地站在原地,圣元运转,随时准备出手反击。 But Feng Yan was silly 风妍更是傻在了原地,姣好的容颜上满是震撼的神色,似乎直到现在还没反应过来。 Yang Xiuzhu and the others three people killed again, this time does not need Yang Kai to order, they also know that own should make anything. 杨修竹等人三人再次杀了出去,这一次无需杨开下令,他们也知道自己该做什么。 After ten breaths, the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain high level is annihilated, is only left over silly stood in place Feng Yan. 十息之后,万兽山的高层全军覆没,只剩下一个傻站在原地风妍 All around bloody and numerous Master Uncle tragic death made Feng Yan sober finally much, her tender body shivered, a thought confusion, made one to make all unexpected movement-- clash toward Yang Kai unexpectedly, on the mouth shouted severely: I fought you!” 四周的血腥和众多师叔们的惨死终于让风妍清醒了不少,她娇躯颤抖起来,思维一片混乱,竟做出了一个让所有都意想不到的动作——直直地朝杨开冲了过来,口上厉喝道:“我跟你拼了!” The Yang Kai eye is gazing at her vacantly, prevent the meaning or not acting. 杨开目无表情地注视着她,也没有要阻挡或者出手的意思。 Stands steps forward one step in his behind Lin Yurao, element wields gently, flowing light flashes through from her fingertip together, the beautiful pupil of Feng Yan will stare the circle shortly, when rushes to Yang Kai front five zhang (3.33 m) places, suddenly falls down on the ground, the pure white slender neck place, has the dark red blood line to fill the air. 站在他身后林玉娆跨出一步,素手轻轻一挥,一道流光自她指尖闪过,风妍的美眸顷刻间瞪圆,在冲到杨开面前五丈处的时候,忽然扑倒在地上,洁白修长的颈脖处,有殷红的血线弥漫出来。 Hence, Ten Thousand Beast Mountain is really one of the dying does not remain, this Sect also removes from Gloom Star thoroughly. 至此,万兽山真的是死的一个不剩了,这个宗门也彻底从幽暗星除名。 You cannot kill me!” In the crowd, spreads panic yelling suddenly, Old Man is Gloom Star topest Alchemy Expert, Human Race has made greatest Contribution, you cannot kill me!” “你不能杀我!”人群中,忽然传出一个惊慌失措的大叫,“老夫乃是幽暗星最顶尖的炼丹师,人族做出过莫大的贡献,你不能杀我!” Yang Kai looks following the sound, impressively the person of discovery that speech unexpectedly is Medicine Pill Sect Great Elder Li Jianming. 杨开顺着声音望去,赫然发现那说话的人居然是药丹门大长老李建铭。 His complexion is bloodless, after experience to the Yang Kai's bloody method, a little collapse. 他脸色无血,在见识到杨开的血腥手段之后,不禁有点崩溃。 „Did this matter have your Medicine Pill Sect one evidently?” Yang Kai narrowed the eyes, the figure in a flash, then arrived in front of Li Jianming slightly directly, extended one to cover toward him. “看样子这事也有你们药丹门一份了?”杨开眯起了双眼,身形微微一晃,便直接来到了李建铭面前,伸出一手朝他罩去。 Although Li Jianming expensive/noble Medicine Pill Sect Great Elder, but in the final analysis is Void Return 1-layer, year to year Pill Refining makes his root unnecessary energy not invest into Martial Dao above, therefore cultivates is not high, without many fight experiences. 李建铭虽然贵药丹门大长老,但说到底不过是个返虚一层境而已,常年的炼丹让他根没有多余的精力投入到武道之上,所以修并不高,更没有多少战斗经验。 A Yang Kai palm covers, meaning that his unexpectedly root do not dodge, but bellows in the mouth endlessly: You cannot kill me!” 杨开一掌罩去,他竟根没有要躲闪的意思,只是在口中喋喋不休地大吼:“你不能杀我!” Where Yang Kai can manage him, the direct palm of the hand clapped a smashing his head. 杨开哪会理他,直接一巴掌就将他的脑袋拍了个粉碎。 Stop!” Late shouts resounds, explodes after Li Jianming's head, that sound spreads to the Yang Kai ear. “住手!”一个迟到的呼喊响起,直到李建铭的脑袋爆开之后,那声音才传入杨开耳中。 Turns head to look, was seeing that other Medicine Pill Sect several high levels glower to own. 扭头望去,正见到药丹门其他几位高层冲自己怒目而视。 Long-drawn-out one with that ice cold double pupil contact, Medicine Pill Sect high levels then such as falling icehouse, sends all over the body coldly. 悠一与那冰寒的双眸接触,药丹门的高层们便如坠冰窖,通体发寒。 