MP :: Volume #17

#1682: You in afraid anything

One double-hour, is situated in the hills High Heaven Sect then presents in view it of people. 前后不过一个时辰,坐落在群山之的凌霄宗便呈现在众人的眼帘之。 That mountain road that is spread by white jade is clearly discernible. 那一条由白玉铺成的山路清晰可见。 Mountain road Peak, the giant inscribed horizontal tablets, submit a written statement to the High Heaven Sect three large characters! 山路顶峰,有一块巨大的匾额,上书凌霄宗三个大字! Really is the place of elegant and graceful.” Ling Taixu stands in Battleship, by the crystal glass toward below overlook, satisfies about the present High Heaven Sect Headquarters environment. “果然是钟灵毓秀之地。”凌太虚站在战舰内,透过水晶玻璃朝下俯瞰,对如今的凌霄宗总舵环境大为满意。 This is also only the tip of the iceberg.” Yang Kai smiles Hehe to stand in the one side, explained to Grand Teacher: We see now, can only be High Heaven Sect part, entire High Heaven Sect, 81 mountain peaks compose, place Main Peak, 72 auxiliary peaks, the scenery of each peak has nothing in common, before because , the population are too few, therefore only chooses stops over here. These mountain peaks have not investigated me completely, after everyone, falls fully here, can own seek for the mountain peak housing that likes.” “这还只是冰山一角罢了。”杨开呵呵地站在一旁,给师公解释道:“我们现在看到的,只能算是凌霄宗的一部分,整个凌霄宗,有八十一座山峰组成,座主峰,七十二座辅峰,每一峰的景色都各不相同,不过因为之前人数太少,所以只选择在这里落脚。那些山峰连我都没有探查完全,等大家以后落足在这里,可以自己寻找喜欢的山峰居住。” Good, good!” The Chu Lingxiao also old bosom consoles greatly. “好,好!”楚凌霄也老怀大慰。 Before they somewhat worried, Yang Kai one and brought the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans about ten thousand people, only feared that did not have the place to place, after all three clansman numbers were really many, want to place completely, certainly must very big place be good. 之前他们有些担心,杨开人妖魔三族近万人一并带来,只怕没地方安置,毕竟三族人数实在不少,想要完全安置下来,肯定要很大的地方才行。 Now but takes a broad view to look, is everywhere verdant, has the palatial peak to fluctuate in the fog, having the garret pavilion is partly visible, 81 mountain peaks, the security can place the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouse, even a large part of idle. 可是如今放眼望去,满目青翠,有巍峨高峰在云雾起伏,有阁楼亭台若隐若现,八十一座山峰,安全可以安置人妖魔三族的强者,甚至还有很大一部分空余。 Later did we live here?” Thunder Dragon Great Senior over the face red light is looking under, here compared with Tong Xuan Continent Beast Sea Jungle good far more than hundred times of thousand times? “以后咱们就在这里生活了?”雷龙大尊满面红光地望着下方,这里比通玄大陆兽海密林好了何止百倍千倍? Not only world's spiritual energy is rich, the scenery is also First Grade good, Monster Race can here the practice life, said that after the achievement will not be absolutely low. 不但天地灵气浓郁至极,风景也是一等一的好,妖族能在这里修炼生活,曰后的成就绝对不会太低。 Headquarters, is a foundation. Thunder dragon body was Monster Race Great Senior, the important surname of very clear foundation to race. 一处总舵,便是一份根基。雷龙身妖族大尊,太清楚根基对一个种族的重要姓了。 Yang Kai, my Demon Race owes you, later you must have anything to tell one, my Demon Race high and low certainly not two words.” Arrogantly like Zhang Yuan. Also said from the bottom of one's heart, this saying has wanted to join High Heaven Sect in disguised form. 杨开,我魔族欠你的,以后你要有什么事吩咐一声,我魔族上下绝不二话。”高傲如长渊。