MP :: Volume #17

#1683: Which scallion you calculate

When was this King afraid?” The Tang Fushui complexion is ugly, firmly returned to one. 本座什么时候心虚了?”唐覆水脸色难看,态度强硬地回了一句。 Giggle the chuckle sound transmits, stands her Feng Yan graceful bearing drags in side Old Woman Feng is supporting by the arm, full to Yang Kai good a ritual, the beautiful pupil circulation, opens the red lips to say lightly: Junior Sister has seen Senior Brother Yang, Senior Brother Yang is patient, you for a long time do not return to High Heaven Sect, too did not know about here situation, therefore possibly some misunderstanding, now Corpse Spirit Religion is calamity Gloom Star, we will flee from calamity to come to High Heaven Sect, Senior Brother Yang will be High Heaven Sect Sect Master, will be the master of this place, but also please first put the general situation first, if Ok, well how we will might as well sit to chat?” 一声咯咯的轻笑声传来,站在风婆子身边搀扶着的她的风妍风姿摇曳,盈盈冲杨开行了一礼,美眸流转,轻启朱唇道:“师妹见过杨师兄,杨师兄且稍安勿躁,你久不回凌霄宗,对这里的情况不是太了解,所以可能会有些误会,如今尸灵教为祸幽暗星,我们这些人都是逃难到凌霄宗来的,杨师兄身为凌霄宗宗主,是此地的主人,还请先以大局为重,若是可以的话,我们不妨坐下来好好谈谈怎样?” Old Woman Feng nodded slightly, clearly felt own this closely related granddaughter said is very appropriate. 风婆子微微点头,分明觉得自己这个嫡孙女说的很是得体。 For a while loses self-control Tang Fushui complexion slightly clearing weather. 就连一时失态唐覆水都脸色稍霁。 Which scallion do you calculate? Whose Junior Sister you are, does a bit less tries to get close to this Sect Master!” Yang Kai shot a look at her one eyes faintly, has not placed the meaning of heart her. “你算哪根葱?你又是谁的师妹,少来跟本宗主套近乎!”杨开淡漠地瞥了她一眼,一点也没将她放在心的意思。 The Old Woman Feng complexion sinks. 风婆子脸色一沉。 Feng Yan is Hua Rong/beautiful face is furious, Yin Ya/silver tooth bites tightly, the small fist gripped tightly. 风妍更是花容震怒,银牙紧咬,小拳头紧握了起来。 The Ten Thousand Beast Mountain strength that she comes is not weak, in addition she is the Old Woman Feng closely related granddaughter, aptitude also is quite better, although was inferior before Wei Guchang and the others the reputation is resounding, actually was also the outstanding person of Gloom Star promising youth. 她出身的万兽山实力不弱,再加上她更是风婆子的嫡孙女,资质也相当不俗,虽然之前不如魏古昌等人名头响亮,却也是幽暗星后起之秀的佼佼者了。 In the coordination her as pretty as a flower appearance, with the astute mind, she is always the object who the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain young man exalts, worked as intentionally goddess general existence. 配合上她那如花似玉的容颜,和精明的头脑,她向来都是万兽山年轻男子追捧的对象,被当成心女神一般的存在。 Even if side the young man of influence sees her, should still besiege and pursue surely in her about. 就算是旁的势力的年轻男子见到她,也必定会围追在她左右。 She sees too many are the person who the own beauty is charmed! 她见过太多为自己美色迷倒的人! Therefore she has not placed the eye the man, feels the men of the world to the idiot of own control. 所以她从没把男人放在眼,觉得天下的男人都是可以任由自己掌控的蠢货。 But Yang Kai's responded that makes her become angry out of shame, from infancy to maturity, she has not received this insult. It seems like a own enthusiastic look, pasted on others cold buttocks on own initiative, is under big crowd of people, making her unable to get out! 