What head is Medicine Pill Sect another Elder, he shouted propaganda a moment ago, sees Yang Kai to gaze, tooth clash, trembling said: Sect Master Yang...... I and others am willing to pledge allegiance to High Heaven Sect, but also asked Sect Master Yang to circle our life.” 首的是药丹门的另外一位长老,刚才正是他喊话的,见杨开注视过来,牙齿磕碰,颤声道:“杨宗主……我等愿意归顺凌霄宗,还请杨宗主绕我们一命。” Such remarks, everyone changes countenance. 此言一出,所有人都不禁动容。 Although Medicine Pill Sect the population are not many, but is always and arrogant Sect. 药丹门虽然人数不多,但向来是及其孤傲的一个宗门 In the past Battle Sky Union and Thunder Typhoon Sect prosperous time, had to have the idea of Medicine Pill Sect, wanted to annex this Sect, let inside Alchemy Expert own potency, but the Medicine Pill Sect root has not compromised, therefore Battle Sky Union and Thunder Typhoon Sect, even if eyes were red, still does not have any means. 当年战天盟雷台宗鼎盛的时候,不是没打过药丹门的主意,想要吞并这个宗门,让里面的炼丹师自己效力,但是药丹门根没有妥协,所以战天盟雷台宗即便眼红,也没有任何办法。 Only can cooperate with Medicine Pill Sect every year, has a lot of materials, making Medicine Pill Sect refine the Pill Success medicine. 每一年都只能与药丹门合作,出大量的材料,让药丹门炼制成丹药。 Actually does not think today, the Medicine Pill Sect high level is willing to pledge allegiance to High Heaven Sect unexpectedly on own initiative. 却不想今日,药丹门的高层竟愿意主动归顺凌霄宗 Although Great Elder Li Jianming had died, but in Medicine Pill Sect also has four Void Grade low-rank Alchemy Expert! Saint King Grade Alchemy Expert also more than ten, this is one makes one be jealous of the extreme absolutely the strength. 虽然大长老李建铭已经死了,可药丹门里还有四位虚级下品炼丹师啊!圣王级炼丹师也还有十几个之多,这绝对是一股让人眼红到极点的力量。 Any influence controls this strength, will make the overall strength obtain in future time sufficiently rises significantly. 任何一个势力掌控住这股力量,都足以在未来的一段时间内让整体实力获得大幅度升。 Although the atmosphere and Yang Kai in beforehand method square makes in the person heart send coldly , but when Medicine Pill Sect the Elder said this saying, others somewhat envy are looking at Yang Kai. 尽管广场上的气氛和杨开之前的手段让人心中发寒,可当药丹门的这位长老说出这话的时候,其他人都不禁有些羡慕地望着杨开 I and others am willing to pledge allegiance, but also asked Sect Master Yang to forgive!” Another how many Elder see no hope, which is unyielding? In abundance low past arrogant head , indicating to submit. “我等愿意归顺,还请杨宗主饶命!”另几位长老见大势已去,哪还敢硬气?纷纷低下了往日高傲的头颅,表示臣服。 Yang Xiuzhu and the others the brow raises, the expression slightly is somewhat looking at Yang Kai inspired, seeming like wants to suggest that he complies with the request of Medicine Pill Sect. 杨修竹等人眉头一扬,表情略有些振奋地望着杨开,似乎是想建议他答应药丹门的请求。 Yang Kai ponders smiles: I killed Li Jianming, don't you hate me?” 杨开玩味一笑:“我杀了李建铭,你们就不恨我?” Medicine Pill Sect several people of complexion slightly changed, that Elder that before spoke said: Good bird select wooden roost, I and others made the best choice.” 药丹门的几人面色微微变了变,之前说话的那位长老道:“良禽择木而栖,我等只是做出最好的选择。” Hehe!” Yang Kai smiles gently, then the complexion sinks, waves saying: Killed them!” 呵呵!”杨开轻轻地笑了笑,然后脸色一沉,挥手道:“杀了他们!” Medicine Pill Sect various people is startled, Yang Xiuzhu and the others were shocked, as if didn't expect Yang Kai will issue such unfeeling order. 药丹门诸人一怔,就连杨修竹等人都愣住了,似乎都没想到杨开会下达这样冷酷无情的命令。 However they do not have hesitates, but was out of sorts to flicker then to flee in abundance. 不过他们也没有迟疑,只是失神了一瞬便纷纷窜了出去。 Medicine Pill Sect that Elder loudly shouted: Sect Master Yang, Old Man and other people may have the Void Grade Alchemy Expert level, you......” 药丹门的那位长老大呼:“杨宗主,老夫等四人可都是有虚级炼丹师的水准,你……” The words have not said, was killed violently by a Chu Hanyi palm. 话还没说完,就被楚寒衣一掌毙命。 The Medicine Pill Sect person has no battle efficiency, the Yang Xiuzhu three people of roots has not spent what hands and feet, made them go to the palace of hell to report. 