也发自肺腑地说道,这话已经变相是想加入凌霄宗了。 Yang Kai nods. 杨开点头。 Monster Race Demon Race is Yang Kai leaves Tong Xuan Continent the time on own initiative brings, strict, Thunder Dragon Zhang Yuan they truly received the Yang Kai's favor, Ancient Demon Clan Li Rong and Han Fei and the others will not think, Yang Kai is on their lords. They had pledged that must follow the Yang Kai entire life, they only will be honored for this reason. 妖族魔族杨开离开通玄大陆的时候主动带出来的,严格来说,雷龙长渊他们确实承了杨开的人情,不过古魔一族丽蓉寒菲等人就不会这么想了,杨开是她们的主上。她们早就发誓要追随杨开一生一世,她们只会为此感到光荣。 Whatever the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouse immersion is shocking with joyful it, Yang Kai directs Battleship to fall toward under giant square, simultaneously Spiritual Mind has swept, how wants to have a look at High Heaven Sect now the situation. 任由人妖魔三族强者沉浸在震撼和欣喜之,杨开指挥战舰朝下方巨大的广场处落去,同时神念扫过,想看看凌霄宗如今情况如何。 But in a minute, his brow slightly wrinkle. 可片刻后,他的眉头不禁微微一皱。 He discovered that in High Heaven Sect at this moment gathered about over a thousand people unexpectedly. But these people actually do not have own familiar aura. 他发现此刻的凌霄宗内竟然聚集了上千人左右。只不过这些人竟然没有一个自己熟悉的气息 aura of these powerhouses Ye Xiyun, Wu Yi, Chang Qi, Hao An, Huang Juan and the others as if all here, Star Emperor Mountain do not even pledge allegiance to as if vanish to disappear. 叶惜筠,妩衣,常起,郝安,黄娟等人似乎全都不在这里,连星帝山归顺的那些强者的气息似乎都消失不见了。 The Battleship such obvious goal from emptying to fall, person who unexpectedly also has no High Heaven Sect comes out to greet. 战舰这么明显的目标从空而降,居然也没有任何凌霄宗的人出来迎接。 On the contrary from square nearby garrets. Some innumerable strange Spiritual Mind extend, is taking a fast look around unceasingly. 反倒是从广场附近一栋栋阁楼里。有无数陌生的神念延伸出来,不断地扫视着。 This discovery makes the Yang Kai complexion sink, the complexion becomes unattractive. 这个发现让杨开脸色一沉,脸色变得不好看起来。 It seems like detected that anything, Ling Taixu approached asked in a low voice: „Is Yang Kai, where is not right!” 似乎是察觉到了什么,凌太虚凑近了低声问道:“杨开,是不是哪里不对!” Yang Kai is sneering gently: Is some are not right, Grand Teacher, you, and in Battleship first later, I have a look!” 杨开轻轻冷笑着:“是有些不对,师公,你们且在战舰内先待一会,我去看看!” Good!” Ling Taixu complied with one. “好!”凌太虚应了一声。 Yang Kai waves, making one open the Battleship cabin door, brings Yang Xiuzhu. Chu Hanyi, the Lin Yurao three people go out of Battleship. 杨开挥手,让人打开战舰舱门,带着杨修竹楚寒衣,林玉娆三人走出战舰 Yang Xiuzhu and the others also found the problem obviously, after looking at each other one, mutually somewhat was perplexed, but was quick, Yang Xiuzhu then transported Saint Yuan to cry loud and long fully: Sect Master returns to the sect!” 杨修竹等人显然也发现问题了,互相对视一眼之后都有些不明所以,不过很快,杨修竹便运足了圣元长啸一声:“宗主回宗!” A long and loud cry. Spreads over the High Heaven Sect 81 peaks, for a very long time unceasingly. 一声长啸。传遍凌霄宗八十一峰,久久不绝。 Still no one comes to greet. 依然无人前来迎接。 Nosing Battleship these Spiritual Mind have been as if pestering one before actually, is exchanging anything silently. 倒是之前一直在查探战舰的那些神念似乎纠缠到了一起,正在默默交流着什么。 The atmosphere in entire High Heaven Sect suddenly becomes treacherous. 整个凌霄宗内的气氛骤然变得诡谲至极。 Crossed not a meeting, these Spiritual Mind diverge respectively, should reach what agreement, until this time, from garret in all directions, some person's shadows flies to shoot. 