MP :: Volume #17

#1684: My patience is limited

These strength not weak observers almost could not bear jump, in their observations, Yang Kai this fist crushed the entire head of Tang Fushui directly, hit to explode his head. 那些实力不弱的旁观者差点忍不住跳了起来,在他们的观察,杨开这一拳直接粉碎了唐覆水的整个头颅,将他的脑袋都打爆了。 They even can clearly see the Tang Fushui head crushed entire process, that scene slowed down innumerable times probably, the root planted in their heart. 他们甚至能清楚地看到唐覆水的脑袋被击碎的整个过程,那种景象就好像被放慢了无数倍,根种在他们心头。 Everyone kept silent, looks at the Yang Kai's look to change the flavor. 每个人都噤若寒蝉,望着杨开的眼神变了味道。 Also somewhat despised the Yang Kai's Void Return Stage powerhouse, at this moment has all dreaded. 原本还有些轻视杨开的返虚镜强者,此刻已经全是畏惧。 Tang Fushui is what cultivation level strength, their clear, the Void Return Stage powerhouse on the scene works as again, absolutely Tang Fushui can arrange goes forward three. 唐覆水是什么修为实力,他们再清楚不过,在场的返虚镜强者当,唐覆水绝对能排的上前三之列。 But is such a powerhouse, unexpectedly by a Yang Kai fist on the bang exploded the head, dying cannot die again, but the entire process, Yang Kai has not used the Saint Yuan sign, as if relied on a strength of flesh body and fist, completed the this kind of magnificent feat. 可就是这样一个强者,居然被杨开一拳就轰爆了脑袋,死的不能再死,而整个过程,杨开根本就没有动用圣元的迹象,似乎只是凭借了肉身和一只拳头的力道,就完成了这样的壮举。 What reason no one will be stupid to thinking Tang Fushui has a low opinion of the enemy or causes the this kind of result, Tang Fushui as Floating Mist Palace Palace Master, has Void Return 3-layer cultivation level, the lifetime size fight are innumerable, the experience and do rich, how possibly have a low opinion of the enemy? 没人会愚蠢到认为唐覆水轻敌或者什么缘故导致这样的结局,唐覆水身为飘渺殿殿主,有返虚三层境修为,一生大小战斗无数,经验及其丰富,怎么可能轻敌? Stance that since he acts, is whole-heartedly. 而从他出手的架势来看,也是全力以赴的。 But he was still struck to be killed violently. 但他依然被一击毙命。 This in other words, the Yang Kai's strength had far exceeded Tang Fushui, therefore he including strikes cannot receive. 这也就是说,杨开的实力已经远超了唐覆水,所以他才连一击都没能接下。 Is Tang Fushui Void Return 3-layer, Yang Kai could it be that is Void King Stage? 唐覆水返虚三层境,杨开难道虚王境 Read hence, a sound of holding breath cold air resounded, everyone thought that the lungs were fulled floaded operation by the cold air/Qi. 一念至此,一阵倒吸凉气的声音响起,所有人都觉得肺部被冷气灌满。 Kills off the Floating Mist Palace person to me!” Yang Kai is unforgiving, shouts angrily. “给我杀光飘渺殿的人!”杨开不依不饶,怒喝一声。 Yang Xiuzhu. Chu Hanyi and Lin Yurao three people have suppressed a lot of fires, but Yang Kai has not spoken. They also can only watch changes quietly, this moment one hears Yang Kai to order, immediately simultaneous cried loud and long, everyone erupted own Saint Yuan and Domain, rushes over toward his more than ten people. 杨修竹楚寒衣林玉娆三人早就憋了一肚子火,不过杨开没有发话。他们也只能静观其变,此刻一听到杨开下令,当即齐齐长啸一声,每个人都爆发出自身的圣元域场,朝其十几个人冲了过去。 That more than ten people arrive with Tang Fushui together, wears the Floating Mist Palace clothing, is very good to identify. 那十几个人是跟唐覆水一起到来的,都穿着飘渺殿的服饰,很好辨认。 Yang Kai obviously wants kill to the last one/being ruthless! 