MP :: Volume #17

#1681: Pressing for an answer

Kang Feirao also looked, even without that strange stone giant helped, own still absolutely was not the Yang Kai's opponent, this youth simply has not used the full power! 康飞饶也看出来了,就算没有那古怪的石巨人帮忙,自己也绝对不是杨开的对手,这青年根本没有动用全力! In does this world have such powerful Void Return Stage? The Kang Feirao itself thinks that in Void Return Stage this level, own had reached the limit, but says now, he discovered own was wrong. 这世上怎么还有这么强大的返虚镜康飞饶本以为在返虚镜这个层次上,自己已经到了极限,可是今曰,他才发现自己错了。 Said that Sun's True Essence what's the matter?” The Yang Kai's sound passed on, why you said the achievement of some own now saying, but must thank me, I do not remember that is promising you to make anything.” “说说那太阳真精是怎么回事?”杨开的声音传了过来,“为什么你说自己有今曰的成就,还要感激我,我不记得有为你们做过什么。” Kang Feirao looked at his one eyes, has not replied immediately, transmitted destruction aura until corpse bead , he look changes, said hastily: You have no intention to do! Perhaps you do not know.” 康飞饶瞧了他一眼,并没有立刻回答,直到尸珠里传来了一股毁灭气息,他才神色一变,连忙道:“你无意做过!或许你并不知道罢了。” Oh? the Yang Kai brow raises. 哦?杨开眉头一扬。 You think that Sun's True Essence does place there at will? You made a mistake, Sun's True Essence will exist where, but to use Sun's True Essence Sun's True Fire suppresses eye of the Underworld.” “你以为那太阳真精只是随意地安置在那里嘛?你错了,太阳真精之所以会存在于哪里,只是为了利用太阳真精太阳真火镇压一处黄泉之眼罢了。” „The eye of Underworld?” The Yang Kai complexion changes. 黄泉之眼?”杨开脸色微变。 Kang Feirao grins fiendishly: Good, connected the channel of Underworld hell, there spurts to be thin rich Yin corpse Death Qi, this Yin corpse Death Qi does not have the use to any life, only then harms, but to our Corpse Spirit Race, is actually the thing of big making up! Had that Yin corpse Death Qi, our strengths can grow to the Void Return Stage limit...... the graciousness, possibly is also not the limit!” 康飞饶狞笑:“不错,连通了黄泉地府的通道,那里喷薄出浓郁的阴尸死气,这种阴尸死气对任何生灵都没有用处,只有危害,但对我们尸灵族来说,却是大补之物!有了那阴尸死气,我们的实力才能成长到返虚镜极限……恩,可能还不是极限!” The Kang Feirao itself thinks that own has stood in the Void Return Stage high point absolutely, may after Yang Kai one fights, he detected own bad is very far. 康飞饶本以为自己绝对已经站在返虚镜的最高峰了,可与杨开一番交手之后,他才察觉到自己差的很远。 Under Buried Mighty Valley has this type of thing unexpectedly?” Yang Kai knits the brows slightly. 葬雄谷下面居然有这种东西?”杨开微微皱眉。 Kang Feirao laughs saying: You think how Corpse Cave does form? My Ancient Yang Sect generations have discovered the eye of that Underworld, will therefore use Sun's True Essence its suppression, but we can become the honored corpse spirit clan, because of the Corpse Cave Corpse Qi reason! Before we did not have the means with the eye of Underworld, but after you took Sun's True Essence, was different. Therefore you said, this Protector must thank you!” 康飞饶大笑道:“那你以为尸穴是如何形成的?我古阳宗的列祖列宗早就发现了那黄泉之眼,所以才会用太阳真精将其镇压,而我们之所以能够成为尊贵的尸灵一族,也是因为尸穴尸气的缘故!以前我们拿黄泉之眼没有办法,但是你将太阳真精取走之后就不同了。所以你说,本护法是不是要感谢你!” The Yang Kai expression is ugly, is gloomy the face saying: Said, Gloom Star turns into this, has my reason?” 