可是杨开的反应却让她恼羞成怒,从小到大,她还没受到过这种侮辱。就好像自己一张热脸,主动贴上了人家的冷屁股,还是在大庭广众之下,让她根本下不了台! Is wanting to open the mouth to refute time, Yang Kai actually did not pay attention to her. 正欲开口反驳的时候,杨开却再也不注意她了。 To Yang Kai. She radically is the irrelevant weight young private. 杨开来说。她根本就是个无关轻重的小卒子。 This lets Feng Yan is annoyed, in a pair of beautiful pupil is spraying the anger of hostility, is staring at Yang Kai wickedly, resembling to bite his flesh. 这让风妍更是恼火,一双美眸里喷射着仇视的怒火,恶狠狠地盯着杨开,似要咬下他一口血肉来。 Gives you a tea time, sent people to give me to say clear here situation, after tea . If this Sect Master also makes the not clear situation, everyone tumbles out High Heaven Sect to me completely!” A Yang Kai eye such as the falcon sweeps generally to all around, coldly shouts. “给你们一盏茶功夫,派个人出来给我把这里的情况说清楚,一盏茶之后。本宗主若是还弄不清楚情况,所有人全部给我滚出凌霄宗!”杨开一双眼睛如鹰隼一般扫向四周,冷冷喝道。 The audience in an uproar, the vision moved aside, does not dare to be angry with these person expressions of Yang Kai looking at each other, a face looks bad toward Yang Kai. 全场哗然,原本目光躲闪,不敢与杨开对视的那些人都表情愤怒起来,一脸不善地朝杨开望来。 But somewhat was hostile to Yang Kai's these powerhouses. murderous intention of this moment eye already " chiluo " bare. 而原本就有些敌视杨开的那些强者。此刻眼的杀机已经"chiluo"裸了。 Yang Kai sneers, the figure stands erect same place like the javelin, faces directly that complex vision and mood, such as places in a violent vortex it, remains unmoved. 杨开冷笑,身形如标枪般屹立原地,直面那各种复杂的目光和情绪,如身处在一个猛烈的漩涡之,不为所动。 Cracks a joke, has fought with the powerhouses of Luo Hai that Void King 2-layer Star Master rank, will Yang Kai fear these people? 开玩笑,跟骆海那种虚王两层境星主级别的强者都交过手,杨开怎会惧怕这些人? At present although this group of people all are Void Return Stage. The population is also extremely numerous, but if Yang Kai real killing intention is big, only feared that they do not have one to escape from High Heaven Sect. 眼前这批人虽然全都是返虚镜。人数也极多,但如果杨开真的杀心大起,只怕他们没一个能逃出凌霄宗 Their that wicked looks, such as the kiln elder sister is giving the blind person to lavish praise to be common. 他们那恶狠狠的眼神,就如窑姐在给瞎子抛媚眼一般无稽。 After issuing the diplomatic note, he did not have to pay attention to these people again, but spreads Spiritual Mind, wanted to look for the High Heaven Sect person, but he one searched, cannot find any traces from these 81 peaks unexpectedly. 下达了通牒之后,他就没再去理会这些人了,而是扩散开神念,想要寻找出凌霄宗的人,可他一番寻觅,竟没能从这八十一峰找到任何蛛丝马迹。 The High Heaven Sect person, all disappeared to disappear. 原本凌霄宗的人,全都消失不见了。 This discovery makes the Yang Kai's complexion more and more ugly. 这个发现让杨开的脸色越来越难看。 Present he. Indistinct has been able to guess that High Heaven Sect exactly had anything. 如今的他。隐约已经能猜测到凌霄宗到底发生了什么。 A possibility was everyone by these fellows massacring, therefore own could not find. 一种可能就是所有人都被这些家伙给杀掉了,所以自己才找不到。 The second possibility was they evacuated 81 peaks, where as for going, Yang Kai also approximately can suppose. 第二种可能是他们都撤离了八十一峰,至于去了哪里,杨开也大约能估摸的到。 The previous type is unlikely, although the High Heaven Sect population are not from the beginning many. Strength good and evil intermingled, since subdued Star Emperor Mountain these people, the High Heaven Sect population are not even many, cannot rub the fruit cake that pinches casually. 