杨开显然是要赶尽杀绝 If the fierce tiger descends the mountain, if the wolf enters the flock of sheep. Yang Xiuzhu and the others rushed ahead Floating Mist Palace camp it, in a crying father shouted that begging for mercy and resistance of sound mother, less than ten breath times, that more than ten Floating Mist Palace Void Return Stage then army bans black ink, simply has not encountered the nice resistance. 如猛虎下山,又如狼入羊群。杨修竹等人冲杀进飘渺殿的阵营之,在一阵哭爹喊娘的求饶和反抗声,不到十息功夫,那十几个飘渺殿返虚镜便全军禁墨,根本没遇到像样的抵抗。 Floating Mist Palace the influence strict, is not too weak, besides dead Tang Fushui was Void Return 3-layer. Void Return 3-layer assumes personal command, remaining has three 2-layer, 78 1-layer. 飘渺殿的这一股势力严格来说,不算太弱,除了死去的唐覆水返虚三层境之外。还有一位返虚三层境坐镇,剩下的有三位两层境,七八位一层境 But they had been startled to break the guts by the Yang Kai's terrifying method, but Yang Xiuzhu and other also the top powerhouse who survives informed and experienced from the blood prison, how can resist their fiercely attacking? 可是他们早就被杨开的恐怖手段骇破了胆,而杨修竹等三也都是从血狱历练存活下来的顶尖强者,如何能够抵挡他们三人的猛攻? After ten breaths, in square a piece of corpse. The smell of blood shoots up to the sky! 十息之后,广场上一片死尸。血腥味冲天而起! Yang Xiuzhu and the others did not say a word, returned to Yang Kai behind, calmly stands there. 杨修竹等人一言不发,又回到了杨开身后,静静地站在那里。 The audience are quiet, everyone can hear the violent heartbeat that in the own chest cavity hears, they are looking at Yang Kai and Yang Xiuzhu and the others the looks. Similar to is looking at one crowd of stopping at no evil devils, overflowed completely with amazement and panic-stricken. 全场静谧,每个人都能听到自己胸腔里传来的猛烈心跳声,他们望着杨开杨修竹等人的眼神。就如同望着一群无恶不作的恶魔,溢满了骇然和惊恐。 How under you...... you dare the cruel methods unexpectedly!” The Feng Yan tender body is shivering. The hand is pointing at Yang Kai, said with an incredible tone, these may be my Gloom Star Human Race final high-end battle strength, you killed them, later who goes to battle with the Corpse Spirit Religion army? Can you exterminate the clan my Gloom Star Human Race?” “你……你们居然敢下如何狠手!”风妍娇躯颤抖着。手指着杨开,用一种不可置信的语气说道,“这些可都是我幽暗星人族最后的高端战力了,你杀了他们,以后谁去跟尸灵教大军作战?你们是要灭族我幽暗星人族嘛?” Listens to she so naive expression, Yang Kai to sneer: Yes? Their battle strength such being the case are high-end, how to see them to go out to fight? Instead can hide in my High Heaven Sect?” 听她如此天真的言辞,杨开冷笑:“是嘛?他们的战力既然如此高端,怎么没见他们出去战斗?反而要躲在我凌霄宗里面?” Feng Yan is at a loss for words for a while, but also wants to say again anything time, Old Woman Feng stared her one eyes suddenly. 风妍一时语塞,还想再说什么的时候,风婆子忽然瞪了她一眼。 Feng Yan then recovers, she does not know a moment ago head which nerve built mistakenly the line, accused the Yang Kai's approach unexpectedly, now by aftertaste of a Old Woman Feng look stares, the tender body had/left 1-layer cold sweat, the clothing is moistened. 风妍这才回过神来,刚才她也不知道脑袋哪根神经搭错了线,竟指责起杨开的做法,如今被风婆子一个眼神瞪的回过味来,娇躯不由出了一层冷汗,衣衫都被打湿了。 My patience is limited!” Yang Kai reiterated. “我的耐心有限!”杨开再次重申。 various people the complexion is fluctuating, all dreads is looking at Yang Kai, actually no one opens the mouth to reply. 诸人的脸色变幻着,全都畏惧地望着杨开,却没人开口答话。 