杨开表情难看,阴沉着脸道:“这么说,幽暗星变成这样,有我的原因?” ha ha ha!” The Kang Feirao supine Tianchang smiles. Good, this its naturally has your reason, you said......, if asked Gloom Star these people to know that this news, they can hate you bone to inter the body?” 哈哈哈!”康飞饶仰天长笑。“不错,这其自然有你的原因,你说……若是叫幽暗星上那些人知道这个消息,他们会不会恨你入骨?” I was not always threatened, if you coerce me to make me with this put your horse, I can only say that you made a mistake the idea.” Yang Kai sneers. “我这人向来不受威胁,你若是拿这个要挟我想让我放你一马,我只能说你打错主意了。”杨开冷笑。 The Kang Feirao complexion fluctuated several. Finally has not said anything to enrage the Yang Kai's words again. 康飞饶脸色变幻了几下。最终没再说出什么激怒杨开的话。 Now his corpse integument Yang Kai acts bashful in the hand, the life and death is restrained, naturally cannot stupidly to that degree. 如今他的尸珠被杨开拿捏在手,生死受制,自然不会愚蠢到那种程度。 „Who your is Religion Master? Also is said that several Corpse General that I see?” Yang Kai also asked. “你们教主是什么人?也是当曰我见到的那几位尸将的一个?”杨开又问道。 Kang Feirao shakes the head: „It is not!” 康飞饶摇了摇头:“不是!” Who is that?” “那是谁?” I do not know.” “我不知道。” Utter nonsense!” Yang Kai cold snort, the strength on hand increases, the Kang Feirao corpse bead transmits the crack sound immediately, as if can momentarily by the appearance of crumb. “一派胡言!”杨开冷哼,手上的力道加大许多,康飞饶的尸珠立刻传来咔嚓嚓的声响,仿佛随时都会被捏碎的样子。 The Kang Feirao body shivers. Clenches teeth to roar lowly: I really do not know, Religion Master he at all is not our Corpse Spirit Race person, one day arrives at Corpse Cave suddenly, teaches Technique that our some corpses cultivated, how also told us to transform clansman, without him, we were impossible to leave Corpse Cave. Perhaps now still dives to cultivate the fumble in Corpse Cave, the road that after all we take, before never some people passed through.” 康飞饶身躯颤抖。咬牙低吼:“我真不知道,教主他根本不是我们尸灵族人,是有一天忽然来到尸穴的,传授了我们一些尸修的法门,又告诉我们如何转化族人,若是没有他,我们根本不可能离开尸穴。恐怕现在还在尸穴潜修摸索,毕竟我们走的这条路,以前从未有人走过。” Kang Feirao in the speech, Yang Kai has been nosing his look, discovered that has not presented what flaw, this situation only then two explanations, one type is Kang Feirao has not lain, he really does not know that Religion Master status and origin ; second, the Kang Feirao performing skill has been in the superb degree, own has had no way to look at the flaw. 康飞饶在说话的时候,杨开一直在查探他的神色,发现并没有出现什么破绽,这种情况只有两种解释,一种是康飞饶没有撒谎,他真不知道那教主的身份和来历,二是康飞饶的演技已经到了出神入化的程度,自己没法瞧出破绽。 Yang Kai thought that a previous possibility is big. 杨开觉得前一种可能较大。 His strength how?” Yang Kai also asked. “那他实力如何?”杨开又问道。 Kang Feirao spoke haltingly several. Clenches teeth saying: I, if said, I do not know his cultivation level how, you believe?” 康飞饶嗫嚅了几下。一咬牙道:“我要是说,我也不知道他修为如何,你会相信嘛?” „Do you feel?” Yang Kai cold and severe is looking at him. “你觉得呢?”杨开冷厉地望着他。 Kang Feirao sighed: „But how I really do not know his cultivation level! He has not acted.” 康飞饶叹息:“可是我真不知道他修为如何!