过了没一会,那些神念各自散去,应该是达成了什么共识,直到这个时候,从四面八方的阁楼里,才有一些人影飞射出来。 Yang Kai stands in the square, such as deep pool ting Yue Zhi, cold aura, calmly waits. 杨开就站在广场上,如渊渟岳峙,一身冷冽的气息,静静等候。 shuā shuā shuā...... 刷刷刷…… The form falls on the nearby one after another, gradually gathered one and terrifying strength. 一道又一道身影落在附近,逐渐汇聚成了一股及其恐怖的力量。 Comes the person unexpectedly is the Void Return Stage above powerhouse, Void Return 3-layer is also everywhere, but this person is in sight to the Yang Kai's time, the vision is evasive, some feelings of having a guilty conscience, do not dare with Yang Kai looking at each other, to have a few look cold and severe occasionally, the provocation look generally to Yang Kai, seems in sight to personal enemy. 来人竟全都是返虚镜以上的强者,返虚三层境也比比皆是,只不过这个人在望向杨开的时候,目光躲躲闪闪,都有些做贼心虚的感觉,根本不敢与杨开对视,偶尔有少数几个神色冷厉,挑衅一般地望向杨开,仿佛在望向一个仇人似的。 Yang Kai takes a fast look around, the vision frames in one is poking the dragon's head walking stick, on white-haired old woman. 杨开扫视一圈,目光定格在一个杵着龙头拐杖,满头白发的老妪身上。 Side this old woman is standing delicate beautiful young female, young female has Void Return 1-layer cultivation level, is the Gloom Star promising youth. 这老妪身边站着一个清秀美丽的少女,少女返虚一层境修为,是幽暗星的后起之秀。 Yang Kai gazes at this old woman , because own recognizes her! 杨开之所以注视这老妪,是因为自己认得她! The old woman clearly is Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Old Woman Feng! In the past a Dragon Cave Mountain war, the moment she also meddled finally, attempted to rob to fall on Dragon Cave Mountain Emperor Jade. 老妪分明就是万兽山风婆子!当年龙穴山一战,最后关头她还插手进来了,企图抢夺落在龙穴山帝玉 Yang Kai has no good impression to this old woman, although at that time she with Demon Blood Religion Great Elder Jin Shi to not annihilate distressedly, but has not actually settled what good intention. 杨开对这老妪没什么好印象,当时她虽然没有跟魔血教大长老金石狼狈为歼,但是却也没安什么好心。 Is delicate as for that appearance of her side, the beautiful pupil actually passes astute rays of light young female, Yang Kai is remembering that she called Feng Yan! Is the Old Woman Feng closely related granddaughter. 至于她身边的那个长相清秀,美眸却透着精明光芒少女,杨开记得她叫风妍!是风婆子的嫡孙女。 This moment Feng Yan correct use curious eye sizes up Yang Kai up and down, in the beautiful pupil an eager look, seeming like wants to act and Yang Kai disputes an appearance, is good to know that among two people whose who is weak. 此刻风妍正用一双好奇的眼睛上下打量杨开,美眸里一片跃跃欲试的神色,似乎是想出手跟杨开较量一番的样子,好知道两人之间到底孰强孰弱。 Yang Kai naturally has no interest least bit in her, the opposite party is only Void Return 1-layer, his finger can the steamroll. 杨开对她自然没半点兴趣,对方只是返虚一层境而已,他一根手指就可以碾压。 The vision rotation, Yang Kai sees familiar some or not familiar face, majority cannot name the character, but from their clothing, each one is Gloom Star First Grade Sect or the influence family background. 目光转动,杨开又看到一些熟悉的或者不熟悉的面孔,大多数都叫不出名字,但是从他们的服饰来看,个个都是幽暗星上一等宗门或者势力出身。 Yang Kai also saw Colored Glass Sect current Sect Master Gong Aofu and younger generation disciple Yin Sudie! 杨开还看到了琉璃门的现任门主宫傲芙和年轻一代弟子尹素蝶 On Colored Glass Sect Sect Master Gong Xinghe, when explores Emperor Garden falls, is taken over Sect Master by his daughter Gong Aofu, these years later, Gong Aofu also becomes the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse. 