药丹门的人没什么战斗力,杨修竹三人根没费什么手脚,就让他们去阎王殿报道了。 However on each face has the look that is a pity. 不过每个人脸上都有一些可惜的神色。 These people who they massacre, may be Alchemy Expert, can refine Saint King Grade above Spirit Pill, existence that is the beforehand any influence wants please please, but actually becomes corpses now, spans in High Heaven Sect square above, is gradually icy cold. 他们杀掉的那些人,可都是炼丹师,能够炼制出圣王级以上的灵丹,是以前任何势力想请都请不到的存在,但是如今却成了一具具尸体,横亘在凌霄宗的广场之上,逐渐冰凉。 Yang Kai feels indifferent, trades to make the words of others, perhaps will really leave behind the lives of these people, after all Void Grade Alchemy Expert exactly can find casually, particularly in Gloom Star this place. 杨开却觉得无所谓,换做旁人的话,或许真的会留下那些人的性命,毕竟虚级炼丹师可不是随便可以找到的,尤其是在幽暗星这种地方。 Each Saint King Grade above Alchemy Expert is precious. 每一个圣王级以上的炼丹师都弥足珍贵。 However the Yang Kai body was Void King Grade Alchemy Expert, attainments of Little Senior Sister on Pill Refining Technique was not only bad compared with his own, how to care about trivial how many Void Grade low-rank Alchemy Expert? 但是杨开身就是一位虚王级炼丹师了,小师姐炼丹术上的造诣比起他自己只强不差,怎会在意区区几个虚级下品炼丹师 Refines to them the precious herbal medicine, Yang Kai had a little not felt relieved that killed their death ends all troubles, they in province spoil the material. 把珍贵的草药给他们炼制,杨开还有点不放心呢,杀了他们一了百了,省的他们糟蹋材料。 Processes Ten Thousand Beast Mountain and Medicine Pill Sect these two chief criminals, the anger in Yang Kai heart is returns to normal with murderous intention finally much, in everyone shocks under the gaze that and worries about, aspirates the sound: You two choices, submit to or die now!” 处理完万兽山药丹门这两个罪魁祸首,杨开心中的愤怒和杀机总算是平复不少,在所有人震骇和担忧的注视下,吐气开声:“你们现在有两个选择,臣服或者死!” Here person is Void Return Stage, is not weak battle strength. 这里的人全都是返虚镜,是一股不弱的战力 Yang Kai really has to kill off their abilities, but comparatively speaking, Yang Kai is glad to subdue them. 杨开确实有杀光他们的能力,但比较而言,杨开更乐意收服他们。 Corpse Spirit Religion calamity Gloom Star, the High Heaven Sect original Expert casualty is serious now, now is lacking the powerful goon. 尸灵教如今祸幽暗星,凌霄宗原的高手死伤惨重,现在正缺强大的打手。 At present these people are the best choices. 眼前这些人就是最好的选择。 young black face Ren Tianrui also said that many influences have not participated to force Ye Xiyun and the others the matters, some influences possibly drift with the current, the person misleads. 小黑脸任天瑞也说了,许多势力并没有参与逼迫叶惜筠等人的事,还有一些势力可能只是随波逐流,人蛊惑。 Therefore after putting to death chief culprit, Yang Kai did not prepare to go into seriously again, Ten Thousand Beast Mountain and fresh blood of Medicine Pill Sect these people, made these people sober sufficiently. 所以在诛杀了首恶之后,杨开不准备再深究了,想必万兽山药丹门那些人的鲜血,足以让这些人清醒过来。 Said, square quiet. 一言出,广场静谧了下来。 The people look at each other in blank dismay, but compared to the terror, their expression relaxes now finally much. 众人面面相觑,但相对于刚才的惶惶不安来说,现在他们的表情终于缓和了不少。 They really feared that Yang Kai killing intention is big, coming to have it all. By method and Yang Xiuzhu that he displayed a moment ago and others of strengths, no one can revolt. 他们真怕杨开杀心大起,来个一锅端。以他刚才表现出来的手段和杨修竹等三人的实力,没人可以反抗。 No one stupid to questioning the Yang Kai overbearing decision, compared with his Lei Ting (thunder) method, can give the this kind of choice now, is the enough benevolent performance, many people have one type such as the complex emotion of Mongolian pardon.( To be continued..) 没人蠢到质疑杨开霸道的决定,比较他刚才的雷霆手段,如今能给出这样的选择,已经是足够仁慈的表现了,许多人都生出一种如蒙大赦的复杂心情。(未完待续。。)
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