前一种不太可能,虽然一开始凌霄宗的人数不多。实力良莠不齐,但是自从收服了星帝山的那些人之后,凌霄宗人数即便不多,也不是随便可以揉捏的软柿子。 Only at present these people, wants to kill off Ye Xiyun they, some are not realistic. 单凭眼前这些人,想要杀光叶惜筠他们,有些不现实。 Then remaining perhaps only then the second possibility, Ye Xiyun led the High Heaven Sect person to evacuate Flowing Flame Sand Field most deep place! There is Yang Yan the place of sinking dormancy, outside also has the 1-layer Three Flaming Fire Rings protection, no one can enter! 那么剩下的就只有第二种可能了,叶惜筠或许带着凌霄宗的人撤离到了流炎沙地最深处!那里是阳炎的沉眠之地,外面还有一层三炎火环守护,无人可以进入! Yang Kai does not know why Ye Xiyun must make this choice, but wants to come also to have the difficulties. 杨开不知道叶惜筠为什么要做出这种选择,但想来也有苦衷。 In his Spiritual Mind to release outside, the mind thought transforms the time, there is a divine poise and sagelike features old man suddenly more numerous, dignified holds the fist saying: Sect Master Yang, Old Man is Medicine Pill Sect Great Elder Li Jianming, the Sect Master Yang long way returns, was laborious, might as well first rests, again thin how did everyone chat this matter?” 就在他神念外放,脑海念头转换的时候,有一仙风道骨的老者忽然越众而出,凝重抱拳道:“杨宗主,老夫药丹门大长老李建铭,杨宗主远道归来,想必辛苦了,不妨先休息一番,大家再细聊此事如何?” Medicine Pill Sect! This Sect in Gloom Star is the reputation not weak influence, the reason does not have him, this Sect disciple is good at Pill Refining, such as past Medicine King Valley was the same in the position of the world, Medicine Pill Sect also had the special position in Gloom Star. 药丹门!这个宗门幽暗星上也是个名声不弱的势力,原因无他,这个宗门弟子善于炼丹,就如当年的药王谷在都世界的地位一样,药丹门幽暗星上也有特殊的地位。 Medicine Pill Sect has five Elder, is Void Grade low-rank Alchemy Expert, this in Gloom Star , but valuable talent, even if such as past Battle Sky Union and Thunder Typhoon Sect, saw that these five people still want to be respectful, does not dare to have neglects slightly. 药丹门有五位长老,全都是虚级下品炼丹师,这在幽暗星上可是及其宝贵的人才,即便如当年的战天盟雷台宗,见到这五人也要恭敬有加,不敢有丝毫怠慢。 Li Jianming as Medicine Pill Sect Great Elder, is Gloom Star famous existence, are treated equally with major influence Sect Master. 李建铭身为药丹门大长老,更是幽暗星上鼎鼎大名的存在,与各大势力宗主平起平坐。 He naturally has the qualifications to stand the speech. 他自然是有资格站出来说话的。 The old fogies spoke, the hand is caressing the gray beard, is looking at Yang Kai with a face all smiles, that meaning seems saying to a Old Man face and so on...... 老家伙说话的时候,手抚着花白的胡须,笑容满面地望着杨开,那意思仿佛是在说给老夫一个面子云云…… Yang Kai looked at his one eyes lightly, on coldly said: 5 minutes, if you want with this Sect Master compared with patient, this Sect Master is glad to accompany, but after 5 minutes, will have anything, this Sect Master did not guarantee to you.” 杨开只是淡淡地瞧了他一眼,就冷声道:“还有半盏茶,如果你们想跟本宗主比耐心,本宗主乐意奉陪,不过半盏茶之后会发生什么,本宗主就不给你们担保了。” After saying, Yang Kai grins smiles, reveals a words dense fang, such as a beast of prey. 说完之后,杨开龇牙一笑,露出一口白森森的獠牙,如一头猛兽。 Li Jianming complexion changes, annoyed said: „Was Sect Master Yang some too unreasonable, I and others came to greet, Sect Master Yang did not show due respect for the feelings also even, must say unexpectedly so ignores the Human Race principle of righteousness the words, did not fear that invited trouble?” 