琉璃门上一任门主宫星河在探索帝苑的时候陨落,便由他的女儿宫傲芙接任门主,这些年下来,宫傲芙也成为了返虚三层境的强者。 Dai Yuan not in! 黛鸢不在! A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, does not know this obviously beautiful the young girl, if the angel actually shows by the ugly appearance where went, according to the truth, she is Colored Glass Sect disciple, by rights ought to with Gong Aofu in the same place. 杨开眉头一皱,不知道这明明美若天仙却偏偏以丑陋面貌示人的小妞去了哪里,按道理来说,她是琉璃门弟子,理当与宫傲芙在一起的。 Entire Colored Glass Sect, Yang Kai to a Dai Yuan person of impression many, had only had several cooperation with this young girl after all. 整个琉璃门,杨开只对黛鸢一人观感好些,毕竟与这小妞曾经有过几次合作。 In the square, a silentness, Yang Kai is only looks out in all directions indifferently, meaning that opposite these Void Return Stage martial artist do not start talking. 广场上,一片静默,杨开只是冷眼四望,对面那些返虚镜武者也没有要开口说话的意思。 For a long time, Yang Kai smiles: Interesting, this Sect Master returns to the sect, Elder has not come out to greet, was actually exhausted you.” 许久,杨开才笑了笑:“有意思,本宗主回宗,诸位长老没出来迎接,倒是劳烦你们了。” Why will appear as for these people in High Heaven Sect, Yang Kai can also guess 12 but actually. 至于这些人为何会出现在凌霄宗,杨开倒也能猜测一二。 Previously in Black Ink Sea City, he learned from the Du Yanling mouth, worked as at these two years catastrophes, High Heaven Sect has done many matters, not only sent out the powerhouse to rescue Human Race Elite frequently, but also under the Great Elder Ye Xiyun instruction, opened wide High Heaven Sect, admits martial artist that these fled from calamity. 此前在墨海城的时候,他就从杜雁菱口得知,在这两年的浩劫当,凌霄宗做过不少事,不但频繁派出强者去营救人族精锐,还在大长老叶惜筠的指令下,敞开了凌霄宗,接纳那些逃难的武者 These people should be come High Heaven Sect to seek asylum, after all here is the entire Gloom Star last pure land, has the Three Flaming Fire Rings protection, to Corpse Spirit Religion strength how huge, has no way to attack. 这些人应该都是来凌霄宗避难的,毕竟这里已经算是整个幽暗星最后一处净土,有三炎火环守护,任凭尸灵教实力如何庞大,也没法攻打进来。 Ye Xiyun approach no one can accuse, even Yang Kai is not good. 叶惜筠的做法无人能够指责,即便是杨开也不行。 If he at that time in High Heaven Sect, will do that to fleeing from calamity to this's martial artist, Yang Kai not to have had a heart of stone the degree of seeing somebody in danger and doing nothing. 如果他当时在凌霄宗的话,也会这么做,对逃难到此的武者,杨开还没铁石心肠到见死不救的程度。 But the present aspect makes him be furious extremely. 但眼下的局面却让他极为震怒。 Although could not pay off Chu Lingxiao Inner Sect exactly what happened, why Ye Xiyun and the others have not all appeared, these person of doves occupied the magpie nest, but Yang Kai can also know, some dirty surged in it surely. 虽然还不清楚凌霄宗内到底发生了什么事,为何叶惜筠等人全都没出现,偏偏这些人鸠占鹊巢,可杨开也能知道,必定有一些龌龊在其涌动。 Opposite these Void Return Stage powerhouses each other looked at each other one, finally the vision of people gathered on Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Old Woman Feng, Old Woman Feng did not pass on responsibilities but actually, proceeds one step, on face appeared the kind smiling face: Sect Master Yang was serious, now the worldwide chaos, High Heaven Sect has become my Human Race most indestructible refuge, is my Human Race final hope, I and others came to greet is also indisputable.” 