他从来没有出手过。” How does he become Corpse Spirit Religion Religion Master? ten million/countless do not tell me, because only he taught your some practice Technique and transforms the clansman means that you were willing to receive him to urge.” “那他是如何当上尸灵教教主的?千万别告诉我,只因为他传授了你们一些修炼法门和转化族人的办法,你们就甘愿受他驱使了。” How possibly?” Kang Feirao curls the lip. In the surface appears an angry color, several of us fellow apprentices will indicate to submit to him , because in his hand has......” “怎么可能?”康飞饶撇嘴。面上浮现出一丝恼怒之色,“我们几个师兄弟之所以会对他表示臣服,是因为他手上有……” The Kang Feirao words have not said that but the complexion big change, as if has anything and terrifying matter arrives to him on general, the eyeball stares the circle suddenly, in the eye pupil full is color with amazement, the expression pain extremely. 康飞饶话还没说完,但却脸色大变,仿佛有什么及其恐怖的事情降临到他身上一般,眼珠子忽然瞪圆,眼眸里满是骇然之色,表情痛楚万分。 Treacherous strength aura, fills the air from his within the body. 一股诡谲的力量气息,从他体内弥漫出来。 The Yang Kai complexion changes, stops doing to explode hastily draws back. 杨开脸色一变,连忙抽手爆退。 the next moment, Kang Feirao miserably is suddenly howling, sad and shrill extremely , in his corpse bead erupts destruction aura, changes into one group of deep green flame, burns from inside to outside Kang Feirao. 下一刻,康飞饶忽然惨嚎起来,凄厉万分,紧接着,他的尸珠里爆发出一股毁灭气息,化为一团碧绿的火焰,由内而外将康飞饶燃烧起来。 Kang Feirao mouth and nose eye ear it, sprays the green and glossy flame, seemingly scary. 康飞饶的口鼻眼耳之,喷射出绿油油的火焰,看起来骇人至极。 Less than ten breath times, this once fought with Ye Xiyun, Corpse Spirit Race of powerful top Corpse General rank, then by a deep green flame incinerator cleanness, only had pile of black materials same place. 前后不到十息功夫,这一位曾与叶惜筠交手,强大的顶级尸将级别的尸灵族,便被碧绿火焰焚烧个干净,原地只剩下一堆黑色的物质。 Yang Kai sees the tail this from the beginning, the heart raises a cool feeling. 杨开将这一幕从头看到尾,心不禁升起一股凉意。 Kang Feirao encountered anything, he does not know, but he guessed that is related with Corpse Spirit Religion that mysterious Religion Master, perhaps that Religion Master issued what fierce restriction on Kang Feirao, once Kang Feirao attempts to disclose that some critical information, that restriction will erupt immediately, detonates his corpse bead, produces the corpse fire, lets Kang Feirao[ ***] however perishes! 康飞饶到底遭遇了什么,他不知道,但是他猜测跟尸灵教那个神秘的教主有关,或许那个教主康飞饶身上下达了什么厉害的禁制,一旦康飞饶企图透露出一些关键信息,那禁制立刻就会爆发,引爆他的尸珠,产生尸火,让康飞饶[***]而亡! Although guessed, but Yang Kai thought that eight do not leave ten! 尽管只是猜测,可杨开觉得八不离十! Good sinister method! Good vicious plans! 好毒辣的手段!好狠毒的心机! However Kang Feirao prepares to disclose that what sensitive information, touched restriction in within the body unexpectedly. 不过康飞饶到底准备透露什么样的敏感信息,居然触动了体内的禁制 Yang Kai was recalling those words that he spoke at the point of death, although the opposite party has not said completely, but according to that few words, Yang Kai can also infer something. 杨开回想着他临死说的那句话,虽然对方没有说完整,但是根据那只言片语,杨开也可以推断出一些东西来。 Perhaps that mysterious Religion Master, in the hand has what Secret Treasure, can control Corpse Spirit Race! 那个神秘的教主,手上或许有什么秘宝,能够控制尸灵族 This is the most likely speculation. 