李建铭脸色一变,恼火道:“杨宗主是不是有些太不近人情了,我等前来迎接,杨宗主不给面子也就算了,竟然还要说出如此不顾人族大义的话,就不怕惹祸上身?” The Yang Kai look ice is cold, such as the blade sword, is watching intently Li Jianming. 杨开眼神冰寒,如刀似剑,逼视着李建铭。 Although the old fogies are Void Grade Alchemy Expert, but itself cultivation level is not high, only then Void Return 1-layer, somewhat cannot withstand the Yang Kai's vision unexpectedly, toward retreat two steps. 老家伙虽然是虚级炼丹师,但是本身修为不算多高,只有返虚一层境而已,竟有些承受不住杨开的目光,往后退了两步。 Is good has not wanted not to ask that because of Yang Kai the reason strikes to kill him, otherwise Li Jianming must experience personally the heavy losses surely. 好在杨开并没有想要不问缘由击杀他,否则李建铭必定要身受重创。 Good guts!” Tang Fushui drinks one suddenly severely, the pupil reveal is ominous light/only, unexpectedly dares to act to Li Elder, the boy you had no regard for elders and superiors simply, you as Sect Master, actually depending on like to handle affairs in vain personally , Old Man makes a move to teach you, is good to ask you to know how later should cultivate the behavior!” “好胆!”唐覆水忽然厉喝一声,眸露凶光,“居然敢对李长老出手,小子你简直太目无尊长了,枉你身为一宗之主,却凭个人喜好行事,也罢,老夫就出手教训教训你,好叫你知道以后该如何做人!” Tang Fushui is drinking lightly, Saint Yuan bursts out suddenly. 唐覆水轻喝着,一身圣元骤然迸发。 His Saint Yuan should be Fire Attribute, revolves the later whole person flaming to burn, seems like on such as one group of fireballs, the momentum is scary. 他的圣元应该是火属姓,运转之后整个人都熊熊燃烧起来,看起来就如一团火球,声势骇人。 He puts out a hand to grasp, Void then presented a greatly to burn the hammer of flame, pounds down in the direction that Yang Kai was at ruthlessly. 他只是伸手一握,虚空之便出现了一柄巨大的燃烧着火焰的锤子,狠狠地朝杨开所在的方向砸下。 Trades to make any Void Return Stage, only feared that is unable easily to deal with this flame great hammer, this is the Floating Mist Palace Palace Master full power strikes. 换做任何一个返虚镜,只怕都无法轻易应付这柄火焰巨锤,这可是飘渺殿殿主的全力一击。 Has stood in Yang Xiuzhu that Yang Kai behind keeps silent, Chu Hanyi and Lin Yurao three people reveals the dignified color, Yang Xiuzhu is the cross previous step, prepares to act. 就连一直站在杨开身后默不作声的杨修竹,楚寒衣林玉娆三人都露出凝重之色,杨修竹更是跨前一步,准备出手。 Yang Kai put out a hand to block him, laughed saying: Okay good, some people could not bear make a move finally, since your own courted death, that no wonder this Sect Master!” 杨开伸手拦住了他,大笑道:“好好好,总算是有人忍不住出手了,既然你自己找死,那就怪不得本宗主了!” The words fall, Yang Kai jumps unexpectedly same place, the manner moves forward to meet somebody toward that flame great hammer fiercely. 话落,杨开竟原地跃起,神态狰狞地朝那火焰巨锤迎了上去。 Returns to High Heaven Sect hopefully, suddenly discovered Sect that own establishes laboriously unexpectedly by one group of completely not related people occupying, own disciple disciple and friend not. 满怀期待地回到凌霄宗,忽然发现自己辛苦建立起来的宗门竟被一群完全不相关的人给占据了,自己的门人弟子和朋友一个都不在了。 Yang Kai already a lot of annoyed. 杨开早就一肚子恼火 However before ravelling here exactly what happened, he also can only suppress that anger, exchanges in the spoken language with these people. 不过在没弄明白这里到底发生什么事之前,他也只能强忍着那份怒火,与这些人用言语交流。 Although is unlikely, what but if its has to misunderstand? 