They took advantage of the person to be many a moment ago, without was serious Yang Kai, thought that Yang Kai how annoyed was again impossible to get angry at the scene, must sit to chat with them well, however after the experience to the Yang Kai's savage method and terrifying battle strength, they knows that own was wrong. 刚才他们依仗人多,没把杨开太当回事,觉得杨开再怎么恼火也不可能当场翻脸,怎么也要跟他们坐下来好好谈谈,但是在见识到杨开的凶残手段和恐怖战力之后,他们才知道自己错了。 This young High Heaven Sect Sect Master does not absolutely need to discuss anything with them, he can slaughter everyone on the scene. 这个年轻的凌霄宗宗主根本没必要跟他们谈什么,他一个人就可以屠戮了在场的所有人。 In the face of the absolute military force, all plans and plans are the bubble. 在绝对的武力面前,所有的筹谋和打算都是泡影。 Long time, Old Woman Feng sighed layer on layer/heavily, opened the mouth saying: Landscape generation has the talent to leave, we acknowledged that the punishment is deserved, Sect Master Yang, you delimit to say!” 良久,风婆子才重重地叹息一声,开口道:“江山代有人才出,我们认栽了,杨宗主,你划个道出来吧!” Yang Kai cold snort: I only want to know, my High Heaven Sect what's the matter!” 杨开冷哼:“我只想知道,我凌霄宗到底是怎么回事!” Old Woman Feng turned head to look at around one, all with her vision looking at each other put aside the line of sight, obviously does not dare to go person, when talked with Yang Kai, the Old Woman Feng look was low-spirited, miserable say/way: Sect Master Yang, this matter is a long story, but we were also compelled not to have the means!” 风婆子扭头看了一眼四周,所有与她目光对视的都撇开了视线,显然不敢去当与杨开对话的人,风婆子神色黯然,凄凉道:“杨宗主,这事说来话长,但是我们也是被逼得没办法了!” You want to challenge my patience evidently!” Yang Kai Yin Evil smiles, Saint Yuan has the sign that starts to revolve. “看样子你还是想挑战我的耐心!”杨开阴邪地笑了笑,一身圣元有开始运转的迹象。 The Old Woman Feng complexion big change, hurried retreat, showed the stance of meeting the enemy. 风婆子脸色大变,急忙后退,摆出了迎敌的架势。 I told you High Heaven Sect exactly what happened.” “我来告诉你凌霄宗到底发生了什么事。” At this moment, a air/Qi full sound never the distant place transmits, Yang Kai is listening somewhat familiar-soundingly, turns head to look, was seeing that a face black such as the old man of coal walks greatly from that side. 就在这时,一个气十足的声音从不远处传来,杨开听着有些耳熟,扭头望去,正看到一个脸黑如炭的老者从那边大步行来。 In the side of old man, but also follows an age about 40-year-old year person, blindly follows suit, goes to the square, this year the person sees everywhere the corpse for the first time, calls out in alarm one secretly. 在老者的身边,还跟着一个年纪大约40多岁的年人,亦步亦趋,来到广场上,这年人乍一见到满地死尸,暗暗惊呼一声。 Treasure Assembly Pavilion Yan Pei Master and Disciple! 聚宝楼颜裴师徒 Yang Kai is known as the auctioneer of name of old black face also to do with this, knows that he and Qian Tong relations are good, therefore heart, although annoyed, actually also repressed as before, nods saying: Originally is face Old Mister!” 杨开与这素有老黑脸之称的拍卖师也打过交道,知道他与钱通的关系不错,所以心虽然依旧恼火,却也按捺了下来,点点头道:“原来是颜老先生!” Sect Master Yang was polite, this Yan told you here exactly to have anything.” Yan Pei old black face holds the fist in the other hand, pours also refreshedly, tells all that own knows immediately, Yang Kai austere allows to listen respectfully. 杨宗主客气了,颜某来告诉你这里到底发生了什么。”