这是最有可能的推测。 Kang Feirao has died, was impossible to resurrect, the Yang Kai heart gave birth to that mysterious Religion Master some dreaded. 康飞饶已死,再也不可能复活了,杨开心对那神秘的教主不禁生出了些许忌惮。 Can issue this restriction to the own subordinate, this Religion Master evidently is not the role that good to cope with. 能对自己的手下下达这种禁制,这个教主看样子不是好对付的角色。 As for Kang Feirao said that Gloom Star turns has some relations with own like this, Yang Kai did not deny, perhaps is really because own took Sun's True Essence that suppresses the eye of Underworld, therefore makes the Corpse Spirit Race strength rise sharply, but most essential reason, Technique and transformed that corpse spirit means because that mysterious Religion Master instruction the corpse cultivated! 至于康飞饶幽暗星变成这样跟自己有一些关系,杨开并不否认,或许真是因为自己取走了镇压黄泉之眼的太阳真精,所以才让尸灵族实力大涨,但最关键的原因,还是因为那神秘的教主传授下了尸修的法门和转化尸灵的办法! Without the transformed corpse spirit means that Corpse Spirit Religion is unable to expand absolutely. 如果没有转化尸灵的办法,尸灵教绝对无法壮大起来。 Therefore Yang Kai transferred several thoughts, then did not have in this issue to ponder again. 所以杨开只是转了几个念头,便没再这个问题上多思考了。 raises the head looks, jet black Void King Grade Battleship in the Corpse Spirit Religion army steamroll, every is striking Crystal Cannon to carry off dozens Corpse Spirit Race recklessly or turns to the Corpse Spirit Religion enemy to be surnamed the life. 抬头望去,漆黑的虚王级战舰正在尸灵教大军肆意碾压,每一击晶炮都能带走数十个尸灵族或者投靠了尸灵教的敌人姓命。 own and Kang Feirao fight the meets the time, outside Flowing Flame Sand Field full is the corpse and remnant body. 自己康飞饶战斗的这一会功夫,流炎沙地外已经满是死尸和残躯了。 A long and loud cry, Yang Kai flew the upper air, the figure shook in a flash, Space Force wrapped oneself body, then returned to Battleship. 一声长啸,杨开飞上高空,身形晃了一晃,空间之力包裹己身,便重新返回了战舰内。 Returns to the sect!” He drinks one severely. “回宗!”他厉喝一声。 Such a exterminates after Battleship, Corpse Spirit Religion sieges the High Heaven Sect manpower buckle more than half, assumes personal command to be killed violently on Yang Kai in this place white clothing Corpse General Kang Feirao continually, remaining scatters in all directions to run away, kills not to have many achievements again. 经过战舰这么一番清剿,尸灵教围困凌霄宗的人手折损过半,连坐镇在此地的白衣尸将康飞饶都在杨开手上毙命,剩下的四散逃窜,再杀下去也没多少成果。 First returns to an importance. 先回宗要紧。 The Tong Xuan Continent person needs to place, after all they treated in Mysterious Boundary Bead already several years, earlier made them contact with this world, earlier was familiar with here world principle, was good to them. 通玄大陆的人需要安置下来,毕竟他们待在玄界珠里已经好几年了,早点让他们与这个世界接触,早点熟悉这里的天地法则,对他们也有好处。 Moreover, Yang Kai also wants to know that the High Heaven Sect present situation how, hearsay High Heaven Sect loses in the two years may be big, Great Elder Ye Xiyun is seriously injured, does not know that now restored. 而且,杨开也很想知道凌霄宗现在的情况如何,传闻凌霄宗这两年来损失可不小,大长老叶惜筠更是身受重伤,也不知道现在恢复了没有。 The Flowing Flame Sand Field Three Flaming Fire Rings might is overbearing, even if general Void King Grade Battleship wants to leave , will still be burnt as the ashes. 