对面那些返虚镜强者彼此对视了一眼,最终众人的目光汇聚到了万兽山风婆子身上,风婆子倒也当仁不让,往前一步,老脸上浮现出和蔼的笑容:“杨宗主严重了,如今天下大乱,凌霄宗已成为我人族最坚不可摧的避风港,是我人族最后的希望,我等前来迎接也是无可厚非的。” I and other Human Race?” Yang Kai is looking at Old Woman Feng with a smile, grasped the Old Woman Feng words key point keenly, „the meaning of Senior Feng this saying, was saying probably my High Heaven Sect has become Human Race a total of domain now? When my Sect Master, how doesn't know?” “我等人族?”杨开笑吟吟地望着风婆子,敏锐地抓住了风婆子话的关键点,“风前辈这话的意思,好像是在说我凌霄宗如今已成了人族共有的地盘了?我这个当宗主的,怎么一点都不知道?” Old Woman Feng complexion one stiff, for a moment does not know how should reply, her didn't expect Yang Kai's expression unexpectedly is so also sharp. 风婆子面色一僵,一时间不知该如何回答,她也没想到杨开的言辞居然这么犀利。 The tall and strong robust men suddenly walk, the big thorn shouted shouts: Sect Master Yang, High Heaven Sect takes advantage of the natural defenses, the Corpse Spirit Religion army is unable to capture, this grade of treasure land naturally should become me and other Human Race final barriers, now the Corpse Spirit Race disaster world, no place is safe, High Heaven Sect from should be the Human Race potency, shares treasure land, could it be that Sect Master Yang thought that what has is not right?” 有一魁梧壮汉忽然走出来,大刺刺地吆喝道:“杨宗主是吧,凌霄宗依仗天险,尸灵教大军根本无法攻入,这等宝地自然该成为了我等人族最后的屏障,如今外界尸灵族祸乱天下,没有一块地方是安全的,凌霄宗自该为人族效力,共享宝地,难道杨宗主觉得有什么不对嘛?” You are......” the Yang Kai squint are looking at him. “你是……”杨开斜眼望着他。 Great Han/big person cold snort: Floating Mist Palace Palace Master Tang Fushui!” 大汉冷哼:“飘渺殿殿主唐覆水!” Yang Kai nods gently, Tang Fushui, he has heard actually, the Floating Mist Palace first powerhouse, is Void Return 3-layer Expert, before and Fei Zhitu Qian Tong and the others were equivalent, after all Floating Mist Palace is not really bad in the Gloom Star strength. 杨开轻轻点头,唐覆水,他倒是听说过,飘渺殿第一强者,是返虚三层境高手,之前与费之图钱通等人相当,毕竟飘渺殿幽暗星上的实力实在不算差。 Tang Fushui continues saying: If my Floating Mist Palace can have this together treasure land, naturally can open wide Sect to admit my Human Race Elite, to continue Sect Master Yang says that now the long-drawn-out chapter of sect then adopts a sending a punitive expedition stance, becomes wants to expel us none who does not?” 唐覆水继续道:“若是我飘渺殿能有这样一块宝地,自然会敞开宗门接纳我人族精锐,为延续我人族力量贡献一份绵薄之力。杨宗主今曰悠一回宗便摆出一副兴师问罪的姿态,莫不成是想把我们都赶走?” Such remarks, many complexion big change, in the surface appears the hot and bothered look. 此言一出,不少人都脸色大变,面上浮现出焦虑不安的神色。 They run into High Heaven Sect to come with great difficulty, if Yang Kai really drives out them, that is good saying that child also to the end, later must face encircling of Corpse Spirit Religion army frequently, under that type of environment, no one can assure the own security. 他们可是好不容易才逃进凌霄宗来的,要是杨开真把他们赶出去的话,那好曰子也就到头了,以后恐怕要时时刻刻面对尸灵教大军的围剿,在那种大环境下,没人能保证自己的安全。 When have I spoken this saying?” Yang Kai is sneering gently, the threatening vision looks toward all around: What are you in afraid?” “我几时说过这话?”杨开轻轻冷笑着,逼人的目光朝四周望去:“你们在心虚什么?” Person who as long as was seen by him, all regardless vision. 但凡被他看到的人,无不撇开目光。
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