颜裴老黑脸抱拳,倒也爽快,当即将自己所知道的一切娓娓道来,杨开肃容聆听。 Two years ago, Corpse Spirit Religion appears, the influence such as makes a snowman general, gets bigger and bigger! 两年前,尸灵教横空出世,势力就如滚雪球一般,越滚越大! Many Sect and families by kill to the last one/being ruthless, even/including root wiped out, but these well known Sect are the opponents of Corpse Spirit Religion key attendance. 许多宗门和家族都被赶尽杀绝,连根拔除,而那些有名望的宗门更是尸灵教重点照顾的对手。 In the face of the strong military force and population, Gloom Star basically has no influence able to resist. 在强大的武力和人数面前,幽暗星上基本上没有任何一家势力能够抵挡。 Shadow Moon Palace, Floating Mist Palace, Colored Glass Sect, Clean Sky Sect, Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, Medicine Pill Sect...... was extinguished one after another, the casualty are innumerable. 影月殿,飘渺殿,琉璃门,乾天宗,万兽山,药丹门……相继被灭,死伤无数。 Because High Heaven Sect geography location/position is special, Corpse Spirit Religion basic has no means with here. 凌霄宗因为地理位置特殊,尸灵教根本拿这里没有任何办法。 Yang Kai not , Ye Xiyun runs High Heaven Sect, pours has not sat by and done nothing the Gloom Star matter, stemming from morality and justice, dispatches Sect Expert frequently, rescues these Sect. 杨开不在的时候,叶惜筠掌管凌霄宗,倒也没有坐视不管幽暗星上的事情,出于道义,频繁派遣宗门高手,援救那些宗门 Ye Xiyun oneself make a move personally. 叶惜筠本人更是亲自出手。 But High Heaven Sect, although the strength is not weak, but facing a Corpse Spirit Religion such colossus, that support appears futile attempt, was not only damaged by own strength greatly, cannot save the situation. 只不过凌霄宗虽然实力不弱,但面对尸灵教这样一个庞然大物,那种支援还是显得杯水车薪,不但让自身实力大损,也没能挽救回局势。 Finally unavoidablily, opens wide High Heaven Sect, admits martial artist that these flee from calamity. 最后不得已,敞开凌霄宗,接纳那些逃难的武者 That over a thousand people that Yang Kai induces, arrives at High Heaven Sect for this reason. 杨开所感应到的那上千人,就是因为这个原因来到凌霄宗的。 Entered High Heaven Sect, these people felt that looked like arrives from the hell suddenly was heavenly, big of contrast almost made everyone be wild with joy! 进了凌霄宗,这些人感觉就像是忽然从地狱来到了天堂一般,反差之大几乎让每个人都欣喜若狂! In outside, they must worry frequently chasing down of Corpse Spirit Religion, even healing has no way safely, guards everywhere, was to High Heaven Sect, there is a Three Flaming Fire Rings protection, did not use again grass heart these, they can live here, even the outside earth-shattering comfortably calmly and steadily, will not affect here slightest. 在外面,他们要时刻担心尸灵教的追杀,连疗伤都没法安心,处处提防,可是到了凌霄宗内部,有三炎火环守护,根本不用再艹心这些,他们可以及其舒服安稳地住在这里,就算外面天崩地裂,也不会影响到这里分毫。 Let alone, world's spiritual energy in High Heaven Sect is entire Gloom Star is also richest, even Star Emperor Mountain, is still inferior to a High Heaven Sect smallest and weakest mountain peak. 更何况,凌霄宗内的天地灵气也是整个幽暗星最浓郁的,即便是星帝山,也不如凌霄宗最弱小的一个山峰。 They deeply liked here! 他们深深地喜欢上了这里! Before Flowing Flame Sand Field internal situation no one knew, after Ye Xiyun admitted they sought asylum, they discovered, here simply was fat class/flow oil treasure land! 以前流炎沙地内部的情况无人得知,但是在叶惜筠接纳他们避难之后,他们才发现,这里简直就是一个肥的流油的宝地 this kind of treasure land who doesn't covet? 