流炎沙地三炎火环威力霸道绝伦,即便是一般的虚王级战舰想要开赴进去,也会被焚为灰烬。 But High Heaven Sect Battleship is actually Yang Yan refines personally, in the natural brand mark Yang Yan aura, Three Flaming Fire Rings did not repel Battleship, rushed in flame barrier it with ease. 凌霄宗战舰却是阳炎亲手炼制的,自然烙印上了阳炎气息,三炎火环并不排斥战舰,轻轻松松地就闯进了火焰屏障之。 Until the Battleship huge form disappears does not see, these pursued four running away Corpse Spirit Religion relaxes, on each face is one piece has a lingering fear. 直到战舰庞大的身影消失不见,那些被追的四下逃窜的尸灵教才松了一口气,每个人脸上都是一片心有余悸。 Under the Battleship strong military force, the thoughts that they revolt against has no way to raise, can only fall to the ground to slaughter at the same time! 战舰的强大武力下,他们连反抗的心思都没法升起,只能被一面倒地屠杀! Now Battleship leaves, they felt certainly relieved. 如今战舰离开,他们当然放下心来。 Without order that receiving to leave, no one dares to leave arbitrarily, all times, the Corpse Spirit Religion person then from gathered one later in all directions, prepared to wait for the instruction of Kang Feirao! 没有接到离开的命令,没人敢擅自离开,所有不大一会功夫,尸灵教的人便从四面八方又汇聚到了一处,准备等待康飞饶的指示! They do not know Kang Feirao already falls. 他们并不知道康飞饶已经陨落 Until after a double-hour, Kang Feirao had not come, under the doubt, goes that Palace place nosing time, they know, this white clothing Corpse General has died unexpectedly. 直到一个时辰后,康飞饶一直没有现身,狐疑之下,前去那宫殿处查探的时候,他们才知道,这位白衣尸将竟然已经死了。 Countless people in an uproar. 无数人哗然。 Corpse Spirit Religion four big Protector buckle people, High Heaven Sect Void King Grade Battleship returns, all these seem indicating anything. 尸灵教四大护法折损一人,凌霄宗虚王级战舰回归,这一切似乎都在预示着什么。 The High Heaven Sect entrance is situated in the Flowing Flame Sand Field 4-layer region. 凌霄宗的山门坐落在流炎沙地四层区域。 After just saying that Yang Yan first Three Flaming Fire Rings takes back, Flowing Flame Sand Field again does not have the 6-layer region, is only left over 4-layer, therefore said strictly, High Heaven Sect in 2-layer, outside 1-layer is the Three Flaming Fire Rings package, inside 1-layer is also the Three Flaming Fire Rings package, again toward is the garret of Yang Yan deep sleep. 只不过当曰阳炎将第一道三炎火环收回之后,流炎沙地就再没有六层区域了,只剩下四层,所以严格说起来,凌霄宗是在第二层,外面一层三炎火环的包裹,里面一层也是三炎火环的包裹,再往内则是阳炎沉睡的阁楼。 Across the flame barrier, Yang Kai is taking a fast look around all around the familiar scenery, the mood unavoidably some excited. 穿过火焰屏障,杨开扫视着四周熟悉的景色,心情不免有些许激动。 Although Tong Xuan Continent is his native land, since he arrives at Star Territory, is longest in time of Gloom Star life, High Heaven Sect is also situated this place, therefore he has very intense warm feelings to this place. 虽说通玄大陆是他的故土,但是自从他来到星域之后,在幽暗星上生活的时间最长,凌霄宗也坐落此地,所以他对这个地方还是有很强烈的亲切感的。 After all this is Sect that he founds single-handedly, is place that Master Sect High Heaven Pavilion carries forward, this type creates the emotion of support personally, nothing can substitute. 毕竟这是他一手开创出来的宗门,是师门凌霄阁发扬光大的地方,这种亲手创造扶持的情感,没有什么可以替代。
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