虽然不太可能,但万一其有什么误会呢? Actually does not think, own was regarded by others benevolently weakly, degree that but also some people as stupid bring death as own! 却不想,自己的仁慈被别人当成了软弱,还有人愚蠢到自己送死的程度! The Yang Kai's anger erupts thoroughly. 杨开的怒火彻底爆发。 Courts death!” Tang Fushui sneers, seeing Yang Kai is unexpectedly unarmed, greets own killing strike by flesh body, not only has not restrained the strength, instead even more increased the output of Saint Yuan. “找死!”唐覆水冷笑,见杨开居然赤手空拳,以肉身迎接自己杀招,不但没有收敛力道,反而愈发加大了圣元的输出。 Shortly, that flame great hammer then publicized, the power and influence even more was also intense. 顷刻间,那火焰巨锤便又张大了一圈,威势也愈发强烈。 The innumerable human eyes hide the beat, the complexion fluctuate look toward Yang Kai that the great hammer welcomed, the thoughts are varying. 无数人眼皮子跳动,脸色变幻地望着朝巨锤迎上的杨开,心思不一。 The seemingly tiny person's shadow collides finally in that giant flame hammer together, the next moment, the complexion big change of Tang Fushui, will cannot help but fly unexpectedly in the future, probably encountered anything to hit hard general. 看似渺小的人影与那巨大的火焰锤子终于碰撞在一起,下一刻,唐覆水的脸色大变,竟不由自主地往后飞去,好像遭遇了什么重击一般。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… Then by Void Return 3-layer powerhouse pure Saint Yuan, supplements with the great hammer that Secret Technique comes out concise, unexpectedly comes in the midair disintegration, changes into the innumerable fragments, the flowing fire scatters in all directions the splash. 那由返虚三层境强者一身精纯圣元,辅以秘术凝练出来的巨锤,居然在半空崩碎开来,化为无数碎片,流火四散飞溅。 The Yang Kai's form from jumping out, the anger that murderous intention and erupts almost concentrates for the essence, before changing to flowing light to rush to the Tang Fushui body, together. 杨开的身影从窜出,一身杀机和爆发出来的愤怒几乎凝为了实质,化作一道流光冲到了唐覆水身前。 At he incredible gaze, Yang Kai brandishes a fist, pounds down ruthlessly. 在他不可置信的注视,杨开挥舞起一只拳头,狠狠砸下。 Tang Fushui responded that but actually also wonderful quick, facing a this kind of fist, he goes all out to stimulate to movement Saint Yuan, forms the protection in outside the body, simultaneously spreads own potential field, wants from flee same place. 唐覆水反应倒也奇快,面对这样的一拳,他拼命催动圣元,在体外形成防护,同时扩散自身的势场,想从原地逃离。 However his potential field leaves outside the body long-drawn-out, if then met natural enemy same cuns (2.5 cm) shatter, his body was also being decided in place, all around air setting, making him unable to move. 但是他的势场悠一离开体外,便如遇到了天敌一样寸寸破碎,连带着他的身子也被定在原地,四周的空气凝固,让他根本动弹不得。 The Yang Kai fist enlarges in his view rapidly. 杨开拳头在他的眼帘迅速放大。 Without the fluctuation of Saint Yuan, but that fist actually curled up a death aura, the fist has not arrived, Tang Fushui felt that own guard Saint Yuan started shatter, the facial skin was painful. 没有圣元的波动,但那拳头却卷起一股死亡的气息,拳头未到,唐覆水就感觉到自己的护身圣元开始破碎,脸皮生疼。 No!” Tang Fushui yelled panic-stricken, at this moment he did not have a Temple Master elegant demeanor again, is pale, the look is terrified, only wants to live to assign/life. “不!”唐覆水惊恐大叫,此刻他再也没有了一殿之主的风采,脸色苍白,眼神惶恐,只想活下命来。 Bang...... 轰…… Yang Kai fights with the fists in his surface gate. 杨开一拳打在他的面门上。
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