这样的宝地谁不觊觎? Each Sect martial artist envies the envy about High Heaven Sect. 每个宗门武者都对凌霄宗羡慕嫉妒。 , They did not have to just to be admitted merely stupidly get angry with the degree that High Heaven Sect opposes. 仅仅只是如此也就罢了,他们还没愚蠢到刚被接纳就翻脸跟凌霄宗作对的程度。 But Ye Xiyun wants to make them send out along with own afterward, goes side the rescue influence time, the situation changed. 只不过后来叶惜筠想让他们随自己出动,前去营救旁的势力的时候,情况就有所改变了。 They come here with great difficulty, saves a surname life, which is also willing to go out again, that type has said the child anxiously! 他们好不容易来到这里,捡回一条姓命,哪还愿意再次出去,过那种担惊受怕的曰子! Therefore no Sect coordinates. 所以没有哪个宗门配合。 They instead worried that the own attitude and action will anger Ye Xiyun, for fear that drove out. 他们反而担心自己的态度和做法会惹怒叶惜筠,唯恐被赶出去。 Finally under one conspires, unexpectedly who strikes the first blow has the advantage, in High Heaven Sect interior to run amok. 结果在一番密谋之下,竟先下手为强,在凌霄宗内部大闹了起来。 After High Heaven Sect since accepted the Star Emperor Mountain powerhouses, the strength is not absolutely weak, but many Expert died in battle in the two years outside, is living also almost everyone is wounded, the strength falls short greatly, where can compete with collaborations of Gloom Star major Sect high-end battle strength? 凌霄宗自从收容了星帝山的强者们之后,实力绝对不弱,可是这两年来许多高手都战死在外,活着回来的也几乎人人带伤,实力大打折扣,哪里能敌得过幽暗星上各大宗门高端战力的联手? Ye Xiyun can only lead the High Heaven Sect person, retreats fighting, has drawn back Flowing Flame Sand Field most deep place. 叶惜筠只能带着凌霄宗的人,且战且退,一直退进了流炎沙地最深处。 This matter also happens two months ago. 这事也就发生在两个月之前。 Ye Xiyun and the others retreated, these people naturally occupy the magpie nest on the dove, occupied High Heaven Sect Headquarters. 叶惜筠等人退走,这些人自然就鸠占鹊巢,占据了凌霄宗总舵 Although they were also worried very much after the Ye Xiyun injury recuperated, will counter-attack, but comparatively speaking, they feared that assembles Corpse Spirit Religion outside Flowing Flame Sand Field. 虽然他们也很担心叶惜筠伤势养好了之后会反扑,但是相比较而言,他们更怕围聚在流炎沙地外的尸灵教 Stays here also to live on dishonorably at least, but if leaves High Heaven Sect, the fate only has the dead end. 留在这里最起码还能苟活下去,可要是离开凌霄宗,下场只有死路一条。 Therefore the heart is even if anxious, they occupied the good section respectively, in High Heaven Sect Headquarters it. 所以纵然心不安,他们还是各自占据了良好地段,驻留在了凌霄宗总舵之。 Matter is this appearance.” After Yan Pei old black face said that then no longer spoke. “事情就是这个样子。”颜裴老黑脸说完之后,便不再吭声了。 Actually his apprentice, that has Ren Tianrui of name of young black face to open mouth, argued: My Treasure Assembly Pavilion has not participated in this matter, there are other influences not to participate!” 倒是他的徒弟,那有小黑脸之称的任天瑞张了张嘴,辩解道:“我聚宝楼没有参与此事,也有一些其他的势力没有参与!” Yang Kai looked at his one eyes, sneers saying: Even you have not participated, hasn't stopped?” 杨开看了他一眼,冷笑道:“就算你们没有参与,也没有制止是吧?” Ren Tianrui complexion one white, speaks haltingly saying: We notified to Great Elder Ye!” 任天瑞脸色一白,嗫嚅道:“我们给叶大长老报信了!” That this Sect Master must thank you!” Yang Kai is looking at him indifferently. “那本宗主是不是要感谢你们!”杨开冷漠地望着他。
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